Wednesday, Aprtf . FAGR MIX THE DAILY NEWS MEMORIAL OF ANYOX DANCE NE OF THE OH EAT- NEEDS OF OUH CITY is a more O abundant supply of money available fop building loans. WESTHOLME THEATRE WJial more public spirited use can you Unci for jour sav YPRES DAY AT YPRES DAY Tonight and Tomorrow ings Ihan assisting some young married couplc'lo acquire the home lliey so greatly need? Is your money "not more usefully ANYOX SUNDAY Service Men's Association Put on Lewis S. Stone employed, bolh (o you and the borrower, when invcsled in gill-edged SIM 1 Affair In Memory of War mortgages at 8 per eciii. than in the savings bank at 0 per Days. in Jam:s Oliver Curwood's Canadian Story, 'cent.? And we will make sure of (he security for you. All Churches Joined In Impress ive Service at Recreation ANYOX, April. 20. Ypres Day. H. G. HELGERSON, LIMITED Hall. Shoe Polishes the sex'enlii anniversary of the "The Golden Snare" famous bailie in wli it'll Ihe Can ANYU.V L't'.. April On, Sun adians so nobly distinguished day xeniliir al Ihe Urerealluii Hall a United Service was held themselves xvns fittingly cele-hrateed Mermaid Comedy, "Bang!" Admission, 15c and 35c al Anyox by a most en under Ihe atipicc of Ihe Human IBENGOUGH IN joyable dance on Friday exenin Catliolie, Anvlican and Inioii al the llecrealioit Hall. II o' Saturday Matinee-Dancing. Mrs, Crewe's Class, and Hartt TIMBER SALC X3964. (otiiiiieiiioralfon Cbuirbes .-nnl Salviilion of Ynre Army Dav in GREAT FORM arrangements Service .Men s in Asseialioii baud and some hail Wallace Keid Picture. AdmiiMtn, 25c and 50c. Siatiil li-nilers will be received by tin-Minister April 22. The hall xva xvell fill. 20(1 themselves enjoyed people of l.amj.s at Hilnrla nul lalr man iHH.n un hip 1111 iiny i.r May, tva, ed and Ihe congrcgatii'ii joined to Ihe strains of the Anyox Or ror the purchase tit l.lrriirr Mttl, to rut heaNily in Ihe hymtix. The Can- 3 1.CUV reel of spruce. Hemlock. &o.uou Famous Cartoonist Deliahted chestra. As a reminder of Ihe meat reci nr mnr nira ami itn.nun lineal idiau National Anthem, "O Can Juveniles nd Qrown soldiers Ups cure-free happy.lragie Shoes r-t of i.etlar rule, wi an area sliuatnl iii-ar u, t. l Hallway, ula win first miii- and a Ihe Last Night.. i lays "oxer there'" an Kslauiinet Canadian National tjiniir i'Mrlrt. 'oiiiliined iniisie of the voices Railways Two ' years will ! allow ril fur llelgiiine" was arranged on Ihe removal it limner. of Ihe eongregalion iiiiugliii Nursery rhymes came to lifesage at which refreshmvnl further Particular nf the chirr rorelrr. Once worn, will so fully win Victoria, rt. i:., or IH.Irlri tun-Mer, rrlncr willi the harmonics uf I In; All) ox in caricature last night xvhen llypical of the great days, xver lo your coiilidence dial you will Onrheslra swelled tbruiivh the J. W. HcnKoutrh. eai loonisl. en. Ihe olilaineil. ' A general fetdin TENDERS WANTED idences of Ihis. niosl gbirintis lerlained 'the of iuJi-i ie Prince Rupert accept, the next pair without slinleiils of the eomi xx'as exlneed Iy of all nulionll airs one's mind High school and the younger all. The danriiiif xvns kept up furl Iter Introduction or recommendation, Sealed IfMttlrr an Invite,! lii- Hm. xmiiiii MiMinnary Sim lolj. .xieihilil travelled in loxing memory to scholars al the Kmpress Theatre, until (he small hours of the ii.s old friends :hiirrh, Toronto, fur the rniriirtin. at o (ho.-c acr'd spots in 1'lanlers I'lirt Siiiiiii. of a liullilinr to lie known I lie Hi ca I IV was crowded xvitli morning lo the music or well- whose dependability and in the i.rn.-h.v Olrl-c llmnr. Clans jihI l-'ield and One's 'heart was imi- children, their parents, relalixes known xx-ar-llnie airs. Shipyards fin-inraiiiiiw ran in- ln-iirliil anil tcnilcr worth are fully priivcn. mii.iiiiitivi up ii i p.m. April ;ui. al IhtiM'd xvith a nexx-endeavors for mid friends, xvbo enjoyed lo the Those Present. the nrrire uf :. ivrry. Iwllaii A mil. tiigher lliiiiv. limit the splendid entertainment Among those present xve re 'Mr. rrinre nuiwri. .Mim siyi aim ira-ou al I'url Simpson will also have plans aim Alier a xery impressive prayer provided." . iml Mrs. Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. Operating Q T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Iilnnitilnir.'IK't'iriralliiui anil fur electric riainlnaltnn.wlrln rcticrtlvcly,Ilcallnr. hy J. II. Oifeon, Knsietn Header I lie cartoons opened xvith Dobbin, .Mr. and Mrs. Pauip'ii. Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern ran Iw iriiUcri'il for separately If desired. ead n passiige from Ihe Serjp elialk sTiclches on Hie blaekhoard Mr. and Mrs. McKiiighl. Mr. !rn- makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ine lowest or any lender urn iiwesarlly KIRKPATRICK irirptdl. ; lores, Isaiah, cb. r5, after which depicting Ihe Mother ioose liam, .Mr. and .Mrs. II .Armour, I'rlnrr rtutxTl. B. r... irll I silt, iva, ihe hymn "Stand -l'p for Jesus" Electric and Acetylene Welding. Utll.MMl i:OMMITTr:K. rhymes, ,tbe children pixing the Pal Hyau. Oeyv Cooper, Mr. and The Store of Satisfaction Per c, r. perry. xvas suny. (lev. .(. llertlnian j.'ave arlisl great verbal assistance in Mrs. I.eoski, .1. ,:F.. Oill. Jj .1. NOTICE. in eluguenl address .on the guessing what the drawings represented Sherman ..Mr. "and Mrs. Watrr Our plant is equipped In handle all kind's of IX THE MXTTKll uf an application Tnr Follies of Neutrality" whleh lli l?ur uf a fi(-li rrrtilicale or title to . before ""their comple man; Alex Huberts Mr., Mrs. mul ttniieri.mii in, iinok- n. section s, city or Prince hich xvas, followed, by a trio tion. They xvei'e all wonderful Miss McCoM. Mr. Mclnlyre, Mc MARINE AND 911. .oTICK Map Is hereby ilven that It Is my imposed of .Mr. and Mrs. K. ketches , and drexv .forth much'oilune, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. We cordially invite utid Intention In Issue arier the cuilratlon or .Moriiinu- and P. ('iiuiIimi who you one nioiilli friMii the tlr.t niihllrallnn ipplausc. Wing, .1, IHaney; I). Moore, Mr COMMERCIAL WORK vour fripmls to our herenr. a rn-uli cerllllrale tt tille to the endered "Ava Maria." The hymn Mr. ilengough I hen .spoke on and .Mrs. Pal Jlarr, Miss Stewart, ahove iiiriillnneil property In the name or 1. Xrlhiir llnailley, whirh rirtlllrate or Mock of Ages , xvas vfolloxved Ihe itiiestion of nari'iits encour- Miss Ilarr, Mr. and Mr. (i. Les PHONES 43 AND 385 numberrd lltle I ilaled 7311-1.the 3rd Marrh. mis. mul l ith an address, by Kusign.Mead- aging"'tjigjr boys.-and girls who lie. Mrs. Leslie, Sr., (i. Loxvry. Spring II. F. MarLton. xvbo look-for -tier thenie liked ' drawing, .and proceeded lo .Mr. and Mrs! W. F. Fxe, Mrs. rtcplstrar or Titles. Lami tsea-iMrv (imre. Peace," Kipling's Hecessional draw; sKelchesor interest to tlie (alloxvay. M. Craiiley. Miss Sxvan- I'rlner liupcrl. II. C.. a ipiarlelte; xvsa then render- children. Miss Dr. and Mrs. lt tlav of Marrh. IBS?. bigger Mult and Jeff on, Leileh, Opening I by Mrs. S. llerrin, .Miss Leileh and .Mggs''appeared. The artist Whelan. Fred Drown. .1. Smith. j riu.vcE TillCT ni PEnT OF COAST, IIA.NOE kistiiict 5. dis- and .1. Herdman and J. Piudef- said. Ihul these were the most H. .1. Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dr. E. S. TAIT ! Take notice Hint I. p. M. Monckton. or Moss. .1. H. tlibson's address copied by lite young .and had a Morion, W. Vetmore. W. Adams, Sale i Terraee. n. C. (H-rupallon laml surveyor. hich was. on Hip stihjert of greater influence on the iiiinds of the Misses O'Neill, Mr. Pc.lvln. ! Intend to apply for a llreiliitt to iror roal, natural ifns- and petroleum prospect on the Sacrifice" was very earnestly children (ban any professors, Mr., Mrs., and Miss Champion, J. imilowtiiir def cHJh'cI lands: Coinninnriiiir al listened to by. Ih.c iin2regalJou. teachers universities. It.. I ..II.... M! II I Dental Surgeon or l.i-IHV, .ni.'-i ll. i.iriu. .a imisI planted one mile ed or the northwest g'illil, In bur new premises in the comer or Lot 1488. thence north 80 I'he soio "Mi'iiuiem" by Hobert Arithmetic xvu taken up in the Mrs. D;ixis, Mr. Hagxvill. Mrs. Frizzed Block.' chains, thence east 80 chains, thciu'c south Louis SlevensonV'Siihiey Homer" 8 cnains. tnenee west 80 chains to point arlisli's method o fleachiug any Mice, Mr. Dunn; Mr. Doxv, .Mr. We 'have arranged for your or riiiiimrncemenl. containing 010 acres. xvas rendered by J. I'inder-Moss a fexv coiiuiKin figures were Jones,. Mr. Conajil, F. and M. convenient viewing the -l-oegifd -January S3.. P tOSS.M. MOXrKTOV- folloxved by an "orcbeslral selection. ehanged, xvilh a stroke of the .Mbrroxx-, J. Osboni.i.jMir.' ' Cotiper, Helr piock, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 685 cream of the new Spring The hymn; "For All the pitiNCE nt'i-cnT la:o tiHTrucT Dis chalk, into an old genlleman in H. McMillan. fMr. Saylesj. It. f' Modes developed In the most I TIUCT OK CO A STL IIAXtfE'. t Saints," xvas hearlily sung, as a tall hat'. . Astronomy, fruit, Strand, II. Downes, -S. Dciker. VJ.' Stic! favored of the Season's ! Take notice that 1. Kathleen Mdiir'lttoii. was also the National Aulhem. spelling, grammar and poetry Sanderson, M, Davis, II. .Davis,, J. Fabrics. 1 Victoria, II. C, married woman. Intend t" Ue,v. Father Fb'ck pronounced .apply tor a license to prospect Tor coal, all took the same form. Wilson, Mi-. Oray, Mr. Mattijrl Mr, petroleum and natural itns on the follow Ihe benedielioii. second Half. and Mrs. Ilolberg, bcr Misv lur uerterlticd lands: f:ommenetnir at a pui BENT'S I Planted IS' rhalus s.uth or the fiouthwet IN PROBATE." dn tin4 .Second .half of the- en Mashleigb, Mr, and Mrs. Hatd-1 'corner or Lot IU3", thence iiorth 80 chains. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF. BRITISH (Crtaiumcnt Mr. llengnugh drexv will, Mrs. and Miss lllay fth , theme west 80 chains, thence son III gu COLUMBIA. Frlziell Block, Third Avenue chains, thrnce cast 80 Mialns to point of 1.1 thf mailer or 'I IIK AliXIIMSTIIXTIO.V some brillianl cartoons in colors, Clark. Mrs. Wiuradiv llany tfomiiiciiceiiirut, and ronlalnlnr fWO acres ACT and In Ihe mailer or the KHale of more or loss. kATIIl.EEV M'fVC.kTO.N. WILLIAM X. .xicliO.VALP, licccased. the first depicting Lloyd (icorge Thorley, Mrs. and Miss llrtxtcr. ft 1 I. .Mj Mohckton. Afrcnl. iniesiate. if... in..... . l..i. r1!..... aslride a crazy looking world. ine .iii.- viiit. i' . 1 t,,tJif TAKK .NfrriCK that In order or Ills ir.lnor v. Mi-It. Xoiintr. made ihe sum day xvith his hamls on a auto steering man, Miss aft .Sirs'. MiVffalf. Mr. AND i.f April, IV J'.'. I was appointed Adinliiu- TRUL"-TROD . Mr. ond .Mrs. xvheel entitled and Slrs.-SaxYrey.. irntor lo me Kslnle or XVII.I.1XM X. Mr-imv.XI.I). "Sleering a i rataa deceased,' ami all parties Iwirlnr Mad' World." Tho likenes-s of lll't-iilxeii) Air. and .Miss .Void, clalms airahist the said exlate an: heceby reoulrcd lo fiirnMI) same, properly verified, the lillle W'elshiua.ii xvas true, to Mi-, iind' Miss (ioidon, .Mr. and in ine on or iwrore tne vim nay of siay. Kirs. FOOT TRAIN muelt Morning, Sirs. C. .Mclnlyre, Specials for Month-end I -'. and all pnrlles Indehled to Ihe eainle life, and Ibis slumber was Indi'htediiess rc refiulred lo lo me Jiy fortliwllh.Ihe amount or Uielr, ipplatided. 'The arlist gavttVomc- Mr.- and .Mrs. Fox ley, Miss Fid, JOIIX II. McXiri.l.l.N. very clever turns uj liilnncry and Mr. and Mrs. Corbelt, Sir. and onirlal Ailnilnl-lrnl.jr. eloeulion real Mrs. I'.vaiis, Mrs, A. Uerry, Mrs. proxjiig'liiiuselr Imled ihi, ;, day of April, tflitg. a. " Combination Special Willi every four lbs. of No. I Japan Xpert. W. Siniisou .Mrs. Itiidlnnd and : 'SlOeSorrte LAND ACT. Mice at 35c we jvill sell 1 only jiaekue of. Seeded Ituisin Nollct of InUntlon to Apply to Let Land. .Mr. Ilengough made tr'ciirloon -Mrs and Aliss (irceu. for 15c In ITlnce Ituperl iJind lilstrlrt, lieeord-Ilia- of Aid. C. C. Perry, adorned in lilsli'lrl of Coil.l luniffl r. and slliule Root Vegetable Special Combination Four lbs. of best quality In vicinity of fort Ksslmiton. It. :. xvings xvilh a lillle papoose in his The question for Ihe advertiser lake uollee th.-it we. Julius Johnson and Turnips and four lbs. of Carrots for ,25c Waller Menu, of pn r..iinrl..o. II. arms, saving this represented the lo cmi sider is bow many people Y-tH Canned Fruit Combination--! only lin Apricots, Is; i only tin H'cupalloii llshermen. Intend pi miply ror Indian Angel and md Ihe Indian read the paper. You can'l nh. 1 nermlFslon to Iciim Ihe rullouliiK dcm-rllied Sliced Peaches, Is; 1 only tin Grabapplcs, 2Vis; t only tin lands' Commeni-ltiir hi a h,i ianed al Ageul. There was also a carloon gel results without circulation. Prune. - Vis. Special, four tins for. $1.00 liKlrlel,soiilheast llienee coiner lu.i of Ilirs'l Lot i't.t Ilanirn chains to Doasl low of Aid. Montgomery, depicted in necMiy waler mack, tliem e son Hi & chains aloni; Ihe usual Mackinaw coat stand low water mark, thence west :i chains to hllh water mark, thence 0 chains alouv ing up in the council chamber in A good point to remember Valencia Shelled Almoiuls, Del Molile Pork and Ileans, hlah water murk In jhiIiiI or coimiieueeuieu' cnd entitled fighting speech atlilude, tier Hi ,60c small . . . .3 for 25c and cunt alnlllK 3i ai res, more or less. Jll.lli Ji'll .i r.t Monly leaching law lo the City lll'oken Shelled Wallillls, per Delieia Idainl Polled Meats WAl.TKIl MKMI, Solicitor." These Ixvo carloous lb. ,60c 3 for 25c Applicant. Ramsay's listed Fehruary . 1 082. were absolutely true to life, Cleaned Currants in bulk, lielicia Sandwich Spread, and xve re Ihoroughly appreciated per Hi. 20c per liu ............. ,20c by the applause given them. No. t Si'nall While Ileans Next- Stock Canned Shrimps, SALE At tin' conclusion of the enter. 3 lbs. for 25c per (in , .-25c Special lailiment Hot sketches drawn on Sao ami Tapioca Dominion llrand Veetublo PAINT Monday uiglil and last night, were 3 lbs. for 25c Soups 3 tins for 25c auctioned oTf. Miss Laura Tile Lemon, ''Orani-'e and Citron l.owney's 4 llreakfasl Cocoa, played selections on the piano Peel, mixed, per lb. . . ,40c perlb., 45o;3lbs for 51.25 Hosiery and Princiual J. C .Hrady xvas in IS pure and will stand the (Ihristie's Arrowroots, per Toilet Paper Moll 5 for 25c I charge of the stae sellings packuKii 20c 11 for 50c test of time. (generally superintending the as. Niagara FalU Pure Straw. Iliiioms, i-s triiif.'. each 75c all this week seinbly. berry jam, i-lb. puils this Lemons, per dozen .... ,35c 10 per cent. Discount Common tense coupled with week only 75c Oranges, per do 40c and 50c For sale at good design makes this (hoe a Drawing Winner, Miss NEED NOT PAY FOR hygienic necessity forifrowinf (eel. while Ihe H)le is a delight FANCY .BISCUITS All lines of sweet biscuits which are regular W. Dyer, No. 7. CLOTHES FOR WIVES SILVERSIDES tu'childreo. 50c sellers will go on sale this week at 40c lb.. All our blst'uiU tu-ij kept in' airtight tins -atid xve puut-antce the "DEMERS" UNLESS REASONABLE BROS. quality. Ifere are a fexv of the lines on sale: .McCorinick's Second Street Ilkdi Uuvller, Creuni Tea, Primrose, Apple IHosnotfis, Smyrna, LONDON. April 22.--The leading Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 Phone 22 P. O. Box 120 ('foeoi(nut Malloxv, llille Nuts, Lemon ('reams; Telfer's Colonial modistes of Hond Street, Suiidxvicb, Pals, Thin Arrowroot, Afternoon Tea, where the socjcly women Of 'Loudon Digestive, Creain Sandxxicli. buy their dresses, are umaxed MEAT DEPARTMENT USE and tilled xvilh dismay by the decision From the Farm We have been handling Shoes for IM'Iceii! yenrs and nof Jin V your Fresh Meals Kraut made. Speejal this uf Justice Me Can lie, a to the Table in our history have we seen such an iiltiuclive shoe U"' and Fih here and (,'el one of week only, 1 lb, of Weiners Shamrock md.bachelor,"trust"that married the tradesman woman may for above Hroxxn Oxford Classic ror children. W" slocked tin1"' theiie Smra r Cured Picnic and t lb. of Kraut for. . .40c a Hams al her gowns. The bachelor Justice once' this spring. prices ranging from Mound Steak, lb , ,25o BulkleyValley decided in the famous suit against THEY SOLD LIKE HOT CAKES! 05c to i. Here Is a dish Mump Itoafil,,. Tier lb. .. ,18c worthy of a king, Weiners T-Hoiie Sleak, .per lb. ., .35c BACON the Fail of Calhcart that the BEEF lit a fexv days we were cleaned out iuut we had lo xxire H"' and Satier Kraut. We have Mib Moast Jieef. lb 20o t HAM Countess of Calhcart xvas c.vlrax'-nganl PORK factory for a repeat order. We have a full line ut presri'l' noxv in stock the- llnest Sauer Honed and Moiled, II 30o in ordering eight gowns MUTTON 5-7 $3.25 S4.25 BUTTER which she charged to her husband VEAL i. a. Arriving Wednesday Boat -Head Lettuce, Fresh Tomatoes, of Hint time Tliey have since been FRESH KILLED H-lU, $3.50 .o, $4.50 Cautilloxver, (ireen Onions, Parsley. Hadishcs, Cucumbers, EGGS divorced. He dismissed a dress, 8keena River Farm POULTRY Produce Wu have also the same, style in black leather, In till & Celery, Mhubarb, Spinach, Nuxv Cabbage, Sweel t?puls, LARD maker's suit against the earl, saying cheaper than the bruxvii. J'Jorida Oiapo Fruit, clo, a f. the dressmaker should have VANDERHOOF CREAMERY asked th earl whether it xxas all BUTTER Tho Standard. right lo give Jho countess thai NORTHERN INTERIOR Rupert Table Supply Co. P.BURNS Empire' LTD. much,credit, CO-OPERATIVE JABOUR BROS., LTD Phones 211 and 212 CO., 7?r : Persistent advertising is absolutely Phone 81 Phone 645 Corner Third and Seventh nec.essyry -to success. '