THE DAlTA NEWS PAOK rm Movies 1 - and Movie People NORMA TALMADGE THURSDAY ONLY el to the iloin" and sayings of those who 'Love' Redemption li Screened U1 Vipy Lapgaly In Wait IhdliT" cntortain the public. Mnnjr nf I do ppnr In "Lovr" 4 4 II,. (lIlAHtjiMfld.. 1. MpilPinplinn" hlrh in In Iip down 4 Ihl- ...! II hrp n 'I'liiirmlny only wr maif mtwiirnro.. WmU in ihp Vrt (mlp, wliprr Morma WCCK AT THEATRES. ifliiy m in VA '"HkiIiiip. I , 4- iilrim.lii. an, tiir rniiiaiiy njirnt ""nrlr fntir WPPk. 'Hip ulnrjr U ,u f it 1 1-It WriliiP- I'lii' hla r. -' 1 1 us d lake. 1 IhuI in a null trniilral llnnl. lMIIMf. 4 1.!. I Mio Km. !!.. iimr Iitp Hip IliPfinornPtPf I hImhiI (,, hihi riHrtr - V diiPAilay. ISO ili-irrppn. I nml Hip ioiiinlloii ,i KiHhrrtnr Mm. 'rm iiay Mark, wllh Hip pxppii- in I'll IMfeM." I hp ! wtii pliminXP.1 tn nr Hip imlurky yniini-r pun ..rrv' Pro. riarxtav (mi ihi'i day. will nf r.nvliiili faiulliPo who nrr ron- y nnManr a iieieil. t ipmmi hv Ihrlr narrtiN In work In mnl Thura- - - 4 wit IliPlr ow-n Hut Jnt l nliiNiit In 4 Thr Mirk Hrnnptl t-nnirrfir. a a imml Illy priw in Ihr ilark. It r.iii.i n.n." 4 TP funnta than ' H rvrr. Hrrk" pl imnl, no Jcnnlr IMinn, nick- -. i.nrii r..nM'iiy "iiy 4 i mppp ihi .pk. nanml Oln(fpr' HIip part iilaynl ll-viM 4 Hilly 4 vi!i - h .NHfinfc TalmailicPI, Mnnm vi l J imp. 4 Thr iipiI Jarklp Gnniraii plr- ( Imply glflli.Ml. iiip Hip pviI ,. . . rtnlvrday d 4 urr tm tm bp KMett mud Mr '1 V HrrnnniliiiK lirr nn all niilr. Ilrr ., . , Mall i-V-i n rinnp of fhararlrr, liivh Dv.mrmng with 4 What avli iHP wiuiM like l npal, ninl notiU rvrnt- I .4t r- and IihM 4 know ! wlit iiiiif ..n i hp nrnp, ually htt (lirir rffrrl upon Hip V 1 1 r II 1 1 w t M 4 rPPII l H '1 1: 1 1 wll. riMll, llexer oihii ip ltip. How hr lirinvp lrH l i . 4 raft a luminal Why run. ihoni iln rppiiiilnin. wtipn hr. linn Nrw. (la 4 )aBlr ala- rc'rpriilPl Ii. i nn Hip jHilnl nf BitMiK lli H I ll lt"t IK'Wt 4 ak fenndMi niM.iiir. wiili Huh Hip 'lrtiHli, fnrni iip it( Hip 4 W hy rriMi" i - : ' n aurh a iiio-i inl'r'line nliil in wliirli "I'M1' ,Wi!. 4 - ! irh.. 4.i 'hp fart that Ml TalinadtiP ha pvit awarpl Imi'. IHnrxUv 4 'In' l.a- i''MihmiIIiI n rrinii' ml Saturday at 4 l ! I I. ' : 'III! ttrt) III M'itl 4 JUNIOR CHAUTAUQUA 4 4444 4 4 dip f .' 'tin liailv Nrwe. SATURDAY AFTERNOON mi l Children' Parad Tomorrow Morning at 10 o'clock; Prlit for Cotlum. I he anil P-u.) nf I In luiniti llliiiiilaiiiiia rhitpil wild ' '3 hi '-t-itin rrrd fur C.daii-"Ul'iii lirkrt wdtrh dail n IihIiIpii nn llr il.iyiriinl '.hi- ( ihr Sa4HnUy afl-r- ii play hHr. Of llir 156 uiilri'u wln Piiravpl in Idr -a. i 'n-y-li funlrr.lU-.-w lirlilrm arr Mfr'mm-wa hnllr Hh The Man Who Brings the Message of lai.imiK'i.iiiiamiua.iir TnrUy..inm iarn.l iHnrn4iiir fftr wtlirli a Jimii.r al in t Life Insurance is the True Friend of Us All l.H-k Ml hiy arnl tiirln arr nt..i i.. arlkiB)lP in Hik i.aalr r'MrMpi f rrviHi I.)he l.-iiilaiirr-hil. aiPMrinfr al Ihr tay In Iff pitM.brl Yon know something of the work of the Life Insurance,Man. .1 . Miunw will rPPPlrp apaxm but do you appreciate that if it verenot for Kis effdrtsTtKe homes ' 'i. t a a nriir. I In- will I'nii.'lililr Ihr Jllllli.r of Canada would -be without the protection of three-and-a-half' lliHutauooa for I'l??. I j billion dollars of life insurance? Dons KaxU pTU lafiW WEE JAMIE COMING Htrnii lohiffht at In Wp-UioIiii Tl.r.i" Fimoui Pip Mafop of Klltlaa to He is, by his daily work, "holding the bridge," against trial and :reen Silent Missionary to B Har Chautauqua.with Canadian distress for millions of wives and children,, or providing "old age. . comfort" for manv who would otherwise be in want. Y Says Katherine Macdonald Whrn Ihr Killi". nf Itrll. - villr. linlano larlnl m Hirir iwm yrar lunr nf Ihr wurl-l. In t rrrn itiiUikiliil i Ihr IimIiiv.grralrt -ilml niiMiinr' working fur lliPlihrr inrarahl nf Ihr rmiimnin.rnliiMliy liroaiiir tr Moved by a vision of the good to be accomplished, the Life In-, !i.ii i . MtrrWuii, mil rr. h. Iml in 'fir way miip nf llipr iliffMtViii'p in surance Man has faced his problems with optimism, and:, now i uphill far HMirr than in rvulrnt fwmi a mrr rnrur hritlil I dry wrrr unnn nirk-HAninl "liijc Um" and "Wpp sees over a million dollars paid out each week by the Life Ihsur- "? frrl KallirciMr Mai lMnitiil, (lif lH4iUfii film Ur. lainrP." roll f Companies in Canada to the beneficiaries of his labor.- "' ifp pholnpl).". "lie f "pnijir- Uie 'hi Hip- fHpr-iimjnr Hip nanip ance "ho rrwant f Ill frn Mir rbMpr OwioUranM Mil flunjr an.l w'tiriiprr In- ha - 'loiirtlly f an i).liflmy' rtr tpr Ihr villain Irartu npppaml, he l lwl known by t Hip tnenrr"or th namr nf W'pp Janur. Life Insurance Representatives are the great ambassadors to Iii rolnr Hint wrtnr wH rr vrniri' Iml Iipp iiral MB Ilirnuvlinnt Hip limr Iip wa a r.. Uip h-r that i' ! rrwarkahlr Haniip with lnpiilar tiiPtnlirp nf tlm iiiiitiral your home. They will be pleased to show you how simply and i.iaxi'. kilnlly. "rlf-rp hr ptniinc p.-nl thai fnllow. iriAiiiiralrn am) ismlribulisl a easily you can throw the "mantle of protection" around it. . I ilrrrnl. Thr hraiiiv phr Ihal Hip miamon- full Jilv In Hip uopp uf Hip flrnt flltal Invr in aUn ' " ,inl Hr'' ,b ""n inKritlii. ..,t ihi'v har brpn .,anilJ. anat Hint "Wrr Jatiiip" i nl a Harry Hip llimir. that Uip ' "' of "yw"". lni.rr imilaiinii. Hi pninrum In Toronto Ihis tveck the Life Insurance Representatives on this Continent are (ir. tpar hri vWllimu "r,lv wanll i 'nlml m uii iu and .lnvlu.l.' nurh 'meeting for the purpose of further increasing their power'to serve the public. In "r u,r 'l"n I1,p l,,,t,Nl itrrnilMPp a laa-itw and extends all who in this And il i raiO' Life Insurance Service greeting's from are engaged great nf Hip Srniih daiwr. (liPanalll In 1akr fpvrr. tP im.rin.hnr. ' and also behalf of the policyholders the Dominion of n pMelllv wli. n it niinarip. an i-laml iinn-int. Wrr Janiti will hr hrr.' Iln cause, on -throughout l wrrL with Hip Canadian Cha- rnnwmr ar.' ammm ie Canada. ii- fnrm f i. lmhtru1 " n (Mhc Hinl bniiK biit Ihr 'auqna r.niiiinny I Plaint thai th rhanirp in lh" ihara.-lrr nf Lola. t,niPfful ini.iiomry 'TMi-. r" i'ra.lcl KETCHIKAN HYDROPLANE t t-uUy. II i lh "Wt- l way ' 1 r"H"'' a,,,, GIVING GOOD SERVICE LIFE INSURAXCE SERYICE uMrro t rPHPltM Wrl-Uan M nun "i t a" iHil-l tin-i- ii ii i nnir inlu rwat li many ninrr ixwrl1 Hip InfW.'l t. I..- .down ln-in. St Sellq Saya Roy Jonei I I .jjiirrliwnr thr print- "'hl Bl ,,,p x -Id. TliPulrr. Making Commercial Succet .i of Hla Vantura. n i.p,-Hli,mly In .In "I OVFS ROOMERANG" kan Friday night on Hi W. II. wa a Brood attpndaix'p on both i rniinary work in my liny JniiPA. Ihr Krlrlilkan aviator, Lord and rriurnrd Saturday niftht iK-rnMoiiH. THEO COLLART, LTD. - - NOTARY ' ..lay. I hr Inri-lPl.- in IS NOYEL PICTURE who nvpully mnk a hydrn-idanr nn I he I.toyd C. , F.arh Sunday of Ihr Hire wrrk PUBLIC 11 y .!iilnn I hav Hip In HVlrhikiin, i makint; nippliiiK will hi held in Hip F.iii-pir W ar now Agent for tha New York Ufa Iniuranc Company, ' my rurppf. I play Ilia Ann Foratt and David Powill Hava iUiU n cniiuiirrrial. mircr nf Thratr with nrrvirr pvrry LADY EYANGEUST OF i Th mo t liberal and atrongait company on th continent. 1 ! Waitholma lii vrnliirp nornnlin to Klry houe Ainlry an UHMIrvcrl Laadlng Bolt at work uIkIiI in Hip Miun At, $952,(32,1 3S.S0. Let ua ahow you how to aava your fidrrir "inrirp. tkr Ut il Tonight ScIIk, Hip wpII known PENTECOSTAL CHURCH i ii Sixth Avpiiiip. man. who oa in town at money. f . IHtll r nnvrlty ninl ilrnnmlw Hip pi'Ii 'id. Mr. frliu lay HERE FOR REVIVAL Anttrrw lirrn, ihr promiiiPiil Phon Blu C9. Wtholm ThMtro Blook. P.O. Boa ., I'pVn taught l.y hr M"U "IW lUmmnK." that prrvio glvrn lir Hip in i ii lnu man who rrrpntiy ar-iliiii-rd all i.ii.ii.lrr.. Il.r I'tmuunint pr.lrp.l hi marhin I a rat iMiinriiirnr iiilrrpU mI Slpwarl. ar-livpit M.i in i- .,i i...,.i John lUihrHPun wllh frllpnl in"- i - r klliikitu mill Mrs. May Flrannr Fray, of Cat-! in Hip Ptly mi Saturday ,Vi, ...I.A illlM. It ImMIIK llNliMrUtill l' I dry up il null rrgnlarly for ifnrnia, N In thn rity tn rnudtiet aftrriMMiii puruili 10 Hi north-rrn Our Stock of til Pt- . .:.. - .....l. i.. I- I'lii W'rl- Ihrrn uprk nf rvaiiRi'liral nervier Hip ipaliirr 1'rine ,ln.l .l.r, il.- l.ia.'HlBllt ami tmirnw t VKIIMIH miiim tKiuip nn "Art" Clothes . in .l.p lnlhP IliPiilrtt. TIip alry dral .l..v fur iiutanrii Hip "Nnrtllhlril" in ponupotiiin wild thn lo lluprrt. Enamelware i.iuwir i-ni.liatinBly with ft ymm l'."B Ltaiiir frim KrlrhiUn to lliddru cal IVnUfnaliU miHiuii. rh I. . . .1 I. llln.lM l.lilM urcoiupnnirtl liy IIukIi Miv-Mintrr, '"f Hunt "i ii.i." Aflir liayinv nmplrti a "Up Krl h" i Klin, a illIUiirr NEW PALL AND WINTER tt.-. pi.ti Hip nn.p.'- "f nn ii..alin Ip infy. mr wllh Mr. Fiwly. nf Sralllp, Hip vni'ul and liirttruinrnlal aplnUl, wppIi'p vrlinul on Hip Iwal dry la now Complete. 1 "iiy Hayiira In gn t.. ilrnmall ami manaxpr nf Ui annrry. a u win, la alu takiiiK part in Hi dnrk. I ln (Tanii.lllii linvprumrnt Price Right. SAMPLES. Mpiiuiik. ihmm. u n pii-nir- i i" thrilla. Ann utiMipnirer. wrvlrra. Mrivliant Marin Nlruiimr ttan-adiau Splendid Valuta and Style. "Kl nl leuipt to rmi'iif Hiph' w inimiTnt ludh 1 Mr. Hrlljr ha lii " ' YrslrnJay Hip rrvivnl pom Farnirr I'lramt yptprday I'owtll, ovn.r" " nr 1' ii..I1J IIHII'l i.i.n.l'. -Koi i.-st and IIIMd li I ...... linij"-i i.i...i mi.I v luia taken" uirni'd in Hip I'lnprron Thratr at noun foe Oor-in FalU to r. STORK'S Hardware STEVE KING "-'.t I'm '"'uii lliaflllHP rrniiitliP elulelic ' " U"'" In ladiii miIp and iitiilr a faiwy Hip olr nmd when rerxlcpx wre drld Imtli in iiiniK hrr eprvh-r in Hip paprr Limit! naiiPH who, Haynp'rnrp. thpiiirlvv hiiii orpun to!.f travplltiips ,. Hip F.mprrai wlirn t'owdlrrf af trad tmlwrm Orran Fall and. Phon Black 114. Third- Avenue lilppiliim Flint. ,niiil .Mr. arrmd ifo teiciu. th afternoon and ivcnlng. Then, Orrtfoa and California port. a-m that It will burden a'1