taqm raxm TBI DAILT NEWS Wrilneadny. ,.r I BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMa h to W i N BOY - JUST TELL OOR too PhOne THirn VvlFC. TOO DON'T WATtT TO will ouv jL&0OtV HELLO-DOiAN ioo coulon't;et ne to MAKE IT 0 OUT AN' tjHC LL. POT OUSAtS ? tlx - ISO - I'M CO OOT TONKrtT ON A Tw&Yvr-f I'LL XOO OUT- t KNOW WOMEN POT UP A ORft I CAH'T eer- iil oct too ten TAKE. HaLP OF U H ft 00 A I tcVf4N' fOCj LL. srxuii r f.O OUT TONCHT- DOLLAR'S-NO ONF. COLJUD thatbev.': ii wfinJerfut than the f f T OCT AIT ME OOT Of THIt III I ll - IN I I AND I'LL THAT Nothing more A- . TOriKHT 1 Houtt? TorsiHT- r -VOO human km. It treaties tnrourii nny OONT .et.oot: month called pern. If it it lept rt f '- HOME! I c If whole and strong it improvf the entire I 1 bodily health. Those who know mort about the com plex structure of the skin appreciate the care that must be Uien in deciding what Is the safew, piret and test clrrttig to apply in time r-l accident '.t disease. Much scientific thought and eaperl- ment was eiperoW. in the search for an ideal natural healing anlisUnre.bin it has actually been found at last, in Nature's if ililj own storebour il roeiiiciiu.1 iieros. , Xe-r in the world's history has there been another preparation like tarn mi k. Amongst other virtues, it possesses that rare quality of actually growing new skin in Nature's Own way. (d) 14.12 T Inrv FtfkTone Srnvier. A MIRACI.W BKtORE YOUR EYES. Healing tlie injured and diseased tissues by this precious herbal balm is a miracle that mav be performed before Northern Coast Was t'hildren remember your cwn eyes, ram buk liest for its great power in soothing and healing their hurts, whilst Daily News Classified Ads. in the treatnient of ecrema, ringworm, chronic sores, ulcers and poisoned sores, inn bilk powerfi' antiwptic and tissue-building Predominant figure 8 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Ad visrtlaoment Taken for Un hnn BOc properties ensure success; again, many thousands have tarn bilk ' alone to thank for their con.lete release ; ! WANTED ENGINES FOR SALE. HVDE TRANSKER frfjn torturing piles. Mineral Production "pilfering fundamentally and in action WANTrcn Men and women lo Second hanil and in good running Phono $S0 ordinary ointments, aam-buk is from!! free from animal fats and mineral com-pmjn'da. learn llio Harbor Trade by Iho nrilpr. -2. h.:. Standard; I. B9gB endf.Expri, It is highly reQned and contains only nielhod in the world that 30 h.ji. heavy duly Huffalo; 1-1 and no ingredient which the skjn cannot The Nnrllicrii (!uasl Dislrict tirodiifoil noaily ovoiily por wil savo you lime and money li.ii, Caitlo lerfecHon. Apply Coal and Wood. readily absorb. A fifty-cent box of roiil. ofjlio IniinagC' nf ore minotl in llrilixli Ctdnniliia last yoar,1 dollars in doctors' and fit you Tor a position Prilice lllipert lloalliotlse. Agents Hupert and iMv. zam-Uil bills It may is a save unique you preparation with a fjtrryiiiff .ilniul llfly-IIvo por rout, (if Hit; (olnl valno tif llio1' worth while. Wr guar&nleo Phone Hod 311 1. If Qlobo Airiest Tulles. tl wonderfully wide range of usefulness. iiioiitllifomiis nntpul, aiTtinlinfi' !(i llio' annual roiil 'f 1 1 on. steady employment at good Soe'onti Avenue William Hliian, niinolor of minos, wliirli was jtj-t made pnliliir . T. Kergin, in a few well wages. Wrilo now for beautiful BOATS FOR SALE. 3Ti 'r V- l.il wook. Fop an oxilnitnlitni of tliiv 'I 's ""'S ntvossary In liira chosen words, congratulated Miss jlluslraloil calalogtioi Moler BAGGAGE and EXPRESS Kraser I-IR Tt. lmat filled With I ll.p. Terrace Acreage tn lite statistics relating' I" Hit?, golt! and silver ttinliiclion nf I ho on her graduation and sel Harbor College, 30C .Main St., hy Caitle Perfeclioti engine, canopy fori ti some of the ideals and I'romier .Mining iVimpany, Fftrlland (Janal District: and In the Vancouver, H. C. WAKEFIELD'S FAST PiPrr, In first class lop. shape. principles of Ihe nursing pro or llio t.nnsoiuiaioti. nml DELIVERY oppor pioiiiiclHin iiraiiny .Mining Onf-ncro lfl cloareil am) molting flninpany at. Anyox. fession". Hi wishes for a long IlKMAHLC agent, wanted Tor Htu Apply Prince Hupert Hnal-linlise. I'lOllipt Sl'I VI. r. lintiK'il anil plnwr-il rctdy In pill Coat Industry, 7C pounds and the total for and successful career its. a nurso ppft Dislrict. The Sovereign Phone lied .'I'll. If Phone Blue 418 in trnrtlon. Soil Prst-class. Thw Ilrilisli Columbia' onal in I lie Province was :iM,n:lit,i)!).' were-'heartily .accorded in by Ihe l.ifo Assurance Compatiy. Head MISCELLANEOUS. Stand: i'il's Ciuri-siu ,. lot is .:Io.p In tlio fownsiln and dustry has jusl boon holding its pounds. Thi,x brings home I lie assemhjy; by their iiiplaue. office, Winnipeg, .Man. Write , Itpcronlinri Vnrk antl in an iili'al own. In lOil llio cnlliorios of splendid achievement -of Iho Miss Feasor ' was 'presented Chas. A. I'yne, Prince Ceorgo, r,o.(iii m.WAlll) if I fail to grow CLOTHES CiIeakiTd Ini-allon for a lionio. I'rit'o ?500. Hip proviiioo ittado a nol -production (irattby Consolidated. The Coast wilh two beautiful hiitiouol. manager for Northern Hritish hair. Oriental Ilafr Hoot Hair and presseil lah-it Tonus half ca..ili, -halaiift) ar-ratiffofl. of tons '2,iMflllis.i district nulpiil. was about a million laffodils' fi-oiu Hip graduate tlolumliia. Orower. "World's Orealesl by vrt: . . . i -MH.'UMi.-i and a half pounds, a negligible nursHt stuff of Hip hospil.nl and Hair '(Jrowor. firows hair on pressing protege. its aaiinl i',.'j.i,ii'.i ions in Acrn lol, all under, (tnllivalinn I02, a iIppipiiso of tt 1.130 Inns. showing as compared wilh irnalionsTrom the Ladies' Aux WAXTKh Hotel or ncstauiatit bald bends. It must not ho Stills cnHfii for ami deliver. iliary. Mrs. .larvis McLcm) wnrk in or out of town by put whore hair is not wanted. . Phone C49 ami lonpoii. ,nw iioiiso, zn ny n. .i,,,.., to .,pp ..0 Willi Iho Iho usual sixteen and seventeen sail fool, lliroo rooins. WinIstio 10 ...ffulion nf Ilic ypar l2n. Iho million pounds. The Trail division :i solo and llev. Archdeacon (;, ,. lady. Dyer Aparlments, No. i. Cures dandruff ami nil .scalp LINQ, The Tailor ny 2ii, iarn in ny it), poon won nol coal output for 11)21 is larpOr howovei', gave a lit II" bolter Ilix spoke the benediction. MAII) wnnled. Apply Mr . S. .1. troubles. ' $1.75 per Jar. i-.Mio I'm) returns than for.sojui' Dancing' I hen commenced and Agents wanted. Prof. M. 8, strawi.orry pianis, rasp, u,.,,, n,.. nr nv ..(hot year sinrp ears. Made.id, ;i2 IT flh Avenue iKM-ry canes,, ;iosp in .town on ii' f(P nr provii'us. yoar 2,277,.'112 pouuds, iipagainsl I,-I kepi up. Till about I2;30, re-freshmenls Kasl. 97 Crosse, 148 Logan Ave., Winnipeg. oiui roan. ,n Kioai sinning linmo h-spoplliiK tfilo: I ho Coast di I a.OHT. poimds'for 11120. being served about Man. tor a sman raiiniy. I'nco snsri i ricl r4illiiriotf iiriiiliii-od nri ritn Steel Smelter. midway in the course of Ihe OR RENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, ST. ELMO HOTEL on tonus Iiaif cash, hnlanop ar- .JijVuling wilh other minerals dance program. Col. S. P. Mc- Nolle to Contracura. llio - ;1si fiar tint Anyox sniollPri COOf) Clean Hods'Jroni L.riO per Rooms to let from .1 per week tip, Mordie master of ceremonies sealeil leoilem. anili'...,t rantrpd. pnntorliii.taial llio report stales that there, hits! was i:. plant into-for week. Fishermen's JTpsI. Lute Iltinning hot' and cold water in iinure i.innatiKnient iinn.n iirii,,,, ,n I llio district pr.y.diiot;d been no metallic iron produced in and A rlh ma' Orchesira provided Pibnorr nnnms. C,-t hnl Avo.,12. ii nil .iwelvul hy the lluixiralili' II., M n.-w HHIish "but it has Ihe music. MPs. Morrissey was rooms. rmoiriira, lip lo it velinH n-l Inn? Jons of icokpnf.,vhic)iii fA ilit Columbia, Hath. Steam Healed. Modern mm iay nr ay. rnr tnr biiiiiiuir .4 KENNEY BROS. & CO. two-lliirds was tisoi) in Canada been strongly advocated in many convener nf the refreshment J'O -flRNT Modern Apa'rtnipnt, jut i. Phone Green 510 luniknieiii airoach-a to Bear Iitl Real Estate ano lono-iuiru oxiioriou io-iiii! quarters that the conditions are committee jmd Mrs. .larvis. Me furnished or MnfuriiLhd. I IMati. iKTlilralloin. rtinlrart m Nit I Insurance fVillod Slates. . favorable for the eslablishmeul rited guests were llio members qf W. liar!. tr TAXI if teniler lluv lie .een inl'iin'l i rier p,I llli ilav or Airrll, torr. at .-mil Tlioro was a stiirhl. inoroaso in .or an iron smelling plant -somewhere l.eod program. Mrs. Carrall had Phone 693 i. r. seatlett. I'r.vni. , e . FOR SALS Steuail, II. 1:.;. I lie oniiv f 1 Cal nf Iho The In Iho plaoor gol otilpul, ainouh)L on Iho British Columbia charge catering. (Call Oeorge Iloss) nitlwr. Ui.tilri ICnrlneei. inn, , nam I Coast . So far nothing ilvfiiiilo itio hospital hward and Iheir fam Ii. t:.. ami the lienartmenl or rui wvl in? lo i I,(i0n tir ahorit o.T5icr foil SALK Monarch typewriter, Fjve-passengor Touring Car H loru. 11. 0. EDSON GOAL conl. I'tmijoUy this has materialized, although there ilies, members of the Ladies 50.ilrt; Hiilcher hloc.kj .10.nu: Prompt Day and Night Service i:oiiirai-ior tiuiv otitaln a i-pi 4il caino rr)tn.ltPt;arilioo,-114jr aiul Cas-siar is apparently' it prospect of such Auxiliary and Iheir families Cash regiH'e-,, mhlurany finish Stand: Boston Grill, Third Avenue!I'Ijiih ne."'"anil wliirli.prrlllealliui.vlll Im Toi rn 11.1.i.1 u 1,t.M I l ilislripls. Thp spady doclino a plain neing esiannsiieii. ,s is guests of the "pupil and graduate 2no.no;"l:A'fe. : (Hall-Norris) iTlurn In aiMxt tinier. COMPANY in placer gold production durinpr well known, there i on the CoasJ nurses and Hie doctor,, ami their insjdo"ll.V.,: l-l inches, ir)0. HAULAGE AND TRANSFER an liaeh areepieil n,l dank iiiii.i rlienile he a'mi i'"i'iiii.1 iiiirtml 1 1 families. About 50 al liank or ranailn, maile twnil.i, r in, M Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Hip iial four yoai-s is attrihiitod in Hip aggreg'hl-et- an adequale couples . ,cnliis Toledo, $75.00; Ford Phone 189 oratile I lie Mlni.ler or i'lililn- W"rt , ti cliiofly lo such economic conditions supply, of magnetic iromoro quite together were in attendance. i delivery van, 2.tl.00; lype-wriler urn ennal to ten tier eent. ,, Furniture Removal tml. r. ta-hlrb alirll lie r.rrem ,1 r ii'Nl as Itili prices, holh for surficienlly free from impurities desk, $5.00; Watchman's Prompt. Service len.lerlnu (terllne lo t iili i i - oi I lahor ami supiilii's. A shortage' as lo be willnn llio Hossemeri NEW TELEPHONES ulock (llardinge) and Prince Hupert Transfer enniilete when rniieil H'iiihui ucilk m ilu lit rn i. .1 r ',,i lull Best Coal of labor Is also given as a con-tribuling limit' to supply ore for such a ft slitliins, !j."i.ri.00; Store coun. JIM STURGEON .........Tenders,,,,will not li- ei.n.iii. :.it -. ,r i.iiiii. .i,..ii.., a fttclor. plant.'- ARE AUTOMATIC IN tor, 21 feel, 10.00. Apply o I hy llh arlual slumlur., ,,r 1 1 . i. -er. I Lode Gold. llorio .A Small, 0. A., Post Of, WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS, aeetiieil.rne lowest or anv lenili i n.ii m aff at The value of the lode frold MISS FRASER FORMALLY MANITOBA SYSTEM fice Huilding. Phone 187. IV IIIIIM'. F.xpert watch, clock and fiibllr Wi.rii. I iiiioeer. produpcd in I '.12 1 was 2,H0 1.I.Vi. Oeparunent iif fiililn- W'n.i.-vletorla. GRADUATES AS TRAINED FOIl K.M.F. Choap--One American chronometer maker. It. i:. LowestPrices as comiiared with 2.I8I.3!2 in W I N NIP m. Apni : 2 - Inten llalihul hull. F.ilher Watch and Jewellery complelp llepalrs" n LAND ACT. l!)20. an increase of 322,7fi2, or sion of the NURSE FROM HOSPITAL automatic telephone or nol. Ono pleasure boat 25 specially. Nollca of Inlantlon to Apply to Lmm about Ihirlpi'n per . pent. The exchange to Dauphin is ,iejii(f In (.Mieen i:tinrlolle lilanA' l ni l'""1' district niado fool; fine for this harbor. Onn Mail orders promptly executed. Itei'ordlnir Dlatrlei or I'rtu-. imir;. W Order Now! Phone 58 Hotindary-Valo no planned hy Hie Manitoba ' .Te.le-phnno Open ga.s boat 1 8 feeet. Other GEO. GIBB Itiiate In front of llloik A in I i production,, the f.ranby Con'u Exercise's Were Held Last 'Night Commission, .JoluV :Jl. l anrara lulaml. boats and engines. Apply. Opp. Past OfHco (V. O. Mnx 7 1 Take nolh-e t:anarli.in fell ctM M pany bavins' closed' down: its In Metropole Hall Under Lowry, ,omiuissioner, safdi itr, ae riirniQiiy l.limteil or l'i ti iirU Suga. Hayview lintel. If Prince Ituperl. f C occupation tlli-i1ealer mi' "I I" initios and smelter I hero. Nor was Auspices of Ladles' l.owry accompanied by J-'rntik for tieriiiiHUiin iii ,-aii the t..i..mf any .production mado by ' the .Auxiliary. Powell, construction superintendent, FOfl SAI.F-Codar rowboal, 1 8 ORIENTAL GOODS aeriliert lamia rjoinnieiirln- al n i -' nlw one foot In a twiitlhwesterlv iii i Niitht Phones - J. Q; Steen, 37i ': Nickel Plato mine, which was ami iilhec con.'flruclion tl. long with wide beam, in III iiorthneKletlv ml of Iniiun lie" W. Longwill, Blue 270 ! closed down in the month of (iradualing exercises, in honor officials, have loft for Ifitnnfiin good condition. Price fi0, Japauo.io Kini'onas, Crockery, aoulhueelerlv iMo. 16, thenee illi-eelhdi III! feel 1.1 tnore lnu walrtu!t Day Phone 5 ' September. The Tlossjnnd mines of Mts's 'l-'. I'rasor of. Anyox, who lo make a survey of Hie 'situation. Also Kvinrnde, price $100. Hanihon Furniture, Ornaments, tlience 70U.nei wenlerlj al,ii . awl VI loo, failed lo reach the production is Hie sfngh'v IV-- i-'i'itduale from . Pullen. Daily News, if llaskels, Children's Iloinpers, nark,aler mark,tin urn thenee tpu feet 0 feet mo no e.i-l.-hlrli 1 1 ii i Ik 1 STEEN5L0NGWI.LL i for which they were re. the Prince-JUiperl (ieneral Hospital "The situation at Daliphiri is Toys, Klc. water mark lo polirt "f inoeHtT,.rMl I Sheet Metal Worka j sponsible prior lo 1917. but training, school, took place such Ihal llie cominlsjiinn . js F0U 8AI-"Nnrl'cthnng." H Is lowf.st pihci:s., Ifieiit i:AAin.r ami roiiialnlnir usit two A mi.:' n i -i n ,ltl bowed somewhat of ah iniprove- last evening1, in the '.Metropole faced with Hie uieoossily 6f increasing my- Intention lo Inks the case F. K. AKASE COMI'VUY (.Tl)., Airill'inl fS Agent for McCIary Furncaea I pienl over 1020. Hut Iho nutpul Hall 'linder Jllio auspices of Ihe Hie ma ii utt I exohungri.or into thii Admiralty Court and I P. O. Hot 01 Tel. fled R5 Oalrsl reliruarv HY liiinean IB, (t Kentn-itj. Sanitary and of the Cassiar ditricl, in which Ladies' A'ujfiary of Ihe hospital installing an automatic exchange need Iho money. Price $1500, Thlril Avenue rimcK TttiPKnT I.AXH nhrm Heatlna Engineer is silual-Pil the famous Premier' board.. Ml.s.svKraser was invested nml Hie lime seems ripe -for a lloonies 'K. Freeman. TIIICT OK COAST, HA.M1I. CYCLE REPAIRS. Take noilen Dial I. e M. M 11 ,11. 6tb Street arid Fraser Street mine, is largely responsible. No wilh her diploma, was proscnlod switch over," .Mr. Lowry said FOIl' 8A1.F. Fumed oak leather Terrace. M. r mvtir.alli,ii i ; Prinee Kupert . . . . U. C. less than 8r,K.r( ounces are with Ihe school pin ami lobk the today. "No estimate of the cos couch nrur chairs, buffet ami (.ycles of all makes repaired for InteiHl inn I.to rial apply ii ml for-aa a nml lii-eiw mini'i it 5 credited lo this section. The Nightingale pledge I hits formally can he made until after tin.1 In. phioa cabinet. 112 Fourth Ave. ami baby carriages ro-tlrci. follontna; tlenerilN-il Isiul- l uiiimrn iiifH' Kurf Inlet ml lie also iuado ma-lenal becoming H graduate trained sped ion I rip is completed, although niie West. )7 Cycle Accessories. pom went planleil iiirner nf one lot mile i4in.wet I a i r tin coulribulhiiis. nurse. vl''ollowiug Ihe ceremonies tentative plans are being Ollt fif own orders nroninllv lialna, llienie vie.t So .lull" -ar an ihaina, llieiire var,t mi iHiii -of Silver Production. those assembled lo wilness the prepared now." I - , A FIOW pieces of furniture for nl tended lo. roiiiinenei iiieiii, eonlnlnlni' ' ' For your next With reference lo silver production, proceedings turned lo dancing Oauphiii will be Iho third ex,-rhange sale .including Singer sewing J. GAWTHORN i.oraien Jentiory "'V ul,v:tTii1. it is slated Mint the and a most enjoyable evening altogether In be converted from machine. Phono Hlack 517 Fulton St reel. . II Shoe Repair Job grealest increase was made in wits spent in doing honor manual to automatic this year. 1.12. 118 liuivre TMP-T i,iii.t OK hi fJOAST.i rt MViF.riluTllll'T' tiro Skeonu district and is accounted to fhe popular young nurse. Conl racls have been let and work SHOE REPAIRS Take, iioilrn t tin 1 I. v M, n.if i'l I F-LITi: Cafe for sale, furnished Umbrella Terrace, C. t a! n. aurteynf. Repairs Tor by the new slilipers, The exercises slurlid about .) started converting the SI. on tor a nceime to mi Phono pioM'i-i ,' ,,.. try chief of which were Iho Premier o'clock when almost Hie entire John stud Fori llougo exchanges. nomplele. 17.1. If (.lollies cleaned and nressed. mni emiirai am mi uie imi. J. C. EMEATON iind Alice Arm mines. The most staff of; the hospital both of BOARD. SllilH called for and delivered ilialn lamN: aiuith l.'oiiiiiiini'liiit nf Hie al oiitliW"i a I"" 1 niaPkod decline was in Iho Sloeau graduates Phono.JUue 201 l ot I0J7. Ilietice north, u ' "3" Champion Shoe Repair 8hop nurses in training and Mr. ami Mrs. A. .1. Thompson eai an maun, inenii1 Kmad Ulock, Third Avenue diVlricI, wliere mining was ro-Inrdeil marched Into the hall as Arthur's of Vancouver arrived in the city HOA III) Inlander, 8:ii Second LEM JOHN nieice went Nil rnatit" i r. n hocaiise of Hie reduceil Avenue. Phono 137. 844 Third Avenue loeiiceiiieiK, anil roiimoiio Orchestra played the opening this morning aboard Ihe. Prince if or nm. r. . "Repairs while wait" market, valun tif .silver and its march. The hall had been filled (ieorge. nateil January r I'l i"'-' you AUCTION REr-AIR SHOP SALE. . . . .. I rnli'l associated metals. There which i.i. was with .seals were occupied a very considerable output, how. by the nurses ami the CENTRAL STORE BUSINESS FOR SALS. (.cnernl repairs, TIIK.T OK r.ilV.T AUCTION' SAI.F. of ladies' silk gas cnginris, Taka nollee Dial I, u. ' " r ever, in the Uotindary-Yalc disT guests. On I In; platform were TK.NM.I'.s will I rt-fVlvMl hy llie iindir-llriii'il stoves, locks, kevs. Kewlno' nm. Vletorla, 11. C, tiilner. Intern!.1' 'i'1' waists for the uirrltM "I Hi" liuslnr .knitted suits, camisoles,' llreuie to linintiect for coal. ''"': tricl, do-jdte Hie culling off of sealed I) .(I. .Stewart, president at rarrli-il fin PhlllCH, bicycles. n msnir rmirf rn prrfciilly jy sweaters, will lie held in grniiloiihones tin lurul gm on Ihe follow nif Iho of the llin Skcun tilrcr Oit-iinruilve Ansnrlatlon, our anil'r Ciiiimietir lull al a I " ' 1 production Cirnuliy Mrs. and of the board; electrical hospital l.linlti-il, at Toiruce, M. ('.. saleN room 82.1 'third Avenue, appliances, rluilim aoiilli nf 1 1 in aisilliW';' ' I"f I and Iho Canada Copper Ladies' 1 lie irii'i-rliaiKllw Inventory amount lo " Bell a Grossett Corporation, Pringle, presidonl of the ROKKJAR BROS. Lot 1317, thence otilli"" 2:30 lo 5 from r,xt)V.uo ami rnnliu nt l.uitifa' anil ocnin' p.m. 7:30 to 10 went HO rluilna, llienci) nonn I wlrteh formerly produced Auxiliary; .Miss Cliarloilo Hlack, I'lirnlslilnirs 7,(I j!i,77, (irorKrlf. Toliafro, p.m. on Thursday next. Oeorge 820 Third Avenun West llienre eal ail rhalna to I'""" ,f fifly cent o film silver ill-., l.5va.T. Harnre fl.tlia.tr., Iloota rlititalnliiK M" "' per of matron ,nud Or. W. T. Kergin. Phone lied 578 inenei'nieiil, ...,, Painters and Decorators ami fhiMv- ;gs.ao. tu vlil tok la Look. Auctioneer. 517 Ie. O. K. M"VI . Iho district. The silver' output Program and Dance. rrvh mill In PHTllcnt romlltlon. Tli' lore PAPERHANQINQ of this district last, year was I'ollowiug1 solo by.Mrs. II. C. llltliiys ami runilhlntri aiuount lo II.5C0,-vi. FOUND MUSIC. a Tim riMit nr Huit in am ier nmiitii, ITilNCI! ni!'F.HT l-ANO P''' KALSOMININQ chiefly from Ihe Providence, Horn I'paser, who was apcompitiiied by l.l Pelalli-U vnr'i turnover amounted lo fiA.iiAO. PIANO SCHOOL. TIIICT OK COAST. l lio-v,ir I'riPPn Silver, Sully and Jlell mines, Miss Kathleen' (irant, Mr." Stewart llinYnii'eii liivenliii'lea nf liolilK t can SMALL,lo lu-l'filfil f;.A... X.al FOUND - Wrist watch. Antdv Leschctlzfcy Met hod. Alt grade f Take Irrraee.notice.II. Unit iniirrieil I, uvf1 ' '.""",, i a Cassiar Predominant.- presented tlie nurses' diploma lo trill 8 I.imuI.,11 Kiilldinr,Riilldlnir,i-riurn Kupert,Vunroijver,II. C4 11. anil t: fishing boat "Km" CoW jjuy luken and pec(at attention to iiiinly fur a lleeimo lo pr"l .nai Work and quickly neatly , done. Undtir Hie heud of "Copper" is Miss I'luser and Mjss Hlack on from whom further rarlli-ular rati hit Mi-talneil OATS FOR to beginnors. Terms ilixrniH'ci lieiroieunt ami lamia:liiilin-ai Coinineii'RU in "ll,,i,r i cm apiillratlon. HIREr published a lablo that slrikinsly behalf of the hoard, presented the 'irera u til tin rerlvcd up to and In inodorato. planteU 15 flialn aoittli of"io"', rm corner rif I nl tn.17. t hence 318 Fifth Street Phone 477 itlustrales IU2I couditiiuis. Tbo school pin and coiiferred Jlip rlutllotr liit Mav,. nLciitoi'.168. noiiiE, c.... LAUNCII ,'Narlietliong"W sell CHAR, P. HAI.AONO. iii..i...jk -.., uit .iiaiii. jiteni iitfl", Cassiar district " Aiithotlied Tnin. Hand illock. oorner sixth id rlialin. thence Heal Hi !'"' , ,,.ni" produced 31,811,- solemn A'ightlngalo pledge,. )r. Bervlce, Phono Hlack noiiiineiiciiiieiit. eoiilalndilt ' I ltnie loo, - nu.rl. B. C. 1 Dili Ajull, IV. if - 4?--- Fulton. Phono Itliie 013 t( or leaa, I.AVF.MiKIl M", . ." iifUl, p, al, miri