7 TAXI For 99 t tkxxbj National FEBRUARY Fish 1.Day Phone Order Your Supply of FRESH FISH NOW I tSef.Srr Ice rfnd PRINCE RUPERT Phone 671 Uet Cnr.ln the City P.R.Fish Market Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper V H XIII NO. 25. I'HINCC IIL'I'EKT, II. C, TLK.SDAY, JANUARY 31, 1022. ytw cifcuiiitwi i.o. stri s.i PRICE FIVE .CENTS New Ministers Preparing Take Posts ATTORNEY GENERAL IS GIVEN OVATION ON HIS RETURN HOME Hearty Reception URGE MAYOR BIG CARNIVAL ALBERTA SEAT Earthquake Felt Early This a ai ivi GO OTTAWA ON AT BANFF FOR STEWART Morning All over Continent LU 1 JLU1J..T&..1V1.1Y1C111&UI1 Miss Phoebe SsnMer, but no Damage Was Reported City Council Decides Stand Ek Formerly Understood In Ofricial Circles of One Member Board of Prince Rupert, I. the Queen M!nUUr of Aorlcullure May Here penses of Winter Sports. WASHINGTON, Jan. ill. An earlliciiiike of greut iiili-nsily, on Arriving of Trade Delegation. Run In "West Edmonton. SKI JUMPING PREMIER ! ' llir renlre oT which was probably ubonl 2500 miles oulli of Tin1 city council hu unmcd; ATTRACTION JUST NOW "OTTAWA. Jatr. 31. llmi. Wo-biiig'lon, was registered early Joday ul the Gcorelowij Tlii" Ktiveriimrnl dork wu crowded with nliwit anxious lo Mayor llochrsier u Ihe civic . 'churlr Slew-art. MIiiNht of li- Ciii vorsily. The iiinke betruii nl H:2T a.m. and leu minutes later honor t" lion. Alex. Mummim. ntlumcy-geiicrul and member fur delruulc to o to Ottawa with tin' HANTK. Jan. 31. Professional irrior in Ike Mackem!,. King Hie tremors berarnc ho jironoiincetl that the registering needles "ki Jumping i V"; premier l-lcaM,,..f, will probably run in Hoard of Trade ul deputation an On: :jc ;i. us Hit I'rinrr-K Mury lied up at the Urk here yesterday, early dale and hii- decided to j,rl:""" ul ir niurrr i.ui iiuhi j ,.. I.UIIIlinlnl) U negotiation of the eiimgrupli were Ibrowu oil their scale. V nut u she cume alongside, the band played "Hve Hie Con-ng stand llo -iM-iaef of one d'Ic-!,K",n '"'1,J ,"r,, .......snjrti --"UHijilow under wuy are .brouabl lo a CHICAGO, Jan. 01. A c ere earthquake was lhi'.morning Hi: lino tJoiiM'" and when (he gangplank was thrown Jtale. II.I- II... I.I.I I'"..f i.Mir...ii.n.l" Vr-..... Jimil"it. it.iiiji..f i succeful .conclusion. In lid regixtered al the seismograph here. The centre was probably palmitic ii lid oilier wire enlivened tlx proceeding. Men wan ii-crl,.-! b l. !. Slrwail and "c,,r ' V.. '""' , . P01- .Kisiinrr. rr-vrrivr. 1U70 miles away. A second shock also occurred. l-r in ill- nonu k iruu -iimihi f(.ar,j . j-. .MiirSK', w mien crowded forward lo show (heir appreciation of Ihe! . V.. I'arkrr, nirinbrrn of the l.l jumji rrcotd. imiin-d iHi fcfl.j Victoria Report. Wl.rvai iv, at-llo n-crnl grlirrul llimril of Trdr. who arart'd br- VICTOHIA. Jan. 31. An eartb tremor registered the was at who lirotight donor to (lit -om timijily and lo Hie whole Ml I'Iiim-1- Keiikl.T. of Von- (.bTlluii. A definite aiinoiiiirc-couwr. forr tbi i-ounril uk iiijr that Ibr (iiiiifales Hill station al 5:18 thi-moruin;r. The maxiuiuin'.waVe was la-l in 'tnciti wlio North. jM'liI year i tomorrow. i ii bt oi'iil a a dik'?ali' uiu eipi-clrd is ininules. bul later coiitinurd mayor I'rilicr IIUTl, iit llir (Juil'll of, a ri-oril fur two bour. The distance iii--' -:re' n M y U Uiat a irriint bMiiadr lowiirdu the Hie Cm-nival and nUo I'Hplain of w a'about looo miles and the centre is tboughtlo have been M 1'.. Aldertnei Sllverside. ctd of Ibr drlrpalidfl. In raft nnrrrirr i tiam ta ilf Ibr California roal. 1U I.adirx' rivuLniAiiun OFFICIAL LIST OF liir VHtirouwr llockry anil Collar! ulul a number DEAD WASHINOTON llir mayor i unablr to ko In li! Iran: wliti-lt ii lii piny for llir F.tGI-M:. Oit Jan. at. A pronuujiced earth sbock was felt .-in, urn) aboard and; THEATRE NOW 97 lu mi me a ublilult. A resolu rliuiiii.ili'liili. MR. FARR1S FROM hen- this iimrniiifr at S:.Hh Dishes rattled and jieople felt sliBlil tion lo I llir) rlfii'l u moved by vibralions. i M' .Mdiiooh. Tin mayor DEPARTMENT HEADS i :lit- honor which hadj WASIIINUTO.N". Jan. 31. Aid. Oybbavn, .im'iu1-0 by Aid MOORISH TRIBESMEN SAN KltAXCIsco. Jan. 31. A slibt cartbguake was roll here .... tktllarl and i-arrird ununinmu-ly tins miiriiin. No damage was dune. u nrth by the op-. An omrlal of tin H. IL V.rkw. the llrnl Nfkrr QIIRPCnjnFR TH PAIM VnrlOltlA. Jan. 31. The ni of IIik. member for4 di.-ud an refill I of tlic UUlUUillViJII A V Ul 11.11 of Ibr delegation, said that mm ii,Mil iif ilrimrl iimiiI ulul their a llr IidiI always beeni Kniel.rrbick-r T ti r n IV e BY-ELECTION MAYORS CHOSEN wrirmio Mr. Mnnnn on illruftttr ilapti tin' 4itim-lfr tviiK the tinie to pol llir nrnls of FORCES IN MOROCCO ,,a a p-es,n.i..iiou ycs. . i' from Vlrluria bul the cHTT"nd district before Hie ... .Irrday to J. W. Oell. I"8rri on '!, ul V. -ion hi- .vu doubly (tlail new iVnnlniou (overniiirnl while I.O.NIMIN. Jan. 31. An Import-, his relirenirnl from llir offier of j WRIT TODAY IRISH u ratiif nP n iiiliil-'r of the liiiilUlcrs were fiiiiidiarir.mi ant uinMidrr of Moorish t ribes- Alloruey General. He was xiven CITIES nn. Hi- nuMircd Mr. Mun-!8" themselves with their dulie and men lo the panisb Jorrc In ' two bundred year-old Turkish III liwiiH.jilr a well before Uir bad fonnalaled tbeir! Morocco is nMMirled in a dr- ii,ryer ruff as n mark of their irodr of bU ronlili). ANGLICANS pi die lr hihI briiiubl dowii esli-Upalch frtuu Madrid. iappreciatiou Premier Announces Will be Compromise Between Sinn Fein-era Issued Today or Tomorrow. and Orangemen In 'Lon- mutes. As Mirh' deli-valiun Mi Ibr lioiioK' 1lial Imd n i in llirni. would If of Iwnetll to th? rily u donderry. Malleoli, who ai tiiVrn OPTIMISTIC a whole II wax foil that the rutin Government Strengthened VICTORIA Jan. 31. The .iy MJrjiriiv aill ft H4 nl should rco oicI-ul e,A 1 1. t ay I u y wrirlllbe'l"suedrtoday or muyors -of cities 'Were elected "ttnK"" 1wiBti'rtT'mmmn rf i -KttirifWtfATmln Cabinet and tomorrow calling for the yeslerday. d','-id,d lo ncorjil llir 'TOR FUTURE wilild br II( Oltawil ai jir AvoilliinM.ipir By Changes Omineca by-election caused In Jlelfust Kir William Co.iles lb- louK M an a Jin'u! lime a llir drleualioil by the appointment of the was ?rt-ebi;led. render mic 'fred Slork. M.P.. and Hon. T. It Conferences of n'y -to a Annual Veetry Elects Officer Membersj Hon. A. M. Manson as attjr-ney-general. At Cork Daniel O'Callashan. . L"-x-isluture . HIIT, lf IHIW llUll Pattiillo, Iim'bI ineuiberof the, and Makes Plans for Year. This was an who was re-cleclcd, is opposed niini'trr of laud. :i ii i-bnnrr lo do Dilute, and nounced by Premier Oliver. Ii the Anglo-Irish irva(y. uidi' flT llirif or four II wii with a iM-f ujiiiininLle The prcrnre of llir mayor would VIGTOtllA. Jan. .11. Premier Oliver stales that ll.on. A. M.j The date of the by-election Oilbliu av-ain returned Law. In- iiM-l wi'li a Miiullar l4rll I hill I Ii;' annua) eslry oT undoubtedly lend Slrrlistli to Ibr Muitson will be ul Victoria only inlcrinillcnlly in connection villi' Is still uncertain as the premier renee O'Neill. ii' wnuld f ' ! liai jiilb-n I In- Cliun'b ui Knyland lust oiylil deleaation. Mr. Slewurt also hi duties at alloniey-gcjicral until Ihe end cl February J'" early Is awaiting word from Londonderry re-ebfted Slayor not linol a il elrrUI il otfirers. punned lti 4okr supiHirtiiiK Mr. I'urker. Prince Rupert. O'Doherly on a coniproiiuir with in Miin h. Me has to prepare fur the by-c.lccliou in Omincca and rally uiil in br. Is Reluctant. aei'uuiiln and :iiudr U3xreli the Sinn Keinrrs, vvho supported - na M M.iiif rin-Ii'' plan fur llir fiilori'. Gunou llik Mavur lluctieler said thul I In" floxr. up his law business in preparation for lixiug here. He will him aflrr be bad protested iid in ki'i'p imblir pri'-ujni. The rrpMrix nil whow-liiiiKn'Ri.. court of revision would Im'Iii . also likely visit Otlaw. before he comes lo Victoria. ANOTHER FISHING against the purtilion uf Ireland Tlir officer for I he ion at Ihe lime the delegation Hun. llr. Sullierlutid will return,to Victoria al the cud of the VESSEL GOES DOWN into North and South. . T"i i In- r'i'fil ion -..I.I t..t il a.i-tiu Jlllti.. ymi I'liiiinik' year aire us fullows: Wt'UI'l " MUJ MStH 11 -"ear- n ...... ,.f .I .i... A I givrti nif." llr Mild, I'.lerxyuian's wunb'ii .!. II. lion lo him wlielber or not lie.""' - "" mi' tell you nuiii I am Mr.Viillin. inlphl be inure ncxsled in the city No delluile plans June yet been made for (he Oiiiiueca und Banks Fleet From Newfoundland POLICE SENT i'ruil in I linn brrn I'l-ople's wiii'drliV-A, l' Unt- ul Dial lime than lit Ullawo. No Itevclstnke by-rlrclions but Ihe risui and lirlpful suggestions Being Decimated by Casualties. ii'- iiiikI f"W yi'urn. I 1 1 . -Junes. doubt the lime wus opportune for writs should lr issued soon. II were mud' which should prove ST. JOll.Y'sTiTd., Jun. 31. -The I'liii-ly gM-allflrd to r Sep.-Treasurer Ii. Whitehead. llir di'li'Kiitlnn lu v, but be would is ipiile possible theiv may be benefiriul to the government und rapidly dwindling fishinc Heel TO KITIMAAT - i not n jiolillral drill Auditor V. T. Wilbilt. like to br even eil. It wus uuror-lunule no eonlest in either constituency. lo the country ul lurjrr. of Ibis port was still furt In'( rc-dnced bul Hmi I niv friilnl-,nli iMy dreiralr lii llir syiiiHl (but Ibr local uiciuber wa As u result of Ihe .conference Cabinet Strengthened. when the Optimist, bound of pi'lilii al onn-iifi-i'.'' Mrs. there lu the il The udditiou ut Messrs. Mun-son Together With Constable Alex W. i.. Orchard and Ilealy. not aln'ady pave way of Liberal !iieuilnr here, is with a cargo of sail, sunk in mid-ocean. Sldrmiu'ii, llir Cliuii'li offieer-. tor llir deh'gution. understood (hut I'reniier Oliver and Sutlirrluud to Ihe culii-net. Saint Will Investigate Reported fund Mini -uiiii'il ! play ami I'.. Day. A. Woodland. C Aid. Kolly und Aid. I'erry asked will sie up the portfolio uf mill-isler il wus fell, would have the As of Ihe recent Murder There. a cuiiM'iiuence i i'iwiI rofoi'ii'd Mi . .Man-in W. Ilumer, Slierifr Sliii ley, A. W. the mayor lo rconslib'r the mailer of railways and will devote erfrct of strcnslbeninK it very casualties the insurance rules on - offiHi wlirrc hi'Vcrul llauly, Sidney lluill-Jines and and s-'o to otlawn if ut ull pos. more of bis time o the general considerably. Uolh mm wen has Constable Alex Saint, Constable vessels llshing on the bunks i'i plnyi'd. tbouulit thai bis (he The those seriously consider Martin and Constable. Tliorn- A. U. Ill. sible. The latter business of country. anion'; I'un.n ni'ruiuituninl Mr. "llir irMill showed thai llir affairs here ul the court of re I'. (i. Ii. has proved very cn- ed when Premier llrewsler chose increased from 8 to L'O per cent. Ihwuile, H.C.M.P left on the My- 'I II'Mill. iixernjre cliulrli anenuuiice uau vision could I"' luken cure of lit jfrossiti1; and il was fell Kener- bis first cabinet. Sine thai runwy (hi morning lo invesii-galo rlten nbolil twelve per rent over his uliM'iirr. ully thul il would b bellnr lor lime they have jfrown in public ARE CREATED the reported murder of a Ibis itii-porluul favor and Mr. Munsoii esprciully native at Kitimuut Indian village. the previous year and I In- finan Ihe udinini-ttruliun (hat GUARD WATCHES cial sliili'iiieul sliosvcd il balance mailer should be dealt has held the offit'e of speuker C. C. Perry, Jndian Agent. of the mi iiaod of tl53..'. KROONLAND HAD with by some other member of in such u way us to indicate his KING'S COUNSEL Skeenu Htver district, yitsle.rday Improvements. Ihe cuhine-1. ability as a stulesmun. wired to Ivor Jougner. 'ilella Duilnit Ihe year llir church News ii f what look place ul The renerul fceliitK in political Coola ageiitl under -whose jurisdiction bml been rexealed and stained ROUGH VOYAGE llir caucus i" K''uduully Icukln? circles liere and in Yunepu-ver Killmuul conies, und Mr. Number of Barristers Recognized liltins winilows jdacid in t In out. It seems that there wa is that the Oliver" Government l-'ougner's' reply -inlimaled I lint In Different Parts of Province. RESTING PLACE the first udvice. of the chancel and I lie church Ihus u very full und free diseu,don Us reorguni.ed, is stronger wus ureatly improved in appearance. Buffeted by Continuous Gales of ull iiiullrrs of public policy now thun illms ever been und YlirrOlllA. Jan. .11. As lie tragedy which. Jie hud received. Tim windows bad been pUI in and Heavy Seas Hove to und uduilnislruliou. .Members that when il comes lo fillinjr leH the office of utluniey-Ken-eral Accordingly il was deemed ud-visubb Body or Famout Explorer Llea In )iy the women' auxiliary. Ten Hours. were al time almost brulally vueuueici in the Lejrisluturv, yeslemlay afternoon to resume (6 gel the lncul police on Rough Coffin Awaiting Transportation Vole of Ilianks were parsed fruuk. livery 'department cume suppurlcrs of Ihe administration private practice in Vancouver, Ihe case us soon as possible. No Jun. 31. further di-iuils lo the affuir lo. Hie choir und espeelully lo Ihe PLYMOUTH, -The in fur U shure of friendly crili- will be elected. J. W. Dell, l'urris un-nouueed us Home. American Line steamer "Kroou-lund" or the nuinc of the Iiidiu.ii killed oiBunisI, J. A. Austin, und the (hut Ihe following luw-yera bound from New York ur-riveil have yet reached this oily. leador. J, K. Uuvle. who freely hud been crealcd King's MUNTI'ATUKO. .In. 31. The here covered with ice and efficient service; counsel by the lirilish Columbia u 1,1 uf Sir Krncsl ishuckb'ton, jsove their very snow from stem to stern a'fler Prince Rupert Liberal Association. Jun is McLeod, local customs Sunday choot superin-lendcnl, Government : 1 llnnsli explorcc. lie in u lo Ihe luivimr biH'u forced to hove U' collector, is on u trip to Ketchi A. W. Ilealy and his A'icloiia llurold 11. Itubcrlson ni lii'ic in u rtJU(;h wooden for ten hours lust Tuesday when kan. He is cxocL-lcd buck al lue teachers and lo Ihe most und Henry C. Hull. ii that was inude for him stuff of..1 . Hlivllllllt' tl'illl she ran Into a hurricane. I'or Vancouver li. C. Mayers, W. end of I be week. '"' N il tvi-timii u liiiliti.i. ..f llir Ikl. eiu'iK' i'c iii i uu""" week the vessel bud lo ANNUAL Hourly u efficient piesldenl. .Mrs. mo- It. Karris, G. G. .McGeer und W. U of Kuul.lt eliorKlu wliei'o be Us buffel continuous j.-ules und Ul mi unuury 5. (Soitkrio. Us ecreiury. Mr. -. beuvy sen which swept the dock. C. Hrown. A oipiud .of Uniiruuyaii ol-111 Groves, and iU treusurer, Mi. GENERAL MEETING Whiteside,New Westminster M.L.A. - l'uvid NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS I ncllnjf us a jfuurd of Vliillpoll. CATHOLIC WAS SHOT Nlil.SUN 1 utiles .Q's hea. lionui and. until the body i " All dog licences uru I'islit'r. ' Knglund, probably aboul BRITAIN SENDS OUT LEAVING SHIPYARD J'Vrnic llepreseiillng:Alex. Tlie.I. pjyvince ul due und puyublc at the ' ""uey on tjity I'olice Slutiou. Dog ,11, lb,.. Kuard.will be " U. S. large li. S. It. WluK chuinnuu TO UMii'd by u, t'niKUuyun Gov-imh'im. CHALLENGE without licences uflorr'eb-vuary IlKI.I'AST. Jun. 31. Jutnes Mc-Gullouuh, compensation of Ihe workmen' II Mini'- which plun further FOR DAYIS CUP GAMES Catholic workers,one of who the resumed expelled Thursday, February 2, 1922 board. iuipounded.2lh, . Wit, will be Jlritish work ut 6ic shlpylliils yesteiduy. at 8 p.m. J. W. McK'inlry bus luken out W. II. VKiKLItS, E"n, Royal Purple, and In-'tod i nMin.V Jan.Assoeiulion Ul. Tin' bus wus shot ond eriotiidy woundeU in the Pattullo Block. u building permil for U $100 Chief of I'olice. Quet Dance, Tuesday the Lawn Tenuis l 1 nn us bo left Oueen' Islund lust residence on Sixth Avenue Kust 't In Elk' Home from 9:30 to issued U cliullenr-1 ill fcVetioil Set'll. 1 25 KUle to pl f' l,'u- ',u' uiVlit.