?Ann foot THE DAILY HEWS Friday. March j;, iq. f CATARRH H H IW-9r grin. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMani JS ef the iBLADDER if?HV,L" I CLEANtDYtXpJf OU HA.D BETTER nOt II JE.Vf lt RtCHT 1 W? 1 fiW YE."ir t JObT-W THE NO-bT . ) I WWP,'"'llWlj 1 1 , i iii ivi PI iJUiU bears Each Caoirole um MOVING? If so, Call Us Up K.xperienccd min give satisfaction in household removals, v t iJCl . UJl 111!" H t Iwtl Tcatw Srnviet; Pc i Orders for general cartage work given careful attention. We promts prompt delivery LIBRARY MUST EMPLOYEES. OF -8 of all Coal orders given to us. Night Daily News Classified Ads. PACIFIC GARTAGb BE BUSINESS CITY ORGANIZE Coughs 2 CErJTS PVR WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less thn BOc Limited Most Modern Ideas and Methods lbe I'rinre Rupert Civic Fm- Necessary to Get Best TmlMy warm on the system U the dnyees Assnc-ialion. a protective BOARD, WANTED Phone 93 ifsugh thai romts il night tnd Wfvents . ...... .. Results. r n i MUCH sp i uiiiuii iipr .in rill i-iin' lll- MOAI1IV Inlander, H.to Second1 It KLIAHI.i: a enl wanted for Ru HAS BEEN SAID Thc conniant roiirhln ktep the lunas "'. waA iilliciauy lorm- Avenue. Phone 137. tf1 pert IHslricl. The Sovereign .Uinin f,0 sanitary LIBRARY AND THE BOY and tinmrhUl ints in niich an Irrllstel eiJ al a Ineeliu in Ibe Cariieul- Lire Assurance Company. Head nf the. power laiindy con.lii.n ant Inflamed mndltlnn thai they rft no oiiijmi ers" Hall last irialii. S. I. Mac-Ihe BOATS FOR HIRE. office, Winnipeg, .Man. Wrile rhanre lo hoal. may be of Jnleresl fn A good point to remember Miss Stewart Gives Interesting Ynu will find la ilnnald, presidenl of Trailes LAUNCH Narbelhonc"-I'hnne We sell Clias. ,, I'yne. I'rincp Oeorire, Dr. Ira S. Wile wi-illlls in , Labor and Council. was in at- OR. WOOD'S maiinser for .Vorlhern Urltili Medical News. If New Service. niack too. y-t-k. Address to Club Rotary on . con. NOHWAV PINE SYRUP tendance and jzave au address Coliimliia. Favorite Subject. a remedy without an equal, for soothlnr o.utlinin.? the objects of Ibe prn- clinics a discussion f)f iaun.117 Ramsay mi- iimns, loosening- ina pniegrn, sirengm- ..,i i1:.in U. n, ,nfun.t WIRELESS REPORT WANTED--To. ren from April hyuiene by saying that tn the s Assuming thai Hip members Allinv IhA- uihiiiims hMtlhlnv vi ti-ina eiiia snu iui fAi llfvlnn til Jiug , 1 , -smiting, f . at. . l( first, furnished liower laundry process "exoosue. a inoiUrn Ihem attalnet pulmonary disease. I"1 "rpnuizni ion. II was uecmeii of the Rotary Club favored Hie to heat and the usual watM- Mrs. John Vckerney, Lover Mnntarue.jon resolution, thai a charier be house or snile. Apply llox II slablishmcnl of a library just 8 a.m. reagents along with P E. I., writes. "About three years aga obtained from the Trades and Daily NewH Office. fid meehnlcai lrvatise Ihoy were Hnlarians Miss ' DF.AD THF.F. POINT Raining, aglUtlon, destroys the I ratirht a rery bad eold accompanied by a i .,i,.,v i',i.,. .,r i.,.,.i.,-. ti, hardleii PAINT Stewart, the guesl of the club sore throat and hoarseness, and wa sol slrons- soutliea! rate; barometer WANTFD In rent, five or six bacteria" and that "Laundeelne csierday, addressed them on hoarse you could hardlr hear me sneak,i new assnciiilion is also tn be iv.Vh; lemperaiure, .1.1; sea roomed house. Modern. Phone, appear to be an efficient hv. could ret no rest at night with the ter- : allied Willi the It. C. Civic Km- limv In make the library effective. rousli. Hlue 2SH1. . If glenlc method of promoting rlble annoying, harking cough. 1 tried ntovees" AsJoeiation. l-'ollowine Ittsl a the llniary Club srek. I" several but I!l I.L HARItOR -4- OveriMsl cleanllnet. without da remedies, did they me no good.: Me Mncdmiald-s snr.ecb. a vole WAITRF.SS IS pure and will stand the represent each jioiiii nf view, so many i saw ur, nuoui .Norway Vint .e i. him. stronp southeal ,wind; barometer wanted for ;ni"'lr' patrons or employees. This can- aid Miss .Stewart, the Library Svnin artverllseil) rnt m hniil nrt t liiailKs Was 2!.ftfl: lemperjilure, 37: sea hotel. Apply Commercial Hotel j net be said of the hand laundry." test of time. eeks In represent every point It gave me relief, and after using four mv J "e officers, were clceleil as rotiiti. City. r: ! 'riua tt ioi"iififi.. .i .. . cough had all gone. Sow I always keep ' follows : f view. Keen in Ibe mailer of Dr. Wood1' In the bouse, and shall President, (tVnrse II. Casey. DKiHY ISLAND Overcast FOR SALS I toil has been exploilril, J" election, anxious to choose the I r.mintrriiu J uui iTUifUJ lJ UIMCrS. I ';.... I ,., l..ll..an 11,. calm; baroiueler, 211.2ft; lemper invesllsraliou h.s r.t 1 d .. if I ..j For sale at best, each bad in view the form rrire, SSc and COc a bottle at all .--Ml. niinui I" -- aiure. .i ; sea sniontli. K;ll. n.iu.. 3fi.'.i ',4 Cabin i:rui.er, bull only. nm) disease producing ?'n ation, uf a eoiir-munily spirit, dealers. Put up only by The- T. Mllburn bank. spoke S. S. Norlhweslern off heavy, biiill, suitable for log. (paUiocens where a-!.,1 Ii inn .-been Co. Limited. Toronto. Ont. Secrelary-lreasurer, .Miss Clar SILVERSIDES which a higher goal than Orchard. Lawyer's l.iuhl, -soullibouud, K;2ft pers. Could lie used for fish exposed o a ti'inpi 1 .11 , i.r myotic singly could achieve. In of books is p.m., sjioke S. S. Redwood, 2KK carrier, will sacrifice for cash I811 degrees raHr. 01 win v 'm'j-have no more n library F.xeeulive, Henry SmillC Mrs. the idea nf internationalism or miles from llctlinInini bound Ibis week. Northern Fxclinnge. been washed al a '!;" a. DROS. wilhout a business and profess F. McDaniells, Harry W. Kirch, the making of world citizens and for Kechikan; H:lft p.m., spoke If. lure as low as Mil , Second ional pxperl Mian is a bole in be J. R. Morrison and R. K. Walker. Street citing rid of barriers, the Ro-;iry S. S. tjueen abeam Pine ..Island,' fahr.. Using soa) liin J v round a mine without the expert The the members Phone 22 P. O. Box 120 was Joins what the Library followjii? are northbound; 3 a.m. spoke 'S. S: FOR SALF.--Hichl laying heps, These preeaulions if. ,,. . u. to Ret out the ore." In dale; Arlhur Itrooksbauk, also aimed to do for The whole Admiral Watson, Ketchikan for 1 ehirken wire, kitchen cabinet. served ill iur proems. Y an Value to Boys. - l-n-nest S. AIlfslmicsl'Mary C. Astoria, ( table, also chiiin .cabinet with cnmm.unily. Seattle off Atlderbroke. afely Irust us with w.i: Miss Slewart Ihen wenl on In William C. Reith, Frank leaded glass doors. Phone .Miss Slewart said there were Noon. 1 1 Ins problems. Y' v n peak of tlie value nf tlie library Yickers, K. V. M. .HilclnY. Clara Oreen 107. two tlistinct points she wished In DILXD TUFF. POINT Haiti your rlolblng CLK.VN, SA.Mt tllV loThe boys nf a community. They Orchard, Harry W, llirch, John impress tier bearers.. The southeast jiale; barometer 20.5l, and I NDAMA'fF.D ;i upon ;y all reali.ed the OR SAI.lv Writing desk, value of physical Walker Kxley, Wajlfr; D. Vance, mahogany Hal '' Metropole value of seeking Ibe community leinperalure.rii; sea rouv'h. ' chemicals. health but without chair, bedpan, mental muscle Sidney V. Roll It, R. MnrrisOit, pillow, interest and of lnnking out fur HULL HARHOR Rain, south. 'tIhisi these were of little vaiuc. They Harry L. l.andry, , Charles Sun-berp, fruiljars, two lumps and dishes CANADIAN STEAM iWm Ibe boys, Ion were Ro easl prale; baronjeler 29.12; te.nl- for rent to lodges or similar could not succeed wild a healthy James L'iirks, (ieorye H. Call 200 Ninlh .Wenue Kast. ft Phone tary ideals. peralure 38; sea roujflu .Jfo.m, organizations. body wilhout a healthy mind. Casey, F. (oiper, Dan II. McDonald, ' fift When a library wns started it spoke S. S. Prince Rupert -off .Men worked for the future of the Alex. McDonald, lcor?e P. was very rrco,ueiniy cniisjacreri While Rock, southbound. i FOR SALIv McClary Range, OFFICE SPACE buys, and girls so that they miftbt Lopan, Alex. Macilniiabl, Hitfrh ANNOUNCEMENTS Dial someone, who was unable to DKIHY ISLAND Snow; liiihl chairs, kitchen cabinet, dishes, 38 !) 21. healed, suitable for have a chance. Unfnrlfinalely, .McClincliy, W. ll.mrne, Henry else could be the etc. Louis Seventh do anything sotiiheast wind: barometer 211.20; l.itlke, J52.1 professional man, for rent. however, Hie boys nf today were Smilli, Andrew Pouslie, Anjrus . St. Andrew's Sale of W 8d librarian, 'that idea was still lemperaiure :tft; sea smooth; Avenue Hast. lift deprived nf much of the opportunity llriice. Norah Kenny, Florence llorno Cooking, April 5, St. An-drew's Agents for fairly rife. There was a deep 1 1 :ftft a.m. spoki S. S. Rodando at of the former (feneration. McDanniels, Cliristina Mrl.eod, ONF. Indian Cornih flame t:ock- Hall. Norwegian American Line contempt by the man of action Carter Hay, Siiuthboiind. The forest had in many cases W. DorrinKlnn and John Carroll. eret ami two hens fur sale. Swedish American Line for the man of ideas.' It was.j been burned over, the land Impoverished, II is expecled llial:abnu! 2ft mure Prize birds. City Market. The Ladies of tin? Iyal P--pli Scandinavian American only in the last few 'thousand Line. the mines, depleted. fiiembers will be enrolleil. WHIST DRIVE AND Sale of Fancy W 1 years Ibat man bad developed FOR 0l!IOK SALF flood nlano. ,V areal nntny of Ibe resources of Home Cooking Tuesday Apia Oliver the art of thinking. '.Men of DANCE FOR CALLIES Iiraclically 32ft.OO. Phone Typewriters the .country bad been robbed. He- new, Cary Safes action oflen scorned men nf' cause of this Ibe buys of today ARTISTIC EFFORT IS 0S2 or Oreen 107. tf The Lndies' Aid of the IT si ideas. Yet it was true thai ideas, SOCCER CLUB HELD must be heller equipped fnp life. Icrian Church will lmbl a Haitf CONCERT PROGRAM FOR FOR bad to precede act inn. Once SAL I-!. Franklin No. 12 FIRE INSURANCE 'his could be attained by de April 12. school 'caehers. were people who stove. Phone fireen fi(i. ill veloping- ideas. ST. PATRICK'S CONCERT A very pfeasanl whist drive 1 unable to do else. were anything In Ibe library mnvenieiil they and dance was held last niirb! iuj KLI1F Cafe for sale, furnished The KlkV Annual Faster Nv. & Hanson Now all Ibal was changed and Dybhayn were askins the people of Prince Ibe SI. Andrew's Socinty Rooms .complete. Phone. 173. If elly ifhll' in the Auditorium r- Ibe librarian was also gelling n The most pretentions arlislic Third Avenue Rupert tn vole SOe per head of in aid of the Callics' Football d.ty, April 21 professional standing in Ibe effort ye made in Prince Rupert FOR RENT Ibe population for Hie work. It Club. Prince Rupert, B. C. country. in Hie way at a prop-ram has Jusl NOTICE. was a smalt amount in ask them There were about 2ft tables of FOR HUNT Two furnished Business Methods. been issued from the Rose, Cowan lo invest In ideas. Some people cards and the first prize winners An etamluallflii fur l.mmcli II lift Miss Slewart I lien spoke of the A- Lalta presses of the biff rooms. Can do light liousei will Im held at VanciiiHT II ' 1 Mil fell they could ilol yrl alnii? were Mis Rulh Lemon and S. M. keeping. Phone Red 2!i3. tf Hth and al I'llner Inipert .H1V.11 "1 business end of lihrnrianship. It St. Patrick's Day concert which hiirrenrul appllranK UI P" t' I without material Ibiuprs bill they Newlnn,' consolation awards n-lnpr , ii n iir business to is held here toniaht under tlie wailing IM and oirrred For your next was necessary could lie unite happy without being to Mrs. H. F. (llassey and FOUR room bouse In renl and lliey ficrnr. In' onler of merit. in make up a budget, in order 'thai the Kiriplil of Columbus. It is furniture for sale. flO Mrllrido salary l ii.iu ler nmnin. .! mental stimulus, Allister Mcllae. h'-n aw.i ' .II Shoe Job ii may be known exactly wbal is Miss Slewarl was thanked for prinled on heavy cream coaled Al the dance there were aboul Slreel. Phone Mine T0. nilarter.allowance rll fur lilr meal l.i it HO.Ill) " ' in ',iii jin-f Repair being dune and may be done. paper and has an art envcr. the one year'a ilrrn.n -.nn. 4 her address by President lluby 10(1 persons. .Mrs. (fawtborne's rurlher Inrnriiiallon ran hi '' Cosl accounting was necessary. whole constituting somclhin;? MODFRN Aparlnirnl to rent. on Rfpllcallon in !! f'.ll'iwltit-Miler the music and wliu spoke most appreciatively of orchestral provided H So a librarian must be n busbies ipiile unusual in Hie way of Phone Dlack 1.11. If l'oreler, Victoria, try her address and nf I lie cause for W. M, Hrowii was master of ceremonies I'Utrlct I'lirenler, Vancouver. pei'son wbn cnubl do cost ae- concert programs. It is a credit MMrlct Korenier. I'rlnci- Unpen J. C. EMERTON which she was plcailin?. There with J. Walsnn on the MISCELLANEOUS. Ket.rnnrv in. 1 0H. counllnjr and inake up a budget. both to Hie commitlee bavin? ils were a number of ffiiesls present door. Champion Shoe Repair Shop The librarian's office Is a busi preparalion in hand and also lo ri0.00 RI-'WARD if I fall to grow LANO ACT, iucludiuK members, of the Library Splendid refreshments were tand. Etnad Block, Third Avenue ness office. There were Ibe. same Ibe printers. hair. Oriental Hair Hoot Hair Notlea of InUnllon to Apply to Committee. Ladies served by I he Auxiliary In I'rlnre liunerl Mud II ! " ' " problems In a library as in business. (i rower. World's Orealesl in- i.iiki, ur 1.9,1 Imnue ami -mil" commitlee and the House Com. "Repairs while you wait" The librarian could not Hair Orower. Orows in Vlclliuy nnwi i.miiiii tnt JIM FLYNN KAYOES CARPENTIER MAY NOT millee. Jiair on 1 nkn nnllce tnal r, Jntiii- '''' - V . be a dnddcriu? person, but must bald beads. 1 must not be Waller Xleml. nf I'ml F.nw I'" M be well emiipped with knowledge KANSAS BOX AGAIN, SAYS HIS pill where hair is uol wauled. nrrupatksi perinl.lii to ll.lienncn.leae I he Inlenil following i" -p ...j of modern business melbods. It SCHEFFJ)F Cures' dandruff and all scalp Intttl: ru.miwliclnir al a Ih'-i e1-'!1" ,., Night Phones - J. (J; Steen, 371 was, only easy tn conduct a library GOOD PLUCK troubles. 51.75 o'llhesst corner of Lot .", Iuh" W. DOCTOR; per jar. lilninri, iiiciice norim'iii , .i,,,,! Blue 270 Longwill, when modern business melbods FORT WORTH, March 17. How Is Your Agenis wanted. Prof. M. S. water mark, thence s Ii V , , . l r'i Day Phone 5 Jim F'lynn, Hie Pueblo fireman low water mark, tliem ai.-mg wcro Installed as up In dale , Crosse, lift Logan Ave., Winnipeg. i.i.it ..'.ie m:irif thence .i ,.ul'.- nl in, boxer, knocked out Hen Schneff, PARIS. March 17.--Carpen-lier's ' high walec mmli lo pulnl id c.iinin in business. libr r STEEN 8 LONG WILL is any F.very Man. ui. aofM.. Illlll'e I arian must know bow In administer. oi Kansas City, in a round ami a physician expresses tlie be. Sheet Metal Work half hero last nilit. , lief that OcorgcH will never fight Silverware ? WILL the pari who took Ibe Agent for McClary Furncaea Further than lliul in the mat attain owing to Hie physical condition wrong pumps from iUa Ornltn naied retirmrr 9. growiiitr out of bdxitig ordeals Dance please return them to O IV. ter of a library as in business i.l FULLER'S SPECIALS IHIITISII Sanitary and endured since he was (ft , the Dally News Office. 1 thi: f rpiirMF rhfiiT or was necessary lo pel I ho idea ' of nico -oi.i.nn,.. ......moK Heatina Engineers A few pieces Silver . , and culminating in the healing a. rill. i"'"'-;.n over In Ibe people. That was Our Own Hraml Jlutlcr. Hi. 42Mc Tim smir.n ' i, makes just thai difference MUSIC." lovTnnvniTui ri J ' Ti". , Ai-i 6 tb Street and Frtiner Street received from Dcmpsey. Carpen-lier why, businessmen dverllsei. "II lb. boxes ... 40o iiumi nurrin to i'":. , n Prince Rupert B, C. still however or ri , - .. . 117 is confident, between nn ordinary table stmi;ti:s Ibe' librarian must' know both Il.G. Fresh V.ggs 45c PIANO SCHOOL. ML.MIM1 ACTS, IN I I -...i'V.L. TIIK books and people. It was also Libby's Pineapple, 3 for. .. $1.00 that he will recover. and a dainty dinner which Lescbelizky Method. All grade iiopsi: or commons XILUIIKII or..',A1?,1'run t necessary lo have the stock with Yellow Newton Apples .... $4.00 your Kin-si will remember, taken and special alfftnllon Till'- i.linV 'ttkivx'l sill ATI IN The best in which to work. Like a mine, Winesap Apples $3.75 GRANITES WIN FIRST lo beginners. Term uv i.Viir. or tiiti risii r.m i.'ii'V ,,V-iiii:il iik town however, be books were of Utile Pure Honey, 5 lbs $1.75 W have the new and up.In. moderate.. Sm H i-nmiN was. 1,'.'.; civ-Til in.- in i.r.i iii-ii. value unless developed, hi order Ontario Cheese, per lb 25c CUP ELIMINATION dale pieces in larae variety. C1IA8. P, I1ALAONO, l lll lTln.N f Marlltt urn . l.elltl.'iijfi liilicn In be bead of a library u Saanich Clams, per 'lln. 15o GAMES IN THE EAST Call Hand Itlock, corner Sixth and and Cniiicriiii.( t-riM Iiinuiiiilent''.Woley I'i'i'K I'll'-1 litid in Strand person must keep Ibe finjfer oil Kasle Lobster, M's eich 25c Fulton. Phone lllun 013 tf pull duy or January. u"- Ibii pulse of Hie rominuuily, II Illueberries, per till 25c John Bulger, Maiiin It'licllly the nltnie. MiSrt was Ibe duly of the librarian lo Acadia Codfish, 2 lb. box ... BOc TORONTO, March 17.--Ibe BICYCLES lloiiMr, having Ireli utliorleci i - . ,,, ifit. III." petition herein, uii Cafe gather information apd keep il In King Oscar Sardines, 2 for.... 35o Oranlles defeated Ollnwa Mon-taguaril) The .Jeweller KIOYCLK Special Tires, lubes, lliuiiiivlrirt Uoiill. , , lliul '!!, Cii such a way as Ibe finger could Dry SalttPork, per lb v 30c by seven goals to two mudguard and purls at one. dflelrlng Tlil s to 'be give mb.lltilted lioiicn f. Ill"1 5,jrl)B be placeij on H In a moment. Christie's Sodas, per tin .... 65o In the fii-rt of the elimination -3 third off unlit March 31. See llie-roiin and Head notice ut llw of , miiiinii 'GIFTS THAT (lie a LASTt o'lietlly. may All White Help. Miii'uzines all bud to be filed and Kriiikln Corn Flakes 10o giilues for the Allan Cup playoff. window display for prices, ID the above i:nult. r ,i. ill indexed afler I heir Kcneral use, Fresh nround Coffee, ,T lbs. $1.00 Perfect Hicycje Shop, 117 l'ii. nay liATl of iiaiii.:Ii l I'flncii im.IIHpert, V. A a matter.of fact "a collection Choice Dairy Duller, 3 lbs $1.00 Advertise in the Daily .News. ton Street. Iieputy Mn.ro;..