thi jDAnn, jrjnvu                                                                                                               PAGE.SEVEN

                                                                           Veteran Minister Of Finance

                                                                                presents Canada's Budget For

                                                                                      Year To House This Afternoon

                                                                                                                                                              v    M.'...

                 Pure, unbleached, red,                                         OTTAWA, May 2.1.         (My (iarwdiaij I'ros).        The budget'

                                                                           !peoe!i, winch will ho delivered by Jlin.       W. S. I iolding      thiK

     g           palm oil and vegetable                       m            afternoon, is expected In conlnin Mime clinugos in die tariff but

                                                                           no general revision.     Budget seerel.s are proverbial ly well kept,                      Showers                                         and warts for
      m         oils     the greatest of all                               but this inucli is inferred frnm past dt'cJiMtioii.s if Ihe Liberal                                           of'JJiamonds

     fif        skin                                                       parly and froin I fie political situation iu die Ilouee of (.omrnons,

                          beautifiers             are                     especially    mm f fie parliamenlary influence of die Progressive

 m used in the making of W                                                 bloc, ,                                                                                     BRIDES
                                                                             The. budget-is nl.o likely lo contain innoiinceineri(      ill" tiinmenl

       m         Lifebuoy Soap.                                           on Inxation and" on die irielhndsj '                        rliZ

                                                                          lo bo ndnp'o.l    o bridge Ihe gap'fiai yont. prcvini.s."'V Curiously

                                                                          between the. revonno in siKhl and,,,m.-ioii iim .,..,.            nf   n...

            flR          yhf. odour vunUhes                               Iho ostimalos which have been counlry did not rise during die                      lfnelySuffffestionJor their.

                           quickly lifter um      mgM                     brought down.     It is regarded as year, hut fin th other hand show',
                                                                          probable (hat Ihese methods will
                                                                                                                oil a fulling off of approximately
                                                                          include an inlorhal loan in addi- -t7,0(i(i,00n.     Jim explanation of

                                                                          Jinn to (hat which has       already n.i- ,.,..wi;ii    n,i ihora                                    her heart!      Give her p                                   Ware U Ihe

                                                                          boon floalod in Xevv York.           U.xrf!0 Urease in the asset        of            BLESS            Ware shower or a Pearl                      DIAMOND              kitchen

                                                                             Ihe year whieh     Air.  rielding                                                                                                               ware you ever law.      Sky
                                                                                                                    lhmUnn.                 in ad-                     Ware shower.         Get together some
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Idue and white outside with
                                                                          covors in        limlpet   ,ns  been
                                                                                                                vl)ll(.,.H lo Jjnnk(l ,at lt,p ,JW                       afternoon                          before                    white lining, and it '
                                                                          orn- of deebue in Iryijo. and in Ihe                                                  lovely                       days or so                     it EDOwy
                                                                                                                l(al illf.r,, wnK an inorense in Ihe                                                                         hi   three coats of special
                                                                          leverinoA of lhe oounfry, hut Ihore     , (,r IWW,f( w(Hl nr             ,            that happy day.         Give her a wonderful               . enamel over a base of the

                                                                          me sltris that a lurn of the tide           n.i,n          Anmncr ll.s,.              surprise.    Imagine her delight when she                    best open-hearth-steel. Serviceable

                                                                          lias wme. The .total trade figures                                                                                                                          as well as beautiful.
                                                                                                                        r (hi- Ipans   which   have             sees the sparkling collection of
                                                                          ...      . s. a, year vvi.ioi, c.ose.i
                                                                                                               f,.,, mwU, (j, tUp rawnVf ,
                                                                          on March .1 last-die year         of1(.pnl                                                                                                           Pearl Ware given ordinary
                                                                 the J ,nance A inisler has j          .                                                                            '                         care, will outlast any ' ware:
                                                                                                                  A    ,.n,.ollrajjInff ,ovejopment                                               WARE                       made. It ,1s Pearl Grey in-'
                                                                          io give an iHvi'ount   showed l llg ,,,i.,i II,n    !i.o.i  Xlinitlnn l...o                                                                        side  and ; out; beautifully

                                                                           ailing off from IhosoV of.      the 'lo reoorl is the rise' in the gold                                                                           mettled and very smooth.
                                                                          year before, but the    figpres  for basi's                                               "A Fact of Porcelain and A Hurt of St f I"               Jt has two coats' of special'
                                                                                                                      rtf )uii(iniin nob's in oircu-
                                                                          Alarch were larger -diun for 'Ihose.                                                                                                               SfclP enartiel on a base of
                                                                                                                lalion during Ihe year past.     At                 Don't be satisfied                 her                   open-hearth steel.
                                                                          in any month in the whole fiscal                                                                                  to give          just a
                                                                                                                die end of                 Ihe
                                                                                                                            .March, l!21,      percentage
                                                                          year.     I lie revenue figures for               gold                                kitchen shower.         Give her a Diamond
                                                                                                                        ,of      -In die .Dominion
                                                                          dm year Svere also     much below nolo circulation was only,                    shower or a Pearl shower so .that she will                  Insist

                                                                          those of. dm year    previous,   but. but at Jhe end' of March    last  il            have a complete set of sanitary, long-lasting,
                                                                          again llanh, dip las) . month of                                                                                                                  on the
                                                                                                                had risen lo .13.).                                        beautiful cooking utensils.                                        xstaSV
                                                                          die year, was marked by an in-
       The                                                                                                             Gold Reserve Rises                                                                                   Shield
                                                                          ereasi in ineome.                                                                                        hardware           sells eithet
                                                                                                                                                                    Every good
                                                                                                                  When the note circulation of
         HEALTH soap                                                               Revenue Surplus                                                              Diamond Ware or Pearl Ware. See                              Trade Mark
                                                          L.M                I'he financial slatcnienl. for the llio banks is combined with the                                                               your

                                                                          yeiir closed in 3Urch shows a eon    government notes, thus inehpting                 nearest dealer and arrange to have each                                         Diamond

                                                                          siderablo sin plus of ordinary rev die whole note circulation of llio                 person give the bride something different.                  ON Wares every genuine or Pearl Ware

                                     poiidnnt  on   irrigation   for                                           roiinlry, die gold reserves wvre                                                                              utensil       will find  the
                                                                          enue over ordinary     expenditure.                                                   One will give a kettle, another a double                             you
                                     produolivily.    Willi   jdonly                                           on .March .11, 1021, i.1.0 of (ho                                                                            SUP shield trade-mark in
                                    ;                                      I'he lolal              announced
                                                                                     ; revenue as
                                            il                                                                 circulation while on Ihe corresponding           boiler, another a dishpan, and              so on.           red, green and white. Look
                                    jwHlw      produces hugo omps o is                                    with
    Ii in in               Gar                                                :i7l.ftuo,000 as enmpared
                       a                                                                                                                                        Make           plans,          It is                         for it.. It is your protection
                                                                                                                                                had                                   now.
                                     spi-ndid   fi'uil. Willioiil. wall'r ordinary expenditures     of ijs.l'Ji.-        dale this year they                            your                         your opportunity             against cheap, one-coat

                                     it lii-i-iiini's a ilo.soii, rir very Onn.oon.  This gives a surplus on risen lo 47,2 per cent.                                     to make the bride-to-be an even                     grades- of enameled ware.

   A short account of a Trip to i nearly (hat.     Wnlcr .and :in ciinsoii.taioii   account   or   some      :auadaV external trade during                happier girl.                                                And remember     a Diamond

     California in a Ford Flivver ( llio agonls wiijoti mako     il   ro. iflT.onn.onn.   For the               Ihe year recently closed    fell off                                                                         Ware cr ,Pearl Ware uten-.
                                                                                                    year pre.                                                                                                                sil that last          $1.SO
         By H. F. Pullon          j iliico lJn  fruits and nuts which                                                heavily.  For the        IH20-21                                                                                     year cost
                                                                          vious there                   larger very                     year
                                                                                       was an    oven                                                                                                          Canada        can now be bought for .90
                                     wo in 'llio ;iorlh consumo.          .surplus, the revenue being ?lil,-       the lolal Irade Was      2,.!n,-."Hrt.nnO; Th  Sheet Metal P roducts Co.,                  Unu ltd        cents;

         THE HOT BELT.                 It js jalhor noliooahln dial Iho HOn.OOO as ni-'aiusl     expenditure!!            whole   for 1021-22     it               Montraal          TORONTO            Winnipeg

                                     frui i wo  oo hero Is nol as good of iit:ir,7,non,nnn                     sank to    1.50 1,7 31.0(10. The decline            Edmonton          Vancouver          Cal&ary                                         91
   Sarrniiiotilo. .May 1.1. Saora-'iiln in dial wo nuroliaso in   l'rinco   The largest single- Hem in the            affected imports somewhat

        has many attractions.     II lluperl.- 'I'he oranges have boon revenue of 11)21-22 wqs         derived more seriously than exports, nnd

                                     email and Iho lemons not very as usual from dm customs, which the result, is that for               the   year

   nl troi's :in.l lniililiiiLTs nml !. large, and oven Iho grope fruit showed      lnl,nnn,unn     compared ending with March last there was
   i' cenlre  nf Ihe  almond    in-
                                     aro ,no  first class.  The straw     with ijHtV-'.Ono.nno in the year be  an excess of exports over imports
     irv nut i   a in   na    nea . liorrios                  similar In                                        which is           referred to
                                             aro good, very               fore.    Second place in Ihe last               usually              as a

   iffiout lion! l cannot      rn' Cordon Hesl tind Terraoo except year wlis held by the income lax; favorable balance of trade;                yr

   iiw  Jim j  me   iiuht    nuns Hint I hey seem -in lack somewhat which replaced           sales   lax  and the    yenr   10112-21   the imports

  I:to! are pr Mi iced hero.  Jle;il of the flavor which makes those liither special war Inland revenue were ?l,2IO,058,nnO and for 1021- inaes. il  prnpcroo. northern        horries    famous.    It in rank of importance.    The rev- 22 the- imports were only .$717,-

   al I' aUo whal make     life uti. looks In us as if the host fruit           from the income      lax   for KOI.non; while for Iho eorrespon
   amble nl .'line In people who is xehl nway nml          Iho    poorer 1H2I-22 was       H,0OO,OO() as compared ding periods Ihe exports worn $1,

    nol used ii if.                 grades arc ponumod hi hoiiio,                with only    38,00n,00il IJie 2in.l2K,n0(l and $75.'l,027,nno ro-
   Wo came hero just before noon
                                                                                          while die sales and   poc lively.
  -lay Willi I lie Idea of  seeing                                        year previous;
                                           INTERIOR NOTES                 related taxes sank from      fi.noo,-          Optimistic Not
  ii' oily, but curly In die aflorj-
                                                                         -mn tn    72,ooo,nno.                   TheiH is a note of distinct.nn-
   'm we willed anil oven yol    il           if      . r ..ll.    i
                                       I., .11, lllMtl.', Ill If'lJtwll, J fill    Net Debt Larger             (irnisin in  another  fimmoial   al
    n lint thai  life is anylhing
                              ead n Inisinos     I rip to 1'ranooU-l.ako    In spile of this favorable show    teration which has taken place iu
     a pleasure.  'I'll" snow          ,  .I    i . i.
                                    IIIKIIOIIIIT IHKO -....                                              however, ho'   'under review.   This is in
  'Hinlalns  almost   n   hundred                    piMIII).            ing oil consnliilaleil accounl,       I   year

  ill's awny irink very attractive                                              Ihere was an     increase   of the exchange rale      as   between                                                                                   .Cocrrliiht. Cnda. 1922. Ij
     Hip                             ' Minx Mnrsni'i'l niid 'MU   Knth   l?7.1,0no,nnn in the net debt of the dujiada and die United States, At                                                                                     nt s.m.r. uo. or Cauda, lu
  ;ni   rcmoiuir.iiicc of our own
  ntih   Columbia     make     Ii r lann W'liiln Iftfl 'J'ILu.-:! flip Yuri Dominion. On ..March 3.J Uisl die Ihe end of .March 1021 .Now York

   trill living yol.           '  " couvoV on 'I'hiiivday'   lal, on a nei debt nf diniiila' sj.oo.1 ,nl       funds   w'oro  at  a  premium     of                                                                               .

   Il was useless In    ask  today vai'.nlion.    .    ,                  ;t8 l,t)!)t5,.'l!M as compared with nearly thirl con cents.   Today Iho and a half .

                               lint                                      H2,:il l.2!'l for die end of die premium is ranging nbnul a cent
  'W lil           II      Ion
         II was.      was              Alius K. .od. who has lioon                                                                                     r.urning to the year .that is now:

   i a  Itrjtmh  Onrtinibiaii. An- lvisiliiig.Mrs.  J.   'I'icohiirsl of                                                                            current, that is 1022-?3( though

  Hit ilny Ik'im Would lio ptirgal-iy                                                                                                               the exchange and lrade;sitiialion.

    if lliisriny hot as ln-                                                                                                                are showing nn-imprnyoment, Mr",              TIMBER SALE X 3971.

  "'  W" iue out of our natural                                                                                                                     J'ipl.lin!? his a .lirficiilf mnhlein i S"all tend.T will 1 ,rcielviil by.the
                                                                                                                                                                                          nntiMrt- ron!.ur .m.r lal-r iliau ikmiu nn

  liliui.                              Polo fJarrigan arrived op Pal-(la.con                                                                        in making ends-   meet. in. nalionail nhaJA!" ii,nv liaaniA.J in;..'X ' 3171.. or npar m Aliler rur TO EUROPE

           Days of '49.             urday   niglu   in             frmu                                                                             finance.'- The main estimates al'- i:rerk. C. II. 5, to rut 43" M.B.M. feefnf
   Sacramento   is  preparing    In                                                                                                                 reaily. down a re for   I fitV.bfiO'.OjflO, sj)i-iic..       1, .                 Ml HESEBVATIONS NOW!
                                    Hie suufh.                                                                                                                                             Tun (g. ypors ,ll lie alloweil for r-nioval
  lolirnlo tin famous   gold  rush                                                                                                                  while the rovciiiio for.the'.last fin      ot Mulier.       -V . . . .
  f 10. An edict has         fnrlli                                                                                                                                                         Kiirllier farllriiUrs or flip Chlr. rores-lir,
                       none            tin. I ...t. rtt f.i I n fi hfrii-nil in                                                                      al  year  was jonly  $:J7),0tl0,i(io.   V Ifinrln, ..r lfi ..lilt rl.-t-I'tirester.

  il for the iircnsinii every inalo 1 1. v. I . 't l.'isl week lo visit his                                                                          I'bis indicaos 'a deficit, of ahout.   '                    i).      i    Jui) 13 July IIJAuj S, .Eio'pfM f Franca

 'H'IitiI of a  uilalilo age must   aunl, Mrs. .las. .MaoKay.                                                                                        90,nO(l,OlHI; hut'.fh addil inn there                                     Juoa 27;July 2S Aug. 22 Empran of Scotland

  oar whiskers.   A  n result al-                    T I   '.                                                                                       is likely to be a'big'dO('lino   -ill'                                      MONTREAL-SOUTHAMPTON-ANTWERP

 H""J ovory iiwp ynu meet oil tin      HUlion Dii   Vrnl.v wn    in Ha-                                                                             incnino lax and'.in: busihe'ss prof-J.                                     jluna 7.July 5'Aug r 2 ...'.. . Mlnnadoia

 1 "ooi Ikih r 1 1 i 1 1 hoard, sideburns,, iii iv'nk :v4 iunfinrifii                                                                        its tax this year .as 'compared with'         TIMBER ,8LE 0C3J87.          June 10                .  8canlnalan
                                     .i imn         - "                '                                                                                                                                                       Juna 21Jul 19    18          . MallU
 niillon chops   or  some    nl her eight girjs and fo.ur hoys, all In                                                                              last.   The   decline  iii. i busin'es.s'il tco.lor. will iWbchIvhI riy .the     Auj.
  iiiiliinalloii In Mio way of hir-"ile                                                                                                                      tax Is'bj'lie          ''b)-' MlnUir i.r i.aiiiln, at Vleirfrls.. not liur MONTREAL TO I LIVERPOOL
                                                                                                                                                    profits                expected
                                    dians.                                                                                                                                               tlian. noon ttn tho Kin dattrof June, tits. ,...; ,-..,..... .,. v M.
      arini'iHlaHO. In addition In                                                                                                                  canse'tbat tax expireil a:lli'o.en?d r..-   r...R..,.u.o a,j', tn.,..., un. -6j vn, du ii v w  'nivnivwii.
 hat,                                                                                                                                                                                    I.&UII.UUU I If I or S nnii'e.TO.'ilar. 'llemlorlt Juiniejui 14 AmiJiJ wonlrei
      many   vf,'thoni  wear1   roil   Mrs.  MeCulolieon   of  Iho  lla-                                                                            of 1020, while last year's ivvetrtpj ami HaU.iin, pliuairu. on 'an" arVa -on ihe
 "'"  and piratical looking lials.                                                                                                                  f     i               :   i  i i. jl t.Hti Arm or Oiayri''y Inlet; , .Itange i,   MONTREALTO OLASQOW
  lie                               Kolton   Ilosnilnl  iiutMng    la rr,                                                                           in on iiHMime iiix,.oiii' in iiieoi-troduelinn 0at l.aml lilMrli-t. ,      Juna ' 3 July 1 Jul'y 29 ... ,; .MaUfama
     whole oily is 'l',l mad. The .                                                                                                                                                        Two           will Ih! allnwpd
                                                   -j        ..L.i.i r.,                                                                                        oC lhe-,.syslem ;of pay         4i(i vrara              ror re
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Juna  ,Aug. 8.                Scollan
                                    lofl: oil    eiiuesiiay  iuki                                                                                                                                              .   "
                                                                                                                                                                                         moval i.r .timber.
 ,ir,P arc pairing in , log. frniil l.oiidon, Onl.. on accoiiiil of the                                                                             ment at the ;timiV of making (he       1-uriDiT lunirtilars .nt the. C.hler Fores- Juna 17July 15 AuqII Tunlalan

  nd arc advertising jts. in   llio illness of her iiud.ier,  .                                  Eye        Strain                                  return, included a large part nf lrrVf'''i',,.t't;;;';, cr '"Mr-; Forr'efr. Juna 24 July 22 Aug. 18    ' Coralcan

  iy of the gold excitement. Wn-                                                                                                                    111! taxes for two years.      it is                           .....              QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL
                                                                                                                                                                                           .'(iTirr id .,L.L-ti. ....-..
     jjjii wearing      .skirls and                                                                                                                                                           '. ....'' u.,r..l lliai .ill PI.ill Juna 23 July 1S Aug.lE.Empraaa ot Britain
 ji"'ii           hoop                .Ins. runihiill of (ho-I'oroslry                        so    certainly ing    a   run-down     nervous       very likely that these Iwn items uy, lil9 iViU ltay tt 4luie   lt. M ,
                nnollior                                                     NOTHING                                                                                                     orjork Iu tint         al  s lit- CmiM- July 5             Empraaa of India
      lypicul.iij                                                                                                                                                                                      ruifiiooii,
                         ago.                                                                                                                                                millions lo
                                                                   from                                                                                  add           fifty
                                                         his                                                                                        Jiiay     forty or
  In                                Dep.iilmcnl   drove                                    down    the   ner   system.                                                         , al Prin.-e luiport. H.i;H I thall llolil
     order lii.enfnrco llio whisker          Lake   lo   Us I.                                                             be   the      Iho sum which Mr. Fielding; will a      :ourl of IIpvIsHhi for the rnrKK or    MONTREAL TO NAPLES, 9EN0AV
 Jul llicio j     vvliiskerinn dub Jturiis                                   vous    system         constant     Whatever     may                                                        ri'Vlkliyr Hie Klir' list or lh ahove- Juna 22                     Mantraal
 l a I         n                    week   ni)d  fmili'l Iho  pomls   III    straining of the eyes.            cause of your nervous breakdown,     have In raise.                       nuuipcl flprkmil ill.Hirlrl. ami of hearing
     arrest        lriii                                                                                                                                                                 unu ili'tPriiiHiliiir                  MONTREAL-SOUTHAMPTON-OLAtOOW
             nml         m-ismicrs                                                                                                                                                                      any ami all ulijei-tluna tn
Vim ij.i u,,          in llio       gnod shape.                                 You        think that sewing           it has bn demonstrated                 Raising Money              in  ri'ii-iiiiuu iir any name or naiina on July 3                   Scot Ian
            criiifumi         gou-                                                    may                                                                                                imp ri'rixlPr or vinora rr the wnil al-trlrl.
                                          -          T                                                                  in         thousands
                                       V                                                                                    many                      indications lias boon given
 nu M-homo laid down lioro. II                                                    is light work, and wonder                                                                                                                   Apply to Aganta arwhra, or J. J.
 asi, son'foiirpn                                      oil in llnzelinn            it tires                    of cases that there is nothing       roady dial part of Iho money to ,rf.faeil n tin   lili oiy of May, ip?J, al FORSTER, Oanaral Agant, O.PJI. 8latlon,
                  wliioli aro puli-''"'l                                     why            you.                                                                                             u  iiikti
                                                               week   In                                                                                                                            i, ji...,
                           Pilnco lluporl Inst                                                       like Dr.' Chase's Nerve                            be  secured
                                                                                                                                                    fill Ihis gap will               by                 J. II. MpMI'I.IJV.    Vancouar,  Talaphona  taymour  2630
  '"I'll In lln). nowKpaporA   and her dansiiior,. . .r... n.r it......Hfm f.. It Is the strain on the eyes. Food to restore the depleted   loans.  .Vli'i-aily one hundred mil               ne(tltrar or Voters for the Canadian Paolfla Railway Traffic Agant.
       liavi. i,o (.ff.-cL of druw-         1.      .           f ii 1 mu                                                                                                                          triiire nmipri KUTiiiral nlt.
                                    who iiinHTweru       i"7"""                 The    controlling   of   the nerve cells.                          lions lias been rnised in Ibis way
 "a                                                                                                                                                                                                                           wmlli 80
     nlll-nlinil In Jim niiiinniril.                                                                                                                                                       ot'l'K.N Cllllil.OTIF. I-A.NO DIVISION,     rhalns; thenrp pa.t 80 rhaln;
     ailvi'iljslng                  or.Hinn al mo iiospiui.                  eight is the most delicate          Headaches, tired feelings,         in New York,     In addition a do-                                        ilipiue reirili no rhanm lo point of ioiii-

Eli"              ofrofl  is won.                            under  Iho      work of the nervous system, sleeplessness,           indigestion,      nieslie" loan Is oxnecled iu ihe fall v.7.""          ,.w  IiiIaiiI Morris, 0; iiipiii'puiPiil.I.ixhipiI jurin l,
            1 '                             "hiiilding l'ian                                                                                             -       '                       .wii..iiMri, u,t, fiiiiirr.  In nr...v
          n    itiiii i n t-t in nit
 r"imtulal.'i                          I'he                      H   W       and when there is strain on lack of energy and appetite                to nieel die Viclnry J.nan of   8I,  l" Ilw .MliiUt.'r i.r l.ami fur a IIi-,.ii, (. i w. n. MrMonms, l.opaior.
               itii hop rtrjginullly lousing Scheuio granlod                                                                                                                             iinmprii fi. ooi, eriiii'iiin and uaiural
                                                                             the         there is an enormous  are some of the indications          iion,nno        wIumiI Jand loans                                                      LAND ACT.
 ''"i ir lior woalhi-r     md   at.    , i....i  I..,- I...4.H irnrmforjr.l       eyes                                                                       iim  a                       j urr aim unnor Ilia roiiuwinr deMTlbi'U
                       (s                                                                                      of    exhausted condition of                                              anil. Uluali- uii siudccne Inlet, lira hum
 Mli'livo.                                       cnuncll In .1. W .    -son          waste of nervous energy.     an                                of   22,000,000  more, which    aro IMiiiuI. H.C.: C"inn;i-iuliif al a xil iilanled Natlea of Intanllon toJtpply to Laaaa Land.
                                    hy Iho cily                                                                the nerves.                          due this yenr.    Mr. Fiehling lias oil Sei'iiun II at lha or lli
     en8ndnt -on    Irrlaatlon.          who will    assume   respnnsl.                                                                                                                  niM-iii linn or it aim in wpci line or l.ot in Prlnre IliiPPrl Lund ninlrlrl. Ilprnrrt.
  Almost   nil                                               of uH w            There        times when it       Your digestive system is           also a special source of revenue I. Townnhlp        Hipui'p vkkt no rhaliui Ins- IMjirli:! of Coait luny 5. and uliuale
                Iho  couulry    for                payment                              are                                                                                                                                   In       tjf port
                                    hilily for llio                                                                                                                                      IhPlire aoinli MO rlilH: tlniii'H pmi Mil vlriiilty   salualon. B. C.
    Jmndroii piilos Hmith of lioro                      i  I I.... null llAll seems necespary to stick at failing to supply ihe necessary           in the payments of     five  billion .clmlm; ttieiire iiinili ao clialii Iu ooliil 1kP iiuiIpm that up, Julius Joluiaon ami
                                             A  ropori  i"                                                                                                                                                                    Wallpr .Nit-nil. of I'url Etnlnaiou. H. .
                                    roars.                                                                           nutrition to the blood         mnnllilu t.'lt!,.!, n,.n lvrtinrr mnfl htr HIT I'.Jllll.WIUWIMlllt.                                         i:
 J1'1   many pillow norMi In do- fn.ui Iho coinmilloo lo Ihis of-            this work for Jong hours and                                            ' ',"              " "        ,  J   Uwtvil M.rili, ttli.           ot'cupatiun fluliPiuu-n, IiiIiikI iu aiiHy fur
                                                                             to   ew by artificial light, but  and  nerves,   so  it becomes        Ilw.HtV 111 lll.tll t.,l JaJ...iilnmllllAnl 1 1 V I 11111411 111 111 r)l L'II mee I I ii I W. l. MrMOHhIS, lii-alor. ppi'iiiumoii lo ipase ilia rollowluir I'uiHTlbpil
                                              adnpted last nigm.                                                                                                                                                              laud: ComuiPiirlna at a Dnm nlampii al
                                    f cl was
                                                        Ihul  "II            you may have to pay for it necessary          to  employ    such       ineut or dm balance of $130,000,.     ni l'EM CHARLOTTE       JMVISIOX,    uullipasi roruer of l.ot 15. Inriita s. Coam
                                    ii,.y  nygfesc.l                                                           restorative treatment as Dr.         000 due tn Canada on the war accounts                                     Ulslrlcl. thi'iicp iiuriupal 4 flialn lo low
                                        trunsfev he advert isci su u....     by a nervous breakdown.                                                                                      Take notlpp that w. n. Mi-Morrla. of alrr mark. them-H aouth S ihalui along-low
                                                                  given                                        Chase's Nerve Food.                         between die two countries. VaiHuuvpr, ii.C., uilnpr, luiauOa to apply  vvaipr mark, .tiipii went 1 rualn to
                                    every   ..-n.Fiii.'u,.i.ii.... iiiirlil lie It  is then   well to  know      to cents a box, alt dealers, or                                         Ut the Mlul.ster or l.iiiuH riu- a lluenra In blah opt mark. Hipih-p I rhalna alona
                                         ........  iiiirolinso.   .Ulllvl                                                                                                                PTOi-wrt for coal, iptroleiuu aud nalnral lilkh Hiler mark to lailnt of coiuiiipimpjiipiii
                                        i.      l.                           about    Dr.   Chase's   fJerve   Edmaneon, Bates ft. Co., lAi.,         Thing    nio seldom what they Kaa over anil liuOui' lint ollowln dPHrrlhpil ami voulilmn il Vj arrpa, mora or Ip,
                                    i.i.i.i i.em of Hi.. ciMincil lyiiiwin r- Food   s a means of restor       Toronto.                                                         '!         un, ,luair uii rBiurfiTii miri, uraiiaii.           ji'i.iun iinKo,
                                                                    wu                                                                              seem', Kklui milk often         for  sunn, ii.1 .1 i.raiMni'ni'iiiir al a ipom pianipii I  WAl.XEil MKMI,
                                    lti  dVOillj.illtf in llii P""''                                                                                                                    al I hp norllipam 4'orurr ut Spi Uoii 11,1                     A.f In anti.
                                                                                                                                                    Cream,                              Township Si ttiencji si (a cbslnjij iBen;f Ptin rsmug tt, m.