PAOE BIX THE DAILY NEWS Monday. March 1 i0?, BERNARD SHAW Do Your Bowels FORMER INSPECTOR must be very hard in Vancouver. A client of HERE GIVES ADDRESS TIMES there says he is very hard up and so must IS CRITICIZED move regularly! or do they COIUII NAY. Mar. 10 J. M. WESTHOLME THEATRE sacrifice a fine Double Corner which he owns here become constipated 'aterson. formerly of Prince Hu- Tonight and Tomorrow Tlwra Is no tatt'.M throar pert, addrrsJ-eU n public ineeling in Prince Rupert on Sixth Ave., at Cotton Street, in New, Play "Back to mtheuselah" ii;t'' fo tfiro (tucks :he fytirm bj here on the desirability f con- llVmloa; Jbr U).-U lo brrvow rotutltxtrd. Section Six. It is on the sewer and lies fine tor Just on at Qarrlck Theatre. ml tbre L no otbrr trvubae tbat nrh la olid.ilmg Ihe schools of the lis- hrlr In that U more lublc lo be nrrkclrd. Irict ami liaxing one Central Charles building. Make us an offer. It must be sold. H. G. (Canadian By Press BEN DEACON Correspondent) frit,brvaiiK tl enre.matrMal ttvta iDeooTrnirocf irrrpuUr anivo majr not et ibe b. srhtHl rallerrd in little plAce choilniuses.of a number of Ray Ni:V YOIIK, March 13. Thr Nrl. Wbrn tbrr I not trrnUr ariKw HELGERSON, LTD., Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance. dramatic rrilic havo dutifully be rtlrotlua of tbe drcajrd and tlfrte Mr. IMIrrson saKI there was ItM mitlfr. Willi It clM-i' tim. much apalliv with regard lo onr liKlrnt-d to tho rirrl in'lallnioiil ("rtMrtu lb a bul syjtrm by b-4at b chtK'ls; tHi uiuclt sayinu that of yhawV "Hark lo Mrthuslali rbrl into It, ciB.inr Hoiml slrk aod anything is uool euotivh for our "The Old and arr now ninralpArifitf. I.alc.l Ullous bradicbrs, latrrtu) Wrrdar rt-jHins arc inai im-ir rt'vcr it protrodinr pllM. braribarn. Jamxlicr. rtt. children. This was mi ave of spe-eialists PRINCE RUPERT TIDES MILBURN't LAXft-LIVCR PILLS and if I hey want'-d a ear nhalinir and r.onii.lcii n-coven- ill rrrulale lb. now of bile to act pri- Hxrtl went lo Ihe they now. St, Patrick's Iiojh'.i for 1n lh' fourse of rrljr oo th- bowrls ttiu nalun Ibrm arltr. garage Day Monday. Marrli la. lime. ami rrralar. and rrrourinr tbe CwDttlpatlga Iht-v ilit) nol lake it lo a hluek- Swimming Hole" High I :g a.tit., fori, I.ikp "llu pt-riN of I'aulinr." ami all Its aDIed troubles. milli: ami iniiUrlv. i was just thf ' Mr. Samuel Buckler. Tatanur-nrbe. as iutii--iiJ!e uar n lonelier in in- feet. "fIiav Mi., new play cotiit4 in S. riles; Tcr orrr a 1 suffrrrJ j-ear PROGRAM Low 7:0j 2.H feH. form. You spectialist in every line. In the - a.m.. yrial require a com llb ro5tlpatka I tock setrral different Il:::i p.m.. 1.0 fill. mutation lickrl, carh crlion of Mods of mrdlrlne. bat rtwM Mill ret rural ililricl selnxd Ihrre a ADVERTISING Tuesday, March lh. which carri you tlirir-li a iemr"rary rrllef. I as toW to try Mil- hiuikI be snie eleliu-iil of. Charles barn' Laia-Urrr rtlls. I prwurrd t wcakntv. and the children out" in Chaplin High-- I: SO a.m, feel, thousand inilr.t of talk. II fs h- CONTEST Hal j ef thrni, bat after I bad one I I 1:08 lUH.. feet, in? ulicrt'd by blayrrs of lh found Hut I naj relleted of nir trooMe. Ihe country dislrirjs were suffering For I hi williesl. ni"si iri;-inal I.ow 7:5:i a.m.. 2.0 fool, Hipalre Oulld. II has lo be til I do not hrniiate lo reruntmeod taia-IJter for it. That was what Ihe ami non - ridiculous i'n: 1 1 j..m.. I .'. feel. lered. It railiml ! nelm for il rill for any kind of ronM.Talloo.' Ihe consolidation was trytn-; ! in roiilaius riice. He lal al all dealers, or Dialled Iriie out: il wii trying to brio piece nT Irish wit ami liuuior no artiun other than dtrett t rrrrlpl f nrlce by Tbe T. Mil In ll.e tiailv Ihe oecayional lo Ihe rural vhools the comliliou entered in this coialcst the -dverli. Nw rliansin? of barn Co. Limited. Toronto, Ont. K. of i:. Concert Committee ehairs by lhc ierforiners. .?fr. Hint ol.tainetl in the oily, when- "Sunnyside" LAND ACT. ofTer I lie following prizes: theloss llii sla.'.- version' lias Ihere were soeriulists in each ec hiiiKntsoii, scenic artist of a Nolle of InUntien ! Apply ta Lata Lln interest in siiols. grad-. lb bnd heard since he First Complete set of six note, combine fine imagination ! In Currn ':lirlillr .nnl. Laixl lltr1el, Hie firsl twu fiiodes or nine lo I'.nurleuay that here Box Seats In Box 6 for jlii-"rJliir l'llrlrt of I'rliin- liufrrl. ajxl with no lit Lie beauty and here Admission, 15c and 35c Matinee performance. -ilnali In or Hkrk "V lu lxl 6.. nets or whatever you like In and there a touch of fantasy. were M-ople -Alio belleveil in llie 'IjllTJM IIIH. , all I hem. "In The ItctMiininrr." liltle country srhttol lH'caue they Second Two Reserved Seals Tjkc iiuillan I i-li k "lii Slur- The HeriM'iit. a lui--e mas of an- i miiiuiiv IJinitml r I'rliarr Knprrt. It md " The. iSositel of The llrolhcrs nbl il ibveow4 originality. Let In certre row Tor Matinee :.. m-rtllllon ll-lnl'llrr.. HHmhJ Ik alHj lisleniii sreen coil, is uinm a Next Saturday Night Only, OLOKIA 'fi-r r-niu i-.ii , If4r Uir fulkeaiiir l. ISamabas," are given in this In Hi rone of rotisli riek. As il them examine that. Supposim; SWANS0N performance. !i rllpl laixj Oxr.fwix-iiir al a il rtanmi itial installment. Kvi.I;jilIy miirli llie leaeher bad eight cla-ses liml in "THE GREAT MOMENT" iite r..l in a MMilbf.rljr (firrtHn fretii leaks, its jaws move, but jaw liar w-,rthw-trtl wi uf IimIhd HM-nr labor and thought was devoted eight graile. each of the grades RULES OF CONTEST Sn. It, ihrnrf lilt f-l more ir le In a ;niti woriis tio not always syn Ihe f.iiihl the nilhffrlr dirrrllun la low l-r iiiari by Theatre In task chronize. Maryarel Wj-cheley, ol one.eighth of her tune uud 1. W il uml liiiniiir may con Jtlifiif 7im ri urMcrlj al'Hir low wtr f pivlnsr Ihe latest Shaw work the other little Ibu-k sat lljcrc .mark, item-? mil frrl mtriltrrly ! htrh concealed within the hip reptile. sist of short story. jke, .... u,..l.l- .if tl... Is arlieulalr exposition. The Ut, Ii,.t.. n.a.l I water mark. IIk-ikt tow fort ntttrix aln? uenvers n li-. icll... ..i nir i inir tlllll -,' -- jilt- lines in Ihe slransre repartee,- or poem. He. ni-n wiirr min ii hiii ur r.nmietv nit is utimicMionahly an ar- prsielicujly no teacliin--. Tin- itr mT" and ronulnlnr Iwo seductive, musical - iU"til (. rr or lt. whisper," 2. I'.onlcH is for program I ..VMIS H-ll -(.OI.I) .TIIIIAE lislle prtiduciion. The only question which Shaw's admonitions call iiiin'iil was that Ihe bov siliioi.- advertisers only. ' CO.Vr.WV I.TD AWHTinl. that ean be aked whether nre wa working Hie D- Huiwan ki-iumljr. problem Arent. for. or as. near to it as be. may 3. One entry will be allowed , Halil rol.rliiry It.. Iij. the iI.-irMiie thin? is worth it. ll for himself and coitseiitiMilly 'S fur each store window i lie secoiui scene, an oasis in Brand Fresh Roasted rtie general .verdiet to NOTICE. apjwars Mesopotamia is also piclorially is the slronger boy. Thev had trimmed in honor of lie thai Ihe (iuibl has done Ihe In llw liMllcr uf an ai4liralbm tor ttx- expert. Iteen a-keil to look at Ihe little I hi day'. (Mnr ur a nvsn rrninrair or line rrr-llnr best thai eoiibl juissilily be done country school in Ontnrio anil the "The Of (lie Ill-others Luis I and i. Iilork I?. SfcIIud I, fJOspel I. who has Any advertiser Icily uf Prlnre Knprrt i.4p with a iilillosojiliie eruption llarnabas," probably remem- Marilin-e Provinces and siskeil lo no window to U-im may I SllfflilorT pnx.f of !! kif of llw which is well enoiih in prinl. you U jif-rilllmtr of ililc rmrrlnt ihe abort UtiiH ner, coniains a satirical representation nole what great men thev pro imiiii' one entry- Irjiinir bn n funil?!ic(l nic. II H lay Intrn-; hut is entirely un-uilnl to Ihe llieed. Lottee All replies must 1 written lion I" l?m artrr the rtpirailun of inn lase. of I.loyd ieor?e and j. juionlA fmni nrt publlallon lxrrof a frrab Asijuith. A. P. Kayes' portrayal Great Men In Spite of Schools. clearly or 'wri I rfrtinralt of tlllt ruvirlnir the abort- nnn-'ll'.npil The seene "In The Ilejriniiinjr," land), in live nanir uf i!f Atlantic of Ihe llrilish I'riine Minister is I hcsc tloctors. lawyers- anil lli "if possible.' l!rall and Improremnil irunipaii Llmiled possibly you are well aware. Ihe oulstnudin-.' feature of Ihi.x merchants bail mil ahead in pie P C. "nlrics dose al nniii't I I.iilijwi o two -liaran. r rl-tcrl ar .No. is laid in the (ianJen of IvJen. "SUPnEtVIE" Coffee Is flood, because we Iji-.1I) anil illli . which rcnillraii; Is iium-!lMn-d epistule, niid a histrionic feat of Ihe little country school; tliev I.III. Thursday. March I mil and I daD-d 6th March, fill. I'lie scenic representation of the buy only the finest selected Land lieniMry Omrc, Prlnre liun-rt, U. thai al limes seems lo make the would have gone aheail much 10, al 8 p.m. ;c, ind day of Marrh. int. Dawn of Creation is effective. berries. ister in Ihiiifr almost worth while. His a consolidated chod Announcement of -winners II. F. M CLEOI. Hie backsroiinds. Ihe work of "SUPREME" Coffee tastes- as good as It ! r.rciiirar nf TII. make-up is very nearly perfect ettimr cilyt privileges out in the and of prizes at R smells. When it presentation you pour and he dciticl.s most cleverly ountry. Consolidalfou brou-'hl Evening Concert, together NOTICE. In the It has the nil cup SYNOPSIS OF many of Hie little mannerisms of to lhc people in (lie smaller districts u ianiinallin fur funli EualiMTA with reading of winning coffee aroma and taste. will Ih lu-ld al Yanrourpr. I'.. on Marrli altitude aiij gesture with which the advantages of Hie city numbers during Intermission I till and al I'rlm-r llupcrt on March Sllll.' "SUPREME" Coffee Is absolutely FRESH Mirrc.srul appllramt will L placd on LAND ACT AMENDMENTS wo have cujiie to associate I.loyd school with its specialists. With ROASTED. We routing are "ie Kaniua; n.i and onrl tarauciei liforse. Claude kimr is Ihe As consolidation they could alTortl ii'ii-. iKi-ur, In ordr tf fm-rll. E and packing for current I aury i aau.oo per inonih. plt an quun cnaracii'r. lie is noi so lu have manual training ami tlo-meslic alluwanri for una It wim-ii away frrrtii Ix-a.l In resemblance requirements only, rea'.'rnj perfect physical science teachers I guar nr.. rl.iiiir lo ll4.00 i-r iiwutli aflcr Minimum prl . of rirm-ciunn .ml and regular The Store of Satisfaction out rar r.ilnrariory rrlrr. i ducrd lo ti n acre; aecond ' to but he makes Ihe role .second mciliral inspect ion. The essentially that Coffee mutt I'urll.-,' Inforniallon ran be oLIailied USD an aero be FRESH ROASTED to b inly lo that the on appnrauon to In rolKiwinr: ITe-einftl.-n now cwnfined lo ur-"Ted of burlesque mistical inipeclion as it was practised tjiiir torrstcr. icioria. u. c. landi only, I.loyd George in interest. M satisfactory. JUST ARRIVED Mlrlrl Tort-flrr, Vanrourer. now was something of n flecord will b rramed carerlrj nijr Sold In 1 only -lb. airtight cartons. IHMrlrt I'oresirr, Prince Iiurerl. Endurance Contest. land roinble for Ptri.mltural purpo- larce, nui ll couolil.'iou ciimr Fcl.ruarv ie. 0J?. and hlh If non.titnber land Several of Ihe critics display into rartnersnlp. preeniiilon8 abirftined. force it would be cliictieiil. but uarlieii ol not more I ban four nuo enthusiasm, 'flic majority, however, Would STEWART & M0BLEY, Hi. Cost More. ion arranc for adjacent pre-empt Hand Tailored lth lni reaidence. but each mkln found it only occasionally "I believe," said .Mr. I'alcrson E" Coffee and Roasters Importers ncexsary Improvementa on repclie iiilercslinjr. Louis l, Koi calls " claims. that you all believe consolida TWO Pre-empt or Digit occupy ciaimx lot il "an intellectual endurance tion is line PRINCE RUPERT a thing, but hov five years and make Improvement to contest." The firsl audience, hp ralue of 110 per acre, including clear-Itic much is it iromg lo cost you? ami and eultlatlon of al leit i t -rei reports, grew reslivV "under the CAPS recelvinc Crown IJruut must loll you frankly that il ill Where ire-inptor In nc-uputioti iw infliieuce of this nerenue of ac- eosl you more lliau vim lire oav learn than yenra and ba mad oru lionless talk." Tin Irn-lli or it CAUSES (jorlWtiate lmprvemiiti. he may, be llig. One district hi Ihe I'.. .V X. rau of lll-heallh. or othet raue. im-crat.ted seeiiiei'ii)leriiiiuahle. "Adiiiitl ins Unbreakable Peaks i lermlial 'certificate, ol un railway bell had an ttssc smul of and transfer hi, claim. Hit' menial pyrotechnics that emni pro". Latest Styles Record.' wlmnl permanent re. flash in I his play, "he adds, "the half a million and was pnyiu dene my It lxued, provldrd appli ?iuo lor llie eiiucalioii or llieir SALE t'fw of llo ri'axmi! why Pacific-Milk cant ma ken improremnl lo eiienl of effect of the (i-dium which il Special S6'I per Hiinum and ret-ordx name eai-l. children, or live-tenths of a mill. iiiaintains il.o hih Ann. year. Failure to make Improvements iiist exert upon all bill lhc coil-firmed $2.50 to $3.25 i l.i nl oT iualily is (hi; ohvious r rcoid name will operate ax mi champions of Shaw is It was going to be pretty html lo fetitjre. Title cannol be obtained In ask llieiu to pay lle or six limes one of nl milk front r, 1 1 1 1 of lew ihan 5ean, and Improvement difficult to describe. I.asl nishl of 110.09 per aire. Including i ai-i4 there almost hour loo that amount uud they would waul llii IIiiohL da;jry lirds in i'.;ni-ada. was an t-leard and cultivated, and residence RUBBER BOYS' to know where they were going I" Thai, oT rour.(', is I lit of ai lean I enr are required. much of it for endurance." I'ru.empior hnldlnc Crown tlrant get value for llieir primary rra-oii. Tin ii'ond mny ret-.rd another pre-emption. If he Alexander Voollc4l thinks the money. KIRKPATRICK oni? is dm' lo llii! iiiiproveil teiiuire farni witlioul land In actual conjunction occupation,nilh provided hlx Tlii-iil ri- (iuild is doiiix brilliantly HER FOOTWEAR SHOES iroi-iss whifh iii'(.'rvi Hit. atatutory Improvements made a work that, all in all, is worth MARITAL CREED. maintained Crown Mrs. Worth Knee llotili. Willie and LecMo Red Stitch nnd rc-Wence on hud jusl le.irneil in ils naltiral llavor. granted land doiii;.', "because it contains brown, rolled edge (i to thai her Colored workwoman, Ut'Hurveyed areaa. not eiccedii.a Z't vast miscellany .some search- acrca, nia be leaaed a homesltas, miner in ,,, j .j i.. 4.50 Pacific Milk Go. Aunt Dinah, bad at Hi" age of $6.00 lille to he obtained after f-jlfliling rex). ill'.'' and beautiful Ihins." lie USE. rieniial and improvement condltl'.na adds (hat this opinion is set "evenly itiarrieil for the fourth Slorm Kiii-j- while ami t i In Ti 6-W Limited For crar.tnr and Indditnal purpoxes brown, rolled Chrome Strong time. "Why, Aunt Dinah." she eilge Heavy Factorial at areaa exceeding ltd acrea may be down by one "who was inexpressibly Ht-Hi by one peraoti or company. xrhiimcd, "you mri'ly haven't I'mincr- 8.00 Coys' Boots Abbotaford and S28 DRAKE STREET bored by Ihe feeble and Shamrock Mill, rattory or tnluitrial aitea n Ladnar,Llmltad B. C. VANCOUVER tinbei land not exceeding 40 acres l'eie(ilions and octogenarian garrulity married again!" Hip Tyee 8.50 lo 5 $3.75 nay Ie- purchaned: conditions Include "Ynssum, honey. I has." "nymeiii of tumMge. of Ibis new paly's inler-uiiuable was Natural hay meadnwa InacceMMbl Aunt Dinah's smiling reply. Mes' iiy extnllng ronds may be puichawd second act." Wait BACON t .-onilillonal uioii construction of a road Laughing Self Sick. us or en as ue i.nwti lakes cm so Shoe Repairing While You n I hem. Ilebate of one-half of coat ol will I."- Ladies' Home .lotiriial. t HAM road, not exceeding half of purchase I tut perhaps Ihe iim-l 'perliu- March Specials ! .. I-i U tnada. i-nl remark, comes from Alan McARTHUR "RE-EMPTORS" FRE GRANTS ACT. BUTTER llale. "I like to thing of llcrnnrd The -cone of thin Act la enlarged -.o include all persons Joining and aerv-mg Shaw, who has u gorgeous sense AVENUE EGGS B.C. FRESH with Ills Majesty's Force. The HART BLOCK THIRD i line within which the baira or devisees of humor," says Hale, "silling LARD f a deceased pre-emptor may apply comfortably al home in London for I It lea under the Art Is extended from for one year the death t.f and laughing himself sick at the EGGS year Hiich after iMTiwin,the aji conclusion formerly,of until the gteat one idea of a lot of poor simps The Empire's Standard. .var. This privilege la alao tnada re. crowding in lo listen to inter irocatlve.No fees relating lo pre.emptlona are minable arguments pro and eon Lath P.BURNS CO., LTD. 3 doz.. due inpllona nr payalila recorded br afler w-ldiera June on if, laH pre. on every conceivable subpecl just RE SPECIAL Lumber & $1.25 Taxes are remitted for five years. because they think, they arc lining TIMBER LICENSES Provision for return of moneys accrued, dun and been paid since Auarust the right thing." I, 19J4, on account of paymenla, 'eel Xew York is full of ieople who The altenllon of Timber Li and i-r taxes on aoldipfK' pre-empliona. Shiplap-Boards Maid of Clover Interest on agreements to purchase will Ihiiik lliut suffi-ring tho feline liolilers who are taking ad town Mlled or Forces,city lots nr dependents,held by members acquired of Shaw play is I lie right thing. In vantage of tbe provi.-lous of the COAL CREAMERY direct or Indirect, remitted from en-listinent the first place, il Is presented for I ! -'1 Ameudiiieiil lo the i'OllKST Dimension to March II, 1K0. the first time on any stage, NOT. whereby hitchix of license SUB.PURCHASERS LANDS OF CROWN which counls in Xew York. Then fees- accrued prior lo Ut December, Thoroufe'hly Air Dried and Slorcd Under tinker Provlalon mad. for Issuance of too, il is a freak tiling, which l20, have I u funded I xcufcivc si'lliii;,' aiji'iiU Cronn granta to aub-purchaaera of BUTTER Crown lands. acquiring rights from count!; still more. Submitting uud inaiiu payable in uiiuual in-stulmenls, Siding FOOTHILLS AND CADOMIN purchaaeri l.jrchase. Involving who failed forfeiture to complete on ful one's self to boredom may be is specially directed lo Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceil ng, COALS fillnient of conoltiona of purchase. In regarded as an. excellent form of the fact that nny renewal fee teret and taxes. Where.euli-purcliaa-era and Finish iJi'livt'rcd id yu r Inn 3 lbs., $1.25 do not claim whole of original par-i penance. .Lastly, .the seats in which became due lu I let is not el, purchase price due and taxes may the fiurrick Theatre, are comfortable included hi tbe instalments above Screened Lump, I'm $14.00 ba distributed proportionately over We are" paying 2 per whole area. Applications must be made and one may sleep. It mentioned, and sueli lvt and all SPRUCE LATH Screened ton.. 13.25 Stove, by May 1, 1120. cent, on American is altogether likely the Theatre ubciuciit renewal fees must be Prl"5 YOU'LL LIKE IT GRAZING in Prince and selling at Lowest Guild will find sufficient Manufactured Rupert Gracing Act, 1119. for systematic a number paid wflli its one year after the . Currency development for grating of livestock dlstrlcta Industry and range provides of commuters) to make Ihe dale of expiry of the license in Consumers Coal Co. Ltd. administration under Commissioner. long journey a financial euccese. order to mai,uluiu (he rigM of the CO. Annual lasued graxlfg permits based Phones 7 and 311 Rupert Table Supply Co. on numbers ranged; priority for eatab holder to obluiu u renewal of tin; PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER llahed owners. Stock-owners may The jutrlligenl, shrewd attention Licence. form Associations for rang, manage-ment. jja Telephone Lome MacLaren, Manager Phones 211-212 Free, or partially free, perinita which is given lo scllinfe' Seal Cove, Prince Rupert for aatUera, campers or travellers, up to tta bead. should incl'iib iidvei'li-jHji.