Wednesday, April 20, o?t PAfiE TWO THE DAILY NI5W8 The Daily News SAID HE GOULD COUNTRY IS Canada's Favorite Pipe Tobacco MINOR RUPRRT - RRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Aflernonn, except Sunday, by The News NEVER JE WELL GOING AHEAD .I'rinlinjr and Piihlishinp Company, Third Avenue. ni n iyyfy ' . II. F, PUM.RN, Managing Rdltnr. C. N. R. ,Resourceti Agent Sees "Fmit-a-iives" Restored Steady Growth From SUBSCRIPTION RATES: - ( Him to Health Figures. City-Delivery, bV majl op carrier, jter month. 4 .$1.00 1 "Ollieinl figures on immiifra-linn, By mill'To nil parts of the British. Kmpire and the United States,, 1H A V'1K I'll IX, MoSTSEAL hiiildinp and fnrming show In advance, per year .. $0.00 j 'Tor thrive )ivir., J m irnibU that, the riiuiitry as a whole Is To nil other countries, in advance, per year .$7.50. luffttrrfrom DysppCu and my general foi-frinir slf-mjjly ahead," said R. A. CHUM lik. health ivas very I""'- 1 consulted a Illow. of the r.unailian National TELEPHONE 98 physician and took hi medirlno hut liailwny Ilpimive liopailnipiil, transient Display Advertising .$1.40 per inch per insertion I di.l not Improve;nnl finally liotol.l hho returned hi Winnipeg Hits. Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per inch me t hat I'-ouhi not It-cured. morning aiicr iiaving spent a irw Local Readers, per insertion. . 25c per line At tht time, ft friend advised me day in Hi" eily on business in Classified Advertising, per insertion . .2c per word. .lo try "rjiWji""- After relieved;taking-ami two ciimioetiiin willi his department. The Tobacco of QuaJlly ji1 Legal Notices, each insertion Hc per agale line- Ihixps, I was ttrcally made amdrtely This is e.peeially true of Western me medicine Ct.nlrncl Rales on Application. . J UiW fruit and eneral liealtli Canada and that part oMheeotin- wrlL My dlpestion f All advertising should he in The Daily News Odlce on day pre-i try nlnnjr 1 ho line of the IVanadinn ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. ore now splendid".OASPAIU) DtJIURI). National (Inilvvny between I'rlneej (iuurci assumed an entirely dif- li ! Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. . llup;rt and ;lhe ivrairies. ferenl siunillcance than they np. 60c a box, c, for f 2 'i0, trial size 2:c. "Now thai, the pojt-war trouble pen red lo liave don when accepted At dealers or sent postpaid by are ' disappearing there' is eery as a gross result. For Instance, Supreme Brand I DAILY EDITION ESD Wednesday, April 20, 022. Ottawa. Frulta-lives Limited, rensnrf. lo hope that development. in. lid!) I'. S. immigration in I'verv line or endeavor, mil es- viniiiiiw lmwed that 2.17.021 en- Can Genoa Conference jpeciall in agriculture, will con.irrd ihe country, but it appeared Be Successful? , SUITCASES linue In increase each succeeding that when allowance is made for FRESH COFFEE FRESH I, f,,r Hie ulliniale success of tlie fiennn economic, eon TRU NKS year, and on a sound and perma-iiim-t non-immigrant aliens, those'iuak-ing R LASTED ROASTED basis. All colonization a temporary trip, those Hull banis for the selllemeiil of Kurope's about n in bringing lerenre agencies in the t'nied Klales and were debarred for one disability CLUB BAGS many problems or rei-oiislruetinii and reorganization has been overseas report an Immense iiium or another, and Hie flood .of emu The value of coffee as a beverage gradually giving way until coiu rele results now seem lo be dell f ier of enquiries (-egnrilins- Western gi'lion froiu the country, the net primarily- io it1 tienglh hnd (JaVor. nileiy despaired oT. The-two' extreme points oT difference are,) Large Stock on hand. Canada, more than for many gain in population for Ilia) year Brand colfoe wiilkeej, indcllnilely on t)ie one baud. Russia and (ierniany, and on the oilier, France.! Prices vey low. years past, so llial, in spile of was only 20,700. In J020 out of 'Supreme" (Ircep ,n presenl rest rid ions, w e may expert (i2,r;ri entering the country only is Fresh !siici 1, n,o Hie cafe -after fl lim ii.nn Their positions at the present linn' are so far divided and Iheil J. F. MAGUIRE a goodly inllux of .settlers 10.'!.Til I could he claimed is ah Roasted I'oiuled. , , ; ' amis and ideals so remotely different that hope or arty leeoncilia-1 Next the Prince Kupert Hotel light along or the type thai Ihe addition to Ihe population, These lloasliiibrings oof Ihe li.-ivor Hfi'J.afwiia, tion between Ihem How seems to be almost an impossibility. Anil j country wants. Rut that lliere llgures showed.thaf people were f:olfee bime's stale ji'ecfiUv' f jms r can it tie expected otherwise? France is constitutionally veryl will be such rushes as occurred in leaving llie Uriiird Stales, so that lirotfiaflc' ' Iheie principles-. and or the Soviet (lie years before the war should when we heard of a Tew leavjng different than Russia mid the aims principles not be expected, because condi our'sliores there was no necessity, Tastes as Good as ate riKislIng aiiirtiaek?ing 'for current to those of the French COX IS GOING similarity government government, bear ljltle tions have changed vastly. IN for letting il interfere witi our reiuiremei fls only." renll.fhg lliaf, essen. whiclf, though republican, still conservative, s far as ports, that here is likely to be are sleep. it Smells lially, coflee piusl be fresh roasted In . Germany and France are coneerried there is such inherent and SOUTH THURSDAY nol well founded and nay be (lis "The world is not standing .sljll proe pevfeelly satisfacliiry. traditional distrust between the two nations that llieir amicable counted at once. Kxisting eco these days. Pcode are going and agreement cnii oiily be brought about with dillicnlty. nomic conditions n the United coming constantly, and will continue Sold only In 1-pound airtight cartons Details of Plans, Specifications Slates preclude the possibility of to do so lo the end of )ime. movement .Many of those who leaving an unusi'ialy heavy are Great Britain '. - and Cost (Sooth School to be from that quarter just now, but Canada return sooner or later and As Mediator. Prepared at Vancouver. things will right themselves In are blter citizens, for fhey lealP STEWART & MOBLEY, LTD. The-.course taken by Oreal Britain and Italy,.the other two big time, aiid then we may look for a that there are opportunities be A. A. Hnx, (lie consulting ar-eillecl. and Roasters factors' ill the- parley,;have been of a mediiiliye nature. They seem from Vancouver,, who big- immigration from all parts of today that can not be found in an , Coffee PRINCE Importer RUPRT tfi exhibit a certaiii atlijude of "give and take." 'Probably, 'in the reatl his report on I hit lloolli the Stales. Hundreds are there other paTI of the continent."' case of Rrilain, this is beVaioe she feels she can cope with the School in the city hall last Friday who want our cheap lands, but at eyeu with certain allowances being made lo Russia and afternoon, will relurn 10 Vancouver present are unable .to make finan m" mi the Prince fieorge' tomorrow cial arrangements to move. The The Man in the Mood France tins suffered .too fiermany, ,NbiU?h6y.ever, with France. nights- Air. (lux has been lowering: of the prices nf land by muchhas been dceiveil. (oogr.ft.uch, and is naturally more on Ihe husy faking dimensions from the private owners find giving longer SAYS:-' alert and more oil guard than flreat Rrilain is. Nor. can France. rlii Mil building and other data periods for payment is going to ii ' a ! ?; - i ft H..1 ! i i t lie niamcu oi" mis trait, mr u is a irau um.oukih iwwv ru,,,. ,, f drawing up help the situation very materially. Wl'l'll the arrival or so many jyimber&Lalh much in the past in the ways of wars and s,aughleJa.(J,it.been ,,,anSt specifications and making Agricultural Figures. immigrants our local imiujpra-lion more Observed by oilier nations. Rrilain' altitude is now as A al) 0-sijma0. while Mr. .('-ox Mr, Rlow said ofllcial llgnres department will sodn neeil always has. been. ..She is ready to forgive arid forget; ready lo wj ,raw a spjme fnr'ihe. showed Hint in 1021 there were some help. arid i( .assist laiien iocs lo.ineir leeiagain. ureni nriiaiu nas iieeu iiuicii necessary repair work In - Ihist 3,:t01 more resident farmers In . ' - Shiplap-Boards oil the pa! Ibryugli' lhjs.,very spirit of forgiveness and Jefiionc-, romierltoii tin -details of plans Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta 'lli:. mother was h glr.(t isl iiuf.Rriiaiiil'? feady to repeal' 1 lie same experience again by Irusl-iiig specifications and costs will he dnd Itrilisti Columbia than there said she ouldrcssed all the nlbor Dimension her-foes and giving Ihcm a.i;liance within reason. , worked out by his staff in Van were in 1010, the increases in girls In the neighborhood bill Saskatchewan being-ifi.OriH and in Thoroughly Air pried and STore'd' UndVr Cover co 1 1 ye r. from the look or sister It seem United States Alberta H,fiKlv In the four,provinces tha'l she Is I rying .to - outstrip Should Be There. r there was an increase in Held lliem. .." Rrilain needs more as distance al.f!rh?ia'fhan she is gelling production of i(10,07 0,tor bushels KilhDried Flooring, ,if Ihe effort lo bring about a settlement of economic conditions in Ten Years Ago over the production of 1020, while PAT-,, whir was slaying for Hie Kuroiie is to be siiccessrol. 'crlif;re is one great nation, (he blood in Pf'nc Rupert Ihe Value or the output, or Hie first lime in Ihe city was awak and-Finish kin of Rrilain-the UniTed J States that is needed at fienoa. While dairies or the three prairjc prov ened by Ihe fire engine rushing France, mi Ihe one hand, and Hermany and Russia on the other, April 26, 191Z. inces aggregated .1fl,n(;:i,87i, pus! the house, Fpon looking SPRUCE LATH are pursuing a course that can only result in war again, Great Actual building of. Arthur each province showing a very sub out ot Ihe window he saw two Rrilain is leading in a war of peace. She has In Italy, it is true, Smith's new block on Third Aye slanlial Increase over 102o, with motor steamers Hying along Hie Manufactured in Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Price a worthy ally i;i this cause, also in Japan, but the one is lacking niie and Fifth Street has com eiery indication or a very imicn road with sparks, belching fm( or the one Rial could probably come in and swing. Ihe tide of mediation. ... greater expansion this year.. The Ihe runnels Rushing lo his' menceu. I lie ground floor on If the (ierioa conference fails, and it looks as if it will, it will Ihe Third Avenue side will be value of fruit production in. firit male in Hie next loom be cried PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. be a victory lost for peace. The United Slates canie in and fought ocrupicd hy Ihe Family Liquor ish Columbia showed aninrrcase 'Mike, Mike for the l.ove of, fiod for the principles of world democracy and liberty in 1017 II ilorn and Honworth & Co.'s shoe of :i,82,HH ror 1021' compared wake, up Ihcy'i-e moving Hell, and Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 Jonk her Ihree years lo see the light, however. Row long will it store, while on the Fifth Street with Hie previous year, and as I here's Iwo carloads just, gone bike her to see that the fight for peace in the world is now on and side Will Hughes, of. Vietrrria will many thousands or young trees past." ' Rial she will be- an important faetor.perhaps a deciding one, in 7pen a genera) dry goods store would come into market produc .. ' " - " ' -,'- 1 turning, the' lide of war? The second floor will be fljllei tion this season Tor the first lime ITS Roller lo have loved arid HI II l'l ilp for offices". and the prospects for a tug crop losl, (hail miss Ihe. first act. ul .DONT TELL. US YOUR SIZE, ASrf US TO "FiT" YOU Mistaken Report . . ' A ".' were good, the 1022 crop wnubl every t'how. - ' Caused Alarm. On a trip 'of "inspection Chief likely astonish evervone. There ' ' . "INVICTUS" "The Best Good Shoe" The reported .statement of V, P. Jlinloii regarding the r.iiniiirer f : ti ,n,V i ivciiiiii'r,1 1!i. ':accom was also a material increase, in THK.HK are two UtuU of i ... , ' Pacific fireal F.aslern Railway in which il yas incorrectly said panted by J)i visional Kngineer form live slock last year in spie chicken in.lhls world todays those Cfime In nod se (ha(wiiiev')nsl. Rial he had suggested the diverting of Rial railway rrnm Oiiesuel Van Arsdnl, Patrick M'elsh of of adyei-se conditions, amounting" you can meel hut can'! -at and BOND STREET and LIBERTY. away-from Prince (ieorgo has been the subject of a good deal of Foley, WN'Ishiir Stewart, and flon- lo nearly Iwo million head in the I hose yon . can eat but '. can't $11.50.'. We stand behind every pajr; lociil vonmienl. but Ihe matter has not been regarded so seriously Irarlor Duncun floss, left on biur provinces. Poultry raising-, meet. s, ' . Ppi-einl .offering 'ee lailfen' window (Ircy NUbuck i strap here as it 'tins beeji at Prince Gorge and Vanderhoof. These Iwo Sliecinl ll'llin ill -7 '.'lO lliia mnrn. loo, seemed lo be coming back oh Itahy I.oiii, heef at $7.8B. Alfn lit blat'k iind Towns nave nir a long lime heen competing Tor the jnncliou of the ing f(ir the end of steel at the farms, ror statistics showed IT looks as ir the Oenoa Coju Jir"'wn kid same price. I'aciiir. ureat r.asieru and llie (iraml Trunk Pacific and this rcport!Skeena Crossing. that over six million more birds ferenee Is going lo take a page .FAMILY SHOE STORE was naturally of vital inleresl lo them. However, Mr. Hinlnu! '. .vere enumerated than in I020, out or the Irishmen's book and Third Avenue. (Operating Foot Comfort Service Dept.) ncnies me report ami mailers are where they were before. The! Fresh What, was Rial noise I Building Activities. - just agree In disagree. mjsiaKC was prouaoiy niade through a simple blunder, as great,heard in your room last, night? 'MuihJing activilit's also were loiMitKr ure sometimes maoe pernaps a mistaken word or ap Kopli That was me falling not so insignilleanf in I02l as Do Your Bowels i.iuiMii-ei um- cuuseu ine report to go out mat caused so much asleep, Washington fun I)od- many may have siifiposeij, when exciiement especially in ihe 'towns directly concerned in it. yer. ' figures are viewed in Ilia aggre move regularly, or do they Dr. JOS. gate," continued .Mr. Rlow. "About MAGUIRE one-third or Hie towns ami villages become constipated on Candaian .Niffinual Hail-way lines in the west llpit furnished DENTIST reports show a total expen. Tliera l do medium throuftl whlcb Visit his Office Rooms 7 and'8 Smith Iiture for urban and farm build (llsc ao ofien atur-ki Um lyilun it t) II Block or prion for an appointment. llowlo the tiowtH lo become emiMlpjtrd, ings or s;n,r,s2,r,37 jn tuc vear. iiid there li do other tremble tut fleaii It Phone 675 lliisiness structures aceoutiled for heir o that I more little to be ncrcicd, Ofllce hours: 0-12, 1 lo 6 and 7 to 9 ier six and three-quarter million hertune nialerltl Inconveuleni-e may not Le Jollars; urban dwellings, six and fell, al unre, from Irrekular action of the evenings. quarter millions; farm build U-r, when there It not rrfular action Sunday Appointments Lady Assistant the retention of ihe decayed and effete ings, over five millions; industrial duller, with lit poi.sonou te, aoon buildings, Iwo ami a half millions, poltont the liole aytlein by belor lb-orbed anil municipal improvements over Into it, causlna1 violent 'nick and f seven millions, if all places had unions ueaaarnet, internal Difeoinr, or BAIT Our frozen herring bait Is conceded by flsliermen reported Hi,, total figlliefi would prolrndlnt pilet, heartburn, Jaundice, etc. to be the finest procurable al any Pacific oai( have jn-obahly been more than MIIIURN' LAXA.LIVCH PILII Portand II is "Fishy." price, $30 per ton. will rerulaie (be flow of bile to act pron loubied. owns having a popula erly on the bowel, thus rntklnr them acllre IP F Thfl be8t way of I"01"'"? a sT0oj aunllty.riP i tion of over 5000 and cities are and rerular, and removior the conitlpallon to hayo plenty of our hard frojen Ice, PTice' nol included n fbe report ro- and ail III allied troubles. 14 per tori, ejved," Mr. 8amue Buckler, TatamiroAcbe, N. Olltflf 0llr wcl,-'lilpped store can supply flshln? iear' il. uruetswfor over year I lurfrred Figures Confusing. with contllpallon. I took several different flsheruiftn's clnthiiffk groceries and provlilons Mr. Rlow pointed out thut il was kinds of medicine, but could only tt and hardware. to leiiix.riry relief. I wit told to try Mil. common practice for people burn'a Laia-Llver Fills. I proevrrd NEW ENGLAND two FISH fo point Hie large immigration Company vlaU or them, but after I bad takeg eiie I nlo the IJnlled Slute, Iho total found that I was relieved of my trouble. Ketchikan, Alaska Branch nil iix of ull icluhhcs being set I do not benllate to recotniotpd Lai-Mver Inwn I'lllt ror any kind or conitipatico.' as a net ga(n1to the pnpu- I'fice, ate i vltl at ail deaieri. or ujiii.ri lalion. Rut when lhy have beeti direct on receipt tit price by Tut T. mi Subscribe for ulijerlcd lo analysis Hmse total lium Co, .Hulled, Toroblo, Out. The Daily News r