Tne'dny, May 23, loj? FAOI? two THE DAtLT tt n nRY t(CK TFTS Nft , VIM WVAK UUII V The Daily News mu-mi REFUND ON POWER piiincr rupejit - nnrnsii Columbia Published Kvery Afternoon, exrcpl Sunday, .the Prince MPja LIFE ACCOUNT ASKED FOR PLAY ER S Hujtfrl .1 tally News, Limited, Thin! Avenue. A report from lie (Ml)Hies H. F. PULLRN. Managing Editor. Committee Vccomrnrndint; that This Fruit Medicine Always the application from the dry dock tlf? 'i: SUBSCniPTION RATES: '! VI! Gives Relief for refund, on .electric account NAVY CUT Cilv Deliver-, liv mail or1 carrier, ner month. . . . ...... LOO for the months of January and By mailMn'all pails of the British H in pi re and Hie"l)nlleil Htates, 917 ST., ib-jMyir ' 1'Wiruury :b'e not prnnled but i-eiv In advance, per year $0.00 I suffered terribly with 0W'"-1 oiiiincndinK that, effective March CIGARETTES To all other countries, in advance, per year. $7.50 had it for years and 411 t!i medicine I, (he pin Ml be pul on the -lr to TELEPHONE 98 I took did not do me nay irod. Ic. power rale was adopted by I lie ransient Display Adverjislng $M0 per incli per insertion I read som-thlag atmit "Fruit-a-tirrt" city cjmncil last niphl. Transient Advertising on Front Paire $2.80 per inr.1i bring good far all Stomarh TroaUt Aid. 'Mel.eoil Wauled In know liocal 'lleaders,,' pe insertion 25n per line and Disurdrrt of IKgntion, 0 1 tried why the refund was not granted. Classified Advertising, per Insertion . per word them. x Aid'. Kelly feplvlnc thai (here bad Legal Notices, parh insertion 15c pep agate line After finiiiilng few boxes, lucn,lwo rale in effect there for ; v Contract nalnsi on Application. entirely relieved of t ho 1 lyspepsle auc fti re 'years nnd, up, to this lime. AM advertising should lie in The. liaily News Office on day preceding my general health was -c.toit-d; juhJ I Imtc had been no objection made. publication. All advertising received subject to approval. I am writinff to tell you that I one Aid. Mpntpniimry questioned my life to 'Tniil-a-uW the ,advisaliilily of extending of Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. 'Mile. AN'TOJNlXfKJlOtlCHF.U. I lie 1c to 1c rale to the dry dock 60o a box, 6 for$2.i3, trial siie2."c. without formal application' fur il 10 for 18 JJnd in tins DAILY EDITION Tuesday, Mny 23. I02. At diallers or sent potpaiJ by lieins? made. Fruit--tites I.iuiiiml, iJltawA. 20 35 of SO& 100 Budget About To ROCK QUARRYING AT Make Hon.Appearance.V. S. I'irldinsr's first budffct, long-looked for and much SUITCASES SMITH ISLAND HELD ilemainleit liv (lie Conservative1 element In Uin Canadian House of 1 Commons, is making its appearance I hi-jiflenMion. lis siihmis-siun TRUNKS UP; WORKMEN QUIT at this time is generally conceded to le a sort of earnest CLUB BAGS - m- of pood faith mid a desire In ineel, at least partially, the demand A dispute belween Henry Wnlf. of private members for more information regarding the government the, city coptrac'ior, fur Hie ipiar-ryiiiK pol?ciesHHi intentions. Although Mr. Fielding recently look Large Stock on hand. Of rock a Smilli .Island, and the rank and file of the Liberal party into his confidence at a Prices very low. his workmen has arisen and the general caucus lo the extent of asking them In express their work is closed down at the' present views nil lhe tariff, he lias, until this lime, given lillle indication J. F. MAGUIRE time. The workmen, allepiuR of what the budget contains exactly. Under the Canadian hmlKct Next the Prince Kupert Hotel that they have received no pay for system if is (ibvioiisly impossible Hint a Finance .Mioisler should their work, have nuit the job and give even Hie smallest inkling of his fiscal intentions. The present are now awallin me action oi minister was for 15 years tariff-maker and keeper of the .ii... , ,.........11... 1 if nifrlil fiinr il., "wm r""' treasury keys under ,Sir Wilfrid J.nurier. He was noted then for Klll-or tliem. nearieu i iiy. !..,. ... l .im"ii his reticence; he has not changed since. At Hie parly caucus, it Ten Years Ago and IVed .Martinson appeared be- is staled, Jhe. .majority of Hie members favored a similar budget r.... 11.. ,..m.ii.I1 '''in,I ui.l'i. Iidil to I he' first delivered by the present minister in I.S07. It was In Pi "nee Rupert the innvor that the mailer was pretty generally I'iiderslood that it would be such insofar as now uifder advis'iiieiil and he present day'coildilions may make it possible. May 23. 1912. hoped that some kind of a suitable Or. ('ruiks)iauk. willi tils family, arrangement,mipht be reached Suverh 5hialvtv Is Most Interesting is in Hie city. This is Hie bv this afternoon; Item of Program. doctor's second visit In I'rince finest IDorhncLnsliip announcements are probably the most interesting Budget llltperl, and lie expressed him tlial of have to offer. REAL FIGHT IN sj -ri 7 flhgle items. ordinary sessions parliaments self, well pleased with Hie rapid This is not because, of Hie figures given because they are generally development froinfr on. Ic CHARLES RAY FILM wearisome, but it is because governmental policy is possibly Cniiksliank is an old school male . inifie World ) given more indication by this means than by any other. - It is on of .lo,. Scotl of Hie Kaien Hardware budget mailers that political divisions are usually made for party C.nnp.iiiy. This Is Not All, However, and In policies are always reflected hi them. The. tariff is one of these. - terest is Held to End So for this '"scission there has 'been little discussion of tariff for J. K. Piircell, connected wilti the simple reason that the government had not made n definite There is a fi-iht in "Scrap lh Naden Harbor t'.oal and Oil nnnoiincemenl regarding it. Present indications are lhal!lhere In hi," Hie latesl ('harles .Hay feature, Devclopmenl Co., Is in the city. will be no general revision of tariff although any changes that distributed throuph First Mr. PureeJI slates that Hie company will be proposed, it may be expected, will receive opposition National, whjch was shown at the is ei;.rlit employing men on from the Conservative ranks. The Progressives will have, to learn Wesl holme Theal re lasl nifdil find lensions tiave. been applied for. I lie poal areas at Naden Harbor. what alterations are to be made before they will take n stand and v.ill )u repealed loniphl. It is - in makinp on aecointr.of'this ProgrPyjvo.fblc,U is rnherifyly JJiat them They are nipaped prohablv Hie mot realistic fipht. Durinp; Iho past couplo of ilays ' ready for the oil and coal drill will be no radical altera I ions. - . " ' seen on the screen and with its lhe Fraser lliver tias risen rapidly i Lumber Lath ing which i e.xperled ; Another interesting matter in all budgets U (hat of taxation toarrive machinery nhoiil the first of .luiie. dramatic finish, one would natur and larp-fl quantities of rtriftwond & II i's fiere that' the government nnnniuices what old (axes are to be i'amps and a 'final ins: wharf have ally imagine that the logical end are cominp dowu'-frjtai the upper ilropped or what new ones are; to be adopted,. This is where' .the of the photoplay had Arrived. As reaches, makiqp' navipatinn a people are affected personally, and it is for this reason that the drilling been built,machinery and as arrives soon as rapid(he a matter or. tact, tne emt 01 tne somewhat diffirdt 4lut interest-inp Shiplap-Boards and v public awaits with interest the budge! .speech. will he made towards fipht is not. even an!iclimalical job. rha present budget contains less of an outstanding nature progress The owns for what follows bonis Hie inter than many others of Hie past. It is only a verv reasonable one some devclopmenl.90 odd coal claims,company in what est tensely U) the very last scene, A quiet weddinp was solemnized V Dimension thafcaii bo pdo'pled. but nevertheless, there are facts and condl One after another lhe troubles of on Wednesday evejiinp- Inst by lions that musl be. fare.d and it is the. in his experts believe lo lie lhe best ThoroiiKhly Air Dried, and Stored Undor Cover minister's duly Jindget likely location u; riraham Island. the plucky boy pile up. until the the lev. I'ollefaper when he in annonucp his solution for Hiem. relief cunes al the last moment united .in malriujioiy o well jinowii and il Is safe lo say that the last and iKipuJar youuir ciuplc, iarry Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding LOCAL BY-PRODUCTS Ooorsrt Atoi'iUm Huhhy, of sc-cne, ji close-up showing just Mejlson and .Miss OJivu Stuhbij, The Man the Moon CAiV Ylf VlVlfirifl. ill Uio lli-nriruii. in the heads of the mother and the and Finish PLANT INCORPORATED ,,f .iu,i,i, as Poinff SAYS:-! oy will be lonp remembered by !r, V. JI, Sul.Jierland, provincial . concern, the huilJinpji, plant, ma M lliose wtio see tlie picture. II is a m.inister of public wor)s, clilnery. and oilier asspls former radical departure from the ac has. announce.- bifi Jntejitinn of SPRUCE LATH Rupert Marine Products Ltd., Has HKINO shaved isn't unpleasant ly owned by (ho Tucks cepted end of a feature. visjiinp iHentral JLC some lime Capitalization of $150,000, proihicls, I.iniiJed, toselher.Inlet with Hy, unless the barber discusses lli this summer, possbly ju July, soi Manufactured In Prince Rupert and selling at l-owest Price Head Office, Prince lain of hi nerves while Irim, Hie ''-onlrttcls nnd' as to acquire fjrsl Jtand knowl. afrrecnii-nts PRINCE GEORGE Rupert min? your Adam's apple. edjre f the worj; ieqilirel and Jhe niale by Hie said fienrpe Oordnn PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. "',,,y 'M -. possibilities of this dj fitrict After I Announcement of the inpornor- , V;"'!0I,S W'-r- A I.IOX in a travelling circus Miss ilelen Quinn left lost week ailcipjalj- Jratisportaljon facjlilies iinrf-i.r it... !.,..,... m..i.. i'" oiriixn ouai. -ini Willi a view Seal Cove, Prince Telephone 361 ii.... Rupert .... made friends as with lo;r . jlhercto lo enter Hie a cur for Vancouver where she wili are provident. It if, likely the duels liimili'il with a capilalizu. menl referred to in-into the articles airree.of mil won't allow the dojr l(i be complete her sluilie.s. minister will ,leave jnr this parti lion' f ftir.n.nno, is niade in this taken out of jl's case. IV handy of iroriven-' association, and ,lhn coil nt.ry after tte wi-ek'H I'.O. nazeltj'. The regis. into effect with Jo or carry williout Jlioame nnidi- lo he a .cur do- .sometime. Miss Pat Wilson has returned lion .of iJm- -flood fUgds !Lpa--iie;j leren ninee or in coiiipany is in from Vancouver where- she has ...ill 1. l.-l.l il' lli-JI will lie ueiu ,111 Ticjpr'a i r..!,...-ini" fi.mi....!"'I i, iii-iirjif f i r.liii-iiiiii.i. I, lir.uinii;to nam.ract,jre and in TIIKSK are the days whei Ma been for some (en days undergo. next month. Ladysmith- HUshhy .,.ii-sr nianaber. Th is Iiui-ln? on a new summer hat inn treatment for eye trouble, A i-ortior. or Hie incon,oration MH' and l'a .is figuring' on .'mother Wellington papers, outlininfr the objects of f"'I"1'., aml '-..o,lucls of load of coal. Mr. ami Mrs! it. V. dross have urgeWmbe'rsIf' COAL the company, is as follows: received news of lhe birth of twin TOURISTS TO PASS and To ncijnir" and lake over from Ruierihn fr, Hie rtnilv New A srjH.vriST is, a. man who sons lo Mrs. Jos. Sleersi tlieir Yellowhead know.'i a IiiI..I1ihI we; don't know dauphlei-, at Tbc Dirlles, Orepon. CITY THIS SUMMER and tells us a loi i( thim- we - don't waul to Iimjw. .I.uilpe Jlohertson returned to The Canadian National Hail- Prince Rupert Coal Co. lhe ciiy on Tuesday last from 'TIIF.SI larned hard wnyx lira expftctinif an'Mnprccc. are Quesncl nfler holdinp: .court at denied tourist (raffle' fijr rail and Office, Hotel Central Phone IS limes" said I'jil an he hit lhe Olinlnn, Williams hake and Ques. emenl sidewalk .after fallinpr steamer throuph Priiu1 lluperl nej for Judtre ("abler who is sick from lhe roof. , this sumioer Jspftcially. now that YEAST daily pisneiip-er train iervio is-swin Jimmy Hevan, manapcr of the THH Kaiser Is fed wjlj; in fro into effect. The fact up Prince (ieorpe Hotel, has .poiie, In PRINCE RUPERT TIDES NEW SHIPMENT sawing wood and is now plant in Vaneourr for a vacation. I llll I I IM- nuin i; !! lit" IIll'JJilll i . . . CAKES onions and puds, Evidently National lines has never been r lie's jroinw Jo niix in iin Irish Mayor Johnson pave a luncheon seen by Juany yisitnrj lo the l'a. , Tuesday, May ?3. T'Shoes stew.' cifie Coast in one of the reasons Hih- IJ Mt a.m., t;.'.' feel. to the members of the ci,y coun attributed by the officials lo the 5a.'."J p.m., 1,).H feel. As a health builder. Royl Veasl 1$ gaining in cil on Wednesday last l the HRI.FAST is Jill indulinf in ecord number if tourists who Low 5:21 ,a.ui., 5.0 feet. every uay. hub tooa not a medicine, Alexandra Hotel. Afterwards the r'ufuiamy t the vitamlne which (he diet meiv lack. lols of "shols" hut unfortunafi!, council vjsiled lhe various -4ec- are expecten o vjsll 1'nnce Ilu . 17:21 p.m., 7..'J feel. JUST ARRIVED Koyal Yhusi is highly beneficial in cbsec where th ly Ihere'j.s xnore In Ihejr bit llian perl this summer. Wednesday, May 21. Men nnil tions of the cilv where water ex- "K" HroKiies for system st ems"run down". Royal Yeast is lhe rich. i Jext month a larpn party of Wish. est known source ot vitamlnes. and when taken there to tlieir "kirk." J 2:1 5 p.m., I7.! feet, Women. No Heller Pi) Holnriaus is tichedulerl to arrive toww -:03 Into the system acts as a corrective agent. Royal a.m.,' 1.7 feel, Made. Yeast Cakes are recommended for their puriry and 1H.ACK eyes flre beeoinin; enroute East from the 18:01 p.mH 7.1 feet, tvholesomencss. Ji is lhe purest, the most con ven fashionable jn Jmdnn since Hie ihere at I.OH Aniles. 'Phis Thursday, Muy 2.' THURSDAY. SPECIALS UNTIL lent and economical yeasl on the market. I'rjnve of W'ajc.s isol on, iparty will number abogt 25u,On llijfjl f:03 a.m., 20.0 feel. Two tp (our Royal Yeast Cakes a day will ork lJunn Si a parly nbrjnrr., jijrn, " l'l!:fr p.m., 1H.5 feel. pne A full time day's by using supply one can glass easily luke be warm prepared TO catch squirrel easilv beripp JJOO, returuinK rprn Jhe Lo-a fi:l a.m., "2 J. feel. Ladles' French Heel 21 Brown pair water and teaspoon sugar lo each yeast cake. Allow male a poise Jike n nul. jlinperial CouncJI t Pan Franeln. 18:38 p.m., (i.u feet. Kid Oxfords, only to stand over night in moderately warn room. In jco, wJIJ pasi tliroonh the cijy Friday, May 2(1, In no lit $4'95 Jhe morning stir well and pour ptf liquid. Place In 'I'lie fiiscombe Hpruce Mills .bound Jiast. There 1 al?o lie Hljjh 0 a.m., 21.2 fcnl. Men's All Solid Leather, refrigerator or other cool place and drink at intervals as desired throughout the day. Ltd.. willi a capitalization iJ jur,ty f! hum 150 ojd teacher I3;?J p,m Hl,0. feet. dium .wej-fbt dress sh. Send name and address lor tree booklet" Royal "10)t0((, has Jieen Incorporated 'ro;n Wlunipe-r and pojnl'x Jiast J.nw 7 Jl a.m., 2." feel. All sizes at $7.46 I Yeast Cukes tor Better Health." i ucrnrrhng to lie ruiTcnl issue of jto come. Many noaljrr part!- . 10:11 p.m., Gift feel. Fee Window. Hie II, (I, Oazelt 'J'his. ivon jwjlj illO Vixjl the ejly jn ti ..; Saturday. May 27. EWGIUEIKDMPANYIMIID pany oxterales a large nawm!) a ourso of the season it in staled. JliSli ' 1 I a.m., 21.5 feel. MMflrM TOROKtO.CANADA IWIMM. Oisconibe on the east fork of ; U;12 p.m., lo.i f,.,.t, Family Shoe Store ijie FrKer Hlvrr i the line of All arti n"! fooli would Jiiiw 7:151 run., 2.1 feH. Phone 357. Third Ave. I lie Canadian Naliouul Jtuilways po) pu. J:PI p.m., 3.u frtt.