"1 THE NEW TAXI For 99 YOKOHAMA Phone CAFE HOME BAKERY Det!Srrleo"and PRINCE RUPERT The Beat of Everything. Beat.Caraln theCity '.'. 'i Try our service I 'ihr,, Northern and Central British Columbia' Newspaper Phone Black SB VOl XIII- NO piiinch m pinrr. u. ;., Wednesday, march s, 11122. VUrdr't Circulation 1892. 8tPtit &! 428 PRICK FIVE CENT8 Burns Lake Business Block Wiped Out PREPARATIONS BEING MADE FOR WORK ON NEW DAM AT ANYOX Fire Destroys Big TRYING ENGINEERS'TO AVERT LOCKOUT 1 j LATEST PHOTO OF MRS. CARUSO AND GLORIA. Preparing to Build Short IN GREAT BRITAIN Railway to Dam at Anyox Building at Burns LONDON, March 8. The Slashing Has Commenced first definite move toward Lake During Night avortlng a lockout of engineers The (iranby iCoiiidid.lrd Mining, .Snielling and Power Co. was made yesterday s coniiucnciiig Hie building of u .short railroad line to1 the xlu uf when the Government Intervened... i he new dam which is lo be put in by Hie company al Ailyox, said Hon. T, J. McNa-mara, HLItXS LAKE, March 8 Tim slumbering pupulutinu of minister of labor, met IL H. Monro, general manager of the company, who is in the city lltiriis Luke whs suddenly iirjii)-v(I ly lhe nlnniTor lire on Monday the executive of the Engineers' today on his ecu Irn lo Anyox from a trip as far .south us San infill, wlicn tlm Hunts Lake Hold, owned by John (!. K. Scaly Union and as a result Krancisco on company business. The contract for the building ainl Hubert M. (lerow, burst into Humes und was soon all con-Miincd. a decision was reached to of the dam has not yet been let and il will be some time yd before Tin- lov-Twas a heavy oim and included Um (icrow store, between reopen direct the unions negotiations and the i I actual operation ou il commence. The present railway work is III- Hums Lake llolel and I lie Shaw Feed and Produce Co., the employers. the .slashing and clearing of rigid of way. total loss being estimated at close to 7r,JliO. Air. .Munro says that tlie present rains will be welcome nl '.icavy Constable (JaiT was among the llrst to rcsjiond to the call, and SYSTEM OF STATE Anyox. for there bus been a DAYLIGHT BILL immediately recognizing the impossibility of saving the hotel, INSURANCE SOUGHT scarcity of water there Ibis winter shur nml altaclieil buildings,' and f tii- one week lhe plant; iJici'cleil Hie rf finis of Hie crowd .vas practically closed down on; GREAT BRITAIN i saying Hie adjoining edifice DISORDERS IN Ili;ilNA. .Mar. 8. A -ysleni o nis account. This was the llrsl i'liler liis cunt headed direc- stale iusuranee, iuiilar to Hi' ime in Hie history of Anyox that ' ns Hie coiileiilsnf Hie X, 'J .Manitoba act, is favored by Sis- ' iperatioiis were curlaileil on this France to Standardize Time Along urse mill .Irjiii .Inlinsiin linllil IRELAND STILL katcliewau emnloyers. accjifilili'-- account. Tin' liuilclinu' of Hie With Great Britain and ass were salvaged by a group, lo ii decision reached at (x reccn " lam will in a lao'c measure prc-j Belgium. a iiininenl among whom was Conference of employers here ' enl any recurrence, of such a, Clinrlcs OUnn, who shov'cllcd Five Hundred More Soldlors Arrive Legislation In make such a measure ilitliculty. .LONDON, Mar. 8. Tlie second snow fast enough In prevent the at Limerick to Join Republican i.'ITeclive- will probably be Then uolliinv very trial iTy-il)!-. rending or the summertime bill fire from making stall in asked at (he session of Hie a new Forces. -next ijiiiil the copper market all will be reached shortly in the those buildings. . pr.ivini'kil leaislalure. present, says Mr. Muuro. The House uf Commons. Public opinion Tlie buildings which were ile. Itl'.I.l'AST Mmcli M-Fuilr Salkulcliewun's payrtdl. not i present price is 'around I2 7-8c. is in favor of ibu continuauco stroyed were on the suulli sjdc deaths, 'took place .yesterday Ji lakiiii.- into uecouuJL Iha'railways. which shows . u drop in recent of fhivlicrlit. snvioir. iilt.liiiiif?)i ti Of till! track in u district, jiceu- Hie disorder Mirre during wh'ivli unioiint I iij'Miii.iMU-otd- I weeks Mr.-Miinrti rV.MieoiUw'wl, Iileif Turgely by' l-'ri n en- fa i i n il fi i u in? lo itfies7nt?''oi'iriui;i' j ion .that will not Hie police were compelled lo fire copper go ovcr,1M,.sj j,,,, ro.s r,.(i,ii tip. seethe ami Scandinavians. Tliey are cut on the crowds. Ibis is sulllcieul lo make a slai. Thla is the latest picture to be taken or the widow and daughter I.I 'ic mark litis year. Uiotis conti.dicd by the ngrictil- off from the pari of the town on Five hundred more armed llc-..,.1.11...... iiiMiraiice eclieine in Hie proinec of the famous tenor, who have just taken up their residence In New .ur. hi uiiro iiopes to remain in!turariiileresls. tin1 north side, where ' for the winter and sprin. the largest ........ iealile. Ytrk cltr r. ii.ii-.. . ..I pniel three four , . . Anyox or wecKs. t jfiii'iiciiii tr int.,. u " A special silling of the French pari oi inc. uusincs 01 I lie pine j j,,,,.,.. Chamber has called ' " been fur today Is The dune.owner or the destroyed' nllnrnTr m?T7Tn, MEDALS FOR ALLIES BALFOUR ON tie cutting by lo give cITccl, so far as Franco I A I is eoneeriieij. to an arrangement buildings are Hie. same people WHO AIDED BRITISH w ho are inlcrrsle.l in the oil VVI lUJull T tl 1 1 I li Local firm in for sliindardizitig the summer drilling on Hie shine of the lake SOLDIERS IN FIELD OPENED TODAY COALITION iMTrninn ic nnirr u""! ienou wun mai. oi urcai illlEIUUrv 10 JJUnClllrilaiu ami Helv;tuui. where they have been carrying GOOD ENOUGH on operations niiietly and are LONDON.. March 8. The Kim-lias -.a til Id liaxe been made sub---dnnlial sauelinni-il the issue nl Swearing In of Mcmbors Commenced Speech of Sir Arthur Does Prince Rupert Logging Co. Will Float Most of Ties Down Stel-laco PROGRESSIVES offers fur their oil National Party Drops All Old medals o llin.-e of allied ua-lioualily Yesterday and is Little to Improve Government's River When Ico Breaks. j holdings. who at iiiiiniiienl risk Camouflage Names and Comes Condition. 'J'lie c.vrcllcnl work done by Out Straight. of their lives rendered assistance Being Continued. l.onNiahle Onrr in saving some lo llril ish soldier.- behind the The Prince llupert Logging I Jo. NOT OPPOSING of the buildings on the south lines. OTTAWA. Mar. 8. The Do LONDON, Mar. 8. Right Limited, of which W. I'.. Williams aide Is Hie subject of general OTTAWA, .March 8. The enemy uiiuion I'arliaiueul was opened Hon. Sir Arthur Salfour, and .1. II. Morgan of Ibis city an member of the National Liberal today b lhe Oovcrnor-general, K.G., In pleading for a continuance Decided In oinmenl,. Hie principals, have completed the Caucus Today Not to and Houserv alive party of Canada MAYOR OF NELSON tin- bein Hie llrsl iiecasiou "ou of the Coalition in a I,idle liisiirauee was carried by culling or 7O.0UU lies for (lie Be Official Opposition Mr. in eaiieusi yesterday di-cid-il "liieli Lord llyug has olllcialeil al spoech in this city at the owners of the buildings. Canadian National llailvvay al Moighcn Leader. IS CANDIDATE FOR to all the Camouflage drop names ' -ucli a !usk. . Carlelon Club did nothing to Francois Lake mid the camp there unite Hie nld and mice adopt Tlie swiMrim; in of the inemliers improve the position of the -Mar.. llonservaHve. t'nder PROVINCIAL HONORS has been shut down. Although OTTAWA. 8. lit. Hon.' of NINE STEAMERS this name name il will make its nl of Caiuida's rourteeiith Pailia-uenl Coalition Government and actual culling Is all done, ieliery Arthur Mcighen will be the leader aipeal to Hie country fur sup NKLSON. Mari'h 8. Mayor ('.. commenced yesterday and loft mattors pretty much as iiT a large part, of the ties has nol of lhe opposition in the llpuse uf I. Meilai'dy has lieen noiiiiualeil ns i-1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i I today. Il.v tomorrow they were, with tho resignation yet been niaile, for there are about Commons. The Progressives, in OUT FOR SEALS port.Knlhiwiiij.' the cliob f Arthur by the Conservatives of Hie rid most, of the members will of Lloyd George still rl.l,U(lu lliat will have In remain caucus, decided tit noon today not Mcighep as. iU .lender, the ing lo cohlesl it on their behalf have lakeii the oath. hanging In the air. This Is al the lake unlit the ice clears out lo advance olllcial opposition to parly will at once begin cuiii-pulgn III the fui'lhcoiiiiug liy- election, The formal opening look place tho almost unanimous opinion in the spring, when Ihey will be the Muckeiuic King government. Compromise Arrangement with iiiwani.alion wltli a view The vacancy is caused by al .'I o'clock, when the members c;f political correspondents taken down the Stellaco Itiver lo lhe retirement of Dr. Hose who were summoned In tin- Hcuate and and editorial writers In the railway at Fori Fraser. Striking Marine Englnoors lo liriiiw iirepared for Hie next CANADA FIRE LOSSES Allows Vossels to Loave. clt'ctiiiu. was defeated in the Federal elec afterwards returned to their own tho morning papers. J. It. Morgan arrived In tlie city While il Is not expected Hull tion. I'liumber for the ('lection of a from the interior on Sunday FOR YEAR AMOUNTED ST. JOHN'S, Nfbl.. March 8. -tinier there will be any general election speaker, linn. Ilniliijphc Leiuieux FIRE INSURANCE night. being chosen. TO $5.22 PER HEAD a compromise agreement for several years, the Conservatives between striking marine en-s'liieers feel Hint in Hie pres VANCOUVER Trilillles In Hie newly cleclcil ADJUSTER PLEASED speaker by leaders fnllovveil, after TENSE POSITION und niosl of the scaling ent rather cuuiplicalcil political OTTAWA, March. 8. Fire vvhii'b the House adjourneil CONDITIONS to LOCAL 'ainer owners, all ships gut condition il is well lo lie pre-l losses in Canada for 1921 FAVORITES meet ataiii loiuorrovv for (lie for-1 "way tu the lee fields on schedule pared and -the organization will aiiiouuled to 5.22 per capita nc-cording 1 lit 1 opening with the speech from LIMERICK TODAY lime. be conliuually slrengHieiied 'until lhe throne. C. It. iilbert, insurance adjuster, to a report niado by the Nine sleuiiishlps go to tlm Hie next election comes. returned on today's train lo Department, of Insurance. Fives fields for seals this year and Enter First Game with Reglna After tomorrow udjourniut'ut Terrace, after having spent a week reported to the department Tonight 10 to 6 In Their will lake place until Monday, Negotiations Opened with View tlieir crew 8 total slightly over STRIKE OF COOKS in the city Inking into several caused property dainuge amounting Favor. when the ilebalc ou lhe nddress to Settlement of Difficulty. Uou men. mailers concerning his duties. to ir,,OI5,o.to. Ileitis!) Columbia's will commence. The claims of lhe school board in (juola of fire losses wus Schooners at Lunenburg, VANCOI'VLIl, March K. Tlie LLMF.HIOK, March 8. The city Fishing couni'i-tiou wllli the Seal Oovc 8,(i5(i,ti00 or !M5,83 per capita.: VIOLENT STORMS IN N.S. Arc Held In Port Awaiting N'aneouver Millionaires, chuiu- lire; Mutt Videck, for his house, ou is iiuiel today. Large forces of Sottloment. pions of the Pacific Coast Hockey VISCOUNT GREY Irish llcpulilicau regulars are and II. K. Ili'Usnu, NEW ENGLAND STATES Coiiiox Avenue, SUSPEND IMPORT Association, will enter tonight's occupying six barracks. The closed. The studio lire, were LL'NKNHUIKi, .N'.'S. March 8. gume willi Hie Itegiua Capitals, Hrllish troops lire slill here. Five Coino.v Avenue lire was given u DUTIES ON FOOD One Doath and Several Injuries as The first strike in the history Western Camilla champions, ten SERIOUSLY ILL careful investigation, for II wus hundred more Republican regulars Well s Flooded Highways of Lunenburg fishing fleet resulted to six favorites. II is fell thai covered by insurance. arrived wilh anno red curs. from a demand of cooks Vancouver will gain the right to fully Negotiations opened between WAHSAW, March 8. Alj import Hesult. on Hie vessels fur a salmy of phiy nil her Ottuwu or Toronto British Statesman Operated on Mr, Gilbert expressed wilh the himself Itichurd Atulcuhy, Dull Minister duties on food, clothing und as much pleased se;ylce of 'defense and other with the shoes have been suspended for niunlh while the eupUilns rH. Patrick'., for the Mauley Cup 150 a For Ulcers and In Serious HUSTON, .Mar. 8. Swollen riV-Hooded of the lire department of the uily for Insurgent and six weeks by an order designed mi,l crews are imiu ?I7.. 1 lie end Iho world's championship republican troops highways und other Condition. and the manner in which all cuses to lower the cost ut living. sailing of many schooners lius the prairie tcuui has Just had l is hoped an understanding minor dnuiugc resulted today as were iuvesl igaled. It all redounded five hunt mulches in the lust will . b reached. doluycd. A Iwul ed'ccls of u .ruin and w ind, been week and have had 111 lie lime LONDON. March 8, -Ylscouul lo Hie credit of the city, UNIONIST ELECTED ""'in that swept" New England lo limber up ufler the journey lirey, former foreign secretary be declared. BIRTH. 'st night, tine dealh und sev-"'id REPRESENT CANADA from Lduionton. The Capitals and (uie of the outstanding fig. injuries uro iillribuled to the arrived here' this morning. li res of llnlisli public life, was RATES A daughler vvufc born lo Mr; Sic Robert Beard Is Member for slurin, AT LABOR CONGRESS operaled ou yesterday for ulcers EXCHANGE and Mrs. A. Mclulyre, of Hinith-crs. Wolverhampton 3000 Majority mid is now in a s'criuus condition. ut the Cencrul Itospilat today. Over Labor Candidate, LLOYD GEORGE BETTER. ' ' ' ARE MOVING UPWARD MARKET PRICES. (ITIAWA. March 7; Colonel : , David Carnegie or London, Kng-laud, LONDON, JLtrcTi H. Premier Lord Orcy ha uilso suffered LONDON. March 8. Sir llobi. Word received in the el'jy this will represent the Ooveni-incnl Lloyd (eoiKe was sufficiently from partial blindness und Ids American exchange Ibis morning .Mr. und .Mi's. George .McAfee crt Heard, coalition Unionist wus '""'iiing iridieulcs that Albertu of Canada ut the meeting ut recovered from an utlnck of physical coiulilioii made necessary showed another advance, a returned today on lhe Prince elected over the Lubor cundidutc. "unci- ,ii8 tryno hi, rOU. cents a the governing body oT the - International bronchial calurrh to preside ut his resigning the position of steady climb having taken place llupert. from Vancouver. My. . K. Wuklkreu. by u mujorily uf '"""d Whule-milo. Evuporutcd labor congress u! a ineoliug of the cubinet this Uritisb Ambassador lo the Uni- from Hie - tier cunt, low murk McAfee is innnugcr of the Ulg about three thousuud ill Iho b)'- ' iimi'uing- I. ,1 SlH.r-. Til, . ,. I . ..I.i i i 1 .11 j. I . .'lO. JL'i uwini" ut '.ici.ii yet"vv u. ,'ijvii f..i Wolf, rhumjuun. 1 MO" 11 Hie il ear. Ilonie ou April 'I