rAOR RDT TUB DA1L7 5EWS Thursday, May u ID2? f OANING MONEY on MORTGAGE is simple, WHAT ARE WE FIFTEEN BOILS present happens in to the be spirit phricnljr even iiiisin.when he 1-1 safe and profitable. If you have $500.00 ON NECK That is to to forget soy, that we. arc these never transactions ul-lowed WESTHOLME THEATRfe TO SAY ABOUT take place in the leal re or more which is earning less than 8 per cent. AT ONE TIME markable surrounding and turning Tonight, Thursday drop into oar office and let us submit some CONAN DOYLE? pie.the most Here invincibly is a tnan ordinary horribly poo-und Anyone who Ins aulTcrrd frum balls can of the applications we have on file for your sympathize TtMr i-aa with tin poor ttnrilfu'k old Rlnnrt Job. RlttAra In house;mysteriously it is a dead large In part an of empty(he Jackie Coogan Peculiar Traits Are Coming Out t,0 rtavn. an J.,h had to auffrr In allrnce. thing that you ran gel the key at consideration. No Obligation. your In "Most English of iVuwadaya no otic nerd eDdure the misery the auctioneer's twrnty- Jours ("THE KID") Englishmen. or bolls. away, and tbaj you know that the Boils are simply evidences ot the bad in his and latest wallpaper is faded red flock, greatest picture, H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. blood within comlnt to the surface and V.. T. ltayinond, in Juhn (Hi- just when you ret rid of one, another peeled off in one corner, as in O'London's Weekly. ernis ready to take Its place and prolonrj nineteen empty Hrixtin houses out "MY BOY" I'lUNCE III TEltT f.ANfi WsTIIICT DI9- your misery. I of twenty. Here is a retired des ihh;t or i:oast, ii,.m.l b. Ten yeurs ngo unyhody writing All the poultlclnr nd lancing you may ulioul ir Arthur (Hiiiun Doyle do will not stop more conilna;. perado harpooned in his cabin; il Tnrrarc.Tkn impIKp U, I...that i ruiialMUi!, V. St.lunn Mnnrktun.eurvevnr.nf would Mirely have laid strc8oii what you have to do Is take is essential that you should recog-uixo Mermaid Comedy, "The Greenhorn". Gaztttt Intend In aiwlv for a license In nrontiorl BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS the shanty ns one have old old Irish you 15c and o5c. Time, Hartt kiir ial. natural its'! and pr-iriiipuni cm llir the fuel. Unit, though and the blood will be cleansed or all Us Prices, City Hillnn inr (ii'(:niir(l lanii.i: (.omitim'tnir ill hlood and horn and educated in Impurities, and then every boll will dis seen a hundred times, and vi n-dered hisi iiidiucu mil nine ui'M or me iiortli- wesl riirm-r or l.t 1438. lln'iirp iicirlli DO Kdinlnurh, he was the most Eng appear. if anything ever happened rlmliis, llii'li'-i' west 80 cliHllis. theiirc south il. in letters. Mr. Itoy McSwaln, Hlrh Bank, n nil rna ns. tin-lire cast nil rna n In lm ut lish lOiiKli-hiiiun ur rimiiwiirriiient, itinlohiliiir Ho acres. .Sir Arthur's Knglislmess- wus of r. E. I., writes: "I was troubled with Might Happen to Anybody. I i.nraicd January zi, mva. bulls tor fiume time, and bad is many as J Shoes I', at. MO.i:ktii,. the kind which pervades every fifteen on my neck it once. After uklnr The whole point of the Holmes I'lll.NCE lliri'KIIT LAND WSTItlCT PIS-THICT Sentence n man writes, just us the one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters they stories, in short, is that the Supreme Brand OF COAST. IIA.XUE 6. perfume of musk hunt's about rummenrcd to get belter, and trier I bad .might happen to anybody; Wulson taken two bottles I was relieved of them Take iiiillrn Ihiil I, IjiK'iiiIit .Miilirklnn. individual liriek in the ea i ourselves as we Holmes i:ry ore; ns Once worn, will so fully win f and felt much better. I think B. B. B. Is nmrrioil Trrrarr. n. i: wninim. intmil will to apply fur a lln-iiso to iinwiwrt fur r.nal, Ihedrul of t?l. Sophia. JJut blobs a arraiid, blood medicine, and can rccom e might be if we used our eyf- conlldeuee thai your yiu ix'lriilruin aiHl natural mis mi tin1 folluivtiiir of it me also rouslantly oceuri int;. mend It highly." unf trains. l ie -in resides not FRESH FRESH without ilrnilllMMl IhiiiIi: CniiiliinnrliKr at iiomi For the B. B; B. has been COFFEE ueerpt Ihe next past 45 years pun- i.iiiIciI 111 rliuln -11111111 of tin- mnmmest It roines out thus when lirigalier in inw'uung some gorgeous ROASTED manufactured only by The T. Mllburo Co. ROASTED ciirm-r or l.fit IU37, iIipiicr muilli to rlialna, rurtliiT introduction or rec-oiiiuieudalinu, (ierurd to talk in the man Eastern treasure Ilipiire cait no rlinlns, thi-nrc north 80 begins Limited. Toronto. Out. or some as old friends ilmliiH. Ilioiirn wi'M 80 rliiilns to illit ur ser of, say; Sir Clement Kiuloeh -Iraiigp exotic devilry, bul in whose depeuduhilify und ur rc.iiiiiiuiii'eiiient.leas. lave.mikii rmiianunif miimikto mo huti v inure Cooke about the happy Knjilish few out-of-the-way habits, but riltinr il to u dull street We pass The Coffee "that has 'em all beat" worth urc fully I' V. Mnrrrklon Arnnl knack of colonization; when Slier-lock because be is, on the whole, Just every day. It lies jfi making li M The coffee that is real and tastes so. proven. l"HI.Ci: 111,'I'EIIT UK COAST.I.AMi IIAMiK IHSTIUCT 0. 1IS-TIIICT Jlolmes depreeiules M. Lectin;; the sort of pi-rson who might very us reulize thut tilings do bap-pen SUPREME Rich and Mellow. when he makes the Kin? of well put up with Dr. Watson. His in Peckham, and (hat the Take mitire that I, I'. M. Mniickion. of The best coffee from the berry to llbheuiiii look smalt in (he primmest suburban "Chats-worth" Tcrra H. :.. wirveyor. iiiiciiii tu apply prcs rooms are just like any oilier fnp a liri'iin' to proMHrt for r.oal, ifiritliiiu ence of llrilisli chivalry; enlarges rooms; his talk is an body's talk; of "Ivanbof" may hae tne cup. anil natural Kan mi llio fnllowluK ilnxri'lfoi'tl KIRKPATRICK lands: (:iihiiM'ii''linr at a Mist planted 15 on I he moral sweetness of ama he is just a common London a back -staircase leading down ORDER A POUND TODAY! rlialin mmth tif tin" fiiitttvKl rainier ir to hell. and teur palr011i7.es an bachi'lor sport, doing things. Lot 1 113), lliwin; linrlli 80 rtuiln". Ilionrc-call uncommon The Store of Satisfaction 80 chains. Ilii-lirc south 80 rhnliH, Americiin on the t;round that lie Slevensou would have made him The matter-of-fueltie'ss is I bipedal GIVE DADDY A TREAT theaVc chain In or win I 80 pnllil roin- nirni-riiii'iil, and cuntaltilnir Din ai-rea more miuht'liave heeti an lOnlislinian us incredible as I'rincc Klorirel. quality of Sir Arthur Sold only in in one pound airtight cartons or naied less. January ylt,I'.IPgjj,At. JIO.VCKTOiN. hut for !eor?e III: Very Knplisli, by force of being picturesque; Conali Doyle in his eanacitv of also, is the .esl with which Sir Doyle makes him eslirely credible romancer. In his character of PIII.NCE IIIJITIIT LA Mi lilSTIUCT DIS TIIICT Of COAST. IIA.VUE 0. .flhur makes Holmes occasionally by force. -of being-humdrum. spiritualist we see it working in STEWART & MOBLEY, LTD. lecture blue-hlooded peojile It is the with Ihe very Ihe Take notice lti.it I, (',. r, .Monektnn, or same puzzles reverse. detective stories Vli-tnna, II. C. minor, intend to apply Tor a who seek his advice. '11 1 0 love of Holmes is called on to unravel. live u. the wildness of the lame: Coffee Importers and Roaatrra llrenae to for rn.il. pctroli'iim and Fishermen nalnral fra proKpeet mi the rullnwlnir ileierllpd arisloenicy in jicneral is not less There is a real thrill in many, and the .pirilUHlistiu visions do PRINCE RUPERT l.iinl: Comim-nr nr at n post planted 15 l'n(rlish than (he. love of telling nn rhalna aoutli or Hie mhiIIiupki mrner ur only a very few fail to maintain something much more cxlrnor- Lot 1037. thence aouth 81) rhalns. tlienrp imU'vidudl urislocral that no Itrit-ish a certain eugcrness.in tin" reader. liuary they domesticate the went 80 chaln. thenee north 80 rlialiu, thonre east 80 chains to point or com-mencemcnt, frullery would approve of his Itut Ibis is achieved in n quite pe- supernatural. THE INVERNESS CANNERY cuiitainiiir ftn aepi-a more or conduct. utiar fashion. Then is less. O. F. MONCKTOM. no py-holugicnl W'c start away with Sherlock CAMP at Dundas is now P M Mmrklon. A rem , The Earlier Materialism. interest, as in Sleven.- Holmes und Dr. Walson in a open. Highest prices paid I'Jtl.VCE lli;PEIIT LAD niSTniCT D1S-TIIICT Of course there were moments, sos; everyliouy uoes everjtlunir in hansom cab for West Ham, and Lumber & Lath for Salmon and Halibut. OF COAST. JtANCE 5. as in the spirited little s'(ory of he most obvious wav ;inu for Ihe the end of the journey lauds us Take notice thai I. P. M' Mnnrkton. or "The (ircen FIuk," when we were most obvious motive. There is no I lie thick of a royul intrigue 01 Terrace. I). C iM.-cupatlon land surveyor. A complete liiw? of fishins intend to apply ror a Pcen.ie to pruBree abruptly reminded llial Sir Arthur macabre interest, as in I'oe; the an Arabian Nights mystery. We supplies, groceries, oiled for rollowinir coal, natural described mis lanfls:and petroleum commencina'on the ai huil an uiulernlaiiiliii? or some nnre mil t stories of Dovle are. start away with Sherlock Holmes' Shiplap-Boards and clothing, brass, bronze; electrical a poi tilantpd one mile went or the north lliincs that are hidden to an Englishman. as a rule, much less successful creator for the Seventh Heaven, weal corner or Lot 1428. thence north 80 supplies, . etc., at city chains, thence cast 80 chains, thenre south Perhaps there was a than, for example, the Hlllo mas. und find ourselves somewhere Dimension prices. or 80 commencement,chain, thence west rontalnlnif 80 chains M0 to acres.puinl trace, uUo. on the intellectual terpiece of Ihe comonplace, the very much like an improved Located January 23.P.ivzz.V. MONCKTON. side, of the Scot. The thoroughness affair of the man with the tooth Eelcbworth, wheru apparently Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored Under Cover "Honest" Alee MueKcime of Hie earlier l)oyle materialism itulfed with gold. people work- perhaps even write i again on the Job us fish I'llINCE RCPEIlT OF COAST.LAMi IHSTIltCT IIA.NGE 5. UIS-TIIICT worship of the "sixty- The Secret. detective stories for the mere buyer. ounce brain" and so forth slijr- The secret, I think, is simply joy of the thing, listen to good Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding The entity is ut your Take notice that 1. Kathleen Moncklon, resed the countryman of Hume; the skill wjtli cuinj) Victoria. B. (:.. married woman. Iniciid to which, by an insistence music, stroll with their domestic service. 'JVM us your wants. petroleum ipplv ror and a license natural to proitpeet aa on Hie ror rollowinir coal, anil a certain sharp dogmatic on the everyday, we are pels 'or the gliosis of them in and Finish dccrllH'd lands: Coinuienciiiir at a poKl quality enierping from the super-llciul made to feel that these extraordinary beautiful gardens al (ached to A large supply of filtered corner lamed or IS Lot chains 1037.south thence or north the 80 southwest chains. lulitudiuariunism of u book-like tilings do happen all the "pleasant homesleiids," and even SPRUCE LATH fuel always on hand. thence west 80 mam, ineuce souin no id ".Micah Clarke" mitrht derive time, unit mnriit happen to us. enjoy the ""equivalents" of tobacco .haiiiH. llience cl 80 chains tu ihiIiiI romnienceincut, and roulalnlur Cto acre from I he covenautiuK' I.owlander. The stolidity of Watson is either and alcohol. Manufactured In Prince Rupert and soiling at Lowest Price more or less. KATHLEEN IV M. .IIOIICKIon..MONCKTON,AP'III tint such (liings could only ac us aecident iir a great stroke of This summary of Sir Arthur' centuate Hie ;.'rcat truth (hat the veil i us; il is worth all I In: "infer- description of (he hereufter is lesser breeds without the law cnce, ami theories"' of his idol, not given in a spirit of flippancy. PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. SKIRTS H. PATT1NS0N iniKlil sooner hope to produce an We believe in llolfmes' inductions ' Flippancy is out of place in the other Shakespeare than duplicate simply because the doctor's faith presence of sincere faith .of any Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 381 1.lie inventor of Sherlock Jlolmes. is infectious; and Watson is ever kind. Electrical and A Parable. W'liul are we lo-say today? How THE LATEST Mechanical Engineer are we Uraccounl fur the- mysticism THE THE MOST SMARTEST ALLURING) Dynamos, Motors of Ilie later Doyle period? Why Pay 50 or 45 Cents for other patterns b Magnetos Was the Kiii-'lislnicss of Sir Arthur Repaired and Rewound When you can get COME AND SEE THEM lily skin-deep a Her all? Is the Storage Batteries Repaired 'rally imporlaiit tiling in his inen-talily LOW IN PRICE and Recharged Unit old Irish strain? Is it Pictorial Review HIGH IN QUALITY Phone SBO P.O.Box 164 in his .Mili'siai' descent thut we 2.. f la k I nt;s I si ei; the explanation of 11 phenomenon us puzzling usiuy in m ill Dress Patterns DEMERS" .literary history? Let Us Advise You A few years afro an Irish paper the hfit, most stylish and most piihlihed 11 paruKl'Uph, us if it economical of all patterns, at Phone 27 P. O. Dox 327 with u lifetiine'i experience were the rntisl oriliuary thiun in in all brunches of the lluildiii Trudo . I lie world, to Ihe elTeel I hut u 2(T to 35 "lepl'eehuuu" hud In-cu found ileal Brickwork, t l;i 1 1 --(11 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1.- und hud been TO ALL None Higher taken In the workhouse ut Hully- Stonework, Hoinc lliiutr else. Newspapers of TRAPPERS! Concrete, etc. nil kinds are iiunoyiiily incon-seetilive, tA ihtU cm layout and I could never Und PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERN Man anil Spcui ricaliuns iinollier iiieuliini uT the matter. Let's nil get together. free fo nil our clients. Very likely il was just a joke. Hut Pammi Cutting ami GawliuiliMi Guklel I hive inside information il wus a joke oT a kind thai would William Walls & Co. thai will benefit us. have no point in KiiKlaml, We Builders and Contractors can not imagine Ihe Manchester WRITE US AT ONCE J'.O. liox 823. Phone 482. (iiiunliail llilnruiinp Us reailers, 10209 101st St., Edmonton, Office: 1017 Jed Ave. even in irony that Puck hud been Alta. Jobbing Work of all Kinds. allowed unemployment pay. Any English sub-editor nii'lit chutT u sea serpent. A "leprechaun" would stinight into Hie waste fin Bell 8 Crossed For Sale paper basket. , YOUTHFUL of tine atnart and Summer aimple in frock hnlever the origin of this rtliea for it effectiveneaa chiefly upon No. 9997 No. ton the charm of materials. And not with No, 1014 mysterious inisuiess, it rcmvius . No, 1040 new 46 hurt 3t to Painters and Decorators Size Si to 48 bust out for this the makers of Sizes ii to 5U bust Sic reaaon, for me us u sort of parable of tin Situ U to iS bust year Md 16 to 20 rl Summer fabrics have outdone themselves in PAPERHANQINQ l'ruisticully new modem singular union of the extieines of creating designs of unusual chic. Cine-hams, KALSOMININQ residence in exuullent resi- materialism and mysticism in. the particularly,ahowthe wideat variety - l'le-wur Prices deuliul Heulion, Hjilundid har-lnir Irilt niinu. In politics this uuiun of modish patterna," and awiases, linens and cotton rpongea are moat attractive. Work neatly und quickly view. 'Central healing. has puzzled eucrulinus of J.ny. 1017 Size 3Q requires: 0397 Size 36 roquirest done. Offorud ut less than cost, ei.il lishfen;character in religion to the il Irish gives people;a spu. 1 llZ'i yds, UU" dotted fcjwisa This is ' , 4 yds. ,'K!" (iiiiKliniu at 05e.. .318 Fifth Street Phone 477 J-i yd. till" plain (llnpliani .as, ut coo ... in literature it olTers, I think, uu Agents for obstacle to any full English &-8 yd. OiBuudy ut 75o .15' Pictorial Review 1- ' yd,.iKnndy(lor liiniiiiliiK for hiiud eolhir. Norwegian American Line understanding of Irish genius. I l.i friltiiii,' ufi.25 ...... 1.00 euff niiti iioekel liiin- Swedish American Line 1 For your next Scandinavian American Hut possibly of Hie miraule it iiiuy explain of Sir Arthur somc-(hing 1 i'ieloi iul Kevie.)V , Dreun week at iniiiK uC 75e". . . .' Line. I'utlurn ... ..... ...... . :I5 I I'ieloiiul llevreW J)ie Shoe Repair Job Oliver Typewriters Couuii Doyle's Sherlock duality.Holmes. l-indiiign V ,,,ti0 JABOUR BROS. l'iiuliiiKH I'lilleiu .51' Cary Safes The peculiar charm of "Sherlock FIRE INSURANCE Holmes" is reluted tu its excessive W ill cowl you comiiloto .... $0.25 Will eot you Dninplctu materialism, Uu perpetual Limited J. C. EMERT0N stress 011 the commonplace. It Champion Shoe Repair Shop Dybhavn & Hanson brings -tint the glamour of the PICTORIAL REVIEW MAGAZINES back lo pre-war prices, now 15c, $1.50 for 1 year's subscription Iimad Block, TJilrd Avenuo ordinary; it succeeds in getting LENGTH OF WEK, Third Avenue WITH EVERY DRESS ANY KIND OF MATERIAL PURCHASED THIS the effect of romance by emphasizing "Repairs while you wait" Prince Rupert, B, 0. the prosaic, The detective A PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERN WILL BE SUPPLIED FREE 'i ebueuelor not beeuusc of his