TAOt, RtX TB DAILY NJGWfl Wednesday. May 3, t0?. stirring epistles", to ' llieinselves ANOTHER PAIR from their siiHilowy sweetheart. iNNE OF THE GREAT NEEDS OP OUIt CITY is a more No Trouble for Widows. 1 J abundant supply of money available for building loans Vhal h of niore praetieul im- WESTHOLME THEATRE Wliul more public-sjiirilcil use can you find for your snv SIAMESE TWINS porlnnee lo this army of ,pitisters Tonight end Xornorow fiifrs 'tlmri assisting some young married couple o acquire the r Sweeten Is the fact thut since the war, and home (hey so greatly need? Is your money not more usefully the Stomach ilcgpltt! the shorliige of men, war Violet ' and Daisy Milton, of San widows have hiiu no trouble In employed, both to you and the borrower, when invested in gill Antonio, Texas, are Joined In inn ievlnir iir.'iiii MARY MILES MINTER edged mortgages at 8 per cent. Ih.au in the .savings bank al 0 per Samo Manner as Blaieks lo. poles, I .Mnillii-e rnn.m uf crinvatiei! Ii cent.? And wo will make sure of the security for you.. Were 1 lie ciiiiureit romp niui piny i,.a i,..-,.,i 1, n10 iiuiiiln.r of IN HUUIH Hie (trmillllS OI llteir Mlller ,.i.l,i.v... ,.1... nnirrr trnliiMs. SV l.Vm.VIO. IV.X.. Sura. me lieie .ItlSl l llliy eilllUieit. , rlloe line., .leelarn li ov. H. G. HELGERSON, LIMITED 'I'hey uu.ve about' wW innrvelluus "TILLIE" I.iviii here are the suceessors of xv1(, ,. wIHIiir to marry ll.isu mid Jonefii Ulaek, woiltl- iiimiy niui ea.e. .ipaiii are preferred as husband ranted .Siamese twins, who died '''isy mid Violet luue been ed- )o imruiu-searuin lmehelors who 2 Reel Comedy, "An Idle Roomer" mid Gazette LAND ACT. recently al Chicago. ui.ue.i ny private uitors. I Heir 1I1V ,t.Vuted their lives lo ad- Admission, 15c nnd 35c Notice ef Intuition ts Apply to Leaaa. Land. Thcy are Violet and Daisy mi- i" c"i leiuseu 10 senu inein 10 ,inls(.insr to their own vanities. 1 117 III IHMrlrt Prune or Import Coa-t Laii'l 1 1 an ire,nlMrlet.6, anil Iiecnrd situate Ion, 10, and iilliaelive. ,v '-'"; iv nmi Wednesday nnd Thursday, May 10 and 1 1 Jackie Hartt III lake vicinity notice or rnrt(hut r.Mlinrlnii.we. ,'iillus II.Johnson t;. ami Violet and Daisy arc "Hjameije men- joiueii eouuiiion SPRING SUNSHINE Coogan in "My Boy." Matinee Wednesday waller KK'iiil. of I'orl Msliiaton. 11. 1: P.. 1 1 1 rt 1 II...in ii I,. I .'.,lirw, .-- ., . a i.lilli..)v., v v. I "I lei II I. Uilll lllllll. . occupation pormlsiiloii to llshciNien.Ip.it. the Inleml follow 111?(u apply described ror modi ni ilif liiisii uf Iliivsiiine .vnioitids Mamese 'Ixvins" DREADED IN RUSSIA amis.' i.oiiiiueiiciiiir ai a post planted al 5 us I like llosa and Josefa, just '"day are (he oldest known such Miiilhcast corner of Lot 45, llanire 5, Coast liirirt. ihcnro northeast 4 r 111 1 ns lo low lit., i.'...r fin.i itiiiniM.. niiL'iiiMl . in existence. Many such Shoes water mark, Uiciicn mnitli t chains al nK r...... ...i...... iio,.,.M. twins an- born but few live I.e. MOSCOW. May 2. The spring low ualrr mark, thence uct 3 rhallH tu lilrh water murk, tlicwe 0 chains, alohir .;. r (.. it.,. t,i b i ..i..nv bond-babyhood. sunshine Ibal brings warmth and turn water mark in p-mii or roiuniciicrmciit llllllli: JUHli.ni in inv. iu-i, i.i.iui.i - - l .ii,i I . . I. r 1 U r.... ll... ........ I I..I..I,... nosii II nil .liiKflii II iizpk iiuwcra iui ii iiiiiib-o in nui aim coiiiainiiitr 3 Yj acres, more or loss. .-.,.i .... - " ., .. . ... I Brand ..I o,,,,!!. .............llu- Supreme JUMPS JOHNSON. ..e ii...:.. i....it VI,. .1., ..,..1 Ii.. ev "i-ii inci in WIICII IIICV i ll'i I. 1.1 If " VVAI.TKII MUM I. 'J I I ll'Jl I 1""I UK. 'VI .' ,! I ' - I (Mice worn, will so fully vin and Cli;ui'' were Ci'J. after iiioulhs of winter snows is . Applicants urn Jus! ike two ordinary in. your confidence lliut you will tiaieil February . IP ear-old girls. dreaded this year as Ilie harbinger accept the next pair without LAND AOT. And save for Ilie fact that, 0111 ALICE ARM of iilllenee. The winter enhl, though FRESH en- I'RESH further Introduction or rec-ommciiilalinii, Notlca of Inlanllon lo Apply to Ltaaa Land iiiiisI (jo wherever the oilier goes COFFEE In Oiieen iharlntte I In ml- Land toMrirl, eouragiug typhus am inereasiug! tin old friend llcrnrdiinr IHstrlt't or I'rliire liiiix'ii. aim I hey enjoy the same 'pastimes and ROASTED ROASTED 5. I'. Iliel for I'lince Ihe of the. hnlf-elnd (-rt It sulfeiing siumic 111 irimi 01 mora ,v 111 1.01 G.u would u liversiniis girls 10 whose dependability anil l.anz.ira Takr notice Island.Canadian KPli K i:nM sine. ii joy. auv -of perl lust week. famine victims of Ihe Volga dis worth are fully pruvuii. ate Company l.liulli'il prince lumen. R. Fond of Gamos tricts, nevertheless, has acted also 'J lie value or eolfee as 11 bevet'iiue Hps :., nrrupalloii Dsli-dealcrs. Iiilcnd 10 apply Mrs I.' M,!!1.,.- ,,r II. mi....I... ,. ........!,.!.!.. bodies ,., I'lie of Ihe ror permission lo lease the rnllowlnir lie'. 'ii r l r I.. .1 ...I..,. I . .,.",!, iii, i.iii-iiiii.i ti .ri .in. un lu its slreiiglh and Itavur. erlhed lands Coinmriirlnir al a pnsl planted mm. ij i .. l -rui Hotel, left lal 'Wednesdav tbousamls of famine ' .le.ul fl-.,, primarily l. i la... I I il t ..I I one root In a southwesterly iliicrilon rrom ' .. , .. 'Supreme" Brand (ireen eolfee will, keep iudc Hie nnrllmcMcl " "'"lllll !l l.lilll ll.!.. I., a.,.,.... lilT I It 1.. lit lliiilely, ( ly Imst or Indian Deserve - , .. i 4 I ' i" iiiivin ii i nun niii-ri' ii: www iihmi vri' no.OII I linCHlPrl in, inniire.V HI u,u lfrl lull reel.In more or...In.less tii.i.1.in a w i ? viuy inv stuiiiu. fuiiii; uif K w . I MflLatll In llinlllalt Irt'll Mllal is Fresh such Is tint the ease after II Itus Intn KIRKPATRICK thence fio feet westerly alunir low water nine time V... r.i... i.- ... ' mara, inrnrc ion reel nortiieriv In hlirh . I. , . ,. ... j . I i.i.i-, in iin- i.'io i .iii.;i i iniiiuieii wiiii unit' uangcr in e!l-l Roasted I'lNtsleil. , in- ...ii-i ...... i ......- ..ui. i i iniiw.- I,.n VV..I ii...l,.v Ini r..li.,..i.... i r....... ...I..,.. m, i. water mark, Ihcnce 800 reel easterly along- ,.. i.. i.,.ii,, ..i .1,. . "-: ' "" ,""""'"'1" " """: 'lloasllng brings out the flavor ami ntniim, The Store of Satisfaction mini waicr luara 10 noun or t'ommeiice. vltij her sister who is spread a particular of by mcnt i:A and M.i.n ronlalninir risti two& COI.Ii(8) acres s I OIlAoL or less mlnn while Violet, brown pucker is sick. 4 type Coiree. becomes , stale because oT lim of ioii.r. no' workers niui nu iear CU.MPA.XV I.TI Applicant. I, was Irylutr to disentangle her llicsc aromatic principles. Hy Duncan Kennedy, Agent. , of cholera, for the cold rendered Daleil Feliciiarv i ft. Iflij. self iid in from bridge.the inlricaeies of a high lolin. I.ujich relurned home any microbes of that dUeaac ul. Tastes as Good as Wo are roasting and packiitK ror ctirreiil I'lll.XCK llll'KIIT LA.XH IilSTHIrtT-TIIICT eei'i.iillv ri-iun smilli ll!i..,l ll..l...:.i i... tA.... DIS ' v ""'-i "' " reiulrc mciils only, reuliziiig (hut, OF COA3T, ItA.XCE H..I1........ III-., i... ...I Ii..i I. . it Smells i'vmmu S, ....... rii,n ii... las lie I'M inn I i f.ii' nmn 'II... ......Ii ... ..Ill Big Reduction ......I,II.. ,, , . hi:,,,,, 'r,,.: I ii, . ", Ti.iirt "i", imncii'i, iu liatly, coiree IiiiisI bit fresh roa.-ti'i lu Take notice that I, fl. l Moncklon. or unv mm- ....i, 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 niui w ink., ii nw , . ..I... ......ll n.i, 11..11. n... n..i .... . , . ... ' . ' i,,iu 11..- 1 11 1.- . ui.i 11 1 iir 1 iii ii.'. I 1 n o ma. 11. 1... miner, intcim 10 apply ror a 1 1 1 1 1 1 - perfectly Wilis factory. ..... prove license to prospect ror coal, petroleum and . . ""V Hiiu"'. -I ...inir a . ..-(-,,.,,..,.,.. , ..., ll.'.., 11. ill on natural m on the following described "at. I.i'isli Mel Inn irli. mu n U....II. ....ll..r .i...:..:....... : i , I.1111I: Coiiiinciieinir at a iost planted 16 - I -..-,-- '' irii'-i ii.iiiiiiii."h.iiiiiii piM'SieiHUS Sold only In 1-pound airtight cartons rhalns soutl or Ilie southwest corner or Modi ate fond, of the movies ,on,f( ..,.,..,,.,. Tl.nps.biv ,....1 .....!i,.hI i Lot 1037, I hence south 811 chains, thence ..........,.i .....r ....11... ......... M.,.1 ..r ...... I. . - u...- uiuir 111 ., Silk and west 80 chain, thence north 80 chains, v.. ,nsl, , f.nnin.. ruL-lim.' poi.1I.. II. thence, east 80 chains lo Point oC com ir both must always attend (he ' mencement, cnnlalnlnir Oltt acres more or ,. .. . .Wanger thnt warm weather wi less. O. F.- MO.XCKTO.X, same .shows. I hey prefer serial iL'ijllK UU? ll-lllllll'U It.,.!,, Tl..... ...... J..1.1 ..11 .1... STEWART & MOBLEY, LTD. P v Moncklon. A rent pielure) of wild advelittin to Ihe r....... wi....... ..1 ...1. ...j 1 1 1 (". mi-. ..nv "iu luiMiin an ii 1-1 .......un niiui.- 1 IV Nil IH-I.-II J,.,,. II,., I II...;.. II...II...I ,....11111..., Canton I'ltl.XUE Itl'PEMT LA.XD lllSTIIICT I'lS' humdrum society romance. Vllllll' 111 nitnli.it. t.-.ll. 11... 1 -ll'-' in.. uui .mini-., iticilil.irs Coffee Imix.rtera nnd Roasters Crepe '" " Ul.'.1 1 ..II II 1 UL" n,,A,....l I.. 1 .. ... I nil. I llr OUST, HA.MjE S, ......i. I,; ..... , UK.UIU uj tuuni mi; people Writing Different .....1 iiiiu-o .inn. intern- 11ii ,1 :,. ,.r ..1...1 1.. PRINCE RUPERT Take notice that I. I. M. Moncklon. or .......I , I .... I I.. II 1 1 v-.......1 '." i"ni'm ..1 viiliii III III Much Iwin writes an entirely .....ni, .unit .11111 llilll WHIN Terrace. 11. r... ocrimallon land survevor. the sprint Intend to apply ror a license lo prcis(iccl lirferenl handw rilinsr. While Ilie ror coal, natural Has and petroleum on the J. Whealb-y, . who has bi'i'ii Dresses rullowinir described lands: Commenclnir al penmanship of both is good, their MIGHT HAVE BEEN WORSE. a post plained one mile west or the northwest sick for the 'past week, was lak-i'ii corner or Lot H98, thence north 80 scripts are as different as Ihe lo the A deaf man was beiujr married thence Anynv hospital 011 tin-Awake chains, east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence wesl 80 chains to point last : Tiiday. It- is be-lievi'd and Ilie clergyman asked the Monday, Tuesday and or romnii'ucemcnl. cnntainiiiir 04 0 acres. usual question: "Do lake you SEEDw- Located January 3. t2. SYNOPSIS OF be ;is suffering froi'11 fEDS have Wednesday only P. M. MONCKTON. piii'umonta. Ibis woman for your lawful I'lll.NCE ItL'l'r.Itf I.AMi lllSTIIICT -HIS wife?" ! Our Fresh AMENDMENTS LAND ACT TIUOT OF COAST. IIA.MiK 5. Klii" said Ihe dear man. Stock of Take mitlce that I. Kathleen Mnnckl'in, I'ele .Viiili'i'son itrrivi'i) 011 Sun Spring J. Bent's Vlrtiirla, II. I'... iiiarrli-it wniuan, liiteml t" day frjim 'fhc Columbia, Do you lake (his woman for lily fur a license to proupccl ror inal, group iK'Inileiiin anil natural leas 1111 the rulluw, .nfl atiil is well lili-ased wil li the your lawrul wiref" 'this Mine a Garden and Field Seeds Inir .Minimum prl.t of rirat.ciam flencrllicil lamH; i:iiiiiiiencliiir ill 1 pusl hit louder. (ilaiileit 15- IihIiii m.ii Id i.r Ihe niiiithuem rrtin.efl lo 15 n acre: aecond -elasi" to work iloiii' 0V1 I lie properly during Lingerie Shop curiier or Ln( 1 037. thence iinrtli 80 ch.ilni. J2.M an Bern tin.' winter.' ' The groom seemed lo get angry. uicncc "est 911 111,11111, i.'iencf suiitn tii rre-enipilon now confined 10 aur-veyeil clnIcK, Uience cast 80 clinlns In iinlnt tit landa only. FERTILIZER (Fertab's Concentrated Fertilizer) cdliiliiODCiiiii'iil. anil ciiiilaliilinr C4n acreK Hccordi. will be irrmited coverlns jiny "Oh, I don't know," be said, nmie or lens. k atiii.kk.v mii.vcktii.n. land riiilable tor ngrleultural purp-ises Constable l. S. Cameron has Fresh stock of PRATT'S BA jY' CHICK FOOD and e M. I.inckliin. irelil and which Ih non-ilmher land received notice of his appoiut-uieiil ".She ain't so awful. I'Ve seen I'lirlneruhlp pre-emplions Btollshed. than her liiaL didn't have SPRATT'S DOG BISCUITS than rour m) local I'ire wuss I'lll.VCK Itlil'KIIT I.A.Mi lllSTIIICT bia I.ul parlleM or not more a .Marshal under From the Farm Tittgr tif i;o.vsTi mamji: 0. arrange Joint ror residence.adjacent I.ui each pre-emption-with mukliiii Ihe provisions of the new as liioeli money." j Mail orders promptly attended to the Table Take iinllre Uial I. V. M. Miuicktnii. or necesenry Improvements on re.soective Kite .Marshal' Act. to Terrace. U. V... ncciinatiiin land snrvevnr. claima. TINDERS WANTED. j intenit tu H..ly f.ii' a lliene ti .inspect I're-einptora must wvupy .'lainiH Ivi Prince Rupert Feed Co fur iiuil. nntiiiHl ni anil ielrnleiiin nn the rive yearn and.iOHke ImproveinenlM to High is still Notice to Tail Plrma, Tramfar Companisa folliiw liiur ilescrlheil liiiiits: i:iiiiiiiiencliiir al a value or Jin per acre. IncliidlnK clearing grade ore being na Traitponauen companies. P.O. Box 333 Phone 58 BulkleyValley pout planteit one mile west or the in nth and rultlVHllon of t leant .'1 ree milted and sacked at the Kspcr- Tenders will lie rrcrOed up to & p.in'. of Thur.-Kl.-iy, May 4, for the transportation Crown llrant. . wesi coiner nr 1.01 m:h. thence norm v lieTore reeelvlng chill 111, Uience wo I 80 rhiiliH, Ihencn mill I h Where pra-emptor In ik-upmOoii no. 111.11 iiiliii-. About three Ions of -rhii.,1 children bclnein Oiurad Street and BEEF ' Kit cliilln. Ihcnce east 80 chalint In tiullil lew limn 3 years, and lias made uro ore is now on Ilie railway cars. Vlclllld.'live iiinrnlnzs street In to racli Ihe Ilnrdeti wci-k. Street)iT furllier ScIiimiI, lia or cmilaliilnir h riaiiineiiceniciil, 04u uclcs. imrllonnte impioveiiieiila. may, PORK uicateu January sj, Win. cause of lll-lieallh. or olhei cause, ue bill 110 niiui' will be broiiltl IpHiticuhirs, see Ihe iiiulrrKlriivd, I I'. M. MQ.NCkTUN. rrHiilcl . terniedlHle rertirieale ol tin tut w. 11, vfti.i:, secretary. MUTTON prmeinenl nd trani.rer hi elnlrn. down until the trail is repaired. VEAL I'llI.NCK liri'KIIT I.AMi lilSTMIi;T PIS- Itccorilrt wlilimil permanent res., Work on the upper workings has TIIICT Ol- COAST. HAMiK J. deme iiimj Ik lanoeil. provided appli FRESH KILLED POULTRY cut nnikey improvements to eileut of been suspi'iiih'ij on lircounl of Take notice that I. I.iivcihIi'I' Mini, klnli. '.160 per unnum nmY recordu Min earl. the wilier Skeena River Farm Produce ipiimlily of coining in, t lerrace. B. C. nurrieil woman. Intenit car Kallure lo make Improvement STYLE, COMFORT AND VANDERHOOF CREAMERY In aimlv ror a license In iirosnect ror loal. r ri'oiil Hine will operate ai lo. bill, will be resinned as soon as IH'trolenin ami natural Itus on the foljowliiR rellnre. Title cminot be obtained In DEPARTMENT OF fUBLIO WORM.' BUTTER llein-l'llieit lamN: Conititeiictiir at a post .chw tluiii 5 j.ears, and iinpfovenieuir all Hit? snow inells tm the sur Notice to Centractera. planted 15 chains south or III" Hiitilhuesl i.r JHI.OO per acre. Includlnx 6 rchm face, 'the Kspcrnnzu shipped lo corner or Lot 1037. Uience south 8U chains. cleared and cultivated, and rei-ldence Sealed lender., mdoriird "Hear Ither NORTHERN INTERIOR Uience. east 8(1 chains. Uience north 811 of i le"l S yenre nre required. Ions of on; to the smeller about Urldjre l iiiliaiiHii'-iit ti.mlruit Inn," nlll be ECONOMY chaliM, Uience uesl 80 chain. In point or f'rt-empior holding Crown (Irani rrcelml by, the llonorabli' the Mlnlnler or CO-OPERATIVE commencement, coulalnlua; I.4U acres more may recurd another pre-emption, ir he rive weeks ago. It is (he intention 1'ubllc Wort, up lo I o'clock nisiii, the nr leva, i.AVUHt.11 miim:kto., I eilllri. land In eonjilnct loo with I.lis oT Ihe management to ship llilh day or May, for Ihe biilldlnir or cm-Immanent e M Moncklon Aa-eiit. fnrni. .villi.ml actual occupation, pro-vided appruaclua lu Hear liner bridge, Phone SI Hlatulory Improvementa mad as t 1 1 it-Ii ore as po.si.lblt; during Stewart. I). O. the three characteristics rilLM;K Itlil'KIIT I.AMi lllSTIIICT l)LS- pod rcxl'leni-e iiialnlalned on Crown the ' I'lHiii. hpi-rlllcatlnn.-i, cool rirt and fnrinA : are TIIICT OK COAST. II.VM.h r.. granted land. summer, or tenner iiMy nn en 011 aim aiier iim' Take notice dial I, I'. M. Moncklon, of UnNiirveyeil arean. not v'xceedint "0 Villi day of April, tvti. at Ilia ofllcr of of Terrace. II. ;.. silllcvuc. Inliinl to ani'lv nci-es, mnv he leased an tioniesltea, J. I'. Scarlell, I'li.v loilnl Cnn.-lalile. ror a llccusi' to prospect ror coal, prlmleuin title 10 l.o obtained after r-jlfllllnc real The annual ;eni'i'al meeting ut Stewart, It. tin' nlllre or A. I.. Mr-rut anil natural ras on the riillowiuir dcsi i lln-il ileoll.il rfiul linprnveineiit c-ondltlona Hi" Alice Arm Tennis Club was her. I'l-lrli l I inrlneer, l'rlin'0 llupert, SALE lanus: coiuuicui'iiiir at a post piauleii in Pin- Krnalnff and ii'dustiml puriMiHea ll. C., and Ihe Dcpiirliiient of J'tibllc Works, Special chains south or the southwral corner or nreiia exceedim S10 acres may be held on Sulurday last. A, O, M1I1,ill, II, t:. Lot 1037, thence north 8(r chains, Uience iomI l.v one pernon r ronuiany. Coutrai'tnra may obtain a copy of the east 80 'chains, thence aoiitli KO chains, Mill, raitory or Industrial sites .n Yorke was re-elected president; plain and rpi'i'lilratlou.- ror ten dollar LEET-FOOT UNDERWEAR, llicsc west 80 chains to point or com. 'imbei land not exceeding 41) acres Mrs. A. falconer, vice-president (llu.on.i which will be refunded uii llieir ineiiceiueiit, anil cuntalninir r,III acces more nay lit- purehnsed: conditions include I'd 11 in In irnnd order, BLOOMERS, or loss. I'. M. WO.NOKTO.V, nyiiient of alumpege. and .Mrs. (I. Young, secretary-treasurer. I-:ach projioHal must be acrompHiilcd by Dateil January 81st. tova. -Natural nay .meadow InaceHsible an aiceiiled bank clH-ipni on a chartered MIDDY WAISTS, ny e.MHttiig roiidi. inny he tiuicliaatd bunk or Canada, made payable to the llonorabli' NIGHTDRESSES .itnliiiorial uiKjn construction of u road the Milliner or I'ulille Workii, ror a 1. litem, debate of. one-lialf of cost ol ah tit eipiai lo ten . per cent. flUci or HOUSEDRESSES, rotid, not exceedliiK half of purchase lender, w hich hull e fnl felled If Ilie pal ly SWEATER i.rlce. lu made. PHANTOM LOVERS lenderlnr decline to riiU'r Into contract r COATS, when called upon lo iln no, or If liu fall tu FREE GRANTS ACT. WASH SKIRTS, May Day RE EMPTORS' coinplele the work contracted for. OOTWEAR Tin cot of this Act Is enlarged . WOOED BY MAIDS I I-I11I1TK will nut tin i-nlii.l(leicd unleKa and K1MONAS include all persop Joining and serv inadn out on the riuina auppllcd and alfned nig with III Majesty's Korea. The by the actual alKiiatuir or the tenderer. 10 per cent. Discount mie wil hit. which the heirs or devisees' lie inur.i or any icuuvr 1101 iievonaruy of a deceased pre-emptor ms.y apply English Damsels Will Not Admit acrcpieii, all this week Specials for title under the Act ll encoded Sentence P, 1'IULIP, Despite' rroin for one year rrom the death if to Splnsterhood public Worki f nKliiecr. 'luch person, aa formerly, until one Scarcity of Men. Iicparliueiit of Public Work', Daylight Saving Is now In effect. Its great Idea Is to 8I,C ear after the conclusion of the giest Vieloala, 11. i "DEMERS" war This privilege Is a lie made re-rocs the splendid evening hour for athletics and sports. You will COMBINATION CANNED No live.fees relating to pre-emptions are I.O.VDOX, May J. Although NOTICE. now1 be thinking of suitable shoes to In during knock around due or payable by sr.ldler on pre. there are i'.nno.OOo .more women IN Till: MVI'TUI of an oppllcatlon for Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 VEGETABLES millions recorded after .lime SS. ISIU Ilie lioiue of 1 frerli rrrllllrate of .title tu Taxes are remitted for five years. than men in' Ureal ltiiluin, no i.ot io. Hue it seriiuu ii, uty pi I'rluve 1 the "saved" hour. We take this opportunity of stating that our Malkln's best tomatoes, 2'gs Provision for return of moneys accrued, damsel with liiinerl. Man' 9i:i. due and been paid since Auirusl any nceteiisfon to .VOTlCIi U heri by given that It Ii my Malkln's best corn, 2s 1, 1914, on' account of payments, ,'ees comeliness is willing lo admit Unit intention fie Itnue artcr the expiration or or taxes on soldiers' ore-emptlon. ouu 1110111 11 11-1.n1 iur urii piiuiicuiiou ..USE.. Quaker Early June Peas, 2s . Interest on agreements to purchase she is sentenced to a life uf iin-sterliood, liereor, rresli i ci lllleate of tule In the FLEET-FOOT town or city lot held by member of there above luciilloiied prupei'tv In the name or Quaker Beans, '2s, Wax or' Vllied Korcea. or deiiendet.is. acquired Nevertheless are J. Mllnif Hundley, ulilch rertlllcate of direct or Indirect, remitted from en hosts of those who think they title U diiteil (lie Urd Marrti. 19)6, and 1.1 Shamrock llstinent to March 11, 1920. numbered 7341-1. Refugee have marital chances who are II. r. Marl KOfi. Above are the flnesl. lines of SUB PURCHASER LANDS OF CROWN doomed lo disappointment because Land lte(rllry onico.Iirgl.trar uf Title, Tennis and Sport Shoes caned vegetables we havo Provision mad for Issuance of of the scarcity tf men. Prince llupert, U. C. Crown grants to sub-purchasers 01 SUt day nr March, m. BACON we ever slocked, Crown from One or the strange psychological lnnds. acquiring rights Lad'"' for are ready Inspection. your We have them for I SPECIAL PER DOZEN purchasers who railed to complete ell'eets or this, lack of swulns IN PROBATE. HAM lurchasr, Involving forfeiture, on fulfillment IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH t Assorted, taking three tins of conoltiona .of purchase. In. is the menial creation of the COLUMBIA. Gentlemen and Children, In whlto, brown and black; Shoos forest ana taxea Where aub-purcha BUTTER of each era do not claim' whole of original pai "phantom lover." According- to InMlm mutter or THE Ali.MI.MSTIlAilO.N well as Oxfords, rubber and leather soles. Our range of 6tyl' cel. purchase price due and taxea may lr. Helen Jioyle, a psychologist, iri aim 111 iuq iiiaiier or 1110 rotate or EGGS be distributed proportionately over VVII.I.1A.M X. MiUO.NALP, Ueccaiied, for Ladles and Misses Is whole area Application must be mad there are many maidens who relieve lulealate. unbeatable. I $20 by May 1, IKO. TAki: MITIUi: thai ill orili.e ..r III. LARD GRAZINO Ihe monotony of their lives lloiinr V. Melt. Vouinr. made fhn enih av by themselves or April, IVV., I wa appointed Adiitlnla. it (Iraxlng Act, 1919. for systemali. ideulixinif for an iraior in uie r.nnie or ll.l MM X. Mc. lttlttttl'lttMtfc development of livestock Industry provides Imaginary lovei,-tho sort of hero IiiiWI Ii. deceased, and all nariim 1.1.1., for erasing district and range The) Empire' Standard, administration under Commissioner. I hey would illko to meet and rlaima reiiulrcd atralii't In furnish thn.nitd aame,entuto properly are vnrllleil,Iicrehv Jabour Bros., Ltd. Annual grasing permit Issued based ... .... Rupert Table Supply Co. Old r .......r ..in .twi .my Of Way, on numbers ranged, priority for eatao marry. These lassies not only 10. and all Piirllea Indebted 1...1I1.. e.1.1. P.BURNS CO., LTD. llshed owners. Stock-owners may write let turn io llieir phauloinllko are reiiulrrd to pay the amount of tlielr' 7th form Association for "d Phones 211 and 212 rang manag. IndeLtediieaa to' mo fnrthwltli. Phone 645. Corner 3rd menu Kre, or partially free, permit llomeos but key their minds up to JOHN II. Mr.MUI.LIIV, for ssttlers, camper or travellers, up Olitclal to tn head. a pitch where they write soul- fated tli.U lt flu ef AnrU,Adinliilntriior,i5j