Monday. , wxm roui THE. DAILT WtWO l ONLEISURELY BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMan-j, TOUR CANADA PI J1T CALL ON H tOW )' ' iVtcuu vM rwJ LBT-b T Itl THtt He TOOK , 4nfl police, to -ee -, ch.Vfo P e5-2S5' ah-o out i-ookm- J TMt Sir Thomas Robinson, O.B.E., Will 'Mil mv- rMwvrnerrt i i im r . 11 wx -- - i i jm be Here Until Thursday Night Daughter In Kootenays JMni'lioma llobinson, of drims. by,,ltngland, dlrerlor of the r,nn-vlian Flli. A Cold Storage Co.,' who arrived rrnm Vnneomcr np'; lhiJrince Huperl Saturday nftrr-.)' linnn. Is making a leisurely trip, through Canada. He will ho here until ilmrsdav nlcU when he will rcliirn south on the I'rlnee Hii. ' pertl Sir Thomas has been in da for a rnonlh already anil hail j . li n Ixl MM Im visited Montreal, Toronto, Monej Jaw, Vanrotncr anil Newi"ei,ver,' In the Koofenay country. A for IJie forlh'.niiiig et-daiightcr. H' M , " . Mr. (1. J. Campbell, hihillnn. This make tin- fourth wife, of the manager of the New dUfriel display that i definitely I Sport Chat American Express lenvrr Light M J'nwer Co., and coming, the other iliree being a- Daily News Classified Ads. thn New Denver Waterworks, from Smilhem, Unfit.m ami l looks like a ipiiel we.-k fm Money liven at the latter point. Sjl IlmiMnn. Ynndrrhonf and the lieal sport. Only tw.i fixtun -nre a CENTS PEK WOHO IN ADVANCK. No AdvrtlMnnt Tkn for lm than HO Orders Thoma spent a fortnight there 'Queen Charlotte Island are nln srheiluleil so farj i.. Hie Senior Issued fir Thnntfis was last In I'rinee ctpeeted o come in with (lie I.aeroe pame iet-een the on FOH HKM' llin.- 7.1(1 Fourin WAXTHIl Small Ca-h ltei.ier Hupert at the outbreak, of war 'poslhtlliy of a seventh from Sons of Canada and Weil, BOARD. Norway, Sweden 4 Avi'lllie FjI(, ? -Itlllljf. 3 lied Stale prlee Apply Hot 7. in fart, he was in the eiiynn lh Kranril Lake from whirli place tiesday and the Senior lUetatl IIOAHIt Inlander. 830 Second Denmark nntHis, kitrhen, taniry. hath. lUlly Smvm I If fire. If at Lowest day war wns declared. Arrom- derTnili' word l etpceled in trie iraiii iM'lweeii Hie Knight of ".o. Avenun. Phone 137. If ' panied at that time hy hi wife, near future. ImiiMi and F.Iks on Friday. Ilw. riHtio, drexinii numi, roner-valory. WA.YIF.ll to rent mall furnUh-el Current Ratei Ili4waler healin. tSft. row deceased, anil Mr. Johnson. ever. i i iiuite poihle if),lhe FOR RENT IxMMe or rot(' Apply l. II. Itorte. Fesleral lUuld. father of T. II. Johnson, of this A V 1 J, Wenlhrr keep fine, lltat Itaseltall Apply o. I fan ins .: Agents for I'AItT ll'H SK to rent, furnished ina. I'lione 387. ff ATI I lllt(lYeSl(tU.1 rily. sir Thomas returned forth- Oil l.eamie may run in one of Ihei Norwealsn Amsrltsn Lt, at Jap Inlet, pnn-her Islaittl. with lo the Old r.onnlry where he potHne sanies and the I oHiKtll Phone Wm. ?6 If FOH I1I!VIMmII li.f.e. nCNKHAI. Senaal waut.d Arid- Seredlsh Amsrlcen LIm Sim. Un-en playeat a prominent part in ns-Mtltg in Radio? -iriatnin will likely pull off lieatH. FurnMure fur wte. Mr. FehrrMthuifh, irl Scandlnevlan Arnsrlci the government in food Siuart Shield inaleli pnhahb(4e-iwe-n FLAT for Itenl In llestier Apajl-tnenls. Appty Hit FiMirth Awmhmi AvewfM. ?0? Line. conrvalion measures. These the (irotto ami Smfc of (inn. M. M. Slephens. If Hal. hit FOR SALE Ollsee TypeorlUrs i (foils of Sir Thniras' resulteil in i.da who are eljininateil fnini the Cary Sefst elevaleil to the knisht (ilhuly Cup runninx and wHI ! Ilir uikti tlu apHrt given the1 WANTED HeenHa IH with natural mine FIRE INSURANCE hoodj tokimr no risks in idayiiiK. meiil. Third Avenue u, v-ond Although returning again t I tliriflerlHle ln4i. ttfreet. IS.mmi Kav term Vane ouver on Thursday nifht. Sir on i.ix-iMiminna I ooni i ravei Hle of H. t;. wAMte eiwrt. Iwii view hits Itfelinn f. f A(H) Dybhavn & Hanson Without atiji hiss.,it oulilsnp. Tlii uM Wtll lie iliviileit m three enml wiesi n, ssshw to the nnlr. Thomas mav he here again hefor-he Var that tlte (Vtlli- are tlm jipp. irtte or 5.0ot, aa.tttM ami Third Avenue returns to Fncland. leach part lint elae in el, M 3. Itiork m IMn-. I with 3 -rat faorites for winning tlte foo, while the winner of the rare nteatory lUislUh for foreign-er; riMiMMwl boa 91 fi-H irnl-e. Prince Rupert, I. C. (ilhuly Clip final in eonHeflle-H will reeele a Iftwi trophy, with (Mfhlie 4miI an4 hwh IMrgar Nr f I omi. PROMINENT EASTERN with the hor "AX Mnntio.i :m ami eup In tho tak- ehM ueels; laiMdiagvs; 30-Ml H I. Stf-rllfi Marine Fn llle Se Ntiim ohjrel; ftae art gine. BARRISTER VISITED -i runner than ever now and hat 'I he Mlanti-Havana rare wtll sHhjeels; showeard wnlnm; Laornb Triton. ?i tn Sterling. From the Farm CITY ON SATURDAY r.'ra. of their HM-amritated ''iipy a umIvk" plaee in apeeil meehaniral and urenitrrlural IKMeS or launch Krh.f ?H to the Table LLbbbbC players Inrk wliile the Son .if'l nation. aeeofltna to Mr. l'ivo. Irawliia; building eHtrne-Immi; HiitUlo, oto.Murine. mt hnuland are tll mifferina nhortiutio puinU mil that Stole the inarHM arrliieiure. Hire riHwoed tss and two K. LaFlaur, K.C., CeunMl for D. iiuteti an they hae at an time, j! al ill rare in he tiered waters team, eiectrtral. mrrluniral, lata, mutton t. 1 100 en.h. ll-anee BuIkleyValley C. Macarow In Merchants' It is Hie eunfMetit tnrat uf mapy! frum MWnrl to the soul her mmt civil 4l Mttir riiliieriH; like rent. Bank Casa, Visiting Jasper' 1 the Callie that thev llt not tip of Florida, in rming the iMviaatMW; ni(iMrohiy; gewl-ogy; Ilnases mu4 Mm nu rar term BCCF and Edmonton ti'oc another smute thi mukkii. U'hanwl I hey mut he pream In hhmIhim hnfi praclire. lagging liMiohlnery. ImmIs. en- FORK (BBBBbV .V'BBBBBBlBV''t litM'et ii)M. I'oiiilition whfill foTBi hup praeliee; ber MUTTON F.. IaKleur, K.C.. of Montreal, f 't'sBBBBBBftL. Sceptre, the fantou raee lMree''ll ,",, the mettle of the craft U m4nl isrk, tin w ewpiMu-. M. M. RTrUnK.. VEAL one of the leading harritlers of bBBBBBBBbI ho.e .ale to tViiint Uimtaien. auithe tiimo.t and lujeel an elemmtU lullhitiK roie; silver ami I'hone ;. If. FRESH KILLED FOUlTtT Oauuda and rouiuel for I). C i iti-uline briinler a anHiHineel ( iHTaniial daiifii'r for te cimi-teniaiil. gbl.) Mttlilng; ami arafl jew. Skeena Riser Farm Freaa Maearow in the famou .Mer-rhants' IsBBBBBB a short time ago. i to reimiin i.i lesry wirk: reel and fibr Poll SiVI.U1- Bfc.en isim mt land VAN0ERH00F CRtAllUn Hank ease, paed (broush t.niilar.if after all. weatinv; ciriMSMlry; eoiMM on Vanexewer tml; nnrily BUTTER the rily on Saturday afternoon i rd oianeiy ;o.d Her to t WILLIAM BROWN WON ami furniture iojkin; smul imnrove.!. I fi.r imhiIi rv iu'itmpaneied hy his daughter and i.iiiiiinrrii rfreuujr inr idmi. 11 rarviug ami horning; rhist Im . S Mill flll. WIU e NORTHERN INTERIOR two sons. Mr. LaFleur ha een was the Count's intention to eeful' MCMORDIE SPOON AT paint iox; iiuexirHr; amuVJihi. ehenn. Apply Ikit St liatly nlten.dinir the Canadian liar As. BURNELL R. FORD i !ier to hi stud farm in Argentina. sewing; ntiMHitry; ilielrtrrs; New i iff leu. ;n.i CO-OPERATIVE Hiriation ronxenlion 'at Vancouver Burnell Hut the announcement that tlii MCNICHOLL YESTERDAY dremaking; m i 1 1 i n ry Phone 81 Chautauqua brings j-'OII SAI.K SHrng yaehl com-1 and Victoria and i returning Ford on Friday evening In his wonderful mare was In go so far; lo-fMllrtkork; phyoicial esillur. t.l.l vlll. ..I. i. , A )iat hy way of Jasper Park and lecture - demonstration, . "The from the cne-of!her vi"toris on' Seraea'it- Major M lirown. I.ei u kiiuw your uMiy til Mm.. alo Fviurwite. Apply Kdmonton. He arrived on the Hie turf provoked such aifout.' h.ilidii of You neeil nul be a regular In which lHhlinK at a np seven, Wonder of Electricity," I'wIUw. I taily Xew offwv 1 1 I'rinee lliiiert from Vaneouvei the principles or radio are also uuri oi sennmeniai regrei inaiinvan won the Mr.Mordie Simhhi Inaelier. (hi I only lfne uf TERRACE MOTORS and went out on tha Saturday explained. n moement was started by infln-jfi.r high wore at the MrNieholl ihoniugh ualifiiMil(oi and Foil SAI.H Half fMre in hoal Terrace, B.C. (-enincr train. iiiiai upMrier i noiee rnniiiri:reK ranee veenlay. Ill total etperirlire will Ihi smiderel. with Sn h.. engine now working o keep her in lingland. Itrd ti 02. Apply hy letter In I. O. Hut on loging cainlracl Apply PRINCE RUPERT lanely ami Omnt I.umluren tnlr-l Th rores uf the day wet n HNf, Prliwe Hh pert. H. C. titl I. il. Hot ntw. lUty. it The Man in the Moon TAXI i the matter over in a friendly filn: PEOPLE TO FLY SAYS:- pirit with the remit that it was1 100 300 fiuO Til IIKI.I WANTF.O SlriMigrasmer- Milt SAI.K Hd iieter 'Sr HtaminaliiHi for II. C Civil for larar bnoille. Ii.iily New nullially a If reed to call the ne!- lirown S 31 f US' Service,; All etamliiatHHi fnr of flee. If AT FAIR TIME, off. Service fl. W. Camen.n 2 tl t 71 TIIF. CIIAUTAIQIJA Is it this Junto and senior slrtHigraph Sceptre U being preentei l((v. Itavi .... w ip mfl: ORIENTAL Q000S week. ere will he held on Saturday. Contract Is Closed Whereby Big the, national stud with no "therji, . llodxni ji in to nl Eipresa and Baggsi OctisVer 7, IVtt in Vatinuer. ' dipulation but' that on her latli Kimonas, Crockery, .. m. avtea n ih 17 f.o Japanese Will Come Here Hydroplane I.KTK see, who It the local VicUirU. New Veloiuler Transfsr. Iwidy Noreen llas, wife of Sirf. rea ... - IH I lam text Furnttnre, Ornament. For Exhibition. home .run kin?? and ueh ol her MlfiU A'1' a t William ltas wlio gave v. (nhmm tO IB tl ftrt Haskrls, Children's Hompers, One I'm 'or Sceptre as a four-year-W W.. Intoii tft It 13 there mar lie fe or nmre Toy. l:ie. Let us make y t:i Neotialon were closed and ITjf some mouths since tti in. eamlidate. Ikindidales iihiiI (.ml Mr. Sievier who gae 1 1 0. ' jy m ib . M 17 u as I.OWIWT I'll It'.KM Hons at a contract sinned between Hie come tat wot paid and now we le HrilUh suhjerla. reehleltU ror her as a veariinv. nfiatl el . J. iuMik . . il 0 1060 F. K. AKASE Hoist. Northern II. C. Agrinillural As. are- woiulerinz wtiere wa are Lakelse Hot-Spring oi.ianaiia tor at ieat mie fet one of her hoofs when shf-s. ShuHi .... 5 ir loirt . O. Hot 81 Tel. Ited Mi HN-ialinn and the Hallway Km. Kolnsr to ?H the nomey from to year, of Ihe full age of sev. ilies. and Lord iilaixly the ollier'ii. intr ... 0 i I5J0 Third Avenue ployeea' Investment and Indiu pay Ibe nexl. Ivo. eoleen year, and not more trial Association on Saturday tbati thirty.five years of age WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. In addition Ird niar.ely Joiim afternoon whereby the hix A I.OT of people are wishinit BASEBALL Appllrallofis to wrile will be Let Us Advise Yon Sommerville JVltiral. aiotr sen monoplane water machtiie they had enough nioiiey to, liny received lip In nooll. Weilttes Ktpert wolrh. clock and owned hy the (alter company, a Inn uf eial now so they wnuld it-owner of the niare, in glvlnsi day. Keptfinber S7, llI. Ap chronometer maker. with a tiict ii -1 fSt' rSOO to the London llooplfal fr Saturday Oames. lit will come here for the Fair. The save money on the etpeeled pliealioti forms and full par Waleh and Ji-wlli'iy Hepslrs a ence in all l" machine will he here, for (he raie in price,' he entahliohment of a Sceptl AMERICAN LEAGUE. tieular may be obtained from sjienally Hi .idi'ig i entire duration of the F.ihihMIou ward. Chu-an-i. H: IMnladelplila, 0. Hie undersigned or from Mall order promptly eieritled, any by Is considered St. I.oiii. .': New York. '.. Brickwork, MAN wants but little here tw. Scerdre many GEO. OIBB from Heptemher 13 In Id inelu. gntrrnment Agent. W. II. ive and will take up pernonn who low. All he need in a tick! to the greatest race irr flint ever telroil H, Washington, 2. MarlHtie. Hhil Service C-.m Opp. Fust oillce 1 1'. O Hoi 71) Stonework, wish to make fliahls. A launch (the, W'cnl ling maUli on Wed. raced on the llrili-h turf. In IDOt NATIONAL LEAQUC. mWinner. Victoria, II. I'v l'rliw Hupert. If he won the 3,000 guineas, the I - iiixiiiH. .i.i. (.iticifinaii. n.s. Concrete, etc. u HI te operaleil on Hie harbor,nesuay. in conjunction with it. 000 guineas, the Oaks and the HI. HriMiklyn. ."), I'iilshurgh, 7. WANTTIli Tn trade fwn lot BEAUTY CULTURE PARLOR. -Y '' 0. Phone Black 625. I'lans and Hhilaileipliia Chieugo. Tickets are already on sale Til Hill! is one thing about I eger, 3; lid II, block I, erlioii H and to all our ff free COAST LEAQUE. Ilalrdresslng, Hhainpoolng. Urn. hy the Agricultural Asocial Ion motor boating that makes it lot 13. block Id, eel Ion 7 for and it is etpeeled that the fea. heller than auto Joy riding is Alimng the conditions it Is pro Seattle, t :i; Oakland, O.t. pleasure launch thai will go using. Marcel Waving. Manrur. William Walls & Co. lure will be well taken advantage that there are very few one arm pined to impose nu entries in.lh" iHrtlail. n. Vernon, I. Apply Hot !0 Itaily .News Of Ing. Faca and Hcalp Treatment. international motor boat raee San IraiiiMfo, 10; Salt ltke. Above Wrathall's, and CnlraU of. , Ten dollars will be Ihejaecidemia i() Jt fire. If Builder bclwern Miami, IU Third Ave. Phone rhaTge fiir I lie lliglit which will ifett February I'.O. Hot Wis be of ten or fifteen minutes dur-aliiiii. ' I)-' lh memoir of J.loyd Fla. and Havana l that owners l4M Anm-I''-, 'I, S;ieraiuenii, I. IUMI.MS Wauled- Lady icler TAXI i,il., ml . il A Hcflrge are to h anything like of the craft must le aboard dur Sunday Qames. reipiire one or two fiirnUhrd Phone 693 Jobblnn Work of all KI4M Mrs. ing the contests. Another isthat NATIONAL LEAQUE. rooms with healer; or small The carrying quarters of the IhutM.of AtquUli. we would (Call Ouorge ll.( flying machine llazcltmi are very U(rgPi thai fur the credit of Hie rontentantM engage in a 30 or I'liilnih'lplim I; Chicago. 3. suile or collage. Apply hy Five-.passenvi-r T"iiring Car similar In the Innneaii of a Ford the Welxh peupte he lieeil the 23 mile rare off Havana so thai HohImii, o-O: Cini'iniiHti, !-7 eer In Hot tH, Daily News Prompt Day and Night Service TERRACE Sedan. They are closed in with liiin'lwritiiii; ow the wall. Hie people of Cuba may have an i New Voik, I.'. Si. I.oiii. H. Office. gilt Standi Boston Grill Third Avenue upholstered seats hnd interior iiiplMirtunily to view the entry ofl AMERICAN LEAGUE. LANDS rt li'.NMlllAI'lll'.H wanted, with FRUIT with drop window. Four passenger AMONO the things that won't the Havana Yacht Club. .Miss Ielrit. .' , Wisliinglon, 7. . TOWING AND FREIQHTINQ kliimledgis. of luMikklwpilig. COAST LEAGUE. ean he taken at a time. get you anywhere i trying to Havana, In action, San ft-3; Salt Lake Heply by letter, slating, experience Tug "Hanaco," Cow Rafael Hie rnuh iM.'o, Bay loll osn. make n living ralclllllg jellyri Acer riling to Five Acres Good 3-i. and salary reijulred to l. HAI.VAiii: WOHK Tuck Inlet. damns ynditsmdii who is represent ' in nut-- KITSUMKALUM VALLEY lug Cuba in the negotiations I'ortlaiot. i t; Veriiun, ti-0. o. Hot Ht, I'riiicn Huperl. II. Kiperiem-rd divem and diving Land One I ' ' ' , . cbin 0. 201 Outfits. Frame frW I," Anwli-v Saerumenlo, DISTRICT EXHIBIT s::;!:-::;; for Ihe race, prurs amounting ! BRANNEN'S leared and s.-wtt 1 10.000 lute it assurJl.,," H0OM and Hoard Wanlnt- Lady tsuuiiic H.o: Oakland. A.ft I'hone lllu.- 711 and flfll $900 cash. , u INTERNATIONAL, LEAGUE teacher Mlhes lieuled room,' )(.Q. Hot lim I'rinee 10 M Acrea Good ,j Will Make Fourth That Is Dsfln- Huperl. II.C. with whole or parllal board. "IV' Exhibition Newark, l'HrHilo, 7-t. I HI tl" lice M" Itely Comlnq to i Apply Hpt lit Pally Nrwa Of. CLOTHES CLEANED Cives smooth, liumi"""1 you A load, This Fall Other Expected. Jemey Coy. M.ft Huffal.k, .H fire. tot unait-Ju shave. IWr?lwCRrVI Healing, t.! HneJiMler. 3.S and pressed by latest hti'.am HallimorM, t,?i.gyruwife, 5.1 Fr!JIIKKI!i;i'i:il in Inlerior Vmm presmiiig prorK4. WCMMPV RROS. & IV' The Fair Hoard has Jis re. Iry reipiires bounekeeper, flood Hulls,cm for and dellvsred, reJved Information thai KiWuiu Heller oh r,ou ih the luta home and wages. Apidn Hot Phone 64a Real Estate kilum li tending a dlttrlct tx- jihau two fiat in the soup. 45 Dally News Otfise. If. UNO, The Tailor ,.sf BlC.