WHEN VOU:VANT A THE NEW TAXI wail YOKOHAMA 99 in a hurry CAFE Phone HOME BAKERY PRINCE RUPERT ALL NEW CARS Phone - - - - 636 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL. MIL NO. 1-0. lMUNCK IIUPKUT, U. C.t TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1022 Vtitirdar'l Circulation 1875 Strttt 494. PRICE FIVE CENTS id in Ireland's History (jfcl 111 UN WITH WORK, COMMONS MAY PKUKUGUt BY JUNE 15 CITY COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT iGovernmsnt Naval Policy STILL FAVORS OF VICTORIA Is Accepted by Commons Ulster 300 Sinn Rounding Up Today Without Division SUMMER TIME Chamber of Commerce Suggests Separate Railway Division Feiners Including Officers and Freight Mosquito OTTAWA, May 23. The House of Uoniiuoiis has adopted Daylight Savlnn to Remain In Fleet wilhoiil division Hie naval estimates for $1,500,000 and thus automatically ucc!jls (he government's naval policy for a reduced Effect Previous Stand is Backed Up. VIOTOIUA, May S3.- -O. I'. V. fleet. This year's estimate is one million dollars less than last. BELFAST, May 23. The greatest raid In the history of Sehwenjrers, in addressing the There was considerable debate- and criticism up lo Uie last minute. II omiiu J wi v ww i j bvvi ri vii onni ins vi fviibe onvku IhiyliuM saving lime is lo remain Victoria Chamber of Commerce . i III.a... -J J I 'a I il t a f I ROUND THE WORLD in erred in the last nisht. uryed Ihe creation of 11 is now believed Ilia! the House may conclude its business VIHUUyii VIOVI V IWUflWVW Vi ft CAfc ICt9lr bill V7 IIUIIUI vU 0IIIII d FLYERS Or-F eily ror Feiners, the majority of them Irish Republican officers. They TOMOHROW Hie summer. Oeuision o this a Vancouver Island division or Hie ami prorogue by June 15. 12. former minister of militia, reviewed 'effect was. miide by the city Canadiun Pacific llailwav as al Mewbuni, will all be interned. furtlicriiiir work or the war memorials com- means of the Imns. council last ni'-'ht in when, face The Northern government has taken this action, it is stated, l.O.MiO.V, May -'3. -- In or petition and delc?aliuus presenting porlalion inlemsts or the Island. '"'IM.'e ror which r,00,000 was re- A CpAnP DTTCU In an effort to suppress not only the Irish Republican Army and an the .-iltcinpl world by to air,fly the around two cases Tor and asuinsl the He also advocaled Ihe establish- ''' a ""n-parly debate llil'1' LAjuilYu lUUil the Irish Republican brotherhood but all other Sinn Fein organ)- llrilish aviators, Major mensure. a resolution, moved by meni 01 a mosquito fleet to oper- nun v-uihiiiii:iiis iur .m.-w- zations In the Six Counties area. The move of the aovernment W. T. Illake. or the Itoyal Aldi'ini'in Silversldes and seconded ale oil t or Victoria to restore the 'ul'n- LIFEBOATS AND by Alderman Kerr, thai Uii port's shipping prestige. The Ihe Minister or Hallways an follows swiftly (he Irish lie- Air force, and Oaplain upon council slnnd by lis- decision lo Chamber of Commerce will appoint nounced Ihat Ihe Boverumeiil had IIIIV 1 I ll.l.lf I. publican Army raids and burn- Norman Mucmilland, will dojil d 'vli-.'lil savin? a committee lo the advanced the (irand Trunk llail w 'mi n n s n this season pursue. WOMEN . ings In Counties hop off Ihi' flying field al DROWNED 11,11 III I, )ovn and An. bill next season take a plebiscite scheme further. wav since January 1919 a total I rim and the intensified hostilities Croilon tomorrow ul the or i:il.151.917 and the (irand. on ipicslhm was carried. in Helfasl willed culminated noon. They expect lo complete Aid. ly signed voluntarily, Trunk Pacific in the same period, BEING MOVED .Monlomery add Aid. people had recently in the murder of W. J the (rip in two Collarl vollnx airaipst il. Aid. not realized js. disadvauluxes 3o,958,093. Cowardly Conduct of East Indian Twaddcll, iiicimi'Ijit of parliament mouths. Bailors Responsible for Loss Montgomery iniied; an amend. uiiiii 11 actually had been put Hie raptures in raid of Life In Egypt Wreck. today's jn llilo cried. Illelll thai the (Ucslioil be left (MINISTERS FROM elude some of Hie most proiniu Mr. Ojbbons over lor another week in order In su-rxested structlons B-ml.... to ft...be IMU in New?1 ii I Sum 1 rniers iii the Ulster BUDGET IS b'ive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r(1 1 1 1 i I y In' examine Ihe Mich Dial such a matter should UK1H KKtUrltu I.OXOON, May 23. Hescued ntiiii.&B M J i.in passengers from Ihe liner Egypt, urea. pclilions presenleili. This was be left lo 11 plebiscite uf Ihe pen.! At today's meeting f parlia seconded hy .Mil. Onllurl hut failed pie. lie would sugges) Ihat the' VANCOUVER SUNDAY which was sunk off Ihe 1'rencli J, M. Morrison, postmaster, has ment Sir .lames of coast 011 Sunday, confirm the Cruig, premier , . PRESENTED carry, the mover and seconder council put iP up aj,. llie .first' III IWTJ 111 Ul. ,f ll ll.rilj .lllT WIT North Ireland, announced thai the report lliul I.asnars employed on heitiK- Ihe only.ones (o-vote milium. - . v. . J ),.il.uHteslo the Melhodistcon- lrih Itcpiiblicau Army lunlJwen I , ror 1 1 5i It b oiishM ayHr''1 lochc.!er Should Be Rescinded.--"1 - rerem-c-ltf Vancouver from 1 1....11... 1 1....1 ... ii n- ui- iiF-.-iii i"SL uiiii.it hi uiu i ilnc I.i ilneil 1111 il lairs I nsscmlilv. n"if -.lie, jjuij . 10- .1. U i.avigan lha de- ... . ... expressed his sympathy with it. agreed f'...l-....l (if I. ,t I r.(h oicupied several of (he Hon. W. S. Fielding, Minister liejili.il 1i;j.L- rifrif.i..d V!....l. nuciui iiiui-n aim csiauiisu ill Eno ih Cont Hunt an i There was another full discussion cmioii soouin oe iei 10 1 lie pen-pic pulpits ill that city at Ihe services ..,... me inacii jjuuuingt ni ine corner of Finance, Brings In ,ivM U.M. minikin mv While ihe in ifieatilime, on the mailer which (00k up but, Ihe it last Sunday. o .-"leimi Mieei anil feeunu ....i,!.,,,. ,..,liv,.i,., lo.hiv nriinurilv His Roll shoiild 1(,S(. bpil woIlcn 0l man . about an hour's lime, both the be rescinded.' lie was Ilev. John It. Hcwm, or Hazel- V , 4-4 U 3 V . ill KfMIMtf fill PHtillllU f I r I III' alisriei dial ninety emit or ia a ,,. women would OTTAWA, May 23. Today, delealcs ami members of Ihe per eaciieij hi me ser- llie comraci lor Uie removal ,.rer.-iirc il is understood after eleven in council taking pari in it, i.eoule were against il. A i.ei it ion 1 ion,.. . in , imciiiiii,.......... "av" Wen saved II llie Lascars years opposition, : ivici" 111 ine ieirisurtn; i.iuui'il, hi Uie postal boxes lias Iteeii el m...i n... 1 .. "dU lwl "'Utinied, preseiiled bearing Hon. W. S. Fielding The eily clerk reiiorled ili.-.llas looo signa- 1. inn... r 1.. ..r 1 . . ' J ", I JllUllf I til III' I i J III 10 i, 11 .Morrison who commenced ,,.,,.. .,. i,.....(i U1111i,i Kl.i he nail il ion 1 ' sikmiiu i.e .,,.,., ,.. in- again brought down a a suppleme.uary pel 1 (,.,, , Marpole in Ihe even- work yesler.lay on the dismaul-' ii..ii..., ii,. immi r lieale to the council how Liberal His financial I against ilayiiglil saving which nit budget. ing: llev. William Deans, or lelK-wa, SCHOONER SANK ting of the old office. This work r r..,..1,1,.11 II1..llli.r r n.,,...,. proposals had been kept j made the lolal petitioners '.HI! 'people felt 011 llie mailer. at Turner Institute; Ilev. .1. K. U'jll 111111 limn IriimiiTfiW si fill lifilil.'.i 1 strictly to himself and to mow as ngaiiisl 757 last week. Joe Scull. Jr.. said that Ihe Dimmiek, formerly of Prince Itu-perl JI PUAVS Will IM7 IIIMIIIU1 t ii. 1.1111,111 iiliir Itir.'IK I- !. daylighl supers had had ,peli'-lion Although he had been advised a members of the cabinet. The now of Victoria, at (iraud-View; OFF CALIFORNIA general expectation was that 'thai a iieliliou rrnm ilmse iaor- out ror three days only und Ilev. Frank Hushfield, or Mr-in(llarkc,......1.... tiffin ii... k.'.,..n,IHPp:- mcul. when he spoke this afternoon ilig daylight saving was lo have unsolicited, il had obtained COO Ocean Tails, al Trinity; Ilev. V. 111 1 nu iiumi in" i"iiiii inii , . had signatures. He was satisfied Ihat he would announce some reductions been presented it not yet 11. Pierce, ol Port Essiuslnn, at Crew . of Virginia Olsen Maintain Siituiday to make final arraiiKe- - - - -, could r, rx 1 T7 YH In customs duties made its appearance. E. (2. Oib-boiis. Ihey get '.'000 names. Sev. Itohsoti Memorial in Ihe evening, Ship Was Rammed By Sub-Navy IHfllls. eiity-live .business houses in the on farm Implements and articles who championed Ihe cause and al Sixlh Avenue, New West Officers thai cenlre of-Ihe eily had signed in Deny. entering generally Into or daylight saving, staled minsler, in Ihe morning; Ilev. Dr. FISH ARRIVALS DULY OBSERVED the cost of living. there was a petition rrnm -his favor of daylighlsaviiig. .1. 0. Spencer, or Port Simpson, at LOS AM)ELKS, May 23. 0ffi4 minister's side which bore 000 names and Mrs. Director said that the The opening (iruee Church in llie evening,; Ilev. I'er.s al Hie marine, base here Ihe of Ihe pcilmu presented agaius.l ilayiiglil included majority words, on Introducing the O. O. Hacker, or Prince lluperl, Bidding on 140,000 Pounds of saving did deny the statement that llie business He could obtain no rcprcsenl Halibut Budget, stressed the inadequacy men. at Ferris Iload, and Ilev. Joseph Commenced at Exchange schooner Virginia Olsen, which Annual Demonstration Under the who I.O. this iminedialely. The mayor,ex. all people were against of the present tax system llerdman, uf Anyox, al Wilson at 2:30 This sunk today through u collision, D. E. Auspices Takes Place and Indicated the probability plained, howeter, thai ii was fun il. . Heights. Afternoon. was ramiiK'd by llie sub-marine This Afternoon. Aldermen's Views. of' increases. He foreshadowed laic now and Ihe council cniibl further deal only with what il had before Aid. Kelly snid Ihat Ihe representation II T. The captain and officers One hundred and forty thou floating of the Virginia Olsen insist that Some three hundred school domestic loan if the il. of various societies to ADMIRAL LINER RAMS sand pounds of halihiil armed loans;' a hail seemed suf-rieieiit (he .submarine- rammed their children, including -those froin favorable. E. C. Qibbons. council al first in port today for H4ile al the Hie cniivcnl are- this afleruooii market conditions were In forth his, (ilea for to Jusliry the belief thai AND SINKS BRITISH boat and llien left tliem to race I xchaiiKe and the hiddin (or il pulling for but (he of tlio shore, iik in the animal generally trew I in;.' part Kmpirc British preference the retention of daylight saving, daylight saving was The STEAMSHIP ANDREA commenced ul 2:'J() this afternoon, lay ilemouslralhiii - under the would be increased In somo Mr. (iibbons said that the council wauled. Al that time there had H-7 deny any knowledge oT such auspices of the Imperial Order, had already endorsed the been no objection from the other an uiciijent. the Virginia Olsen The arrivals are: Venus, l I.oimi Daujihlers of I lie Empire. Municipal respects Mr.Preference Fielding Announced. has scheme and should now stand by side. lie slill ravorej daylighl PHILADELPHIA, May 23.- The sank but the crew saved. pounds; nival, 0000 pounds; Chapler. Mrs. S. I'. Mc-Mordic. It. The .big poinl in favor jf il saving but was willing to compromise llrilish steamer Andrea, 2,100 been offered Australia In return COO I'aily. 17.000 pounds; N and S. reyenl of the senior for similar treatment. was Ihat il allowed ror a greater if neressary. Ions, sank after a collision with MERCHANT MARINE TO pounds: Vellowsloiie; 10,-OHO chapter, is in chaw ami is re-reiving of evening recreation Aid, Silversides said he was,the liner H. 1 . Alexander, of the All changes In the tariff will measure pounds: Kidsvoh). 15,000 the assis-lance uf other which was badly needed here. still of the opinion as before Admiral Line. off this coast. No CONTINUE CARRYING be reductions but one. I'ouimN: Doreeu, ilOOO ioiinds; officers of the order find the I.asl year without daylighl sav 011 the uueslion and still favor lives were lost. Regarding reciprocity with lUdiunce, OCEAN FALLS PAPER 11,000 pounds; 1'rain, school Icachers, u half holiday ing not a single baseball or football ed daylight saving although next the United States, Mr. Fielding 11,000 7.000 i.ounds: Norma, liaviuv been declared. time be would like In see the had been finished he. said American develop- . game SETTLEMENT BILL pounds; Mnrallce, 5000 pounds; Aller the jinrudv, led by the fore dark. The council had spent question decided by means of a VANCOt VEIl, May 23.-T'hd ments would be awaited. OH.ooo I'elrel, 1000 pounds and 1'olaris, (ireenvillc Concert Hand from Ihe There will be few reductions thousands iif dollars on Ihe plebiscite. The fael that the PASSES ITS THIRD Canadian fiuvernmcnl Merchant pounds. corner of EiMi Avenue mid I'ul-loil sports grounds which would be dlv hud a HHle extra daylight Marine has secured the renewal In the tariff with that tflree o the Wesl holme The. country. nullified If the provision Tor the made it a better place to live in. READING COMMONS ol the paper and pulp contract 11 J re, the youlhrul Kuiocrui).'. m extra hour were rescinded. All He was or Ihe opinion lliul the from Ocean Falls and Powell the latter jilace, will see a muvie sport societies and many others best thing llie council could do River lo California, according lo "lluuiiiUK Hunaway Train." and INDIAN CHIEFS had asked for daylight saving would be to stand by its original LONDON, May "J. - The Kin-pirn ia report from .San , I- raneisco. Settlement Mill its Maple listen lo addresses and musical and no objections had been made decision. ' was-given 1 This cuntracl, which up lo a llilnl reading this morning after numbers. al first. Opponents of the law Aid. Montgomery, said Ihat I year ago was held by llm Pacific Archdeacon i. A. Hi ami Principal HAVE TROUBLE had no righl In come before the a petition nf 1000 names, should Hie House of Commons had rejected S. S. Company and which was won several amendment .1. C. Ilrady arc th make council now nnj ask llial il be not be ignored. Ihe petition on then by Hie C.O.M.M. I.imiled in Syrup appropriulc l"lks nn'iiiber of rescinded. He asked thai the either side should be examined. brought down by the Laboriles. competitive bidding was the the school hoard and officers' and Differences of Iroquois and On council stand by its guns on the If necessary he would be In favor cause or a sharp ronleid In tenders. slaiidard-bi'urers of the various tario Government Going to matter. of u spicittl plebiscite. BUSINESS MAN OF Ibis year, The existing eon. and chapter also taking their plaee The Hague Mm tin O'llellly, Tor the, nnli-daylighl Aid. Collarl wanted to give everybody Iract expires in June and Ihe on the platform with Mrs- Mc-Mordic savers, declared that the a chance and would Hb-ide VICTORIA DIED lenders were opened last week, ns chairman. One of the IIUANTl'OlliV Way 23. Chiefs new time, was not good for the by the judgment of llio majority. ZEALAND II is understood Ihat sitf ,or IN NEW Sug ar ,.i.in..iini iii'ins on Hit prmfiain of the Onondaga Indian reserve business of the community, seven companies .sought il, one is (Ins fla drill by H'' I'lilldri'ii. art plannim,' lo lake Ihclr grievances There were two limes here now Aid, Mcl.eod said he wus S'till or them being an orgHiilzatioii against the Ontario uv- and there was no chance of the in favor of daylighl saving but VIOTOIUA, May 23. William representing Hie Coiuyn interest NEW ARRIVAL ACTION OF DAIL ruincnl lo (he International Iii. railway changing. Oaylighl saving would like lo see a plebiscite. Christie, a Victoria business man wlio own Hie wooden molorships Just Received from Eastern Iiumil al The IIiikuc. They claim wag iiIshi uul fulr (u (lie Mayor llochester I bought the and formerly manager of the C. built ror the Australian Government. Canada, pure Syrup of this EIREANN ENDORSED lliul the recent visit of lion. 1110I hers and the children. 11 pclilions should be examined and P. IL-Telegraphs here, died wjiilo year's run. harles Stewnrt cleared up none Ihe council now thought Mini it a commitlce should examine 011,a visit lo JS'ew Zealand according DLIII.IN, May -'3. Aid I'licis, ofHhcir troubles and they must had done wrong in adopling i, Ihein and report In the council. lo word which has been re VICTORIA BUYS STOCK. Ouulily guaranteed, at a national Sinn f'cin oiKiioua-lion, 0 further abroad for consulta. it was lis duly lo rescind il. It The vtle was Iheu put, llm ceived "here. lowest price in yearn, ra lined al its meeting' today lion. certainly would not work In (he amendment being defeated V lo VIOTOIUA, May 23. The city die asicunenl reached lasl week best' interests or the' community 3 and the resolution carried on BELFAST KILLINGS. lias purchased H,500 pound E. EMAD by the factions in the lail Kire-unu There will lie no issue or the IT the railwuy did .not adopt 11. a similar division. Aid. Dyb-havn JIEI.FAST, May 23.Killing slerling worth nf Northern On rcKunllnt,' the elections and Daily News tomorrow, Victoria The petition thai had been presented und Aid, Perry were not in this district today totalled six. tario debenture slock at 3H thi''-iitti 11 f th. fc- ."nini'iil. ! av. agains! it had been large- present Many were wounded a'10 for investment 111 sinking fund.