9Aua ram TOT DAILY HBWS Wednesday, BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM anuj THE.RC ltMR:MTlE I THOUGHT TOO WELL- ARt CRAClOO NO! SUCH IT MUST DC rW COOO S,tR-L-DO Choke ove there- AK TOO O LET "SOU HAV4H A MESS or COMMON TOUCH TOR tOO tEAHtr; OVER. ON THE CO OVER AND HAVE ME EnJOY MYSELF A 40OD PEOPLE- rV ftTNTION IN. VOU TO LIVPL MH PCOPLE CAME AM.E. eOA.T ACHAT WITH HIM! IF I CAME HERE.- V- TIME? 50CIETT WILUHOT ON THE EARTH! OVER ON THE SHIP PERMIT ME TO WITH THP PiUiRlM?, A Tf if'V IN WITH THEM 7, 5 CHAPLIN.? ! LUX) JfM y ' w For All Fine Fabrics MIIT-, I jjfll IMi r -J If you have something especially nice and dainty that you do not feel like unless iln' valiio of a measure or under puard ns' il is today. Tim standard either Increases or de-cras.e.s siamiarii or weiphls, measure sending with the regular In the Letter Box ils purchasinp 'powvr loenls, elr., are stationery, other washing, you can easily does not. This indicates, clearly Wise enilles,, Irollhle would en Daily News Classified Ads. and cleanse it with quickly THE MONETARY QUESTION. lhal. (he stabilized value of a sue, iimr it is equally impera Lux. The thin, white,satinlike monetary nnil i.Hlhe. niaiii re- live tliat the standard of value a CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Leas than ROc flakes of Lux are made Kditnr Dally News: juisilc, rather lliuu the aiuount be approximately siabili.ed by our own exclusive process, Thai the collapse uf H of melal it conlains. 'Phis can h done by establishlus; WANTED IIOIJSIMIOl.D furnllure. and ef HYDE and readily dissolve world's financial structure i Ihe Better Standard. ils slnmlard price at or near TRANSFER into a rich, bubbling lather,' i0.i i so nr present condition The pold monetary unit is .'." per fiuiice', for the purpose WANTED .Men and women lo Kiphlh lecls. for and alc.Mrllrbb.I.inzey. corner If fhone 580 should he apparent because of sunjeci. to tne same law, lull is of maintain up the -present nro- learn the. Harher Trade by the Baggage and Exprejj as harmless to fine fabrics Hie money problems willi which a belter standard because its portionalo values of Ihe differ only method In the world that toil SAI.K Columbia prafonola and as pure' water itself. il people aiv confronted. II I value is less cbaiipeable. Irs imiI monetary unit. It would re will save you lime and money and Iwenly records. ?:ifi cash, Coal and Wood. tin .function of a slain o issue value is a f reeled becaus of quire international sanction, and fit you for av position 7MI .Mcllri.b Street. till Agents lluperl and Iii.im ,. Lux U luprrme for waihi'ng fine paper currency as a mediuni of prealer efforts required lo product However, this would sliphlly re worth while. Wo guarantee Globe, Airless fub. garment. It U told only in exchange, or make provision, for it fn quantities sufficient duce ihe metal content of the steady employment at pood FOn RENT . Second Avenuw ralrd dust-proof such is to meet 'requirements, its In-creased unit, thereby lnrprly rcnlnrinp its packrta I ,and ii a pmhlrm lo wape. Write now for beautiful l'Oll II K.NT Three room fur " loalnlalii it on .-nuud principles; use In manufaclme and value lo normal which could be Illustrated oalalnpiie. Moler nished flat. Apply 10 Sixth BAGGAGE and EXPRESS II must however, be Ihe arts, its further need for approximately fixed by control by ive.r Brothers limited payable in Harbor College, 300 Main St Avenue Last. I'ftone Utile 217. soineimnjr siirmnnual, possess slabiliziirp I lie world's curren of production and use. Mm Ilrit-ish Vancouver, H. C. WAKEFIELD'S FAST PiRcn Toronto . ki ing inlrinsie value derived from cies and credit and repulalinp Kmpirn and the I'nited Slales noon Clean Heds from f 1.50 per DELIVERY ai-lual work, and liO defined and pxchanues. We are oTIen told havinp this power. rtF.r.tAlli.R npent wanted for rtu- week. Fishermen's first. Late 1'rompL Service b'ttiilijieil as a hionelarv unit. lhal pold is simply an Inslruineiit - Soundness of Plan. peft Dislrict. The Sovereign Pionepr lloonts. 1(57 3rd Ave.,I' Phone Blue 418 and whil( confidence is neeess. of exebanpe mid that Its value I I'lte soundness of this plan Life Assurance Company. Head Stand: Oil's ( i ir s ary it is not, I lie only csenlial. fixed. The (Icrman mark audi can he fully demonstrated, and office, Winnipeg, Man. Write l'LAT for Rent in Hener Aparl-liient. A good point to' remember 'nole payabl.- in pold is. Itussian ruble are also exebanpe defended on Ihe pround that Chas. A. I'yne, Prince (lenrge, M. M. Stephens. tf CLOTHES CLEANED valuable or olherwise inslrumenls. there is no assurance lhal production manager for Nnrthen Hrillsh only as S.MALI, house; for rent. F. and pressed by ai -it. Ihc promise js and when issued 'old is an asset posse,s.sinp jn. can meet the present Columbia. Hart. If pressing priVK Ramsay in uiilimileil amounls may he- Irinsic value, equal lo i mil emerpency, owing to the world's MVP Kill KM IF.D engineer wishes S nils called Tor ami ii , s come worthless (unless ade superior tn any form of material overwlielminp indebtedness as BOARD. sanation on gas boal. Apply Phone G49 lualely wealth, Ihe standard price of the surplus pold Of Ihe I', S. siipporled by pold) or j W. .1. Howell, Itupcrt Hoat-house. HOAHD Inlander. 8.10 Second . LING, The Tailor retain only a speculalive alue an ounce of pold does not fix could lie lost in Kiirnpean treasuries. 10.1 Avenue. Phone 1.17. If based on iirospecls. When a ils vaue, and if i.1 were doubled, Hold is not the. only factor HAULAGE AND TRANSFER PAINT country suspends specie pay lis value would not be affected in the present situation, but OAHDK.V work wauled by exper BOATS FOR HIRE. ments it noles in circulation, lliouph the null woubl be. if il is not ailequ;iely dealt with ienced Japanese. Plume Hlack Phone 189 no lonper inlerchanpeable with l'.uibarpoes huvc been placed the world will rontintie to suffer .109. 109 LAUNCH "Narbethong" We sell Furniture neriimHj and for pold, deprecialc in value on lis removal. Currencv. ex and sooner or later "I hi country Service. Phone Hlack 400. If Prompt S. rv . IS pure and will stand the and caniiol repain jiar unless a cept in, a few'places, cannot be must realize, il. is part of lhal WAN'TKO Woman for hotel work. l'rilire. Ituperl 'irdl. fi pold redeuuilioii basis is rfj. fxchanped for it. lliph costs of world and the real root of the Central Hotel. 101 MISCELLANEOUS. JIM STURGEON test of time. established thp value of such production have been applied to evil a well :ns Ihe key to permanent SITUATIONS WANTED 950.0O riKWARn If I fall lo grow CYCLE REPAIRS. cbanpinp as the percenlape of pold, as well as to Hie commod betterment, can 1m. summed FIHST class stenographer. ten hair. Oriental Hair flnot Hair pold reserves lo noles in oircula. ities, it, need .for supportiu.i up ami expressed in one years experience, desire pos- Orower. Worbl's Oreatest Cycles of all makes repairot I For sale ai currencies i prealer Hiaii word, and that word il "pold. and baby carriages Ijoii vanes. . , even moil. iiuiip lo commence Hair Orower. Orows hair on re-lintf. Government 'Statute.. and if-il has decreased in value , - 1. J. SI'l.I.IVAN. about May !V, Address Itox 111, bald head. It must not be Cycle Accessories. SILVERSIDES A slalute rniphl define a pov- and purchasinp nowir. il has ' Any ox Daily News Office. jf put where hair Is not wanted Out of town ordersj prr "fftl ernmenlal slamped paper as a ine ,o in contravention uf all Cures dandruff and all scalp attended to. DROS, slandard dollar, and invest it. kliown economic laws. MRS. DOUGHTY TO ' FOR SALS , troubles. 11.75 per Jar. J. GAWTHORN wilh lepal lender qiiali.ly Inflated 3 1 7 Filllon Si f Second Street as natural Currency, FOIl SAI.K .llxK salmon (roller. Apenls wanted, prof. M. S currency but it would re If price of commodities measured BE BURIED AT 7!i-h.p. heavy duly Vulcan en Crosse, 418 Logan Ave.. Winnipeg, Phone 22 P. 0. Box 120 quire lillle work to product mil by an inflated currency, are Man. f pine, Apple dynamo and slor. lions it would have no value, and preally increased (a is the case MASSETT,Q.C.I. Ihe e.xclianpe of say a bushel of in many Kuropean Slalesj in a ogn battery, complele, switchboard. SCIKNTIFIC Secret In Long Life. This is. a good outfit wheut for thai dollar, woubl be correspimdiiip depri e are prices In connection with the drown, Price 850, Kngine worth the Love, Happiness and Business. Dprtmnt of Mirln and riitiei. exehiiiipinp. soinelhiiip havinp of produrt.s (not upheld by arti inp of Mi, and .Mrs, Oeorge money. Also 21x7 salmon Send your birth date, month setlml iTi.i.sil ip.-.im. ar!M 1 EDSON COAL ilmv f'r somelhinp thai has ficial means; measured by pold. f and year and one dollar. Professor fl'sl rluMin tir Wiir llimti ' ' lv North Island, wire Doiiphty a Duller, 1 h.p. Ilepal. Price Wood, 511 Nelson aim.nni uf tnnlor. whli li i not. depressed, by reason of il appreciated rniii.i'ti.n of ili ..m was received tins morninp M.175.UO. Iloat in liy and engine value., Street, Vancouver, II. C. Heading aililri-iiusi in ih iililt-r Hi i Many economisls, ami finan Apaiu, iucreas. (mief Minly, provincial police first class condition. This i-tlet, UoIm.ii Hank III. COMPANY cial wrilttrs claim lhal Ihe value ed production depends upon 'in sen f by return mail.' If n. :., uiiiii ii p.m in. chief, from Constable Ponder at outfit well I worth the pric. initi, rir llic rriiHival v " Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. and purchasinp power of pold creased use, and use depends on Masselt to the effect ahat he had Norlliern Kxrhangp, 1.15 Second ST. ELMO HOTEL liini ai inn iiifiiiui nr i n has the buyinvr of I be Hunt l-Uml, It. i , because decreased, prices of power con arrived there after a rough passage Avenue. Phone fild. 11m work tn Im rotiinl'"- 1 r comniodilie nn abnormal, and sumer, which in Mini depends on at i..'10 i.m. yesterday. He Rooms o let from $.1 per week up. lh Jutit day nr Jill., r liili'iiillnr lilililiT in'i- Best Coal lhal is value can be deierafiiied sufficient circulation of 'sound sliileil I hat he had been unable to I'OlltSALK At Terrace, one acre Itunninp hot and cold water in himI lit Ihe iiM'liiiNl lln onfy by wlial it which is Irtml all under riiiii'tiiir hiiih auil in- can buy econ- money, possible only locale (he son of Hip victims of cultivation; half all room. , inurhliipry lliov r.,nti iiir,n l oiiiio fallacies. Ihe me hod of when adequately .supported j iy the' tragedy and that arranpe-nienl ill I, slra wherries; fenced. Five Hath. Steam Healed. Modern lifill'll Iherrullli. I..le i.f Hie arrivinp af. Ihe par if exclian'pe pold. When, these, conditions are would have to be made locally niorucil house, barn, woodshed, Phone Green S10 mr.il at llu onlrA pifiniatl i.r Uwi ' at by Ihe "purchasinp power nar- wanlinp demoralized markets, is 'piipd Well, Fifteen minute l'lherlf. I'Mnrr IIiiiktI, H for Hit burial of .Mr. V. .S. hmtT. Itirl 'lli'in 1 ily of currencies" Is faulty be- the results.' . , whose walk from post office mid TAXI payns'iil nr I lie hhiii nr - Lowest Prices because of the assumplion thai "When" says the Wall Street Doughty on Ihe beach body at O was rah urn recovered Island. school. Apply Oeo. Slranper, Phone 693 itr,e.li'l.l.nupftt t,r anv ipimii'i ', thos,. who sell commodities have Journal, "the worfd has more llox 101, Terrace, It. (j. oJ Call Oeorge lloss) i:lii'nim. aprnmnaiivlnr nn- ' ilera will I ri-inric.) Imn. .1. il. IIm Miwer lo repulale the value pold limn II needs to back its Five-passenger Touring Car trari i awsrarrj. .... . of currency. It is true that in currency ami repulale exrliaiipe FOIl SALK Toledo Scale; weiulit I'rompl Day and Night Service (Slawtli.i:hitr J,iiiih A, woiiirmv".. i ' Order Now! Phone 58 many of the Kuropeati Stales the indu.Mrial developmeui booms; NATIONAL HOSPITAL up l.f ;j.!b. Cost recently )7n, Stand: Boston Grill, Third Avenue Vatiriiiiver, It. (.. hipli prices of couimodilies are when the reverse is the case industrial I'riri-. f'15. Also McCIary np-rikty April 1099. , lue to the character of the paper development (oilier than DAY, FRIDAY, MAY 12 'healer, po.n condition SHOE REPAIRS WaiiUst lo rhiirur. tw i notes in circulation pold production ( is reslricled" i5i .'J'kree .burner oil stove rn.in to in r.i) r.ct m i-n TERRACE therein,, but Umbrella Re palm k.m.iI u'a Immn W illi roll' ' where this is the cause prices and 1'ii'fscnl, cvudiliou follow as Friday, May 12, I National prir'0'r..OO, Apply llox 20; ClulhnM tin aTniiiiiKxLitliiH ri. -iwrliimul must rise or fall in un'i.son. a consequence. Ilence when the Hospital Day, an occasion (hat, is Daily'News Office. inr. Suils cleaned and nressetl anil rrt'W. In Term Hif..r uf eimi'li rui'i, FRUIT LANDS observed in called for and delivered, ihrtw iMnnlh. Temli i nationally hospital Basis. world's pold production is preal-ly Flimsy FOIl '.HALK Cedar rowhoat. 1 8 Phone Hllie. 291 lit tioat ml i.llicr full parti throughout I he (Iritish Umpire mr urii p it niein. nn The value and purchasinp increased as was the case for with fl, long with wide beam, in LEM JOHN i.r III lnMTii.r i.f f'HUi celebrations'- to honor Ihe power of pold Is not measured In many years previous to t'.)0K condition. irl, in.I later tlinn n 7 3 miles Town' fjojd' Price acre lot, fnini anniversary of' the bfrth of Ml $00. 844 Third Avenue mti nf vjr. lernis of commodities, except in sreat industrial expansion resulted, A'i! 'F.vinrnde, mi pood road, t acres slashed price HIM). Florence iiinl burned fi;nly In slump. Creek In superficial sense nor is ll followed py industrial Nightingale, the most Pulleii, ' Daily New. If WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. (subject to cbanpe by reason of and financial depression, and famed of nurses. The Hazellon nlonp back lino, Oood fishing. 'the arbitrary prices placed upon the so-called cycles of pood and Hospital has ambitious plans for FOIl SALK "Narbethonsr." Ii Kxperl watch, clock "ami Price $315.00 cash, or 5350 on them neither ha any price, bad lime can bo altributed lo IliV observing of the day and arrangements my intention lo take the case chronometer maker. (onus uf t-3rd cash', balance 1 and' .le.vt'l bi-en set up as a slandard, Hie fluclualiiip vftlue'of pold and aro beinp iiade to iutit the Ailminilly Court and I Watch and Jewellery Repairs a 2 year. , by which the value and purclias. its effects, due lo ncirease uV have it also celebrated here, the need (he money. Price t500. npeeially. JNVw Miib-division of acreage ln'g power of pold can he determined lessened product ion, more than board bavins turned'the, matter Ilnouies K. Freeman. Mail orders proiflplly executed, running from 7 to 12 acres per lU . over lo the Ladies' GEO. GIBB and if if wer pold ns a lo any oilier raiise. Auxiliary. Kvery lot on pood road and runs monetary standard would rest The remedy ,in short, is the FOIl SALK Iloonilng ,use, with Opp. Post Office (P. O. Box 71) RE SPECIAL to ii crecu tu goou WiiMT. twenty-five roo)n completely Prince Rupert. if on a very flimsy basis. restoration rtf IJie monetary unit PRIVATE DANCE TIMBER LICENSES Prices $40 to $50 per acre nn furnished. Oood lease, l'fl00, To illustrate Hit silver dollar, to a normal and an approximately terms covering 3 years. McCaffcry A nibbons ,,ld. , f PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER fixed value, lo also a standard in so a permit monetary K. M. Karl. Phone Black ci. .nni,,n r Tirnlwf Enjoyable Affair 320 i in. tn ii.iiiinii .ii Little Held L. at places, can be used, as it can pold lo flow Ihrouph ils natural FOIl KAI,Fr New solid quarter tKiw holders who are KENNEY BROS. & CO. lie measured by pold and the channels instead of beinp held W. Patmore's Home Last Night sawed oak china cabinet und REr-AIR SHOP cene vantage of...the proviim : ' .M I rise and fall of its value can lw 1.. W Pal more wa the host lo bllffctt. cheap. Apply Mc-Doiiltld Oeneral 11)21 Amemlmeiit to me Real Estate and Insurance repairs, gas engines, Ix-ltfr observed, than is the case koiiui twenty coupbS at hi I'ressinp. Fultnn St. o! H young "loves, ACT. uhercliv. nrrear B. C. locks, keys, sewing Terace, ma - -- -- --- of either pold or paper currency. liome on Borden Street lust night, FOIl SALK Three burner chines, bicycle, gramophone fee accrued prior lo per. Tin value of ilii dollar not lonp when a very enjoyable dance was eemlW. tU'0. have h' and electrical feci inn" Oil appliances, Night Phones J. G; Steen, 371 apo rose (o DM) cents, (pold now held, Delightful refreshment Stove, ;)rgc oven. ' - an" W. Long-will, Blue 270 it is iiuolcd at about filly. In were served Phone ricd 281. Post Office ROKKJAR BROS. ami made puyabbi in " ( at midnight, arter liox ;m. 820 Third Avenue West stalrneiiiH,Nl specially d""' Day Phone B appearance, weipht and fineness' which 103 w dancing continued Until the Phone Red 578 the fact lhal any "",iM. STEEN 5 LONG WILL II Is unchanpeiL yet. it has lost ear ly hour of 'I ho 'morning. The FOR SALK Slightly whlcli became due In I0" " ( .111 iter cent of its value, due to Mis lllamh Kurt in and (iruce 350, rash. Teetzel' Slalloriery ORIENTAL GOODS lnliilii''"t! a',, includeil In the the decreased value of the metal Sheet Metal Works Curtiii played the.piano, the. trap and Candy Store, ( Thlril such I""' m of which it is composed. Lessened drum being AVelllie. Japanese Kimonas, Crockery. mentioned, and (l handled Clare by i"11 Furncaes u for Agent McCIary Is Bamboo Furniture, subsequent renewal lse responsible for (III Dickinson ami Lunrenee Wake, Ornament, afK Sanitary and condition. Prices of commod. field. PIA.Vo for sab; practically new Basket, Children' Romper, paid wilhiti one yer t Heating Engineer (lies- an effects and not causes, Cyst 50m; Will sell fr Wit Toys, F.lc. lain of expiry of th" ,''' ,,im ami do. nof jn influence Ljtuey, eighth and Mellridn. I.OWKST PRICKS. order In mnlnldln the i.i Ctb Street and Fraser Street any way S. V. Ardagh, of. New Haellnn, H i "i Prince Rupert .... U. C. iU value and purchasinu: power. i F. K. AKASE holder to obtain a icnc Hi reglsterrd at the I'rinct flu-perl KLITH Cafe for It can be taken for granted that Hotel, sale, furnished I. O, Box 01 Tel, Red 85MftnHe. complete. Mione 173, if Third-Avenue