Tuesday, Octobe; FADE THO THE DAILY NEWS “kdl wh ; —= at | arate _ — sme ARR ag f i x [oT TO Tr ms a \ : : : News of The Sport World | e . me oe oA ay Eio m9 mm on ‘Ae Tj $ ’ , 7 IA Mut LE BAER AND This Mascot Has A Real Job SCHEDU Ce before retirin | eit aeevten ne Every Afterngon, Except Daily .News. Limited PULLEN - - Sunday, by Prince Rupert Third Avenue Pablishea H Managing- Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid: in advance-...... bu vald in advan Week ‘ dinate Hy mal) to all parts of Northern and Centra) British: ‘Columbia. paid in advance for yearly period a ubisién By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, ‘the. ‘British km- nire and Unitea States. paid in advance. per year . $600 By mail to all other countries, per year 9:00 ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising. per Insertion, pe: word. Loca] readers. per insertion, per line Lega! notices. each per agate line . Transiet display advertising. pe: inch. per insertion Contract rates on application, Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters’ Telephone Sas H Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. BRITISH PREFERENCE Premier. Bennett has arranged for Empire preferences ona. good many articles imported by Canada and has. se- cured in return a preference in the British market for a good many articles which Canada might export. That seems to us like a pretty good deal. How it will work out in.actual practice remains to be seen, At any rate it is an attempt in the right direction. Maekenzie King wishes'to reduce the tariff without any corresponding advantage. Of the two we rather like the plan of the Premier, A re- ciprocal agreement seems.the proper arrangement. It is what Liberals stood for in 1911 when they madeé a reci- procal agreement with the United States and the country turned it down. At any rate Premier Bennett has.a large majority in the Ganadian House of Commons and it is. presumed he will carry his agreements into effect. Before the country is asked to pass upon them they will have been proved to be heneficial or otherwise. If they prove beneficial there: is no good reason why they should be opposed. Why not for- get party politics long enough to put the new policy into effect? This is an occasion when we may well judge by results and not speculate as to the future. 5.00 10¢ Sots PEL NS pet 3,04 25: M5 Lay insertion DAILY: EDITION Tuesday, Qctober 18; 1982 4 ul — Ask these questions about Just-as-qood ‘lamps at ae a at ed HO makes them? Are they guaranteed? Will they burn out quickly? Better play safe! EDISON MAZDA Lamps are the finest made—so choose them and enjoy better light in your home at lower cost, MADE IN CANADA EDISON@ MAZDA LAMPS... CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO, LIMrFED 02, SCHMELING OF WHIST ef } be (hha Farmer. World's ¢ sensei to. Meet alien po oe a hag Under California Heavyweight in ; ar Los Angeles Early in Year Wrist League. schedule for the — |ivst half of the season nnoun. LOS ANGELES. Oct. 18 Jack dvs foliows: Doyle, promoter, announces ne@o- jetober 204-Fish Packers vs. Oa. tations proseecing atisfactorily oe liam Legion; Sons of Norway ys. for a fifteen-round bout here in ; Jeal Gove; Grotto vs. St. Andrews oeennen oermeeeeny wennene owas »wift. vs. Musketeers; L. O. 0, RF, = Sahmaling, form world’s. heavy- {press weight boxing ch umpicn, ang Max ( Siabad 27—-Fish Pack: Song Baer; California heavy. Te-sms_ ol! A; ; , ; 1 of Norway; Canadian n ve the fight are now: in the hands of : nA ; Joe Jaccbs, Schemling’s manager L Cove Growo. \ St, ; 1.0. O. I iV LAN press GE November. 3—Fish Pack VS ; Cove; Canadian Legi St Andrews; Sons of Norw Grot- STARTED ito; Swift vs. Empress; Musketeers ’ - B ‘ = 1.0.0. F a r | f ; ’ November 10-—-Fish Packers yg. Sitting, Bull will have nothing yysketeers, Swift's, Oddfellows, < fne Grotto; Canadian Legion vs. Swift: on Chief’ William, Riding. In, Empcess. and, Seal Cove. Win St: . , “ ‘ Sons of Norway vs. I, O. O. F.; Seal 92-year. old. full-blooded Paw- In. Opening. Games tie lag. ‘ca¥ | Cove vs. Musketeers; St. Andrews nee. Jndian of Oklahoma. If he iad a ‘de a Empress. ia eee, ae Se ee Muskateors, Swift's, Gridtellows, His job needs ee of head wovk or at ieast there's plenty of | Negemlants te Fish Packe " vs, : Empzess. and Seal Cove were win- head gear about. Billie’s dad coa:hes the Bo boys and in be- | St. Andrews; Canadian Legion vs ae we wer ners last night in the season's open- tween times Bill is “master of the helm irotte; Swift vs. 1. O. O. F.; Sons j ¥ ; ing play. ofthe, Prince Rupert Crib- Norway vs. Musketeers; Seal Cove “k 5 bage. League, the !osers being Elks, Empre | The Letter Box Grotto, Eagles; Moose and Canadian November 24—Fish Packers w Legion. respectively. The evening's Ewift; Canadian Legion vs. Sons of " seores were as follows: S P 0 R T N 0 T [: S Norway; St, Andrews Luske- DEPRECIATION Canadian: Legion, 13; Seal Cove, teers; Seal Cove vs. 1. 0. 0.F em 14, | Grotto. vs, Empress ..diter, Daily News;— Empress, 15; Moose, 12 December 1—Fish Packers Money from home! Whatever else fagles, 12; Oddfellows, 15. Bi8.5 , Musketeers; St. Andrews vi the. N. U. W, A, of this city is blamed! Grotto, 11; Swift Canadian Co.,| Tonight will be an jmportant oc- lend Ip} vecordi! he Seal Cose.va, Gnette: Can ta. for, it should receive credit, for one, 4g. jcasion for local sports fans mark- 88? ood patronage ion vs. 1. O. O. F.: Sons ¢ wa) vhing—it reduced the tax valuation.’ jks, 11; Musketeers, 16. ling as it does the raising of the cur- Opening night will brine togethef® VS,, Empress During. the. efforts.to provide bail itain on the 193233 basketball play- Panthers and Canadian National) December 8—Fish Pack for our Comrade. Murphy, property en ae ta Assoriation in the Se- @ Qe Fs Musketeers bonds were refused on account of NEW | sTOCK ; adelaess be hp oe ttt nior League. tht tring batilers Seal Cove’ vs, St, “Andrews ns of sig property having Gepreciated 7 eres ot ‘ ; ey wen of ! ir, Amazo and Cardi- Norway vs. Swift; Canadian Legi value by one-fifth since last year. Auditorium which is ex- |). Ladies’ League. Tuxis VS. Empness This information was given out by AT TELKWA ~ 9 a much more conven- | ong Merchay : » Intermediat December 15—-Fish |! the city solicitor. Taxation haying} / rtable and popular venue League and Rover ind Japanese Empress; I. QO, O. F, vs. Gi seen increased one-third in this| jac abihlecias si ie al Oa hi gta a natdan Legion vel Muské Sea period, there will be fond thoughts}"armers of That District Interes-| as ne Pe. ee eee wn ef a ; sa — Sow vs yyn ioe , of Mr. Depreciation Jones round | ted in Bettering Herd myn rules in the hoop Whil eee ae COOK pare ti ai ‘wast eens ; : many a. taxpayer’s. hearth this| ities ne be followed here and re rere een 2 — have ee é&, Christmastide. when the cheque for | ba a had as 1 special efforts having been m os : rt aie ae a — . refund is received by those who can |. TELKWA, Oct. 18—T _ farmer ame ee ee ae or this winter in the in- iH ik ' in. the Telkwa district here iade to match the teams as evenly terests of close competition. Teams ua ootba produge a receipt. This is going to Oe the lamecedadant ct Raakase very successful sea- | not-appearing.on tonight's oroeram be. a, hard winter and we are glad))" . hn % sine aie oe i Re stlahinhdits tix Odie. ail dees ti a ar 1 PrORTaM M P t d to publish this welcome news. b¢ ‘jam te I McN¢ i imp I e been spared in making Sie- on Friday ‘ oat aa ss dina ee eet Os pone Bee }ved five, excellent Hereford heifers itions for the eason by the last year, basketball this season wil) “ er ‘ot Wine N. UWA land Guy Farrow purchased twe cutiy f the Prince Rupert Bas- be played regularly twice a week Cotati Scheduled For Lest Nw *“*"“lgood quality Shorthorn heifers at) ‘etball Association and it is now on Tuesday and Friday evenings Put Off Until Tomorrow ee i memiaean and shipped this stock in that the sporting public will Let's go Evening lunder the Dominion Government Man’ inthe Moon |'"::,°"° of Machond eh. Sedisen ae. or tas tts ae The, price on breeding stock i Soliball At ' pa Leod ef., Murray 2b., R. Ful- | Cribbage League plas | particularly attractive from the|’ Au 4 ton 3b,, B. Green, ri and*on account of other |standpoint of the buyer at present ° Giants—Gillis 1b., p., Kishimoto) attractions, the annu The underpinning of some of the | Many farmers. are availing _ them- Hich School ‘4 Smith p., ss., Nakamoto lb, Mur- | meeting of the Prince Rupe city streets. is mingling, with the! oives of the opportunity of. low ° ray lf, Johnstone 2b;, Naylor rss.,; bal] Association, schedu muskeg in such a way as to give a prices and. free freig! o enlarge Pee Lindsay Sb., Turgeon cf., B. Cross rf.i Night, was postponed curious rolling effect to a drive) ineir nerds 01 urted with real} bata Braves Score First Victory of, U™pires—W. Tobey and Arney row evening when it around town, Jake has been taking} so9q foyndation stock Season Beating Smith LEAGUE STANDING association, officials tha ja drive and it has driven him, into) pe above sg! nent. is the fiz t | Giants 9-3 WwW . Pet, be a large attendance writing verses about it. importation to Telkwa district | a Morgan Pirates 3 1 750 ae » year: s06d pure bred Tobey Tigers 2 l 667 I.haye ridden in. an, airplane oat ceen th aa ; rt he The Smith Giants continued their | Moxley Cubs 2 l a6 SMITH TO When it bucked a mighty gale; |; 1rea under the. Dominion Govern-|2°”"Ward slide yesterday in the| Hanson Senators 2 2 500 } I have, stayed on pitching broncos | vent policy has stimulated a great riigh School Softba!l League while | Obata Braves l 3 250 When they heaved from head 10! interest in improved breeding and |‘! Obata Braves came out of their|Smith Giants 1 3 .250 CAMPAIGN wi |feeding of livestock: in the Central |°4*’¥ Seacon slump by winning 9 t I have been on spacious liners lynterior of. British Columbia As a result of this game these H B ‘ | When, they plowed through stor- | teams are now tied for the cellar aysport oat larvior” New my seas, 0OSittOn And are Out of the race for . . a erat : wilt ne if \I have ridden desert camels 'T Pp .s0n honors. A .mathematical tie Case Dismissed ee evel | That were wobbly at the knees. , is possible for the leading fout , Governor Rooseve!! |I have been in rocking rowboats; ae each winning three games! (C, kj Cadden. Fails in County Court Ww YO { |. L have been in plunging barques; AGREEMENTS - losing two. Wednesday’s.game| Action Against Nelson Brew-— BW YORK: Oct. sie iT have been on roller coasters hetween the Tobey Tigers and Mox- Judgment Today 0 ihe vi le aga In a dozen, pleasure parks. sy Cubs will see one of them shar- - cratic candidate for p {I have been on lofty mountains e ing the leading position with the! The County Court case of GC. Rp, He United States in 1928 When ‘an earthquake jarred me | Liberal. Members of British House. Morgan Pirates. If these. two top,Cadden vs. Nelson Brew, in which °®% ‘at he will cam | loose: of Commons to.Put Up Fight {teams lose their last games andthe, Plaintiff claimed $234.75 from de- **#\¢8.0f Massachusset! r " | I've been, picked up. by a cyclone F ass |next two win their's, the tie is pos-|fendant in connection with a boat aul, Rhode Idand and | That was whirling like the deuce.| ‘LONDON, Oct. 18;—Liberal mem-|sible, in which case a series of ex-| deal at’ Haysport, was dismissea t'¥£en.. 20w, and. Nover D | all these motions are upsetting; jlvers of the House of Commons, tra games will be played to decide| With costs by Judge FP: McB. Young SUPPO" of Governor Fr , | Some of them may make you sick; |:neeting. today, decided to. strenu-|the winne: | in. County Court this morning. J. T. Roosevelt | But if I should choose the wildest, | UOny oppose passage of legislation! The Braves seemed to find them-| 2arvey. acted’ as counsel for. the i There's. another one I'd pick, necessary to ratify the Imperial! selves for the first time in yester-| 2/aintiff while L. W. Patmore ap- For quick returns Try Nan iIt is sure to give seasickness; conference trade agreements. day's game. The Giants’ ‘infield peared for defendant. Advertisemen. ine just try if. ne you : Pre seemed, to; totter when. a barrage. of odin ; a e in an ancient fivver . on ithe Braves’ hits came. in third and Straight up Atlin Avenue. WEATHER Riv ORT last innings. The Braves played | dai steagy ball and Hirano’s work in | Jake says he’s going to run fot) prince. Rupert—Overcast, south-|the | osition between first and se- mayor and make these other guy$jvast wind, 14 miles per hour; baro-|cOnd bases was spectacular, Obata ‘whose names were recently men-| meter, 30/18; temperature, 51; seapitechod a strong game. Smith’s tioned look. about as sick as @ MAN | choppy. pitching was weak but he gave who runs for the provincial legis-| pDeaq Tree Point—Clear, light wonderful support in the field when jlature on a Kidd. report. policy. southeast wind; barometer, 30.12;, Gillis replaced him on the mound nee temperature, 58; heavy swell, Nekamoto played. a good game When good times return we shall) Tripje Island—Overcast, light east. at shorts stop for the Braves and R LONDO a wonder however we came to be s- southeasterly wind; sea choppy. Fulton was steady at third while serious over the depression, Langara Island—-Part cloudy, the Ciants were best served by Cl ING AND BEST —_—— light, southwest, wind; sea smooth. | Kishimoto, Murray and Turgeon, SFE NG | My friend Simp says he wouldn't | acta is ' ;take it seriously if he had enough | Seove by innings: |money to pay his grecer and the} “It is rare that nations do any- O. Braves ei: tr t Bie grocer says times would be good-if| thing sensible, fair and just in the S. Giants 0: 2) 1) 0: O83 This advertisement. is not published. or displayed by tne Liquor Simp and a few others would pay br co. —_ relations.” ear oan Davis 1b,, Controi Board or by the Government | nine: arry Elmer Barnes, | Tobey c., Obata p., Fulton If., Hirano of British Columbia.