Wednesday,. May 3, 1021, THE iJAILy NEWS P40H TIMS s a , r WIRELESS REPORT I Local and Personal Make it an MEW PRICES! I K w every Tidbit morn-ina DI'.AD 'llli:i-:8 a.m.POI.NT-j-tlainlng: The Handy U. 0. Undertakers. Pbone41. If to shine with calm; barometer tempera- lure, 38; sea smooth. pocror" Hayners, Undertakers. Phone lit LI. HAIUtOH plaining,wind 351. if soutlieasl rresli; barometer. '.'..-51; '' ' lempernlure LlS' -sen inodei--ale; Always ready for Instant use, Phone 7 :1 5 p.m. spoku S, S. Prince 21 u fur Cody's Trans-j ter (ieorge off Poinler IslamH norllu 1 : .1 :.1--1 .t-in rmAt anil.. .t i r t.a i rl. ItA if am-iiUit 13 IOC IUbl a...vw - ShoePolislies bound. prompt application averts danKerous complications. DldllY ISLAND , Ilaining, T. .loudry returned from Terrace Keep a box of Zam-Buk always on a handy shelf. calm; baroineler, tempera last night. -'SLIO,; Use it every time you set a cut, scratch, burn or l Launch 'Oh Baby." Blue 548. lure ,30;, sea Noon.'smooth, sprain for any wound, sore or eruption, and IIfOiMlyo ul ouee, our prices on photo work have been Ituy your green viKulables at DI'.AD TltKi: POINT Clear, save further pain and expense. .uli.iliinlfiilly reduced. tfte. Oily Market. If Cash for Victory Jlond. Tlios. wind southwest light; baroineler. 'W,liae also renovated our photo depai Intent, eleareil McClyiuotil. tf .".i.riM: leinperalure, DS; sea the decks as it were, lo eiiiible it to handle, a trrealer volumo J. I'. V'enables reluriyil lo snioolh. . . "arnBuk tliiin ever tliis summer. Tins public can be assured of, in ad-addition. the cit on lal night's train. Mrs. II. T. Willell will not HULL IIAIIItOllCloiidy, wind 10 lower prices, ipiick service and a standard of work receive tomorrow. soiillieast light; barometer, J0.-(i:; .Mr. and Mrs. (!. of Clanger, that cannot be excelled anywhere. leiuperiiliiri.' I; sea moderate; Terrace, are visiting in the city. It o s e bushes and bedding Films brought in beore 10 a.m. can be had by ( p.m. (lie siHjke S ,S. Ciiiiinliiin Hover plants. City; Market. If 'Calvert, mrlh-boillid. Mime day. ,Mr. am! .Mrs.. Ilajl. were arrivals .. 1(1 p.m. off Cape: is composed of certain rare herbal essences.. These Hring your films in. You will be satisfied, on last nig hut train from in relieving smarting, irritation .Mrs, A. i ii LI ii i js a visitoi1 In DKtllY ISLANICIoudy: wind arc of magic power ENLARGING A SPECIALTY. Kwiiiitsa. ' quickly end festering and inflammation Hie cily from lh south. soullieasl llgbl; barometer, SO.-12; and soreness- they and ensure swift healthy healing. J. I). alsou 'w'a'sau arrival leinperalure ill; sea moderate; The character of Zam-Buk its purity, Mrs. it, M. iiggey f Tit. ever-ready J, ,o 10:15 in. in Prince (Ieorge on last night's train unit I'orl race,' is visiting ill I he city. northbound.a. reliability and wide range of usefulness, qualify Simpson. "'" , it for a permanent place In every homestead. J. It. N. Wilson arrived on Ihr . V UNRIVALLED SOf. box. Miss t tales, S'piiella Corset iei i 'rinceieorge this moruiilg. has returned from .tiyox. Phone . IN THE LETTER BOX ' a" Skin lilack :i2l. 10 i. Hill 60. I.O.D.E. Bridge Met- In ropolo Hall, Tuesday, May 8 HOOMES K. LOOKS BACK. Ml i. V. Adano-nn. of port toward, Troubles J'dilor Daily News; is registered a I the Prince Hoy Harnes returned to town Looking back on the past seven Itlipert Hotel. this morning on the Prince years can you see any improvement Concentration SALE! (ieorge. In government? Is it mil Mr. W. Sager, medical missionary true 'Hint all the Iradilious of the of I'orl Simpson, is re-gislereil S. Klusa, oT Pitman, was an Anglo-Saxon have been thrown at the 1'rince liupeft arrival in (Jie city on yesler- aside The old ideals of individual . Hotel. day's train. Canadian National Railways, liberty hove once more Rexall Hair Tonic commenced to rear their heads in V. S. f'islier, priivincial Ihn "Pachena" for Stewart Thursday and Emulsified colleclor, leaves lomorrow niglil mornlnn at C a.m. P. R. Hie circules of restrictive legislation. $1.00, back the Looking on prohibition $1.00 on the Prince lluperl on a business Boathouse. ,) 103 Prince Rupert ' law does it seem absurd trip south. , Coconut Oil Hint we would ask Hie police to be Civil; employes meeting, honest in llieir cnforrcm-'iil vv-ieu both for It. (!. .IiiIiiisoii arrived on last Thursday at. 8 Carpenters' DRYDOCK May Shampoo 8, p. in. the boollegger is ill" a position to night's train from (he luvcri'css Hall. 105 ..j outbid price? One-half "f ur cannery and will be visiting in our for this week. AND population said with their volt's Hie cily for a few day. on biisi-net. W Alder"arrived in the city -I. ' ind their mouths that they wanted from Victoria .. on Ibe Prince prohibition and nine-tenths of SHIPYARD Oeorge tliis morning. half said witli their ORMES LIMITED Albert Snape, formerly of the , this money that lliey wanted liquor. We now O. 'I'. 1'. . audit ileiiarlment Iii'i-i' II. II. Jtobsou. .1. McLaughlin. havo .system of special privileges Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock j a Phones 200 and 134 but now of Vancouver,' Ins' re-rovcri'd 82, Ilelj and J I. W. Dolierly were arrivals Blacksmiths, Pattern, or licenses. The' architects are Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES after a serious buj. tuc- on the Prince (ieorge this licensed. Tin- result is Hie Hioth makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc eessliil uperalloii. morning. School scandal to commemorate MAIL ORDERS QIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. A pielure of the Canadian National .Mrs. Ilobert Arthur returned lo till.- glorious death of one of our Electric and Acetylene Welding. heroes who fought forliherty.Tlie general offie'e building, Ibe city tliis OHMling on III Sophia disaster, with tin greatest Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of : ln-re taken by II. I'., lliggius ap Prince (ieorge from a trip to i number of cerlilit-d ollicers ever pear in Hie April Canuthau .Na .Vancouver. '. Marine and Commercial Work " tional llailway Magazine. '''"'' in a wreck, is herore us as a . monument lo'those who served in Hen Self Milled ,ou the Clieloh PHONES 43 AND 38S Miss Hose Wall. of the our navy to prevent verboteu being RUPERT BRAND sin lal nigiit lor Vancouver on . . . . written on our crest. Kvcry. Shaiighnessy military hopilal husiuess. He will be back in I Vancouver returns south tumor. where,-while the "boys" over yon about' week. row uiglil after hating spent ten a der vvote their names in the history and Bloaters days visiting in the cily. of liberty, we. who stayed be Kippers .1. 'I'. C.Williams, Dominion hind in smug hypocrisy threw lib &LatK inspector of'" fisheries, returned Lumber erty in Hie discard ami issued sne- The bi(siflc uiauaseiv of Hi Lfrdm Hie south this morning on al privileges lo those who were Many .ews lias ri'ceivni mi in- lie Prfnco (ieio-ge. vilalioii from the While Slue - loo proud to light and too base to forJSalegat dominion Line to ln present at Mrs. V. ,L Wbillaker, wife of earn. the time has now come Shiplap-Boards and V when we can anil shall demand an iuspi-clion and luncheon to lh Cily engineer arrived from ALL RETAIL STORES our old liberties, when niOre! once In- lifld on board the new lioyul Vancouver oh Hie. Prince (ieorge Dimension we can claim and I bono Veeure Mail sleamer Hegina al .Montreal I liis morning to join her bus The Most Tasty Breakfast Food on .May 11. band. insist pial rights for all;when we shall Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored Under Cover that no more, special 'privl- Obtainable Haunrd shows that I'lnl leges be frranted. D. D. M nut f the Laud Set Stork, M. ;. for Skeena voted Memenf Hoard reliiriied from the Kvcry Canadian has an eoual Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding right to in engage business against lli.i McMifler. resolution any soiilh on Ibe Prince' (ieorge Hit SmokedjDaily by for the debarring of e.-tbiiud morning and proceeded to his without seeking permission or and Finish paying graft. Cat. drink and be uiiuislers silliiiif directorates on Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. in Hie House of Common's last heailiiuiiiiers al Terrace. merry. Those who wish to deny SPRUCE LATH week. Progressives . generally Archie (Irani, son of Dc and this right are nut good citizens. PRINCE RUPERT upporled the measure, Liberals Mrs. II. It. (Haul, returned thi IIOOMKS lv. ntlXMAN. Manufactured In Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices ppOM'd it and Conservatives umnilug from Vancouver where were ilivnleil, he lias been tilleifiliiig the I'ni- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Watch tomorrow's paper for veoily of Hrilish Columbia. PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. . ..'. LOST from auto -lliiu headlight. the greatest values ever offered in Prince lluperl on high class (ieorgh .Atkinson, accountant Finder please phone 00. 10 i Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 DENTISTRY of the Sinclair Fisheries 'Ltd., returned WANTF.D Small i k stove. made to measure clolliing. Mr. Skinner rrpreseiilinif "Clothes of on Ibe Pi-ince Ci-orgc tliis Phone lied i8J after six 1''clock- morning from, a business Irin to IWt neglect your leeln. One. decayed or missing tooth Uualily will be here for Hie next 1 05 Vancouver, Seattle and Tacoma. D A IT"1 0ur -frozen herring bait is conceded by fishermen vitulity. three days lo measure you to a lowers your lo bo Hie finest procurable at any Pacific Coast perfect fit. Here is your chance ANNOUNCEMENTS "to save money. Watch for Iho All- suit orders 'lii'lien on the 1'ort and it is "Fishy." Price, $30 per ton. DR. BAYNE ad. first day will be delivered by Hill 00 IP The best way of insuripg a good quality trip is Rooms .4, 5, C, Helgerson Block Phone 10S May "it If ijecessary. THIS. KI.K- May 0. Hridgu. Mclropolo Hall, to have plenty of our hard frozen Ice. Price, PHA.X I has his trunk full of $1 pur ton. 0-12; Afternoons, 1:30-5:30; The case of Chin Yin, Chinese, Olllco Hours; Mornings, Kvenings, 7-9. ,wIh vvas charged tinder ln bargains'. See Mr. Skiiiner's ad in Quf If-c 0ur wII-uquiipeiJ store can supply fishing- gear, Xarcotie'J)rug Act with being in oinorrow's papers. fishermen's clothing, groceries mid provisions possession of drugs was fined and hardware. J2(0 by .Magistrate McClymoiil Ntitice lo AtilotiKibile Owners AH Eye Pains NEW ENGLAND FISH Office Hotel Central two weeks ago, whs appealed l:e-;fore New Atilo Hi-pair Shop jus Company Phone 15. Peter Black, Agent, Majn Justice Young and tried in opened corner Fraser and Sixth Ketohlkan, Alaska Branch PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO NO. 15 at any time, day or night. the county court yeslTtlay; The Street. . First class iiut-lianie Thero will always be some one to take them. : decision of Magistrate McCly Special on iguiliott wiirk. Work Mean Something piout was upheld nnd the cuu gtiitrauteeil. - PhonM 00 if in Prince Rupert Coal Company dismissed. trouble day or iilsliti'' ' 107 Hut what is is Can only be . Dr. E. S. TAIT Exclusive Representatives Ladysmlth-Welllnglon, Pembina, revealed by a careful examination If you want a perfect building Mvery soil of "Clothes of Ojial- by a competent optician. Peerless and Yellow Head Coals. erected you engage a man who tly .. Jittlored garments will car understands the work. The same ry with it tin extra pair of'trous We examine eyes carefully Dental Surgeon Yellowhead Coal tiling applies to the building of ers. llel-e is your chance to save and fit glasses- accurately, a suit of clolhk. I'nle'ss the money titd at the same time get j ineasiireniciijs are luken correc'J. high class goods and the fruaran- Let us lest your eyes, there (In Duck Delivered$12.60 ly the soil will never give salls- tee of a perfect fit. Watch, for may he nothing at all wrong; Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 686 LUMP, Bulk $11.00 faeliou. Take no chances .See the ad. wild them, but it would lie 14.00 LUMP, Sacked ,.,....11.75 Mr. Skinner's advi'rl iseinenl in u good thing lo KNOW thul. MINE RUN, Bulk only 0.75 11.25 tomorrow's, paoer ami gel the DOESN'T EAT PORK. 11 w ill lake but a few niju- I NUT, Sold In Carloads only 8 50 extra with pair of trousers your ulcs to find out. Analysis- Fixed Carbon, U. per cent; volatile matter, 37-1 next suit, Watch for that ail. A woman was wailing; lo buy THEO COLLART, LTD. . NOTARY ; perceuljj.ush, per cent; moisture, 3.8 per cent; sulphur, a iit-kci at it cinema I heat re when John Bulger, PUBLIC Mtf per cent: U. T. U. air dried. You ra not a si ranger bumped into her,. Seven-room house for sale, close in, lialh and This la a rlliirh tirade llitiiininoiis Slenminir Coal, especially rCZEMA wlien She glared al him, thinking bo The Jeweller sewer con. ' uecliuit. $4000 terms. Bargain. suitable.Jqr High I'ressuro Jloilers and l'urnaces. The lump ?u ii Oint" had pushed her purposely. jU a very Superior Blovo Coul. Let us send you a trial load of ment fur li relieves Eeiema anil i unee bklu and grsdu-Irritation, "Well," eh growled, "don't t.ul jMlne Run for your furnace or half ton Lump for your llllV hi.l Hi. akin H:i,ntilM tuiX lit. mo up. Rentals Real Estate General Insurance CUane'1 Ointment free l( uienUon thin Ssgi- sg3 yuil hoptlng 6tovo. Klet uU ioikI-ju.tiiiinp lur xtage. aw. "You are in no danger," she Phone Bluo 69 Westholme Thestre Block P, 0. Box CI nil Uealeri or CUiunnann "ltl & tl... "1 Jewess." Uuil'ml,TtTun" -aid. am a 1