May 23. 192?. juedyr THE DAILY HJSWfl DECORATIONS FEATURE Local and Personal FXAHINE OF ELKS' CARNIVAL mm Flags, Horns I D. C Undertakers. Phone 41. tf Agricultural Hall Takes on Most, - Gala Appearance History of Its Hayners, Undertakers. Phone WRIGLEYS etc. - 351. - ' tf The Klks' icarnival ,jn the hibition building tomorrow, Vic Phone 210 Tor Cody's Transfer, We have an abundant supply of flags, if toria Hay, will be nri cyo opener . to the citizens of I'rinee lluperl canaries, horns, and from a decorative standpoint. The flying trumpets 1'iinsies, .ou a dozen. Cily interior of the building Is beautifully general noise makers enough to meet .Market. if, arrayed in the purple and while colors of Klkdom, and the all the requirements of the 24th of hlbltlon Carnival tomorrow.and Sports at the Ex workers have put m many hours of labor to obtain such a delightful De guard on your May Celebration. that early patch of effect. The slilcs of the building Iluee. dozen, cfrss for $1 against eczema, which if unheeded, lead to arc lined with stalls, each guaranteed. Cily Market. If, may Flags from - 5c up nights and days of fiery irritation I stall being artistically and I he dceoraled hoolh til f lit Watch for the first pimple and rash uniipiely decorated with purple Horns & Trumpets, 1 Oc up i:.liildliou Duildiinar will alone be .that may spell ugly disfigurement I and white in-lattice work design. worth seeing tomorrow Don't let that simple cut, bruise The lea room is swathed in.evergreens Flying Canaries- - 25c each J-. or burn, take "bad ways." with purple and while intertwined Examine your skin frequently sad streamers. From Ihe 14 5- Buy from us and you buy right. See Our Window. Dr.. I. Terrier, of llrandon carefully, and treat the first sifo el eeiling balloons are. festooned K1 SafisflpstfiP sweet tooth,and Man.. with Zam-Buk, Inspector of Indian School disorder at once is registered al the Prince Itu The secret of Zam-Buk's power ia while at Hie end of the hall is a aids appetite and digestion. perl Hotel. creating a clear healthy skin U that it clock surmounted 'by a picture of stimulatrs the cells to renewed activity, His -Majesty Ihe King, the hands Cleanses mouth and teeth. and rids the tissues of accumulated impurities Xew line of Tricolclle Waist Nighllydressiritswith Zam Bak oT which point lo the hour of 11 and the and lite dour Hint the F.Ik brothers smokers, jusi arrived. The styles soothe, soften purify skin, p.m. A great boon to improve your appearance wonderfully, and sisters devote lo Iheir Coiim1 in and sideel yours Itefoi Unlike coarse lardy ointments and special service, the whole being relieving hot, dry mouth. all Zam-Ruk contains active Cliey a, Asia Trading lj fatty creams, medicinal essences that sink info the skia delightfully decorated in Ihe colors 12 and eipel inflammation and itchinf of Klkdom. It is safe to say Combines pleasure and . irritation. Zam-Buk quickly replaces (hal never before in the history The eonlracl for Hie nrinlin diseased tissue and growi healthy benefit. of the building has the interior skin. of J530 new telephone direelorie new GretnvilU Creemillt boils, abscesses, taken'on such fairylike and gala of the Was last night Forecixma, pimples, a Don't miss the joy granted by Hi tarmval & Band ringworm, poisoned wounds, bad le(s, ornamentation. Great credit is sports cily council to Hose, Cowan cuts, burns,scalds,or for piles Zam-Bnk due to the decoration workers new HIPS the candy-coated I.alla al a cost of 233.5(i. Th provides the unrivalled remedy. MAY 24 was . also a tender from A. O HERBAL consisting of J. F. Mngulrcj- convener, peppermint tid bit! - F. W. Mcintosh, Ilalph Lo EXHIBITION BUILDING AND GROUNDS. I'rpiiks for ?255. and II. F. who have Pine, Olassey, Chew it after every meal. PROGRAMME 7 devoted donrs to Ihe work. i ne cny council, on reeoni 9.00 aim. I'AIIAIU". Klks' Home to round. The ladies' decoration com-initlee ineudaUon of the Hoard of Work 9.15 to.11.00- Ollll.imiCNfi Sl'OltTlS. last-night decided lo 'iiurrhasr THE REAL comprises Mrs; Oeorge 11.00 lo 12.00 noon -Iiiteriiirdiale IIASI'lJAM.: Sons of reflux valve for Hie city SKIN PURIFIER Frizzell, Mrs. II. V. O. Lepine, Mrs. . Canmla v. Oils'. pip, II. Atkins, Mrs. S. J. Kvans, Mrs. line as had been rcroinmenilei 2.30 I'OOTIIAU.: Knjilnnd and II. F. Olassey, Mrs. W. Ileid, Mrs. to Ire- 1.00 0.m. Scotland v. in Ihe report if .1. A. Thomas Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 548. - . land and Canada. II. .Davidson, and Mrs. W. K. Wil-liscroft. provincial fire marshal. to'3.30 11AM) CONCKIIT and KXIIIUITIOX HOY 2.30 br Cash for Victory Uonds. Thos. SCOUTS. The following is a list of Ihe I lie city council is lo purchase McClymont. If 3.30 to 5.30 Senior HASKIIALL: Sons of Canada v. Klks. a lo fool extension ladder from : stalls and slnll managers who TM'Kr'TS fur t lie above will officiate at tomorrows car- ADMISSION events: Adults OUc,; Ihe American I.a Trance Co. for Serpentine dance In tho exhibition Children nical: 25c. (lie hxal fire d-pailiiienl. A building tomorrow evening. Hot dogs, Harvey Fraser; soft EVENING PROGRAMME report from Ihe Llilities Com drinks and candies, W. F. Ilo- ilt Admission 50c Adults; 25c Children! mit lee recoiiiuieiuliiiu' this was Dance at Ihe Auditorium I'ri- bergc; cups and balls, W. Knight: 7.30 to 9.00 p.m GAIlMVAl., UANIr COXCKHT and KXIJI- adopled al lail niglil's nieelin day. May i0. Westholiue orehes- rings and canes, Joe Hrown; fish HI ! ION by OIIUj OUIDCS. Ira. 123 pond, Joh Ilalchrord; novelty 9.00 p.m.- si:iu'i:xtixi; daxck. A report from Ihe Hoard of stall, 0. Welch; skittles, II. Self; All Day I.iphl Lunches and llefreshmeuts served by the Works regarding the jrruil,. on AUCTION. Sale of automobile country store, J. Cobb; nigger the north side of Third in Kaien Oarage, Krascr Street Ladies of the lloyat 1'urple and Oirl Guides. Avenue dolls, W. K. Thompson; ice Portion of the. Funds to bo given to the Boy Scouts and Girl. was to have come before the al ;':;;n p.m. Thursday, May 25. cream, L. M. Fuller; raffles, lea council at last night's merlin Philpoll-I'.vitl Co. Auctioneers Guides for Camping purposes. room, etc., ladies of the lloyal bul Hie item was struck off (hi 12 Under Auspices Prince Rupert Elks. Purple. In addition to the Oreen Concentration SALE! igendj In Ihe course 'of tin - - ville prize band there wi'll bo in meeting. Mrs. C. II. Ormc with Jicr attendance (he famous Klks isler .Miss Smith of London clown band and plenty of fun is . report irom ine cily en. Onl, will 'bo at homo on Thurs assured. tfineer and Ihe cily solicitor on nay, .nay anil ariei-wanjs on Hie O. Slegavig claim for dam the first Monday of each month Rexall Hair Tonic Mrs. N, Mclnnes, 228 Ninth ages was lo have before lln - come Avenue Kasl was Ihe winner of and Emulsified ily council last nilil but Cily t he O. P. II. slenmer Princess $1.00, GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY the 5 gold piece lasl week end $1.00 Solicitor Hooper, aeling city clerk l.uu i sc. Captain Slater, will be Kleclric Window liakeries. Coconut Oil S. S. PRINCE GEORGE AND PRINCE RUPERT nlll sail Thursday eporled that it wai not yet tiling al this port souiliboum and Sunday at I. o'clock Midnight for Swanson Bay, idy for submission.' for Vancouver on l-'riday eveniii NOTICE. Shampoo both for Ocean Falls, Powell River, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, vinoug i ne lea I tiles on lite new To Whom May Concern: l or Ariyox ediic.-day, II l'or Stewart, Saturday, 8 ii.ui. A rcorl from Hie Hospital vessel is tlie nresenee of i i nave nils iiay leased to Sam for this week. Hoard advising Ihe cily council five-piece orchestra willed I.- S. S. PRINCE JOHN Tor all points Northern and Southern (hat it had decided (o nurchase belli;.' useil to yood advanla'i Miloff and John Oeorge. Ih Queen Charlotte Islands, May 13th and 27lh, Juno 10th and in ambulance from Hie lluperl iy Ihe passengers for eoneer premises known as (he Oood . llli. July Hill and J-'ml, August 5lh and 111th, Sent. 2nd, IGUi Motor Co. al a cost of $1087 was mil dance purposes. Mr. Or Kals Cafe logelher with all luipinent therein. I will not be ORMES LIMITED and Julh. received al the council meet- hard, local ageul, stales that Hi responsltilc for any liabilities in Train Service mg last nighl and referred to essei will lie open Tor inspec curred under and Ibis lease, neither Phones 82, 200 134 l'u.-ciiKcr MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 11.15 the finance committee with power tion h the public when she re will the fixtures I herein be considered a.m. 1 or Snillher, I'rinee Ueorgc, Kdiuouton, and Winnipeg, to act. turns here on, Friday evening. as security unless other THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES niiJvfjit;' direct connections for all points in Eastern Canada wise announced. aiid tiitled Stales. Tlie cily clerk's report re. WIRELESS REPORT May 22, IU22. J. C. OAVIOAN. MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME carding the petition for a 0 fool plank roadway on Alfred Street Agency for all Ocean Steamship Lines 8 a. m. NOTICE. line be fori Ihe council City Ticket Olflce, 528 Third Ave. Phone 2G0. again HUM. IIAIIIIOH Overcast; THK OOOD KATS OAFK will lasl nighl for reconsideration wind southeast fresh; barometer. be reopened under new iiialiagi bill was laid fover for aiiollie 2l.7M; leinperalure, IH; sji menl on Wednesday. John SEED POTATOES week pending word beiiisr re 7:25 will be in smooth; p.m., spoke Prince Oeorge, charge and CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ived from Hie iirovlneial gov lluperl ofr Adenbrook Light, will maintain his high standard riiment the on mailer. southbound; H:2rj p. in. sjioke of cooking. Patrons of Hie Oood Chemical Fertilizers !- r- steamer Oueeu in Milliank Sound Kals can depend upon getting B.C. Coast Services I. M. Campbell, provincial auv- southbound, '.):ln p.m. spoke what they waul done right. tf. of all kinds criiment emplovmenl agent, re Prince Joint erossiny Hecate ports I li:il the unemployed list Straits, northbound. B & K CHICK FOOD Sailings from Prince Rupert in his office slands this week al IHAI TIICF POINT "Cloudv: ANNOUNCEMENTS B & K DEVELOPING FOOD For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway u. tin Mimiay leu more men wind soulheasl fresh; barotoeler, Insist on B & K goods goods that have been were sent to Hie Morgan loiryin Cinderella Dance in De Luxe analysed AprJI 21, May 1, 12, 22; June 2. 2H..r7; leuiiieralure III; sea mod For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle imps on Princess lloyal Island erate. Hall, June 2 from 'J to 12. Ad by experts and jn-oved the best. April 25, May 5, 16, 26; June 6. and borers Ihe slill demand remains for railway irik. la IHOflV ISLAND Cloudy; calm. mission 50c. We retail everything for Poultry and Stock S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, The barometer 2l.7K; lenmeralure. East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell penlers.idle lisi includes mainly car 17 ; sea smooth. THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Noon. Agency for all Steamship Lines. HULL IIAIIIIOH Valuing, wind All Eye Pains P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 350 .miss jacK, wno nas iieen a southeast fresh; baromHer, 2J.. l'ull Information from missionary in Wes China ami is n; leiiiperatuie 53; sea moderate; W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, now on fiiilonabj will be slioke sleamer Itedoudo offi Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. Prince Unpen on Thur-ilay wIi.m Pine Island; lo a.m., northbound; Mean Something - i she will give an mldress in the steamer Prince lluperl off Pine FULLER'S Moving Specials UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED Melhodist Church under yjji auspices Island 1 1 a.m. southbound. Hut what is is can only be AMssiii:- itf Ihe iineu's t.-y OKAI) TIILK POINT n 1 MMaa III s SAILINGS Cloudy. revealed by u careful exam. At I :.'I0 In Hie afternoon Sociely. for Vancouver, Ocean Falls and Swurison Hay, Tuesday, 8 p.m. children's meeting will be wind southeast fresh; barometer inalion by u competent op EXTRAORDINARY VALUE a for Vancouver, Alert Hay and Port Hardy, Saturday p.m. held and at 8 p.m. a public .nth. tl.aH; leiujteralure, III; sea uiod- liciau, No. 1 Wlnesaps, worth 1.00. Selling for $2.65 por Anyox, Alice Ann, Port Simpson and Wales Island, Sunday rinle. vv e examine eyes cure-fully ering at which Miss Jack, who is midnight. I'lOHY ISLAND Overcast, and fit glasses, ac Netted Gem Spuds, worth 2,75, Selling ror ......... $2.25 for a convincing and magnet i.- wind soiclheasl fresh, Naas River barouieler curately. Canneries. Friday a.m. peaker, will lell of her life and 2U.(i!i; leiuperature 18; sea mod. Lei us lest your eyes, there Krlnkle Corn Flakes 4 for 25o work In West China. Ml ai' welcome. Oood music. Aduiis- crate; 10:10 a.m., spoke princess may be nolhing al all wrong We are cleaning up everything. Buy Now. I Louise in Wraiicl Narrows, wild them, bul il would be siou free. DENTISTRY inirl libotiiul. a good tiling lo KNOW that. Ilose bushes and beddincr It will take but a few uijii. IWl neglect your tecln. One decayed or inissinif tooth plants. City Market. tf TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY utes lu find out. THEO COLLART, LTD. - - a?p?Y lowers your vitality. John AUCTION SAI.K or, new and Bulger. second Seven-room house for sale, elose In. Ilalh uiul sewer con. DR. BAYNE HEMORRHOIDS hand hardware,fiiniiliiie,washing-kilcheu-wai' ma-ehiues, The Jeweller ncetlou. $4000 terms. Bargain. "ooms , 6, 8, Helgerson Block Phone 109 riles or Hemorrhoids. Ho e(e on Friday urter 7 Olllee. Hours: Miirnintra (!- v f I eriiooiis. 1:30.5:31); surgical Ointment operation will relieve at Dr.onva Cliane'a and noon al 2:30 at West view Department s'GIFTS THAT LAST Rentals Real Estate General Insurance Evenings, 7-t, afford laetlnrr benefit, too a boss all Store. -U.yneh's old Phone Blue 69 Westholms Theatre Block P. O. Box Si dealers, or Kdmanson, Dates & Coi Limit d. Tor n' Bamfl. b ix fi -lore.V Ji