Ann. two TUB DATLT NEWS Wednesday, May 3, j0$? The Daily News SAVED FROM AN DICKENS' NIGHT . pniNnii nupKiiT - mritisii Colombia LD CHUM Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the The Prince OPERATION ANYOX FRIDAY lluperl llaily News, Limited, Thin! Avenue. H. P. PtJLLF.N, Mnnnginff Editor. . Dramatic Society of Parent Teachers' "Fruit-a-tives" Completely Association Distinguished SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Relieved Me Itself Canada'5 favprl City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per"monh'. ... . . . i ... .$1.00 I.C. By,mail In all parts of Ihe Hrilish Empire, n rid the Unifed'Hlnta, "I suffered tlxios with.St., ll Vroi.ti,tlie symptom', AXYOX. May 3. The Dramatic Pip Tobacco .$.00. Soeiely of Ihe pnreJit-Teacher' in advance, per ye,ar . of Female trouble,with chronic Constipation To all qlher countries, in advance, per year. ... f ....... . .$7.50 and constant Healaehti. I bad Assoeialionjiixtintruished itself in the lleerenllon lasf I'ridav irr If nil - ami sides paiiislow dohii In the bark TELEPHONE 98 of The body. A dodor advised uiu to evening at lis .second "Kveiiing With Dickens." Over 4 1 fid .whs tc Tobacco hate an operation.. anslent Display Advertising ?l.tfl'pr inch per insertion UtartM takinj,'Fruit-alTM,,and cealjired as a resull of the very iYausicnt Advertising on Front, Page , $2.0 per inch Iblt medicine, has amplrtrly retUvetl Slicci-i,sllll concert Local Headers, per insertion . .;. ,25c per line vie of all my misery and suffer!up.- 'rheTC4'nes were Inketl from he pad lilassifled Advertising, jie'r jnserlion. ........... , . ,2c per word lain free of Klin and hr-adaebej and Pickwick Papers," "llarhaby gl- Legal. Notice, each insertion . . . . . I5r per agate lint! llm terrible CoiHlipatioii, and what Il," "Marlin Ilhuzlewil,' Contract Hales on. Armlirailon. wved we U the fruit m.liciue, "Our Mutual Krjend," ami "The "Krult-a-llTM." Old Ourinsily Shop.' livery piece All ndvertislngshnnld lie in The Daily News Offlcfi on day pre M. J. fiOHSK. was most full h fully portrayed. M ceding, publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Kio a tox, fl for$2.50, trial slzn 23c. II vsould be impossible to par memoer or Auoit Bureau or circulations. At dealer or ut iKistMiid by liciil.irii'.e where eery character I Two Men in a Gar Kruil a iiveji Umile.l. Ottawa, was so well displayed, bill With -MOVING- daily Edition iir Wednesday, May :i, l!)?L. mil helilllibir in Hie lensl the pro of short Account a Trip to duction of.lhft id her players, lln !A California in a Ford Flivver SUITCASES aOfinralile ncliiifr nl Airs. ll. eire, Revisions In a Mr. V'ni'ih'n, Mrs. S. lleriin, By H. F. Pullen This is Our Last Month on Third Income Tax Measures. TRUNKS Saiiy Oniup, Mrs. W. llorfman AVilh tlie announcement Ihal Hie Canadian. House (if Com lli'lsy i'visy, Mis II. Champion. AN EDUCATED PARSEE. Avenue tpnus Is to I'oiisider the imposing of increased income taxes on CLUB BAGS Miysr Mis M. MrOoll. "The Little Jloll' Oiesinaker," NV. I. ilros.siny from Victoria lo Seattle aliens inies o-incidenlly Hie despatch from Londoirtellirig that iMmplili, J'oiiy 'eer, ;ind Kd. I met Wandia, he parve June 1st we will move to otir Hays Cove Avenue Store, ntrednction i( Ihe income lax is propordiu the Imperial budget. Large Stock on hand. V.nrd. Jeonv Wren's father, inihl lecturer, wlm lias liein jerhirlng Same Phone, 45 , "' Whether the .income tax in tJanmla is to he reduced or whether Prices very low. he UHmlixned. The ri ar jhroughoul CaiKula on various ,.'.. 1 I .. .1 .. 1 I..i ?nhjecls connected wilh India, .lie FULLER'S Moving Specials rfoiiciioiis nrp m. ne coiisitiej-eu js noi jci iiumvij, .inn,. Willi me J. F. MAGUIRE idity ofjnck Hfiralt ami wife, pnr increase in the alien. Taxation, Hicre might he a posibibly of reduction liae, hy Jlahhot and Miss It. is an interest ipg man, well educated Your choice' of any one of Ihe following iiiljcles free wiu.n ir Hie' Canadian citizens. Such action would lie Nest the Prfnee Kupert Hold and keen on all inalters (ax. on (ioi'ijnii, was ii. worthy t men. purchasim; X Hi-,. Our Own liriuwl niiller or in Ih welcome generally, and it 'cannot, he said but that it would lie lion. having -to tin with India or the . iiranujaien .ugar ir i.ow. fair, lfowcyer, the finances of Canada may uuf permit1 of sneh Home very beautiful dancini: Orient, generally. I 10c tin frreengiige ptiims. 12 II. It. lend I lie wnote case for India (s penciN aclio; lieing lakeli yet. was done hy a parly of lillle hoys Ihe obji'cliii'n of Ihe people of I lOe liu hlucherrie 2 2tc litis Miioked hlacr i-n, ;ind direclinii irirl uriiler Ihe able Peace In . 1 Ten. Years Ago pif Mis AlelVill. The Inn i.-al that country to being governed 1 25c tin rhubarb 1 t lie I In l.omhai d 1 n im-?- Ireland Doubtful. in P'nc Rupert iIpiii were also jiulch enjoyed liy hy while,people and lo discrimination 2 2.r.c. linn fresh herring I5e lin I'.nsign Mifiimn I .'l.'ie (in Irish slew. 2 tins dominion ' against them hecauso of soim The possibility, of peace in Ireland seems to tie treated more 1 1 1 i mxlience their colir," declared Wuitdia. I 85c lin conr beef inh I Vj -lb III! grolllt.lHir. or less as a joke. There have b,een so many announcements in the May 3, 1912. Tlie costuming was in chamc He said Ihal the India pnt that pence was impending that the general public has become f. A. Kirkpnli'irk has sent word of. Mrs. Oeorge P. McColl, I be were just well able people In of FIXTURES FOR SALE very dubious of any of n similar nature that may be made lo die council IIimI, owing to: Ihe scene, pal llarr, and iimsic, O. Iheir own'a affairs manage the pi Hits time. ..Even if there is a formal peace with the gnvern- fact Ihal he was unable In make Ilayden. lieople of ojher as were 'ine,nl there is little likelihood lhat it would be very sal is factory ;iri-;uif cnieiils Willi The Program,, What they wanted any was dominion country.' effective,, for it will jake Paddy n long lime In get over his hostile I lie contractors, - he canriol re. The program swi a follows; Home llnle, similar lo Canada habit's of ihe past hundred years or so and settle down in rnnvc (he rock from his lot at Sfeji'clioii 7iy Anyox orchestra. and Australia. This they clairn-j absolute harmony with all his .traditional foes, political, religious tlie corner of Kifth Street and Skch-h from "Pickwick'Papers.' ed as ii riitht. This loo they ex or otherwise. Scrond Avenue. Tender for Ihe hy It. 0. McKnif-'hl, II. Alrholl and peeled lo ge.. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Work vnre recently called for, V. J. Pamplin. Radio Enthusiasm . v Song, "trink to Me," ,y II. Oral Education. 5. S. PRINCE GEORGE AND PRINCE RliPERT will sail Tin Valuable to Boys. .luck' Harnsley, formerly niaii-ajrfnp Maillon. , . Willie admitting II was (me day and Sunday al l' o'clock Midnight for Swanson H;.y The radio enthusiasm is sweeping over all the country, and diiwlor of Ihe Hoscowilr. Violin soo by J. O'Conon that many of- Ihe Indian were Ocean Full. Powell Iliver. Vancouver, Victoria and iSfuf e in Prince lluperl il Is apparent, also. Several lads here have in Sleanisliip iunpany, now a?enl Skeirh from "llnrnaby Iludge," no able In read and write Wnn Por Anyo Wednesday. II p.m. 'For Slewnrl. Saturday 8 j. struments sei lip and while it is not reported that any of them, for Die Union and Hoseowilz hy H. Ilailluu. Mis. II. Selfe, Mis- lia maintained thai did md mean '.lewari Service first. Hoat May I I. Kaclr Saturday, iherrnfti ' that I hey were hot educated have heeri atne to hear the,.concerts trial are broadcasted from line at Vieloria, arriveji by Ihel J. Mis it,. Champion'. S. S. PRINCE JOHN -For nil jioiut Northern and S.mtin-n They were educated hy the hand Vanrnmer and other cities through the radiophone, many of i.amnsini nils niorning. I his i nance, "Sir iloger'de tiverley," mg down from father to and Ouccn Charlotte Jslands, May 1.Ilh and 27lh, Julie fulli uii.i orj them can heijr the. messages transmitted between ships at sen Mr. JJaVnsIey's first : visit lo hy Mie J'.dna llerrin, Ida- llan-talina; in other tbr Stlh, Jul) Klh and i'.'ud. ApgiisL Xdh and IDlh, .Sept. .'nil. ir.tli orally and laud stations.. The most of: the, boys are aftle to read the Prince lluperl. Kathleen IXe and Winifred many ways and .loth", JfeaiK learning of Ihe They ('odes and, in fact, some, of them, haye passed certain operating Crohy and Master John Oillis -.vcre ed lira led in country.-efrgovern-inenl Train Service. tests. It is an interesting and profitable diversion for the youths I'Jie O.P.It. steamer Princes William Wuls'on, Mrfc dray and and look a keen in I err:in passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY al 11.15 and is to be highly commended. Hesides affording them recreation lloyul arrived a noon with about Donald McAllister, "under super itihlie affair. Whjle there wre n'.iir. For Smithers, Prince Oeorge, Kdmonlon, and Winmi'i'ii tliev are. studying about electricity, thai potential power in, twenty passenger, among whom Vision .of Mi .V. Mcijoll many in Ihe coiiolry making jljcecl. conpeelio.n.s for all poinls ip Knslern f rinii'lu miMlern development, that i.s becoming more and more important were J. 1. Hand of Vancouver. Viojiu duel. ".V Perfect lay. there was unity in Jhe mailer of and lulled Htnle. as wr uine. advances. who came up io took over hi by J. O(;onnor and V. flverem lie demand for self.governmenl, ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD JJTIME varied Inlerest in 'Prince Itn Hkeh h from ".Martin Chuzzle Uiey did not ibliik il right Ihal Agency for ail Ocean Steamship Lines i Osnoa Conference perl, and Archie Mcfinugall, rail wit, by Mrs. S. IJerrin and lirs 1 position should be denied tri City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. Phflne 260. and League of Nations. way contractor, who is hack from . Hoffman. my person because of color, .S'eithpr in cnpacily nor in character does (tie personnel of an extended trip to eastern cities Dance by Misses Wilina par Because one was brown, and tlie the League of .'(itlons -take precedency' over (he assemblage of sons, Winnifred 'ilkinso;i, aet illier while was no reason why oeiegaies wno nave neeii in conference at derma. The slalesmen IHvyer. Jlnriau fVioiier, Sheila Ihe not one was as good its the who have been guiding matters at Ihe conference are also Ihe The Man in the Moon f.onway and .Margery Olnke dire I nlher. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY men who '.dominate. Ihe councils iif the. League. What has been ed by .Miss .McOoll, Mr. Wandia went on to dis happening. ;nt fieiioa therefore reflects faithfully what must be ) SAYSi-: Selection by Ihe Anyox Orches ens Ihe hossib ill v of a Pan B.C. Coast Services fxpecled to happen if the League ever got lo fiinclirmiiig as its tra. Islamic league wliich might luke authors foiidly hoped Hurt U would function as a clearing house IIIIAT I faster than eold. Any .heU'Ji from "Our .Mutual from India some of hr-r pro for the 'settlement of major problems of world politics. Proceedings one ean calch cold t rieiid," by Mis M. MrColl. Miss viiice,, there was. u grave danger Sailings from Prince Rupert at denda do not suggest that the milleniuni has arrived It. fiordori, Mr. Ilulchirison and Ihal such a league might he ' For Juneau and 1.M Ketchikan, Wrangell, 8kagway or is imminent. What lias happened there would likely happen TlfK Jlrilish iTeneral iiosloffiee J..I. 111(1, llleiupled, especially since Ihe bad the same rnen sal together in the assembly of the League, of Jjas iipjn-oved nr.p)ci lire advertis-ing I'uel by J. Pimler-Moss and movement In F.gypi hud been April 21, May 1, 12, 22; June 2. ,alions In deal with Ihe same problems. Thai, apparently is Ihe on the hacks of postage .Mrs. s. ilerrin. successful, 'the Mnharnmedans Por Vancouver, Vlctorja. and Seattle measure of what chance Ihe LcHgue has al present lo accomplish fjianips. souinniie's iser:' will Violin sole by W. Overend. were restless hut If sclf.gntrrn-menl April 26, May B,,1S, 26; June 6. whitl its founders hoped U would accomplish. probably be getting liekfd iii her iMiAinnan's remarks.. were given in Ipdia this S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, -jl East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Alert Bay, Camp ' .tf-.'-ra.f.' mosi oaring bathing ciistunie. Sketch from "Old Curiosilv would be headed off. Namu, Dally Train Service ' rioip, ny .miss . s:ewart, A. Danger Prom ,' ball River apd Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. A Welcome Announcement. Mallentine. Mis Japan., for all Steamship Lines. IT yon suffer with yoin liveH K. Hoffman. II. Agency I lie The official announcement made today (hat Prince Rupert On lii ror,j 4ml buy a flivver. .McKmghi, Mrs. W. Jlu.lland, opinion lecturer that expressed discrimination te Full Information, from cany uexi miiiim to nave us nrst daily passenger train service, Miss Moffall, Miss II. Leilch. II, W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, thought not niiexpecled, js very welcome here its it will he at all A.N eililor threatened lo noli. Abbott. Mis Jl. Leitcti. If, Alibolt, againsl Asiatics in Canada unit Corner of 4th Slroet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. points along .the line Of the drain Trunk Pacific. The lime can! I,ish ihe namp-f a .cerlaln'yoiiii .miss n, i onion, Mis M, llarr and AUsiralia caused a pood deal :of providing for (rains . .1. Parnplin Ill-reeling, especially ia India runniiiK dally out of Prince. Hupert with (he in Mini n.,iieeii iougging anil which wa a pari of ihe'saihe excepiiori oi nunoays pi fi.'io in I tin evening is a favorable one kissing a -girl lii 'lho 'park unless When cats fight they scralcli- Miipire. ue acknowledged lhat IINIOM ?TPAMt!HI TOMPAMV 1 IMITED for the city, lourisls arriving in the ills or R r morning from the south subscript Inn to the paper ns-scralrli-ean. Itlfi'ifl 1,.,..,,, .t -. I " Psaj W A - on ine simmers win ne given part x)f the morning and the entire was paid up next May: Fifty-nine .. ii i.i i . . : . I wiiihmij r.flernnon lo sep Ihe city. This wjll .e beneficial from both men railed rin'l paid'np Ihe next ..i ..i.- worm aim was moerd Ihe For Vancouver. Oe.exin .'nll o,l Mnitn ll:w T.i.iHnv. K n.m. business and advertising and wjil cut while erinany of the Orienl Iter For Vancouver, Alert and Port Hards', xtandpoinls, out (he necessity morning, seven paid SORES SPREAD Hay people we W aggressive nfj they '',, V'.. ',,. Pn. nwll' elin,it for u,... rushing to make the In passengers boat lo (rain connection year advance, The paper was WOI-I. Ifliotll ll. .........,l,.ri. . ;:.lll' '-'. " "" "MrSUV UlliJ M4IC7 .i. as nas neeri ine case m me past. The hour of 0.45 in the evening noi Hie Itaily. News, of course All Over " .i, ,nni- midnight " 'oieiii(;ni one uir incai passengers who will thus be '. i ' 1hetrw:;:,',he,nanou,;r Fof enabled to, rntike brjef business trips of one day I hern and back i..ii.iiiii ft i 'i ...i -V'saving is.' wiiii... us FACES AND BODIES. real struggle In which .lapih to points in the inferior, again. He'll oon bi. getting up , It js not known yet if all Ihe daily Irains will carry mail. lierore we ro ri lied. woiuu ne impiicnicii, DONT TELL US "YOUR SIZE, ASK US TO "FIT"-OU This should be arranged and will be. Mr, Mowird Iloulelte. Wisl itenati. Hevertlng again to Km case of SPECIAL ALL THIS WEEK However, it Salt.. wrliea: " wluli lo tell vou or ih India, Mr .Wandia said the Hilt might be well o takn Ihe mailer up with Ihe postal deparlinent NO wonder Hie Jewelers wear lieiient we lmve rrreJvri by unliir your ish had failed in this matter of MEN'S DRE8S SHOES, Jight weight (welted , black jti)r iinniedialcly Jo ensure its being provided for. It should pot he nroarl smiles lhee -days, with wuiiiift rwwucliie. Burdock Hlo(i bluer. providing school for Ihe mass We have just received a shipment direct from Knplaml ' overlooked. My rhllilren tlarleil to Lrrali nut t.n Now that Prince tlie prospect- nfVnddilloiinj watch ilielr fiices nun small whilo pimples which of the people but they had pro. ROYAL COLLEGE FOOTWEAR for men, made jn NnrUmuip llupert is at Jnl"1o have ils daily train service sales, "'jn -iiiiik nrrer each day, l-us would vided higher eilucallonal facill ton, Knglnnd, Medium loe, nil siies. To introduce thls.Hn, it Jn be hoped ilial it will not lie merely a summer arrange-merit, - ffiiiii miller lli M'ab and lliytvrHill conie tie for Ihe few. The graduates special price or $9.25. but (hat sufficient business will develop to ensure its being fill': hoy stood on the burning "IT, and eaib time itut tinea would be of llm' college had proved provided all the year around, The permanent continuation deck. live lar&ori aome were aa larae aa a twenty. be lenders of Ihe -movement to in FAMILY SHOE STORE Of the service, officials slate, will depend entirely on the business His feet were covered wltli blis limir reni u-Mjlua.i.leee,I and wai would nearly.spread In denpalr all aver and secure' a full measure of unit Our foot Comfort Service Nepl. js rapidly pnining npprovnl nf offering. ters, sent to the village for a bottle of food government for all the people. the public. If you have any minor foot troubles at airu"'1 Hie darned flames burnt his blood medicine. Ttio drurifHt aeut m a Mr. Wandia has been lecturing rail to call in and see us, trousers. "off, unttie or Uurdock Ulood UHO-rnwlilcli 1 luiiiuiiciireu- yli'liia iiirm it once. on inensopny, ine, inveriirnenl And he had lo wear his sister' lu ttxwl len of India, Ihe Labor THE ELEPHANT has arrived day I aaw o linnrove Movement petticoat.' ' oient and limy rw ncaOlly belter Mi-b iu India ami similar subjects. uuy, anq in one month the ore bad all He is a good speaker and bis IF- you see Pa kneeling In the disajipeared." Dr.JOS.MAGUIRE l.ngllsli Is excellent. with $1500 in his Trunk. garden these days don't think by All bad bliHid blood,and,and(kin to get dlm-agea It pure are and eatmed kfep he' praying; he's only looking U piire you mm rmmve every trace or A. L. f'.arnilhers, provincial to see if the spring onioiTs are ihe Impure and uiorbld untler from the goverriinent works ? sprouting. '.' . ' ayntem by a Llood cleaniilnt medicine engineer, ro DENTIST aurb a . turned last night from FraiieMs BURDOCK BLOOD BITTEIIt Lake where he hits been for a few Till; opening chapter (f a re. remedy Hut laj been on tlie market lays superintending the work of cent novel rouds "The horoihe ror tlie past foriy.(tve tar, and one .. .h i a i. w . .. I Phone 575 semng up iiiu new icrry at Ihal wltlutut an eiiuil for all dlsflnsca anil 1I. swppl the gravel wlllr her path point which was recently deliver) ord a of tlie eyelashe." We. wonder with Maimracpjreij blooi).only ij The T. Mllburn ed from the Inent dry dork whtMil Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block the the secret of growth tyaft. Co.. Mnillrd, Toronto. Ont. ' 11 was built.