i ll:.y, March 8. 192. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FTVB CONCERT IN AID CITIZENSHIP aaajaaaiK,, HUM OF CANADA Fine Program Presented to Good Rotary Club's Entrance Class Audience at Wettholme Theatre Prize Essay By Miss Last Evenlnq. Muriel Colllson. Tim (livat Wiip VelprtmV A- Sincp Hip parlipst p.plnrorA ."(iciiilloti nij on a vi'ry iippn.- firsl viowoil Iho piIiIIpss jiarto-ranta fnl vniiili't llli piincorl In (ho nf to Alfanllc ('.nasi 'nr I'm So Tired W'oiliinliiip 'I'liciilip Ih1 nislil In .Vnrlit America, wilh it wide Inlets, a til nf I he liatnl ftitnN. In -illc and ntlahly rivers, rinwinfr r..;,. i ilir result of noison uf llic iiit'loiiionl wi'iillicp nrul llm from Iho heart iP nu unknown .l. I.Innl So when the kid' - fuel Dial llirr in u Rinul ileal eotilinotil, Canada has hepn a jfys fail to purify the blood one of xlMfciir In Hut oily, Hio nl. land nf tjerullnr fasciiialion lo (f tilt II r t.t inaicanons n unusual Inniliinei' w:i gin nl nnilir Iioiimp hravp and ndventiirniis Spirits. tired feeling and ,nd persistent wit riiii;o limn lliri-n-qiiarlorM The ypfirs Iihvp xassod swiflly, pains in the back. filjpil. 'I'lii' nxai'l ririauni.it vo-inll and Canada, Iho myslpj-inus, litis W.Jx-ikI VitWv troubles lead lint tint yp lipi-ii n(MTltilnp herniup C.iinada, Iho itipllins pot o years of nuffering from rheuma-iJ.m Inil II li known Unit Hip li.'ttut of nations. Tlipre Is work for or develop into luch fatal ha priirilcil r-rin.uiili-i'tihly. Tim everyone. or wtilors loom wilh itlmenti as linglit disease. lii'UVl'iiiil wan- oninjilftn and srv-iral fi'h of all kinds. Hit fores! s Tl. Hdnev. action is oromotlv nnvol anil vory nnlPrlainln providrt Itiuihor fnr export lo till niimliiTs wim'i" irr"i"nliil. II, parts of Dip world, for all purposes corrected by ue of Dr. Chase' Sim wa sliui- inniiatior ami I ho from railway lies, In Iho Pill the best Kidney-Liver'' ifiiiiiriilpi in chti'rif" foniiirispil construction of airplanes. She of kidneys, liver Inown regulator jit. .lame, S. I.. Warrior, W'i II. ha Itie riehesi. silver nml ttiekel bowel, ind - I lorry ami It. Sini"- mines in Iho world and proiluros Mn. hU Ireland., R.R. No. 'I'ln hand wn in allnnihinrf In a nod atiinttnl of copper. Iter 2, King. Ont.,' write: Ilir full ini'iiiln'i'.liii and Hrvor.-tl coal and nil fields atv praclically "1 wii a treat lutfercr from tevere ipli'fli.nn.n wcrp iTiiilorrd in Hie iintmiched, tier asrrietill'jii-al and WlJiJiM nil liilioui ipelli. I tried a frnir.' uf 111 iirnsrat'ii. .1, Onw-llinrn dairy produpe ranks secoitd to iiraXtr of lemedna without obtaining wiim I'limlnolor ami Ihn none. Ilervshlppiiir trade is in-rreasins- uf kraefit until I wai advued lo uie playi'rm won' W. Ih'rry, A. Ilnrk-wnrlh, rapidly. fjr. CUit'a Kidney-Liver Pilli. Thete W. Itiiiico, I,. Slarr, A. Privileges Afforded. CHnitrlel relieved m and made me I Iloalc II. Ward, laio, K. In her cilies and on the rreat k-rl lilt a am very jriltful to Dr.newjerton.Chaie'i medicinei for Hi taail, K. C. ICincil mi, II. Snow. A. plains of the iioi-lhwcsl are .hat tliry liar done for me, and you M. Ilrcnini'f, .1. I). Ililrlih'. V. found not only Canadian, hut mij uw niy Iriier for the benefit of .M rill la voy, V X. Iliixa., i. II. penplo nf nlltor land eaerly Ainlo-.iui, .1, Kolly and Huh Sim. avail in? Ihemsolves nf the privilege Dr. Chase' Kidney-Liver I'Iip firwl ntimlii'r wa-t an nvr- . nf Canadian citizenship Buy Pills, one pill a dose, 25c a box, lurn rijiimn!r llic jirnRratii atnl free oitiii'iilinii: liviuir it life in a ill dealers or Edinanon. Bate Ac UllialllPI' .nojocl illll AVHi riMidi'rpil new land of opportunity, freedom Co., Ltd., Toronto. iliirin' the inlprmjxxjiiii. of spoocli and happiness in Vocal Numbers. Iho open spares. While Canada Ainmi? Hip vnral ntniihr' wa ftladly extend In her Canadian aaaaiaaa a iliiol. "Ilnr of lliinolnlti" hy and foreign horn pnpulaljnn Iho Uai'ty I-'IpIcIht ami Kdrtip Crat.'-. host she has In yive, she puis Hip lallpr lakintr Iho rnp uf a upon llipnt Iho jlulios, anal re-ponihililio BANK Hawaiian niaiih'ti ilii'od In full or Canadian citizens, lyl(. MpIIi Unvii'M .anpr ,a hurU and i endeavoring lo edtt-' li.no Miln In Iii. tioial eplfiidid eale them up lo lltesi' ifsponia inaniicr and nmiic .hchis, wci-p bililiori. fK'TiscF. or mutism r.m.rvniA. .Hint hy Ikivp J.iy, Spollleh anil Must Be Prepared. miuxr munch. I ti ti ii llavin.i, MnlUli. Mr.. The penplp must lap propareijl t)EPAIlTMi:.T OF I.AXI1. Slanlpy Itotinol ami .Mr. ('. I.. In help in Iho development of VIRGINIA CIGARETTES i -"1 CUHmTION run 1UV pilstTIO.N or ASSISTANT rotlliST lUMiKM, Miiiiriip iipppaivil o pnoil advnnt-iti1 our country. When the trreal rVhl-rt In Mifirann miIum, 'A. ltus-t railways of Canada, were heinp Tfieae examlriailfrfix are- rnr Ihr nnrrmae tilfin !an? fiilnn. tin i 1 1. not only the. hrairts or nteit I f aHitaim f iinar pren'iii to niialiri vara fur uric riilure ami to vacanci ciuhlc .1 i in in la- (iihnii, tm :i , ilarkio. like Mui-donahl. Hays and oilier in the handy 4 'ii'rfHMiu,,iJiT. nml Sid Itoilh ami Dave Ito, as wore needed hill Hie pick and "'Main AlllaUni I'ori'M Foraat Hangcra Rangart.,Sri- emprnyrd mj lYiiiirjK, wprp vpry fnlrrtitining shoiel of I ho ordinary wnrkinjr :m trip- nr vpjtiuin viv in feenteoiiicr ill imvi'lly pallor and musical man. The surveyor, nllon' an packaG or Jii-lvej i,f rni-p year ami thl period l Helmed llrt- Hllil( IJV v.(,i-l rill llll- iniinliorM. TliPri" rotiimiiivr was explorer, striking out into, the aiineiila. -jirli a trail. Mr. Iicanonlni- linlii'i'iiiK imlopil and I hoy had wilderness, hraviti? sheer preei-piee t l made each year a. I.uir a atn-tory twenty-five arrvlce l iriiin. I'n.iiii.ilmi in the a yiinil Kal nf jnki.' which were and Arctic hlixzai'd in seaeh miaiiriil UIT l inadn by merit ami rt- i.micltialPil wilh I rii iiiinihpr.s of uf motinlain pass nr lower praijn iiiaum a nrra.nwi iinera. "tlio iiilary 14 in lr moiini me nri year anil II in IMipttlar airs. Mr. (iihsnn play- was also needed. These were Cigarettes for t month iIh- sp-rnnd year ami al Hie ml year. rraiclhiiir I'lhfiwi are aim In? Mn- sIcpI piiilur, Mr. Hoilli, no! least arngn llu railway 1U. vinliii ami Mr. Hoss, ncrnnliiiii. httilders of (Canada. Iimliiiair-Qualification!unii.1 r for llrlil-li Candldatat.aiibh en rc-l Ilnbhio Sims, apprnri'd in a nuni-l Duties of Citizenship. HI III Itrlli-ti i utiunliu rir at Ica-t nor luT Piilillod "A 'FihiI "l.'horp Wasj Canadian cilimis stintild hoi 35 'V, i.f wii,( rhararier. trond pltjrale.il con-.-m :iml with wimm.h irlr:iM'. with Varial inns'' and li"k "ft peady lo sink, individual customs iqf riuHiii nae pafHTU'iire in nri ntni uf Iho coin-'ditins for Hie peneral! (: kii'h ilir ability to oixaniii- unit fi-vprnl prninim'iit wlten necessary, X IniiiHe nun. ami luir knnulrili' or wilh siiimI offi'cl. Huh pooil or Hie roinnitiuily. They; t I'nreal' Art, in llio fi'miiiino themselves lo ho' ni' fianiiiuiinni ai'p parity wriiirn, Jatm's wits piiiiil should educate mil oral an.I ate l"-.iiiil ui ul lm rnlct Mur- and 'ilia ulillily aloiitr tin' almvi. Ilm-a. litirPK(tii iriiiiii'dipimi' tihti; to vote Intelligently, i ii'tiM'tiu tiiailc hv aiinllraiit a to ii Do Voti'. A farri wrosHlnfr help thot who are less fortunate "tire, iHliirallim ami llliw.' Milt- an1 nin veriliratiiin hy the exAinlulnr Lmini. inalrh holwrrn S. I.. arrinr as lo do the same. They should rierfiirf.llw n Kuril in rriuriiiii w.lilicr .iirfskusfcy, Hi" Maril of Itus-sia. lake a Iholy interest in the social iirri.il'. quallMrallnll-. Tha Caamlnatlona. nttd .lainos Kolly, us Wanfro, weirai'O or the coniTiutnily In V ramniail.n will Ik- lulrt at the rhaiiipinii nf llio Fiji Mi's, was which I hoy live. They should to ami nit llH.itat' llilincil hrlow. Kuril ladina- roiuti.lalA linil.l nrn.li In IIim vi-iy fiiiiny and ipsiiIIpiI in tltft help further the work of iisked Mrs. Kdisnii why she lijtd people had got married for. 1't foiim rnrekirr and or rnr hi In illitlrlci Turn ml Inn rnr n-fiarir-armll-, lallof yplllnjr Iwn falls mil of churches, schools and social or-cratli'aliniis. no Annulment wuiiled lo get married. She replied ' "I don't know, your loriUhtti.' af lltw lii.iir -tit tlm n-t-iriiliia II..H nn.1 llio Ihi-rv and iM'injr ilcolaiTil winnor Hut above all, il tli ii t she was not certain, readied-Mr. McCrimmon. A good point to remember Wiliir In which l will tie lu lil. Miilli.-I ti.nii4 (tlM.lilil. In farll rar. Iu MHral hy .lin-k I'littl. ri'ton-o. liidioove.s Iheni n keep, a spirit lull she guessed she hail not taken "You do know," collided Mr ma niallrd to 'the InMrlri -ni'ftcr In Address by Brady. or and devotion, lo thai of marriage In reach him at l('l tvra day lirrorc loyally jtime to think about Iho mailer nl l.'ali'Iifoid. "You're no clticken." riamin.iikin. Will Uriiwnt', of t In Wpsl-hnlmi' flas" for which so many Canadian, the time, in iiinisiiip remarKoii Ramsay Apply to ni-Incl Orplii'slt rmden d I wo laid down Iheir live for Date, l'nreter it ii, lltal such cases were becoming a unl.a,ni'in.uV(.r Map Mmrli h 1 IS 1 Vancouver kanilodp.K x 'I 1 1 1 1 1 1 c solus in his usual Hie cause of liuiuanily. thai lion-' Justice Latchrord Refuses to farce in Hie province. ELECTRIFICATION OF rntrr Hnport March I A PrlncH liuiuiri splomlid siylo. or mijrhl life. iBreak Contract Because of "How long bad you known this SWITZERLAND PROCEEDS 'Sllft. March in Prince linprrt Assisting wilh ttti-f ni'roinpanl-incnls "Oh Caiiiuta our homo ami nalive Youthfulness. nhrr Itfinj-e married?" iimrae .March ti I'l lnce ilenrrc young iiiuii you tthon Marrh n (4ll in lit" ronrsp of Iho pvp-iiiiiir land, lie asked Mrs. Kdison. PAINT Marrh VH WllllniiM I.like : ST. THOMAS, Onl.. March H. 'liini- Lake MlVh.Sil Wllll.iimi Lake wolf Charlos llalasno, W. True nalriol love. In till thy son I'eciartn&r tuai no coiuu not ne- "Ahoul six mouth," sin replied. HKItNK, Svyilzcrltiml, March 0. fi. n. .WIirJN. VaiiKhaii Davios. II. Atihrry I'ryro command, ' The eloclriflcalion of railroads rtipoly MlnUl.-r or Laiidt. lieve Hie evidence .suhtiiiltoil ahoill and .lark I'liiil. Willi plowing heaitl wo see I hep. is making rapid progress in "Where did together?" lltere not having been any post you go I'ritiflpal llrady rnnlrihulM a rio, slwilzerlaiid. Tin whole of Iho IS arid will the nuptial relation., in view of llu "To 'picture shows." pure .stapd rino ilt'in lo llm pros vain in Iho The Into north slrong and Tree, "Vou wonl tirihqso shows aiitl Coll hard Itallroail from Lucerne eslahlished facls Hon, uf llKj.case, Camilla! to Ihe llalian fronlfor War, test; of time. form of an impromptu addriss And stand on miaid O now Mr. .litstico l.tilcliford o.l 'I'tironlo, saw the: lilnil nf pictures they exploit, ntt " II una nunior. hp wciu We stand on puard Tor Ihoe!" liien only eleclrjcally-drawn rreiglil, at Iho opening o the sprinv how. girJs are soied liy and, Ihn -orrerting u- saving or over inln his suhjpcl fully puiic- assizes hore. ilisniisseiHhe net ion 'and uie assaulted? You know Foe sate at litallns It wilh a plenitude or 2,(inn Ions or coat, inytitbly. Other Head and Nostrils wilhotit costs, taken under the soiitet'liitig iilmut life its lhoe pictures local riefirroitiM's, prnpd holh on-lililoiilttrT lines In the. fiorman, and Italian '""VINCI-.IIP rOI.UMBH. pre.seni it?" BHITISII Act the Ontario Mtirriauf fop tin fronlicr. tiro heing Iran)-formed Ililirs-r IIIIAM II. uml rnlrrtainiitrr. SILVERSIDES ri:i,tr.Mi:.r mr wmh. i tiultnont of Iho iitnrriiiRo iif I'ear I "Yes,' sir." for electric traction. Clogged Up. 'I'MIXlTlnVS ' lltiilaman and .lann Aiaphui '"And yet you menu to Ml me KMII: Till' PHSITMIN T DILEMMA. K'tllKSrUVMILIt. A CONJURER'S I'.ilisiui nf Ihfs citv in r.iiiiiloii, VOU did not know why you were bros: 'Ihn conjuror in Iho vill.isra Ont.. on May" last, on Ihe gelling inurriod?!' Second Street th Objact. srhoid room hud iuvilod any man Could Hardly Breathe riiiiml lint bolh minors at "Yes, sir." M r'Iinaiiiiii-. an inr ii- iwii"." I wore Phone 22 P. O. Box 120 II.''!' nillna; 'Piailfy vumticy rnr anil riituro lo enalile vaeauelea ramll-and from fho atidionci) In slop up on When jou liecniiie all clioked up and tin linin and the eeremnny' wns His lordship wished lo know If Keeping I.. , Iho platform, and a youth ro. rttiq-eil lip with a iiild your head hnromea coiiducleil without the knoviloilpe rCttisnti hail vvsir ki.i'd tlie witness. thick, the nnntrlU liecuine so tlogired up vali i . Inir.-rn am ciiiiiliiyed Ihn mil fiponiletl. you roil hardly lirealhe, a feelln or or consent or (he hride's parents. She would not say he had ".Now, friend," aid Iho con weight or opprea.ilon Hi the rheat and The action wim instituled liy uf vor kissed her, and nh was, not I liini.J'1 I"1"'ilw.11 1" the Thl neroinl la liicri'Ucd year ami M juror. Ml suppose- you consiin-r u llw rim ii U raspil and leara your luiiK J Mis llridman, or Mrs. Kdison, P(isit(e ahoul how; long (hey had It Good EDSON COAL V " "'"hill Urn third year provided u mailer or inipossiiiiiiiy tor mo lirntirlilal tnlie. and she ollcred as explanalion of been engaged. "UMartury inrvire u lvvtt and hiiltliirnt itiakc Iho rahhil in that ho ThU U thft lime to take Hj.," 'nnaim'ii in inn eiaioinjiiioii; aio rn DR. WOOD'S tlio arrangement llfttl. sluv had His Lordship's Wager. r "I'porinnlilea rnr irniiiilnn lo Into rnnl- tahlo your JJ'' IfHtllmi. itanirrra who Mil lo on the puss NORWAY PINC SYRUP found out after Iho marriage Dial "I'll he the girl thai became COMPANY h...,nr l,,A flklx-r kradca In their llrnt lait jM.tkot?" before Ihliiir net to he too srriona, There The dairymen nf llio Fraser Ma,I'liiitifin she did not care very much for engaged to me would know about Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th SL 1 may have mi ppmirimiity to do "I iliiiinti ahmil iiiipnssihlo," I no remedy lo ritual It TuP rlearlnr P Valley deserve nilicti credit Tor rllbneilllciil ruiiu.... ..i ii.iilli.iiu tier husband. The case was heard that." remarked his lorilship. wouldn't the rnld, niakliitt Hie hreallilnir easy, Milk. Iho leply, "hut I the hisli ijualily or Pacillc r,n,i?.u,MBt,tlna roe Candldataa. was InpMiiInx Iho iihleKiu ami oothinr and by Mr. Justice Orde in the local Young Kdison told I be court IVm V,r"V I"' ItrltlxU riuhjl'rli llol I fir." Wo all know some uf the host l krni ." '"'.V'llvn yeiirn or aye. reahlrnl do II if won you, tinulliiaT the luiio and tironrtilal lutie, cntirt lat fall, but nn decision was that It bad cost him about 17.50 tiJui '"'"""''I fur at lcat iiiu yi'in'; "Oh, you'll bo in no dansrer, Mrs, tdward kincudo. 6U Hryilen St., herds in Canada, are in llio I,miner Best Coal i rendered, agd tils lordship held lo gel married, u he had -given T. irooii piivHirui coiioiiion tttJ' n"iU 1 can assuiv you," until Iho Si. John, y, H, writes: "I wiU to and Abbolsfonl districts. ihiii'i-.' valuable that I Ii o af torucv-gcncral should (he minister I0 The gill hail ''" l.tn Ihn Tno io. my hearty thimki to your Ikij mil '"J",'' . fiiiulllar Willi in" I'lw. sioinhf of hand man airly. pre The purity uml rich cretim ''tint "miliar, tlmticr erulalnt. ur twnedy lie,. WontTa Ntarway I'lna. Syrup lie nolllled. Olllcial notice was ghen liim to understand thai she ' prninrtiiin! poithea a I wasn't Ihiukinj; about myself," rail I roil-trarled flavor is duo lo our process of II did (ail .ot and what food m. given tlio atfiiiney-gcnoriirH de was IK years old, ami hp ha pro youlli answered ealin- the like I never hail, canning. Those lwn essenllul wtmiiiio lb" nevere mid, IrL' work and Ititmllai nieti, partment prior to the filtering of cured tlio license in rmai oeiit, hiiu '''"ihiiiailnim are iarly written, Iv. "t i i n ;iivj nl no raw-. my heud anil mutrlla were o t loir red up have made Pacillc Milk what 'iliiW ' .1')!' ai't' 'lelinied lo tenl Urn ferrctn I rould tret no vent, ami could ncarcely the leln ming, hut the department Mrs. IMison's ralhef deposed Ihaf Lowest Prices 'l niji.V "lllltv Nlnnar IIim uLnvs lluea. bit. I'v ol teinipl" ltio.1 renmily alter Tliere is l'JiM, fStiiI?''"S b upl'liranta lu . ii.ipkpt." I'ltlshurfJ toy liraiilti. I wus not represented. t she was horn on March 1, H w..'.i,?'''''',,ll"i tltoe are ault- lu my runierly until at la( I tlmusUl I pogsibilily of an appeal. and therefore. vaa IH years old at Pacific Milk Co. ffrlr! ''ion h.v tin enniliitnirbouriL (Mirnn-Toh rraph. would try 'tir. Vol,., Arter U' flrst illi in. ,"' u Irtven in 'returned .nldlem iIhmi I nit relief, and by tli time tUe Life From Movies. the liniv or the marriage. Limited Order Now, Phonr 58 11 tl l-rlm-i TJr..""''"ey""Hiillmii.itiinllllratlmm,will lake Ur . . . .to- l ininni..r.I n A IS. bolll W41 UnMieit I all bettor. I will .Justice Latch fmij ttiil!u l uiiitce As his lordship was closlug Hie Factorial at iii,,,, ''I'l'ert on Marrh Ifiih ami Advor f lltf U (ho uluaya keep l lu lue Ume." wordi in di.HCtisajinu the case, and case ho asked City Crown Prosecutor Abbotaford and 12 DRAKE STREET L'tfi ?,?,,Ml,rrh '" flintier pur- viltHl sloitni, U to niaehliiory. k-rlcai, Me and 60o a Luttwt imt no ou.i.t submitted both to '.MeCrinunnri. vlio tadnar, m. a n'Jlffl lh' "'''' ieier. ,nrd he principals prose, Llmllid WANC0UVCR lrnsperntijt adverfislnp meann riiviit urn nolllnu nnwer. hy The T. Mllhurn Co., Limited, Toronic, W II, MaclNNCS, Out. uilltnale cross exuminatious. lie. cutcd, wltat ho thought lite young regular continuous advertising, Civil Dmlca Cuimnliiluiier. Mucauluy. LSI