Miifch TT. 1022. tjti daitjT hews VATIE mi' .....!.! - ... ... "mn niw mi Mirnmer. nnd llUJliU wm v Ju Hie IMinnell ,,enple nf Vielnrin HOSPITAL DOING DEVELOPMENT GROTTO fllP are reports . j, rr,m,g In . UUV v VUI I hit sprim? Willi mi nil-drill WflRK SMITHERS MINE FOR fnr Small Bank Accounts TERRACE mo same Jnealily. FINANCES rKliSENTED l'leipht over i roni w John H. Turner. Engineer In i-nslit tii.no We welcome even the smallest accounts end ex- v prr mu) u (,n Charge Aldrlch Claims, Making KITSUMKALUM readily lie tend the same service to the patron depositing one seen whal llin'l mean toan at Bank Is to Be Increased Trip to Grants Pass. Ore. In Hie people whn are. Irvinir In to $7,500 -Future Policy Enjoyable Banquet Was Held Last dollar a week, as to the firm banking thousands. develop Hie natural resource nf Belnjj Considered. .lohn II. Turner, iiiiuinp ensl Evening In St. Regis In Honor Moreover, that deposit of $1 a week, continued Hie rnnniry. inenr of Seallle, who is in eliarpe of the Occasion. regularly, and including interest at 3 compounded phaslxed by correspondent mi-. 1 1 nar lias etehl. Ions nf The hnsplinl board is lo ajiply of niiuinp development, work for semi-annually, gives you a baLnce of $280.26 in From Berry Town. supplies In pi) over the mail Itn. lo the "bunk for no extension nf a Seallle syndicate' on the Ablrich Al n banquet held last, nlpht in five years. ' MUCH DEVELOPMENT. 1 IneiJialely and he made llbe Male, Its credit from n,0ft to 7..no claims, Hudson Hay Mountain. thft St. Mrpis lininp room, Ihe '. M'. mem Hial t In- ens or Iraiispnrl-inx IllidJIie Kiminee Comiuillee Is lo Milllbels, passed lliroupli I lift oily Orollo Cup, sipnillcant of the Tl'.ltlt.l''l;, Alatsli 17. -A pm-ly his mills mil nvei- Hie road report at next nieeliup on some list lily h on bis way soith, InleriiM-dinlo I.enpuo oily b.isl;e UNION BANK OF CANADA minors ntid prnxpoeliir Iffl amminled i. ;ilm,,s Dm inilial definile' iinlhiy i,t rnl lire rinan-Cinp. Mr. Turner said Hint bis com. bnll championship:' was presented -ii Mi u-ck fur ltinV(iiii, ;il ensl nf the mills. This was decided i n nl pany hud been doihp development lo its winner Toi- I lie Kl'1.9'' ',p h o.i 1 1 of KilsiiiiiRiilluni l,nk Intsrest to Prince Rupert. (he repular mnnthly board me'el- work nil winter on the claim at season, the Cojls llaskeball Club Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager ., miicI I In Ki'nMtni'.t mining op- H is I" Ihe inleresl n'f.lhe nen- Insr lust niubt after I hero bad Smilhers and had found some very mere were npnui niriy iuajrs nlli'ii Pl-npcrlif oil ple nf rinre lliiperl jiisl. as been considerable discussion as pood showinps, alllioiidb nolliinp present ami the splendid supper apiuil Ml'Mlllliilll. nmeh as i j In Ihe penple nf Llo finances. ' deliuite could ye I be said of Ihe seped, us well as Ihe list of after C)in parly was hrudod by Jnliu lliis Inealily In pul their should. I'resideni Stewart reiiorlod tbaf general aspect of affairs, i-'jvc dinner speeches, were full v en nur of SentlK- whn Willi hi er In Hie wheel and help pet I his Ihe cily Council has decided not men are beinp employed on Ibis joyed and appreciated. !oorpe ...trialo Jiave. Iirminlil in ; rn.ul fixed and if Ihe business in lo make il usual pranl to Ihe particular work. l'ri)!ell was chairman. " Mill l' wnrk thn mmM terests nf Itllperl have Ihe prnp-lesn hospital board this year but Mr. Turner is now on his way lo I'ollowinp Ihe supper, W. )'.. Canadian National Railways Uinn iMtmiiri.-AT in lln "Ib-ar" nr Ihe whole district at liolhinp derinlte on this mailer 'irnnls I'ass, Orepon, where his Wilicrofl, president of Ihe riii ami iUiV" "Murk WNdf hear! they will nnl need a sec- would ho known utilll afler the company Is doinp some plaeei I'rince llupeil llaskidhall Assn roup which-wr-re aniiiiei by irid'iilxllalion In help. 1!. T. I. nssessKieiil aifreemenl inininp. Ili will return nnrlli in malum, was calei upon; Altec nrrri lnt Minimcr. It U diffirnll to pel apprniria- lijlaw bail been iias.sed upon and about four ."works' time. haviiip made a. few ouilable remarks, Prince '"li mill arnvpil in Terrace linus fi'fim 'Ihe pnvernmenl fnr nlher financial mailers of the be presented the .find I" Rupert lie Ian I, fall liliiT Was Inken mil road work hut I his is one road city had been seltled for (be GREAT IMPORTANCE Cup In the winninp loam. Howard ,i iln rlainiM lull" II was Inii brio thai needs considerable, money year. Mr. Slewarl Ihoiihl that, I'riz.rll, captain of Ihe le'am, re ii dm "(?asiyl' In slurl nprrn. xpended on it and will bear stnce.llie board coulil'do no plau- FISHING INDUSTRY ceived il and responded in tlllinp mm nwliitf In life arrival nf tin strict ineslipalinii by Ihe pov- uiup until il knew whal would be terms. Shipyards mm II is llioir inlonliitii In pul runiiienl entrineers. , Thai il forlbconiinp from Ihe council, SHOWN BY FIGURES There were also speeches by C. s.honlil be dnne at once and lint Ibe cily should of pive some stipulated Dickenson and C, C, t:ieinenlson. I i'l run ore as soon as pus. Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock lefl lo-see how much will scant ir of the Clks uili nnl if Ihe resulls warrant money even it were reduced. OTTAWA, March 11'.. decent Senior baskelliall ,ins sii Itii'y inlend In brinjr in lie Inn over this Tall Hint can In the meantime, Ihe estimates place Ihe unrulier of loam; W. It, MarHn, Ihe nldesi Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern lie Used fiif Hlis is local mailer of Ihe basketball makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ah mom mills, cillier Ihe Unss purpose, buildinp of a Canadians directly . enpaped in player in (bo cily: vpc nr a more improved mill, opinion. nurses' home and other work of fisbiup and in handliup fish at Vlberl Smith, of (ho Sons of Can Electric and Acetylene Welding. nil In i'"'" several mines in llial the board was beinp held up. 150,000. Those dependent on Ihe ada; It, Oavidson, Intermediate Mrifl. STEADY PROSPECTING Aid. Collari slated llial il was Klkspl', W. Mcintosh, and ltert fisheries for livipp include a nf Our plant is equipped to handle nil kinds of Mr llnar IVWry cniliiisiaslli; impossible lo stale, as yet, ex least WO.OOO more. Miirpan, inanaper of the firollo vir 'he pissilililii's nf his HUDSON BAY MOUNTAIN actly what Ibe council would A The capital invested in Ihe cipiir slnro. MARINE AND !aim ami lias 'every confidence have for the hospital hoard. Canadian fisheries ly lielweea The pleasant palhorinp rinsed nit Hie results wilt fill his Seattle Syndicate to Continue Change In System. r.o.uon,nuo and to,noo,ooo and with the sinsinp of "'or They Are I). I!. Mclliie, chairman of Ihe lolly flood IVIIows" and lln plv- COMMERCIAL WORK illicit expectation ami llial Work on Mamie Claims with Hie riiiure possibilities or lln. In hospital finance committee, reported inp n f Ihrcfl oheers for llerl Mor-pan uro will In; a larse mining Capt. Turner In Charge. dustry are limited only by the PHONES 43 AND 385 imp at lln' head nf Kilxurufrnl-i that, In the meanlitni Ihe amount nf.capital available-and and W. I-. Wiilliscrofl of the n t Lake in (he near future, SMITIIKIIS. March 1 7.--There city council was payinp its usual the market. One half Ihe ln-veslpienl firiittb cipar slore. lie wa., wruhijihiiiod mil In the lias been marked activity on the The prants per month In the hospital. is in boats, nets and iki by .1. Hurl, ami K. VY. (iolino .Mamie copper and s.ilver claim problem (1f cnlleotinp accounts pear and Ihe other half in can-ninp I Si all lo, Wash., ami also John ilualcd on the lliiiNmi Itay difficult at Ihe and hospital was a and curinp establishments, I I Sport Chat it be one mishl ifu.e, (Hear (ienrtriiri, Oscar iiioiiulain, owned by a Sealllc cold slorape and ice idakinp ander. ami Paul llnTdin, all yiidienlo headed by .1. I'. Duthie, necessary lo change Ihe sysfe.ni plants. ---'-t I kniwn irnsiecliirs iii this who is wel known In shipping so that till patients would have There are in Canada ho fish The firs I half nf Hie Intermed Lumber & Lath lo in pay advance. Thei) there iate Milliard i.'l. circles on Ihe l'acirio Coast. (lap-lain innintr and curinp concerns l.eapuo schedule will would be only classes Tl is is Hie earliest start at .1. T. Turner, of Seattle, is jwo of repislered as Joint slock com-1 come fn a conclusion nexl Monday pallenls,,, those who paid and iii. nieraiiins ever made, in chief engineer in eharpo of the pnuios. nisht and mi Thursday eve-ninp h ilislricl ami is due In Hie work, l'our men have been employed lho.se, who did not, The cily Hie rirsi hair of the .Idnior Shiplap-Boards and Mii'ly of Ihnse interi'sel In pel miplit -lake care of Ihe latter limetahle will also he finished.- all iho'winler prospeclinp ANOTHER FEAT IS class;- Mr. Mcllan saiiL he did lack loriuiiy nn I lie niap as a I lie ore showinps. This work Is lloynobls, manaper or Hie Dimension lining ilislrlet. Hip resiillx are beinp done at the present limf iie(iiip not like lhevidea of, the hospital ' PERFORMED . CHESS two leapues, announces that I lie infiiltitly cxpeclfd from thi by sinkinp a shaft on Ihe or1 debt. deeper and deeper into second halves in either leapue Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored Under Cover They should adopt some ars niieralinns by Iho whole will commence immediately upon which Hie cut slficl . on original cross bed-rock ldicy of financinp. In Russian Boy Marvel Plays Twelve Ihe completion of the first and Need of Road. tunnel I'rospeelinp was driven.work will be carried another 'JO'Milh's time, they would Games Without ' Looking at Ihe panics will bo played in exactly Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling. Siding know bow much would be fortb- Board. the order the first Mr .same as jluar inad'j strniui express. on in a cautious and con i cominp from the city and rnun half. All that will be and Finish mis ifpnrdjftp; iji,. ncei nf iiu necessary servative manner durinp the Hie share.nf liquor profits. I'AIUS, March 10, Twelve mvciuenl on the mini l(i KU In compile the .schedule will be slimmer. Caplnln turner has , Bound to Assist. nf chess played nt Raines were siibslilue thn o latter dates in iinira Inrii Lake an llml .li.onl busines called Seattle been, In on MN Stewart fell the time last A. A, Ale-chine, SPRUCE LATH ad could be fra city was one uiplit hy place of Ihe firs! half schedule. ns ported over hreV iinl will be nbsenl for some bound to nsslsj the hospital while the Itussiau cbtss - 1 1 h road and stilled thai it all weeks. .yntinp Manufactured In Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices pcmlcd dn'wlia'l work was done Aid, Collar! thoiiphl the provin marvel, without lookinp al Ihe The solm-finals lit Iho Prince cial pnveriuneiil should lie en chess board, Ihe moves beinp Ituperl pool llonm .Junior this bill- n mail Ibis summer as In 'in nvlenl if tlinii uli i iiihihi I ..r WEATHER ON BANKS tirely responsible. called. He won 4'levcn panics lard handicap have been reached PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. ll wiik finally decided lo in and Iho wilier was a draw. and (be final is scheduled In take 'ii'. lie sa n il a w ereas il .. ... FORCES BOATS COME crease Ibe loan at the bank and I " 'I k,- Ort' V I l ' "'l'L ( place between the (wo winners on Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 ir irnm i errnce in. ine smeiu-r IN LIGHT CATCHES ill on the Finance Committee lo 7ANDERH00F Saturday oveniiip. The two formulate a definile financinp I'acoin.i. il cost. ?5r.,0(1 per nines of the semi-finals nro be n In brinp Ihe nre frnni the policy for ibe future. Mrs. II. V. fiodwin and children tween Sam Howe and Jack Hynd ad nf the lake In Terrace ami Kleven llshinp schooners with have returned home frrtm a vi-MI and Willie l.amliie and S. Supa. us wiu -itriclly lima Mlivc In Very linlil catches made port since LATEST STYLES In Alberta, I'he latter paine has already boon jeslerday and sold Iheir halibut - played, l.amliie defeat inp Supa ippinj; a very ureal iiuaiilily. We have on hand a limited at Hie I'li.-h Cxchanpe this very inorn. handily. lie also mad.'' the statement II is expected that the provin- :il he knew I wo parlies who iup, HimihIi weather has come up ON EXHIBITION ial pnvernnient piiblic works do supply of hi Hi" banks and Hie bonis wore Those mil Man pperaiions in llial parthienl will brinp'u caterpillar who are familiar with Jrici ir (lie road was pul lain forced to come in before they had bore (i lake tin' place of the old Ihe workinps of Hie l'acirio Coast ape Dial would warrant them caupiit Hie usual amount or iisii iraclor which has been sold. Hockey Association Mire Inclined lip so. I lie arrivals and sales were as All the very latest styles in hats, Itoad work will coiiuneiico about lo scoff al the. idea that thj' Edson Coal suits, dresses and coats will hi' on Me, hiin'lf, has a Silver-l.oad follows: Vprll I. paines in this leasue arc fixed; it Annie Tuck, SHOO pounds; Koy- exhibition at the sprinp millinery rapofiy thai rims iM0 In $170 i uspieion that is often hoard in liomers' ladies' olnlll- he Inn wilhmil enncenlraliiiif, ousu, iWMlli pounds; Vnliinieer, openinp 'I'ho revenue collected at the voiced ip discussion of Ibis inp and milline'ry store tomorrow. Nil ne woiiia nave snipping ore .1000 iiouiids; Crescent, 2000 local provincial police station years panus- and Iho close ro- il klllinl .....1.t IT lln Afilllil rrll 111 nounds, and Chancellor. &000 In !his ullrnolivo store will b( lurinp the months' pf January ults. II is explained that Iho which we are offering at the - '!. wi il' a ll lit" t .'lllil fi l. Ill vfr Ibe mad hut that be cannot pounds, sold to the Sinclair Fish seen many of the most iip-ln-datc and I'obrnary was sM05,, Ihe closeness nr the contest Ibis, year h it until Hie mad is Inu ries. al 15,!c and (Hie models in all linos of ladies' wear, lines wore inoslly under the lias no been duo. to any fixing following prices HVed. Sampson, tsoo pounds; Alli all hdinp offered at reasonable (iamo Act. but the aue-souson nrraupeniont MINE RUN, in bulk r Tlic W'btkslmih inleresls, who ance, 3000 pounds; l.nura, 1000 prices, of players has. been responsible. tfji ". delivered P Klhcl June. 1500 pounds; The hats Ibis year are of At Ihe 'Iho l.oapite per ton, tvi a properly I'll miles nnrlli pounds; Work is In bo staffed im outset, mal- f' 'ne nine I .1 me one 1.... I iii're il.:.mis I1. Doreen- -'0(1(1 pounds, and Mar- medium size. I'Jnwer and ribbon mediately on the ferry at t'ort apement lined pp Ihe players for SCREENED LUMP, sacked dj-l O .Cfi 0000 sold to Ihe trimmiupK are in favor, as well as the three different cities in such palicc, pounds, SI. James. Iho old ferry was delivered. .P 1 O.'pl uiiu il, I.-, lyiii in 1 1 il 1.11111 in per ton, .... . "ii I'oeriii or s nil iiieir nrou- .'anadlan I'ish and Cold Slorape taffeta bats (rimmed with embroidery. condemned and a renewal is nec i manner ihal thn teams would iiiiineilialcly. ?n. at I lit' and O'.ic. Tills nppHes more par essary. po as evenly matched as possible. First Come, First Served In view nf the mini up pnssU ticularly In the dross hats, al This it is pointed nut, Is Hilles of thai district il is (he ROALD AMUNDSEN though it prevails also in Iho only fair porl anil is Rlvlnp Iho ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. colors LIVER TROUBLE linos., The I'lnlori here I hut it would )ie In l'oady-10-wear i peopln value. II seems In have I'lirin h ..it AiiiiiMii'iiii. r..i tin. LEAVES FOR SEATTLE beinp shown urn Mimcwhqt worked out yery successfully. Phones 116 and E64 briKblor and morn varied than Igsl . -"vijinieiii in peiiil Ibe small '"imunl uefcOi.sat'y as sunn us year. Bad Bilious Attacks For the purpose of. provenllnsr I'tKsibbi o put Uie road In pood CliniSTlANTA, March 17. i;mbroderoi ntnl beaded roady-o-woar Sunday fooihall and sport In '"'ikitiR condition, and fm Indp in Itoald Amundsen, Norwosi'an ox- and tailored suits are When your llvtr liecnmts luylsh nd Nanainio, a moelinp was ie)d doror, loft hero Inday onroulo popular and the models are whole heal Hi guirrri. Your he di'veloprucnt "of Ibe country. very Inactive your recoil) y of (lie different Sunday Hie money would Iks well invest-"J o Seattle. He plans to leave looser than previously, fealiirinp linwiH ln'conia conillinird, the Kiimue .School organisation when it Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE lli breath liad. the itoiiiirt) foul I hero In June on the firs) ex ho lalosl loose sleeve fashion. roulnl, was decided to urpo Ihe council hs. it would ciiiiio back niani-fnl'l nil kirk, mid bilious spelH occur on ac Hi niiulnp royalties, old. in pedition into the Arctic copious. Silk tntrela. tulTela and sal)n (unit or the liver linMing uarlc the bile Irr' use Its Influence n stop -all ry short order. and (lanton crono are (lie pro- which I no enSHillul to promote the Sunday sport. It has been r. DENTIST (liiiuiniilliip maierials in dresses. movement or the bowel, anil the Lilt commended that all societies in Eight Miles Needed, R0P0SED REDUCTIONS ret into ihe Wood, Instead or ailnj out Visit his Office Rooms 7 and S Smith Hero wide sleeves are apain. featured. (lie city make an effort to Hie pro road from 'IVrrnce to lln; tliroiiiih the usual rliunnel. Block or- phone for an appointment. toot nf Kllsumpalliim I.ako Is a TO BRITISH AIR FORCE Thn drosses Ibis season The only way to keep the liver active cure n Saturday half holiday lo Phone 575 'liinnco arc lonper than last. anil worklntr pronerly, and thui ret rid eliminate the temptation for 'I'ful nf H miles, ()f HU The new 'I'uxedo Cfiats illi wide or the naty bilk.ui attacka, It to keep Sunday panics. The council is Onioo hours: 0-12. 1 to 0 and 7 to 9 lo miles is nlrcndy first LONDON, March l7.r nrastio the bowcM regular by uslns evenings. Ihe inosl favored polnp fully in I llio mailer. ''l;'ss loose sleeves are it road but estimates for MILBURN'1 there remains oduclinOs in Iho Sunday Appointments Lady Assistant "'K'iI miles, of Very iionr mail I lie air forces fnr Ihe enmlnp this year. Chiuchilla and velours LAXA-LIVER PILL! ''i!ri nro popular, but Iho new I'amlora They are purely verelttile, trotll and is reduction Tim merely (rail llirnuph announced, a year ani PRINCE RUPERT TIDES to take, work FUiuuilily and gently, 'I'f Woods and up und down very In Ibe force o(iial o lvo clolh, which nifikns it llfst appear- and cuy there li" tivthinir or the rrlplug, wek. i ,. . , , u bills. squadrons s projiosoil, uneo now, is perhaps appealinp pint and tlckenlnv tffecu or the ((. The road would have In be more lo ho feminine fancy (ban finhloned purratlvet, Friday, March 17. ''InuiKKil jp imnie. places ami RAT-IFICATION. nnythlup elso. This is a wool Mr. ;lin-S, Ctron, Dantvon, Si?k., High :i:50 a.m., 21.7 feel. THEQ COLLART, LTD, - ?StS? vilteii " wta troubled with IlVfr, Ili.3 "icrt-ly exlur nialerial whirh lias n toy 1(1:3 1 p.m., feet. pravellcd and widened in and had Revere bilious ttltcka. A frleod "JltorH lvd Is fipured llial fi'Hi ncnllonian ('in(ljK"'niH')-When richer liiill'yl'll than either chin nHlsdl me 14 tly MUtigrn'i latt-Llver Low 10:13 a.iii., fool. FOR SALE One Lot on 6th Avenue E., nenr 'Ulil or ion thousand dollars I bouKltt Ihl dop yon said chilla or volour. fills, m r took two vials tnd I have bad JttJiM I'.'H'i P.I fcoV attacka." ,'Mnrh 1 8, McBrjde St,, $600.00, terms to be arranged uii put It Into first clan be was splendid for ruin! Why, t)o more Halijrdoy, for bo won't touch Ihciul A iewpapcr without circulo- MltBURN I llijfh-, 4 Mil a.in ?0,5 feet. heavy traffic . IAXA.UVCR TILII "ifl Kitfunijfulluni Has and Hop' dealer-.Wall, ain't- that on, .evn. it prinlcdrm parcli-inonl, tre $te t vial a( til (fvtlerti or rualled 17:31 ' p.iu,, 1,7.7' feet. Rentals Real Estate Qensral Insurance ofrnlcuin .fin,-,.'lmvo. said 'that Splendid for rats? I'aloMon has no qijvorlislnp value direct on receipt or price by The T. itt-buru I.owsi-i 1 1 :0K h.ui.. foot. Phone Bluo 63 Westholme Theatre Block P. O. Box-66 luy Would havu an" oil drill Chronicle, becnuse lt'lias nnthlng to sell. Co., Lloilted, Toronto. Out. ...83115 p.iu. ...7,7 ..feel,