, - THE DAILT HEWS Friday. May ? BRINGING UP FATHER By GeorgrMT A flood point to remember ' " " DIDN'T I TELL. xoO TO fl I lLL &E..fcEeOV 1 If ) 1 1 sN ( 4A.V. ASrr )( JUST 43 fuCSSV it v ' V"' Rm PAINT i j 1 -' onos. ' 'ZaO RM 8PM tm y'Intl rATwe scuviee. imc. 9.RM. , jrtj . Second Street ' . , '.. , , , nurses there arR. at the present Prince Rupert General time, eleven pupil nurses enrolled TERRACE Hospital Affairs Since and eiuhifdyilVg The juniors.senior' Senior,pupil nurses intermediate nre Dauly News Classified Ads. Miss llufcel I.udgale, Miss Mary 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for L thn BOc FRUIT LANDS Inception 12 Years Ago iMcI.enmtn add Miss 1'lorence Hy. iatt. Ton arro lnl, ?Vi miles from I WANTED FOR SALIi 1 roomed house, two BOARD. Tnil.iv lieinp X.'iliiin.il Iliivnilnl D.iv lirief ii.ihrul ivn of I lie Intormodiato: Miss F. Ilehden Town. 0 acre cleared including 1 .1 lots and all in garden, lno, ,1. .. ..,'..., I.:, i..-.. ..r ill,, :.,.i;i.. , .. :i.JMiss i:ila Frank. Miss H. White, Fl'HS Last call of the season. uniiin -inlander, k i0 arte of bearing strawberry plants' 11 U VHI.3 lliril'l J i I ll Hi. Ill IMIIK'll UIIH fill III ( lllllll 111 I half rash or iMSon all rash. ;10 apple (rocs sol out (his spring". present day activities, much enlarged and improved from Hie beginnings if Us V. Hoberge. Miss F. Swan- Our three specials, Heaver, roomed house with additional! Avenue. Phono (:;? 14 nel'O pIiivpp I'miiinil fnhin I $ in JOUO, may he of interest.' both to Kiosk who have son nod Mi' K. Weller. Wolf, Hats, on which wo can 5 room apartment, on cement BOATS FOR IG fool. Land all level, partly livt'il in flic rily since the early days and have seen it trow in ini-jior.tance Junior: Miss Hrooks and pay you highest prices. Hush piles, hath, ee., excellent condition HIRE. fenced and on main wagon road. and value lo the community-and to thos.ii of later arrival Miss (!. Morgan. shipments before decline ami good location I.AUNfill 'Narbelliong v V Price $1,550, small amount .on who have known the I'rinru Kupert-(Jeneral Hospital only as i! Ladies' Auxiliary. comes. We enn also pay you OOO'rin easy payments. Service. I'linm; Itlnek ton. ti form. is today. The story shows hat nllliougli Ihc'progress in hospi-Inl . The Indies' llospilal Auxiliary Ihe market value for al furs. I room house, lot. in garden. Dl ml I n crriunrn.. FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET affairs hits hceti commensurate in a degree with the progress have done excellent work in eon-ii(Tli" nenver up to ju.oo. Spring chicken, house, elc., near King v " Four room house, 1 milo from of I he cily many more im. yllli 'Ihe hospital and rats up (o $3.po. Wolf up to 1-Mward School, $1700, (ern.s. " Mt IarJl H!l2?..u:U jwn, all furnished. Can ho hnd prnvoinenls are' needed, and the operations were pcrfornied. have given' very practical anil aiR.nn as lo average, l'loasn 8 room house. Slots in garden, MISCELLANEOUS. support which the hospit.n1 merits timely aid. One of the nutslnnd-oiL' send us a trial shiphienl. I'.d-monlnn ln', until October I si. A fine oppor-lunity Departments now operated in-clude.a fenced, chicken house, close for anyone wishing In simum lie forthcoming more modern Operating theatre features of Ihe practical help Hide A- Fip? flompany, wild hath. $2500. Fasv lerins ''.' l"y ' !pp',,,-' ! n'.. "spend the summer at Terrace.. readily. embodying the1 latest niadiaiH s GEORGE W. MORROW. (020!) iniM Street, Fdmonlon, l.o 31 nnd 30, Hlock 3,VSee. ! J.ove, Happiness i:n, Hi For full particulars, address The I'rince Rupert Oonoral (hat medical science has devised, Alberta. Ill 2, View lots on Allin Avenue. I Send your hirlh .h i" m Hospital was given hirlh al a A and year and one don. i a rrinlcrnity. department, iiiedica! WANTED Men and women . to perfect homesile, $750, half KENNEY BROS. & CO. mooting of oili.eiis hold in the old and surgical departments, a tu:: learn the JJarher Trade hy ihe cash, fine lot on (leach I'laee! fessor N'oi4l, fin x, Methodist church on February 16, oipiipped medical Inhoruinry run) only method in (lie world that for 32.r, a heauty. I.ols f,H and' Slreel, Vaniouver U f n Terrace, C. C. called for (In of lugs 'senl hy rolut-n IdOl), purpose X-ray facilities. will save ynuilime and money 09, block 12, section , 7ft'l, c ii'L'iiiiizing a iieneral llospilal To take care of Hie pursing or and fit yo'a for a position terms or 7r0 cash. M. M. ORIENTAL GOODS Society. J. A. Kirkpatriok was rpiircmciits of the . Slophens. common v it mi worth while. Wo guaranleo clocled In (he chair nnd M. M. is I fail f lt Japanese Kimonns Crnr necessary pupil in steady employment at good ,ir. EDSON COAL Stephens was Iho secretary. Ilev. he 'enrolled to fill vacancu s oc wages. Write now for beautiful FOR SAI.K- 28 . foot Salmon Hnlnhoo Furniture. iiit::!.:U' YV. .1. Kidd, anil John Houston ad. eurring fro in time In lime. The illustrated calnlngue. Mnlor Iroller, t h'.rj.. engine, fully Hnskels, Children's limn; , dressed (he meeting. equipped for - (rolling, price COMPANY educational renuireinents foi on Harder College, 300 Main .SI -.0.00; Toys. Kir On January 1 i, i'.Mll, Ihe first, pil nurses are such llial Uiev Vancouver. I). G. 22.M1 pleasure Ttr I.OWFST Pltirj S Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. annual general mooting of the xhouhl have had at least one vear (rolling hoal, 3 (i li.p. engine, F. K. AKASE Hospital' Socieiy was bold and at High School and must lie he. RELIAHLF. agenL wanted for Ru price f.JOU.uf); 28x7 , salliiou P. O. llox fll Tel IM 8; IB' Iho iff tides of the association and (ween Iho age of 20 and in pert District. The Sovereign Iroller, 7 h.p. engine, liSO.OO; Third Avenun the by-laws were adopted. .1. A. entering. The entire course Life Assurance Company. Head 3 h.p. Ferro with reverse D8S1 toai Ku'knai -iei- was clocled the firsi covers a period of three years. mm office, Winnipeg, Man. Write gear, full equipment, ilon.no. TAXI president. i. V. Morrow, vire. Chas. A. Pyne, Prince (Jeorgo, (0 h.p. Palmeriit.1O0.UO; II The Nurses' Home Phone 693 president K. K. Slra'lhy, T. J). manager for Northern RritlMi h.p. Form 22!i.OO; 30 h.p. at ' Outside of the running of the Columbia. Sludohaker, high tension magnet, (Call deorge Ihws LATE DR. J. O. REDDIE. liospilal there is another very i jtml sea sled, "SI90.00: Kive.passenger Tnurine C'.r Lowest Prices iio'poi liint U(keep to 1(. rdllseli'i WAXTF.D dreen spruce for ex. Hurfalo, $.100.00; 20. Prompt Day jind Nlulii Si cd J.jiat of Ihe nurses' home. Tin port; 200 cord IoIh. Address F 22 Huffalo. Sir.00.00. Olher Stand: Boston Grill, Third Avenue house now ocTupied as a nurses W. Darnell, (2I Hromlway boats and engines. N'orlliern Firsi Vice-president of Ihe SHOE REPAIRS home, situated near the hospital, North, Seattle. Wash. If I'xchanse. 1 13 Order Now' Phone 58 I' iiice Huperi IfAspitnl Hoard is very inailejii.'ile for present Umbrella Repairs needs and proper facilities are derived iy Hie liospilal from )lij FOR RENT FOR SAl.i: I r h.p. Yale marine Clothes cleaned nnd pmr-it not afforded for Ihe homelife of source was tin; opening up", 'a FOIl nF.NT Furnished linuso-' engine, tales! type, new, complete Suits called for and deliver; USE-, 'Hie nurses. Jf girls, leaing good couploiif years -ugo oTJlie laboratory keeping suites. Apply 110 nutit. Price $380.00. I Phone llltie "H hoofes, are to Jie encouraged lo costing in the neighBorhood Sixth Avenue Kasl, phone Hluo ( h.p. Automatic., rohuill with LEM JOHN stpond several years of Iheir lives of $1,0(10. New pillowjt and two 217. If complete outfit, including Columbia 844 Third Avenue Shamrock in the welfare of Iheir fellow befogs sets of (jidz springs hiive ulso Peerless 22x22 propel, it is most essential thai been purchased. The auxiliary is fiOOD Clean lieds from l.r,n per lor and fi fee( I 1-1 inch Tnb-In WATCH AND CLOCK BEPAIM. week. Fishermen's Host, Lain bronze shaft. Price 3ou.0(). every nome comrori and conve now working lo obtain a furlh.f'r Fxpert watch, elni g nil BACON nience he afforded them and some tray service, the cost of which Pioneer Rooms. Ifl7 3rd AVo.,F,. I, 10-12 h. p. Huffalo. rebuilt: ehi'ononieler m; HAM allraclion and induromonl hold will be about 500. J'YHt HK.N'T Two room collage. Willi new J 1-1. inch Tobin Walch nnd Jewel leev II ; ; mil to I hem for I heir, sacj-ifio. ' A bronze shaft; 22x21 Peerless Hospital Tag Day, undor-.lhe furnished. Phone Hod 2.V.I. If specialfv t 15U 1 UK H Accommodation affording separ-(ale auspices of the Ladies' Auxiliary. propeller. Price iji.1.10.00 Ru-, Mail nrders prompdy pi "M. bedrooms, a properly equlppetl FLAT for Kent in Honner Aparl- perl Marine 1 1 on works and F T?rnc is to be hold on Sulunhi v.' May. 20. GEO. GIDB L.UVJJ classroom, a correal inn room, library, It is the intention of this 'organization meuls. M. M. Slephons. If Supiy (3o., Agenls for Yale Opp. Posl Office P 0. I!X " and Alias Imperial engines. If LARD is badly needed. , to hold hospital tea's during SITUATIONS WANTED Prince Run. ' " The Hospital Staff the summer months. FOR SAI.K 18 H.P. Winton-Six The personnel of llie xlaff of The graduating ceremony,: liejil WOMAN wants work .Housework nulomoliiln engine, comleo REPAIR SHOP The Empire's Standard. One of (tie Karly Medical I'rae.. iho hospital is at present as follows: recently in horor of Nurse F. nr nursing; or both. Phone with llosidi magneto, paragon RFPAIRS TO ANYT'IIV' luionoi's in Hie ienoral Fraser of Anyox, wns undertaken Illue 1 1 1 reverse gear, Universal coupler, ANY TIM I P. BURNS CO., LTD. I llospilal. .Miss CJ. Illack, matron. hy Ihe Lndies' Auxiliary ' who fiAflDKN work wanted by exper Columbia propeller, hrnss ANYWIIFRr Miss I'eari V. Wall, operating .made themselves responsible, for ienced Japanese. Plmne Hlack tail shaft and stern hearing. ROKKJAR BROS. I'ttilullo, J), (i. Xlowart, (i. Ji, theatre supervisor. tin' carrying out of Ihe details 309. . 199 All in good shape. Suilahle 820 Third Avenue V1 .Naden and A. Carss, directors, Miss Margaret Murray, supervisor with n grant from (he llospilal for speedboat. C. L. lleindol. Phone Red Si and A. Culhhert, secrelary-lreas-, of woni'ens medical and Hoard. FOR SALE Seal Cove. ' 110 PAGIFIG CARTAG E urer. : surgical departments. Members of Auxiliary CYCLE REPAIRS. (. FOR SALI'3 5 .p. Vale Knginn The First Wing Miss 11. Hamilton nnd Miss K. The members of Ladies'Hospital with shaft, FOR SAI.F 200 shares nf Hush Cycles of all makes repaid Karly in 1.ilo tin; rirsl wingf'or I'aijfiler, night supervisnr. Auxiliary ar: :oinpe(e propeller, Mines Ltd, Also 100 shares II. (3. r nr' Limited Ihe (ieneral Hospital was oM.iied Mrs. Hutchison and Miss Jackson, Mrs. 'I'. C.lringle (presidontt, coil,Stephens.like new. 250 cash. M. M. Silver mines. All dollar shares ami Imhy Cycle carriages Accessories. Phone 93 with, a capacity of -'5 Ijods, mid head nurses. Mr. J. CamiiNell, Mrs. J. W. Poller, non-'assessahle. Offers lo Out or (own ordeiM prnmi"' Miss Kale MrTavish was- apiaiut-eit In addition to these graduate Mrs. Dr. L. W. Korgin, Mrs. FOR SALF Slightly used piano. Hox 22. Daily News Office. . altemlrd n Furniture, Piano and inalron. Al this period there T. ('.. Duncan (treasurer Mrs. 3.'0 cash. Teelzel's Slalionery OAWTHORN HON. T. D .PUTTALLO. FOR SAI.K "Narbelhnng." It. is J. Safe Moving was no such convenience as an i:apt. droves, Mrs. II. Hlaneo, Mrs. and (landy Store, m 'Jhird my intention lo lake the case 517 Fulton Sr.-'i operating theatre, and Ihe opera, C. A. Kggort, Mrs. T.-McClymont, Avenue. (f. Gl General Cartage lions were then performed ii improvised Mrs. J, Thhmpsmi, ,Mrs. S. Dar-lon. into the Admiralty Court nnd:l HYDE TRANSFER Sand and Gravel FOR HALIv Huffet. can.et. and need the money. Price llfiOO, ijuariers. Mrs. J. I,. Loo, Mrs. W, L. 'f'lin original wing of the hospital Sandi.son secretary i, Mrs. S. P. loilride, Phoiw Rod HI. .112 llonmes K. Freeman. Phone 580 was hullt hy puhlic suhserip- McMordie, Mrs. Dr. V. T. Kergin. FOR SALK--While Logliorn Baggage and Express Ltion -wiiii iho aid of Ihe Mrs. II, Vancouver Ihe cost is 3,2(. V. and" provin. Parsons, Mrs. II, Alkins, -3 Nlijht 1'hones - J, G; Steen, 871 chicks, On each. ANo 120 and Wood, W. Ungwill, Ulue Z70 rial govt:vrnmeii. ' ho sum of Mrs. J. Harnsley, Mrs. Dr. L. W. Itclween .10 and to per cent of ciiiacily incubator, $iri.00. No Coal KMioo was raised Mrs. (lie people treated in Iho general Agents Riiiierl and l' Day Phone 5 piililiealiy and Jer.gin, D. W. Morressey, I Heacli Ai:irlliiens. -Phone the governinent furnished an ad. Mrs. T. Silencer, Mrs. (3. F. Starr, (Continued on J'age C dreen 1.15. 112 Globo A,lrless Tubes, STEEN & LONGWILL ditional AlO.Ono. All itorsons Mis. . Warrior, Mrs. M. M. Ste. Second Avenue Sheet Metal Works who suliscrihod 30 lo (lie fund, phens. Mis. M. Hoilhronor, Mrs. ANOTHER FAMILY I'ORD Touring car. for sale. Or CLOTHES CLEANED were .inado life nicinhers of Km Jnrvis MrLeod, Mrs. It. Llpsell, would exchange wllli some Agent for McClary Furncaes llospilal AsoclaHon, today the M.'. I N. X'alen'line. Mrs. O. C. OF SETTLERS HERE cash for s 1 1 1.1 1 1 house ami ol. and nresMed by late t llospilal Hoard heing constiluloil !;,aek and Mrs. D, A. Cnndow. Apply Hox 23 Daily News Office. pressing proce::s Knatinft Engineers of life members who suliscrihod al jM'-. s D.-nton and Mrs. Jurvls 113 Soils calje.l for and delivered. sjVsSBB Hka. CtBKSsflsSBli Dr. and Mrs. Palmar that Kmc. McI.ood nre Ihe represonlnl ivos lo ami son of 649 Phone 6tb Street and Krager Slrt FOR SALI'3 Rooming hous.- with An additional wing to Ihn lios. llospPal Hoard, London, Fngland, were arrivals Tailor I'rince Kupert - - II. C. (the ,, . . LINO, The . I,,ul lr.lilV I,..,(.. r Iwcnly.five rooms completely pilnl was opened In 1012, (he' f i, iiiiiii oast opening ceremony heing perfnrin-vl Hospital Finances I,-,,bouml for Massed, Qnen Charlotte- furnished, flood lease, $1,000, BAGGAGE and EXPR ! In addition to local ro'pilre. MrCaffery & millions .Ltd. 1 hy the Duke of Omnaujtht Islands. Dr. Palmer and . If , . - ')' 1 T'"' nospiini (lilies care or family came oul o Canada WAKEFIELD'S FAST wllh I lien flovernoivfleaeral of Can. $.'100.00 puis you io possession 11 1 1 II II I lit I" III I MM 1 I'lltai VI II I'll. ' iida, when'on lour Ihe original 27, set or hn nr. DELIVERY a through nor. J winch of a fine four roomed house in oiiine from lliern llrilish Golmnliia. iiiuuior rived here on Sunday April 23, in with hath and fireplace. Terms Prompt Service TIMBER SALE X3797, emnps imning eniupH, villages rharpe of Dr. Dunn, hound 'for Sealed Icndnra will be received liy the . . Increase Since 1910 1 nul towns interior. lit be arranged. F. W, Hart. If Phone,7, MlnlMer or l.undi, Jit Vlrlnriu. nul later in I'hOiMasselL hut (.tunned ,rr I., ii,.. Stand: 'Oil's Cigar stor llian luxiii on the SUi day or June, tvti. Hince I'.HO the hospital nccouu 'I.il eeiiuireilienU far exceed ienul to visit, lie will leu wJlh rio.CAR T for sale in good coi. for Die HHTlia or Uwiie XSTVT. lo rut uiodati(ii lias heon increased' . ,. . . ,. , r.,.,1 iwii, r....i nf Sriiiop Cfiliir. llmlru'lc Hie present fjnuneial ........Iniil'r.tl v tT... . 1.1 iniiuij.....M.. Auisseii fin (lie lit Ion. Plume lied J 1.1. ; "ST. ELMO H0TEL Hi'ul lialHain. tlluail mi an area mi the from 25 to some ("ifl hods. Ihiring Ihe liospilul. Prince John tomorrow nljlrf. it, ww Jill l!i.d iiiairiei. ,tne your ending December 31 The average cast., per liospltfll F.MTK Cafe for ale. furnlslied M.JtllllS 1..(If U'V IIOIII 'O" I ,.! t.'fiir', 1(1 Two ti -ear win do tiiowea ror r. m, Tr,o fijurw were ndmilte.l In Ono r II... First Directors of pal ion complete. Phone 173. if Running iini and cold innvol or limber. iwsr Jh'.-i.aSl. In w-U When you l.uy adver(ling I iirlhep narilniluri of riiier rorea-uiie iieneral tumpitui, 1 tie tiospilnl t ie Prince nuiierl (ienoml .egulaled fmM.iials the cosl of von all rooms ler, A'iiJjirla. U.C., or Plttrlcl former, huy CIHOIJLA'nON, ahd Ree (hat WANTF0-- Chambermaid, Apply Halli Rleain "Heated, days numbered and 1(1,471, 2l2 Honpital imlienls differ J'jmfe llupen, u.o. very little. In you get 11. Hotel Central. (13 Phone Qreen B10