WHEN YOU WANT A THE NEW TAXI i 99 imiln YOKOHAMA CAFE in a nurry HOME BAKERY Phone The Beat of Everything. PRINCE RUPERT Try our service ALL. NEW CARS I """' - Phone Black 89 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 'ff.t VOL. XIII. NO. 110, PH1NCK RUPERT. B. C, THURSDAY, MAY II, 1022 Vctrdr'i Circulation 1BS1 StrMt Mm 121. PRICE FIVE CENTS Russian Reply Is Received at Genoa HOPE IS NOT ABANDONED BUT IRISH SITUATION DISCOURAGING With Failure In Irish FISH PLANT AT AVIATOR PRE8T TOOK 1 CHICAGO IS Possibilities Of Wireless TUCKS' INLET BUFFALO OFF YESTERDAY FOR 8IBCRIA FROM 1 IN WARFARE Telephony For Prince Rupert; Peace Conference Eyes Ill l-i-Al.O, May II. Broadcast For The District STARTING NOWii After having hVen delayed Two Policemen Were Killed for several days ln;re, Yesterday Judge Ro Turned Hy II. 1 PULI.KN of England are Clarence O. Pl-est started fuses to Release G. G. Bushby, New Oporator, yesterday on his proposed .Labor Leaders. HAN HANC1SCO, May 0. The possibilities of using wireless telephony as a means of bringing the (Jucon Charlotte Has Plans Well Under hi-planc figli( Alaska Way I". Islands, the mining camps of the district and the interior towns Tin; announcement of the failure of and Siberia by of CHICAGO, May 11. Declaring LONDON, May II. For Resumption of Activities. way closer and together keeping them in louch with the affairs of I Jail Kircmitt peace committee lo reach a basis of settlement Salt Lake CiyHtid Prince that he agreed with the Ihe Av;orld was discussed by me yesterday with II. F. McNamec. factions lias the Ituperl. Avialpr Prcsl ad the contention of the police Hie Republican Army brought between opposing wireless expert for the Han Francisco Chronicle, and head of the lo the Irish sitiiulion which originally inlndi'd lo that Chlcaro was In a state 'lalely here allcnliou sharply public , 1. Iliishby. who relumed Hadio Devices Company of this: city. He sees the possibilities, overshadowed by Hid proceedings at Hie Genoa confer-encc. take orr on Aplll I'd, Mis cf warfare, Judge Scan Ion had been from Ihe suiilli yesterday, slaleij but thinks perhaps we. are a little early in the game us yet. Tirsl stopping place is today refused to issue a this morning that Ihe plaul A radio broadcasting slalion at Prince Rupert costing about that a peaceful settlement Jet be reached Cleveland, Ohio writ of habeas corpus releasing While hope may formerly operated by the Tucks .",000 would send several hun- - 1 is not abandoned, the outlook is regarded as discouraging. The iniei iiy.prouucis nut re Cornelius Shea and I red miles and Ihe more power- ! formal ion and Ihe entertainment impatience of a greater section of English public opinion was cently laken over by him, will . ) John Lafferty, the labor fill Hie station the more territory or the district. accurately reflected in the House of Commons debate last night be In operation within Ihe next leaders, who wero arrested lit would reach. By having such a In connection .with the murder on the question. week under the name of Ihe THREE YOUTHSiARE .station, the people ot the Queen ' of two policemen yesterday Marine Products VICTORIA FIRE Limited, a private Charlottes, for instance, could limited company, capitalize SHOT IN IRELAND; during a series of labor gel the principle news of the ALL SET FOR GREAT WIND bombings. al 1 3(1.0(10, wilh registered ot-fici' world each day, the weather and care of Fisher & Oughtou. ONETOl DEADGRAND TSraSHB market reports, the sailing of LOSS $350,000 BIG BOUT IN IN MANITOBA Hie town offiei; being located on ships, and oilier "general infor- Second Avenue, j mation which would be of value Mai- llKLI- AST, II. Three I STILL OPERATING .i present I line a gang og to them. Several Business Firms Suffered CITY men are working on Ihe repair Catholic youths, James, Francis j In add It ion to the utility end ot In Blaze In Arcade Block LONDON ON LOSING BASIS Cyclone Tears Buildings up lug of the plant, and the old and Thomas .McKeown, were lak.j the business, arrangements Yesterday. their beds al en from llallymul-, and Interrupts Light and machinery is undergoing a (hoc ' might be made Kir Canadian Club derg lasl night by of men TOIIONTO. May 11. report gang Telegraph Services oijgli overhaul, fish Is already or Itolary Club speakers lo send VICTOUIA, .May 11. The damage Is Favorite to and sliol. James Was killed andiof the (iraud Irunk llailway Heavy Ctrpentler being landed al (he lit and to Hie pi a ... .,...,. llteir addresses broadcast and Ihe western section of the I ..lt...t ...!..., I nil ;i,lvi..i, l.alMlif. ttl;tf.'il Win Over Ted Lewis arrangements are under way for l,,'t Arcade Ulock here. Vvhicli Tonight. 1 WINNIPEG, May 11. A rrnncrs received 's'itiecii l.ollel i in! the t.rofit ami loss account concerts or other entertain was the placing rtf u permanent con- ineitt visited wilh a disastrous fire matter could be cyclone struck Qlnot, a town wounds Ifor the year uf l 1,(XS t.M. , treated in . , .... lraci.il"iallifdr Die Jovying. jit thirty -miles'from her;Mist all fish and oilier raw materials are iiMliMiitcd. estimated at 30I.O0O. The night tearing farm buildings Carpenlirr. champion heavy-1 The market fur the fish oil business firms which suffered wiglif boxer of Europe, will en-hr from their foundations, which is ueil tuf leather 'tan Russia Submits Its ands mo.or new ithej-sel(lers places on by the outtin Isl were Plimley & Iliehards, fyclo houses wrecking disrupting and (lie tonight heavy j ring h ning, soap making and for (Jn in an amplifier, could and rubber goods company. fuvoritc I" win over Ted Lewis : the wires of the manufacture of linoleum, oil a central galher at Fletcher Bros, piano house, noiu and listen in ia a 20-round boul for the i Winnipeg city hydro-electric cloth. I'ojie and synthetic riihher Howe's Drug Store, O'Connell'a Hies,, things wuHd's heavyweight chain-1 system. 'The supply of electric Hie Atlaalic Allies At and discuss I hem. will be found on Reply to it would lighten the tedium of Lid., clothing store. Munday Ltd., Interest in Hie 'event powor In the city was piunship. seaboiird as staled before. Ihe strenuous, work ot home boots and shoes and V. II. Wil-kerson, ts at a fever heal ami Carpentier j suspended for two hours and All. Ililshby explained that the jeweler. making and keep Ihem in close i a 3 t I favorite in belling the telegraph wires of the production of edible meal from touch wilh Hie outside Final Estimate. llil iiiommir 'I'lie bout will i C. P. R. and Canadian fish waste wan carried out experimentally Genoa this Morning Is Experimental.World. VICTOUIA, May II. The final f iliiiiience at J:tO p.m. Lewi National Railways were destroyed. iii (iermauy first Ihe difficulty with the sys estimate of the damage to the -. will tic fully I-' pounds liylil'-r and was mi siieeessful Ihal wilh. tem Mil I'liul - if i.,.nti,l l Arcade Block in yesterday's, tiro 1 It it... t.'. .1...... t No fatalities are reported in the lust five years Ihe demand LONDON, May 11. The Renter's fienoa correspondent , s placed at $330,000. although several persons for it has been greatly increasing., telegraphs here that the Russians at 11:15 this morning handed i.i"i rriculf.ii-iiim(,. ..i.i-.in iia tllHI,i UU i.JIIP ,.i.l ilf Almost simultaneously with SAILING SCHOONER are said to have been Injured. Uy aclual -scienllfie experi their reply lo the Allied niemorandiim lo Foreign Minister .Schan-jjui,.j an, raiel. difricull to 11,(5 blazo ,own' 1,16 McMartin The damage will ment it his been definitely determined zer of Italy. A friendly conversation or 55 niiiiiiles Iben look 0I)Pralp- MPi McNamec advised residence at Cordova Day was WRECKED YESTERDAY amount to several thousand, that edible fish meal place between Foreign Minister Tchilclierin, uf Russia, und iug a trained broadcaster.Just destroyed by fire or unknown dollars. ' is cuul lo, if mil of superior Scli.mzer, in Which the former laid .stress on the fact that Ihe now ,,Hi( abtMii :'00 cause. The damage is placed at ON EASTERN COAST feeding value lo tankage, and is answer nao iieen lusjuieu ouocr iiireci niMiuruoiis irtmi .viom-uw. a month here and to Induce 115,000. DESPERADOES KILL now increasing m popuiainy I'he first part of the note, it is said, is nrguincnlaJivc, but n,,..., , , i..n,. i,.,,,,,,., 1( CilAllLOITFTOWN. prince wilh poultry and hog farmers. the second is coiislruclive making juopos.ils dealing with financial WOuld be necessary lo FOURTH YEAR PASS Ldward Island, May II. The w" THREE PERSONS ON Ihe market for fertilizer will (liieslions. The nole, it is reported, suggcsls ihe appointment' :i( .. 'I'l.ii .,i,i!i.! inasli'd herring fishing schooner he found in llrilish Columbia, of a new special commission to continue negotiations after the (, ,.,,s( (,f installing would he LIST AT UNIVERSITY TRAIN Iff GERMANY Wnshiuylon and California. of the (icnoa friini Desert was wrecked yes-h'lday Oregon, close meeting. U considerablu tax. No belt, eonld at Rc field, 't he crew was It is used principally A dispatch to the hvcniug blandard from Ocnoa says if the i, Tnpeiiii fimn miin.rUi.hii.py ANNOUNCED YESTERDAY which are "valuable lo French and Belgians quit Ihe conference, Premier Lloyd (leorge saved, BEIll.IN, II. Hall., is fC rrou. ,,r i,,-i,iiiiu.iita .i ,.ros,.,.i .s May ..... . . .. "S-O -II. II". I !. I I 1. 11 - 1 II 1 the ne,rc, such as apples, peaches win remuiu uuu ii j iu wuck me snip 10 pun wiin ine Miurinuuueu jusj now (,e market is The firand DcserLwas a sailing igog wilh excitement over a Inorganic. unlimited, VANCOUVKH. Muy it. The teasel nr 0-i Ions registered tonnage, Iragic shooting incident wlneli oranges and other manufactured fruils. crew. Ihe demand much exceeding Hie. pass list tor Fourth Year Arts vJ feet long, Ui feel beam nccuiTi'd lalely on I he local rail, rerlili.er is rertil-i?.er supply. Within a year or Iwo al Ihe llrilish Columbia University iiimI 8 feet ilcplh. She was built way line between Halle and chemically is inaiiuraclured wliil organic from lie CARPENTIER this condition is likely to lie was announced yesterday uf found Deserl, Nova Scotia, in HelMedl. PONDOLAND changed and manufacturers, will ariernoon. IS AGAIN l'JUl, anil was owned by Alibee When Hie (rain was about half subslaiillal wasle.fertilizer is iu-slaulatieous WINNER AT NEWMARKET be looking for new markets and The (lovernor General's medal , The inorganic 1 anec. nf House Harbor, One-ler. way lietwcen inese towns iwo in action bill il " WINS FIGHT possibly will interest themselves has been won by Bfylhe Altred and wilh revolvers In their in Ihe outlying points. New Westminster. M. Zokl, of Ainliersl. men while the Kagles, o does not feed the land, LONDON, May II. Urn-bee. entered one of The city might install a plant hands sipldeply of l,.. The University Scholarship ,,,.(, uf registry was organic ferlili.er, .though not so Sol Joel's bi'uwn colt Halifax, Hie second-class coaches und LONDON, May 11 or Hie Provincial or Dominion HbO and Hie Anne Wesbrook in ncllon. gives great body Poudolaml, a winner last ordered a lady who was Killing quick Georges Carpentier won over (iovcrinncnls, but this is hardly Scholarship of $t 00 awards have Ihe land and is of permanent week, was ugain viclor- alone in a coinimrtiiicui to hand to Ted (Kid) Lewis In the first likely while it is in the -experimental been postponed. HOUSE OF benefit. ions today in winning Ihe COMMONS over her valuables. She succeeded round of their scheduled 20 stagt'. The only pres- Newmarket mile and a ....1 I....... I 1... II, I f..- .WW. ' escaping inlo the ad-j round match for the world's CONSIDERS P. R. i- V U!irer slakes out of a the il DICE MARVEL CHEATED of joining eoiiiparlnieiii, wnere GERMANS HAVE field or thirteen. Boba- light heavyweight championship pie cily lo piiderlako two oilier lames anti( here tonight. and Ihal would cost a lot and ELECTION SYSTEM (hero were Hie son of one oT j nob was second' and Captain the returns would come only in-direclly. FOR FIRST TIME BY a young man, Fracasse, third, Pon-dolaiid House OTTAWA,of May II. The Hdlowed I hem. The and promptly bandils, shot however,the! WILL BUT NOT was the favoriie WINNIPEG TENNIS Kvcn If nothing is. done just BEATING SLOW DEATH Commons in discussing at odds for Hie even . i i. 1 1... i,,..,.i now, (he possibilities of the future holding 0r eleclions under young man uu-ow" ",:"ui fl.OpO slake. PLAYER IS STRONG great. SAN DKHNAHDINO. Calif.. May instantaneously. are I'f proportional hiiu him MEANS TO PAY plan system. It.- Lew Friedman, said to have JTeniliT V. L. Mackenzie King They then fired several shuts at Col. Mayes Reaches Semt-flnal Long Distance Work. whom were The alternative lo Install been one of the cluvcresl dice experts supported I he proposal. The de- Hie ladies, two of In British Men's Singles by -is in the United Stales is dead slalions sufficiently imie i- iiiifiuUlicil. killed. Reply to Fronch Note Says Impossible Defeating J. Q. Ritchie. receiving The third lady, who was Hie FRED STORK IS powerful to pick 'up Vancouver by his own hand lliu baud (hat mother of Hie young man, .fled to Meet Reparations LONDON, May II. Col. Mayes or Seattle. These would be expensive rolled "seven" and "eleven" for in her turn into another com, Payment Way 31 MEMBER OF RAIL of Winnipeg, defealed J. O. lo individuals. Just nearly half u million dollars iu and pulled the communication Illtchie, the Knglisli tenuis veteran, how much they would cosl would the last I'O years. Friedman, MEETING, piirlmenl RATES cord. The train l'AHIS, May It. The Oeriuun COMMITTEE in the men's singles al depend on the power needed and cheated for the first dine in his A Immediately, but Hie reply lo the reparations note of Hurlinghaiiie today, the score Ibis would depend upon the con IHe, his friends suy, when he beat meeting or Ho'of all Liberal supplier bandils slopped uuickly sprang nut. and April ta declares the goodwill of Fred fcilork, member of parlia being t-C, 0-.I and n-L Mayes ditions. The reliability of long Ihe spectre ot tuberculosis by 1'aily will bo held In (he were able lo make good their lliex (ieriuan government but ment for Skeenu, has been appointed has now reached Ihe semi-final distuni'e work does not seem to shooting himself. He died penniless. Liberal lloouis, Pullullo in Ihe darkness. pleads the .material Impossibility to Hie parliamentary iu the match. have been established except for "lock, Second escape or imposing sixty billion marks commillee which will enquire very powerful Instruments. A year ago lie came back from H:-'i0 p.m., Thursday,Avenue, at Hon. A. M. Manson, altorney ot new taxes before May iii or inlo the question or railway A Tag Day will be held on II is my opinion, based on Ihe Cuba witli $20,000 he won iu a till", for the May general, is lo slarl an ii've'-galion complying wilh all the condi'lious transportation Costs wilh relation Saturday May l.'l under Hie aus-pices furormatinu acipilred here, Ihal few weeks, but be gave it away of selecting delegate ptit'p.si)to al'-Icnd of the alleged activities laid ilowiron March III. b the Crowu Nest Pass of tint- Pythian Sisters iu iu a few years at the latest, iu a short lime to youngsters iii Hie trarrickers in Vancouver agreement. The, decision lo hid of hl' Salvalion Army's so. Prince Ituperl will have. a Hie streets from New York to San Liberal Convention or drug Mrs. James ' ' . . BIRTH." have an investigation nf rates eial Institutions. comprising broadcasting station for the Kranelsco, Friends provided hint asked being held In Nelson, has II. C. in June. Hon. T. I), and O'llrlen. of Ihal city. I A " by such a coinmitlee, Was made Mutoriiily Hospital. Iteseue wholy northern district, unless with a tent near Vlctorvillc. There l'altullo, Minister or her evidence lo an agent ul''0,'ur A daughter was bom at Hie iu the House of Commons at OU Homes, Children' Homes and we hold back and allow Ketchikan he died. . .; Land, World. It (icnernP Hospital yesterday' to lawa last week. iThc commillee (he general maintenance fund. to establish such a station will Vancouver lueellinr. U(Jdre the log to Ihe round sufficient, action Mr. und Mrs. L. Murray Puller, consists of 20 of (ho house so-le-i Your support will help the Army and thug become Ihe distributing There was no halibut sold at this is if lircuii Street. d from all political ranks to . iirey on invefii work point for news and other in- (lie Fish Exchange today. i. il u laV-ii