FAU TDtni thi daily irowa Tuesday. Mny 2.1, ip?5 "j BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu. For Sale I St COL-LX VC IOV MY fd ILL HAVE TO WAKE UP 1 I rRSWyWH M CCH.L Fv,Fr PB O LOCKED HOWAMrLl SO SHE LL THiN T OUR V A, CTL JllIWB A 5?3wLTHE- iSi Practically new modern TAfiBf AN' tHCX L LET ME IN. . residence,section,in excellent splendid residential linr-hor I I ' J view. Central heating. Offered nl less than ens I, Agenta for Norwegian American Line Swedish American Line Scandinavian American Line.. ; Oliver Typewriters Cary Safes TIRE INSURANCE .' Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B. 0. I PAMO ArrAMAHA rKHCT ?l auction sales CATARRH TERRACE BLADDER of the Daily News Classified Ads. .'iniiiiiiBi.ti I uaieii. '-nder CMU m1rr)l ARE VICTORIOUS' 11122. bolwoon Fro,) Syp(,i,lfk: Each Ctnmit AJintA of this FRUIT LANDS! S CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Lass than BOc city and l).ivi, Brmxrt o fcounirelU and Alex. II, Siorrie. t...i . nf Ten aero lot, 2 miles from Sons of England Go Down to iois rii), we are ntithnrtzed n Town. 5 acres cleared including 1. Defeat by Score of 2 to 1. WANTED FOR SALE seize nnil soil one llfnlj,, u acre nf bearing slrawberry plants. erts who was iiero at Ihe moment iho game stood .'-I in favor of WA.NTHD Men and women In FDH .t.VLI i rnomed house, two cylinder aulomnbilo, (.rj, v,, 40 apple trees set nut this spring. The Sons of Canada lipped I ho .nnd who heal Frizzed with ilie Sons of Canada. learn the Harbor Trade by Ihe lots and nil in garden, SI700. lu'.anii, license Ko. Si acre clover. Framed cabin 12 licam In 2-I victory over the a grounder in I he-far corner of A. Clapporfon and .lark llyml only method in t lie world that half cash or l.i00 nil cash Sale will .lift held a( .lhpKjii.n' x Ifi fee). Land all level, partly Soils if Kngland before a srnnd Ihe itcl. roiii the centre Ihe .icled as linesmen. will save you lime and money 7 roomed house wilh additional itaraue, i raer Sirer-i at ;3fl fenced and on mainjwngon road, crowd of football fans al Ihn Knglishinon, gol (he hall down and fit yoa for a position 5 room apartment, on cemenl P. in. on Thursday; Miiy j Price $1,550, small amount on Acropolis Hill ground lasf night Ihe field and a miss kick by II. worth while. We 1022. Piiilpoll-Kviii ..v e' i guarantee piles, hath, etc., excellent con lerms. llius qualifying a Senior league Menzios made jl look dangerous Sporfc Chat i steady employment at good dition and good location .1, Anelioneer. Nexl Of!! FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET leaders. Tho game was. a spectacular for Frizzell bill he cleared. Afler 1 , H wages. Write now for beauti 000 on easy."payment. fice. 40 1'nnr room house. 1 mile from one and'lhoro was really a.lillle midfield play Tinker go I ful illustrated i catalogue. Moler room house, lot in garden BOATS FOR HIRE. t town, nil furnished. Can be had n"1( ehnoe helween either going again and again 'tried Friz, Tomorrow is Iho big day. II Ilarber College, '3nrt Main St., chicken hoiiso, etc;., nenr King until October Isl.W fine oppor-l,,al". ""'h -"ides pul litis or zell who proved eipial to tho oc will be replete with sp.tri for Vancouver, H. C. l.dwanl School, lerms. f.AU.NCII "Nnrbethonir' Vi .Mi !M700f Innity for anyono wishing lo sP,ri' "l" Ihe. proceedings and casion. Itohinsou gol Ihe hall obt mid young, male and female ft Service. Phone Hlack 400. tf room house. 2 lots in garden spend the summer at Terrace. ! ""''e worn very few dull monitor away for Canada and Warren alike, Airthal is wauled now HKI.IAH1.K agenl wanted fnr llu-for full particulars, address j''1""' While perhaps i ho Ca-irmtitnit tried a shol al Slockdale hill il a successful eonsumation nf lerl District, The Sovereign fenced, chicken house, ("lose in PUBLI0 STENOGRAPHER ionek's forward line had Ihn else hit. Ihe cross, bar ami went over. Ihe gro'iit plans for the Klks Vie, l.ifft Assurance Company. Head with bath, $2."00. Kay terms. K. M. Karl. Phono jtlark 32Q i no I'.tmisnmeii iiii'ii roivcii a toria Day celebration is weather office, Winnipeg, Man. Vril Lots 31 and .T3, Jllock Tl, Sec ST. ELMO HOTEL 2, Mow lols Alliil I "l-ll--"- corner off II. Menzios but. the good weal her. Jlul if thai i Chaa. A, l'yne, I'rinco George, on Avenue, Terrace, B. C. inen was very sound which Canadians cleared. not forthcoming, there is go(n manager for .Northern Hritish A perfect homesile., 7r0. half Rooms In let from 4.1 per week up. counterbalanced. In I he fir.si At half lime lh score stood lo te Inn anyway for the Agri. Columbia. cash. One lot on lloach Place Running hot nnd cold, water in teji minutes, of the panic Hie 1-0 favor nf Ihe Sons nf Kngland. cull ma I Hall during the pal for $325, a boauly. Lois (is ami nil rooms.- .Sons of Kngland were handicap-jped tlay or so, under Iho supervision WAXTKD iroen spruce for ex. 09, block 12, seel inn 2. $780, Halh. Stoam HoatH. '.Mudflri EDSON COAL wild he non arrival nf Second Half. of .1. F. 'Maguire, has un.Jorgou porl; 200 cord lots. Address I terms or $Sn cash. M. M. Phone Green 610 !Lewis, Wearmoulh playing single a verilabli. transformation Willi W. Darnell, H2I Itroa.lway Stephens. COMPANY handed, hul Ihe arrival of Marlon On play being resumed the all kinds of fun.making features North. Seattle. Wash. if HHl SAI.I-l r, Yule marine TAXI Canadians made a dash for ,.p. made him a pond partner, and which will make everybody for Phone 693 SITUATIONS WANTED engine, lale Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Slockdale ami Marks shot over lype, now, coni- (Call Oeorge Ross no damage was done in the got had weather outside even if ' plelo outfit. Price $0HO.I)O, I Ihe bar. Backward ami forward meanlime. il iloes happen lo be bad. The WOMAN wants work daily from r h.p. Aulomalie, rolmill with Flve.passonger Tnilrifitf Csr ed play resulted in the Canadians The teams lined up asfollnws: decorative effect ill the hall is ') lo t. Apply l. O. Hox l:io Complete outfit, including Co Prompt Day and Night Scmo lest Coal Sons-of Canada -Frizzell, goal: gelling.Marks for a free Canada kick for Ihe a foul.ball said lo more .excel Ion than . Iiilnbin Peerless 22x22 propol Stand: Boston Grill, Third Atrenui go AQENTS WANTED. II. Menzios ami V. Menies, full nnilliing over before;soen in tho lor bill he was blown offside. The and fi feel t 1. 1 inch Tob CLOTHES CLEANED backs; II. Sc.nll, W. Anderson 'dly. (If eoursjv if old King Sol in bronze shaft. Price 3)(V)0. KnglisJimen thou gill but lilt; IMIOFITS are being made jand V. Davis, half hacks; F.. away .ondescends lo beam -forth hi and pressed by latest STF.AM I. 10-12 h. Iliirfnln. rebuilt; at I lie offside whistle stopped them selling Aladdin I'orlabln Movie p. .Tail, Warren, J. Marks, T). Roh- up". Some niinules, i; siieel.acul. sparkling rays the Hall will not niaehi'nos to lumber camps wilh new I I.S Inch Tobin pressing process, !inon and OoMifchell, forward lie palronizc,d sonuch bu!. it all bronze nil called fnr and deliver). shaft; ,222 i Peerless ar midfield play, In' which honors churches, schools, Y.M.C.A.'s Lowest Prices I Sons of Kngland K.'Slnokdale events, fun and lots, of, il ,is as propeller. Pnco 4S5o.no flu. Phone 649 were even, resulted in an out loilge and homes. Iluy nl ipoal; R. W'earmnulli and S, Dar. side kick for Canada. Canada surcd and jl is the hope of all dealer's price. Make money pert .Marine .rfonworks and LINO, The Tailor i ton. full hacks; 'Mansell, Kolsey llial Iho good cause ,(f h Jiov Supply Co.. Agents for Yale forced Hi,, play from the corner from demonstrations, ami lake find I'V I'pnffftii linlf hn..L'c ORIENTAL GOODS Ifitn Orcer Now.' Phone 58 Scouts ami liiri Cuidos will lie and Atlas Imperial engines, (f kick and Slockdale made a bril orders lint. WAilo Aladdin miiiK, flnherls, Tinker. Lamb and greatly bcliefl'lled ;ls. a re'ill. liant save pushing the hall round Cinema Co. Ltd. 335 Craig Japanese Kfuionas, Crockery, I'Oll SALK Float. Mxfil) j Faniuhar, forwards. feel: 3 the posl. .s u' residl of the West, Montreal. namltoo Furniture,' Ornaments fieorpe Itlissell handled Die The annual mooting nf the Ila h.p. type '. Fairbanks.Morse and ufler hard Haskets, Children's Ilnmper, , . use . . rumor kick, a jjramo very capable as referee. ! zcllon Alhlellc Associati..i was BOARD. stationary engine; I Inch centrifugal Toys, Klc. tussle, Scott pul in n beauty for j First Half. held last pump, 2 h. p. boilrr. the Canadians which evened Ihe Thursday evening and ' LOWKST PRICKS. Shamrock ! The Sons of l'.naland won Ihe score up: there was a very fair allendane. HOARD Inlander, 830 Second Apply P. O. Hox 13.1. . 12 F. K. AKASE loss and elecleil lo kick on Ihe From Ihe conlre Kngland got The financial statement wis, pv- Avenue. Phone 137. tf I'Oll SALK Sixty1 cord. hemlock P. O. Hot M Tel. Red 81 down grade. Immediately the Iho ball well up the field, and seiiled. The ilociimont showing ami cedar; cm fine, 11.50 per Third Avenue ing teams for Ihe Victoria BACON whistle, sounded the kiekoff, Ihe il looked fur a lime as though that the Association slarled la-l Day cord or 45 f.o.b. W. Sims, Jap lCnslish boys got away with the they were going In score but II. year off with a deficit of 200 fooihall game tomorrow: Intel, porcher Island. If SHOE REPAIRS t HAM I ball and for a time it looked Menzios introduced il to the con- ami I hero was a rrodii of she. Kngland. and Scotland Stock Umbrella Repairs BUTTER jas IhoiiKlt I'rizzell were in for a Ire line'. A foul against V. Tho executive commillee was nil. late (Sons of Finland; ; F.d. FOIl- SAI.lt- I'lirned oak book Clnlhe cleaned and pw'1 i louph shol. However, V. MenT Menzios ol Tinker gel within Ihnrizod lo ro-Iea.se the ball Iloss and D. Jacks (('allies., ; K, case; small fumed oak lable Suit called for and nVJiwl EGGS zies came lo (he rescue and prave shooting distnnco but (lie hall grounds and was also instructed Mansell, (ieorge KeKcy ami F. and carpel; 2 Hesnor Apartments. Phono Illun 2fll I lo deal with Iho mailer of Iho Craggs. fs.ms of Kngland i : (i. Phono 107. 120 the hall a heallliy bounce, l'.iig-jland wont outside. Tail gol Iho leather LEM JOHN LARD P. 'l inker (Sons of First of July celeliraliou. The Kiiglund) : aurain gl ihe hall pointr and going well for Ihe Canadians FOR SALK Tvony-sx fool S44 Third Avenue Joorgo Sellnrs and .1. Kilday I'aifuhar tried hard lo centre ind gained a corner kick but an officers foe the years were elec- raised deck cabin f (Callies); . M. II. Lambe (Sous cruiser; ;bul ft got out of his reach and outside kick for Ihe Knglislunen ed as follows: WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. The of Kngland), ami Sid Hul h.p.; 4150.00. Phone nine Empire's Standard. ten ran outside. The ball then landed resulted. President, II: II. Little. P.BURNS CO., LTD. in midfield for a while and Uter some ijiidfield play Marks Kxeculive Commillee, J. D. Ireland and Camlad W. It 5211. tf Kxperl walch, clock and durins some, swift play Ihe ref. for Canada gol the ball and tried ("ialloway, .las. Turnbull, lloury Martin (Callies); ft. Mercer. FOR SALIC Two cows; fresh chronoineler maker-Walch (Crolloj and Jl. Menzios, iSous and Jewellery Repair eree came o grief for n inoment, Kloekilalo with a shot which he Hrelzins. It. S. Sargent. W. Wat-lie. milkers. W. Sims, Jap Inlet, lull kepi eomniand of his whistle. handled easily. A kick from C. W. Dawson . if Canada): W. 0. Anderson. V, Porcher Island. If specially wfi-GEO, ' Menzios and Davis, (Sons of Mail order. prnninlly The Canadians Ihen look a Vail to Marks gave tlio Canadians Secrelary-lreasiiror, .1. D.- Cial. linn wilh Ihe bull arid were gel. ii chance at, Slockdale bill Marks oway. Canada): D. Ilobiuson. Warren. FOR SALK "NarbelhoiiK" 41000. QIBB PACIFIC GARTAG E jlin? up the field in goixl order shol over. The Sons of. KnglamU Messrs. f!allowa),and Sargent Marks, (Sops of Canada), Kirby I need Ihe money. . K. Freeman, Onn. Post Office 'P. 0. Rax VI It KvIhii (Crolln), and Tale (Sons of tf Prince Rupert. Oaggs iiiadverleiitly fouU then gol Ihn liall for a while and were appoiuleil a commillee it Limited ed pulling tlieni up for a frcij Tinker tried Frizzell wilh a arrange for ln nllileljc ground'. annda); Reserves, J. O'lloilly, FOR SALK Piano in excellent REPAIR SHOP J. Farnnbar (Sons kick. Canaila I'hore was a )o of discussion Crotln); of look Die ball into around ball bul, it ejejired. was. condition. Phone Mine I IH. Phone 93 midriold and worked il with hi For a wliilo the Canuc.k looked in regard to the Mi'sl of .lolv i:uglandi and J. Campbell RKPAIRB' TO ANYTMX" shonling ditanee when Robin lanuei'oiis put narlon was eipial colebralioli. The day-will ,e oli- firnllo). FOR SALK Investment paying ANY TIMH Furniture, Piano and j.son tried van. excellent droji sho(. to the occasion and cleared sorvod as usual. The details will 25. Sec r. W, Hart. If ANYWJIKRK. Safe Moving i but I'rizeil handled it nicely. nicely. lie worked out laler. The members of Hie Hoard of ROKKJAR BROS. lonlrol are S. D, Macdnuabl, I KLITR Cafe for sale, furnished Y' Milchell mad.5 Avenue go Ihe ball and Afler some backward and for 8?0 Third General Cartage W. Machinlosh, Cenrge Hill, A. T. complete. Phono 173. tf Coal Sandjand Gravel a fiiio run up the field, passing ward play -Tail gol the ball nl Tho curtain will go up on Phone Red 578 Parkin nnd J. Judge. Several of Ihe centre, hut was a bit loo far his toe and made a lah down professional lacrosse tomorrow FOR RENT Ihe bes players in the - CYCLE REPAIRS. ahead and could not be used lo the lino passing' lo Marks who when Westminster And Yanroii. League advantage. boat Slockdale for the seiimd ver slarl battling for Ihe Miulo had in be passed over by Ihe FOR HUNT Furnished house. Cycles of all makes rep"- Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 871 Kngland then li.i.k a turn willi lime. The Knglislunen n'iU cup. .eswy l.nlonije, Iho board in Ibis selection on ac. keeping suite. Apply ll(l and baby carriages re un W. Lonwill, Hlue270 lli leather and got within dangerous many gallant efforls o' equalize Fronch-Cauadiau slar will lino mint of' recent Injuries sus Sixth Avenue Kas, Phono llhio Cycle Accessories. Day Phone S distance of l'ri7o but. ml Ihe Canadians managed ln up with Vancouver again Ibis tained. 217. If J. GAWTHORN STEEN a LONGWILL un oul side gnal kick resulted, keep them back wilh iuiich-effort. year, having arrived recenlly OOOD Clean Has removed In rear if Prln" HeiU Tinker gnl the ball and made BASEBALL from 4K.r0 per a foul agaiiml Mansell was from I lie Fast. Rupert Miisie Store Sheet Metal Work mighty dash for I'rir.cll when week. I'lshormeirs Rest. Lale kicked over the bar by Davis for Third Avenue V. .Menzies tackled Planeer Rooms. 167 3rd Avn..E. him and Agent for McClary Furncaes ear. Canaila. The board of control of Football NATIONAL LEAGUE. fled ft up the Held. Midriold Ihe whistle blowing full Kino I.eaguo has selected the follow- HOUsr: for rent Second Avenue, HYDE TRANSFER Sanitary and J'hiladelphia, 0; Pittsburg, 5. play ensued for some minutes. Heating Engineer and Ninth Street West. Phone 580 Hrooklyn, Phone 3; Chicago, 0, Milchell for the Canadians piade llhio 11H. Stb Street and Fraser Street a nice run down the touch line New Vttrk, 2; Cincinnati. 7. f Baggage and Exprss Prinee Rupert .... Bi C. Iloslou, 8; St. Louis, it, and and pase. across In cenlrii but I'Oll HKNT Five roomed house. Hi,, opportunity was not taken, AMERICA NLEAQUE. A(i j 1 1 511 Ninth Avenue Coal and Wood. w Weariiioulh giving il a skyrocket NABOB Cleveland, ?; iloslon, . West. 2o Airenls Rupert and Distrli'l if. The F.nglishnien Detroit. 5; Philadelphia. 7,: Globe Airless Tubes. FLAT for Rent In Hesner Anarl- Avenue H.PATTINSQN made several bold bids hut could called in Ihe tenth inning on pecninl rnenls, M. M. Stephen. ' If teeniinl of rain. not manage to ge within dangerous BAGGAGE and EXPRESS Electrical and dUlance of their opponent VACUUM PACKED SI. Louis, 3; Now York, i. FOR HKNT Two furnished bed. kironghohl, llohinson for Canada, Chicago, 1; Washington, 3. roo;ns. Phono Hliie 280. tf WAKEFIELD'S FAST PARCEL Mechanical Engineer look the ball up the field COAST LEAGUE. DELIVERY Dynamos, Motors exhibiting some clever footwork COFFEES Vernon, 7; San Francisco, 5, LOST. Prompt Seryjcc Magnetos and passing lo Marks who pul a All nl her travelling. OOLD WATCH on Friday eve. 67. Phone Repaired and Rewound Kiiod kIioI at Slockdale the wind mm INTERNATIONAL nlng either ou Hordon Street C ift LEAGUE. . Bland? Oil's rJH"r Storaje Batteries Repair carrying it nuUidc. I'.veiitually TKESH from the roaster Syracuse, ii; lloehesler. f, or the Acropolis. Illll Recren. ed and Rechaiged Ihe Souk of l'.naland got the ball WESTERN linn grounds. Name engraved ,The. ouesllon for U'" odvrrt''-it Phone COO ' P.O. Box 1 64 and Tinier got ihrniigh rut a no matter where you buy it. Vancouver, INTERNATIONAL on inside cover "(Irella Smith" lo cnmilder is how inany I''". fine run passing outside to Hub pi j By.i T7 W -9 V Jm L71 Tacoiuu, 6; 7; Kdmonlon, i(. Finder return to News Office, Pin rend Ihn paper. You M' Culgary, 2, Reward. J22 sret results wlthoul',rfi'!al'on'