53. TItK nATTfr PfFJWfl. PAGE "FIVE 4 1 - -. - 5, OPTIMISM OF ft O I nre Salvage dale ALL LIBERALS Fred Stork and Others Addressed the Annua! Meeting Last Night. . February 1st to 15th In every home Zam-Buk proves a priceless possession CONFIDENCE EXPRESSED It is a valuable herbal balm and superior to old-style fatty ointments. Swiftly and surely Zam-Buk banishes pain, I're.l Stork nl)d several other) expels poison and disease, and grows new healthy skin. Liberals ilcllterpil xliorL n1lrce Wherever there is a cut, burn or scald, a patch of eczema, Standard and lal uipht Hi Hi" Liberal Hinttiatf ringworm or salt rheum, or a case of poisoned sores or Popular meeting in lhe Patluflo Mock. piles, Zam-Buk's rich herbal essences speedily soothe and heal. You cannot afford to be without Zam-Bulc. All were optiinith fur llii" future land ib-lprmined to.do ihpfr pari In 1,-MtHt-' Uierta An hi.Mrs. 2aaa-Bak l(ac41ik Mi la 4rawlr Mrt toftf. -A2 I ElsstM-ta. ft. ScUirl Amn. Wiaaia(. aat anal fcbsUajatia. Zam-fck a kMtt bring about imprmed. condition. " aarc tjaita anuarM m;-'l'ttfi tutrix mr lift aabto mm4 im . Itpsulnlions nf confidence in Hip tvrtf 4m treat, tptfd fk - -trtrt In sliallofft Mr r. bm. A Miaai mt JUin-B Pi "sk elmoa. . HaaiWn ht laratata. aar; MUSIC political Icnderx, M;ukpnie King 4rfa!Ir. fartaar dfaMiaf W Ua 1mom$kataa "Wh fa kief tasahfat a4Ma 1 waa baatir afaa4 f- f.ckar ia awl all aaiif aag Wa4 aaaat ta aa4 fact taraafb Jnlin Oliver jam! were --r a jm Biai(T ana1 mty rg arfilf anaaataja atIWm(. Aftrt Iva 1a m Imaital well n Hinnkx d Hip retiring nfTl-'e.fx ih hMaraa ware aiJl aW aa 1 west m a fttara an4 CMlaTa loalnOiaaAM. Mf.W.D. at aoaae Zaaa-Bak Tfctit toc4 xhm fcwnitftf of Hip nMiclafioii. rW.tf fUad Si . Oatral r alK USA.,writ t piwn 4 gavt iaick ithri. Aftar wa a ' jfTaaa-Balr imimmt ar ccold acarcatr tril 5 MyRnle f trta aaia atiaraar a l facaaW acaly Fred Stork, M.P.. thanked Hip ar ife tajaciea aaat berm. iflca4i4 waa 1 '' Uwmt. Ta traw iaticato " nxocinlion fr IIip whidehpurtpd s s Ibsi aB4 W hetiff knisnon b4 ta alalia f from 5c to 25c Ui cvtry rt laM af tit aaiaaa )ewrf. 4"TH aril af atloaJ-oln. Wia. per copy isiipporf It hail pivrn in ihn recent 1 fnt4 tfraiww4 snsa ijas Bum avM i iIm Fraaa M lra, ). 7aaaia St.. Wnia. tf1 4 eva-ry srvra af ava, "Afta a 47 waan f.mm af aay fiager campaign. II had lppn a prcnt t4 Wcaa ksrd a4 iwaiira aai waal a alea rratBlt anal ClaJ-ftm. Mrtt cataor. 1 a paim aa itaa. H its alttaa Hip Lfbcrnl for TIip jyear parly. M S .!, ITM. Maat St Ucajireal, -"A fav b raliif.aa slaaf ktcr la-taw $ff t aca liiorili country wn coming into its fa ara mi a vataarafraaC a4nm 7aat-Buk. Tbsa atajcal suWu4 fUc (avtaabtaf Willi linn. T. II. Palfiillo AkaaMft i ra I aa4 Wal ctna arathr.treatakaaa f.vrr f caM iaet aa( ai.m4 iaf Mart BKiaiaxtea Zana-Hnh anal beair4 4r the mi tore lata arf mi mUjt aita Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, Gramaphones illii-t.dininixlrulion eliining lislil and in Hon.the Oliver Alexj h avaaa 4t m mvtlf mi a, VI fect 1 fat Mb. r t M9. JstfMta W tUUt: and Records at Salvage Prices i ixilirjde.1 Manson ti were li.nl Hip well ppw committed rprei.eiipd.allorney-peneral political Vancouver 'am-Buk Tremendous Handicap. Mr. Slork said hi wax not -a CPe C I tUi fwm mm wlw 1. Man Hm personal victory. 'Hip triumph n Ltl bMta,liiiuTMlliMlMiriwini All Music and Musical Instruments (was one of Liberal principle. Must be Sold Regardless of Cost They could on winning'cniipraliilalc under Hiem-iselves such wa npyer Iwtter ami lie ps'n-rtpt tremendous handicap. Tlipy Iia'.l to pp tliiiiu move. Phone 68 P. O. Box 743 I.. W. I'atmorp xail Hip imili-leni for nn opponent- a man with a wa how to kp! rid of 'Jie JAMES HUNTER military record, who wax staped nrnl rondition of stagnation. a an Independent yp officially Prince Rupert Music Store, rcenpnied n the representative Hp xHikp of xoiiip of Hip llillii ul- GENERAL BLaCKSMITHING AND CAR BODY of Hip Mciphcn government. liex Hip rPiiiPily.in Hip way in Ifip fiitun- and BUILDER There never IimiI Iwen such dishonest a After ftiuciiijr tin- naiioQai an-HiPm Agent for Traffic, Day-Elder and Ruggtes Trucks Opposite Post Office campaign a- Hip one they and sivinp thrpr pIhhm-x and Terms can be arranged for purchaser. hail jut gone Uirouph. However, a tijiPr for AIpx. Mauxon and Ipd they wprp triWuJ winners ax well a First Avenue and Cow Bay Stork, Hip iiipptuiir :i miiI ocrx. Hp hail takpn hisde. adjoiirn.il. Prince Rupert, B. C. i feat on a former K-enion without mini sv n n rm POPULAR COUPLE WERE i tlimuhi Itim In- he.-aiiip faint xipiealiiiR, hut Ihix could nol hr OLD- PIONEER U II m Li I y IUIUI 14 III I a while walking ov.-r Hie" heavy!xaid of Iheir Torv friend i at the WEDDED LAST EVENING xnow ana xurpuiriiipii in a xnow!r'rnt Umr- drift. Ilix fiHilprinlx wppp plain-ty hip memiier xai.i u wax prali-fyina PASSES AWAY: Nanaimo-Wellingtonf A AT d'rrnilil up (o the xpflt to know they had l-en aide Jul) miss Helen Carter Becomes Bride to lliroiieh with clean come a VflLLl whprp Hip pack wa found hut AT REDUCED PRICES V of Walter Hume In Anglican XllPPl. all trae of hix xtprix were loxt Patrick Carey, Aged 82, Died at LASTS LONGER MORE HEAT BETTER SERVICE Church. llpferrinp to thp future Hi rou s h Hip xnow driftin? lo pro Oeneral Hospital Last Night Walrh monthly bill -and you" mut admit Mr. Stork xaid the elill yonr xonip depth. The park rontained l-tx. city cM and Oil Drills to Operate. From Heart Trouble. .Iii. St. Andrew's tlluirrh Ut m ronl of meat and nme la julifleil i I A exWtence. It wax here NANAIMO-WELLINOTON Is the Cheapest and Best. ppiiiiif at K;3ii n'rlork Hip nur- in of the elTortx of Maeken T'JtMtl r-Vli. 3. Much op-a: mid iipar. and Hiix vn plaeei) xpitp In the death ol Patrick Tjarey. ALBERT & McCAFFERY,-LTD. fiKP look plarp of Ml lppn tie .V Mann a Mill vrrvail (orally in in Jop'x rahin. by Constable ami Ihefr cohort. al the fieeraj lxmaL 9:I5 '.:s fr Hip spring Mnrh-I ilarlpr younpp't l.iuirh Muncoeur and l-kcd up. who had tried o put it out nf last nijrht. lh-A pax'it avay Phones T16 and 5G4 Irr of Mr. nnI Mrn. Kranklin II. bllinexx. lie ieliee. li ' mil for oil III Hip With Ifip niPlliusr of the xnow they would oup nf I'rinre fluperl'x nioxt pic-lureine OartPr. f W. John. Npu llrwu- treatment from Mackenzie Hip jrej jrrMi wis Valley. in Hie -priiix dniihllexx remain pioneer rlfipns. The wirk. ami Wnllpr Hump. wilr,mi Kin?. Now thrft, Hip will be dixpnpred. Irade wcaliiT iiA. I lie will tale Sir. tJarey wax known lo of Mr. aiHl Irx. ltprl Hump, of roufpx" had hi-eti established it e -viU b Hire or practically all in the city and ; Ki-linvnn. It. V.. IIpv. I jiiKin (I. A. would he no xmall job t-'ettinir Jar.i ilrilU nn Hip MEETING ADJOURNED certaiiHv lo all of Hip enrlv ni- DENTISTRY Illiv ..f fij.tMlM.1 nl ll.A nMlll..i.V another Pxtahlixhel here. t:oal I .. i i: ilentft fnr lie enriiA Iiai.. ..iih. .1 hunkprx would rPCPive hix Hr( at-i ,,r if, var ami ami li.i.l reide.l m pnnipi. , ,.. .,.... AnoU..? Pfa. Mill. i,r" Northern Interior Co-Op. to Elect jlention and th reloration of lheihon. rntinoHly xince that DonT neglect your teeth. One decayed or missing tooth vi . fl"Wpr mix! fvprrrn. TIip Officers on March 7. main line privileges, chanvin? lime.. The newx of his demise lowers your vitality. in ll .ir n.ul Wolf Roll! plan- wa fillivl with inll- thix from n xpur line. He felt pomes as a shock lo Ihe many pi-xi) on Mnnmn inalp' frii-niU of Hip ftriik ami TIip annual jfpnpral nipplliiix of sure he would have the axxixtance friends Of the deceased and his DR. BAYNE lirnom. TIip lrlip wa piven Hip Norll.prn Inlprior Cn-Operii- of the Ottawa' poverniifent in rc-pxlahlioliTntr widow fur whom much K t-niinHlluni Ijiki'. sympathy tv uilillHonal IIiii fawny by I.IpiiI. . S. I". AlcM.tr-jilif. lip AxxMiation wax held at Hip !. T. I'. will be fell., ' 1 Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Block Phone 109 fi. S. ami allPtiip! Office Hours: Mornings, 9-12; Afternoons, l:"J0-5:30; iruiion nn hl '.. wan Telkwa on January 31. Heprexeu. Fisheries District! Mr. Carey was a na(ive of hy Iiit utilpr. Ml Mary iVirtrr. Intite of the ateialiiin allend- Evenings. 7-9. 'v hi Hip fprinir. Hp Mr. tork alxo promised . liix Ireland ami wa? 8 year of ape. - miip .n mill oprr- TIip srrom wn iiptMrp! hy ed from Wlxtaria, Ootxa. Ilouxlon elTnrtx toward makin? Ihix a xepa- He came to the Northwest Terri. W. W. MfOlfl.i J. AlMlJll, Hip IVIkwa, Smilherx, Terrace and ihi proprrly hut lis rnle llheriex dilrirt. lie would IoHpx xoiiip sixty ypar.x apo and i 4 in i xurrioiPi.t to laki orrnnlnl, nlaypil Hip WeJ.iujr I'rincp lluperl. TIip mepllnjr wax do what he could for the cauxe. was I here at the time of the FAULTY MATERIALS Mnrrli ami .luring Hip Mantua of adjouriip.l until March ? when f larjrp hojy f orp It wax a ?rent eratiliralion In hiiti Hiel Itebellioh. lie was vpry Hip rfirlolpr Mi- KiiipIIc ll.nli'x Hip election nf officer will take that he had been xnpporlrd by,rnen familiar with the lalfpr incident DISCOLOR THE LINEN xaiiK "it I'erfppt l.ovc." place and Hie annual policy nf liix xloriPx thp EDSON COAL Up Copper River. who had never watered in the and of early am irl properly on tlift Aflpr II.p wiihlinjj crrPniouy. Hie nriruniiati"!! will he out faith, and I hey had been rewarded dayx in the vicinity of iWiunipep iior nf rl.p Kaitiiiu.kitwn Hip brhUI parly parlook of a lined. by Ihe enrryinp of Ihe pnxitjon. have been listened to with inter- Canadian Stsarr. Laundry Congratulated COMPANY ' in IHor i!li uniplii"U wpilitln r upper at They had a prenl mixxion to ful- exf liy many. -'Iiler Mr. iirey Upon Knowledge Cupppr Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. :ol. ami Mr. Me. H.p Dull of Laundry Supplies. Hip li-iuir nf Advertloe lit llll. Jlehoped Ihe Liberal parly came to the Had fie Coast and Us: hanan to omP p,rnl lur. M.irilli-. Tl.rrr TP a fPW nf wiiuli! cive a pood nccoiint nf iin resided at I'urt Moody and Vno :seo!orecj !!ni ? a source ' ir fiiiirr moiilli, l.nl Hip inllfiialp frieml of ullMuhineP.tfap emi-trnelin? PRINCE RUPERT TIDES xlewiinlxhip nd would he worthy couver liefore the Canadian Pacific of much annoyance to may peo-' -"nip sr nil I pi of mml par.lp I" oriite and of the confidence of the people. Hallway was built throuph. il whi .send Iheir washing out j Best Coal uiuii to Uui Malm ami Tl.r '"" lle. Krlday, I'ebrunry X Hr. W. T. Kersin xiiXo nf the At one Itme he whs IIip owner j. be laiimlerpd, jirop.i.p.l h) V ' i .' rrpi-tpii fur winlpr prooTM wsi MeMonlie. lliffh .l:t5 a.m.. 18.9 feef. pood ftp It I which had ended xn of properly which now forms 1 This discoloration is Ihe re-iill ffliitlip of linuiiif ttiiou Mix ami :!. xiiilably. J 7:2" p.m.. IO.fi feel. xuerexxfully. It wax fnrliinalp part of the centri- of the city of of faulty materials or! at O' 'n turn. TIitpp nipn IIip ?riMiin i-pponi!inir left Hip Iiw 1 1 :30- 11.111, 7.0 feel. that HierP were Liberal puvern-nienlx Vancouver. metlioilfi ll.lnnllv mil tmlrnnal nijtli p. on IIip work r. niul Mrx. Hump on their ?.1:3H p.m.. 7.8 feel. both ut Ottawa and Vic Prince Rupert Pioneer. do: nol complain nf this serious Lowest Prices thi.piiI. 'Ilin' nnhrlPl iiililnlpht hoal ! nppiil On toria and also that Mr. Manxon Again he pioneered in Prince defect in lauodry service. lioiipynionn in Hip xouth. r -HM'r inn! jtiild now -1 had iepn taken, inlo Ihe cabinet. Hu'perl and for several years Ihe- follow Hip reply lo our ii:",iiri4 III fppl wI.Ip am! llinlr n'tiini tlipy will lake up He would ljke to see Canada po conducted, will. Mis. t.arey, a ihijijiry regarding this condilion a ' ctii al Hip prcnt their riip"P' In WpxIvipw.well Night ahead, al! of it. lie would not do hoardinp house nt Mauxou Way. may indicate Hu reaon our pa-Iriuis Order.Now! Phone 58 lloiti Iii Hp ami urooin are he became Tin .ire k of a nimllnr in Hip a bad turn In any pari nf Ihe fin the fall of 1012 havo no r complaints on Itni t4 iI.p llr Vnr-unr knuwii ami highly popular country, but Ihey had to flpht for flight watchman ill Ihe provineial (lifs score. -r eity. iir. nunip iwinn ij wharf and filliMl that an cxpprt. hivpnlpn Coughs their rip lit.x and Ihe pull of a poveriunenl fllear Sir: ' nil III'' 1'irai man in position until just before his last We are referring your I'f Night Phones - J. G; Stecn, 371 thai it U of i-vcfll- mid Mr. Hume ls place like Vancouver wax re-mendoux W Lontrwill. Blue 270 Omnia think of illness, lie Catholic. 1 n ii io was a er oT January 1-lh direct to New Sub-dlvlslon. n member of the Canadian Xa- Trrrllity rarlnt on Die lyU'in H th and wn alwayx apninxt Ilesides I lie widow, two dauph-ters, Dr. Shupp, Mellon Institute, Day Phone 8 He IhaMbey foxte Hip llailway ffpiiilil iKnmri- rouih lhal eimie il nltlit nd prenu tlx. urired tl Hip Inli-iilion of A. Mo- lioiial lerp. r.i.nppratinn of the neiphhorinaf Mrs. Caldwell, of Wintrop. Pittsburg, and you will hear STEEN5L0NGW1LL nienl. siMikune, wlui arrived ip Ihe front" him. '" l or lorracc, win. own Ill ronitint courMnr lp tlx lunr (nwnx nf the north such nx ler-rnce 'I' nlilp Hip and Amnrhlal nibei in siirh tn Irrluieil city on Monday, Mrs. Charles Your letter shows thalyou Sheet Metal Worlre J priipcrly u and Smitfierx ami riu lit 'f - of KiloHniRiilUiin l.nki, tn NO FURTHER SIGN ami innamed onncllilm thai th'T ao lliniiiRh Irt Prince Oeorpe, Therft Piiisser, of St, l.ouls. who .left thoroughly appreciate Iho im Agent for McClary Farneaea rlMiirr Ileal, 1 1 1 1 1 three weeks a?o afler hayins " porlance of a knowledpe of " Sll IU find la should be no spirit of rivalry lie. and Ynii Sanitary ",np "p OF MISSING MAN v Uitvd her parents for two he supplies used in launder-wsr. ilurlna rominu WOOD'S Hip DR. Iween u? and Ihese. I'rince lluperl Ifeatina, Rnglnere llliit loPHllon will i:i L i NORWAY PINK SYRUP xliould bo bext friend of all mouths, survive. There were . y TERRACE the LAPLEY AT in' the 6tb Street and Kraar Street aoothlnr family ii remedy without an tqual. (or ujan three sons You are lo be eongrariilaled miiiiiiiPip Hip rPoh If "iay i-nn- I... ..1 1 ,i.l Mis lunr. louKeniiit 11 r.hirtn. nrfntin- neiphhorlnp.towns. bnt they predeceased Iheir father. on this .fact, because Ibero I Prince.Kopert B.C. mint the hrmhlnt rrna and furtifjlnr Tin doctor said Hint after an (,"af" n Hip opinion of Mr. Mr-. TKMHAr.K. I'cli. 3.--TIip search iliriii atatnat pulmonary dlwae. no sinalc Hem connected with election to expert vvp were p,,'" k At ho (Iiiip (Vinxinlile Monrncur nn.l I'red Vrt. ivlm MfKrriiey, Lor Moniarue, prone Mr. Carey was taken In Ihe Hie liindeiins jirocess that pnrril iy loo iiiurh. The prnwlh would be J(o "About three yrara ato (ieneral Hospital ab'ouf 11 fortnight lias preater Importance nn) Xnii Sunday laxl. for E. I., wrltp: any For next iMUNjiiln in haul 011 your a around Terrace I rauihl a very bad culd arrwiipanlfd by a a natural onp but it would be apo suffering from heart than this. In fact, there are ";,"aB'l tfunrlx of freight with fiiipley. an old llnier Mire thrual and. hoarwntis, and at to aided by Ottawa. Yct there wax for disease and hi death wa not who think lhal IL is lh ' many mUmiiir ; ! lo Hip lake. If th who hax been har yiu could hardly hrar in pei. much we muxl do for ourselves tinexpecled. Funeral arraiip.-mfiit liiusl subject for the Shoe Repair Job ."''v an lie nx,.,j i pj.r-,H Hie pxl week. Iin nniy n-xun.-.. I iuld trt no rem at niylil lh the terrible important n,"l il pflc. ,Hnit tirv,.n In Hie flndluii if lil l"k nn Ihn amioylur, tiarklnt court). I irlrd which nobody could do bill our. are in the hand'' of 4th"y laundryowner to undersland. Mivrral reniedivf. but iiiry did ro no 1104. selves. II. C. l!ndprtakei.-sv . Yours sincerely, Uiif 11 ' 'JWrlod' It Irall hIkiuI fouf mile ir mm- try ii finally I aaw Dr. Wixul'a Wormy Pine Other Speakers. latlMmYOWXHItS" NA'I'IOX. ,K Ho. mejiru llf ,m.fopIur riie". Xyrup adverllnedi rl I hotile, and al once John Iiybhavn spoke of Hip fart A. K. Klncaid, Hi KevelsJoke Al. ASSOCfATION. J. C. EMERTON "', of the .riu." IKe.1 in n cabin about It iav me rrlier, and artrr iitlnr four my ; riiimtrr. Tptrai tlm rouili bad.all tu. w I alwaya kep dial everyone wax lookintr forward Inaurunee man and unofficial nf Your linen Is vvorfhy of 'Hm Champion Shoe Repair Shop I'luht inllex from Ir. Woul't' In Ihe tioiua, and atiall to bolter condition. lie the (I rand .iIao of the Kuiptits best trenlmenl. MAY. WK SKUVE Euiad lllock, Third Avenue 'I ""viuour wriaiii, rormprlj- Mouth xidi' f Hie river ami up- rnci.niiiinid your rrmrdy to oibera." conaratululed Hm new attorney, of.Pytlitax, arrived In the city YOU? nvf,i m ,,ow at--, pnnlle Heino. Il' wax a man arid in Price, tit, and lOe txiule al alt ari'iieral on Imvliitf won Ihe.eablnet last, evening and is registered nl CAXAMAX STKASf MUNOftV "Repair while you wait" from of na The T. vimurn i)lirv,.r nearly xevenly years dealera, Put np only by on w. ft-oiii merit- The outlook Phone a, (advl " 'mill. suffvrvd Willi hean irouun-. Co, Llmlnd. Toiouio, OdI. position (ho Hotel Prince Rupert. )