Chevrolet Six First in Quality First in‘ Value Sold and Serviced by KAIEN MOTORS LTD, | Phone 52 “It’s Service That Counts” XXIII, No 242. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER _PRINC K RUPE —— ee RT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19 19, 1932, = Daily News Tomorrow’s Tides Thursday, October 20, 1932 Fg sa 4:39 am. 163 ft. 16:04 pm. 183 ft. TP Sc ee 10:14 am. 10.2 ft. 23:17 p.m. 6.2 ft. PRICE: FIVE CENTS Vancouver Sa Total Loss Near Ganges Ty Harbor; Men in Hospital Nevilene Was Running From Vancouver to Victoria When Accident Befel Her—Those on Board Fought Flames Until Forced Overboard V, ANC OUVER, Oct. 19:—The Vancouver motor vessel Nevilene, a sixty-foot fish packer, is reported to be a total, loss by fire and three members of her crew are in hospital | at Ganges Harbor, Salt Spring Island, undergoing treat- ment for painful burns. Details of the accident are not % ire while 0 Victcria lames enroute from The men until they were ind then es fought the driven over- scaped by dinghy The three members of the crew Czecho-Slovak fishermen op- rating the vessel under charter to To Be Freed? oard vere he London Fish Co. The names iven are A. Tolich W. Gorovish nd P. Viginich ————— Former Smithers Nurse Wedded to Physician There Newman R N., who up to last spring was lady } Bulkley Val Hospital at Smither Rupert this morning from V ithedra!l incou it high noon today was married to Known remony Was very Dr. and Mrs ive for MINING AT | ALICE ARM Development Carried Depression | Considerable On Despite j + ae *' | ALICE ARM, Oct. 19:—Despite ? rf the ble market for met ; a number of owners Of mining pro ‘by Holman, murder charge known although it is understood that the vessel caught | Vancouver } | | | | yerty in t yer Kitsault mining nat Wee seey be cropped ial at Alice Arm have carried on considel velopment work jdur ing the past seasol CHARGE MAY: Strompeck Na ione consider -able work on the {oose property during mmer and Is at pre- BE DROPPED | sent developing a! ore showing from which he has obtained good | a le gold values. While nothing sensa~ (Continued on Page Four) Winston-Salem Hears That Libby Hol Freed | ay aa meee tne ee or. WINSTON-SALEM, North Caro- M4 5 lina, Oct. 19: It was reported in # FRESH RASPBERRIES : authoritative quarters here yester- \* AT HAZELTQN + a a that the State would drop the |# THANKSGIVING D: : “harge against Mrs; Libby Holman | ZELT rt Mr. # Reynolds of murdering her hus-|# HAZELTON, Oc! 19:—M 2 band Smith Reynolds, for lack of |}# and Mrs, C, W. Dawson hac evidence |\® fresh raspberries and cream on + _ i# their breakfast menu for # wi l® Thanksgiving Day, October 10 + | th l® The berries were picked from * nteri’ Heat er le the garden that morning They * # were delicious and seemed to + Terrace Rain, southwest wind; * have lost none of their flavor + temperati ire, 44, # as a result of several heavy * Hazelton—Rain, calm, 43. 3 frosts, z Smithers—Cloudy, calm, 47 \* & Burns Lake eeeereeeeeeteods Rain, calm, 40 DISORDERS IN LONDON Unemployed Riots Yesterday—54 Arrested and Many Injured LONDON, Oct. 19:—Expected | sadedienee riots broke out here yesterday and for twelve hours the police battled with mobs esti- mated to have contained 10,000 persons. At last, the city was quiet again last night with police in complete control and fifty-four persons reported under arrest with a score of police and nu- merous unemployed receiving treatment for injuries sustained during the disorders. Angered when prevented from Staging a demonstration at the City Hall, the rioters smashed windows and looted shops in the south of the city. Soldiers called to the scene but did not go into action. were IN COURT TODAY Fifty men four women were arraigned in police court to- day for participation in the riots and were fined forty shillings each with options of from two weeks to one month in prison. and pee President Of Germany Is Injured in Fall BERLIN, Oct. 19:—President Paul} on Hindenburg sustained painful } but no serious injuries to his | houlder in fall downstairs at his home yesterday. He is 85 years of Hurt in Fall President Paul von Hindenburg, 85-year old German executive. : TOOK HIS OWN LIFE Verdict of Jury in Connection With Death of Peter Boiley at Lac la Hache VICTORIA, Oct. 19:—Suicide by shooting in a fit of despondency was the verdict of the coroner's jury at the inquest into the death of Peter Boiley whose body was found in an isolated cabin at Lac la Hache re- cently. e done with this one! whales ever caught in ‘ntly, enrol sLitution. wovll nave What a job Samson jawbone from one of the largest waters was unloaded at Seattle r A 20-foot v Arctic ite to the Smithso- GOLD.ON .— MILLIS IN ISLANDS Rogers and Nevins Meet With Suc- cess—Gold Star Work For Improved Market OPERATION Aithur Kobertson of Massett Hopes Continues — MASSETT, Oct. 19 The shingle MASSETT, Oct. 19:—Gold is be-/ in of Robertson and Simpson at jing recovered at the Blue Jaket yyacsett is in full operation and will Mine near Massett by two placer| 4; g million shingles before clos- |miners, L. Rogers and T. Nevins, who have now followed a pay streak ing down for the >. According to A. Robertson, winter months. mana- into the hill behind the mine with per of the mill. business is none too a 200-foot tunnel, Hand sluicing stimulating but the superlative | met 1d and : }methods are used and, while the) qyality of these Queen Charlotte }:wo miners | Sudden wealth | financially pay have no wild dreams of they are keeping water and, if the lirt bears out the present pro- shingles is being recognized on the coast and enquiries have been re- ceived from interio points. If prices it may result in in- above advance at all, able to clear er months nise, may be r00d wages for the wint | No definite new } | creased Mr developments are the first he has pinned his faith reported from the Gold Star Min- 1 shingle that would ng Co., which has a small plant on shipped from the East Coast where at present sev- gradual but ste feral men awaiting instructions owth of ahead with the work. Gold the car¢ | has been produced from the black ° . Missionary Is Saics producing cel anything outh and the are 0. go taken in the mill. }sand but not yet on a paying basis Robertson states that fr om on ex- the ady the business has justified The management is confident that j the beach mine can be made to pay |if capital sufficient to purchase the eporte @a proper machinery is attractéd Seattle Hears That ‘Floyd T. He derson Has Lost His Life In China com on the powe! for Prince Rupert spection, was non is rumored that Mr. Elliott, president of the pany, who left here boat Golden West after a tour of in | committal but the SEATTLE, Oct. 19:—It was eration. hina N- re- that Floyd T. new capital has .been secured | ported here yesterday and a caterpillar tractor will short- Henderson, a missionary from this ily be brought up and put into op-| ‘ity, had been killed by bandits in British Columbia’s First Labor Battalion Provided For; Young Men to Encamp VICTORIA, Oct. 19: British Columbia’s first labor battalion was launched yesterday when the government, by order-in-council, made provision for the segregation in camps of young men who. are members of the non- -permanent active militia. These men will be placed in a single camp in the University endowment lands area at Point Grey, Vancouver, under military discipline with the object of doing road work there during the winter, * BRUSSELS, Belgium, Oct. 19: # * —Premier Jules Brankin and ¢ * the entire Belgian cabinet re- | IS CLEANING © Drive Comimeiizntion | Between Winnipeg and West Cut Off by Driving Winds section of Province is Gripped by Sleetstorm Which Wree- ked Wires and Levelled Poles—Not so Bad in Saskatchewan and Alberta CALGARY, Oct. 19:—The weather man was playing pranks over the prairies today, centering his wrath in Manitoba where driving sleet gripped a section of the province. Communication between Winnipeg and Western Canadian points was cut off by a storm which wrecked wires and levelled poles. Alberta and Saskatchewan had fairly good weather. pr ttep eres se Aaa ABOUT * BELGIAN CABINET DEPORTATION ' RESIGNED TUESDAY | . o Association Requests * signed yesterday. Instead of # Information * calling for a new ministry, it is # * expected King Albert will dis- # * solve the legislative body and # * call for a general election. + + eeebesceeoeeeeeees sociation a resolution was passed asking that the immigration de- partment furnish a _ public state- ment regarding the grounds for the arrest and ordered deportation of T. W. Murphy, secretary of the National Unemployed Workers’ As- sociation. Quits Labor UP SEATTLE Instituted on Disorderly, Houses and Gambling Dens in Puget Sound City SEATTLE, Oct. 19:—Mayor John! Northern B. C. Salmon Fishermen's At a meeting of the general exe- cutive committee of the Northern British Columbia Fishermen's As- F. Dore announced yesterday that! during the past few days thirty-| two women have been arrested andj numerous cigar stores and other | resorts raided by the police in the course of houses and gambling joints. Economic Expert Dr, Herbert White to Attend Pre- | bert White, economic adviser to the} State Department, sailed yesterday meetings preliminary to the world economic conference to be held in a drive on disorderly } eeprom 4 | } } Off to London liminary Economic Meetings In London } | NEW YORK, Oct, 19:—Dr. Her- Rt. whose British party is reported. Hon. Arthur. Henderson, attend | resignation as leader of for London where he will + o0 0 ¢6e Gees ee February + 5 LA BOR PARTY HEAD QUITS Halibut Arrivals |: Gumenary ‘+ LONDON, O¢et. 19:— American—50,500 pounds, 7.1¢ and | i* Following the recent an- 2c to 7.5c and 3c. Canadian—20,500 pounds, 5¢ anal # nual conference of the 2c. be party at Leicester when . _ Gapetieen = his views on a number of ne 29,000, Pacific, 7.le anc i. important matters of Defence, 9,500, Atlin, 74¢ and 3e.|* Policy were overridden, Foremost, 12,000, Cold Storage,|* Rt. Hon. Arthur Hen- 7.5¢ and 3c. i. derson has resigned as Canadian * leader of the British La- Tramp, 13,500, and Atli, 7,000, ‘|* bor Party, it was stated {Cold “— 5e and 2c, > here last night. George a1) '* Lansbury, House leader of the party, is expected * to succeed Mr. Hender- VANCOUVER, Oct. 19: Wheat * son. was quoted at 45%4c on the local | * exchange today. Vancouver Wheat * : [te eteeeerrereee eeotreeoeeo eo eo CeCe erereerereeoer+1 eet pa ¥ tS e 4 a