‘Seize Chevrolet Six First in Quality — Sold and Serviced by KAIEN MOTORS F ¢ Phone 52 “It’s Service Th .%,°O, ——— Vol, XXIIL., First in Value ‘| Che Daily Nets %Y te, eI oe 4 No, 241. as . eee eee eee MURPHY ON BAIL NOW Secretary of Unemployed Secures Freedom Pending Consideration Of His Appeal At 6:30 last evening Thomas W. Murphy, secretary of the local branch of the National Unemployed Workers’ Association, against whom a deportation order was made at a court of inquiry conducted by the Dominion immigration department, obtained his freedom on $3000 bail appeal of his case to the Minister of Immigration. Mrs. T. J. Shenton and Mah Bon Quen went bondsmen for Murphy in sureties of $1500 each. L. W. Patmore has been retained as counsel for Murphy in his ap- peal. pending e+e 024000408089 + \* ° le NON-AGGRESSION PACT + a NEGOTIATIONS FAIL # + ——- * * MOSCOW, Oct. 18:—It was - # announced yesterday that ne- # * gotiations for a non-dggression # |# pact which have been in pro- # |# gress for some time between # |# Soviet Russia and Roumania # |\# have broken down, Similar @ i+ pacts being negotiated by Rus- + sia with Poland and France # * may be seriously delayed as a @ * result of the break-down of the # + Russo - Roumanian negotia- @ * + *@#?e 00064000489