. i a inn ,i,l.iy vh) THI DXHTf BTWB s&zi mm a bar forcpd a enrnor without re-sull. SCOTS DEFEATED ii b iii ' n-w a nnmplipll, of ihp Oallfps. Chat was rnnlliniHlly In Hie limplicht Sport j iPillipr rhppking Hip finn' rijrht BY ENGLISHMEN winfr Ipadinp off ullnrk DAY or nn on Tlierp are trick In all trades SUIT 1 1 ho t'.nllies' IpTI. Kiiif-'lioi-n (rieil bill when fl ciimen In solf tricks la Iomk shot al Slockdaln lint loe Klrkwood, Hip AuMrnllan Sons of England Earned Victory willioul result aiid wilhin a few Cppfi champion, .show Hip of 2 to 1 Over Calllss can iniinup l.nnjhp fon-pil .MnrMn world soniPtbins. TIip. Australian SATURDAY Game Loose In Places. lo leavp hi ronl to avert dan- slar is loiirins the Pnlted Slalps 'piIKRE'S nothing to per. Hip irliet was only sliorl, with Hip equal Ilpforn a hirjfn rrowd of ppc. intention of Irylns for ZamBuk for ending the fiery lalors at Ilic .Pro;,olis liroiind Altuie ,-iain Iryinsr Mnrlfn with Hip Pnilpil Slnlps open title al pain of a scald or burn, the smarting last iilsrhi. Hip ropri'.spnlnlivi'. or a Ions liot, Tli p. I3allles ijow i.lncaso this summer. IIU uni We have too many of a cut or scratch cr the sore, llip llosp iipjpvf( Hi,.It- creali-si eanie jiiorp. into the Kanip tui Hip que fpats havn aroused mi lillle ness and tenderness of a bruise, ilpslrp and yid l)n'ir lonjr ib'hiyf'd forward w-prp rather sbiw to inleri'st anions the solfers Iip Suits, so are going to ! fnree tionip Hip attack, Andri'ws sprain or strain. rPVPIljrn ovi-r Hip j,.ys (if Hip has alrpady iiipI. Hut more important! Zam-Buk's Th Mb wliPn llipy won U'ip-Spii, missing some filolous opfiorliin-IHp.s Kirk wood enn perform sppfn-instly make Saturday Suit powerful antiseptic and germicidal lor I.paeup sui-cnr fxfiir J,y H to make headway on the impossible, tricks with Ii qualities insures against all pfl.. hurintr Ihp spI nf attack ?olf hall Day. danger ii m j i, , ,,,, zfluw was and a puller, mashlc of an injury going "the wrong iml' nearly as frnod as many Kilday srored bill the rpferpp's or driver. Hp can drop a half way." Therefore, keep Zam-Buk olhpr prpvloiis slru?fip-l IipIwi-pii whistle liad sfitiniled previously do.pn balls in a straight line Give you SPECIAL always at hand and use it IIipsp oIi rivals ami obiy al arid Hip. point was disallowed. and with a mashic pitch the promptly on Parquliar made a ffrcal. try from PRICES all your limps was ihvidi'illy Ioosp.ImiI, farthest one into the hole pre on Hie line and immediately afterwards laKfn an in . i 1P srins i.r cisely arid thus continue down Cuts & I'.iiyluiul Wpi-p i-iiip,r in n.ir -Inrk bad to briiijf Tinker Hip linn until all disappear wilh Men's Suits down outside Hip viplory ovpc Hip ChIMp. Just area to in Hip I -It inch can. Hp also avert danger. Tin' free kirk 'riippaiiis liitpi) up us follows: can pull his hall against and You need a new luoiiylil result and the no ("allies Bruises from the sons of Kiiiami n: sr7.pk- lip of Hip cup, drivins ilalo; II. l W.'urnioiilli ami A. liroke away on the rilit but the near ball away and bpling and all other injuries. Besides ferrp; C, Miirispll. f(. KpIspv and Sloekdale. sjlfely iieyolfaleil Se-Inr's his own. Ilowpver Iip can ttp Spring Suit. soothing and germ-killing properties, I-;, firyss; A. K. Paul, p. A. purlins effort. Ilelurnins neithpr of IIipsV stunts in com Zam-Buk is endowed with HoliPils. (i. p. TiiikPr, II. .M. . Alilehpll iii.'iiIp progress , Iml )iM petition. Hp itprforms them al it now! Buy powersof healing and skin-renewal I.ailihp ami .1. l-'arniilnir. renlre was elearpd leiuprtrnrlly, calculated .iHlaiices, so that Ions never found in fatty old-style Callifl.MW. Vain finally pultins pa-l. At and delieatn louch It. Mil rl In: I'. I. prnclicp a salves or mineral ointments. Hip olher eim lllis.s -iiUi'd '.Aihlioll Come and see us on floss and I). X. .lank; i. U'. Ali-iol, make Hip work exact, whilo' in a Tee Sample Boxes Made solely from rich and rare A. Kliitriiorn and .1. M. Ii:hI to look lively ,lfi averl dail.'-CITfi'Olii iPSiilar ni)nd the ball milt. bp herbal Zam-Buk is ilie Sfins' left Iml lloli-i.'FIh Saturday 9t tki trtmt haUrttnd$kin remitljt! extracts, (JaniplM'll; V. ('., Alili-lipll, (, plnypil from nil sorts nf positions Stud tf Mta f'ir tfturt folatri, Nature's most powerful and sue-ce.'sf Hlfi l. Main. wasted I.auilip's pass by on llm I -"n fool ' tenont-fi ICIIday mid mud gut tttfiifft mimf mnd Zanfflitk dte nf C'tf thi$. tiutont ttaptr, ul remedy for eczema,pimples, .1. I'. Andrews. -1. iiulllii liver Hip.bar, ,1'fom ,Iip Lrppl All Wool Tweed or , Toronto. 3 box, $ for 1.1S boils, bad legs, poisoned sores, Soa1t'Ji'it-k, Main, hVniislil J he ball mU drttggtttM anJ UaUr$. V. II W'illisrivifi was rpfpipp. 'I'lirt i a I ifi I!n it e Ii ii ni tnwi n 1 ii ringworm, piles, ulcers, etc. ..,..n W I ,,1I?',;.A,'"L' .'i""Ml..lh was Worsted Suits First Half. , oan olin,. ..,, nn TIip CalllPs won Hip Ifiss and SIVHI noHilns away cleanns nP i."J ooiiin........... ..y-.l.T.,,iriui, ii .ni. his linps in jrrpal Aflr pIppII-iI In ilpfpud Mm lower wrml, syp. a slraicht faced puller, but his NY THR LLS N Tinker oi.iMiin Hip irnine fur iiiiii end to end play, I lip ?umn truly native trick is Hip boom-erans ! LOCAL NEWS NOTES thp sons. Uie opeiiin- was fert raiiie to a finisl .tin score still ball.," In Ibis pieep of FILM "A WISE FOOL" slandlns i to I in favor of Hie $19.50 lurpilj by Ioosp play on holli Ipscrdemain hp cuts, or sives . A. Murk I in vii.. a pAmrnizpr ides but Hip Sons WPI'P Hip i:n?lis'imen( tin ball so much back spin that and Alice Hoi-1 "I Viiiin.Hypr ln nihl on il.o fiwl li make hpsfdway, Tinker The Players. Hip pellet is hurled. l)ish in Hie Klrkwood I j-i irn-f ni'iirjii'. (loins Hip Ipailiii?. I'ariihar was. Por Hip wiuner-i Slockilalp air only In fall at bis feet. This $23.50 lister In Leading Roles forreil o pul nasi tiv doss and kepi a sood soal and rereiveil is. an exassrralinn of Hip cut .Miss levi'r:ll was a passcngrr anibp had llio fist real try at JM'Plll UIIMrl fwini -llis Jiacki', pilch played by all experts. Iciwlv dranialic ami fhrill- on i'i" I'rhicn' (!coi-jf lust nijrfit .Marlin Iml Ids ran?P wan a lilllp. Wcariuoutli excetliiis. .Ml Hip A Him' J'imiI," a I'nra- for Vancouver. widp as was llolierls' a mlniilp half barks were- poml, Mauscll Klrkwood is sood. but hp $33.50 nl ti l ii 1 1 1 ii uf Sir Uilbi-rt aflerwilliN. llesiillins from n n-lliais beitis Hip nic alHionsb ienls uiore successful than olh- uri 1 1. ,...I. i -f'l...' 11,...... .Mi. Aliri' .Monrocur Iffl foul awarded close in, Hie Sons bis play was soinewbal inarred;er players when it pomes lo com Iit whirli will hi' linvn at tju I'rjni'n Ocoryp lasl niyhl forppil their first pornpr but al liiiiei by qtiesliiniable tactics petition, lie can discover the $45.00 .'niliii' 'riiraln- loninlit a biisiiii'ss trip In Vanfoiivi'r. lark rlpared ami Hip Callie fif Hie. forwards, 'Pinker, Parqu- cut necessary In" brins Ibe ball tomorrow'. JaiiicH Klrkwimd made prosress iiiaiulv Hiroii-.'li bar and l-nnlie were Hip bpst,iiack In him, hut when il comes ln-i' 1 1 1 1 1 1 wt t- 1 1 nvc tin" load. W. 'l.awler. of I lie Oiieen Clnir Kiblav and Main. Hip liiller josl Hie rigbl iwins iM'injf weako eslimalins Hip back spin ne-Ihrouyhniil mien. lotlp slslands. was a nassensrpr '"'""'" ""' Jf"a' 'inrrowly from Hie same, i Paul's cessary to drop it dead lo the In' i-ctil rn I i liariicliT is Jonn for Hie south on I lie Prine.. " ,','"SH by Mitchell. Conl inuin? only redeemins featuro. was (beiin from varyins distances that Martin O'REILLY '(in II..mil..I..inn I.. .. i l.'nAnjli i "miiiii"I'...... !eorse lust niirhl Ibeir spell .of nllack. Kilday let scorins lif a poal. . jiniisl tm measured by Ibe eye. In liliiliiiiilii'i' who nil but o-in Andrews nway on Hip pfl and, Caiiiidicll. Jaek Kjbl.iy and lis up asainst .a diffprenl prnpo-Main cari'ir Ikthuso ff bis -Mrs. flat I ray, of Any-.x, was l'r"i" nh-rty, Ppars Ipsled were Hip liesl for Jim Oul- slllnn. anions Hip soiilhtiouml t..-....o. M'"kdab' who proved lo be all Iie hot Ii Martin and lloss, in Anotber "Mini that theoretically iiiil and Minn- or tln-iii ex. Horn fi'mri ltii itmllit ti n Ihcrp. Midfipld play followed but the defence havjiiR been . seen catls for perfect, play is lo 'l.assins.ihmusii the cilv on it... !"" finally worked bis way on oilier occasions Iji betlerad-vanlasei drive a ball oft a walch face or I liy Sebastian Dolores I he I'rinc ;eorse last nicbi. she I1"" "'' -'"'''-icrrilory and, jlTe nflTer pspfTMaTfynot from beneath I lie foot of a per Brand . - Irpit-iiio- In l.'rtliiulinn II... I..11,.- re.arhius liis li i u It slandafd of son, but that merely requires ex. j Supreme llm ' " "in.-r x'r nf (iaraiiMi, and cin- on I pi way to Hip (Md Ijniin.ir . try( on i holiday visfr. nuceii a corner with Mile pront last ear.i .Miichi'll played well actiipss in (tin. trajrclfiry of the nf drama, pal bos, humor ' I from ' Hip flas kick, however. for his firs I Senior game and club, and a slice or hook inls'il' Al the 'N"1 "" ''"niwl, the Sons ip-Iloar.rtield will improve; Sellar. was just result if Hip club hpad follnwi'd iiiiiiiiinily. It has the cnni- n.eetins of the School last nishl fl was ,p- ll,n"''1 ""' I,,,"rk r'v"n 11 a shad,i slow but Audnnvs was or preceded the. hands, respec- FRESH COFFEE FRESH eide.l lo-ensas'S 'im':ly ''"n"'" fror" Ki"-,l"'""-. Ihe failure 4if (lie (uillle(r and lively. .ROASTED ROASTED Miiiiis wiiif-n ihiiv inn si ri'i'ii an addillofial "'" into Ihe same to open diil not come up In expectations Kirk win id also can pul an ex-al i'. II is a rPfbTlInn nf teacher for. (he llish School ,n ' 10 """' wllh " "f"""'' "" all, i tended slice or hook on a hall. n or ijiictipc anil a- still the person,r (J. A. WoOdworth, The Coffee "that has 'em all beat" I'lil-iuicms and intimate of r.i.iliiw.iet win. i- m nr '' "ver Marllirs head. Where, the Sons bad the, ad-'a play that is also used by .lock lio i leei.inim, in ii i- tit 'The Rallies now 'bad a spell oflvanlasP ovi the Scots was in Hutchison, British open cliam- n J The coffee that is real and tastes so. ul lis iM'iiple, 'flu' support versily. His salary here will lm ul,n,'k, '"' par.mrulh always speed and Ihey certainly used pion, .lame!. Harries, I'nited mm f Rich and Mellow.. .)-tio .averted da user and w-ilhin, a few.lhal In adyanta :c. i.Slales open tillp boldpr, and , iminutes Hie Sous .were asain many olher .members or hip (iro-fpssional s"cpsfu. Crass letlins circle, well the cup. flu. na.iaiiier. or ii... i-.ooir.. TinkPivi BASEBALL sidfinj? as LIBERALS LAST EVENING aski'd JIip School Hoard al Hip (III ( 11 K 1 1' Willi i II Mi! I'.l-. Wl II a prominent amateurs. ORDER A POUND TODAY! which beat .Martin the fur ("ontinued from I'age One.) uippIIiis to hold lasl nishl HiPir annual for permission children's second he,3 fiat. 'Phis pul morn life AMERICAN LEAGUE. Miss Ivy llawke, a uineleen GIVE DADDY A TREAT II? IL 1111 IOMllllft lo wlllll 111 11111 'puli'i'lnliimrnl in. ihp inlo Die same and the (".allies, DelroiT. .; Ilosion, :l. vpar-old l.hndon sirL who al Soltl only in in one pound airtight cartons Weslhidiiu' Theatre- nfler .forcins) a corner, scored. Chicaso, I ; New York. I. ready, has ninny remarkable on . Kmpirc 'kii uiiirsris iiiLfs wiurii iiiiui Andrews pTacins the ball to per-feci Cleveland, 5; Philadelphia, 1, water fpats to bet- credit, has also Day, May 2i, Juv I ho cooperation was working tr liardshlp on of Hie board and the ion, Kilday. beat Sloekdale SI. I.otiis. T;- Washihstnn, :i added her name In the list of STEWART & M0BLEY, LTD. close In. After Hip Sons bad NATIONAL LEAGUE. .. lo aspirants iiisiricl when' all but one nf leaehliur staff. This was sranl- men and women ed. forced an abortive corner, the Brooklyn, il; 1'iHsTiiirs, 12. channel-swlinhiins' fame Ibis Coffte Importeri and Roasters first half rami" n a finili wild New York, 0: St. I.ouis. 2. PRINCE RUPERT . pri'veiiled from working Hip Sons leadius lo t. Philadelphia, I I; Chicaso,. t). summer. -' Miss llawkeMTowned a number If A. A. Cox. Hip huildins ex- Second Half. WESTERN INTERNATIONAL perl nf Vancouver, who recently of notable,- sjvjniinlhs achieve On rcsuuiiiis Die Callies inline, P.ilmnnlnn, i'; Vancouver,- il. rendered a report on (h Booth nienls in Ibe. Thames last year school does not arrive In the Jialely forced Ibe same. Abbot nalpary, 12; Tacoma, 5, thy swimmins ;in the water for On Log Embargo I bavins a sood Iry for K"al, COAST LEAGUE. cjly on Wednesday as origiually over twelve hours, royeruis ji ii. r i m tin in ui mi i-;is the anacklflnishins with Mileh- Sim .'i-n neiseii ft- :ill l.iile Ti I planned, Hip School Board al Ibe distancu of 2."i miles. Wliei :n ii'iii.i.. i ii... i ri: ..r ii... Seallle. 1. Hath uieelins last nishl instructed elt pultins fast. Offside spoilt 5; Vernon, onlv fiflpen 'years of apir she Lumber - Secretary Vance lo wire. him. a sood chance for Hie- Sons hill I.os Anseles. (1 ; Sacramenlo, 1, wnii tho Ions dislancn. event pro. individual how- ralurnlns lo the nltack Parqu-1 Portland, I: Oiikland, 9. ciisp would, Mr. Cox is to Milium plans and moled hv Yin?; Surrey Indies specifications for the repairs of Swimmins Club ami ban fidlow &d 1'incjpiP was not to allow the Hip school. eii no that success by firiihjnt Shiplp-Boards Tirsl eve.ry year, siiiee. no ii i i ..-ill.:.. ii... .....i --ii.in niiinii lllli llil- Dimension WIRELESS REPORT l minister said lm hoped VIVIAN MAftTIN LOVES Thoroughly Alh' Dried anil 'Stored,--UndK-tUivie" " lie 1 1 l'i iv l ll r-1 ii I crovni'iinieiil 8 aTm. ''I thai ils office Hie I,,nresent h, new court block caliu;HP.AI)barometer,TIlP.i: POINT:".).!)-;Haloids;-leiu-peralure, SiiiiwifflCAKESloiib FIRST SCREEN BABY Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding 'I'l lie nut on llm Mini-L-el fin- C.; sea smooth. I i 1 1 Vivian Marlin has her first Ill'l.l, HAHKOU - Overcast. '""si liiirposes. Askrd by Mr. screen baby in "The ns of Ibe and Finish "ms when Ibis misht bo ex- calm; haronieler, .IO.V'0; teinper-alure, Va Product of C&nd4 tJ Soul." Mehsinore Kendall's nnd ill, Mr. p,,Unit,. u,.i.i iiini 17; light swell; 7:4!i p. in., first Chambers' iltobPil W. pro SPRUCE LATH It known that nrjo llv ....... ........ Jefferson .'III I miles from was many years yeast Vllliiiin ...,i r siioke is an excellent thing for the many ills that iluelinn starr lis Miss Martin. , hut as soon as they improved Scallle northbound; 7;.'iD p.m. result from disordered stomach or rundown "And it's a very ciitn baby, too;" Manufactured In Prlnoe Rupert and selling at Lowest Price properly -would likelv lin nut spoke Canadian Observer abeam blood condition. Lately eminent scientists she says, "and I am quite in hive f"f sale. KgS Island norllilioiind; 1 1 ": Itave been investigating the matter thoroughly p said Hint lie . .. it." was wilh f 1 I'll V fit- of II... i .i: . p.III., spoke I'lllicess .Miuy in and their conclusions point to the "The nf the Soul," which PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. .MHhniik Sound northbound. fact that the beneficial effect of yeast has not Sons " of all other sppculalivc been overrated. The yeast treatment is very was directed by John W. Noble, calm, ISLAND Cloudy, ""it in the eiy Kmiar IHOHY simple and economical - and altogether who also adapted it from Ibe Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 381 ""'i' n that Hiey would bo put barometer,sinoolb..'Ki.'.'O; leinperalure. liarmless. story by William J, Locke, has "' luxation IImis provlns of Hi; sea Before each meal eat a Royal Yeast Cake, an unusual movla theme, Thu l fH In IfiOTjly. Noon. or take a cake dissolved in water or fruit heroine is u blind Kill, played by l'Jti:i: Cloudy; POINT DP.AD Juices. The scientific investigators thai Election say Miss Martin, ami the role, sives Imp of Delegates southeast lisM wind; barnineier, the curative elements in Royal Yeast are DONT TELL US YOUR SIZE, ASK US TO "FIT" YOU delpsales nrp lo bo went to 2H.U7; leinjierulure, 11; ea the vilamincs and nucleln which it contains. her an exceptional opportunity to SPECIAL ALL THIS WEEK pson convention next Niiiooth. It is certainly well worth a fair trial by display her emotional talent. Kb'VPii niPinbPrs of Hip IIAIIIIOU OviTt-ust, those who sutler from any of the ailments Prlli l.piher plays opposite. Miss MEN'S DRESS SHOES, light weight (vrled. black jmir 86.75 hi' nil.... . BUM, J'- mentioned above. Martin in this fioldwyn release, Wo liuvo juisl. rrceived a shipment diivct from Mngland of southwesl wind; barnineier, 20; temperature, IU; lilfbl iwell. m Send name and address for free booklet 1 which comes to lh Pmpress ROYAL COLLEGE FOOTWEAR for men, made in Northamp. DIOBY ISIiNND - - llainuis, Royal Yeast Cakes lor Belter Health." Theatre- tonisht and tomorrow-. ton, KiiRland. .Medium toe, all kIzos. To introduce this line, I Iiosp special price of S9.25. chOse '-lymoiif. calm; bat eler, 30.1 R; leiiipejv I W. P.. Williams. atuip, 17; ea sinoolb; i:l! a. WnmiPX.LWGILtETIOOMPOTHIED TORONTO,CANADA. h,tmai.. Urv, P. Cassllls Kennedy, head FAMILY SHOE STORE Pllarl, fleorgo Jobnslone, in., spoke sleaincr princess -ii.. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' '.HMffHH'W of the Aniorioiin Jupauese Miss, Our Tool Comfort Rervlco Dept. Is rapidly gaining opprovnl of "ill. I'.. 11. Mnrllmer. Oiler Mary dun I p.m. northbound; ." jv.v-y. ions for llrlllsh Columbiii, is Hie tho ptiblio. If you buve any minor foot Iroublm at all don't Mail ley 1 . Pnrl;i.i' Dr. W 0:15 n.in. spoko Venlura du fl kupsI of Archbl-ihori and Mrn, Di full to call in nud Bee u. , Vorne(. -w-.. ,,ul OlMI, in, northbound,