October 18, 1932, For Light; Flaky Biscuits use Magic Baking Powder,” oys Miss M. McFarlane, dietitian of St, Michael’s Hospital, Try Miss McFariane’s Favorite Recipe for BISCUITS 14 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons Magic 2 cups peatry flour Baking Powder Toronto (or 134 cups 2 tablespoons bread flour) shortening 34 cup milk, or half milk and half w tr i> #8 RECOMMEND : on M agic hen Sift together flour, baking powder and salt, Cut in the chilled shortening. Now add the chilled liquid to make soft dough. Toss dough onto a floured board and do not handle more than is neces sary. Roll or pat out with hands to about 14 inch thickness. Cut out with a floured biscuit cutter. Place on slightly greased pan or baking sheet and bake in hot oven L 450° F. 12 to 15 minutes. cause | know it is ( pure,and free i, from harmful in- gredients.” Miss MeFarlane’s opinion is sed ona thorough knowledge of od chemistry, and on close study food effects upon the body, On actical cooking experience, too, Most dietitians in publie insti- tions, like Miss MeFarlane, use fapic exclusively. Because it is wavs uniform, dependable, and bves consistently better baking uils. 1 Magic is the favorite of anadian housewives. It outsells other baking powders combined, a ee You'll find Magic makes all your baked foods unusually light and tender... and gives you the same perfect results every time. (Contains no alum.” Thke stetemeae on Free Cook Book—When you bake antee thet Magic 4 home, the new Magic Cook Book will Baking Powder is free give you dozens of recipes for delicious akan diene baked foods, Write to Standard Brands Led., Fraser Avenue and Liberty Street, Toronto, Ont, — LOCAL NEWS NOTES | t?| Basketball’ opens. tonight, four | snappy games, Auditorium at 7. Elks opening dance Friaay, Oc-! tober 21. 241 Taxi 35—Ernie Large. Marr’s Messenger Service. Phone 290, tf N.U,W.A, Important Meeting, on Wed. 19, C.L.D.L. Hall, 8 p.m. : Tenight’s _—— East at L ton, coal, 1 big load wood $14. morning Albert & McCaffery. Phone. 116. | ing, train, due from the 8 p.m. was. reported, this| to. be .on, time tponed: annual general meet- Prince Rupert Football Asso- Lutheran jcistion, City Hall, Wednesday, 8 p. been postpon-. m, 242 (241)! A charge of obtaining board and icdgings by false pretences against There was no luncheon of the lo-|pate Menuluk was dismissed in| cal Gyro Club today. The decision} sity police court yesterday after- The.. Young. People’ League meeting has ed, Stubborn Colds re eC tae) Ts IPT Ycoheame: ORSAuR , FOR SALE—Mink, Quebec, Labra- oa NA TF a Ss : Oo te | dor, young or adult: $20per pairs) F. Hoppe, Lochdale; Be, tf.| eet: FOR SALE—Air circulating heater, | ‘ere atTT ae) meme.) cost about $40. Will take $18.’ |. Phone evenings, Blue 807. eo Pas } FORRENT 4 od +. ee ae : To Build TEE Let i Imm Ts: rrr gs nee eee = ne ee et 'FIVE-ROOM taznished) medern of the club. to hold luncheons noon by Magistrate McClymnt. weekly instead of twice a. month will come into effect next week. Harry Edenshaw, Henry ; ee and Rufus White, Indians, Northland. Navigation Co's ™O-| ¢runkenness, were each fined $10,| ¥Ox on official duties, “¢} Nor ty . nor hte 2144 96 “ | BNE i : port thi ith option of seven days impr morning from Ketchikan and, af-!onment by Magistrate McClymont} ter diseharging 1 ‘ax-oads 0: 'in city police court yesterday. af-|te frozen fish for unsshipment EF ternoon la over Canadian National Railways, riled for Seattle + Bazaar, Ontholic sebool hall Wed- | P. A. Miquelon of Calgary, grand nesday and Thursday from 5.30 ‘iver of the Benevolent and| only 38c, Ticket’ on grand raffle Protective Order of Elks for Can-! entitles holder to dance Thurs- Wales Island ada, will arrive here on Saturday} qay evening, Balagno’s orchestra. | ; of this week to direct a special; Bazaar opens Wednesday after- membership campaign for the lo- noon. 241 cal lodge. Mr. Miau will be in suai ; the city for three week White | mines, returned to the city on the for |Cardena today from a trip te An- re ‘day going through on a vacation Last call, big supper Catholic | tr were passengers aboard the Cardena today going through to Vancouver | where they will spend the winter. house. Two unfurnished, Phone:| Green 698. tf} FOR RENT Punished: roomy hea- | ted. With harbor view. Close in.| Phone Blue; 187. 248, MODERN House Dunsmuir Street: available for- rent November: ist! —Official Administretor: tf FOP RENT — Modern house, full, basement, hot-air furnace. Close | in. Ready for. occupancy. Novem- ber 1. Phone Red 720. tf; Charles Graham, inspector of Miss Kate Hall of Hyder, daugh- r of the Well known banker, was passenger aboard the Cardena, to- | ska ip to Vancouver and Seattle. George. Windsor, manager of the Canadian Fishing Co,’s cannery. at ; and Mrs. Windsor} HELP WANTED: ee 8 ener ome WANTED— Efficient housekeeper | Te os CHIROPRACTIC W. C. Aspinall ihzee: Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Given Phene for Appointment Green 241 and 549 (pen Evenings: 4 Bxenange Bik, PASTEURIZED: MILK, IS SAFE MIEK Yresh from Buikley Valley Farms VALENTIN DAIRY Cameron's Transfer— Cordwood, Firewood, Pugnacewood, Kindling, Poles, Piling. and cook. Apply Mrs. Heilbroner, | Delayed by having had to load! Third Ave. - large parcel of canned salmon j it Wales Island cannery, Union DON’T PUT UP WITH steamer Cardena, Sant. A. FE. Dick- — son, returired to port at 12:30noon pr today from’ Anyox, Stewart and UGLY SKIN other northern points and sailed at i afternoon for Vancouver} jand waypoints e Cordially Invite You to Visit Our Store and Inspect the Outstanding Attractions of the— New Beach Ranges Ultra-modern in design and. finish —quick heating—economical in cost — il vty and in consumption of fuel, Up - to - date and sound. “inbuilf’ quality that assure added. years of dependable service, improvements MADE BY CANADIANS— IN CANADIAN FACTORIES— Beach Ranges on display at GORDON’S HARDWARE Phone 311 McBride St TIN-GLO ENAMEL drying, high-gloss durable enamel for general interior / A qu use Made In Many And is easy te apply Thompson Hardware Co.. Ltd. Is Pleasing Colors For sale by— Back Northern B. C. Payrolls Keep the Home Boys Working—Insist on Bulkley Valley Coal or those who wish to economize try a portion of Bulkley Valley slack with your furnace coal _ ’ a } CANADIAN PACIFIC incouver PRINCESS NORAH- -Oct. 12. 24, Nov 2 Vancouver PRINCESS ADELAIDE—Fridays, 10 p.m. via Ocean , Falls and Way Ports. _ ‘o Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway PRINCESS NORAH Oct, 8, 20, 29, For Information call or writer , \. COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert; BU. W “ » UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver S. CARDENA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30.P.M. T Via Waypoints, arriving Vancouver, Thursday ‘a.m, Is.s VENTURE EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. , “ttiving Vancouver Sunday midnight. approx. Weekly sailings to Port Simpaon, Alice. Arm, Anyor, Stewart and | Neas P River points, Sunday, 8 pm. er rn t _— ‘information regardi }) satlings and, tickete « VRINCE RUPERT Rannbe: second Avenue. Phone 568, 1 « | | Economy Store PIANO: TUNING. With largest and. best and ry RB cheapest selection of— PIANOS Tuned $3.00. Walker’s Mus Latest Styles in sic Store. tf ‘ AUCTIONEER List your goods with us—Prines. Rupert's leading Auctioncer. G.. M. HUNT 3rd Ave. Phone Red 637 ARRIVING |~ Novelty Fur Coats VIOLIN The AUCTIONEER Packing. —-Crating — Wrapping and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO, J. PAWES—Phone Black a ome doin tteee Rerceni ats aa members at the meeting over which | Peter Lorenzen, vice-president, pre- sided in the absence of T. H. John- son, president. | toyal Purple Bridg¢ Oct. 18 ; | Daily. Special Boston Hall BUY CANADIAN PRODUCTS | Announcements Cathiic Bazaar, October 19, 20 Elks’ Dance, October 21. | | Hill 60 Hallowe'en Bridge and| ‘ ei 5 dance, Oct. 28, I.0.D.E. Hall |] Nabob Grapefruit 39e j Marmalade qt. jar Bagles’ Dance, October 28. Ad- Olark’s Pork & Beans—With oo ed : : in | Tomato Sauce,:3’s mission, Gents. 50c. Ladies 25¢ | 4 35 ociibee | 2 tins c Moose Hallowe'en October 31 Make Your Own Drink With ras Munro's Gold Medal Malt Rebekah Concert November 9,|]| Extract—21,'s $1 25: Oddafellow’s Hall 2 tins for ® Hops—!4's 3 pkes Demarara Sugar 25 1} 3% Ibs c SOUTH) wussaitems Winter Sailings Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 24 From Prince Rupert for Ocean Falls, Powell River Where dollars have more cents and Vancouver, 18 — Phones — 360 Thursdays, 10.00 p.m. 317 and 319 Third Avenue QUEEN CHARLOTTE 1 ase ISLANDS i . From Prince Rupert for i Vancouver, calling at Queen Charlotte Island Ports. Fort« nightly service. Particulars | on request. TRAIN SERVICE | Passenger trains leave Prince Rupert Mondays, Wednes- days, Fridays at 9.30 a.m for Edmonton, Winnipeg and points East. Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD. Operating three Dry Docks: Total capacity 20,000 tons Passports arranged for Old Country sailings. For infarmation call or write local agent, or H. McEWEN, D.F, & PA. \ Prince Rupert, B.C. V-100R.82 CANADIAN. NATIONAL. Shipbuilders and Ship Repaizers for Steel and Wood: Vessela Sawmill and Mining Mae ry Repaired and Over Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Litts DON’T FORGET The 25 Garage For Efficient, Reasonable and Fast Service A. M. Honeywell, Phone. 25 queens awe te erence amt ARRAN | intent Fruit-a-tives J h D bh | Do not miss this o i ° : pporunity.. Bhs i BS I «lds te Oa give new | Onn Vypnavn is |. The. Old Reliable MISS NELLIE LAWRENCE will re- eauty S$} ° S | sume violin lessons Octobef 1st. “TI was run down and list . Ifelt irritable | ine pe er GOLDBLOOM: Phone 177. “ all the time. My ta ‘ asight, due to | pimples and rash. I was ashamed to a le Chatitette Sctaaita bie ' people. ‘Fruit-a-tives’ proved. ust, what I | Queen ‘*harlotte Islan Subject o lenwal un. na Tal af Severo eonstigaiols ana Interesting Talk Last Night ; te . ; DANCING felt full of pep.” . } ve In Masonic Temple Ho | Arrivals x Fruit-a-tives . . . all drug stores | —_—— i at | TAP DANCING taught by Miss a Taking the Queen Charlotte Isl- | Central i eanor Tite. Phone 20. ae nds as his subject, John Dybhavn | J. Pederson, city et | Mrs. C, A. Kirkendall and two|Was an interesting speaker before ! | TT : chilaren sailed thi ter? o1 lthe Prince Rupert Shrine Club «at MANURE FOR SALE : he Cardena for Seattle where they } its regular monthly. meeting last H el C tral Ltd; $1.50 Big Load plan on taking en {evening in the Masonic Temple. | ot etl e . fAccompanying them south is Mrs.| The club decided to hold a dance}; Covenient to business district, DOMINION DAIRY Kirkendall’s siste1 Mrs. Russel! /}on November 19. It wil] be a Cinder- homelike, beautiful harbor Phene—Red 608 Pe nette who has beer vi itine | ella affair views. here for some time There was a good attendance of | Rates. reasonable. Spacious sample. rooms. FIRST. CLASS CAFE Open at All Hours Special monthly rate for Rooms and Meals Hotel Central Ltd. First Avenue & Seventh Street PRINTING | OFFICE SUPPLIES Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 hia cemeappreteceemanae WHY, LOOK AT SHABBY & DIRTY WALLS? » We paperhanmg a room for _ $5.00 and up, Calsomine, $2.50 and up. Call, Red 802. J. P. MOLLER Miss.D. Hogan TEACHER OF MUSIC Phone—Black 232 Support Farmers of Central B.C. The farmers and gardeners of Central British Columbia are making ar effort to supply the Prince Rupert: market with vege- tables, fruit, potatees, poultry. and eggs and other products of the district. Prince Rupert people are asked to eneou rage this movement by asking. for Central British Columbia products whenever prac- ticable. Co-operation in this matter eneourages. merchants who buy from farmers and if the farmers are prosperous it will be an encouragement for others to take up lan d'and thus: add to the buying power of the whole northern and centrab:part:of:the pro- vinee. Householders can: help hy keeping: this in:mind and asking merchants for Central B..C. produets whenever. possible. ee, se —— . & "4: “ Meat “= Pig ss > ‘4