Thursday ??ny H, 1022, THE DAILY NEWS II R Local and Personal j Basement Grocery and t Men's Dept. Drygoods REMINGTON Portable Fresh II. (2. Undertakers. Phone 41. If Meat Department Friday and Saturday ilohinliood rioiir, III lb, sack Now Dates in bulk, 2 lb. for SPECIALS RAINCOATS A Worthy Chip of Ihe Big Remingtons 351.Hayners, Undertakers.' Phone tf $1.95.ilaiiuifri'd.Sacks arc slightly 35c.l.arjcer tuanlilics, lb. PANTS 8 only Ladles' Rubber Lined In light and Raincoats, . II. G. (ira. Sui?nr, 1 1 lb, for for $1.00. A Men's Tweed Pants in dark shades. Sites 3G to Typewriter built especially to meet I'lione $1.00. Limit 14 lb. each Kennedy's Summer Drinks, 210 for Cody's Transfer. Dark Drown and tirey 11. Hcg. $12.00, the requirements of the professional lf customer. tinaits, rep. 75o value al shade, 1 pockets, boll loops man, the reporter, traveller, in fact, Velvet 1'aslry Flour, 10 b. 35c, .1 for $1.00. and cuff.t. tu A good fluidity Special $6.95 1 W. .H. (ionium, of Yniiconver, sack, 55c. Choice Quality Prunes, 2 lb. tweetl. Sixes 31 lo 11. any man or woman who writes. b veiling in (he cily. Combination Canned Vegetable for 35c, 7 lb. fop $1.00. Keg. s3.0O jiair. Special, 6 Tins for Visit our Meat Dcplrand gel Fits in a case 32 inches high and !. Salmon viMif tr lo the $1.00. ' at;ciuainled Willi Mr. Williams, Special at $1.95 PUMPS . weighs but 10J pounds when ready to carry, yet is city from Vancouver. 1 Tins each Corn and Tomatoes our new butcher. Infants' and Children's and 1 Tin each I'cas and Choice lloasls Jletff, lb. 18c HATS White Duck One Strap strong, compact complete writes with that O. 1'. llylo, or Ocean Talis i. Beans. Prime II ib Hoasls, lb. 22c. Pumps. Sizes 3 Vt lo 7 and beautiful clear-cut impression which so characterizes Combination Canned Fruit oast Ibis In a fine quality Fell. Color in the c;i!y on business. Tfy a Xice Veal II 8 to 10. Hcg. 2.25. is Special, 4 Tins for $1.00. week-end. Prices dark brown, green mid the Remington the only portable having the arc very universal keyboard. Thi-cn dozen epjrs for $. 1 Tin Sliced Peaches, 1 Tin reasonable. Splendid cuts hlai-k. Hep. 5.50. Special $1.5") guaranteed. Cily .Market. tf. Ocl Monte Apricots, 1 al 14c and 16c Ib. Special $3.95 Pair, any size. i.are Tin Prunes, 1 Large. I.effs Spring' J.ami), Ib. 40c. Cash price now only $75.00 or terms arranged. 0, (.own arrived In Hie rily Tin Crabapples. Shoulders I.ninb, "Ib. 25c. HOSE ycslexlay from Vancouver. I.nwney's Jlrrakfajsl Cocoa, Pork Hoasls, per lb. 20c. TOWELS See display in our window. 1 lb. Tins, 45c or 3 for Finest AlbCrtn Ihv-oinery Men's Fine Mercerized Lisle White Huck Towels of extra Annual Trunin (Hub ibmec will $1.25. Holler, 3 Ib. for $1.25. Hose, reinforced heel and lie .held nl Ihe. Mink (ontorrow (Junker Corn Flakes, 3 for "Alberta Fresh Kgjrs, 3 doz. loe, in black only. Sizes good quality, size IC'.i x 32. 23c. night. 25c. Tor $1.00. U 'a to 11. Hcg. 50c. Ileg. -. 2 Minute Oat Food, 1 pkg for" Swift's Prcuilum Hack llacon Annual Twiui r.uii (Janet; will 25c. lakimr whole piece, Ib. 45c 3 Pairs for $1.00 Special 5 for $1 In; held nl Ihe lliuk tomorrow (Junker Pancake Flour, 2 for lakinp half piece, Ib. 47c night. 25c. Sliced, 'per lb. 50c. OVERALLS PERCALES Del Moult? Pork , lleans. Swift's Silver Leaf Pure, Men's Blue Denim Overalls I. A. Clarke .of Vieloria, is Hep. 20r. Tins at 2 for 25c I..nil, 3 lb. pails, each, 65c wilh bib, c.Ylrn quality Percales, of good uuallly Hlil tired at the Prince Urno-il J llrand Jelly Powders, 3 5 lb. pails, each $1,10. 10 rlotli. pnleul buttons and clolh, in fancy stripes and Hole!. - for 25c. lb. pails, each $2.20. loops and double studied. floral designs Hcg. 10c Ceylon Cocoa mi I in bulk, 2 FRUITS A GREEN STUFF yard, Special Sizes 3i to il. Hcg. 1 .75. Concentration SALE! lenislered Karl lln.iseu,at the-of Prince Ketchikan,Itupi-rl is Pure III. Sh-avvlierry for 45c. Jam, i lib. California slock nl Ornpe 3 for 25c.Fruit t new Special $1.00 pair 3 yds for 90c Hold. pails. 85c. Head. I.t'ltiice. 10c ami 15c. Kvap. Apricots. -Mb, for 45c, Fresh Outdoor Hhuharh, lb. T. .J. .Shenlon, provincial iu-ieelor 5 lb. for $1.00. 10c. The Universal Trading Co. Rexall Hair Tonic of mines, left on Hie The Prince Table Supply Co. i'rince Oeorsc last niuhl for Rupert PHONE 378. $1.00, and Emulsified $1.00 Anyox. Coconut Oil Mrs. Hoy M. Taylor was a Special Announcement on "Clothes of Quality" lassenei- from boat lo train We have succeeded in having Mr. Skinner stay over until Saturday and THE FREE PANTS DEAL is her Shampoo both for yi-sterday on way from Vieloria lo Viinderhoof where she still good whilst he remains. Many have just begun to realize the tremendous values offered, and we for this week. will join her husband.. hope to see every man in Prince Rupert benefit by this event. Remember, we guarantee a perfect rit. Hhuharh roots, black currants. red curranls, raspberries, loirau- ffiRJ!t ORMES LIMITED ln-rries strawberries, rnhliasfi-plants, cauliflower, tomatoes. Launch "Oh Oaby." Blue S48. PEOPLE'S MEAT MARKET Phones 82, 200 and 134 Oily Market. if 'Cash for Victory llonds. Thos. SPECIALS. Mrs. Bent has arrived THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES Ihe Sherrahs, colored eoin- MeClymonl. tr Beef. dians, who played in this dis-Iricl Oven Itoast, per Ib. 20c from Vancouver with a beautiful selection of MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. ror some nioulhs, are now Pythian Sisters Whist Urivi: Itolb'd Itib Hoasls, lb 30c working Vancouver Island point and Dance May 18. Pol Hoasls, l 15c and last wei-k save a pcYforiii- Iliiski't 10c ance al (.aiiinbell lliver. II o s e bushes , and budding Slew llcer 12V2c Ladies' . plants. . Cily Markv-t. If Mutton. inn all know Jackie (Umiiuu ." per lb. . ..39c RUPERT BRAND of The Kid" fame. Jackie is al Toiiisht's train is reported on Shoulders, per Ib 28c . . . . Ihe Weslholuie loniKhl "iii lii lime and will arrive al 7:15 Million Chops, per Hi 40c latest and frreatest picture en Standard Time, H:I5 daylijrlil llreasl, per ll ...18c titled "My Itoy." Ku-ryone should kuviii?.- Pork. Ling Kippers and Bloaters see linn. Legs, whole, per lb. .35c ene Vi'lt Ihn Ili-uuly Parlors and Lev Hoasls, per Ib. ,38c In the cily police court tbi look yoiil best al (he dance, lo Shoulder Hoasls, pel lb. 25c i.i.viii"iii,morning, br-foro. tiiienowskl,.Magistrate. was Mc Third in or row Aveuue.nlKiil. .Mrs. Stephen. Chops,Whole sidei per lb.per lb. 25c 40c in Silks, Satins, Crepe de chines, etc. forlSaleJat Miai-Rcd miller Ihe Onvcrnmeul Nolc We de-liver lo any pari All made In our own workshops. l.liiunr Act Willi belli in of the cily a I above prices. ii Ihe Prince Iluierl buill C. (5. ALL RETAIL STORES si nit of iiiloxie uliou. i ne cas M. Al. freighter Canadian llril- Photic 1'ltic ?l!l Ill At Extraordinary Low Prices wit s adjourned until tomorrow Islmr is due to arrive in Van The Most Tasty Breakfast Food CARD OF THANKS. As we have moved our main office from Vancouver to couver on Monday relurnniU' Alc.x. DoiJj-'lily desires lo ,con-I I lie i.r.nnl I runk pacifii from Murornii. Japan, which oort vcy his sincere hanks o all Prince Rupert this will enable you to buy goods made up In Obtainable learner Prince .lolin, (Jaidain he eieared on April -'7. who in Ihe search for the latest styles, In many cases, for less than you could buy .cilili-ii, arrived Ibis iiituninu al his parents am Ihe recovery of the raw material. o'clock from Vniicoiiw-r vJ FRIENDS FOR A SHORT TIME. Ihe body of his. mother. Also SmokedDaily by Miit-en Cliiirlolle Island ooiiil We wer0 lakinjr lhefresli-dir lo those who conducted the fu-ell. I'lie essi-l maliin- her firs diildifii back lo Ihe cily. At neral a I Mas And for Hit- BENT'S LINGERIE SHOP Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ehediile.i..t-e uiitier nil w stiiiiiiier Ihe litsl minute we missed small many kind expressions of sym. iinie. We made a hurried pathy. PRINCE RUPERT arch and found her al last on THIRD AVENUE In reply lo enipiiriivs .made, ill,. Hit- floor beside her bed, wilh A biiililiuv permit was granted police commission has received her fact.- buried in a oillow. yesterday lo .I. Taylor, Second letters from Vancouver and Vic "Whal's Ihe mailer, A ii"n't Avenue West, for a :i(fl veran loria sla mir Ihal Ihe io-inrii.l Wi- asked " lull are ymi crying dah addition lo his house. f ovevlinii) pay for nolii-emen fur?" " , .. "Support Home Production and Keep Your Money In Is liol in effeel In eilhi-i- i-llv. DENTISTRY M ain't cryin." wiu Ho- in- the District." TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I lie Idlers were ordered filed liguatit reply. "I was jui kiss- ir future reference. iuar iliy bed uood-bye. 'cause 1 luu't neglect your lecln. One. decuycii or missing tooth In compliance wilh on'l know when I'll ever see Toil While l.ejihorn Fresh Killed Bulkley Valley a jeiiuesi chicks, .'hie each. Also I -'(), lowers your vitality. not her." Vouth's Companion. mailt- by lliimmissioner S. 1). capacity luc uliiilor, vl.t.uo. .no Macdouahl last month, Chief V I llcach Apailnieiils. Phou Meats and Poultry DR. BAYNE II. iekrrs of (In- cily police WIRELESS REPORT (ireeii I I ". 11! Rooms 4, 5, C, Helgerson Block Phone 109 nisi niniii suinulllctl lo lb,, commission Terrace Potatoes and Turnips a report showing Ihe 8 a.m . I OH SAI.K-- lluffel, carpet, and Olll(5(j Hours; Mornings, I -1 2; Afternoons, 1:30-6:30; number of undesirable who had DIUIIY ISLAND Overcast. lounge. PI e Iti-d III. It'.' , i Evenings, 7-9. left town during; Ihe past mouth. fresh soullicasl wind: barometer Vanderhoof Creamery The report said Ihal some fifteen '.l.'J-'; lenijieraliiie. 11: j" "The Better Butter" men and women had left the swell; (1:15 spoke sleamec Olleen cily. III miles south Kelchlkaii All Pains Eye Phone 15. Peter Black, Agent, Main OfHce Hotel Central solllhliouiul.JIU.I. llAllllOH Overcasl. NORTHERN INTERIOR CO-OPERATIVE PHONE YOUR 15 at time, day or night. ORDERS TO NO. any fresh soulliehrt , wind; ii.iromel Frlzzell Block (Fulton Street Entrance) Phone 81 There will always be some one to take them. ju.oh; Mean e.r, leinperalui'i- 'V7; Mylil Something swell;, t:lll p.m. siiokivsli-aiiier Prince Coal Company Rupert Admiral .Nicholson Hff Pliii- sl. Dul what is is can only be Exclusive Representatives Ladysmlth-Wellington, Pembina, and, soullibouud; 7:1. p.m revealed by a careful examination spiuw steamer Chelolisiu left Peerless and Yellow Head Coals. by a competent op rsi 1 1 1 1 1 1 soulliboiind, DIOAD a'llKK tician. QFEDS SEEDQ i'Ol.vrHainins, We examine eyes -enro- Coal calm: liaromeler, Yellowhead -D,72; lem- have f ully and fit glasses accurately. penilure, 11); sea sniooih, KJ Our Fresh Noon. , On Dock Delivered DKillV ISLAND itainiu'L' Let us test your eyes, there Spring Stock of LUMP, Bulk $11.00 $12.50 ; may be nothiiiK at all wrong fresh sotllheasl wind; biicoiiielei' LUMP, Sacked 11.75 1400 wilh them, but it would be Garden I3EAUTY OF THE SKIN -1M - ; Icniptvnture. 18; Kbt and Field Seeds MINE RUN, Bulk only 9.75 11.25 U Mm natural of evory woman, swell. 1 a Koud thins lo KNOW Unit. B0 , "'"' I'la It will take but a few lain NUT, Sold In Carloads only hy Hie uw ol nr. III. J.l. llAllllOH Analysis- Fixed Carbon, iU.2 per cent; volatile mailer, 37.1 KSi.i1""ii?"ol'o;t.I4 "'Inrnw 1-lmiilw,of UnckheaiH,Ilia tkin. slrony soullicasl wind; 'bacouiel-Overcasl uUs tu find out. FERTILIZER (Fertab's Concentrated Fertilizer) Percent; ash, , per cent; moisture, per cent; sulphur, V J i. m eenema amootli dlaaiierar,and vulvi'ty.and er, ;io.iu; leinperalure, 17, light Fresh stock of PRATT'S BABY CHICK FOOD and 0-10 per cent; 11. T. U. air 11.150. I or Kdiuanaop. limn (lo., swell: 1 Id John Bulger, third, l.lui uxl, 'loronio. Hampln fn-a If you 4,: a.m. spoke steamer SPRATTS DOG BISCUITS J1'l Is a High Grade, llituminous SIpuiiiIhk Coal, especially wir. Leebrn off Cape Seo. soulli The Jeweller fcuitublo for High 1'reBsuro Hollers and 1'urnaccH, The, lump bouud. Mail orders promptly attended to ft very'Superior Sluvo Goul. Let us send you a trial load of DKAD TIIKK, POINTOvoroast 1 'GIFTS THAT LAST Prince Feed Co ""ne Run for your furnace or half ton Lump for your fresh soulbeust wind; huri;mt-(cr, Rupert .'0.78, leiiiperaturo ; iyb P.O. Box 333 Phone 58 -Well