January 31, 1922 udnr THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TI1RE4 liifllTllrlMli CATARRH ii ii Local and Personal 'sTTflhliiM BLADDER "The Regent" if Tf'ATM I.In til -llllJl bear, rv Tor h Taxi, phono 07. If Remember! Remember! George Leek, Auctioneer, If ill s ii- a -ii'li'iiiJiil instrument liolli from FISH ARRIVALS . 1J. 0. Undertakers. Phone 41. if I he fnndpoini i,r Tom: llcprodiction and mod Appearance. Ii i equipped villi a Two Carloads of Halibut Was Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 548. unoer-ai lone nun Hial plavi- all make Handled at Fish Exchange WEDNESDAY, FEBY. 1 nf "' iiN. ami also a wooden lone Morning. Hay nor u, Undertakers, Phone 301. tr iiiitiiu i lie in? p raid or I fiulriiincnt, ( Tw.i i-ill li.aiU llf jllllllllll WD' lia- ii plan- for JeeplOK lliVccord. It is "old liy ix inil fishjnir boats (!ah for Victory" Itnuda. Tims. is -"Id at a moderate price. Wit have no l Ihr lAiliiiiipc this mnruinir. McUlymoiil. tf lirlatmil jn uyinj j J (I,,. .l rilrol- I In1 price iil rcmaiiiliiK at a low ', lev.-l. Tile's Sale prices on lrupcry. Canada's National en I i -1 1 1 phonograph on market Tlii' arrival and sales, wen an carpels, Linoleum. i'O imiiI unusual vmIiii' for (lie money. follow: I eddy .1., Horn) pound, liinl f t.-i Hkf la 1 1 " hi lit. I.xliiliilion Fort una. ',,000 pound, Hold to 1 1 it 1 1 al . Three ?amc. l Only $110.00 Uu- Al fin FilierirY al 7.1c and FISH DAY Hi' a lnKili-r on ri-limary lei. sf.Miii.i-. iiimi pound: Mermaid CANADA'S NATIONAL FISH DAY. I .'.iuki iioiinil: Selma 1000 lb", and lin-i! II.. Iwou miiihI.. sold Flro Salvage Sale, February i" i In- -Hiinadian Fih and Cold 1 to 15 at Prince Rupert Music Sluing,. Company ' 7.5,1 hikI Store. to. Jiir ,wit-k iif Salt- Il.ir.'iiiii. buffflu, cliairn, nml abli- al WIRELESS REPORT iCovcvvcvuw.vy 8 a.m. W only baiidli- Iirime l-i-i lili.UY ISLAM Clar, ealm; Iwr.f. alinfaotlon uaraiilved Stocktaking Comes in 2 Months. baioiiirii r. 2t.H8: leiiiiMrraluri. City Marki-I. If .'.' . -I'll nnootli. - IltM. II.1UU)H Cli-ar. nalin; llid, irin5s. iiiaitn-... .Ih-i-Ik. Boost The Industry Until that time we will offer liar.,iiii-ii-i-. Jji.Krt; i-ninraluii hIan1ict,''iiNri,HiN, a! TUi'k .'.'; -i-a -iiumiI It; H:XT, i.in nioki; Mtwial fale Jirkx-i. 26 Specials in Several Lines -I'-amor l'ruM4 John alwam.S'an-ioiim-i- KiK-'k nnrlliliouiiil; t):l5 liou'l delay iinli-r lodav. CAN i in. iok i.-niiii-r Sinkaiii In ADA'S NATIONAL FISH DAY, Milliauk Soiinil norllilioiind. W'irdiwiolay, l-Vjiruary 1. by Eating More Fish French CHOCOLATES IK.I TUKU POINT. Cloudy; i-aliu: lKiriimrli-r. 30.07 ; ti'in- F. IS. bawmin ri'liirni-d yi-.lrr- and ii-raluri. '.'I : I-U ftlKHMItll. day from n brief tniniin-K.- irij Noon lo Vancouver and Yii-ioria. Ivory DliiltY ISt.A.Mi illi-ar, r aim; . STATIONERY lianniK-li-r. J'J.3'J; t'iiiii-raliire, lilii VAI.I Hi.- In-I w.-i-k Atlin Fisheries, Limited - Prince Rupert :i.": fa -inimlli. I'ili-'i Sali- I)re.!i-r. iiili...li r- lU'f.l. IIAHIIOIt r.lu.ly 'ralni; i-il cay i-liairn and riH-ki-m. 'JO These will be sold at cost to clear. lianimi-iiT. 2U.nl; leioin-ralurf. :!."; rniHilli: 1 iiikiii cok JudKi' V. MeM. 'Smtnis cxim-i-Ik 'li-amrr Pruirr ltni"M'l off Siar-li-ll In li-avi- for Smiitlii-r liiiiiuiTow! II. V. V. A. lii-in-ral nii-eini ORMESUMITED I'niiit northbound. wlo-ri- In- will hold court mm- muKi: imu.vi -i:i.,uiiy: ioiin. will in- held ii V'-din'.iJay. Keli- a ' inarj' 1 al p.m. Import ant i-alin; liariiiiieti-r. 30.0H; iiiHr. The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store aiiiro, nin imikmiIIi, J'Ihiiii I Hark Too fur fro: doin- lunim--. -'0 Lumber & Lath nilralioii ,if iitii-ves Variiuui All music and musical Instruments Harry Wiiislil. IravHUnx im Itleancr. jiier In ui- than a nyi-r uxi-iH of tin (laiiailian Na- broom. if must be sold regardless n of ccst at the Fire Salvage Sale. Shiplap-Boards and lioiuil Hallway.'. wilii; ay February 1 15. Prince l hat In- mil I In- (iiiIIht of to Rupert wii Mr. and Mrjrjlif JlatiM-n r,-lurni'd' Cakes Iced to Order. Uu- h-llir lirmlnl "l'lilnuili yv.Jrriluy afiT0-"n ii Muslce Store. Dimension wliivli ntiMarcl in Ho laily N(rv I hp l,riiii-i-)K'-'Mfiry frmii a brii-f Tin- Women's Auxiliary of Si. yi-r,Iay uleord "II. WricliL" lril ' T'liorougbly Air Dried and btored Under Cover Y.iiH'inijrrtQ'' I'eler's Church, Seal Cove will Individual Mine Pies,. Pumpkin Pics, Etc ' I- t f I bold llieir annual mod in I ho Specialists In Birthday and Wedding bakes Mr. and .Mr.. II. K. AII-hi nr. Standard and popular music in OUR PASTRY IS UNEXCELLED i ivi-tl Ial n I li.l from liuyal irom o cents lo z& cents per Church At on a o'clock Wednesday sharp.afler-ihmi All Kiln Dried Flooring. Ceiling, Siding. Mil!. nml nrr rr-jr-ifm al llii- copy-at Fire Salvage'Sale" Prince "The Home of Domestic Bread" ladies inl-rcleil an- welcome. Ilol.l I'riuro Huwrt. Rupert Music Store. ' and Finish THE LACASSE BAKERY A Flounders. V BENEFIT DANCE. Talk "fiob" in your iii-i-ltjior Ice. . SPRUCE LATH f hone 190 717 Third Avenue P. O. Box 413 and lioo.t i in- filiinx indu-ilry. Tin- iinicnV Auxiliary f Ih i-ilni-ilay, Jr'i-brtlary l.l is Salmon.Hrriiur. Manufactured in Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices II. It. I . u ill uivi- a Ih-iii-IU ilanr CANADA'S STH ANNUAL FISH hill More, I i-li and ImhisI for in I In- Mi-liityri- lliill on WinIiii-x DAY. ' DA IT (r fion-n herring bull in cnticrdwFby lUlicrruen lay. I-i-lu-iiiiry I. at U:.(U p.ui ',ilii-ilay, February I si, Canada's PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. . i.. i..' Hi,- tiiiiMt procurable at any I'aclflo Coast l.ailo ."iOi-. . nlli-ini-ii . tft I inli-r 4uv aupi,--V of I Ik- I. o. .National Fili lav. and ii i Tlnhy." 1'rico, 130 kt tun. I. V.., Cobini-I I nrnler will givr . Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 Anion Hie arrivals in (In- city IpP l li way of liiKiiruii; a Knod quality trip is an nlire in llie Gliurrb of FULLER'S SPECIALS from (In- soiilli on the Princess ( lia4' .fiily vr our hard froicu ice. Price, Kiu-laml on Tiii-.-iday i-veniu? al Mary yrslenlay were J. H. ,t: (uu. H orliH-k. All m-'iiilicr urm-il In r i llaron. i.ii-i-ial 37' jC Tliouipsoli of Victoria and Miss Q.jifjj '! wll-iumppcd More ran utt' flsliluK tear, illi-nd. AiJuII.h mid llili ScIhmiI I'arifn- Milk, i-r i-ai $5.50 Italian. Mrs. Caldwell. Miss Cab! ntcniirn'e i'IoIIiiiik. groceries and provisions uludeiilii cordially imili-d. 25 r.ai'iiiilioii ami SI. Churli-. wrll and I'.. Iviward", from V;ni VaSsStfnHSlsHslsHvBV h-i- i-iim $7.25 iwiuver. NEW Caolih- Soap. Iii- bar. 25c i-iidi-r are In ln ejilli-,1 for ENGLAND FISH Company by Hie eily for I In- removal Ni. I Aiili-!. n--ial ........$2.85 CARD OF THANKS. ! GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Alaska Branch of rubble and further exi-iiviiliim Ketchikan, I iiondry Sian-b, i i-ks. 25c On behalf of llie family of lli.-l l.nini' Marinaliiili- 90c al Mm- Sniilb l.laod iiiarry. a re- lale Venerable Aivhdi-aeoii Col-j S. S. PRINCE RUPERT will sail 11 p.m. Wednesday fur I Mir lti-.l fide Ti-ii. '.' IIm for 95c pori from llie lloanl of Works lison I wish lo lake this oiuoi - Auyox. Midnight Thursday for Swanson Hay, Ocean Falls, SHcial llrrmiM-ry I'olli'r .,. .40c ri-eomini-ndin? thix bavin been luiiity of ai'kiiovlclm tin-many Powell liner, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. DENTISTRY lli-.okfu-l.l and K. C. I) 45c adopled al lal iiif.-lil' inei-tinu. loucliiii Iributes of sympathy S. S. PRINCE JOHN lor all points on Northern and rr.-f.i r.ffiH. :i Hi, fur $1.00 A deputation from o iihimii. and appreciation which Siiiillii i-ii OuceiM'harlolie Islands January 30, February 13 1 I'.ri-aio of Wlo-at 25c have been received, and only re- and 27. For Stewart. February 2 and 16. J H'',j;l'l y-ur ! hi iihi' docayrd-or inissintr ttxlli pln.ved wa" lo have met Hie; i:iirilif' Soda", tin- 65c ily eouneil lal eveiiiiii; lml tbey ret thai it has not been possi Train Service. lowers your vitality. MaKi Itaklnt- I'owibr, SM '" 95c lid uol iit in an iippiiriim-i-.j ble to acknowleile each separ Passen-er MONDAY, WbDNESDAY and SATURDAY al 11 :16 ifn-rii-an (loffi-i- . .. . 55o I II.-re ately. W. F. COIJ.ISON. . in. For Smil tiers. Prince George. lUImonlon and Winn.-cr. wa lo a iin-"lioii nlai-.i DR. BAYNE Wi-ildlny llrakfii-i ;. 55c i uiakiiiL- .lirecv connection for all points 1 Hastern ed In-Toi-i- Jin- hoard Whieli. il is Canada and United States. j loiii-r'oSyi-ii, 2 . 25c Rooms Block Phone 103 llildersliHwI. was sellleil' Jtlsl before " 4, 6, 6, Helgerson Corn, bijr tin, :i for 50o Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. "I " Hours: Morium,- 012; AfU-iiiooiis. 1:30-5:30; Two in I 1'olUli .12'ic llie meelinv. Over Twelve City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue Phone 260 lAoninsrs. 7.9. Slii-i-d I'oncliM. pi-r tin .. 25c Aid. Perry reported Pun- Olive Oil, al $5.50 nilil's council nice.iuK iha. "Thousand Watcheslr No. I Jap Mice. 3 Ih". fur. 25o motion calling for reduction of, I lliiiiiri'Hn Cocoa, Ih. .. 25o lilil iud power rales, of which CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY II. C. fri-.li I'.kk 50o he uae notice ri-ci-iillv. i. Iieinu Repaired. Nanaimo-Wellington f 0 A I (Iiiiariu Cln'i-M'. pi-r Hi. . 25c belli hack until llie . Iiei-cmber B.C. Coast Services , F.niio-i-H" Cciffi-e, i s 55o reporls and fioeounls of (be Viet-, Our repair book shows that have bad (hat number of we AT REDUCED PRICES jJ iXlj trio libl depart 1111-11), have been customers' watches in for LASTS LONGER MORE HEAT BETTER SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS completed. . repairs. Sailings from Prince Rupert W.ai-li . . .i monthly In) mill, vou must iiilm.t Klkx. and Invited Mil.. II. M. Tri-mayne, We make our charges just NANAIMO-WELLINQTON Is the Cheapest and Best. Iloynl Purpb-, noconi. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway (Hie In lianee Tuesday llie panieil by her two, ,dauitlilers.' as. low as we can. January 2, 16, 30; February 13, 27. ALBERT McCAFFERY, LTD. list iii F.IU' Home from ":30 lo Misses Frances and Audrey Tiv- We have facilities foruuder- & 1 . 25 inayue, relurued yeslejilay Jo the taklnp mosc-any kind of u For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle aflur liaviiiK visijed Vancouver i from living breaks in 'Phones 116 and SC4 cily al January 7, 21; February 4, 18. X llou't folcl. Oianye Sooial and Victoria, In the rilis. eyeglasses, pens, ee and lianee. February 2nd. capital tboy were (lie ?ncM of (o llie most delicate timepieces. Agency for all Steamship Lines. - .Mr. and Mrs. James Fi'iemau, . .. . . ... i i i - .i i i.ii.i. Full information from Phone 66 P. O. Box 743 .injur i.ur..i i.miiiii'r, t.ir.if.i...Terrace Avenue. We- can also iiiamifaelui-i-musl Mldwriiler Carnival, February 3. . 0 V'' any kind of jewellery W. 0. ORCHARD, General Agent JAMES HUNTER . Permission wa" nulled Klia you need in a hurry. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prlnoe Rupert, B. O. KiiigblM of Columbus Annual Kiuad by (In- eily council last TRY US GENERAL BLaCKSMITHING AND CAR BODY lani e. Fi-bruary JM. nihl o put . in a baseiuent en trance lo Ins block on 'b rd John Bulger, BUILDER eiporiineni You r nol Avenue 111112 uu any. of the UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C. LIMITED. I Agent for Traffic, Day-Elder and Rugglea Truoka CZEMA Ins you ue when Or. city jlreel below the sidewalk to The Jeweller . SAILINOS Term I rhane'a Olul- do so, The maiii'i' lias boon r.r Vancouver, lllnir al Siynmoii lny orrau lull.. TuuMluy. a ii.li. , can be urruiiyed for purchaser. mut (or Ei-irma tnt Miin lrrll-lliin. For rori Slmn.oi, m lifvn . Anvui aiiti All,-.- Aim. suuilnv liil.lnljht. It rrllvfrii tt once and eradu. apprised ,y tin- city Vdk'ilot- GIFTS THAT LAST; I allliiK al OrMiiii- and .Vaaa lUi-tmr ihi aalllnir iau. VV. It'll. If. . .Vari-li It, First Avenue and Cow Bay allr hrali lh ikln. Suii! bol Dr. uiul llie usual agreement wilh in. calliur al Honirrville. k iimrim and Mill Hay ninni l eb. t. I v. Mart-u I1ia-i OliiUuvnt Ire II i uieiitluii OjI c 3. Ill and Aoil 1. Prince Rupert, D, C, Cil-rr kiM I'liil So.iMinp lor IwnlHie. . Ibo coFjioralion will Ji" -nlered 623 $.onl Axnue JACK BAKNSLEY, A.n rrlnee Rup.rl. . 0. nil ilealrrt or ttliuanxin, MU' ti IV, Ut'l'twl.Tioni into. , j