When you want a the new TAXI QQ mdln mtim YOKOHAMA CAFE in a hurry Tl HOME BAKERY f The Doit of Everything, Phone J J PRINCE RUPERT Try our eervlcei Phone I Black 89 I y Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper ''nli'h''l YUl Mil. NO. 07. PHLNCE Ilt'lMJItT, H. 0, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1022. VttUfdtr'i Clreu-ttlon 1702. Strttl (! 4S . PRICE FIVE GENTS Colonel reck bpeaks to Jsjwanis dub FIRST BIG RACING CLASSIC OF YEAR IS WON BY ST. LOUIS ARMY FLIER SLAIN BY HIS HOST, AN OKLAHOMA FINANCIER. RUSSIA WILL RUPTURE IN Stirring Address Delivered by HAVE TO COME IRELAND IS Colonel Peck at Kiwanis Club TO TERMS LOOKED FOR Luncheon in Capital Yesterday YMJTOHIA, April 20. Urging1 Ihal Ihc national spirit of practical Ultimatum Will Bo Sent BELFAST, April 26. Canada should be culliviilcd" by .selling be.rure the. people Hie Out From Oenoa A beach has occurred between sample of valor on Ihc field of buttle as shown by Ihc Canadian Tomorrow. the Southern and soldiers at Ypres and during olhcr engagements of the laic Orcat Northern governm e nt s, War. Colonel C. V. Peck, V.C., D..S.O, gave a; stirring address to which Ulster political Hie Kiwaiiians it t tliuir luncheon here yesterday. SAY ! LONDON PAPERS quarters declare, may also The colonel staled Ihal Canadians were lacking in national CONFERENCE FAILING entail a rupture with the spirit, which could be best cultivated through military and other London agreement. This Is achievements and through discoveries and inventions. ! LONDON, April 20. An1 Allied Indicated In ft statement of The speaker told briefly Ihc slory of the Second Bailie of ; null' In I! llussian guvcrnmciil the Provisional Government Ypres and pointed to it as one of the great events at which Canadians : In In: presented al the (ienoa conference In Dublin this afternoon, could look back upon, with pride. tomorrow will practically announcing that It Is unable l.o on ultimatum demanding un- to co-operate with the Belfast riiuivorul replies oil principal covernment nl an Inquiry DIVISIONS !NEW BRIDGE AT of difference, says an 1.x-ihaiuc points, Into the state of the First Telegraph Hie j'.'inaiiil despatch.will bo made Irish railways. IN COMMONS! VICTORIA GOES llml war debts lie paid entirely or with such reduelionas arc made MASONS LEFT FOR necessary !" (lie (Imitation .of Nelll Amendment to E. and N. OVER ESTIMATE IliisiiaV -a pacify, to pay; second, ANYOX TO START Bill Was Defeated by j.nyiiu'lit or pre-war "debts 'with 95 to 91. Hie granting. If necessary, of a LODGE THAT PLACE Ctly Council to Submit Bylaw Au rraoonalili) mnralorium; Ihird.iti-uVmnily thorizing Expenditure of Additional for all damage caii.eil to Tin! (1. T. P. winr, was. I he MILITIA ESTIMATES VOTE $110,000. ! foirigners; fourth, restitution of scene or much gaicly Ibis Gflftty all confiscated property. noon al 2 o'clock -Avneji -.xl,,Vt Quebec Liberals and Cabinet Dis VICTOUIA, April 20. A bylaw Failure Feared. coastal liner Prince Oeorgc- puWcj.1 and the Question Is asking authority for the city lo The probable early breakdown out Tor Ahyox.-Tlie cause i.f the agree borrow an additional 1M 10,000.for of. the Hernia, eoijfriieej iimro demonstration, was I lie fact thai At the left. l.lint-Col. Paul W. Keck, apprcd in tlrciM uiiiluriii lusl aiTr..t -war, Al-helsht." , , , ,Shelved. llii'-.euiiiplcliim u .llt .Johnson I Uihii hinted jit in -some London; aboard the shlpVns n jolly Jiafly ,011., Peek HiinMd at the whpcl of h- plane nt Post Klcld. npiir Oklnhomn City where lie wem to1 nls Street bridcre will be sub iicvvi'paper editorial." today. The or some thirty Masons who .suited tnSIc death In the home of Ula friend, Judge Jean P. Hay, who ays he fonshl to protect the lionor ol n! OTTA WA, April 2(3 The House mitted lo Ihe ratepayer shortly. wife. Nurilicllffn journals, which con-l for the smelter I own by speend of, Commons in committee has The contract ror the buildinc MMrully opposed Hie conference schedule and arrange nt lo . passed, Hi Vofe of .fl?!.)" for of the railway snperslructuro of ami Lloyd lieoiTe's. advocacy. instil ule a Masouic'Lodgc'Ibnighl. : UNION PACIFIC OFFICERS IN salaries' :!nd coriMjlKeiioics fur the the bridge was let last Week by the i thereof .declare Hie meeting aj Itclurnlng, the p'aVly will leave QUEENSEERRY'S ... RAILWAY MAN IS ' anadian National ,llaiway.- and city council (o Iho Canadian failure The Daily Mail says Dial1 Anynx al '' H' 'oVlmik tomorrow ' HORSE WINSiCLASSIC ii l l'ii.iuiii iodine acme imiijia Hride Co. or Walkerville, Out., at ; the only impurlaiil event of Hurl morning ami will arrive at 2 in VISITING THIS CITY, Wheii Ihe bill calling for Hie a: '.te'mler or .11213,500, which conference, was Hie piguiug of a the aflernoon. NFWjf.MlKKT, Apr. WJ extension of lime for Ihe rumple broiiKhl llie cost of the bridge to I'Tiity by the llusslaiis and (icr- The 'parly consisted of C. 11. - The Two Thousand lion oT Hie i;sipiimal(-?auaimo a considerably higher Hure than inans behind Lloyd (leorgs's back. Orme, J. II. MeMulliii, . A. Woodland, (iuinea Slakes, -Hie tlrsl Tlllie I. nloit Pacific meral Itailway asi'tit system of ARE MOBBED llailway Progressive came member up, A.Tor W.(ajiiiov-Neill, was origjiially eslimated and Denies Secrecy. Y. Y. Dowllng, Joe Orecr, classic race or the season, l arrived Mils uiiirnin? from V.in-rouver amendment nifiile It necessary to raise the Allicrni, introduced an A desputeh lo the Time from Stan Parker, Walter dale, (coigc was won here 'today by li tat.iV addditii nal -money. lieiiua says that Chancellor Wirth (libb, II. llirch, W. E. Collisou, M. Lord Ouei'iishcrry's St. lo his system joalte'rs peV-laiuiu Hie IlllOCKVILLE, Out., April 2(5. -A demanding that the bill n .wilh buck the committee for of licrinaiiy in addressing (iermaii John crowd of citizens from Cornwall to railway M. Stephens, J. C. McLennan, Louis, ridden by Jockey local railway offices, lie .slal-il the insertion of a clause compell-inir" denial mobbed Hie revenue olllrers here SHIPBUILDING iicv.iiaier reiterated the men Mcllae, I'.. V.. Slarr, II. T. Willelt. Archibald. Ihal in Hie south business was the completion of the line lat nitfhl, driving Hie olllcers into that the Ilusso.Orrmau Howard White. W. Murray. II. A. Solly Joi'l's I'ondolalid improving satisfactorily,; li-eatv coiitaineil any secret political Pliilpoll, W. Iteilh, C. I". Kemp, was sisMinil ami Captain that very Iravelliim' the upper regions uT a house, within three years. The members more people arc divided 0.r auainsl the amenduienl which "hey threatened to .bum. STRIKE OVER clause. (forge Frlzzell, Fred Hale, E. II. Cullle third. Tweiily-twii week and Ihal he every considers division, They ulso. assisled the escape of ami Ol for, making Hie plosest Corporal horses The betliiiR Morlimer. (i. Kckerman, raji. on lal sliaiiishii) and railway the House lias seen ill Itriec, John DybluiMi, Frank the winner was- six to one all jirresled"owner oT liipior. The T. lines will have a laru number JAPAN GETS Morris, C. C Perry, F.. Fnwiu, C. auainsl. on Poudolaml or tourists to handle Ibis season. revenue olllcers were linally at-brwed j curst. Many on Ihe of ffovermuent the members,side,especially Workers and Employers In. Eng C. Mills, S. Smllh, II, Itobertson lifly lo one, and oii (Uidaiu The water trip Uji the pacific to tro uuscathcil. were imt in Ihe House when the land Have Roach ed Agree-ment.Delay BAD SHAKING ami Dr. J. A. West. Cullle four lo one. Coast Mr. Ellioltl. said' was a '" vote was taken. The Progressives In Wage ' . ureal inducement to Ihc travelling CANADIANS voted solidly .with Neill, Reduction, CHARGED ATTEMPTED public. The climate of this When Ihcmaltcr of a vote for part of Hie coast hp considrrd LONDON, April 20. Doth SM.lOO.ono for annual militia carllnuake TOKIO, April 20. here A heavy this MURDER, ITALIAN IS morFunemployed was as flue from I tourist puinl TO EUROPE cauiu up, Major Power,ex,-pendilurn sides lias i agreed lo terms of centering or view asHhal of aiiy oilier part. a jjuvernment supporter, voted to selllemc.nl-tin lha shipyard workers' iiini'iiliu did considerable damage to HERE FOR ASSIZES '.Ml. The fact thai one c.duld sleep at reduce Ihe item to 300,000. Tills strike. The Tiieu will accept roulenls LONDON, buildings and thi'ir April -Llnemploy- night in (he middle of summer Canadians Must Cross Atlantic caused a bitter debate between the an immediate reduction of hi (he cily. The carlhipiake was uicut llurcs in (ileal. Urilain Willi a couple oT'blanket as bucked ten shillings weekly und the re-niuiniiir for the First Davis Onebec Liberals, who IHeccili'il liv :in riinliiin vestcr- Miisiauo i;arnicllo, an llaliau apain sliow an Increase. The lljr- ii ciicrins and sleep in comrorl. six .shillings out, which day of Mount Ahuiii Yuma, a few workman of llii) Canadian Nuliouat urcs al Uie mil ijr last week were ...... ,, i,. . i i Cup Games. Power, and the cabinet ministers, Willie III lltll'T VII" llli' IIVUI u.- Iho cntplnycr.s buve ordered, will mile arrived in lie week In who. uraed (hat the vole was an distant, which broke out Haiway al Scaton, 12.00(1 srealer lhan the YOIIK," uiibearable was a big-, faelor in .NEW April 2. -The item. The be a split into two installments with u loud report pouring forth cily last nitfhl in culody of I'l". rore. our favor and said Mr. Elliott Canadian Icnni learn which will absolutely(uestion necessary shelved with taking effect In May or June. Milium1 John of, was Dually and Kelly of utiles, stones vincial Constable "People are talking about it." emleaMir to win Hie Davis Cup for Hie vole deterred. smoke. Yokahaina was severely Smilhers and was delictcd lo the WIREESS REPORT Mr. Elliott noticed, that every the Dominion will have lo o to Minked" and Hid Chinese, iuarler to await trial on a PREMIER NORRIS locnl cily jail lime he came up here some im-proveilicnt, Europe lo play the opi'Dimr round. virtually destroyed, -The water charge of attempted murder of ii ur other had been This ileei.'dnu was made by the SWAMP SINKS AND al '. S a.m. IS ENDORSED BY works The Cumme, ure also disrupted. Musiuno i-oiinlrvman. made and he thought that the Davis Cup committee of the rurthiiuukc caused Hie deaths Hie Supreme Court assi.es, which DKIIIV ISLAND OmmciisI. prosperity of Prince llupert's United Stales Lawn Tennis Asso. PUTS INDIAN RAILROAD MANITOBA GRITS of a few persons, all-natives. here tomorrow, Mr. Justice calm; baromeler, ,20.SO; lempura. open future was assured. -Mil Elliott clalion al a private meeting held lure, 30; tea. smooth. OUT OF BUSINESS Morrison or Vaiicouxcr presidiny. w'iil return to Vancouver tomorrow here recently, the details ot which DEATH LIST REVISED. L. S. McCIII or SmitherH, counsel DEAD THEE I'OINT llalniiifr nistht oit lha I'rincu have just been disclosed, WINNIPEG, April G,- Premier for the defence, and Dr. C. H. calm; baromeler,. 20.7 4; Irmpcr-alure, T. C, Norris was unuiiimpusly endorsed Oeoiife. 2(1. The whole LONDON, April IOItT WORTH, Texas, April Ilunkinson aul Cammc, the crown 10; sea sinoolh; 7:30 a.m., as leader of the Liberal OPERATE ON LENINE. oh" province of Kenya has been cut passed" in 1'riucu Albert, southbound. in Manitoba at the provincial "0, party Forty-six persons ure dead witness, also arrived in reauineas Cuptuin D. Donald, skipiier of from Nairobi, the capital of or missing- as a consequence ror the hcariiiK or tnc case i a 1he Prince ltupeil, arrived in the ItEOA, April 2(5.- Premier I.e. Kenya province, by a remarkable convention here yesterday. wind HULL HAIlllOU- Cbnidy, or Hi,. Trinity -River flood hrco true Hill Is brousht In by the cily on Hie Prince' Ocoive this nine, has been operated upon subsidence, or ii papyrus swamp baromeler 20.-0; southwest according to a revised list of the Krand Jury tomorrow. Carmellu lemperatiire Hjr.hl. 11; liiflit svell; morning and will stand by pending and a bullet which has been in on the Tliika railway. The swamp DISASTROUS FIRE casualties. had preliminary trial some time 0:30 spoke steamer Prince completion Of repairs to Iho his (sdo tor thiye years has been is sevcrul miles Iiuik and hair a u go before Stipendiary Magistrate p.m., ithank Sound, north steamer which is at present on exlriicled. Lenino i sreported lo mile wide. The sinking, It Is believed, IN MALAGA SPAIN (iroi'tfc (M n LACROSSE IN ENGLAND. S. II. llosklns of Sinilhers and was bound; I2tl0 a. m .spoke steamer Hie Dry Dock. be doilifc' well. is duo .Li the recent earthquake. comiiiitlcd for Irial. MALAOA, Spuln, April 20. It CAMIIIllDGF,. iO. The Camosuit in Milbauk Sound, April .southbound. U known that 20 persons have Oirord-Camhridjfd lacrosso team WINS AGAIN Noon, los! their lives ami 30 have been LEWIS dcfeuled NIGHT'S DISORDERS llurvard 5 to 2. DKIIIV ISLAND Clear, calm: injured in a fire whfcli swept OYER BIG RUSSIAN baromeler 20.KO; (emperaturn 10; To Men! IN EMERALD ISLE the (iovcrniucnl buildings last Unemployed sea suioqlh; Prince (icorge jiass-cd nighl. It is believed that more bodies wUI bo recovered from 10. I'M III III northbound, KWIOOL NOTKiF. KANSAS :iTY, April a. in. 20, Five meii lliu ruins. i.nuin. Ilin lieuvV- DEAD THEE l.'OIN T-vOvrrcasl. DLIILIN, April - i. Tim (liunby Co. wishes lo announce, Ihal there is already u held up aird shot a youth near Mls llothweU's class ilinif clininiiion, suc crtln, buroinelcr, 2.0.75; Icmpera. will,hool report tomorrow at lha juorniutr llootli cessfully yesterday defended against li' Stanislaus'll I'ero lure llllLI,15; ilAllllOlt sea smooth.Cloudy, calm, SURPLUS OF LABOR IN ANYOX Ihe llaliuasliie lorry which last uhrht he was und driving.burned resident(ieo. A.mining Clothier,engineer,Provincial left for ul 0 g'clock. Zjbszko. Hie roriuer ci.iiui'i.', liaronieler'iiO.Oaj tempera I ure, 52 and therefore, advise, you to stiv your money und not to Ilepublie army irregulars occupied Victoria yesterduy. afternoon on CharJeville Castle, Kind's Ihe I'rincess Mary. t'Cilury, School Hoard. wlunlntf two fulls out of three. light Caiuo'suu swejl; 0a.m.,due Shusharlle spoko. stcaiu-ur Hay waste it on bout fares to Anyox. County,-during the absence of the 3 southbouud. owner, Lady Emily Uury. 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