For a Taxi, phono 07. tr Local Canada's FavonFe Pipe Tobacco and Personal Cash for Victory llonds. Til 08. SUCCESSFUL McClymonl. tf . . . . Goorgo Leek, Auctioneer, Out Flowers4. Pol Plants. III 9 bloom. Cily Market. f tf SOCIAL FUNCTIONS. Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 548. (Jame Warden Marlln life.I 11. C. Uiium takers. Phone 11. IT lasl nighl'for Sw.uiHuit May. The successful society inn I roil tei' llial. ill order" Id Hayners, Undertakers. Phone 'l".-L' filoytlon Inspector of ,.iril(.1lll lUT portion II U.y (.ai,.. SH. msl fow 301. tf linnet, J itiL.' I night on the fiMtlllll ell dclilied lines: ,ini lj( f0,.K,;t (,c - fi ill,, . Veil In re foitJTirf Inlet. 1 1 n i 1 1 1 nhls I limy mean the dilTcrcnre between llic More meat for your money. '' Oily Market. 111 II I rellirneil home H k,,.,, uceess or failure nf her alfair. '. . brief business trip probably you intend holding a whist drive ami dahre, abridge Sons of Canada "special niecl-lug lull),' .' Mr.llryant will return ll f-ltu n.Ki-tl pally, an "aL homo" Thursday,,, March 0 al H p. later.. nr or a, birlhday parly In , - " , , m. .' -. o The Tobacco of honor r a daujijilcr or friend. If sit, ymi will reiiiri: dance f ' . V. ii. Slieplierd. travelling ami. Quality programs, tally ra-d, place Viirds, bridge score or flvc-huii-ilinl .lames Cowie' lett on this iioi"(ur (hp (lamidian .N' pads as 1 1 MM' limy lie. In any race, whatever yulir morning's Main enroule for Liverpool, Itailwhys, arrived loilay from riMpiii-iMiMjiil.M, consult ii heroic Imyin elsewhere.. Wo t.u,.,.y Kiiglaml, Vancouver. " WIRELESS REPORT an cjecllenl slock of arlislie designs, unexcelled material, and i no uccves vacuum Cleaner The Loyal, (trtler of Moose will al a reasonable price. costs only ij.iMi and nothing hold n , Wliisl Drive and Dance 8 a.m. (o operale. Phone lllack 700. tf on Vedues.;iy, March H, in the Di:.D I'llKK POINT- Ilaining Lumber & Lath Melropole. Jliill at k:30 . light .soulheasl wiliil; harometer. Launch "Pachena" for Stewart .10.10: lemerature '!": sea Thursday morning at 8 a.m. Mrs. II. Cameron and her smooth. from Swanson's ' Boalhousc, daugliler'feluriied on the I'rtiict HULL IIAIUIOIl - Overcast Shiplap-Boards and Phone Red 391. lluperl frcmi-a trip to Vancouver light soulheasl wind; barometer: and oilier eillf's in the soulli. an.12; temperature,. 3H; sea Dimension Mrs. II. Lamli arrived iii thi. smooth; III;.), spoke cily on lasl night's train from Kenny Allen, operalor at tin steamer Anyox abeam llclla 1 1 1 1.-1 Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored Under Cover D"i n and is registered at the Weslholinef Tbeatri', accompanied In ii.m. soulhboiiml; lo:,'ii ( ; llolel Prince Ilupert. by, his'inolher) Mrs. S. .1. Sliapley, splice steamer Prtiice lluperl due ' , sailed on (lie enluro for Van Prince Ilupert al 1:30 Wednesday Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding Specials in Columbia '" .Mr. and Mrs, ,1, K. Cordon of couver. afternoon. Terrace, passed Ihroiigh the cily DMillY ISLAND Ilaining. and Finish today from boat lo train- re It. lireenfielil and son saileil southeast gale; baromeliM'. '-'!.-TiU; Grafonalas & Records turning home after a brief visit lasl niyht oh the Venluie for teniperalure, :ti); sea rough. SPRUCE LATH to Seattle. Vancouver; Mr. (ireenfiehl i Noon. the cornel lei. in Ihe Westhtdine DKAD IHKK POINT Ilaining. Manufactured in Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices to clear iskcena lliver arrivals in - Ihe Orchestra. calm; barometer, 30.01 ;' temper-aluri.'iO; cily last night included I'.. V ... Hi. One $95.00 Grafonola for $75 l.iylor, Port Kssinglnn; II. W. Ihe Pythian Sisters will hold III I.I. llAltllOll-OvercasI,sea si lijrhl PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Chambers. Inverness, nnd Ocorge a .Whist Drive and Dance on soulheasl wind'; harometer. MO.-01: One $55.00 $40 it ray, Siinnysidc. Thursday, March 1) al K:ao in the lemperaliire. :il): light swell. Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 . K. P. Hall. Come along ami have DKillY ISLAND Ilaining One $75.00 $60 V. .1. Ilooney, superintendent a good time. D(! southeast rale: baroineler. 20.12: nj einiipineiil for (In- Canadian lemiieralure, ;i 1 ; sea rough. Records, 85c for 65c; $1.50 for $1.10 National llnilwny Telegraphs, arrived .1. JIiiwh Adams, the Smilhers All other Records in proportion. We wish to clear last night from Kdinoiiton druggisl, j-ettir'ned lotlay from n REGISTER CHILDREN j i Mil II WW I 'IIM i"WB II Ml ui a trip o inspection. brief liusiness trip to Vancouver out this line. I 1 H X M n r rV-1 JLL. " ' - " " . and conliuued his trip home ATTENDING DANCE HALLS! Are you in the market for Columbia Agency? Olof Hanson, a member of the on the casthouiid train. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY local delegation to Ottawa, has returned West, 11,. came as rains SASKATCHEWAN NEEDS CALlSAIIV. Mar. 8. Ileginlrn-lion S. S. PRINCE RUPERT will sail Wednesday 10:00 p.m. for ORMES LIMITED Smilhers on yesterday's train of children under Ihe age of Anyox. Thursday al II p.m. for Swanson Hay. Ocean Falls, and will reach Ihe cily .tomorrow 3500 MEN FOR SEEDING 18 years attending public ilanei Powell lliver, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. Phones 82, 200 and 134 halls in i slricllv .Calgary now night. S. S. PRINCE ALBERT for all points Northern and The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store enrorceil' by. the local police. Southern (Jueen Charlotte islands, March 15 and 27, for II. Ilchnseu, L. Ilehnsou and Women for Housework Will Also Children under age miisl be accompanied Stewart. March 10 and 30. Be In Demand But Wages by parent or lega' S. 5. Ilehnsi.'ii, tif Victoria, n th Train Service. rived today m I lie Prince Ilu-perl Lower. guardian, and before admission is Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY ami SATURDAY al 11:15 from Victoria enroule lo granted register Ibeir name ami i. m. For Sm'lhers. Prince Georg';, Cdmonton and Wimu-peg. tWe. have on haricL-a. .very limited Stewart where llicy have mining IIKiilNA. S.isk.. .March 8. In that oT the parent or guardian in making direct connection for all points In Kaslern interests; '" " - ' nulif ipalion;l bv.lween ;tlKM a,.book kepi for thai purpose by Canada ami United Slates. supply of Mini .'15(111 men will be requirei the licensee of the place. Infringement Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. O. Jl. fiilhcrl, broker and in for seeding operations on Hie if this regulation City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue Phone 260 sural ailjiisler, relumed llil farms in Saskatchewan, Ihe bu leaves the proprietor liable under reau of labor is laying its plan mitruiiig it) ins Home In I e react a city liytaw. lo provide1 la annum! (,f help Edson Coal after having made some insnr for Ihe this farmer coming sea nice ai.uusiineiiis in iiie cily as FULLER'S SPECIALS i res nil of recent fires. son, H is aiiuounceil here. Tin sGLl CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY estimated number of men re- which we are offering at the I he llelniel, Willi'H.OIMI piiljuds iiired is aluml' I he average of Pure Honey, 5 lbs $1,75 d.l. toast services the uasl few years. Ontario Cheesi of halilml. was the tmlv fishinu per lit. 25c At a recenl convention of la- Niamch Clams, tin. eliooner per 15o following prices reaching port today. Her calch is Indding over ami ir Imreau officials Ibe siliialiou Kagle Loh.slcr. i 's. each.. 25o Sailingsfrom PrinceRupert MINE RUN, in bulk t1 fl 7 there will be no sale al the Kx- with respect b women help was Iliucherrie.s. per tin ... 25c For Ketchikan, Wrangcll, Juneau and Skagway per ton, delivered yl O hauge until Friday morning. so thoroughly canvassed by the Acadia Codfish, 2 lb. box.... 50c March 10, 20, 31; April 10, 21. - women In charge of this branch King Oscar Sardines, 2 for. .. 35c For Victoria and Seattle SCREENED LUMP, sacked of the work al Ibe various depots Dry Salt Pork,' lb. ... 30c Vancouver, M O II. I. Mc.Vaunhlon, the pew per March 4, 15, 25; April 5, 14, 25. delivered A w.OU lislrict of Ihe province.. II was the con- Christie's Sodas, tin . .. 65c per ton, V ageul for lie Caiiailiau per S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butcdalo, Swanson Bay, eiisus of. opinion thai the de National Kriiikle Corn I'lakes . 10c Itailwa)', arrived las East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell First Come, First Served nighl from llegina to lake iiii mand for girls and women on 'resli (iroiiiid Coffee, a lbs, $1.00 River and Vancouver, Saturday at 1 Hie farms will be about the. every p.m. same Ihoice his Dairy Itiiller, ,'l lbs $1.00 duties new here. (i. I'. ,oiu- ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. lon. cily passenger agent, leaves is last year, but Dial the pre Agency for all Steamship Lines. tomorrow night for Australia vailing wages would be lower. Pull information from Phones 116 and 5G4 domestics ANNOUNCEMENTS W. C. ami New Zealand where he will ,ast year, from the ORCHARD, General Agent, become general nassenaer iiaenl. old country were iiuolcd :in a Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B, C. month, bill this year il is the SI. Andrew's Sale of Work and intention to offer fj.'t. Home Cooking. April 3. SI. Au- I'lie winner of Ihe Jjri.oti' -;idd Irew's Hall. piece, which was placed in the FIRE! FIRE! i:ieclric Window Hakcrie.s' bread FIVE AT ONE BIRTH Ladies last week end, was agaiu won by- The of Hie lloyal Purple DENTISTRY Sale ol fancy Work and Mrs. K. Olsen, Pacific llooms. Hie haw I round and we Know jusl what Saskatchewan Cow Makes Record Homo Honking Tuesday, II. '.I'lie Inspeelors u The previous week Mr. Ols.en April Don't neglect your teelh, Ono decayed or missing tooth But None of yoll need I') prolci-l our walls, pnrlilions ami ceilings. iiurchnsed Hie ducky loaf from Progeny Live. lowers your vitality. Vfe.rriaKo ASH BARRELS and everything for your protection Ihe Klrclric Window Itakfries The Ladles' Aid of Hie Presbyterian ItlXilNA. March 8. A record Church will bold Hazuar against fire. u store Third on Avenue, while lasl DR. BAYNE which will stand. Tor some time April 12. week Ihe purchase was made in (heanimal world was recently Rowe's Sheet Metal Works fritm the lluperl Table Supply created by a Saskatchewan row The Klks' Annual Kaslcr Nov Rooms 4, 5, C, Helgerson Block Phone 109 Company. II was, therefore, by when Ollice Hours: Mornings, 0-12; Afternoons, 1:30-5:30; Phone 340 she gave birth to five elty Hall in the Auditorium Fri- I lie most remarkable coincidence Lvenings. 7-9. calves, all normal, weighing lay. April 21. ! mat airs, utsen camo to pur. aooui .in pouun each. This cow chase I lie lucky loaf for I hi- sec. a pure bred Jersey, gave birth to oud lime. D-X IT ,Jur frozen burring halt la conceded by fishermen three normal' calves last year. Dl 1 0 i,0 n,e finest procurable at any Paclflo Coast The performance is, somewhat I Phone 15. Peter Black, Agent, Main Office Hotel Central Port- and it Is "Fishy." Price, $30 per ton. ilelracleit from, in the fuel Unit Do You Need PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO NO. 15 at any time, day or night. Tim best way of insuring a good quality trip is none of tins years litter of There will always be some one to take them. d t0 1UVU plenty of our hard froen ice. Price, calves lived. This was tint- to tl per ton, tlie mother cow taking- fright, al An Umbrella Prince Rupert Coal Company Aiji(( Our well-euuipped store enn supply fishing gear, a train and running for over a vuuiia fishermen's clothing, groceries and provisions mile a few day's before giving Exclusive Representatives Ladysmlth-Welllngton, Pembina, nd hardware. Id nil to the five. ihe cow is We have umbrellas for both Peerless and Yellow Head Coals. owned by Ilidlis Williams, of dress ami Tor servioe. NEW ENGLAND FISH Company Lstini, south of llegina. We also have a really remarkable ' line combining Yellowhead Coal Ketchikan, Alaska Branch OFFICE-BOY PSYCHOLOGY service and quality with fashionable appearance. On Dock Delivered two olfice lioys met outside these e are selling at $7.50! LUMP, Bulk $11.00 $12.50 Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE J1EAUTY OF TIH3 SKIN that Ihe palatial was reputed'offices In of lie a worth firm as Some high were as $10.originally priced LUMP, Sacked 11.75 14.00 1 the natural rii-alrn of evai'y woman, millions, ami which employed You should ail MINE RUN, Bulk only 0.75 11.25 anil la obtain liii by Ilia una ol Dr. 2,000 a yourself of NUT, Sold in Carloads only .... S.50 Cliuau'aOlmmi'iit. over people. . Vliiuilua,bUvklieaila. this DENTIST roiiKlinuaa ami ri-rtnuaa of tlw akin. Said Ihe first boy; '"lUlo. Diekl npporttiuif Analysis l ived Carbon, 111.2 per cent; volatile mailer, ;i7.l tlw irrUalloii akin U and It'll aofl,oreema aniootli dlaapiifar.and voWoly.ana oleher lookiu' at the orfice John percent; ash, 0.0 per cent; moisture, 3.8 per cenl; sulphur, Visit his Offico Rooms 7 and 8 Smith All l.linlli'd,diwlart,'I'nmnln.or Kdmanaon.Hainplit UtUt fns &if Wot sacki'il voll liisl wiek fory Bulger, O.tO per cent; 11. T. U. air dried, 1 1.050. Block or phone for an appointment. -Phone M,udou t)i 8 w)i r Are yer Jryiu' lo. gtt took hack.?" The Jeweller This is a High flradc llilumiuous Sleamlug Coal, especially " 575 His friend suirred. suitable for lliuli Pressure I toilers and Furnaces. Tlio lump Olllco hours: y-12, t In 0 and 7 to 9 "No bloomin 1'earlY ,Ji. said, is a very Superior Stove Coal. Let us send you a trial load of evenings. "I just dropped roun' o 'see if 'GIFTS THAT LASTi Mine Run for your furnace or half ton Lump for your Sunday Appointments Lwdy Assistant tliey wuz still in business. heating stove. Answers. D