TH1 DAILiT WIWH ' Thursday, Mfty jj Jn " - BRINGING UP FATHER , By George McManu, A flood point to remember i . , .. , ,. I sV&SW 11 I -, paint zszMi- wf &-ir ink- IS pure and will stand the test of time. For sale at BROS. I j II tZZ t lnT-t. rtATuwt Sntytti. Ic. I I i I Second Street I . . ; - . - - l Phone 22 P. O. Box 120 j province in Iho Dominion. Caro-j Y , . Minister Of Lands Tells I fill cmpnrtp: in well informed loireles fn ' in ia. will onn-Ninoo TERRACE Of Many Matters Taken-up i'l'lip i-pjisdM HiiynriP is obvious.inloresled Tho if yo.-ir;Ihis. Daily News Classified Ads. I iiin1 of serious iM- 2 CEfiTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Ad vartlterpent Taken for L. ,n FRUiT LANDS By Him in Eastern Canada !".ii ion ami II. C. happen lo Iip BOc hi I lie inniiion f not having so Ton Inf. miles from WANTED Wll.MAN wants work .lliuisewnrk aeiv 24 ... . "rh .lonatin.' to do as BOARD. vm... i t ii.. Town. acres cleared inf ludinpr I " """v ill' ' 'j mi iii.--.Mni.- iik ; . .. ,,11,.... .. -ovinrpx " l-TMS Last call nf Hip nr nursing: or both. Phnno i nrro nf hearing strawberry plants. nrtois iiiiaiimcnts. said Hun, I. M. I'.-illnllo, mimsipr nf laiuu, season. lllue iVJ. Ill ,H'A,l,vlliIallilcr H.tli Hi apple trees .ct mil Hiis, spring. oipril.ty on in rotiini from Iho oasL "i he Indian Mpcrv I'"i-Inniinn nn.nnxninii Our llireo spei-ials. Ileavor, I Avenue. Phone I i; arrr clover. Framed cabin 1 2 lion lias Iipch unSlaiiiliiiK for n long limn ami v ar ilrsiron-. of TUlJLii LUilllrllu JlUfl W'rilf. Hals, on which wo can 'AllhKN work wanted by oxper-ience, pay you hit'liesl price. Itlisli .lapaneso. I'linno Hlaek BOATS FOR HIRE. gelling Sirrific rcfprnurn made, lo the i finally .-iilju-lrtl. va ix Id foci. Land all level, partly GETS LETTER fenced and on nwin wagon mail, Ixilsdano lloenp. aiicoiivcr. and Hie Snnglice Hosprvc, Vic- FROM sliipfiieuls before detdinn .'!!!). Illll LAUNCH "Nnrbelhoiig ,, price $1,550, sirtall amount loria. 'I'ltp. Dcparlmt'nl of liilArior and Hie Marino llpnarlmonl coiiio. Wo can alsn pay you! Service. IMionn Ulnek n on ATTORNEY GENERAL t( FOR SALS 'forms. Mred mo lli.i I Ihesc malor wuld Jie pursiiod willioul delay. Iho market value fur all furs.. I diciisod Heaver up lu $ln.nn. Spring PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER lonlalivoly llio mailer nf Park adminUlralion. FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET l-'HIl SAI.I'J I ronniPil rats up In 3.(n. Wnlf In house, Iwn K. t. I'nrl. I'hnne Soiiip limn vasn arranzomonU Provincial Government to Sen up lihic, ? Four rnrtm house,' 1 mile'from IK.IKI In lids and nil in frardpn, ? 1 700, wcrp niado Willi llio Doiiimina ppnri of opinion in llio ICal That Municipalities Strictly as averasre. I'leaso town, all furnished. Can be. had send us I rial half eal nr I500 all rash. MISCELLANEOUS. a shipnipnl, Kd-monlnn Govprrimonl lo ailmininlralp until October 1st. A fine oppnr-Innily Ihp illioil Iho iiiimiralion queslinn Enforce Liquor Con-t' Hide Kur 7 roomed house willi additional L,,..,,.,....,.. 1 . Iiuiff-WindPriiiPio Park in llril- (v Company, f'"'- ' I'liere are a luiuiber of Seerelf , - pioii' for anyone wishinsr to trol Act. I02i9 101st Sir-ool. 5 room anatimenl. on coinenl FiM-nil Iho summer, al Torracp. "h Colmntiia. TIip Itoli, who do nol want any further in A Iberia. IMinnnlnn. riilo. balh. elo. excellent enn. ,'"V('' l,nPP'"es . n, II n Park adjai-pnt lo llii .laniipr flux of n the cnuntry'al send your luHh rli. For full address ieiipo dilion, and good particulars, A teller from Hon. A. M. Manr ! location $:,. I'ark on I In- Can.nlian Xnlinnnl. nier proseni ijmo. liere are WANTEO Men 000 and year and iu ih will, jillniney yoneral. in run- j and wnniori ta nu easy payments.? KENNEY BROS. & CO. roiwprfiilly allraclivp and Wtlliers airain wh are in favor fwclinii wild Ihe .ailminislralion (earn the Harbor Trade by tho 1 rnnm house, lid in garden, fosir Wood. ;li V propoiiy dcM'li.pi'il will ! I.'io i a reiricieii men mi re nf mi- f Hie i,i(iinr Act was j nnly nielhnd in llio wurld thai chicken lipdse, eln upar King Sirooi, Viiiii-'iuvii) . i R. i Terrace, B. C. "MllcZM.II of lll.tllsalllil nf niiiialii.n and Micro nro soih- will save tlmn and ins.s soril by n'hu'ii ynu Kdwanl .-eceived by Hie 'ni(rp ciiumiss-i.ui money School, I700, errp. foiiriol. W'hilp no dpfinilo ar- who. are in favor of a rather las! ni?M snoj,i!'rdoreil tiled and fit ya;i for a nasitinn 8 room house. 2 lols in garden, ORIENTAL GOODS .anj-'PiiieHtji liavo liorti made f wido'.nrion oolicy. wilh recciiii acknnwledsed. worth while. We guarantee.; fenced, chicken house, rlnsn in iliriip(l Hip iircslinn of ad-minisiralion Favors Selection. "Il TnVs rome Iji.tny ntlenlion steady employment at gnod I with Ji.'ilh, 2.-i00. F.avlerm'. .lapaneso Kimonas. 11,-n EDSON COAL al OlUiwn. I think i ne ro. are no iinutii many thai (liel-e has beoif !i jrreal lax-'ly waos. Write now for heauti-1 Lots 3t ami 35, Hloek .', Sec. I la in boo Fnrnilure, On ilia) wilh Hip dominion and Hip anslos lo the nrohlem and while . fill illustrated catalogue,. Mner Haskels, Children in ioany nf our 'mtiiiieipalilies 2, View lots nn Allin AvrnOo, COMPANY u-ovincr'a'liu rnii'dt I am personally in favor of n ri Ihe I'nfnrgi'inont "nf tho fiov-riimenl Ilarber College, 30fl Main St.,- A perfect hnmcsile, $750. half Toys, Klc. .ioi-p i-fforlivp. wftrk ran Iip iIoiip seleelivo of measure imliiiprauts Vancouver, B. C. I.OWFST PHP t : cash. One lot l.iqtior Act," said the nn Hencli IMam Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. m I ho dovr lopnioni of I lit- park. I do nol think it feasible lo c-nr- F. K. AKASE in' par). "I for 325, l.nts lellor Iherefore rift am rtKLIATlLE a heauiy. and This will Iip ativiinlnncoui In oui a agent wanted for Rupert ry jioncy wineli will in p. o: Hox oi r o. 'akin? Ibis opportunity of' 6!), block 12, section 2, 7fUI Kriiish Cohuntiia in onpral and sure a reasonable number of District. . Tim Sovereign Third Hie attention of the terms . tflTn cash. Avenue police nr M. M. to Northern fl. (J. in parlirnlar. solders cumin? into. Hie conn Life Assurance. .Company; Head Best Coa! 'iiiiiiiiissioiters of all the iniini-Tpalilies Stephens. "I aUii advi-ied Oil awn in Iry upon such reslrieled basis office, Winnipeg, Man, ,Write, TAXI ron.iipi'iiiy Ihiv rlaimn of IIp in llrilish Columbia lo Chas. A. I'yne, 1'rincn as a number of people who liavi flcnrgc, FOR SAI,I-1 I 5 Yale marine h.p. I heir oblial ion in this connection. Phone 693 I'Valrie Provi.ncp for Hip rehmi for orllern jriven Hie mailer consideration manappr British at of Uieir natural,' !l.'(i In Ilie pvenl of any Coiuinhia. engine, lalc type, new, -complete (Call fieorge Ross would impose., If. we, ron fine mil fit. Price .liunicipalily failin? In enforce $30,00. Five-passenger Tourins ir in-ill-ri i.oiiirnuui Kxppetrii coif. immoral inn solely In Ibose who tho law. the Liquor Hoard may. WA.M l-.l--!ri.'eii spnire for ex 0 h.p. Automatic, rebuilt wilh Prompt Day and NikIiF S'v Lowest Prices idpralfoii of iis nlairn fur flic are already familiar wilh farm-' return of I lie llailway i?.-lt ' in? nperalions and who ba'vo mder Ihe Act, lake such steps pnrl; 200 cord lots. Addre K. complete mil fit, Including Columbia Standi Boston Grill, Third Avenui il dooms In W. Darnel), Hroa.lway Peerless 2222 propeller ' is necessary prnp-rly and Hip "I'parp lllver llloek." plenly of money In carry lliem. enforce Ihe provisions nf North, Seattle, Wash. tf and (1 feci I J inch Tolj-in SHOE REPAIRS Timber Business selves I Ii runs Ii, wt will nol pel Order Now! Phone 58 bronze shaft. Price 300.00. .'be Act and Hip amount nf cos Is I look willi Hip .Marine De Umbrella Repairs up many people jnln (lie country. FOR RENT I, 10.12 b. Iluffalo, rebuilt; lie and expenses necessarily incur. p. Clothes cleaned and partment I desirability of Hie No Spoon Feeding. prfwtf Canadian Merchant Marino con- Mveryone admits thai we have rd by Ihe Hoard may be deduct. FOIl HKNT I-'urnisheil housekeeping wilh new I -t inch TnMn Suits called for and drliverri USE.. liuuinsr In h arailnblp for Iraim. tremendous potential resource-.- d from Ihe monies otherwise suites. Apply tin brfi7.ii shafl; 22x21 Peorles.s Phono Hlue layahle lo the municipality, lhat Sixth Avenue Kas I'hnne lllun propeller, pricp 530.00 Rupert porlftliim nf niili.h Coliimliia but it .lakes ponple In di'velop LEM JOHN lumber tiii various parl.f of the them. Many aro afraid Hint the :, .from the municipality s uei 217. Marino rlnnwnrk and 844 Third Avenue Shamrock hare nf Ihe liipinr pi-nHls.."" Sujiply Cn.. Agents for Yale world. It V nf vital importance new comers will flork lo (he There was'soiiie brief discus- 0OOI) CleaU.Bedi from $1.5(1 per and Alias Imperial engines. If WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIR! Ilia) shippinpr should be availably cities "and will have In be spooi week. Fishermen'. Rest. Lata sion Ihe commiss I hp report, on for Hnh-li Coliirnbia limber fed. Ijjs js !i naturnl inferenei Pioneer Rooms. I7 Urd Avc.K. FOR SALF. H H.P. Winlnn-Six Kxpert walch, cl a: ioners leniarkiiif.' that Ihey were c -BACON I lirodurU. from trip' facl'l hal a lar?e number anlomnbilo engine, eiuiiplelc chronomoter ma r i i Speakiii? (if limber prodiicls of people who are already v'lad In see lhat Ihe Allorney FOR RKN'T -Two room collage. willi Hnsch magriolo, Paragon Watch and .leweilei-y Wo,.. ham il may xurprixe the ipople of II. here have been flnckins: lo Hi'-cilie.s ieneral's department was jrning furnished. Phone Rod 25'J. If reverse gear, Universal coupler, specinlly I BUTTER s t hal the largest siiifrle mar and have sivon indication In do somelliiiiK (o assist the Columbia propeller, brass Mall orders promplly w"' local nulhorilies jn onforeinff the FLAT fr Rpnl in Resner ket for II. C Ilie Apartments. produrls ;it Dial they expect the. j?nveriiiiion' tail shafl ami stern bearing. GEO. GIBB I EGGS I present lime is Hie prnyi o f In work out a solution. Pooole aw. M. M. Stephens. If All in good shape. Suitable Onn. Post Office P 0. Ilox il LARD t Ontario. The province of II. (1. have nj In come In a,realization for speedboat. C. I,. Ileindel; Prlni-o Rupi II jj niainlain.H a trade extension office Dial the way of easy money is Seal Cove. 1 1() on Yoiiro St., Toronlo", and it over and lhat only by work and REPAIR SHOP is doin? excelleni work in making perseverance can jiriijrross ) FOR SALH nr Charter, 30x10 gas The Empire's Standard. HI-'PAIHS TO AXVTIII.V-ANY known the uses of II. (',. made. There is no rnyal mad boat; 20 h.p. heavy duly, on P. BURNS CO., LTD. limber. tn ievelniiien of our rosnurces gine. Boat ami engine in first TIMi: ANYWIIFRI class condition. Will charier Itnililins in 'I'liruritd this year any more limn there is In learn-in?. in April was double thai nf In Necessiiy is Hie mother of for season at ow figure. Nor ROKKJAR BROS.Wed year. Tim Toronlo office willi invention am difficuM ie.s arc IJiern I-.xcbange. If 20 Third Avenue , I of Ilie limber in phone Red 578 In- afc.-dslaiicc Hieiusi'lves a spur to their nwn FOR SAI.IV-200 shares of Hush PACIFIC CARTAG E dustry iiself is lieinff filled ij solution. A careful selection nf Minos l.ld. Alsn Win shares B.C. CYCLE REPAIRS. willi 11, C, limber. While I ' was healthy Immigrant.s iti reasitn-able " Silver mines. All dollar shares I hern a number of people callei numliers slmuld nol meet -non-'assessabln, f)ffer.s In Cycles nf all make rennin- who slated, that ari'hileclH hail and baby carriage! ' ' pu L,imited wilh any insiiriierahle ilifficully Box 22. Daily News Office. specified II.. (2. limber for certain in assimilation. Canada is Cycle Accessories. Phone 93 purposes mid as they were hound In bo n counlry composed FOR SAI.K Narbellinng," It Is Out nf I nwn' nnler: prow Furniture, Piano and not ramiliar wilh Ilie II, C. prod. of people of various extract ions my in I o n t If n to lake the case altended ' iic,i Ihcy desired In see samples. lit Iho cjly of I'rince lluperr vve fold ipto the Admiralty Court and I J. GAWTHORN Safe Moving 'I'll in educational work is, I know hliye a casinopolilan population. "My Mirror Me" need llio, money. Prion HI.'00. TI7 Fullon Sfi'.-i Cl General Cartage appreciated by Ilie industry. I venture lo say Unit many of Ilonmes K, Freeman. TRANSFER HYDE Sand.'and Gravel Question of Immigration. our eitleiis had nntliins when TTIIE excitement of business could not see much improvement, I also discussed with Ollawa I hey cahio hero, ye. Ih.ey have emergencies kept and was getting rather FORD Touring car for sale. Or Phone 680 Hie question 4if iiiimigratinrt. rendered a valuable service in me so busy that I did not discouraged, i could not would exchange wilh smno Baggage and Express The Minister of liiterihr pio-Mi.ed helpjnjr in build up (his cijy notice that I was losing out sleep, and had no appetite. cash for small bouse and lol. nnd Night Phones J. C. Sleen, 87) lu call u conference of and al Ilie same time they havi physically, until one day, Everything worried me so Apply Hox 23, laiy News Office. nA tAnod. . W. Loncwill, lilue 270 iMininjon and ITnvincial rop, wnrked out for themselves a when looking in a mirror, I that I was continually nervous 1 1 3 Agents Ruperl and Hif"'1 Phone 8 Day resenlalives in order o briiifj rnriiforlnhlo posiljnn in Iho life suddenly realized my condition. and irritable. But my FOR HAM-: Rnnming linuso.. willi Globe Airless Tunes. STEEN8L0NGWILL about a co-oi'dinalinu and cooperation of Hio community. There is ipi I could see then that wife saw to jt that I did not Iwenly-five rnnms complelely Second Aveni, of effort lhat there reason why wo should nol con. I was rapidly approaching a miss my regular dose of Dr. furnished. Onni (ease, Sheet Metal WorkB may lie no nver-lapplnpr. I as. linn In absorb Ihe virile -healthy nervous breakdown. Chases Nerve Food, and by Olbbons ,riQ0, CLOTHES CLEANED McCaffery A Mired the Miniler dial IJ. 0. the second week I ,f.ld. . If Agent for McClary Kurncaes was penplo nf -ninny nationalities mill began to lnlet only Ion anxious In co-oppralft Iho lime in got lliem hero is "About that time a friend sleep better and to feel more 1300.0 puts ynu in possession and pressed by Sanitary and and snjfjjesled lo the .Minister of mine told about what cheerful, pfenning proccK: when. Ihcy are young. Wo can me a nf n finn fnur roomed house dolivprw. Heating Engineer that wlicreoer linmlgralimi not expect middle iirciI men and large proportion of life insurance wilh bnlh and firpplacp. Tonns SuilH called for and 6tb Street and Fraser Street ' work was underliiketi, proyln. women In forjiel Hip laml of applications were "From that time on this In bo nrrausred. F. W. Hart, tf Phone 649 .... Tailor Prince Kupert B, Q. restorative treatment LINO, The rial repi-esenlalives, nniniiitiu nf ualivily. They would bo poor being turned down because seemed of to build me right and FOR 8AI.K 5 II.P. Yale F.ngino Ilie Provincial fiovernmeni, citizens . of this country who physical disabilities resulting up, BAGGAGE and EXPf!"5 sliould be taken into the f)n, could sn soon fowl their own. from the tense nervous I know now that Dr. Chase'?. Complelo with shafl, prupeller, 1-y minion service in order Hiut re. bill wiy cait oxpect thai Ihey will strain of recent years. Nerve Food saved me from coll, like new. 2.r,0 cusli. M. M. WAKEFIELD'S FAST pARCtk liable anl first )iand iuforma, ho law nbidiuir Canadians and a nervous breakdown. Slephens. PELjVERY lion miKhl be available in lbn Hint their children will prow--up "What was I to do? "There must ,be many FOR SAWlSlightly used (ilann. prompt Service TIMBER SALE X3787. jWOlk. I)- (IXaillpIn il cii lo be Hii'oukIi and llirnu?h Canadians. "Well, my wife had.noticed thousands of men and women )S3.)U cnsii. ceiiers. siaiiouery Phone 67. i Si-ali'd iMidfru will U rt-f vwlrbyilhii haiilly be etlieolnd lliat Minuter of Und, it vu-iuila, nol laier n ipan me being nervous and in this country who are nn.J Ciiudy SIoit, Hi Third Stand: Oil's CiwrJ. llmu iirxni cm Hie 8th clay or Junp, iQli. front Ihe llli(l'll line lirovilU-es 'Vhin I nware filial business in just such a serious Avenue.' fur the iurrlMM ot Lliwru XSIll to cut. (,,.... ,!ii worried, and had been, at me condition .f. 1.8110,000 feil nf spruce. Cedar. Hemlock lliucli or II. C, a 1 1 ) in' II, (Ii is iiil as buoyant for somo time to ise Dr. as I was, and who can ST. ELMO HOTEL ami llaNam, alliialKl wi in rr ,oi b it seeiiis olivillir thai Soiuu oiin benefit by FURNTTCIU-: of three suiln ,nM' ""- as one could wlli, nfler all. we Chase's Nerve Food, so I decided my experience." rnoiu ait'ffAwT' 'ifun.Hlar, with each - rviiic must consider our posiliou by to give it a try-out. fur sale. No, 8 Bestief Apartments. Hnonig to lot from Kr i 16 cent! a bex, all 1" t0 deaWn, or Ruimirt' lint and c" jrj'inK ?! avftlUWn lo carry or, cmuparlMiH with 'nil if plaoos, In Edmanaon, Uatta & Co., Ltd., Phone 107, 110 . nil M'uriher iiarilculara nf tlia Chief Pores the work room-, .... "During the first week I Toronto. . inu i-espei-t i believe ii. r. in .n . N ler, virtiria. ..., or unmet Koiemer, . , -.,.. .,- . I'J.ITB Cafe for sale, fiinilslnl Halb. Pleam Heated. I'rince liui'crl, U.C. I y 7 , "uiu n i;vip!Ul-l auie UIVCI" in bllei- $bupo Ulan any olberl 610 complete. Phone 173, tf Phone Green