PA01 PDI THf DAILY HBW8 Friday, Mar P 19 I OANING MONEY on MORTGAGE is simple, TERRACE CATARRH PRINCE HOSPITAL RUPERT AFFAIRS GENERAL SINCE 1-1 safe and profitable. If you have $500.00 Anion? recent I'rince Itupcrl of the Stomach INCEPTION 12 YEARS AGO WESTHOLME THEATRE viitor. to 'terrace were I. U (Continued from pase i or more which is earning less than 8 per cent. Anderson, road nuperiiitendeiit. FOR EIGHT YEARS Tonight and Saturday Matinee and Night hospital since 1UI I have been In . llealj. conlraclor, J. I". Sul- drop into our office and let us submit some tie, provincial engineer and 0. The cause of this trouble Is tbe rrr digent, that is, people who have mentation of fiwJ la tbe slomtcb whlcb been unable to pay their account!). GEORGE MELF0RD PRODUCTION of the applications we have on file for noiiier. assessor. i oresi rcneratea t ttt thai Is trr frcauently If all patients using the hospital your Hanger Sliarpc of llazcltuil wajlelrbed up. There Is also t rumbllnr of ilsii lnre. l,ne bowels and I discharge of yis there were able to pay their rces it: your consideration. No Obligation. t iiroin, mere is constant retrninr, ana ine would still leave a discrepancy niel r..-...n.t- .,.,11. Th.,. i. Mr. an.l Mi a. (ilen 1U.Ii an-l burnlnr ralo In ibe aiomach.' the appeiltt for operating expenses, and with, A Wise Foot such number not able family hate moved lulu Hie tar- is nrkie, tbe toorue coaled, the brum a being to LTD. H. G. HELGERSON, eau liou?e west of the old eo- b,J' ronstlpatlon Is generany preseol and pay, it is only reasonable to as-, .......-..IK.. l,.rv. Me llsl, U "ncrer becomes weaa. nerrous, uo ttuuic that the hospital is in ur 1 Irrlitl1 Slfl(t ffaiTlnart V ml hi m . 'i i -........ gent need of outside support. So loreniaii oi on .irniiiiK opera- The blame ules with i slurrlsb liver. l with Hull liere. Ill holds bark the bile which Is so necesjiry far Ibis year, owing to the unemployment, to promote the movement of the bowels, (the number of peo-! i-i.,,... ii... .-i i t... lMUU ""en ine Due axis inio ine oiooa pie who have been treated at the James Kirkwood ,(? 3 ' ll.rfl. ,flMl.. .mf I ll..n nt ,h. l..n..K Hartt hospital and who nre unable to i i mi i- nuiiii 1.1.11 m, nfr lnd hu-,.. -in ,utr, follow. ' I pay will nieriU'c 50 per cent. Weep your liver active and roo will ! DEPARTMENT OF MARINE A FISHERIES. On Tue-day. May 2. Hie final '.) enjoy rwl health Seeral or the patients in the hospital HALL ROOM COMEPY B.C. NEWS lance or the ea.on ,y the Mar- A'!0.4",n'' c . "'I ' today are old men who are Prlcos; 35c and 15c EXTENSION OF TIME CONTRACT VAKOUN I...I I ! . !..!. I...1.1 'l-l...I - - - .uM.t. ii unable lo look niter themselves Shoes RIVER. ii-.i i i.-.;,...- i. wiiu j iii-iu. im iHrht years, from catarrh of the stomach Inlriiiliiir liliMrrs am Iwnlij' alrlnl danee, which look place in I tried several so-called catarrh remedies and who should be in some other ,iimi i lie i rur nfcivinir u-uirers nj roj.'rcss Hall, wa a great sue- Mkui relief until a friend advised me suitable iiisliluliou, Theatre rur roiniiw-iiiiii m im- work lias liwn fx I f tU tlll...H, I tlll 1.1.. Empress TMD I'" iimui u a iii9, nu.u Board of ftit.u Management IiikIim irn day. Iilri will iliprefure tx' Once wont, will so fully win rci-eliwl (mill c pjn. on Hie 3 0 tit day of uju, biiu lour this cuuiocicix rciicTru Ibe present Hospital Hoard ine. That was sli rears ato. and I have your confidence thai you will 1 J. A. MOIIIKnWKI.I.. liu eunefiiay evenilif!, ine had do return of my old trouble." consists of eleven members. Five accept llii! next pair without j 1 jl ITlMff ln.frtM'lP .f I'UlKTlf. ladie.H of the Aniflitaii Women's rrlce, Se a vial al all dealers, or mailed are elected annually by the Jlos-i Vivian Martin prlce ",0 T' MU Auxiliary held a miscellaneous ?lrecl l". b? pitai .association, iwo arc appointed furlhcr introduction or reo-uiiiniL'iiilalioii, burn Co., Llmlled, Toronto, out. hower for ilr. II. King, wliofie annually by Ihe cilv coun h.4 oll .friends Itiit.n, 1 1 v cil, Iwo by the provincial goxeril- . . ' . Iiriirif ni nurn ? ipt whose dependability and SALE very eiijovai.i.; evening was UllLmrLuIlil Lldl menl n nl two by the. Ladies' Hospital TIMBER X 40C2. worth are fully proven. pent al the home of .Mrs. rialcr. Auxiliary. The Medical As "The Sealed li-liuVr l In? rfrrlvrlt lijr llir IS ON DECREASE sociation also lias representation Song ofjhe Soul" lil-lriri f'on-KKT ii'H lalir llun ihxhi mi tin- ssili day r May. is, tor llw piir-rliaw Mrs. A. Moss returned on Sal. on Ihe boarl ol two iiieiiiliers who Hi nr. to nf mi Ll'-rnri'i:,o.t)U XIOGi,reel near or suruee.k'llilall urday from a flying visit to During Last Week. Roll at Gov- tel only in an advisory capacity. Ilemluek. and Cedar. Prince lluperl. arnmanl Labor Bureau Ha I he -member of the present Serial, "Son of Tarzan" Comedy, "Say, Unde" One (I. year will be allotted fur re-ni'ival KIRKPATRICK or llinMr. FiivinneH frnm 1fl in fi board are:- I ---t-r-- Prices 35c and 15c .......I l 'l-l...-.l.. . IlinliiT partirular. of I hi" Thlt-f I'orp-ler. l,s jiiii irvi iiiiip I). (!. Slewart, president. Vleioria. or IIh: l)ltrlrt I'orestcr, l 1...II I.. II..11 The Store of Satisfaction ITHiee liuprrl. H. C. ti.llil .n llliu ill I lUgUin iiiiii.i Tl. 1 . I i; .1 I., it II,. Col. S. I'. Me.Mordle. vice-pi- I a ill.- uill llll'IIJ t ! lll 111 illf I.IIJ I here were present. . many ...i..n.. .1.:..... i t.. ideul. LAND ACT. 0 I1'' r MJUIIIi; Ul V'J'Jlrt UI1U 111 (Villi INatict of Inttnllen to Apply to Lia Land. past ten iIiiv.h the Itmil or men I. (!. Meltae, chairman of Ihe In rrlnr lluperl Land IHiroi. Kpford-I Mir ualiat.'!tifr i.1j 1 t i rtoiui 1 1.m i 1 1 tt house cniumillrc. n IT Iilnlrnt of :ot li in re S, and situate rince HuihtI llospilal staff, is I hi tiriiuiy .r I'ori Kinton. ii. r. to 8j al which figure it stood I. Lome Mel.nren and M. .1. ! Mrs. Bent has arrived In. : lake imtlee thai we. Julius Johnson and ilin; her parents here. M McNeil; Aid. Tbeo. Collar! i i Waller Nlenil. of I'orl F.f.tiiirton. II. C. yesterday on I lie hooks of J. mid; 'or.-iip(lon nshrnneli. InlriHl In apply for I ' ,.t.ul I ,.n...Mii,.i.l n-di'i.i., t,I ld. It. A. Mcl.cod appointed by; from Vancouver with a beautiful selection of rKhprmpn iprrnn-.i n in ieae ine tuiiowifijr nescriiiea ..ii. ...... iii 4 the ii2lA .1 cily eouncil;W. i:. (Allison.! lands 'ioiiiimni'lnfr at a poM planted al 1... a I i i 'j i v 1 1 1 Uf nil V'lHi; ov uu Miiitheast comer of Lot IS, nature 5. CoajJ 1 llllfiflil riir ti'itfl npa r.ii itia o i lvvti V and Ii. II. Mortimer, provincial i iiiuiiu awt -v.n,iT ' i inv iuii'Mi nilrlrl. ihenre northeaM i chains lo low water mark, theiiee tunitli S chains aln -'" " - governmenl ; Mrs, Jan is McLeod! low water mark, tlieare vni 3 chain to A. .1. fhillipson of I'rlnee Hu- Ladies' hlrh water mark. Ihenrr i chain alunx . . .. ,. ,- .loggers .sent to the Morgan and .Mrs. S. Darloii, ladies' aux-i THE INVERNESS CANNERY hlb water mark to point of commencement ii iia iii-vii iiuiiij some on Princess Iloyal Island iliary. ! equips and containing ',4 ai res, mure leas. or time in lown. CAMP at Dundas Is now JL'IJIS JOIIXSHS. are responsible for the improved Ir. I.. W. Kergin and Dr. .1. I'.j Highest prices paid WALTER MEMI. . .. .. . .. open. a n I:I! If., i 1 1 1 Cade are the lnipilal doctors. for Salmon and Halibut. Paled February JS. im. Applicants, It. II. Cairns, insp.-ctor or In- k""um".1 it is expeeted' that five or Major Oeo. Ii. (Hbson. secre ".'"rrow in sehoids, visited over Ihe Isix more men will he sent to the tary lo the board. NOTICE. ei'k-eiid at the home of Ihe Itev. A complete line of fishing Lingerie I Kelly camp at ('umshewa Inlet. Appeal to Public. implies, groceries,, oiled IS THE or an aiplirtlon for II. Young. Mr. Cairns preaclt- I lie lsue of a fresli iirnllrair or ilile to Men continue lo come and go in Ihe board invite Ihe public clothing, brass, bronze elec-Irit-al lluperl.Uil 10. Mora Map til.It. Section S. Cllr of Prince iu the Anglican church on search of jobs, reports Mr. Uamp- who desire lo lake a practical supplies, etc., al city Aorn.r. is nereuy riven tnat ii is inr Sunday morning. I bell. A fi'ature of the "situation interest in the ho"pllal to join prices. on Intention iimilli lo liue from after the tlx.II rn eipiralloii publiration of thai seenis difrieull to under- Ihe llospilal Associatbni. The in Silks, Satins, Crepe de chines, eta The ladies of ihe I'rc-bylcrian tiemif, a fresh rerlillrate of title ti the la I . . 1 I...J II-. annual fee is .o and lire membership 'Honest" Alw MaeKcnzie tuiive riH-iitloned property In the name of I...I.I :, v.'.v !.. Maiiu is iiiui ini-ii lire constantly J. Utliur lloadley, which rertlDcate of K'"iing ht.iii the prairies, where is $5o. To promote efficiency AH made in our own workshops. iii again on llic jolt as fish title is dated the 3rd March. 1915. and J In II... ,'l.i.rel, mi Salur.lav :.f. numbered 73 i I-I. there is plenty of iarni work the Hospital, Hoard i 'bucr. Iterittrar II. F. Macl.LOK.of Titles. ternouii. Children's and clothin; available.5 in "the coast where Ihelr very anxious for more people lo At Extraordinary Low Prices The entire camp is al your was a specially a splendid Land lleaistry imre. join Ihe association Ihus taking service. 'It'll us your wants. prince fltipcrt. B. C display was made. Afternoon chances "of 'gelling emiloment As we have moved our main office from Vancouver U list day of March. Hit. are more remote. II is said that a sensible inlerest in hospital lea was served. work. Prince Rupert this will enable you to buy goods mad up l some are' attracted by reason of A large supply of filtered The iiui'Mlion for (lie advertis. the fact that Ifipior is more easily II is the iiilcutou of Hie Hoard the' latest styles, In many cases, for less than you could bur I. .Mini in, of l.akelse having fuel always on hand. tr lo consider Is liow many people been successful in his examinations, obtained here than on the prair-i"' ,u"w ",0 ,,"!,l"ul OU1'" the raw material. read Hie paper. You can'l me pumic on iiospnai mjihjj. has secured Iho les. I lie placing or a nan on men set results witlioul circulation. appointment May 1 i, ror insiieclion iluring coming in from Hie prairies, as forest for Ter race ami as l.akelsi ranger district. suggested by Hon. A. M. Manson, Hie hours of p.m. and 5 p.m.. BENT'S LINGERIE SHOP mitiisler of labor, would be a good when men, women and children SKIRTS H.PATTINSON V.. C. Manning, head of the move Mr. Campbell thinks. of Ihe community air cordially THIRD AVENUE jits iicd lo pay the palieul and h'oreslry liepartineitl for the ills.' Advertise in Ihn OaJly New. nursing staff a visit. Electrical and Iriel paid Terrace a flying visit Ias week. THE LATEST Mechanical Engineer THE SMARTEST Dynamos, Motors Mrs. II. I.. Macintosh of I'rince Why Pay SO or 45 Cents for other patterns THE MOST ALLURING Magneto lluperl is visiling al the hoim Repaired and Rewound or Mis. ;. i:. Keith. When yon can get COME AND SEE THEM LOW IN PRICE Storage ed and Batteries Recharged Repair Mr. and Mis. o. T. Siindal lefl Pictorial Review IT h HIGH IN QUALITY Phone SOO P.O. Box 1 64 un Saturday Tor Ihe east where ? lliey expcc lo spend the summer. Dress Patterns mm m "DEMERS" Let Us Advise You The meal shop, formerly own tht httt, most stylish and most ed by Mr. Maker, has been bough) tconondctl of all patterns, at Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 with a lifcMiiie'ri evperi-eiiee by Mr. Callahan and II. Chandler, in al) braurlies of Ihe and is now doing business 2CF to 35' Diiildiug Trudu;. under Ihe new management. TO ALL Brickwork, Mr. and Mrs. I), 1). Muuro None Higher Stonework, have returned lo lown after having the wittier in Hie spent TRAPPERS! i4 child can layout Concrete, etc. ttOUlll. PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERN IMaus ami Hpeeifieations fi-ee to all our clicnl.s. Dev. Ir .11. II. (iruni or PatMxi Gating and ft Lei's till get together. I'rince lluperl aeeompailled by CwmimlMm Guide Ilae inside information William Watts & Co. his son Archie is spending Ihe ear that will benefit us. WRITE US AT ONCE Builders and Contractors week here. stfl i 10209 101st St., Edmonton, l'.O. liox BilU. Phone 482. Mr. and Mrs, A. Howe, Terract1 I Iib J Alta. (rfiee: KU7 Urd Ave. pioneer.l, left' on ; W ednesday for Jobbing Work of all Kinds. IJie easl. where" they Intend to make their future home. Bell a Crossed For Sale A. from Anderson Sinithers.returned on Tuesday YOUTHFUL of line amart and Summer atmple in frock rcliea for iu efTectiveneaa chiefly upon So. 9997 held .Ao. 104O Ni. 101T the charm of new materials. And not without tfo. 1014 Painters and Decorators Kervie-e was on Sunday Size 54 to H bust Si H tu it hurt reaaon, for thia year the makers of hit 11 tu 50 butt 10 tu ii yw" l.akelse Commun. sjmI ceiling in Hie PAPERHANGING Summer fabrics have outdone thcnael ves in l'racUcally new modem ily Hall fur the second time, Itev. rrratini designs of unuaual chic. Ging-' KALSOMINING residence in excellent retti-dcnliul T. J. .Mursli officiating. hma, particularly,anw the widest variety of modiih ptternr and swiaaes, linena 1're-war l'rlceu tteeliou, harbor splendid and cotton eponges are most attractive. Work neatly and quickly view. Cenlrut heating. (ieorge 1'owers hasi moved bis 1017 Size 36 requires: 0997 Site 36 requires! done. Offered ut less than Cuet. bake shop lo more commodious i'J. yds. 'dolled HvCisa This is i j'll?, ..Iijv OiniHiam ut C5r 318 Fifth Street Phone 477 quarters in the old Haven lies- ul SUc I.I yd. 30" plain Hinuliuin lauraul where he will have bet (fur fiiiiiiiijug band Agents for ler opportunity lo display JiU 3-H yds. Orgaudy'al'Jpc i , .'. .)5 Pictorial Review i-' yd. Oiganili ror colli1 Norwegian American Line Swedish American Line wares. 11-1 frilling ut 15. i.Oi) eiifr iiml jiiiekel tlllli' For your next Scandinavian I I'iclurial lleview Dresn week miiig at 75c American at J.. Jessen,, In ehargi,i of -ojl Lino. I'allerii .35 I I'icloriur llevlew Dv' Shoe Job drilling here, returned on Wed l-'iiidiiig8 . . . .50 I'a I lent .... Repair Oliver Cary Typewriters Safes nesday from Vancouver. JABOUR BROS. rinding try FIRE INSURANCE A i.W.V.A. busincs meeliiig Will cosl you coundele Will eosl you complete . J, C. EMERTON was held on Tuesday evening in Limited the 1'rincesH Ice Cream parlor Champion Shoe Repair Shop Dybhavn & Hanson PICTORIAL REVIEW MAGAZINES back to pre-war price, now 15c, $1.50 for 1 year's subcriptn limad Mock, Third Avenue Third Avenue IK you wbh lo make yourself WITH EVERY DRESS LENGTH OF ANY KIND OF MATERIAL PURCHASED THIS WEK, heard, do it through Ihe newspaper "Repair while you wait" Prince Rupert, B. 0. with the guaranteed cir-eulalion A PIQTORIAL REVIEW PATTERN WILL BE SUPPLIED FREE II i ius'miHy HUdible