9 unn two THR DAILY ffEWB JFrlday, May 10?? be Inlernalinnal pelly jealoulr, - f The Daily News COL. M'DONELL til speaking of f.Ioj'd George be Said thai Hie IlrilUli Prime Min N phlNT.n RLIPRRT BRITISH COLUMBIA Wanted-A DENTIST - ister was carving nut a line nf Puldisheil Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, Ihe The Prince AT ROTARY CLUB action for himself, ami Hint there Maily Thinl Avenue. wa not Ihe slightest douhl dial I Huperl News, Limited, he was a very capable man and Must be GRADUATE II. R PUM.EX, Managing Editor. fh Interesting Address" Yesterday was beaii and nul nut for, Ihe a Told Story of Siberian good of Ihe flag and for the SUnSCRIPTION RATES: Expedition. good of Ihe Kmpire. The nation City Delivery, by mail nr carrier, per month. ............ .$1.00 was very fortunate in having a and a LICENCE, By mail to all iarls nf the British Kmnire and the. United stales. "A mailer nf Hie prealest in-loresi man of his calibre lo represent carry in advance, per year .$0,00 In the lusinc. man today il in the ciiiiiirils nf ihe world. to Practice In Ibis Province To all ntfier countries, in advance, ner vear. -$7.!i0 i the present stale of f!er-inatiy ftud Itussia, which is so If You Are the Man TELEPHONE 88 seriously throiiuhoul affect ins- Ihe Irade world,"ron-diliuris The Man in the Moon Bring your papers for examination j transient Display Advertising $1.40 per inch per insertion said Oil. n. I.. Mchnnell, in addressing SAYS.; Note n selNslyled Dr. need apply n no uidiceneed ni,(l, ran Transient Advertising nn Front Patf 92.80 per inch Hie llntary llfub al the work In Ibis office Local Henders;per insertion ..25c pe line liuiclieon helil yesterday in Ihe Wash silk stockings nias'siflcd Advertising, insertion. . 2n per won' II.Ni: half of the world does this per SI. Itezris Cafe. "Oniujr hack lo My Office Is tbe best equipped In city, catering to pallcnl Igal N'ntires. each insertion Ifc per agate line early in ION," he said, "you the LUX way rtl know where the idher ne'f who appreciate Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. will find the movornent which gets its liquor. was pcspnnsibln fur Ihe war I lien Whitk a tobleipoonful of DAILY EDITION El. Friday, May 12, 1922. is slill eisen in F.iirnpe to. Lux into thick hither in SnitHMS or a. woman recently HONEST DENTISTRY day. ami is slill prevailing in half a bowlful of very hot frlghleneil haiidils away from a the background all. over Ihe ron- water. Add cold water meal markH. The woman is be-lieed The Objects liiicnt and Asia. until lukewarm. I)ip the t h:ve jnsj. priced Ihft at HONEST PRICES rouiid Of Hospital Day. Prior In Aiu.miI, I tl I 4. Ihe tockingi up and down, . steak. To bring every individual to realize what a well equipped (iernian I.inperor and "Is fol pressing the Lux tud$ OXK would think that n..all while Ihe materials furnished are III" benl through them. a money can tnj and efficiently staffed hospital' means to the well being nf the lower were walchlli? Willi keen through and -community, and to siimulnle. practical interest in the work being inlcresl iln growth of I In- Social Rinse in three lukewarm lion Parly would shine In Ire. carried on in the institution are probably the two most important Democratic System. The hriilal. waters. Squeeze water land. objects nf the movement which is being' promoted for the nhser ity of the Prussian officers ami out Jo not toring. Hang lo Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE vance of Hospital Day today. non-comiiiissioneil officer in dry. Never dry over a TIIK man who w;iils for some-ihing The occasion is the anniversary of the birthday of Florence Hie (iernian army was Ihe rea radiator. lo Hint ii(i friineidly rin.i lN'ighliiigale, the model and founder of the nursing profession, son for so many young men, who The thin, white, satin-like that rirsl. bis I.les do. the turning tip ; DENTIST who was born in the year IS2(i mid died only a few years ago. after bavin;.' -served Iheir lawful Lux flakes are made by s Jtooins 7 and H Smith Hloek iWhal more befilling anniversary could have been chosen for our jierjod, tumlus against Ihe gov exclusive our own procets 575 PHONE 575 AM.. Ssvilei-land .. .. .... in is niak- Mr.. 1..... ii n.ni ..r ii... ..tr n :r: n m n... ernment. This sentiment look IIOStll4ll lil lljilll III.IL III Mir rl I III! HlQ i'IIHlll, tlli- melt lllltl(, and quickly. ittg big'Jitftney by training goals Office Hours: ! lo I a.m 1 lo fl p.m. and 7 lo 0 .p.m. juelieale maiden of high degree, who threw aside the pleasures such concrele form thai early in !of life of ease to succor the afflicted, gliding through the horrors I til t the Socialist -parly in f!r- Lut it tufremtfor washintfine lo sit on Ihe condensed milk tins Lady Assistant Sunday Appointments lof the hospital at Scutari during the Crimean War and cnnecral- many became mi strong thai I hey doAex. Sold only in ttaltd mislead of filling them by mach Jing wilh the radiance of her goodness, far brighter than the lamp were able lo appoint. Ihe presi. packet dust-proof inery. ?in her hand, the living MddierV couch? The. vision is familiar lent of Ihe Iteiclistag, and when his ft" a man is clejui-sbaveh it Is ?oall. the (Jerman Kmperor sent lo obtain much more difficult lo lel lo i . rbanceor parliament- LUX Opportunity To Ihe necessary public funds i whether be bad eggs for break- Show Interest. for Ihe. upkeep of Hie army, I lie fftsl. Today the opportunity i. offered for every man, woman or Socialist parly refused lo volej LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED j GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY .MOfiKRN is dressed j child in the cily to do something for Ihe hospital. They can give the necessary ninnies. The time V- Toronto tu woman i S. S. PRINCE GEORGE AND PRINCE RUPERT will sail Tlmr. in Ihe or fashion about Iii'iyhi when Ihe Social- tangible evidence of their interest by sending something, whether bad I lieu come an inch above Ihe knee. day and Sunday al. 12 o'clock Midnight for Swanson Bay, j lilile nr much, to uncoiirage the workers and brighten the -pint liemorfalic party in fiermany Ocean Falls, Powell River, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, nf Ihe patients anil help keep the. institution nf which we nay he" were looking Inwards Ihe fact !O.VT bile the hand llial's l-'or Anyox Wednesday, 11 'For Stewart, Saturday, $ jully proud. The -hief desire behind Hospital Ii.iy is to develop that Ihe Herman Kmperor would p.m. pm SUITCASES saiil the lion Stewart Service first Hunt 13. Koch Saturday Ibercaftc Jerlare The sudden and feeding you" lam May i the interest of all people in the community in our own hospital war. .which exisls,, first and .last, impartially and unfavpringiy for the Iramatic nvissinaljon of the TRUNKS er as he gave llriino a bone. S. S. PRINCE JOHN For all points Northern and Sonltiprn ' benefit of each and all. -Money is necessary for the upkeep of Austrian Archduke brought mat Queen Charlotte Islands, May I .'lib and 27lh, June t n i It anil the hospital and none realize it more than lhoe who have lo do ters lo a bead. CLUB BAGS TIIOSH who indulge in 2 1 Hi, July Kill nnd --'.'inl, August 5lh ami 10 III, Sept. i'n.l, tc,li ; with the Declaration of War. liioolishine" tieyer lake n hoe. and :ioth. conducting of it. The dav offers a'great opportunity for . the philanlhropically inclined and Iheir contributions could be Willi Kn?land busily engagedJ bine. x Train Service put to no better purpose. - wilh dnmeslic troubles and with, Large Stock on hand. Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY al 11.15 what looked like civil war in Prices vey low. a.m. For Smilhers, I'rinru tieorge. Kdmontoii, and Winnipi-K, Do We Deserve Ireland, evidently be Orman In the Letter Box making direct connections for all points in Kaslern t anarla Hospital Care? Kmperor and bis parly thought J. F. MAGUIRE nnd I'nited Slates. Many of us ale inclined .to criticize, the actions of those they hail France al their mere Next the Prince Hupert Hotel ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME who are working for our vital good in undertaking siioh arduous flic Hnipernr was always afraid HOSPITAL FINANCES. Agency for all Ocean Steamship Lines work as is necessary in the-carrying on of a modern hospital but of Russia, in I be event nf Kdilnr Daily News; - City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. Phone 260. un imiii.v oi us lire reauy uomg aiymiig lo assist in Ihe work ileclaralion of war, with b The question of our hospital enner in .a manual, menial or financial wav?. when one ha hi steam roller ladies. Undoubtedly fresh men "had come on ",0 : finances seems In bn a serious rtod-giveu heallh and strength, it.is all very well to criticize and 'be sudden declaration of. war field against us. one. in these days of enligbl-enmenl lorgei ouns umy, nil when, sickness comes and we or our loved was influenced hy the growin "However.' wilh the Hrilish de one would think thai an CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ones are at death s door, it is (hen that the benefit of the great sirengm or me isoc a is s . in cision lo go into Siberia the, insliliilion of Ibis character, care, medical attention and modern surgical appliances of die fieritiany. , iueslioji of man power came which has for years pasl proved Hospital are expecied.to aid us. j)o we dnsene it? "In MJI7. flussin, under lb in. Karly in lIK, we. bad plen itself so vitally necessary to the B.C. Coast Services Soeial-Iieiriocralie guidance, of ty of Canadian troops In Kng-lainl, well-being of the community, Too Little Kerensky, brought about thi ah I lie Canadian corps was would have been put on a proper Interest Here. dication of the (iiav. At llii up lo strength, and wilh Ibe ami eweriivc imancial Dasis ere Sailings from Prince Rupert II is only loo well known that of recent years hospital affairs nine i in- itnssian soinr was Military Service Act in force in Ibis. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway nf this city have been left in Ihe hands nf a few willing nnes lieing scnl to Ihe firing lin Canada llo" Hrilish government II would seem thai ttio ques April 21, May 1, 12, 22; June 2. who nave, in season and mil, assumed ungrudgingly Ihe resnon wilh one rifle .i f-vcry 'four ask,ed Heneral .Vewbiirn,' then lion of the financing of (ho bos. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-April siiiiidie.s which go with the work. The citizen of Prince Itupcrt lecn men ,lbe remainder of Hi Canadian Minister of Mililia, if jiilal should be once and for all 25, May 5, 16, 26; June 6. have manifested altogether ton little interest in hospital affairs men landing up lo Ibe artillery inada could send (i.fihn men lo curefully stone into by a com S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, aid offered Ion little assistance in their carrying nuL What might reparation of (he (iernian will Siberia lo represent (lie llrilisli indent commijlee and some de. East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell have happened had Ihe few not continued to devole Iheir 'efforts bayonets lied on lo pole. This Kmpire in Siberia. The Ameri cisioii arrived at as to the per River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. cans agreed to undertake niiii careuii nioiigiit to Hie conduct of the affairs of the institution condition of things eYmld uol m it. maneiil financing thereof. When Lines. 1 This might well be considered on such a day as this. Can last and the xysleni .under Ibi venliou and the Japanese wero one is in perfect .health and ha Agency for all Steamship also lo Full liifOrrialloii in. Th from. .hi, roiiM-ieniHiii-iv thinking it over, come to the conclusion thai leadership of .Kerensky came lo r t .....go. government never had Ihe misfortune, lo ine nave neen a bead. Ibis was C.orniany'.s "i i.amoia agreed h send a i .. ... ... W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, of siirricient service to the, cnmmunilv and them r..i-,....... ...i ...,.i.. i '"'Noiai uiieuiion me no Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. selves in Ibis connection? No doubt verv rw run chanCe. The Prussian narlV then ( ( i ii ini in i.mi pilal question is far from his Considering the conditions and difficulties under which Ihe ent lo Switzerland where I.enim ey. Ihoiighls, but let that same person managers oi me iiospii.n have labored in this cilv, the local in uid 2(HI Nihilists were noeralim The War Office. become ill and need- hospital LIMITED UNION slilulioii is in remarkably good shape. There is much lo be de with projiaganda work. The Ibe Colonel said thai people cure and attention he may he STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., Sired, it is true, but al the same time all has been done dial Herman Kmperor though! that were often apt lo criticize the Ihe first o demand ' Ihe most SAILINGS sil.ly could be done under Ihe riiriimslaure. pns. by using this band. Ilussia could officials of the War Office, be. careful nursing and Ibe best Of For Vancouver, Ocean Fall anil tjwnnson Hay, Tije.stJdy, fl p.m. he put. entirely nut of hnslnesH ing under the misguided idea everylhing; little For-Vanc'ouver, Alert Hay and Port Hardy, Saturday pmi. Immediate Action t'; mil the (Jerman trnons being that il ' was staffed wilh old Ihe hospital board,,thinking ami the -staff how For. Anyox, Alice Arm', Port Simpson alid Valij Island, Sunday Is' Nec-issary. ' i..- used oil that front could then be men, who employed prelly sten generally, have 10 scrape and midnight. The I'rince Rupert Hospital is a I this time facing a crisis withdrawn and placed on the ographers and sipped tea. This save every cent fifr il will be r-or ra&as Miver canneries, J'.rldfiv a.m. 'up lo. now itjias been hi fairly good financial shn Western front where Ibe ques was very far from the truth and generally conceded that no 'ho 1 1 --, lively speaking. It compares favorably with hospitals in oilier mm oi snoriage in man power il was a wonderful thing lo know pilal is run for profit. ' was a very serious problem. I.e- how a Hrilish expeditlonal v force . '"'M'oai is granuaiiy drirtiug jnlo financial diffi-ciilltes. i:vCry man and woman in-.lfir., More revenue, must be found if it is not to follow the nine and iis 200 followers were ould be sent i any pall of Ihe streiy exiiecls lo be propcrly.-u'rjU Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. Phonei686 muesli ni nuiiy hurts which are jiinoniiK nnrlep great stress, consequently taken in a closed world In represent" (Ire Hrilish efficieplly cared for if occnilnti Aleasures of econlimy cannot be stretched train through fiermany, Ibe Hermans m pi re. Al a conference held anv further than Ihev shoujd nlcessitale bis j or her, Dr. E S. TAIT are at present. .Vs il is the hospilal is hantlv paving its way wilh no( wishing theni lo see in Ibe War Officiv lb outline de- being taken to hospital, whei'h'er ;. economical management and Ihe outside and Ibe country as they passed tils nf the Canadian expedition governmental as- treatment can he paid for or hmV sisui icH which it already receives, K.xleiisiniis, such as the through ami landed In Ilussia ary force going inl.. Siberia, C .M.iiiiit.iii.I.,l..ln ruuii ....i.,:l.V, 'j;:-: Dental Surgeon buih bug of a Nurses Home and new and more modern eouip-meul, i ney immediately r started Id there were present Ihe heads of costs money, aiid bow ujiiciency nianv of hav become an immediate, need. What is lo be done to work and undermined Ibe aiilb- all department concerned in us ever think of giving financial ' ' pce Hours, 9. a.m. to 9 p.m. save he situation?, This rily of Kerensky and in thai such an undertaking, question is l.oj,,- everyone gVOti rHreUil cnusUl. aid lo so worthy a cause? Sunday by Appointment e.ratioii by the hospital board. It would be well thai any assistance ly fiermany by Ibe 'introduc was on 10 his job. The niieslion II would seem within llie , that may be given, either materially or otherwise, be tendered tion of these agitators hroupbl f transport, supplies, amrnuui- reaims 01 possiiniiiy that some immediately. The Hospital Hoard is against ahoul Ibe complete downfall of iion, wagons, mules and Ihn up a difficult system of equitable hospital taxation siluahoj, v, (ho solving of which II is entitled to every ai l that Russia In 1917. The Herman thousand and one tilings necessary rndlil be arrived In do may ie lorlhcom ng. . troops were released ami en lo for Ihe success of such an away wilh the need for the bos. Our frozen herring halt is conceded hy fishermen the Western front. expedition, were quickly BAIT arranged, pital to be continually soliciting to bo the finest procurable at any Pacific Coast and Reducing Pressure. everybody acted with for so-called charily. Port and It is "Fishy." Price, 130 per Ion. 'II was then that Ibe British Ihe greatest courtesy and effic Insure Your Premium government started lo look iency. ''h(, nearesf Iirjlili regj. Itolli male and female wage lpC Tim best way of insuring a good quality trip " Uieni. lit earners should be taxed, the fe. to have plenty of our hard frozen ice. J'rlc'i around and see- at what point Dial limit was the Mid If you will deposit in your savings count reduce Ihe dlesex fleftiment on garrison male oflen requiring more at-ten'liou $4 per ton. pressure. account each month juiey I ban the male. ,ir well-equipped store fluhlnB tfear, one-twelfth of I tie Caucasus, Archangel ami July in II.mg Kong. This was Onffjfc pan supply annual Insurance Vhy nol inako Ibe hospital fishermen's clolhing, groceries and prgvlnloi" your premium, it Murmansk appealed In Ihem, and ordered by cable lo proceed im. will be to for finances a municipal charge and hardware. easy pay your life insurance finally they thought about the mediately t Siberia and Ihe ne en when due. tirely, ami assess those who Siberian situation. After I.e. cessary aminunilioji was diverted are Nothing In addition to you taring can mean nine and his faction had gained from Canada, not paying cily taxes? In h,a NEW ENGLAND FISH Company a much to you ia o!4 age, or to your rtUtWtj control of IliHsla. fiermany Ibe Colonel sahl thai Siberia Old Country wages are assensed Keicnikan, Alaska Branch after death, a inauraace. Start a lavinri for hospilal purpose. Why not account with u to4y, made a treaty wilh (hepi and as a very similar counlrv to here? it thus threw the Russian menace 'la front a' topographical Copy of our booklet "One on one side. One idea fiermany standpoint and jhaf the central X-flAY. THEO Dollar Weekly"(re COLLART, LTD. JS on request had was that Herman and Aus. plains there were exactly like! - - UNION Irian, officers should b sejul our own prairies. The country ' BANK OF CANADA toln Siberia . to nrgaaize and was vcri-- .....i-iel. .,,in ,,,,,,,.i.i,...ni. j j Seven-room house for sale, close in. Hath and sewer c""' train i.ino.Ofio Herman prison of silver, placer and free gold BLADDER M IM lieclioii. $4000 terms. Bargain. Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager em of war. who were scattered abounding in Certain localities. throughout .Siberia,' It would Premier Lloyd George. 1 Rentals Real Estate General Insurance have been a very serious thing The colnnpi jn conclusion do-dared .tsriDtiu. Phone Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Block P. O, Box run al that time, for us if 1, 100,000 lhn Du-ry would always BtuartoomnLirj