PAGR.TWO TTTR DAIITY NHWfl TUwJny, Jnrnu-y si The Daily News . HEALTH MESSAGE REORGANIZATION miNni; nfiM'.ivr - mutism r.o..i'.in.. PiiMihel Every ADi'moon, rxeept .Sunday, ly The So.vtA TO tHEWORLD OF DEPARTMENT t 1. ' 1'riiiling ninl Pnhlislilnp Cnmpnny. Thinl Avenue. ' S-JI. P. Pl?IJ.F.N. Mannging Kdilnr. Ennlneer la-specjop Support Boost Take "Fruit-s-tives" And City and to Sanitary Be Bultdmg Inspector EA T SUBSCRIPTION RATES v. Make Yourself Well , and Supt. of WorKs. Oily Delivery, by mail or rnrrirr. per month . The Hy mnil (o oil purls of llm Hrilisli Empire mid I In UoOC1' Ijdes, "FniH a tiTei",lliemrrllu.nrf-tin Slid 1 Ik' cily euuiiicei 's d'urtui'lll Home Fish najt from fruit jnicrt louleS, in ndvjinrr. per your .?.fl.O0 111 Hie f.ily Hall is lo lie so re-nrsriiniinit Js the mot U.ui-iir;alliie'lliirul ngfnt Tonll olhr-r eounlrie. in t(lvanre. per year. Hi.1i Hitrrv I., l-jindry, that hi ln-i-n to mtnLioJ. 3 txi r txnn Jmt in oraiirrs, jil'-s, flfi and jiivsi'iil liuitdinv inpeclftr, and Business TELEPHONE 93 prunes are iiiturn's owu nnsliciue, 90 W. 11. .Martin, .4iiniiiry iuspecinr, Industry "Kruit-atlveV' inade from these will no Jniijier" lie officials and Trnnsienl T)iplay Advertiinp ?l.o per inch per insertion .fruit Julcis-diut eoncentrated ami lasl nigh! 1 lii council pas.l a Trnnsionl AdvertMiifr on lYnnl Page. . . . .. .;.2;ffoper inrti intensified Is the pmtit Slemath aJ rceiiliuiiciuhninu flMln Hie llonrd I.OeAl Menders, per insertion , -25e per line livrf Mnlirint, tht grralfst Kutney nf Work giving I Ihvsi' posts ln-vollirr Clarified Advertisinfr. per insertion 2r per wonl omi TUiuiJrr.ttJlciH-tht firmtnt Blood wit lr I liar of Siiiierinleud-iMil l.epal Nnlieee, enrh insertion , I.'e pe,r nffale. line I'ufiifrthe gtralrst rtmrjf for jfoA of I'uhlie Wnrks officially to ON .. finnlrnrt Ttnles nn Applienlion. aches, CotulitHion, InJigrtien,Xrrti-nta Jlie liily- Mnalheer' who is lo lw All ndvorlisinr should he, in The llaily News Office, on ilay pre ami Bad Complexion tit the fil s.iey in'rharsfe "f and respnn-sible cedinfc pulilieaUoii, All lvefliinR reeeivril .ulijerl lo nppftfvni. To bo well,1 Uke "Kniili-tif ei' fiir nil uliil' work f ln Canada's Eighth Annual Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Mc a box, 6 for$J M, trial siio'J.Je. cily witi the etfri',,, of Hial mAl dealers or sent pistviid by if Hie ebctrtS li.'lil. Ii-b'phoii-' DAILY Vittt Kruit--Uve limited, Ottawa. and fire i!ri;irlnnnl. The eti-vlliei-r EDITION Tuesday. Jan. 31. I9'.'2. Will take iiji lii duties uiidi'i' llil iilnn oil and atler Welcome Given SUITCASES March I ami .Mr. Landry and Mr. NationalFishDay Hon. A. M. Manson. TRUNKS Mai 1 111 are I1 be rie '' 1 The welcome extended Hon. A. M. M.insnir hy Hie citizens nf Hull effeci, J The action dors Prince Ituporl yesterdnv iniisl lie taken as on iinlicnluMi of Hie CLUB BAGS not m-cessirily mean Ihat these men ill lose Hieir isl as eni-i,,ii- personal regard in which llie people hen hold the new attorney litil thai lliey ire lo Iw general ami nf Hie appreciation hy the people of Hie nation of llie Large Stock on hand. hi n new status directly resni-silile Wednesday, February 1 jrovc-rnment in recognising Hie constituency of Omincca. the Prices very low. lo Hie engineer where lie-fore sister constituency lo thai of Prince Ilnpert in Northern Central J. F. MAGUIRE lliey were only responsible 111 Die coiulcll. Officially, lliey Itritivli C.oltimliia. II gives the Nortfi a iloiilile representation. ee;"'' 'fw. Next th Prince Kupert Hotel will simply Until the appointment of Mr. .Man.-on (he whole of the North Made Unanimous. country was ahly ami well represented liy Hon. T. D. P.-itlitlliY The propoeal was ilisi'iied Buy and Eat Fish ! minister of land., hut In was only iiiie While his inlluence in BOARD OF WORKS HAS fully in commute of the whule. Aid. Kelly could tmt see wliere the cabinet was a grenl -as tlial of'iliy other niemher, if not Hie action would make greater, yel he wav.iloiie there willi'iio'collcague representing CHOSEN INCINERATOR rlian'e in Hie conduct ofaffairs any Boost the Business that Boosts You! district farther north thair Nanaimo. Now the norjhern Inlluence SITE THIRD AVENUE and akrd for a week lir-conJ is doubled Iy the :iillilin of the representative of Omiilec.i. sider Hie repjirl and accordingly Aid. Jv'i'i. rliaiinan of the iiioM-d Iliat il , Im laid on llie No Politics In Mnard if W orks, ri-)nrtod ai last Intde for that time. This vii-w Demonstration. nielli's council ineeiin that his was not stipiiorleii liy lie rest efminiillee lind selected A site f Hie nM'TJiieri and the motion.! Sinclair Fisheries, Ltd. - Prince Rupert There was no politics in Hie demonstration to Mr. Mmiisoii fur Uie irjketl iiirini-ralor nn in Hie nalure of nn aiiieudioeiil yesterday. There were people present of, nil shades of political Third .entift- KasL'- insi lidow lo another reconiniendin the' opinion. The mayor, who is usually looked upon as a Oou-ervn-live ninl M.m.''wlal west ".if Ui, Iso.iadnplion of Hie r.-imrl was" lol. ; in politics, rose lo the occasion and showed himself to be a inlion llitspilal lb staled nialAI"- h".v r,oln!r "", "'" "c iulihlr oneiVf,,blg for H. Hie arlfrilKll m.t- man with a wide outlook who coubr sink nil party differences and Hie sill- was n vm- -St froni Hie point of view nf tin- lion was then carried and Hum I extend the welcome of Hit; whole city to one of her imminent tnndin? ?arbase and removing mayor wu iuslrucled to cast a! Ten Years Ago I Canadian National Mins, no matter what his'po)iiit-a opinions. His welcome lo Mr. anil llie lieal peneraled unanimous ballot, in eonidiace in Princ Rupert Railways Manson was wholehearted and'iiicli as wolilil become the head of mizhl possibly he useij for Hie with the ruli-; of pntcedure. ap . K I a city of promise such as this. Prince Huperl will be. known eneral bospilal. thus i'frertiijr point in? the cily engineer lo Ibei a saving to llie li iard of some three offirial pols. January 31, 1912. abroad by the, character of her citizens. It'hiiofteii lieeu.rlnimed 3,000 per year. Aid. Monl?oui- Aid. Mornsev' n'port wax Prince Rupert lhal there are here men anil women who compare favorably with aain in (be council ery add'sl that it mlphl also be any other -part of the Empire, nud it lnud lie a source of civic used for the lieatin? of water in BOOTH SCHOOL last mailt particularly a clause gratification that the world is beginning to recognize thefact nnd a civic swimming lank at some proposing io dispense with the that there are now I wo men from Hie. North who hold mot future dale, (Jjfs. Iieinp a very services of Al. J. Mr.N'eill. in per-. prominent places in the government of the province. favorable , location for surli aj SEPTIC TANK tnten.teiit of works. Mr. Mc Shipyards lank: I . . , . lf , , , , i Neill demanded lhal dwlsion b Support. Until, . J i -.jiy.i "-. ' ? - The Hoard of Works will eub-l ' deferred until Hie return of Col. Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Proved Unworthy. mil a MiMirt fiiitiiwlviii" llild AIQ. Perry''Motion.for Estimates I lav is. city engineer, and Ihe Engineers, MaeMnlsU, Bollsrtnakers, lachs'mJthi, ptttn Now that Hie North is well represented in Hie provincial recommendation al an ' early Linking Hays Cove Residences, council carried a motion lo that makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Ete. rabinel, it has been citizens (he council. Goes to Board of Works. effeci. i suggested by that harping criticism of jinei'iing -if our representatives shall cease and that we all sland by Ihein. Electric and Acetylene Welding. Being human they must sometimes make mistakes and-they musl MAYOR IS NOT YET ENGINEER SAYS SEPTIC The cily council lasl iiighl make enemies if they .-ire men of strong opinions, as they 'should TANKS NOT FUNCTIONING conslden-d he mailer of estab Our plant is equipped to handle all kind of be. At the same lime while Ihev hew lo Hie line of sonifd stales- ADVISED REGARDING lishing an isolation hospital. manship they should receive Hie support of all pood citizens linn nriirr ppiirur; '' I'crrys motion thai the Two sites, i.rie .in Ihe fmetery MARINE AND ndlT nELlEX OLriLiriLtcily engineer be instruned "to road and anolher near liny-I'.reek Liberal, Conservative' or any other party. When,the next election enmes, if it is found lhal they have not measured up lo Hie Prince Quest ioned by AW. Kelly al prepare eHm:iles for llie linking are lo be in-peeled. COMMERCIAL WORK Ilnpert standard. Ihat will be the lime to show them that others lasl ninb's rnuncil meeting. llt of resilience, un Hays Ve do .Major Hoeliesler staled that he lirele and Fourth. Fifth, Sixth The sunken lug (lien llosa has PHONES AND ' might belter. Politics, it is hoped, will be a thinfrof Hie past 43 3S3 had been Seventh and Kiylilti Avenue been bronchi 4o Hie surface and for the nexl few years so that industrial development may be not ye given official carried on unhindered by xililica inlluence. advice as lo Hie extended participation easl of fln'en Slrcei with Hi pow lie in Hays Hreek. Thee.-are of the Federal fWnern-menl Itoolh School septic lank was signs of a sad struvvle for Sir Ernest Shackteton, in relief work as repore lal niirhl referred liy tin rnun lire but nolhlng Is lie seen Intrepid in last week's telegraphic press cil In the Hoard of Works for of iiplaiu Tallander and hi Explorer. , consideration and' Hie son who are believed lo have Hveryone will regret Hie death of the explorer, Sir Kniest reports. report. 'DEMERS' been drowned when Hie visel ShacKleton. The Hrilish people love an adventurer. The Kmpire Aid. Kelly suggested lhal Hie alderman staling thai he would stink. Q. new scheme, whereby permanent keep after Ihe Viielon until le was founded on adventure by adventurers ami Hie spirit of adventure work can be done with 'the government some action had been taken by still burns in every breast. Sir EnUM was a representative ro-openalioi; in the Ihe Hoard of Works. .Vow is ihe lime of all linn's to Great Slaughter CL if the race. He was a big of his man Jype and Hie eyes of Hie costs hi put inlo effeci as soon I here was considerable borisl Hie fUhing Industry, and world wrra welching him. His sudden death caused general as possible and reoucsled Hie cussion on the mailer nnd it support local proprriiy. Iluv r-grei mat - 4iie so lull or llie romance of adventure and mayor lo take the mailer up at was pointed out by Aid. I'erry and cat fish on Wednesday. Feb to make room for new stock ipicai in ine reelings or Hie people,as a whole ,houbl be ml oil so once. In Hie meantime the may lhal Ihe present san'taiy stale ruary 1st.. CANADA'S NATIONAL .suddenly and in such a commonplace manner. It is a matter for or will confer with the local of affairs in IliU section of Ihe FISH DAY. EXTRAORDINARY VALUES! mi rir r.riiesi chose men lo aid him of such calibre 'provincial employment aullpir. cily was any!Ill ll? but good. The in tun r.x. Mt.ot in cm iit or txADt. mm me. mtmi "limine uie worn wnicn ne tias commenced. lilies people there were enlilled lo Hftlllsil lol.l'UMM AI.MIIIUT MSTIil.rT. heller provision. Aid. Kelly anil Aid. Silversides were in favor of VM l.. AlVA.oir.IIM. In COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, HATS a permanent newer unit if such ron-l Mamiiir and all Ladies' wearing hpparel could be managed,' the former fio. miir "W01.1.T m lt iiirinilT mil staling lhal the septie. tanks now SnTt-tTtt. Everything in the storq reduced. in use in various parts of Hie fS 1 UVAXOIT. I'Uinlirr. Call and see our prices. cily were, absolutely a failure Itl'IIM and were in fuel a menace. He rioj-siiii' -MOIJ.V MK" AXIi rillUUIT MACDONALDS potnicti to W est view as an ex TkK rii.Tii r. un ine uriull t in 3rd Ave. "DEMERS" Phone 27 ample. There Were several sep Aitmirli li.irl-l r HMII.Ii c4iinil.ia m I l ii'rlwfk in li rirrixxxi nt itwt inii lie tanks there and Hie condition iUf at Irlirmrv. let. Li txihlii- lirlkm a the tarilt nt Vanrnuirr Main was even worse than in Hie vie i at J aril iiiuiiiru 111 ffiraia ini Wral inily of Hie lloolh School. Vaneirtivrr. H, IT- IIh .liln "Mitllr Mv Cut Brier iir ui ni in uw urner ix-rria or iiik juilr Not Functioning. iu Aiiniiranr niaie ami naien Ui fr.ita It may he surprising lo lliunl.The l-arilfiilara i.f lli ihlp "Mullv Vv CUT PRICES in all Merchandise many." qualified Cily Knglneer are aa Mloa: oniHtl nuintM-e: J6?. Mi MORE Whittakrr, "but- llicic i noj .Mimis-r. IMI" awl 1'irt or RriMri. V. TOBACCO FOR THE MONEY a siiurle septic tank in this li. i, ii, rnm iiu-ri. o. i.. psHiiiHH.. iia arrrw. YOUR DOLLAR friet lhal 1 functioning prop, Hufimmtr: f.H weiinal lrifier i.nivin nirr ail: la irrv iriiiln Packages 15 erly. Thry should be equipped t Hralu; 11 lre, 01 IrliUin. with alleriiallng fillers." The T'Miruar; Ornsa, IU-rllf Gets Quality and Value. tl.l; rit, 7.f. lbTins85 cily engineer said Hull he would, m i up iiiaiiwi tir aiij inu rail iumftarllv of course, prefer permanent arrniiiNl. I'rn'iKalnn In vli- itw aalil aliln iui l Phona Grsan 418 .mm. sewers Where possible but Hint .J.lafiwd mm tha VarWiall at M nftirr In 1 1 a rT ill OCK temporary provision rrjuld well llrP IHTMi imiri lli!iiwi-r,IJlh i of January. A.n STEVE KING - - - - THIRD AVKM"gJ he made in Ihe ocnllyin ipies. istt. llontUT SMITH, . lion. V. ; XillrUirf- tut llm uiniiir 1 ' v Trie atilrra for aerura of notieii Sun in o l iiw iiiira in mjrri, M(Whlif) 4 The cily i In rail for leu. Sinllh, 0I locr Hiiliriint, VannMirer THEOCOLL II. ART, LTD. TgjSc - 10 - iders for a in by 10 fool air compressor which will bu. used N0TICI. for rock work on the streets. II TAaE "IMTICK thai ariar Ihe n,il,ll,.n. We have 137 lots In cell or Ih Dominion flnrrninint m i.f hl uullrr fur ihhi inuulh l...iu will tie portable "innrhlni and Hut ri'rlnr l linllril lt apply 10 havr n pari of the city. Tneludinp Herllon . Terms to ho nr mg' nfr nunirii i.i hi i.aaviae hoi Mirinai For further Information mil ill onif" will cost in the neighborhood of lluMina .jufiaii)allmliri. our t500, The cfijtncil ""adopted a j jimii mil nn day of jamury. AJi. Rsntals Real Estate General Insurance m rfprtrt frcnt Ihef Jloard of Work Iii'i (ea no a a A a Phone Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Block l. 0. B0 lo HiU elfect las evening; Hoi M-rlli l.liiilieil.