FA fill TWO THE DAIfiT Thursday; Mny f, n.? The Daily News m m felt SALMON FISHING PniNCK RUPERT - BRITISH COLOMBIA V Pn!i!iliel Kvrry Aflernoon, rxeept Sunday, the The Prince THE RHEUMATISM ONLY STARTING Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue. II. I PULLKX. Managing Editor. Fisheries Inspector Says Season Since Taking "Frull-a-tlves" Should Be Good One SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Pink to Be Packed. The Famous Fruit Medicine mail month. .?J.00 City Delivery, by or earner, per By mail to all parts of the Brilih rjinrtr 7td the United States, r,Q, llox 123, Parhmweo, N'.S. REGULATIONS ARE TO j - in advance, per year Sfl.00 "I sufTem viih l!liruinali.m for BE STRIOTLY ENFORCED To all other countries, in advance, per year, $7.50 fivo years, liarinf itso badly at times i TELEPHONE 98 I was iinalilo to pet up.. ""Spring ulinn ri.bin;jr on Ihe Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. I tried nipUirinr-s I saw aJverttseil, Skeena Hiver lias only just l-mii-UIMIiee,! 0 Rl aij was treated by iloctont but the nml nHI7 lo the late DAILY EDITION Thursday. May It, 102 ItlieiiniatiMii always fjjtio tack. spruisr" and rodl wt-.-ilhi-r it 4v Elp t In 191B, I saw ia an advertlscm?at anllcial'ix t Ban t the run will that Ttuit-vtives" would $tnp Hirjfup-lion be I i-ill I until lli' rlfiiialie National Hospital and took a l.t, and sot rfef; dltinn improve." snbl .1. T. C Day Tomorrow. . I lien took "Jruit-tivps"riflit aloie William. Doininiiiii i'n.jri"or if Tomorrow. Mav 12. i National Ilo-pital Day. II i the day fur about six inoulhs and 1 hare Fisheries f.,r )irjrt .... , ,u that ha been ?el aside; throughout the United Stale and Canada nererfeltmv Itlieumatjsin since". an interview wild Ihe Unify News on which to observe hospital ceremonies n.iid 8dvoealj support . JOHN JC. OLMLIiKKSON'. yent Aft lay ,riNeriion. for I he institution. Thjs date has been ?eerled as it i the birth-nnmnrp 50c a box, 0 for$2..7), trial sire 25c. Jim runt or springs,' vent Viphifuifalc. the founder of Ihe.nnrsiug iirofes- At dealers or wilt postpaid by on - Mr, .Williams, 'Yonliniies tlitii as an art. In some cities it is observed very generally andj Fruit a-tives IJmKil, Ottawa fairly good fitiul Hie prospeel.-U honifals and homes are inierled. graduation exereies fori re i-"iiiniiv-'i cnc'MiriMiov mr nurses take nlace. exhibits are shown, literature is distributed. a sfomr Tun of this vnrieiv (liis pageants nre. put on. Jiajiy show are held, public meetings am SUITCASES i si'.tsmi. The lr.iIeis are lining IS" m -ailed, ami -ivir. governmental, fraternal, cb'iircb, school and U . ry liltle excejil at War. Chii.iI business institutions lake parL While nothing of an HUibilibs TRUNKS (where aoAik rnlrlii's are twin Packages nature is planned for Prince Rupert, it would inly, be 'fitting imaile. ThrV pricn is appriixi, that the occasion be observed by all who ea'u ;dou and not al CLUB BAGS juoiiely the' same as last year, lowed (o ia. A vi-fil bi Uie hospital with' a gift, no mailer how j "ll is iiiiossille t furelell tibial I. would beau appropriate iuditfdiial. Vay of marking Ihe Large Stock on hand. any I lung ahoul I lie run "I si.ek-evi day and showing appreciation of the institution which is so nn f'O" Hie .coming season. pOrtant to every community. Prices very low. year Jie run was Ihe worst in The Man in the Moon the historv nf this district ami J. F. MAGUIRE ' says.-; Indications Point To f-r :ihsiiiiely no apparent rea-1 Better Fishing Season. Next the Prince Rujwrt Hotel sun as Ihe HMWiiinir si-onml hail IK"" All indication point belter salmon season in District No been well .seeded. Uilll.llii- rull- I'D make a iilaiR'powiler. place GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY fact that in the dislrict is " af if ions, however, were unsutis il beneath ri.lb-r. 2 I his year. The. very every cannery a sienm S. S. PRINCE GEORGE AND PRINCE RUPERT wjll'unif Thii to p.irk goes to show thai"the packers iMtljeve there is lo lie a a j factory, Miiilhi-asl winds ami j. day and Sunday al Is! o'clock Mldniphl for Swanson gii run and nlso'i'ndicfttes that market conditions are again fa-f jcohl weather prevailed and also "I'VK got ewful shiioting pains Bij, Ten Years Ocean Falls, Powell River, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, voralile. Iasl year, as Ihe Inspector of Fisheries says, the season Ago unere was a ne;tyy fresnei in in iny b''ad, doclor, don't you For Anyox W ednesday, M p.m. Tor Stewart, Saturday, a wa one of Ihe poorest on record. One reason was (Hal the rim In Pi nee Rupert ll'Jl7 which prohahly destroyed a know?" said Algy. "Dun'! worry p.m. 'Stewart. Service first lloat May 13. Lach Saturday Iher aftr, was not good. Another reason was that only Ihe best quality of I larire iimnlity of suwn In they'll md bit anything," aid fish was wanted and such fall varieties as pinks and chums were I'.IIK IIIUIIIII2 hi a detrimental Doc. S. S. PRINCE JOHN- -l-'or all piints Northern and iyiullitrn not in much demand. The canneries this year are to lake nil May 11, 1912. icharaeler' ocmirred vn Ihe Queen Charlotte Islands, May 13th and 2?lh. June (OIli a;u varieties and Will pack lo full capacity until the end of the s?a-jjiii. The (Ivei'se.is I'.lnli Imv.. i.f pawning grounds. They were A LONDON coster has named 21th, July 8Jh and 22nd, August r,lh and ll'th, Sept. 2M; iCili This is hound 1q have n jvrlain improving effect Dn business fered a .sjver cup for a font hall well -eeiJvd oi the tfkceija , and ilis donkey "M.l'." but it dues and 30th. of Ihe cily. ' , i-iiiiijieiiiiitn in pe neto on i.iu-1 Itivers Inlet fti) wijlu; favoralde riol necessarily follow that all Train Service Hire Jlay. Hie eontesL will lM climatic eiMidiliinis we sluiiiiil M.Pn are. donkeys. Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY al 11.15 Utilities Finances (ien in eluhs in the district ami have a good .snckeye run this a.m. For SmiUiers, Prbice Oeorge. l .dmouton, and Winmiicii, Are In Confusion. ' ' ' c.oinmitteri I'linsislin? of AhL Ileal candour: making ilireci conneclioijs for all points in J'.aslern ( jnaila ' ' A situalioit has arisen in the city council Ihal seems hardly llullitck-Wehsler, J. II. Kelly. V. Rigid Regulations. "AN wol's more I say it er and I'liiU-d States. explicable. Aid. Perry, chairman of Ihe utilities committee .describes Sibhald and H. Itirch, were ap- "A circular letter has been yer face if that, is yer face." ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME the figures and reports as submitted from various city oinied to draw, up f rules atid sent I the Cauncrs, fishermen Agency for all Ocean Steamship Lines officials o;jt,lhc status and condition of nlilitics' finaijces as constituting regulations In frnvern the coin. mid all the nverseers, referring I'OOD and exercise should al- City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. Phone 260. a ''pig's hrfcakfast." He hus a set of figures uji which petition. U will tie necessary to Ihe rigid enforcement of the ways be. taken separately" says he bases his rontciiliou that the linie for n further reduction of lo win the ruji for three years fiiheries regulations. This cir an eminent medical man. Ask light and power charges is in order immediately, lie claims that li gain ownership of it. Harry cular letter has special reference your waller In cut the steak up the surplus of utilities profits is being used for general fund Itirch was elected secretary, vice lo Ihe euforcemehl nf the weekly for you. , llius lowering the mill rale and I bat the principle of municipal A. l.lapperliin resigned. Close season and Ihe penalties . ownership nf utilities is being yiojajed. IJis view seems to he when seizures are made. Also ; PICK1NO pockels is an art, but CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY meeting wi I h the contradiction .of the mayor and members of J. Y. Hocheter. returned In the il stales that heavy fines-will be once you ge your .hand iu it's the finance committee who apparently oppofc his" conlention cily llfis mornins from the smith imposed on any 'fishermen operating easy. B.C. Coast Services - - 'llio si'l ii.i I if iii snis In eecilve itself ifn Hie tuslinri .is In Jong 'pels and duplival-ing ti-hefhee Ihe iilililies time renlk ele.irerl themselves nf .I.1.I .-inil " l-- r.merson was among the licejfses. Special arrange-mentjj.-haye Lrri'.LK at - Scouts Dig Ihe consumers are entitled Ui reduction. As'it stands now the '?rriva, "", 'Tinee.Rupert been made n nre- night. "Are Hoy them singers old Sailings from Prince Rupert noblii is not ierv clear nn the si'itiiecl in fi'el. sume if the .olilee-l " '"" vent infractii'iis oflhese- three 'uns, 'fins Ihejr tiair is ' while?" men themselves tin not seem In kiHiw wh.il In nint-e (C llio wlml.-l regulations. - For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway thinsr. The facts should be and nmlonhfedl will be nireil nt mo v esiennavcr and J.-II l-'or the conservation ,if the ONK'of the things ihat won't April 2VMay 1, 12, 22; June 2. early date. Some clear ml stalement showinir Ihe real coii.lili.n " esiennaver, or eslephaver fisheries in this district, the get you very far is trying to Fr Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-April of affairs, should he brousrht forward so Ihal the ennfusion lh;J ll,"s-' '"'ned to the niy i,y u,P weekly close .season has again catch a train on cily lihic. 25, May 5, 1G, 20; June 6. liow seems lo exist Will be rlenrciMin. If the ennsnmers .nrn ,'r,nc0 ""perl today. beeji exlended. The length ofj 9. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, tilled to reduction Ihey should get il, Inil jl should be definilelv the sockeye fisjiing will be cur East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Camp ascertained first if Ihe utilities are reallv "oul of Ihe woods." tailed am upper boundaries in FALSE ECONOMY bell River ancLVancouyer, every Saturday at 1 p.m. To; many if the consumers who are nn pr.operly holders a re- , In the I ftr Rnv some eases have again been ex Agency for all Steamship Lines. diiclion in rales miuhl ninLe lilll.. .V.ttnn . , V',ol ll, u M" leildeil. -The family Ihal does Full information from C x.ii.n il. M IMIL ll..Jt XIII1III1 not pro. fave in their eleclnc light bills they might make un for in lava-1 Full Pack of Pinks. vide for laundry service in the W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, lion. As il is the cily is not rolling in wealth and financing here. OTHER SIDE OF 'Jleferring lo Ihe fiUl salmon weekly budget is pracl icing false Corner of 4th Street and 3rd' Avenuo, Prince Rupert, JS. 9- as elsewhere, is a problem. A certain amount of monev has lo be UTILITIES QUESTION. fisheries and particularly to economy. Under our new Man, miseii to carry on the city's business. However, the ordinarv pinks, il js probable the can Laundry work, by thb.. pound, consumer of light .should not be neiudized to linhte ri f h Imrvliiii IMilor Ilafly News nerjes wilt pack, all Iney. call practically I tin entire family bun il.i rnviiiAn r ..i .,in i a. ii 1, I ....... . t . obtain of thjs wbiclf will in..ii iMii-mr iH-ii nc won are noifl ntr nroner v mere i t " "'on yoij piease allow im variely, do washed and returned, ddnip UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED i or une-inieni purposes. ifiiwinois jke melhod should be " UI' valuahle space t( assist financially both the can- almost, ready for ironing, for SAILINGS adopted and Ihe rules uf 'municipal, ownership should he .lived up sny a fMy W"1.51 ri'KanU the nerie.s uml the fishermen. Ile- $1.25. For Vancouver, Ocenn Falls and Swanson Hay, Tuesday, 8 p.m. in. wiiaraiijustmenls are In be.' maile remains lo be seen. It rpI)",'l spr.unK' wilhout warn hi,? ,rardipg the culjnp and cIjiiiiis, I'hJs is Ihe cheapest Laundry For Vancouver, Alerl Hay nnd lort llurdy. Saturday p.ni; ( i ri-ifreufline jii u, meantime hat what seem lite noil, i, op llie l.ily lloimeil last Mn. ri'ilhjug ijefinite is. decided Jn Service eyer offered locally, and For Anyox, Alice. Ann, I'ort Simp.son and Wales island; PiimHj ins hild be ijulnlped iu between Ihe varinns ..nmn,;i'inn.. ...i day by the SUnerinlendenl. i.r III,. conneclbm with packing these me hushand -who has Ihe wet midnlglrt. ' ,r ..in. i - -- nun ,...!-.ff-. iniues am wheh annenred in varieties, this depending npmi fare of hii' family al heart can For Naas River Canneries. Friday a.m. yngr issm, I uexduy lanl. I lie condilion of the nnrrkH in not afford to pas this service hen atiyone wanls In arrive the fall." up without serious consideralinn. al the THUK STANDI.V of any o have also our Soft Finish mismess, I suppose j stands lo BABY WEIGHED 24 Seryice, where for a small ad. WantedA DENTIST reason that il is necessary lo dflional charge, everything' Is Helgerson Block, Pnnce Rupert. Phone $86 stun fnirii the very beginning. POUNDS AT BIRTH dried and all flal 'nieces ironed That is what Ihe finance and folded. com. Dr. E. S. TAIT initlee did and whaf was found To Hinsn who can afford the Must be LONDON, May 11. Hritish a GRADUATE perfectly correcl by the utilities physicians were amazed al Ihe small additional cost, IhU is Ihe Dental Surgeon and finance joiuteoruniiltee, also most coiuplele service possible, birth of a baby weighing 21 by Hie audilor.aiin cily troasurei without finishing Ihe entire, bundle. hounds, 'ihey regard' il ns the Office Hours, 9. d.h.,to 9fp,m. and MlU Ihe superiiilendenl of ulil- The cost will "be found lo carry a LICENCE iiies who did not raise any iiro ijie world's wife record.of a sergeant The mother in Ihe is be considerably benf tljo pre Sunday by Appointment lest al the time. vailing price. to Practice in Huh province Orenadier Hoards al Ablershot. A trial will convince That slalepieiit .shiiwed that if you of Ihe fjhe is recovering but the infant ! I n 1 1 1 i I u tit ftiiu an n 1 n f If You Are the Man uie iigni and iiiiw.er denarlniioU lied. bail had ii ruii 'Ihejr hu.siness CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY PpJ"3 yoyr papers for examination as liiisjne.ss Note .No stlfiyled J)r. need a strictly cnnceiji D 1 IT Our frozen hcrrlngait is conceded Jjy flhM",nen apply as no unlicenccl man can from PHONE S. the. very beginning, n.would "A Coast work in thU office to he the flnest procurable at any J'aciflc have had a deficil. of ahoul :t LAMO ACT. Pprtr and It is "Fishy." Price, 30 per ton. My Office s the best equipped In this (100.0(1 a (he end of J021. Ibis Notlc of InUntlon to Apply to Land ItPF '"'e lmsl' wny ' 'nl,ur'nS 0 Bood quality trip city, catering to patients as I My, start iiig from 1 0 1 0. In i'rliK'e lluiwrt l-anil Iiliiriii iiiwi.mi. l'rice, yvfio appreciate Ing Dislrict or Coal lunge &. ni tiiuale lo liavo plenty of our hard frozen Ice. In Ijis Ihe report superinlend- ill viriiniy qi j-ori r'ffMiKlon. p. r,. $4 per ton. enl nf lak iilltH Umt we, Juliua Jctmsnn anil ulilities leave out Ihe k Wallop .Nli.rnl f.r pf.rl r.iiinrir,n fi r. 0ur well-quil'Ped store fishing r"ar' DEPARTMENT Oil fifft can supply HONEST years I01((, t'.) and 1012 Marl OF MARINE FISHERIES. orrtipallon IHIciinon. Inii-nd lo ainly tor f DENTISTRY flglieruien's clothing, groceries and provision' EXTENSION periiii4loii lo lease IU following ile-rlbl ing rrom 1013. Any intelligent OF TIME RIVER.CONTRACT YAKOUN laiiit.i O.iomnirlii al a wm pljiued al and hardware, ' man, mil feeding o tiave great wfuuii-niii i ii ui-r i.ii, 14. iiiihii 9, ;oaM business knowledge, will admit IfilPiultnir Miiiiey um bi:My ailvmcd watr liiniiiri,mark,tm-iici.ihi-ni-e niiriiM-iis,voiiia &fjinina rhm IQ nni low NEW ENGLAND FISH V. "S "'r "ft11" leiutr -nit Company low waicr mark.' Ihni-e t-C at HONEST PRICES ihal a Klatemrnt- leaving out r,p r chain to .... iiiKn nairr iiihia, iniruri- u riiuins linilrd Inn ihivK u.u ui ,i,-r.r ainna Ketchlkn, Alaska three years of opera)jon of Ihe vrvr!ili,nl" f v- M M 3'"" ny i hlarti waier nurk lo point nf rrinunriictiiiifnt granch . no cuiiiiiiinii ift Jliorc or lc, while the material furnished undertaking cannot show a true JUI.lhS Ihe best I0IINSO.1, are money can buy. ... 1. A. MOTIIFnWFl.l., stale of the nffnirs of Ihe busi fhlpf lniwfir of limipj-li WALT Ell MFlll, ness. Ha I'd Fi-briiary it. Itit. ,'fUri""5- DON'T TELL US YOUR SIZE, ASK US to "FIT" YOU Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE This needs no coinrnenl. I,ani f M i NOTICE.i i . 1 1 SPECIAL ALL THIS WEEK . not wrilngvjhli lo start a pole, JV THE MATTF.II of an appllritlon for MEN'S DRESS SHOES, light weight 'welted hlaek pair -78 mic llio lau of a frpxu rornnrair r.t mi. ,n i, on lljis eobject, the tnaller l ot 10, HlorM II. Horllou S, Cily v-f CrlniV Wo haye just received a sliipment direct from England ' being in the hand" of Ihe ftim. TIMBER SALE X 40C2, flum-H. Map 3. DENTIST .oiii.K i iirrrur timi tnat Ii It roy ROYAL COLLEGE FOOTWEAR r0r men, made in Northampton iiiilloes, but In Intrnllon to lnun simply. givo lio afler ih Mriiir,n 7,r nr?.'!!' ,?"Wr Will tin received by (he L'ngland. Medium toe, nl sIzi-r. this ll"' ....... i.iiw iiiuiiiii ti-viit ,im urii piijiiirai nu To introduce Jlooins filljer side of 1 l.o niiestion r...i i..t.. ii.,... 7 and ft Smith niock and hereof, a frcli reriilli-al of ilii. .t,I price special of $9.25. C7S PHONE 676 give (ho ratepayers a fair Idea hibovo niMUI.piiMl properly In the nam of near Kllilalla . Office Hours: a lo 12 a.m,; 1 to 0 p.m. and 7 to fl n m of Ihe facl u'. rhey ari! and iir.mvi.......hit.- k..:i.i ami.i,'.r'"T.r.iji.1 M.(UJI)fiio fftl tit Snrnp nile.-.i it.inn dated ti.e'jrd March.iiiiii Ivli. and or u FAMILY SHOE STORE Lady Assistant have to p'mabv po ipnllfir how Orie it; vm. ..hi .n..-... numbered 731 I I. Our Fool Comfort Sorvien approval P Sunday Appointments nu5val nr ilnirV "' " ' ' II. F. Vac! pop. Oepl. is rapidly gaining well figure? can be handled. T""-Prince Iho puldio. If don't land HeaU.rv omW'" you have any minor foot troubles at oil Tiir.o. noi,L,iiT. frlnrn lr. V li toiu. ,,p ,hA ni.irifi i,.i.. Kuperl. H. C fall to call in and see us. liuifi, b, C flat day of Ward).