1 Mwh -in, log u.,nJny. TniB DAtLT NEWS "' ' ' ' VAAIf IT TV'S OCEAN FALLS KAVANAUGH iiiiiiHPiiiiiHii'iiiiimiiiiiiiiimigM IN BAD WAY IS SPEAKER MACDONALD'S If Water Supply Does Not Improve Addressed Big Meeting Last May Have to Closo '' Night In Mclntyre Hall on Down Plant Entirely; THIRD MACHINE WAS Unemployment. Cut Brier STOPPED SATURDAY 'I'here were atiout 200 persons present al Ihe nieeliliir adire.ssed I'lllcH.x tilde I !ylci'illi,ir illi- by,.lrtck KaValllillfjIl, "Hip Socialist provciueui In the wnlir Viii.nly oralnr of Vancouver, at ibt- Mc-Inlyre MORE TOBACCO FOR THE MONEY ill Ocean Palls ufllii llnll Insl i'VpiiIikt. Mr. Mine. Hi.- Piiliw-iilnill ni i. ., Kavanauffh spoke' 011 (be niir-iii-ploymenl .-jftrf-S'. is;"! wvwiii. eiNc Mill there will have n question, lie said that m "We Saw Your Letter el.in- down. This word was-rc-reied il was pot a problem for .(be in jlio filv liv arrivals municipal oivprovinrial aovern-mpnlM rrmn iircnn I'aliK the Venture toil Was- a national one In the Newspaper' 1)11 llliihl. rilul Ihe unemployed should liae I 'u machines were rloscifj not only a local ol'am'alion but m ES." met seemed to be talking ilown miiii,. time., ago and (In also national. The speaker touch- "And is that correct about it. Then I Baw your Ihir.l slopped on Saturday. There ed tin the, u'ncmpToycil question what is said letter, and knew you would is only one si ill ooeraliliff and to irt Ihe I'liiled Sliilt's and staled ibout Dr. .Chase's Nerve tell me about it. keep II yoiiiK lliel'i' imisl lie an llial I he aillfiorilo's I licit, had -Canada's Best Buy Food?" "Well, you know how weak improwmein m the supply. The .taken 110 steps to lc fin i I ! rpiu-fily "Yes, it is absolutely and miserable I was for lake whicli supplies' Ihe dam for Hip sllhalir.o bill had only THE ECONOMY PACKAGE true." years in spite of all the doctors the pjijier mill is al a Inwrr, level kejil the workle.is lnoviii(.r trom "But why do you recom could do for me. I was lhanpver lipfoi-e sinco llm mill point to iiolnl. '(ireal ' llrilain mend it?" nervous, irritable, restless was in operation. was handling the line mplnymc nl For two good and sleepless. Thought sometimes In an alleiioil. to ' relieve l!ie silualioti witli inucli beller effect rca- yery I would out of go my silualioii, Ihe . jons. first, because it fully mind from and depressed comiiaoy has lieen than either liiiilf-d Slates or Canada. ' worry hlasliiiR out ol.slrticj ions in Hie ' restored health and - my spirits. I need riot river lielwei'ii Hie lake .and ' Ihe I'pIpi' strength when. I was weak, 't'hompso'ii was ehalM-111.111. tell how well I you am now. lam and appeal' has heeu discouraged,wornoul and and,very second,greatly because There You can is the see whole for story,y&urself.and fiiade lo the an rcsidcifH lo ue Following- the address there PRESIDENT OF FORD CO-OPERATIVE ASSN. I believe it is, a duty as all the credit is due to Dr. electric lihl ami power as sparingly were if jjtooiI many quest kins inked COMPANY OF CANADA. ELECTS OFFICERS AND A cood point to remember well as a pleasure .to let Chase's Nerve Food." as rmssilile so as lo assist. and answered. other women know about so "I get your viewpoint now. in keeping Ihe lasl machine run-nins. Mr. Kavaiiauvh will be in Hie DIED ON SATURDAY HEARS GOOD REPORTS Buperior a treatment." It would be a sin and a shame Nine hundred horsepower city until Thursday niglil and "I never used Dr. Chase's if you did not tell others." which w.ill LI keep I lip machine will address mediums eyery hi?bt Ramsay's Nerve Food, but I got inter-, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, jrointr yrindiiiy :i0.i)0ii poiuds of while he is Iipi-p. Hi; arrived in Gordon M. McGregor Was Native At a mrelinR of Hip Northern ested in that Woman's Advertising CO cents, all dealers, or Ed-manson, pulfi per day. is used by the fas nishl's Hiiin from Prince of Windsor and Prominent, Interior Co-operalive Association Contest they had, Bates & Co., Ltd., resident (ieorse and olhcr interior prti.'ls. Canadian Business Man. held last wppk reports showed llial Ihe financial condition and nearly every woman I Toronto. LIQUOR FROM RUPERT PRINCE GEORGE STILL WINDSOIt, Onl., March. 1.1. of Ihe association had Improved PAINT. The dealb occurred on Saturday considerably since Ihe lasl iiippI-Infr. I ini'l was .'.-'H7.c.). SEIZED AT HAZELTON IS WRESTLING WITH ninrniiijr of (inrdon .Morton" Mc- TIip scnii-mnmial meeting ANNUAL MEETING L-limales for IJi-,'2 call for. lirPjror, iiresjdent of Hie Ford will be held at Houston in .lime. IS and will stand the pure fc-.'.riii'.i.'.Ci, an increase of slightly Constable Falrbalrn Takes THE PAPER PROBLEM Motor 'Co.. of Canada, as:Pd jUjlhR following nffieers were, years. t:ii-i.- ru, test of time. over !L'no. This is partially a Charge of Consignment Made comilcd for liy an inrrpase of 70 From Great West Wine Co. While in town from Dome Mr. MfCrcp-or was a prominent President, Frank M. Dewier Hi. business man of Hie province Vicc-prpsblenl, IL Davis, Hon.-loil. in I lie renl, whila Ihe appropria Creek yesterday, (, !. Tylmrst. lion for purchase of hooks i Oh Monday niulil 'last Constable freneral manager of Hie Fraser and. besides Jiein? presidenl of For sale at IHriS. P. McMordle Elected Re alionl Ml no larpcr. A. I'airliaii n. art in; upon Timber whih'disclaim. Ihe J.'ord Company, he was 'a Secrclary. S. L. Murray. instructions, and armed with a Syiidicadv direclor of the .MrCrefror, Ilanu Manager, W. 1. Murray. The follow-in? is the slalemenl SILVERSIDES pent Municipal Chapter, iu llial he bad an lliinr of irn. Kxeeutive of r.ecPipIs and cxprndfliirrs for search wnrratil, seizcil a con well Fence Co., Walkerville, and conimitlee, It. Mc-(regor Daughters of Empire. pinlaiHi' to ni uil on pulp mill and II. Tclkwii; W. I lie pasl signment or Iniuor which arrived the Ideal Fence Company, Winnipeg. Qoclis, year: inallers, slated (hat the Mains or BROS. via Canadian National Kvprcss (ieo. Ollon- and It. May Siuilhprs; Revenue. Lip annual meeting of llii' fines ,rit.i? M,.r,i for a local man,and rcmovTil the. I lie" pulerpriso was .cnlirrly satis lie was horn on January IS, II. I'rank, Terrace; Mr. llinkle. Second Street Vinieipal Chapter, Imperial Or. Magazines sold i.8r liquor says Hip (Imineca Herald factory, says tho Prince Ceorpe IH73, in 'this city and was edu Francois Lake M. Shelford, Phone 22 P. O. Box 120 Daughlers iif the Kiuplre, Siilis'crirdions 0.00 of New llH.ellon. 'Ilie (romU Citizen. cated in llm public schools here Wistaria; and one from Palling. held One of Ihe creates! diflicullies :if on Saturday afternoon '-est line from Ihe (ireat Wine and ih Winnipeg. Hp was an- ,'' Presbyterian Church Hall. Total Hevemie I t3.fi Co., Prince Itupcrt,. and it is vhich wc havi' bad to contend polnlPd vice president 'of Hip ' wtilli in Ilie entire of PRINCE GEORGE was a great s'urres.s mitt eon- period nego Disbursements. I'laimeii all husliiPss roniieoled Isird Company in 11)01 and to ilcring the Inclement wralhei', Hent 180.00 with Ihe traiisaelioii was done ii tiations." lie said,.'has been the Hie presidency only a year or so lie re wn.s .a .good representative .' HriMsb (V.Iunilii;i. A i-hare is fliiTicully of arranpin? ineelinjjs af-ro. Father Cocnla, Hie seventy .... 'etidanre. Animal rr-ports nT Salary of Librarian I.O'.'d.OO between the principals and Ihe lln old veteran prb'sl of the SALE of Sulisilule..., 55.00 to he laid ajralnsl Hie (ireal West was marripd and is surviv year Salary highly sal isfarlory mt I n i- wer ,nf I'5.00 Wine Co. povcrnment.' He explained thai ed by hi.s widow, one son and cciilral interior, was in town last reived from (ho various Salary Secretary the of tin underlnk!ni.' chap principals three daiifHilers. He was a Liberal week after returning from a long rs and Hip cirri ion of officers had umily calls iipun I heir timvjjn in politics and a Presbyterian. hard trip inlo Ilie upper reaches CROCKERY CHINA iok place. Mis. S. I'. Mc.Mordie. l'Priotticals :. ........1..4.'4 J.2J.J2l.no The Man in the Moon of course bad Hie niPUlliers of th of the Npchako. Hiver valley. He ALUMINUM r-ill, was in Um- chilli' and Willi poveriimeiil. 't'lie ureal dislanci has left again for (he llabiiie. Hooks .;....'.;.!C- '.M2.fi! on lln platform urc the, l-'rciclil purchased and iluly ' SAYS:- which separated the principal Hood Frizzed, "local Ford country.' Greatly Reduced .mdard bearers of flic various on trom Victoria, bad r"hd red it dif. '. same IR.fiO agenls, were notified of Mr. Mc-Crcgor's impler. Miss licorgina I. llun- IT is surfirisinp how diffielill Ilcuit to nu:ke anv rapid urti?riss death, by wire on Saturday. Ibe Prince Ceorge Liberal As Municipal Chapter: .Miss Mno 251.21 il is to prove lo some people thai II was anticipated thai: Hon. T. I) sociation lias eleclejl tlie follow'-ing and ,.i it l n. Kill (ill Chapter; Miss I'li'i'jlll li.mks loaned business is picking up. I'allullo. minister of lands, wcidi officers for Ihe year: llon- Cups on isinurc Mi'Miillin, iirl (luidcs; leavd for Ihe eal very shortly onary president, II. O. Perry, M. from Vii'lnria 2H.fi0 GERMANY'S POTASH 1 4i- l''raiiri's Cross, Langcmarck I'linlin' forms und'sln- Sd.ML of the Prince lluperl staled -Mr. Tyhurst. and wIipii Iip L.A.,; presidenl, William Somer-lon; Saucers i;ii'rr. ami . r.-s. Coergc W. liimery 18.111 liusimsmen. waul In know whal H'arlics Mon I real he will iiippI nl' INDUSTRY REVIVES first vice presidenl, I'. .1. Itegiilar iM.2."), now. . .$1.00 vrc, Adair tjirss Chapter. Tahle ., n.oo It is I bey are pickinu; up. the nicmbeis of Hie. syndicate Moran, secretary, .1. J). Mrl.eoil, Ilegular .5, now., 50 Mrs. II. (;. I'rasrr, accMmpauird Willi the exception of Frank !.... i!oo llpgular .30, 25 iMiss Kathleen (iranl, sang Hip Oailasp Itnislics .... V.o I'll HV say Ibey lout' plenly of Jones, president of the f'.anr.d United States ls Largest Market The farmers of the Pine View SPECIAL now.. for cli'mjln? i '((lory of I In Spa," and Mrs. (llean windows and liiOe lo pick up-anylbinjr. Co.. who is in South America, am For Product. districl expect that there will be Aluminum Saucepans CI,. .Monroe, accompanied y the nepd bilious will eiiler Itieit a sufficient acreage under onl-'; fc. V. I-:. William. 'Wanilcr- scrub , .... ,.3.no NO man iippiIs lo worry aboul final slnne. IIKIU.1N, Mar. I.I. Cermatiy's livalion there litis season lo regular i3.ri0, now. .$1.75 llotli solos were highly cn-'.V'i. Laundry ........ talking in bis sleep .unless lie , Mr. 'ryluirsl tnled that no dif. potash industry, disrupted by warrant Ihe eslablisbmcnr of nn-ollior II. I,. Campbell, supprin- 't."lierniometer 3.0(1 1 .25 happens lo lw married. flcullv appeaiVd lo '.vst wllicti Ilie war, is rapidly gelling on creamery. DENNY ALLEN CO. niii'iil of city schools, pave a Lam i is ' wi'iij'! thicalcit tlio uecMsful lis feet again. Wjl liin I lie. last pli'ildid iiildrcss dealing with Ilie Duslhih MANY a man would like to conclusion.of the negotiations. few months, according to recent President Klink, of Hip I'ni-vorsily Third Avenue 'l.iiions of parents and teachers 17.2.1 learn to play poker bul Ilie cost iinnnuncpniPiil, .(ionnany has of Jl. C, addresspd a public 'mined inn willi school .work, :i.ro of learning is ion hiuh. Subscribe for tho Daily News concluded arrangements for re- meeting here last Sunday and It was interesting and might Lilirarian's Slationery. umplion of her potash I rath on Monday visited the lliuh and WH have been heard Icy cycry MendiiiK malerial with all Furoppan countries, ex- Public schools speaking to the in'iliier in ilie rily. lally Machine ri.25 QUEER 'FANCY? SKATING STUNT. evpf Pidand, and also a number pupils. Election of Officers. WAS 'if oversea eoiirilrli's including EDSON COAL the flnilPil Slalcs. Tim value of Honorary , regent, Mrs. 1. II. I'M Veniel. tJisurance ti.jin Ihe total potash 'oulpul in Cer- FIXING RESPONSIBILITY COMPANY many in I'.-' I is estiuralPd at lloiioriiry firsl vice regent, 82.2H7.fiO Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. s'rs. V. 0. Dawinn. rillO.tlllil.OlliI marks. Nothing escapes the scientists Honorary second vice regent, ...4:1,3011.00 In a review of Ibe potash bus ofVlIni .Mellon Institute when Mr. .. , Mel.eiiiian. I'lslimale iness In the 1 ransallantlc I rude they atiajyze the cause of. wear Hegeiil, Mrs. ri. I. McMoidii'. lournal for .latiufiry published nt laundered fabric. F.vrn the Best Coal First virc regent, Mis. A. T. URGES RECEPTION by the American Chamber of unsuspected clolhos line Is (tiies- IB I'arkin. Commerce in tierrnany,,- il Is tioned as to Its resnoiisibilitv. fecund Vjre regent, Mrs. S. .1. FOR PRES. KLINCK stated lhal Velations with deal- Here, as Is eiflPu the ease, that at 1'aiuh. "," i ' rs in Hip I nilPd Slates recently supposed friend of Iho housewife, have been re-established, Ibe is found to be quite euilnalde. Scrri.tiiryMrl. A, V. Ilealy. Principal of Revelstoke High Lowest Prices American consumers now being Assislnnl. secrclary. Miss M. F.xpert le(ls have shown Ural School Writes to Mayor onsidered, before Ihe ,;l'fiT. as war, clothing exposed for 21 hours on " Rochester. ' fierniauy's largesi and irmsl ini-portanl tho ha I icasiirpiMrsj Wall pi llinne. clothesline, suffered a r.ihoes seerejary.. Mis. S. L.I market for this lirancli loss , of il per cetll. Order Now! Phone 58 9 Warrior. O. A. Lundie, M.A., princiiml )f trade. Ibis explains in no small f,iani.iiiK secrclary, Mrs. (5. T II.n II... ..11,.I. .. Hl.,1, MnliXii The report says that (lerinany, I measure the almost universal 'illliuly. . , has wrlllcii In Mayor I trie tics I er In reviving the industry, has felt failure of lace cuHnins jusl be Ki.'uidard bearer. Miss Oeor-"i'la ui'iiik laai I a uniu..:..! iccrjo.ooi rt-.II.... v-yiv'ii I,.. Ibe. compelilion of Alsare-I.nr- low tlm line, of Ibe opened win From the Farm I. IliinlPr. lo I lean L. S, Klinck, I'aine, epeelally In the American dow sash. prcsldciil of Hip I'nivcrsily of It. market, and bordering countries, liy Ibis test, the laundry in to the Table r, wlieu Iip arrives here next owing lo the favorable, freight ciusiry is vinuicaieii, ami we are NELSON'S LIBRARY Sunday uilil willi liU parly "I rales. shown lhal after all, even lb" BuIkieyValley axrioiill'iral leclurci's lo spi'iul Of particular inlerest to Amer homo laundry process has lis I COST CITY $1287 69 two days in Hin "I'y- Nlr- ica is Hid staletueut of the imperfections, die says I lut L a Kivat reception Chamber of Commcre'c Hint the We do not use elol lies lines in BEEF L"rarlan Paid $1029 n Year was (siven 1'resldenl Kllnck al potash Industry eslablisbed in niir process, your clothing' is PORK Other Expenses Shown. llevclsloke and thai lie has n Ihe Foiled Slules during the walls (bus saved Ibis 2 per cent loss. MUTTON 1..11..1.1 ....i.i.n.ilili' President no considered in the least as Which may be even Tracr here VEAL lll'IIOI IIII l"-' 'J Hor n Mip .Nelson muni-"Ml KliiirU and lil par'y ni''' l hindrance lo the Herman ex When such high winds prevail. FRESH KILLED POULTRY I.: 'il:.. t..l....t.... .rlv'tii.r i.vlllll port trade of the near fulure. ThU servieo at your disposal. SKeena River Farm Produce lihrary' during Die pasl 'III III lilt' IIIICIM'I (..'"' Ji-ur .... ...... .-n niri-ieilllliral ll'Cllll'I'S. The Journal esllmales Hint in VANDERHOOF CREAMERY were flip '.in,l)t, and lolal t I L.tlnfr m.'liie III I'.H.'t (ielio.iuy exported about SO BUTTER l"oli( loaned was 1M.K5I, Ihe CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY -pro. '"V fftiincil lian JnsUeiirnr.l in 'a hnvo.Iilin a.fdrcss t ho Canadian ij nmmiiiini"ii 1 1111 111 11 iin"n-nrr'rftrmt-r-Tffi" --."- percent of II entire potash NORTHERN INTERIOR 1 duc(ou while tlie cxporl trade Phone H, (advi.) I1""'1 "HjinJLkd, which liatNusl CI11I1 Iipji Cupyrlglit tor UniUrlo4 k Undnrwno '"en I'i'i'line.il.y, Cliai'lPS Earl Palmer of riattsburs, N. Y., a fancy end peed skater, hurdles in I Oil avc.niffcd about 3 per CO-OPERATIVE Audilor ' Hiinlor. Pros m ailverlisiiiR mean' one lUreu barrel olilucls aud then dives over tb cttitr at bttb td cent nf the biMinesr done In Mm persistent MlvtrtUliig is absolutely 1 1,0 col of, Ih.o ins'titullon for regular continuous adveilisii'K- r wttUout bieaklDJ blf uock. lasl peace year. necessary Jo success. Phone 81