i... Mai.' f 1099. TH1 DAIET WBW8 faox rm PROTESTS TREATMENT SURPRISE PARTY IN BY TURK SOLDIERS HONOR BIRTHDAY OF ; OF THE CHRISTIANS MRS. SAM HOGAN MACDONALUS A DAS A. TI'IIKHY, May 2. -llniuiil A very enjoyiihlc cvetiinpr wan Hey, who lnit been trover spent last nijilil 111 the home, nf nor of Cilicia. Hie Soulhern.'l'nrk Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hunan, Ninth! isn iii'ovince. (since its evacttiiion Avenue Haul, when n tiiiuiber of liy th l-'rench Iroons, has jit s'lVi friends Joined In n rmrprlse visiL) sincil his posi as n priiiesl Hie occasion. being he iiirHnlay of Cigarettes atrninnf. Hie inanuer In whlclr the Mrs. I lotrai). (lames and tlaiwinc, soliljerh-of Kenicl I'nsha have were enjoyed atjilysliorlly before Ireifeil (he C.hrlstiaiijMiiiulalion. iiiulniulil, refreshmenls were served. II has heeif charpeil thai offi- In Ihn eourMT'of Hie even, eers. ur ihe l ink sh Aaliona s! inff, Mr. Morleyou, behalf nf (he ii nil y KM l'iii k who havH nn.w iriiesls, iireseiilel' frin. Ilosran .ieeb or laW have lieeii' fiiiiltjljiji Willi a beaulifiil f'a'Hinr lamp. II 5k (he ,'riu.'iiia'n iiiiufieris iiinlie was in Iho early hours of llie c iDis mul limiu of iniicia ifio mornililf before' Hie happy frnl.licr- leslin-.' -woiiicji uDil'rlililirn ami WK dlsjierscil. "Oh! Back" My I'oiiiiiiilljMir vurioDs rriiiics. Those ini'smir were J and kidneys, but also because TWf are iilleaeil lo have exlorl- Mrs. I'. Scadden, Mr. and Mrs. C. (. .11111 limi. they arouse the activity of I Iujiis fi'oiii the friiihleneil Ilichanls, Mr. od Mrs. .1. Wick, 1 lie I C (a D arii mitVl IHUVII Ml Hllfif I-V Mllll inl the liver and bowels as well, '.In il unis willioul inlenliori u Mrs. II. Mctlailliy, Mrs. Marpare irt and turmoil. and thereby relieve the kidneys exec jiMiaviii).' them. Mawjoiiald, MrMM. I.awler, Mr But tt is usually me ex- of much of their work. When (iovi't'iioi- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 prolecl c. Hills, Mrs. I-'. (ji'lmble, Miss i:. ........ Ir,?.1.t dluffu (ltrl ttlu Another thine about I)r; i'i, Im'iiu'I 1'flsha is. repnrleil o Walker,' Miss D, Jticbards. Miss retchihe and straining Chase's Kldney-LIver I'llli, you have rej.lieil only: ' Ihis. js war. Marie Miclialoir, Mfss Aeta John-vii.. do not have wait Hefori. leaving llamhl tii fi . -V ... to long for remit. Ailana, urn, .ui!.?. j-.mii' yioiiuson, loin 11 'In a day or two you will Hey ih-clareil in nil interview liiat rybhavii, Mr, Morlev. Oi-ortre obtain great relief, and few a The kidneya are extreme-sensitive weeks' treatment will usually ne was nisLriisic;i Mil ii Die allillnli' Hills and Dan Lai-sen. to currents of overcomn complicated derange-meats anil l.ehavjoi' nf Hie inJIilary mi- I A a(m nn1 Villi U tl Ujf of the kidneys which have Ihorilies wln, lie'sail. Ofm.siilereil RARE kely to find this out sudden- defied ordinary kidney medicines. Hie promiscH idven lo'IVatice u INSTANCf OF wnen biici.cihiik ui biibiii-or Mra. Ww, II. Coineau, Plymp-ton, irue-l Hie Armenians a a scinV DISPLACEMENT OF fill Dae i(uite an iirKumenl. . f hp muscles of the back. N.S., writes: "I had been oT imjier. After recjilliiitf ;ln. II is e.vpeelH lliul n representative Suddenly i At the; . pain c seizes .had suffering taken from medicine lame back,for ome and heavy sacrifices' .of Hi', 'l'orkisli WOMAN'S HEART k Sport Chat leanj. of Canadian pro- (ill...aim i j mere.i i i . ui iietessuy i time, but nothing helped me lerrilory lis a cotiseiiien('e of I lie fessional golfers will be seiil lo lull in ine nouse-cieaning until I utarfed to use Dr. Cbane's' '.vac, lie iiijilcil: KOIIT WILLIAM. Onf .. When lie feels Ihc.nrjre to jo Chicago io lake pari in Hie H. S.i I Pills. May :i. Kldney-Mver These pills . To Win Qoodwlll fisliinjr, the buy knows il. is open I his year and there is no K completely relieved In few rare instance of me a aualmiiical modern There is nothing like Dr. I'rnclically now "We Tiuks linfs) ffrxl reason willi Davie Hlack and learn lo weeks, and I have never been iiisplacenient was disctosi'd spring. So Imi-r as lhal llnuisM base's i j Kidney-Liver. i i.i r Pills bothered with lame back since." ieiecl Hie ri;hls of iniiioijliVs in X-ray pbirio-zraph here re-enlly by arises in Die mind 'i man so oilier excellent (rolfprrt to, pick resilience in excellent residential I IVIUIICTi S.1UUISICO V k. Oil T Dr. Chase's Kidney - Liver ir we aie In win Hie troiiilwiil of wliivh showed Ibe hearl if lonjr does he relain Hie- viliilily of from thiif. a fine showing shuiibl section, splendid harbor ind. Pills, one pill a dose, 25c a box, naliuns. 1'i-aiife mill Imglanij All's. D. H. Latreilbvoif Ibis city, youlb. The man who no lunger not be made. vie.w. ' '('enlrnl healing. on account oi Not only all dealers, or Edmanson, Hates wimiIu never lie wrllimr lo 1-enloie feels ye.arninif lo slarl. for. Ibe f'r direct, action on the . Co., Ltd., Toronto. m Hie opposite. side to lhal ii OITered al less than cost. lo us Asia. Minor unless Owiny lo the unfinished condition we jirove Alien- normal people keep Hie stream .shoulibcorisiill. Hie family lo Iheiii our capncily for sroort ami seal of (heir affections. While physician and put- his business nf lb" Acropolis recreation Agents, for jlo Ihc roiiferi'iirn ami Hoys' Jilsl (r(etniiieiir." his, is a rare Hi local phi-ihiu affairs in order. grounds -and Inclement Norwegian American Line I HI II MM V.rk ;iiii.'i'ivs.s In VanriiiiM'i- fur I."ailiiiff Armenians here assert stale lhal orriLssJoiiaily",e I'ishiii.'. is 'more, than ii sport ; weal her die fooiiiall practice Swedish American Line (hat. j(eijc sisrneil ileiles and il is a season of philosophic re-fleclion. scheduled fur last evening was ! which -clly he iilans In leave iin ieai'1 is displaced' i'y simie af- Scandinavian American called off. There si ill are Xiimlay nlsht. iri'cl'iii:ilioiis. Kerne) J'asha nr. Vclion of (be liiiiss ' iind ra.ses The successful an- sev- Line. DEBT PAID 1 A Busy Week. ' ilereil . ilial all (ireek tthrislinn. line- been known iit wiiicli Hie b'r has lo be philosophical. Of al idles of Wishes to be" spread The preseiil week will lie a anil ArmeiiiatiM he dismissed fniii( ie.nl was sjliiiifeil on Hie riaht cour.se a fisherman wants In over 'Hie grounds and cleanimf up Oliver Typewriters lui.sy nlie in the Clilllrli. 'I'lie all dmini.fiallve fioM. This side and the appendix on Ibe left catch fish bill one endowed with td be done before any football Cary -Safes G.klliy nilllWMMKVIIIfclli ... U aiinunl Sumlay Schunl meilin threw hundreds t Christians'mil in persojis wlio' seemed olher- the .real spiril will find pleasure can be, played. FIRE INSURANCE t Annual Board Meetlnn will lie hei limilil while on I'ri- of etiliiliivmeiil. ami I of I Iti.ir wise il lift r normal. in having iione, , fishing even The Sons of Kniiland and-- the Last Night. ilay iiilil -llie. Sumliiy, School ililies withot'it nieans of sun. Mrs. l.nhiilli' .sTiies.Vsie has Ihounh he conies home with 'the Sons of Canada football teams & Hanson Ih.iIiIs an iiiil inr iiicnie when orl. Kif Hull Ihey imisL Imik. lo lever fell Hie ilijililesl ilicoiiven. creel eiiiply. However, he "will will play a praclici ifame mi Dybhavn charily for . nut be so happy he would be riiloy uishl if the grounds can snl)itence. ience as HACKER ACCEPTS ailileil In a rhililren's concert,. I lie from her abnormal con- Third Avenue' be in INVITATION TO REMAIN May (Jueen will lie crim-ini mill Aroieniiiis charjred also lhal.. ililion, mid IIioiiIi she. has a were It. full. dale.pul. proper shapiOiy Mint Prince Rupert, B. O. I he 'I'i'ail Hamrers, who-liave wun in Ihc I as I few munllis, Ihoiisands faniily of children -she dues nol I'll ore is an indescribable (brill The. first foul ball leaatie ill 'II..I 1 I......I' ill Alul luiil u.-.I I meilals, will lie jii'csenleil with of Turks have invaded Cilieja and think Ilial any of 'Hiem.have in. in Ihe reel of llie slnke when came of HTe season will be played on i'Ii i. entirely free or iMi! Ihelr Jewelry. he!ied lheinelves to any vucanl Iieriled Hie peculiariry. Mrs. Hie fish tnkes hold as if tie Monday, May 8, between the IIh iiilcrolfn? announce. On Sumlay tiislil n special or uniroei'ei jiroierty liclimt;. alleilb. broil?hi u lrons ihni. means business, - The period which between llie (ii'iilln and Sons of Canada. Tliaiiksaiviiijr .-erxice will he he ma io i.ni'iMians wiimmt. nun. si iroiu one or..nei' KChoul.aye elapses first iiiimmiiiz n mc muciai imam lo T-elMiralfl the e'enl"'Of Ihc iinati(iii, Ulldren- not lonti-alwhen she consciousness Jhal something is dniliir ami the lime Hie fish is Shoe Repair Job placed her hand upou'licr rijihl RUBY CHARTERED I IIIHL lIlMCI Olkl II I 2 II I 111 church Wins free of tMl. landed safely is one of. julense 1 "ide when coiujilaiiiin.'f of a tun i ll IH1IIHI-'. I III Jlilifllll The New Board. WERE MARRIED IN joyous life. II is mixture of HUDSON'S learl-paiu. "Why, iimHier," a BY BAY '.01111 llf l lllClll (MMIVPSU- The fullowiiis hoaril was elec- e. try Ints hecn covered hyrev- lei fur I he ensuing year:- I'rauk CLOUDS OVER CITY luimcd llie child, ylu ,ou?hl to hope and fear, hope for Ihe suc J. C. EMERTON ' cessful outcome ami fear of 'i-i-ivpil Ias4- year anil I In Deny, Dr. T. Kerylii, K. V ic old enough til kjiOw where Three Ships to Be Sent Fu; ChamplonMhoe. failure. It is true lhal. Repair Shop OF NEW YORK our hejirl; j's." : l:.-U; lnwever, a ifiiim ininy ili'hl of $7,non lias I.in?, II. Ili'iiK, A. .1. I.nncasler. !he "-ray in a local hospital ns ii ai nie. emi or llie line can Trading to Far North This Rinad lilock. Third Avenue akcii over liy (lie Milon W. Kheriuan, A. .1 ..Mallell, V re- i:W YOIIK, May .1. A nuptial .eiiled thai molliei-,, was ipiile make,, more fuss lliai! its , si.r Season. i inn lirillKIHK. IIH I HUH II .1. N'hnlcn, William C.irnili, .1. tfler il is out. of Hie waler would "Repairs while you wait" from under. Tim nicclina IMwaiils, M. J". I.ee, J'. Dilib.'.l. kiss tin ii t ci S.llfiO feel in lln- correct. a wry i'iilliiiialic mie ami Wosleiihulme, T, W'ilijin?, .Mrs. cbitnls above Times sipi.ire, was -i'i'iii in warrant, .lhal is the YJCTOIUA, May I . Chartered irnl v everv member whs V. II. Kerin. Mrs. V. T. Ker-jiiii, broailcasled from, I In- cuckpil of BASEBALL reason Hie tiiyesl ones ire to make another Irading voyage i' Mrs. V. Mailed, Mrs. W, .1 a spceiiint-' airplane (o (he ears of away." lo Siberia, iu Ibe service of Ihe '''usurer's rcpnri wits Whaleii, Mrs. (i. (i. Hacker, Mrs, thousand of radio fans, when Hudson's Hay Cntiymny, the Seal, Bell&Crossett ai ryuiK. over ri,.luO linv- K. A'. I.iiif, Miss h'raneis II 1 1 I i Miss Sarah tlokefair and Albert I' Tuesday's Scores. Severiil thmisand lislit bariu'ss lie power schooner lluby i she-ing ami Miss K. M. Karlo. Schaske became bride and irroom. horses located al several hun condilioiieii al Seattle ami Tti Ways ami Mean I.ieul. Helvin. W,, Mnynnrd, 'Hie AMERICAN LEAGUE. dred half mile race (racks from will be rejrdy lo proceed lo Vancouver Painters and Decorators Washington, i; I'liiladclpliin, Sydney in Capi; Hreloi) to Vancouver . PAPERHANGING H m'p nail namieii in over PARTY flyjiiK par.sonMiYH'rrormed Hie in a few days. II 'lltl.1 itiXLIisar lti JllilA III' BIRTHDAY ceremony. J.1ciJt2-.Her I Acosla 1 1. in llrilish Columbia are Tie Hudson's Hay "Company is - KALSOMINING piloled llic pailin I'VikHcr ha T-inooij Hoslon, (1; .Vew York, 12. now being iraiiicd and filled "for resinning extensive operations in J're-wnf Uriels (if (hunks was Iciidcied H Miss Doris McEvoy Ente-talned )i1piiine,,ii'nd a the appro-prialo Clevelaml, 10; Chicago, fi. Hie raciiisr caiJipainn of i'Ji'i Hie Siberian Ami Arclic icrrjlnr- Work ncnljy nml iiickiy ' 1'niiilllii'r.....tn anil i aill..i HIM3 in i.. a Number of School Chums jiiomeui iiffhei his sij.Mia-ture SI. Louis. I; Del mil, .1. iliroughoul Canada. ' les, and Hie lluby, together with doiHj. Yesterday. 1 lo lie marriage diiciimenl, NATIONAL LEAGUE. The last of Hie sales of Ihe llie steamship Haycliimn, now al Ibi'ii turned Ids back on llie bridal New York, 5; Ilnslnn, 3. past wluler and sprinjr have Ksqiiiniall, rcceijlly broiighl lo 318 Fifth Street Phone 477 1 I,ailics A iI Society rais. Miss 1 1 iris McCvoy enlcrlained kiss. J'jich detail of Hie ceremony. I'illslmrjt, 2; Cincfunali, lieeii held, Hie -stable are com-nlele the J'acific from Archanifel, arly ijn.MKK which lias lieen a number Of lier sclioo) chums al excepj the blush, was tiaiisiiiitli'il COAST LEAGUE. and entries have already .N'nrlh Hus.tia, will be eiiuipped for ilio church and pariii- li.'i- home on I'llllon Slreel ye,. to radio funs by mmuialus on llie Sail. Lake, 10: Sacramenlo, closed for many of Hie stakes for trading voyages lo lho former First Class wurk. i i Iuimi'iI I'vuri'Hsrd Icnlay nflernoon on I tin occasion plane. Olhers travelliiiR. ami early closing evculs. AM country. The auxiliary schooner inrecia on or I hn work nl of'her seveiilh' birl Inlay. that remains Is for the trainers l.ady Kindersley is being oijl. filling ti.l 1,'aiiii't. ami dancing wei miicli o "separale Ibe chiiff fro'ui Ibe. filled u Vancouver for a similar Electrical : Work X hllli.li'Cil ilrillnra liml lieen eiijnyeil and dellcioiK ' rofresh- j wheal" ,in their slriiiifs. and get I railing voyage lo l-'ar Norlliern il rur lllissilllls, cliill'ilics inenls were served dtiruip Hie those which look as if I bey Alaskan and Canadian points. and Accessories iinilar furiils, half of thU afleinoiii. Ihc parly mke up will prove profitable racing ma At Vancouver the Hudson's Automobile Repairs nil llUVl'MK ((Mill' fl'lllll Iheiaboiit 7 u clock. Amon lliose terial ready for Ibe caiii.aign. Hay CiYmpany has assembled over and Parts It'll s "M Uu nit'ii'i' siiftitilv present Were: Miss MllI'Marel 1 J30.fl(IO worlli of supplies for, II' luilancA ,iT i fli. ,iv'iinilo Aclaml, Miss Myrtle Hose, Miss! tfuir in Canada is froinp to the Siberian expedilions, nod (lie H.PATTINSON I'lilaiiii'd from Iho ri'Kiilai' Caroline Sniilh. Mls Muriel' have a greater play during (be lluby ami the Haychjmo arc to iiiji.-.. I'linir I'onci'rtx ami Clark, MJss Maiirarel (iulick.' season al .band than ever be. slarl loadiiijr some lime ncxl First Avenue lianipicl nnl whh iwjicm'l- Miss lleverlcy .lack. Miss IlirdeH' fore in lis hislory. Some cities week. The Huby is owned y Hip M Mwi l',fiilliin ilnif.i Wiiru .lack, Miss l.ois .linle,' Misses I'l'porl lhal ihe number of play Kuskdkwim Hlver Transiiorla-lion illl1 I'lilnrfnrr tit tti ii'irwim. lliihy Krikeysky, Miss Vtcloria' ers will lleuily ilolllile Ilial oi iV; Trading Company, of Se-allle, Krikevskv. Miss Doris McKsoy, ; last jear. and is a craft of .'J.r)0 ions. Sunday School Work. Miss Violel McKvoy, JV.Jdy Sinilh, The dales for llie Canadian C CARTAGE II' .NIIIIilMC Xlirw.l iniilnr4 llifi Waller .Inhnson, limmy (inlick, chnmpiuiisihps hu've illl been an. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES riiilrndence of I'rank Derry, Albert (lavvHiorne and Jackie nounced. Ibe cananiau ,ma Limited Inl .... J - i, I leur will b" held oyer the, bead- "-m liiiwlhorue. .in increase, in ain'iiii- over jqs( year of neatly liful AnciTsier course al Hnmil Wediiosilayj May 3, Phone 93 I"'i' ceul. MAKES CORRECT GUESS Ion during Ihe week of June li). High .1:11 a.m., 18.5 feel. i-iiiy-one wi'iuiiuus mirins ON FOOTBALL RESULTS Thn Canadian Oiien will be al 18:i!) p.m., 17.0 feet. Furniture, Piano and ear es r ei lo t h fnel Mm Mount llnino Cub, Monlrcal, I.0W--H :5I d.nu 5.2 feel. Safe Moving Dan Cupid had been usiiiar llamilness retell, supreme in July 2H and '."J. Toronto will b Timrsiiay, May I. General Cartage Id how mid arrow inelhod he the purser's nmrc, oT llie Prince Ihe Mecca for women golfers, Mlig- .0:21 a.m., 17-7 feet, Coal Sand and Gravel villi- wm..fillip i i... tlt.... III IHI- Illl'.nr.. lieopire l lot aenial nui'scr ill Ho' The first week iu June, Ibe On. IU:I0 p.m., 17.3 feet. Crawford helps (ario championship will n de- Low 0:08 n.tn., H. feel. Miollon of II. V. Mil if. nee- person of .1. A. I I IV 1)1- VV T . K-..I.,,!,, 'Ili.i In very Jubilant humor. Humor flideil over, the links of Hie Hose- IS;5U p.m. 5.7 feed OCNflML STORC BUSINI8S FOR SALE. of Hie paslor, llev. l. . has II lliaL Hie reason for Ihc dale I'.luli, Hie open champion I'riday, May 5. aliriipil IE.MiKI.8 fur lli will hui'I'Iuihh lia rfiTlvnl ut by tin-llio liuslliss umlr- IT. WHS kl'IilllU' ..II.I.II.I..I Joy is Hie fad Hull IW ship will be slaved al the Tornii lligli 7M2 a.m., 17. feet. at a. nuliiir nuirniii piem'iilly rnrrlxil on by llichidilla an Jinnreeialiim of maximum puesses on Ihe last In Club the week of September ;'0:1 ji.iiu 18,11 feel, l.iinlli'il,liw NiiPi'im at IciTocc.itivrr i;(i-iiniaiiT II. U. Ainoriuiinu, followed Hie week Of fcep- l.ow :20 .i feel. I iih ini'iTiiiiniimn invi.nurv ainouiiti to IU till iiini .vies iiti..i.i.i.v .i-.ni football coupon were correct ,a, III,, H5.HUV.II0 iiiiil ruiiitlsU nr LmtlM' anil Oriiu' It Hie youiijf peiiiiln. The and ureal hope are null- lembcr IH liy (he closed-or Can I1:0'j p.m.-. r,8 feet. r'linMiliu lf,ti.T7, OriMUlcl, Tol.troi. fti'., "I.VWJ.V7. HarduaiH I,IS.6S, UouM ' llllon was enri'ieil nn.inlm.' cipaleii for somelliiiiK ijoinx i" adian championship at l.amhloii. Salurilay, May (J - iur ?)! H8S.JU, TUi wholi) ttyrk U I'he Canadian professional' High l:0fi (7.S feel. freili ami In i.ci'llent i-oiumii.ii. liw lime Mr. Hacker wiih lnvllc(i.lo lln! bte cash pile line. a.m., Hltlnx mill ruriilililnirii mnouiii to ll.sui,-vi. on for another year and, championship will likely lie held 2 1 :8 ji.ni., III.I reel, Tim mil ut auin la (lu ier iiwiiili. I.al Vf.ir'H lui'Dovvr tiuiiiinli'il In llt.liuv. ci'idlntc Hie Invllalion, sin. TIGER AND DONKEY, Just previous lo llie Canadian l.ow 2:18 a.in., 7.fl feet. iljll.'d liiVfiifirlra cii h Iih liisiipilpij al lli ullliva ul Hi Illl K k SMALL. C.A.. led- . Davie Hlark of ancoii. 15:15 5.0 feet. lalk-er-aboul p.iil.. Hiillikei he hoard slur! lo open, y mem. Two Jje iilleiucn real loillitlnir, I'linre llupirl. II. C, and for llieir llie weather, .'l"hy ver. Ihrir'e rhainplnn Is KOingH Sunday, .May 7. Ium London ri ii 1 1 Jlnir, Vailuvrr, II, I... support saying rrnni wluitii furtlwr narlk'iiliira can Lh ob III) IV mill I'llllm.lnMi.i l.ii.l east (o defcilij Ills lilb!. Ilimiffe Illa)i-rl0!8 a.m., I8.;i fec'. tained on jiinll'iillui). ni'pilc-KTsllcillate.lill-'pouiid-one Alton iiiry .Ijo iiri.ii) wtii, iu i-uuiii lu ici nt niv tyornrk :U.iti)luli, inrwa i i iih ri' vrii un lu anil in the rreiMiiiin 'bnyi ; 22;3fi 20.2 feet. ly helned him. A shorl. vu. Kids Ihe belter. Jiorai: uon i hu UfiiriJ n.flntiieuv In ny uienilit-r i di utt m nn-i ro-i m com-pttliluu Ciinimiiiff, p.m., I'ludliiif HI May, li. h lias lieen ni'i'iiii.iml f.... II,.. arpiiH wun... . your I.ihiu....!., .. MlhV liiiiinuii In. Ikmp lwwu infzi iu uui'kl till tl&rsl Alex .Murray umi i rco iuckwoou l..W 3:50 a.m., .n feet. ci i.i mi;k nnim?, rr.A., pjrsctlcs, mu tt u alio au nvvt iu. of Suninill will ghv tho wonder- 10:10 S.3 feet. Autlioriii'd TruaiH. v. p.m., r .IrtllowliiLr- 10. lilt,-- . .b..iiI1i--r "At'iop'a I'ilm Fables." J'liote ftuwrt. B, C I tin April, mi.