PAGE IDC THB DAILY 5EWB Tuesday, May 2 jB! GET AN X-RAY ECZEMA MACDONALD HOTEL ONEY INVESTED IN VICTORY BONDS can be made to earn M larger Interest by selling the bonds and Investing In first ON FACE AND HANDS SINKING WELL ON WESTHOLME THEATRE mortgage on Improved City property. And the mortgages are OF YOUR TEETH for Five Years THE RIVER FLATS Tonight, Tuesday Just as safe, although not so readily convertable Into cash. Money Invested in mortgages Is, generally speaking, fixed for the term of So Eczema or call rlieuin, as It la so often j KllMU.NTO.V, May 22. Men Says Dr. Bayne. It Will Afford called, mammals llseir in little round eniDloved by I lie Maednnuld lintel CHARLES the loans which run from 6 months to 5 years. Hence the larger Great Assistanre to Your RAY Pimples which contain an itremely lrr. ja,.e cn?ag,.,j ,utJnf lovvn a rale of Interest. Drop In and talk it over. Dentist in His Work. latins fluid. These lirtak and gubse-' ., ... ' , . , qucntly rruM or scilo Is formed md lb "' " "," IN inleose burnlnir. Itchics and rmirtinr, Iho low level bridife, and near the H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. J hose eonleiiiplaling hitting especlilly at nlrht or uen the prt u. flights of jtleiis leadlntf from (lie 66 dentistry perfumied nalurnlly do- exposed to . slronr heat. Is ilmoat inv caP (r)tcks tu MfUoUgall Ave- Scrap Iron" fire (heir denlixl .i have ;i cur- tearaUle and relief Is rladlj welcomed. ,J" 1 !t"day surveyors red and definille Idea of lie con Tliere l. only one xay to ret relief and no wen rnaged in runnilieT lines Mermaid remedy iika Comedy, "Oh dition of Uieir teelli, nut only Buddy" i J QlEty CHAIILOTTE l.A.M) WVISIOX BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS I fl'OIII the HvCr tlHIlk to (lie ItM'H- of (lie portion wliieh are evpo- Take It Intenially and II rets at tin ,K, v,-,lM.,. (lie dlillinjr I fill Prices, 15c and 3Gc. V aiH-uuvrr,Take iiutre tlx.,tint miner,VV. 0.intend airily tr d hut itlo that pnilinn wliirli seat of the disease In the Mood and drives I reus, il belli? evident llial Tuesday night the Greenville Hand will prog appear Ui llic Mlnl.-ler or l.anil for licence lie henealh it out ..r n.. at a to the "inn. which ' aei.i : . , 'n... both Tor ........1 ...i......i..n.i performances in addition to the lniiMH-rt mil. iwtroleiiin mij natural 1 regular Hartt M uver md under the rullunlnir dranilii'd ually in a ureal many caseij. I,,,.V. ,l,s.". 1 ' .. . . ... .V ." V- show land-, situate on Skltletrile Jnlel, Uraliam Percentage of proceeds for Hand benefit. 1,-Uhil, H.i:.: CoiiiiiH'iirliiR' it i jmst planted 1 ihe mont imiiorlanl. Ihere health 1 1.. . i...... . .. .1 I lit llic ii'iilliiaji corner of Sertlon Si, is a defiinle way lo aecornpli.-ih Mr. J. sare. IS rrlncess Ave, Van- r'riiierlv Tuwiinhlp S; Hm-ih-o o rhalna; thence bv the bote! olitli ia rhalin; Ihenrc ea-t SO clialiin; litis and (hoi is liy iimsuis of the eouver. B. C. writes: -llavlnir u(TereJ , '"'''I." n i m.riii eu CII1UI9 10 jnmu Of COM- X-ray. with ecMtna on the face and head for the 4,"S'' 'I'' buildtn? ildelf, but Shoes ;iiK'uri-incnt. -m -last nve years, I consulted gevrral doctors, it ii undfrslood thai thb failed I l.wited Mircli y, tvtt. Ilelnre having work at. any ,. and tried various kind of aalvea and i.. II... ,in I W. u.MtloiilllS. Locator. templed, il would be well (0 first lotions, but I derived no benefit from any ... ...,'" i,,.,,-,, n, ..i,.,,,.. r yt KL.N CII.MII.OTTE LAM) DIVISION. 'if all have X-ray pit-lures taken nf I hi In I rfi.l n..t . H ....Il Once worn, will so fully win ram- imti.-e that VV. O. Mi-MorrK of of Ihe teeth so thai your lilitist a rrlend advised me to try Burdock Blood location to the flats. . . RUPERT BRAND . . aniuver, It.c. miner. Intend to apply Hitters, and artcr I had used two bottles I Ui tint MlnlMer or l.indi ror licence may be able lo proceed and beran liklnr1 j our confidence Ilia! yuu will to to ret better and now after AIIfT ADM insr'ct fur coal, prlri.lrmn and natural j-'iVe an inlelligenl njiiiiiini ;is lo elrlit bottles I have not even a blotch on ALlLLj flftlTl (ran over and under thn accept Hie next pair without lands, nl male on Skldoirate following Inlet.drM-rllii'it Uraham wlml Kiiould be ilmie. Often nie. I reel that I cannot praise B. B. B.l and i--iaiiii, u.i..: ..oiiinirnriiia' ii loo lilrlilv r Imn. -..., in Kippers Bloalers a jmi planted further introduction or rec-ommi'iwJalion, bridges . are alljiriicd to teiilh ul .in. mji mnri cunicr oi section aro. or this recommendation for the benefit of Stililovich has returned to lijwnshin i- tiience east gu chains; tlience old friends tcrly unfit to tlieni. The ;is south gu rliain. thence weal 80 rlialiia; .-ii'irl those who arc sutTrrlnr from tbls terrible Alice Arm from Vancouver. He whose dependability and thence north 80 chains to nolnl or cum- rewuli is dial Ihey are stain enn- complaint, ectema." iaccompaliicd Mrs. Sulilovicb wurlli Uiencenient.Located March J I, deiuned and reiiHiyeil your I lino o. o. . put up oniy by The T. unburn ,,.,. ,..,,, .... ,,,, are fully proven. VV. i., McMiumig, Uicalor. ind Co, Limited. Toronto. Ont. i.. wasted. 'J'his money can been receiving medical treatment. j for,Sale.ut OILE.N CHAIILOTTE LAM) DIVISION. be avoided with very little ektra - eoun is a son of Professor John ALL RETAIL STORES Take notice llmt w ft ..f espi'11-.o. Mr. ami Mrs. t:ii.-i. Cijstuf fim Voiirouver. II.C. miner. Intend Macoiui, of Ottawa, the famous j to X-ray apply My iiiaeliinee wbieli in nf to the Minister or Land ror a llecnre tu naturalist and have arrived in Alice Arm from j KIRKPATRICK prosH-cl Tor coal, petroleum and natural the lalesl type is ul your dis. explorer, who died Tacoma where they speul Ihe! The Most Tasty Breakfast Food 8aa over and under the friihtivinir i.r,iitri last year in his ninelieth year. posal. At a very low cost you U..u.-, r,,uir ,mi c-mwrd It? unci, urnnaill Mr. Maeoun said that be had winter. The Store of Satisfaction !.:.: lUiiiiineiicinic at i post tilanled can secure (be necessary exposures Obtainable at the ionhrat corner or Section 7, the seen-on prairies some of the Tonnslilp ; thenTc wen go chains; thence and lake llieni to 'your . Mrs. O. (Jray, of Alice Arm, youth gu chains; thence east go chains; finest gardens (hat could possi ib'iitisl wlio will thence north go chain to point or commencement. 11111 only ap-preeiale bly be has left on a visit tu Seal lie. I tlieni but be sn guided seen anywhere in Canada. Smoked,Daily by Located .March II, 10??. J Jut. before the prairies VV. n. MrMnnWS, Locator. that he ran give you belter mid can .1. Trollers ! OLLt.N CHAIILOTTE.., .LA.D DIVISION. more inlf 1)11.llii'itt A. II.service.IJAYXIC hedges have gardens for Iheir Ihey windbreaks,must have Mr. Sunday foreman Wells,for at Ibe Alice government Naas Arm,Valley left road,on U Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Maeoun in.. r- iuhi u. mr.vorri. or 1 added. "Set vour amiurer. It.c.. apply!111""" I, fi. (i lleltfcrsiin Jllnuk miner. Intends to supervise government road work! PRINCE RUPERT ... hedge and look uir KnuiT.irr 01 iimis lor a licence to Phone lull. yon may for prospect for coal, petroleum ' and natural in that district. he said. "'I your garden, bo teas over ana under Uir rollowinir descrllied ! Salmon land, Flluate on Skldea-ate Inlet. Graham 1 hedges are coming. The Dominion Island, H.C.: Commeiirlnir at a .t planted Pi? AIR IF SflllN RP at southeast corner or Section 34, Town- IvlllUIjiJ UUVil Ult oxperiiiienlal farms have FALSE ECONOMY Wlicn fish are scarce iu west in, z;go ineiicv chains; norm thence itu south ciiaius;go chaln:tlience DOTTED WITH GARDENS more, far more, than paid for Spring and Fail, the thence east go chains to point of commencement. themselves, by the wide dislribu-lion II The family that does not pro Located March il, which, has been given to vide for laundry service in the! Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. Phone 686 Inverness Camp VV. n. MrMomiia. I.oca lor. Winnipeg, May I'J. Thai the the caragana hi'due. which Ihe weekly budget is practicing false: at Dundas Island OI L'E.N CHAIILOTTE LA-ND UlVISIO.t. lime will eime when Hie prairies department at Ottawa introduced economy. I'nder our new plan.i Dr. E. S. TAIT is on Hit' job to handle your Take imllre that V O MrViirH, r.r will be hedjreil and dolled willt fioin.Jlusslu. It is indispensable Laundry work., by the., pound, J Vancouver. It.c. miner, Inttmds lo apply ramlens and fifh. , .blooming flowers, lo Hie rjinall garden on Ihe practically the entire family Jiun-j Finest i-'old bronze, brass prosN-ct ror coal, petroleum and natural Of ripening fruils and (if delie- prairies. I atlribulc a V''''al dump! Dental Surgeon die washed aud returned, ras over and under the following described ! and German silver: Cutty-liunk, lands. Mtuate on Skidcrale Inlet. Graham ! ;,OU!i vegelaliles, was Ibe pli'dlc- deal of (be splendid results almost ready for ironing, for Island. B.l".: Coiiiineiiclna' at a nost nlamed I 1 1.... I, ...... .,ii.- 1.,- w achieved in Office Hours, 9. a.m. to 9 " western gardening p.m. . Fpoun. rings, swivels, .1 the inhu..I rrpr ,,r """ " " - '"V "J " $1.25. linen, hooks, copper painl, Tow nshlp i; tlience tifil, an .ii.hid. T. Maeoun. lii-rl iculturisl of the to Ihe influence exerted by Hit! This is llic cheapest Laundry Sunday by Appointment Viicoce rai eu riiiius: tlience mum gu l.',...,.i,,,.,l.,l and everything for Trollers chains; thence west go clialua to point r I ,)0,l,,n,un laims. experimental s.lations," Mr. Maeoun Service ever offered locally, and at lowest commencement. wlm has almost completed a lour declared. prices. Located March It, IBS. the husband who has Iho welfare White Salmon for Halibut W. O. MeMinilils, locator. of inspection of (lie Dominion's Mr. Maeoun said the present of hi family at heart can-nol Boats. expei-inii itlal farms. Mr, - Ma- aim of the deparlinenl uf agriculture afford lo puss Ibis service We Sell Groceries. is"lo gel earlier varieties up without serious consideration, r A IT ur Irote" ''erring ball is conceded by fishermen Honest Voighls. of fruils and vcgclables. and referred be Hie line! at Pacific Coist We have also our Soft Finish lo procurable any Honest .Measures, aud Ladies' more parlicularly lo Ihe Service, where for u Hinall additional I'orl and II is "Fishy." J'rice, 30 per ton. Honest Employees. special need for earlier varieties charge, everything is irP" Tlie best way of insuriiieT a Rood quality trip ii of all kinds on (he swept dried and ull flat pieces Ironed to have plenty of our hard frozen ice. Price, prairies. and folded. H per ton, To (hose who can afford the f fjf well-pquipped slort! can (upily fluliunc (tear, Beautiful Lingerie LA CASSE INVITES JOU small addilimial cost, (Ills is the and hardware.c- fishermen's clothinif, groceries Hnd provieiom TDV 1117117 IPt? PDriM ' coniiieie .mhicb pnsjuir, RE SPECIAL IU IKl INLW lit IKtAM without finishing Ibe .entire l.uii- Summer IN SILKS, SATINS, CREPE TIMBER LICENSES . dle. The cosl will be found to NEW ENGLAND FISH Company Store, Remodelled to Take Care of 1-' considerably below the pre- Ketchikan, Alaska Branch DE CHINES, ETC. Now Department of Bakery vailing price. The attention of Tiinbel Li Business A (rial will convince you of Ihe Knit Suits All made in our own workshops, inciils of Ibis service. cense holders who are taking advantage of the provisions of the The La Casse Ice Oreatu Parlor CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY Canadian National Railways iDZl Amendment lo the l OftKST will be open tomorrow. May 25, just to hand At Exceptionally Low Prices. ACT, whereby arrears oT license when La Cassc Ice Cream will be PHONE 8. fees uc.crueil prior to 31fl De available for the Prince llupert cember, IU20, have been funded public. This ice cream, "the regular Prosperous continuous advertising advertising.means Prince Rupert J. Bent's and made payable in annual instalments, earn of cualily" is made from "DEMERS" is specially directed (o Ihe best materials available, from yitt.N ClIUlLOTlt L AMI IU VISION. the fact llial any renewal fee tin- F.dmoiiloii City Dairy recipe. Take imtlre that VV. II. McMorrla. or DRYDOCK Lingerie Shop which became due iu is not The store has been iMiioilelled Vam-uuver, II.C, miner, Inl'iida to i'l.v Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 Third Avo. included iu Ihe instalments uhove am natrons will find The I.u piiikiieci ror coal, iielroleum and natural AND mentioned, and such 1!1'1 uml all Lasse Parlors (lie most pleasant u,t. iuiie , stoienm init uiniium and comfortable. Orders will be B.C.: tomim-ncinr at a uom .ianu-iJ subsequent renewal fees must be SHIPYARD R'llMWi'U 10 UIIV pun Ol llic vity rioUhMiip v; tlience north eU cnulti inence paid wil li in after the one year webt gu chaltia; thence gotith chains; TO ALL by phoning 1."0. Call in tomorrow dale of expiry of the license in inence east ku cuaina to ihiiui or com Let Us Advise You order lo maintain the rigl'l of Ihe you will have time on the holi. inencemciil.Loiuird March '.'I. m. Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock day uml inspect the prcmUcs VV. O. McMiililllS. loiali-r. TRAPPERS! wilb a lifetime's experience holder to obluiu a renewal of the Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pstlcn and (he ice sample new cream. 0LXLK CIIAIlLOTIt LAM lilVlslO.. License.. 113 makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. in nil branches of the. You will like it well. .building Tradoj . Vainiiuver,Take notice B.C.,that miner.VV, O,Intend Mc.Morrf,to apply or Electric and Acetylene Welding. Let's ajl get together. Ui the Milliliter or Land ror a llceme to Have inside information Brickwork, ;!LIBERALS ORGANIZE propped ror coal, petroleum and natural tr over and under the rollowinir decrlbed thai will benefit us. land, uliuate on Skldcfti le Inlet. Oralium Our plant is equipped lo handle ull kinds of Stonework, Extra SPECIAL AN ASSOCIATION AT Ifiland, II. :.: Coiiimenclnr II I planled . WRITE US AT ONCE at the Miiitheaal corner or Section 1IG, ToHUklilp : tlience went 80 Marine and Commercial Work chain; tlience 10209 101st St., Edmonton, Concrete, etc. while they last TOWN OF ALICE ARM north tin chuiims thence ent u clialimi thence son in gu chalna to point of commencement. Alia. Plans und Specifications PHONES 43 AND 385 free to all our clients. 50 Sacks ALICJ'; AHM. May 23. A well-attended Located .March XV. 0.SI,Mifiiniil-.1 oetf. locator. William Watts & Co. of Alice Arm,meeting wan of held the Lilierule in, the WV.ES lake notice CHAHI.OTTK that VV I.AMJ i; M,if.i-ru DIVISION. .ri , ROBIN OolUeuin aiicouicr, n.t., iium-r, inieno.H to apply 'last Bell 8 Crossed Builders and Contractors Wednesday even-ins. to the Minuter or l.andH ror a licence lo The nieetinR wu called for pronpect tor coal, petroleum and natural P.O. Box 823. Phone 482. it over and under the rollowinir deacrlbcd the imrjioxe of forming an uo-cialion land', altuale on Skldpimie li.i.n riru , "Supreme" Painters and Decorators Office 1017 3rd Ave. and elecjilip oflicciK. Mr, Inland. II.C: Commenclnir at u iot planted BE!! Jobbing Work of all Kinds. ot the noitliweat corner or Section tg. PAPERHANGING HOOD J'. Itiel acted an chairman. The Township a; tlience cant 80 fhalnai thence vu .ii,:nlc IU Cllllllll KALSOMINING following officer were elected: tlience north gu chilli to point of coui-meiiccmeut. Hon. l'reaident II. 1'. Kerfe'in, l.ocuted March 8, to;;, l're-war J'rices From the Farm M.L.A. W. O. MeMtmiiW, Locator. FRESH Work neatly and quickly I'ieiident C. I'. Iliel. ot iEN cuuiLoni: lam ihvision. FRESH CoffeE to the Table ROASTED , done. FLOUR Viro.remidcnl S. DumaB. 'Cuke (MillCf lint, VV It kl.a ROASTED ancouver, li.c., miner. Intend lo autdv 318 Fifth Street Phone 477 Hi-c I C i i.. ihn Vlltiiri,. ,.r (a...,. .... - r .r re u ry W. u m i n n k h. ' ""u" "l JICC1IIU IO proM-cct ror coal, petroleum aud.,.natural,, .... BulkleyValley Treasurer 0. W. Jirusgy. irtt itvee uitn iiiuIai ll, ...n.....i. Damaged by water , Jxeculivo Cominillee A. Falconer, l.luKfl r land, altuale II IT f7,.II,ll...,i..ln on ,.;Sklderate 7 """I"!. Inlet,urncriueii Uraham. , .. "Supreme" Brand CofTee loses its virtue and charm " ' "ii a m imni piuiiieu BEEF W. McDonald, J. Fiva. at tlie aoutuweki corner or section IB, is Fresh Roasted very rapidly after it is roasted. 49 lb. sacks at luniian, inriiur till PU Clllllliaj IlieilCO For your next PORK Arter the election of officers north SO chalni thence went go chalua: Ihe qncntioii of gending a dele-fale thenco aoinh go chalua to point or cum-iucncciiient. MUTTON to the Provincial Liherul Locaica marrn Ifl. 1Bf, Tastes as Good as current requirements only, iealizi Shoe Job VEAL Repair 95c W. O. McWOHHIS. Locator. ing thai, essentially, Coiree mus FRESH KILLED POULTRY Convention lo lie Jield Jn June, it Smells Skeena River Farm Produce came up for diijcussion, and it OI lake LE.'V notice CHAIILOTTE that W'LAND o. uri,ii IHVISION.... be fresh roasted to be perfectly try VANDERHOOF wan dfcided to leave tlie inalterj Vani-ouv'er, II.C. miner. Intend to a'nulv satisfactory. CREAMERY to tue minuter or Land tor licence lii a J. C. EMERTON BUTTER each. in the liundpi of the Kxeculivc proHict ror coal, petroleum and natural Sold only in 1 Cartons. pound Airtight Oonmiiltee to devixe and raa over and under the rnlluwluir defccrlhed Champion Shoe Repair Shop wuy lard, situate on Skldeirme i. NORTHERN INTERIOR meaiiM of raiiiifr Hie Island, B.C.: Commenclnir at necessary f.ont plumed Kinad lilock, Third Avenue Table Supply Co. fund, at future meeiiisr. at the norlhwent corner or Section SO LTD. CO-OPERATIVE Rupert J lie usMieiutloii a in off with aouth Township go rhalnn 4; tlience thenc eut go chain! V.,.'- STEWART & MOBLEY, "Repairs while you wait" Phones 211-212 ".thence north go cbatua to point or cuui' RUPE"T' (food Coffee Importers and PRINCE Phone 81 start, twenty new meinbers mencement. Roasters Ii iv".; i.iiro'd during Ihe (oeeUnp. Luuattiu warm V g VI,JIcMonjUS,ita. Luctur.