PAGE 6 DC THE DAILy NEWS Wednesday, March 8. 1025 REDRAWING ALBERTA HEARTBURN ALICE ARM must be very hard in Vancouver. A client of LIQUOR ACT WITH VIEW TIMES .1. N. Taylor, of Ocean Kail, WESTHOLME THEATRE there says he is very hard up and so must TO ITS IMPROVEMENT A SEVERE CASE isilcd here last week lo Jook i ii( Ilia' posslbilily of operating TONIGHT ONLY sacrifice a fine Double Corner which he owns here Muny poiId are troublril Willi liiurt loffffing' camp. duriiiK the couiinu I m in wlm really do not realiio Jiut what iq Prince Rupert on Sixth Ave., at Cotton Street, in KDMONTON. Mar. fi. One of II li. summer. No' definite anuounce-nieiil the nun n proposals in the forth In rii'f.1 or HiH tronlilc lliero Is wiis made. ruining draft of Ihe provincial (riiauln; am) Inirnlnir nam In flip toinarti Section Six. It is the and lies fine tor on sewer government fur ainendinenls lo a I tend.'it liy l ut lieil 'Plltc It Work is Kolii(f on here at a It be sold. H. G. Ihe liquor act will prohahly he Ihe Keiicrally raiiKcd liy irreat aolillty or Iho Bennett building. Make us an offer. must tuinai'h, and wlicncver too much food point on Ihe Kilsault Iliver HOU Enid closer cenl ralizuiiuit of liquor taken. Is llatdo 10 fcrnipiit, and beronios feel above Ihe dam of cleariiifj HELGERSON, LTD., Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance. dislrihulimi in the hands of the evlrrinely sour,- musing' liparlhiirn. In Ihe river wilh a view i diverting mull raips Vuiiililiiif oflcn oreum, and provincial vendor.. il. to' the east lile so that Ihe what In lliruwn up Is four and toiiii tluics AIMiouffh Alloiiiey-ficiieral .I. I! blltrr. danger of Ihe owu briiiff flooded llrownlec refuses lo ilivuliie een Tim way In gel lid of heartburn may be lessened. .loe Wells, The iulclliireiil. shrewd atlen- a scrap of informal-inn in rcspeel In to k it'll your liver aellvu by HsIiiK road foreman, is In charge. in lion whieh is given to selling lo Ihe proposed changes, it is MILBURN'8 should include advertising. learned llinl month's' nolice , LAXA-LIVER PILLS Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron left one and you w)ll have no hearlburu or other NOTICE. lids hcci'i Riven lo all k eminent liver troubh-a nueli as vonlliatUn, lust Thursday morning on a visit St Patricks inspector of tlrujf stores In Ilie Juundlrc, water braih, nunllng perks be to Sealllr. "HER HUSBAND'S iillrntliii fur the In tin innll'T nf an fore tin; eyes, cualcd loiiifue, foul breath, lsnr nr fi-rsii crltlllnUp of llllc invrr-Inir province, their services lo cease eie. Lots I mnl S, Murk 1tt, St'dlmi I, cii.v i.r I'Mnrp luient (.ii approxiiuately the last of March. Miss Kdllli T:ullluir, Shallow Lake, Out. An cniilemic of grippe has MiU.rnrliry piumf of iho luss ttf Hip This is lakeu o mean dial Ihe wrllein -"I have had hearlbiirn for a lonif been sweeping tin' town iliirln DayConcert IisvIiir rcrllllciilR been of rtirolsliiMl lllle ifivriliiit hip, II Hip Is atinvr my liitcn-Imul dlslrihulinu of liipior through Ihe Hum. Them vero Kuawlna; and tiurnlu? lhr pitl forluiuhl and nearly II11M til ImIIP urtlT 4 IIP l'.lll'Hllllll or linn rain In my siomaeh, and then when FRIEND ill. Several has been everybody men Hi rrom llrnl I'UtjIM-iit Ion hneof a frrsh channels it drug stores will he vomited there was a sour and bitter taste trrtlllrntc of title ruvcrlnir Hip iiIiovp iiicii-tloni'il pructleally climliinlcd. used two vials of Mllburn'a Laxa-Llvcr wenl to Ihe Anyox Hospital. lumK In I lie niiMiP or Iho , I In 11 1 Ir Ileserved scat plan for Ihe llpnlty ami Improvi-mi'iil Company l.lnillpil Supporting this eoiileution is fills, and they have cleared inc. or my chin-ires ri'irliiprpil .No. Im'rj'IIhiI'Ii. t don'; llilnk they can 1)0 iilijppl lo two m KvciiiiiK C.ouccrl. only opens fl.1H mill 51 III). Willi ll iprllllralp I limn- the report that already ueirolia. In-a ten by any other iiipdielne." VAGARIES OF LAW IN (omul row morning, lirri'd llilil 11111I tinted Old Manli. lull. lions are under way hy Ihe atlor- I'rlce, Hie. a vial at all dealers, or mailed THURSDAY, MARCH 9, AT 1:..I.iiimI I'm Iti'irKlry ljy or Mari-h.onipp,Iliii.rriiii-p. llnni'it, II. ney-peneral s ileparlmenl. ror new direct on receipt or nice by The T. Mil BRITAIN SLATED BY Hall Room Boys Comedy, 11. i'. mai;i.1:1111. bum Co., I.Hulled, Toronto, Out. warehouse in holh ! I 9 a.m.. Ili-irllinr or Titles. quarters -monloiV at orwie's Limited and Calgary, these quarters MAGISTRATE IN CASE "A Doggone Mixup" NOTICE. io supplement the vendors' we miulit nave doi:e liecaosc of An r 1 1 1 1 1 1.1 1 1 HI for l.aillirll r.lnrllli-l'l-M stores already existing in these our Jielief iu Ihe priorilv of tin March Cana LONDON. H. Hy Public Notice! lll lip IipIiI ill Vuii'inivrr, II. :., on .Mairli In Admission, 15c and 35c I llli mnl it I'Hiipp lliiiipi l mi Mnrrli Sith. places, and lo he centres of liquor him of Ireland lo self-Ki'N em liau Press' -'Ihe atraries of lhr Kvery seal in Mm Miealre, .Siiriemfiil iipillrmi4 will lio I'lill-i-il on inent. As a necessary conse- listrihulion for lliose I I ip WHlilnif II mnl nlTi'ieil VHi'nin'li'9 a Icvnlly en- law had an exemplillcalloii iu a with no exception, will lie lliry tiri-tir. Ill order or merit. llllcil to purchase liquor under luence of die Irish seltleinenl wi recenl case in Ihis city in which plaei'd 011 sale Thursday ullowmirp Salary I Tor iiipiiI.4 VO.ou when pur away iiitniili.riimi plm bead,mi prescriptions or ulherwise. respMMIully urye that it is now 'paretics and red lape were fea TOMORkow Night Wallace reid ninriiiiiu. Mxcliani1 ttiiaili't'it. i-Winr lo allHMUl per iiioiiIIi ufler Seolland's I ii i-ii lo he. considered your Willi Iho 'in Ihe trovrnimeitl ured. A our year' suilsr.ninry sr-nii-i. publican' was-summoned FRIDAY and SATURDAY. "THE CARNIVAL" Keiicra! admission (ickel further Inrorniiilloo phm. lip olitaliipil lislrihuliut.' husihess on u vs W'e, Iherel'ore, call upon His Ma- it the West Ham police court for 011 nppl Ira lien lo Hip ftillnyvliiir: early. The hoxes will he sold 1:1111 r Korpipr.MPinriii. iij i;. lemalii; scale, it is assumed Dial jesly's (iovernment lo direct llieir selling ciffaretles afler H o'clock en hlof, unless Hie house is Iilnlrlrt Hstrlel Forester,I'liiPKtrr, I'rlncff Vaopoiivpr.lluperl. ' other points for the eslahlishi ttlenlioii . immedialely lo Ihis il niclil. sold out, in which rase Mm I'eliliiary Id, IVii. ineiil of Vendors' slores will he lueslion oT 'Home little for Scol-and'; II was staled that two olllcial hoves will he sold individually. lecideil later' Ihe ifo (five it precedence over . upon hy exe-ti- had called at Ihe pumic lioue in w r very other political issue; lo tiik i eiii'Mi iioriir or iturn-ii lie council. oueslioii anil tiller I had Han hey c:oi.i'Miu.v i n.kiu eTi v Reserve Your Seat Early JUST ARRIVED ease legislating for ScoMhihI h'inks' one of them called for u from Westminster, and lo la I In liull.T i.r llli- II ink i n t v l WON' L allies, Attention pass small packet of cijraretles. A bar IOW. Ilullllr liunlll'k Itmlrr lllr ll.MM' SCOTTISH HOME RULE i 1 1 1 1 1 law forlhwilh a measure of lia nr Ilie Java M.lfei- 1 1 .1 1- . McCormick's maid served the customer with pplilui scir-VoverJiment siijled lo Hi Ihe rijjrarcMes. Thereupon In .votici-: I.'. iimiiiiv uivk.v timt -wmui IS ADVOCATED IN A needs ami circumstances of Sent rmv. rnrinerlr riildliiir uml rnrr.vliiv i Money Back pointed oul. lo her thai, she hail IiiiIii.'- m Ilie Cliy uf I'rlni'i- MiiM', t. in sulisfaclory (p the Scol Ilie I'mt Inn- iif I'l'ltl-li i.i.IiiiiiIiU, litiili'i-I circular LETTERfe;;,;;:;J lone it was Ihcii H:.Ki. wrniiff. as tit SODAS tmilt initie t.r Ihi' Jma t'oiTff ile." I'lie barmaiil pnynplly collapsed imw ir ia kfffiT siifft. in ihe i:ih i.r Drawing Vaiirtiiiver. HiilNIi r.ulmiililii. uiljiiilc'il The Store of Satisfaction iu a rami. Imnkninl nntl n rei'flvlnir i.tiltT iuiuU mi (5-lh. Cartons A circular leller was Ihis inorii. BUY CANADIAN GOODS The magistrate dismissed (he .Iw aril il.iy ..r Marili. Illili. I'.M-r.v Monday limnimx ins received from the Scollish .voTifi: is riiniou oivkn iii.n tin draw ill!.' will he lit-iil ; Imilt JUST ARRIVED ummoiis on payment of live shil. llrst inif llntr uf fifillliii-s In Ilie nliovf. Home Mule Association which contains IS LATEST SLOGAN K'l.llr Will Ih: Ill-Ill nt tllt i.nii'f I.r Hurl.' News olllce on all sales m $1.25 lilius cost by Ihe publican, and in A: small, i.lmrirird Atriiiinliiin, Tlilnl irecetlilitr week. Tin1 i;if. the followiiiK iiariiirnipli: tiling so made obserxiilions upon I loir. I i-iI.tuI lll.i. k, I'l lnri- liuiii.rl, llrllLli "Scotland is a nation in ever :..liinihla. mi Hi.- Mill iIjv uf Mai-' li. A. p. owner of Ihe wuuiuiv irim Edmonton Women Co-operating Ihe law. Ile said (hat if a sardine IUi. a Ih,' hour nf ::m 11YI..1 k In I lie Hand Tailored liny now while, they are seiie or ihe yorii, no less linn- irierii'Mtii. tier will have full (Ulr 'Iiihiid.' toast had been served tin fH'sh and crisp. Ireland, and her I'laiins lo self. to Increase, Interest In Home on by Tii t'liilili1 vtui In V'.le lli.-i-ii iminf nf money refunded, larmaid a cicarelle could have viiitr i l.ilin oiiir-l In l.xljriil nun in.' liiriii Hdveiiuiii'iil can no loimor he Manufactures. the liiii'lliiif l hfhl. iceu sold legally. A publican ertmlfs In lit- iimmI m Ilie iinVllnir liili-l DEMERS 1 DO Sacks Netted C.em overlooked. The Scottish people, in- li'tlinit ulili him Ihi-r.'l.i. nliist uol sell biscuit with wine. have heen for a lonu- period of KDMONTON, Mar. li. 1'er head a 'Ml H IITIIKII TAkK MITIi:!-: lli.ll lf ..ll Ladles Ready-to-Wear CAPS Iho macislrnlc remarked, as Ihis have nny i-lnlin airnliit tin- il. Pir whlrh! POTATOES lime convinced of Ihe justice and of population Canadians speul a re inllll.-.l In rank. priHir nf -nrli' Phone 27 P. 0. Bit 327 , would lie infrinffing on the Ilaker.s" iiilm iinit In- Ii If! wllli nif wltlilii tlitrl.v necesily of this principle, and in lli aliroail pery year, whereas and Confectioner' order. Ile could ilnyit fn.iii ihe tliilt- i.r litis Iiollrr. fur rnitn every purl la men I Toi many American citizens only pari with niil nflir Ilie i'Mlriitliiii nf Ihe llmi' IKi-il Unbreakable Peaks Ciuai-anleetl Slock yj-ar II cooked s'ausaues, hut not a hy siiii-i-i'iinii s r sitiIiiii :i7 i.r tin. -it li a hiajorily of Ihe Scollish meiii-hers ii oulside the horders of the f I .lilll tlUllililllf the rttti'et t.r lilt' Sacks iw as the taller would 'JU.IIj, sausaire, li'liHtr' Ilie imiU. t-nlalf niiHitiir i-iillilfil Latest Styles have heen lo 'Home United -lies, Canaliau next pledged women For your i iu iufriURemenl of Ihe IIiiti'Iii. Imvliiir ri'irnril milv In llin I'hilm- sack per Huh' for Scotland.' During the are lo lie shown Ihe fallacy of f wliit'li I liiivi- III.-ii n.illrp. llulchers' order. The law would HAT Ii ill frlni'it lliin.'ll. II. I .. Ih Alii last decade Ihe demand for srlf. seudins' our oinl Canadian dot. toy nf Mari-h. IVti. Job hold (food, the nia(fislrale said Shoe $2.50 to $3.25 oi.iiiiiiK luniii:. Repair $2i0 Toverninent has slreiifflheiied lars lo enrich' the coffers of (he until Ihe people at ii general lillw..-lri-f Ti-iii. enormouily, and Ihe vision of a repuhlic lo Ih'e south, and the facl I ii in ih-mantled Hs akmlilioii. STORE PREMISES TO RENT. Scollish parliament silling in Hint we are spemliii loo much try ! Scot- abroad is lo he Ti'iitlt-rs will Im- I'i'i-i-ih-iI In tin. uiiil.r I'Minliiii'li, lcislatiu;.r for money shown . J. C. EMERTON NOTICE. lirni'il lili u Tiu-s.lm intiiiilnir. till ln-1 Rupert Table Supply Co. laud, has KiiikIiI and held Ihe MiO'C who conlrol the dei-liuics id at II) a.m.. Tnr nrfer- tn lnn' lini' Shoe Repslr Shop lii'i'inlM" kii'Aili ni Ilie lull.mi Murk''I Champion KIRKPATRICK fmaginalion of Ihe,Scollish peo. the home. i-i-ii-iilly iM-riitetl liy i.t-nrirc I. l i-iim-ll. On lakiiiK- over of my Iransfer Kmad Jilock, Third Avenue Phones 211-212 pie. We haw refrained from In co.operalion wild ilie Wo I nit lilt'llHse tsuei i,r Muri-. on i-f. illsiness py .Messrs. Lemon A; :ulil Slmuifi' I'lanl nml W ai"ln.ii-t pressing our claims as actively us men's Council of Canada. Ihe I "il-mi.uton l.l.tilliJI. Iiolllt ' A. wsll" Smith, I wish lo thank my many I't'ili'iul llnlltlliiir, 'Repairs while you Hoard of Tradivis lauiich-iuc I'rliit't- llii'il, II v.. patrons for their loyal support a campaign lo iulerest Caiia- Mati-li a. H'. ami trust I hey will show to my iliun women in Canadian products. uccessors a emit inualion of the and the ladies of Kilmoulon are to Here are the visualize .Ihe various (food which amc. IIYDK rilANSIKH, are manufactured here. To this I. W. Hyde. '('hen: is no reason why prires shiiuldn dro end forty ladies of I lie Women's Institute will pay a visit To the MM BARGAINS other Tuesday.Dominion ii'iinufacluriiu:hy similar Furniture Thin visil inspections Company plants will he in followed Ihe on of We have set the pace ;a:ii1ii''.jii;i:ii:'.Hi!,:ii'!ii!iiHii.i:;.iiit:iiiainMnwitiiiiiiiii:',alii t'j ; city, and hy Mils means il is hoped to stimulate loyally Inwards CROCKERY CHINA Cauadiau-inade (foods, and alTurd ALUMINUM in Low Prices We have ever offered the ladies an opportunity of see. Inif for themselves thai Canail'i's Greatly Reduced products can not he excelled. LADIES' FINE MERCERIZED LISLE HOSE GINGHAMS in all the latest designs. hen iiualily kooiI and price- are comiiir''il ill Jllaek, 'Navy Special and llrown. Sizes 8 10. Special price SUING RAILWAY FOR Cups and IW rcaliu the possiljlu.heiielll Jahotirs tnaku jirico 50c per pair 3 yards for 95c BURNING HER ALBERTA UP SOIL FARM ON Saucers llepular Ml. now. . $1.00 It is said everywhere llejrul.'ir .?r, now. . . 50 LADIES' PRINT OVERALL APRONS ill KDMONTON, March H. That lleular .Ju, now. , . 25 MEN'S COTTON SOCKS in Illack, Navy Ihe soil of her farm was burned SPECIAL Stripes mnl Clieckx. Sizes 30 to S. up and rendered useless and Aluminum Saucepans, that our Sprlnfj Hats are tho best and cheapest W'orlli up to 1.05. Special price and (irey. lleinforced heel and toe. I hut her hay crop was destroyed regular .1,o0, now.. $1.75 and that our now shoos "The Classic" are Special price hy a fire started hy the Alberta the best wearing and most reasonably priced 85c Clival Waterways railway, is Ihe shoes In the city. There Is no better shoe for claim laid in the supreme civil DENNY ALLEN CO. 4 for 95c pairs court by .Mrs, Maffdu Wilfliii(rer. the money. Third Avenue STRIPE COTTON TURKISH TOWELS. who asks iu all ;',GO0 damages I'asl colors. Special price from the company. The papers in the action filed Our Spring Goods 4 for $1.00 MEN'S FLANNELETTE WORK SHIRTS by Mrs. NVil flluysidei-'a solicitors, an Allen, Simpson and Company in Mark Grey and Khaki, livery shirt set oul Ihe claim that the plain- I''''1 guaranteed perfect. Sizes 1 1 'j to 17 . tiff in the action is a married COAL Voiles, (lIuKhams, I'iIiiIm, Mlininhray. PLAIN WHITE HUCK TOWELS. woman and a fanner residing tonnes, Nit'insooks ami Organdies, SheeliUr Ieulur W.i'j. Special Special price near Opal in the Province, of While and (ircy UolUms,. fuiuiuer l uderwcui' Alberta, and I hat on October 0, Ih a hie and W'hilewcar liuo art-hud. There KsCllsiVC selllllK IIKCllU 4 for 85c $1.45 lt'JI. the railway hy its servants, suuudri uT started a fire and did FOOTHILLS AND CADOMIN variely lo Inspccl and a wido raufe'c negligently allow It to spread COALS lo choose from. Of quality '"" '"'-' -f1"1"1' Mil It over-ran the plaintiffs Delivered iu your hlu And as to prices, we have set the pace I" farm, burned up tjio soil and the low prices. Screened Lump, ton $14.00 hay crop and caused her loss, lit Universal Trading Company employing men to flhl the Screened Stove, ton.. 13.25 flames. Shu, claims Iho loss uf YOU'LL LIKE IT the entire 100 acres of areahle Ltd. Corner Third Avenue and Sixth Street land, which bus been rendered Consumers Goal Co. Ltd. jabour Bros., unfit for usy by reason of the Phone 376 JAS. H. MARK, Manager P.O. Box 1712 fire. Lome Phones MacLaren,7 and 311 Manager Corner Third and Seventh Phone 645 Suhscribc for Ihe Haily News