PAUSTWO TTTF TrI7T 1TKW8 r. iJay July 7 10 x - i " the Daily News MANY UNABLE pniNcr. nupRivr . nniTisn Columbia I WM i Ten Years Ago Piil,llhed Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince . READ OR WRITE I In Pr'nca Rupert Fresh Rupert IJaily New, I.lmllrd, Third Avenue.. p; m : j; IF. P. PUI.J.EN, Mftnnglng Editor. JULY 7. 1912. aaS So Said J. Plndsr-Moss In Ad- ""' ,: P " "", N"'""'' dress U ftotary Club YaaUedav ,!,," ,i,,h- ", trisf. r harn. FLAT r 8UBSCFUPTJON RATES: II. nl.l..n.lln till) i- . j .'mid ' i.m iii iiruiye City Delivery, hjrmnil nr currier, per month., $1.00 ; Rupert fly mail to all part of llif Hritish Km pirn At,d the United tRates. urges mm schools 7rc;;Ui.?,:v:,!t1.: In advance, per year 10.00 ! Ijrirdi'rs. imi'I, fifteen inn. m To all other countries, in advance per year ,87.o0 Asks Aid of Rotary Club In Qst-'w,'''r,', .fV hrhlge ni Seni. v lino Technical iUulch are. With ftrresaortrs ta FISH Brand TELEPHONE 08 StarUd in loaoV .in ihl i-Hts I,, i,.. &it-wante sin uil trai l. Transient Display Advertising $1.40 per Inch rer Insertion cHirilin io i ue censu return rransient Advertising on Front Paire $2.80 per Inch I ot Kill (here were at -4i lit. hurm-y .lonns.r.i . b.i- Local neader. per insertion 2f,c per line For Baby's lime 0.000 M..iite (n the Ottiint tf, a hniulsiMue -eoHi; Irtirivalowl 0 now available from the.'' Clarified Advertising, per insertion 2e per wont (Alttn electoral dilrt'l who were led .in tiflh .Wrniii. I'n.l Legal Notices, each insertion jbc afmi jno Woollens unaMc lo read or write. t)f aloixsHl, i. .MeNielHstl's re. ' local retail stores. lliese idenre. The ..s to a, annul n.ntrnct Hates on Application. 8753 Uere foreiKn lm. All dvertiiner honld he in Tfie Daily News OlUce The little .' ltriUh born nnd ?t3: wen-Canadian on day woolly preceding taraiets -v - ; Canadian fish & Cold Storage publication. All tmrn. Co., Ltd. advertising received subject to approval. for Baby must be kept soil In 'I1h Cool ha 1 1 r.lii). Member of 101 rivurns nm not Audit yei Bureau of Circulation. or they will irtiute the ml last PRINCE RUPERT tender skin. Washed in available. It was to this nurtit and wri' pbolw-1 condition that Ihe diHrtct net. irrnotint (y n. Itatn Laler ttn-member DAILY Lui tudt. Baby's woolleoe EDtTION Friday. July 7, 19?!. will keep beautifully soft d oiBht seliimk. and eonlinua- of the elnb were enter. and fluffy. The thin satin-like tion rlassrs, slalrsl J. pinder- lainmt a tin- home or J. II Montreal's Board Aalej of Lux aie nvde Mo mi the Hillary Chili meelluir tM'lly. J. r. Maellftttahl Jiilil r.n Of Trade To Come Here. by our own rsclusire process, ) Oiher reasnns for itMn-.i. 1 he Itandiuinie nip r.'-senleil W ord was received here yesterday that the member or the and dissolve instantly establishing ualum classed tijjiM throiighiHii ami eoHiin-U wm hy hv the the lterean tetlHiinn t'.luh wn-nn.l into lather hanrtlcM a as as Lumber Montreal Itnrtrd of Trade would viil Prince lliiperl and spend pure water itself. .liiM.i n.MMii.i ne i. Mr ....lllf . lirMsr:. rittnt and lh loat to Hm- i'IhIi & Lath wmie liine in the ril. Tin- i- an influential NHy, one .if Ihe of fti.lilii ,.,se who so w.l.wdly ri'i.inrtr, to tail cUk i tufcr'i most influential in Canada. and the it means a great deal. It UtwUnI J lk rick Lat a lto sIihIv and devebHi (n their Ihiiirt hi MSf UAI l.lSTtllrT liirrtieular line. f work MTMi t or roT Htam. s and Is an intimation that lias ihim lU also Shiplap-Boards and route is tflClug its place the The on map. rplvc wer a4 kaaf ! dij, jfo dive oiMir1iiiiilie or slmtyin Ttk antler lUl L 0 r. MmwStoa. of local Hoard of Trade will dniihtlei. take ienitural siihlecl. untra. h i . rHeheS, rm.aj , i Tkerr it ruhint tiki Lu. SUJ liw UiaiMer af Uas ! a Hrear Jtnd try lo in,res the riets with the importance of our strategic , Growth at Edmonton. ss wt u. fhkint tthm witrt. Dimension pOtu. iutt-prtet Mr. I'iniler-Mo who orsian-jtist iimmwihh si a mi fanl i im ' ihe IHMMSWeM rarner f IM I It ; r TnorooKbly f JiMr.l and t'ndee Anyov I'.ilyteeliHW- In-1 Ifstlh a . llr hh rfxli.. Local Interest In still,le ami also helie lo slari HHMk a rhaaiSi ihriir j u raw la iwiai irf tut a. oa LUX , the teehnical -ehool in Kilinonloo rrlMM llwu arrea Kiln Dried Fishing Industry. LaetlM i ani tint. (Sff. Flooring, Ceiling Siding 'til if Ihe prow-lli i f I lie work n. r. XOHCTOI. Tew days nr., Ihe Daily News failed to publish the reconl in the roriuer city. In Kdmonion . w. avtiNiji. Attit of nh ae for Hie ,y, lwjg , pr,...,,, f holiday 0XV,, Tn Lcvsn Brothers UMirEO lbe technical Institute had slnri. rat"IHS1M.-T sm etnr of milt tjn nS.wstsh S.t and Finish result was a Tcrssato I'.I I.ii 1. 1.1 u...I lu.. widespread prole I fnm ii manv readers who follow ian.t T' soe Iks I 1. n. T Mmvllno. ll.e UMiay mere were over iOO. SPRUCE LATH sale UaanM. regularly. To f.iili,es men the fish sales ttmrfr, mta la ii-ty u mean a great (In his own itearlme,,i when hei!" US i Unrm deal lierniise high price, the a rSMJfiert rs a! iaa aslurtl Mlanufaclured In Prince Rupert mean of and selling at payment outstanding left Lowest. Prices accounts, I to eome In Anyot. he had a r is Mwm lawrttea Ih- whereas low prices Inlicate that no ra., wW be f.v- f.,.r..ll . i....... ,!' js rMMr .- furthcoming. Tbe Man in the Mew i .1 imnra nmrr n H4 lift. Iketvr grew liy leans ami hoMints. TTr2?L.. .iT? ! rhaitt. I ..... . ' .Mrr. mm rnmmm PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER We are mining the operation of the saw mill and Ihe result SAYSe- liioenis Mim.i lioir ileeii In or- '"" fsat sum.m, m CO. of the er lo regi'ler it, the nitrht kmi see. continued shutdown is Men in empty lmue. I'rrhap ciase.. it.,i,.?T,' . Seal Cove. Prince Rupert Tele-hena 3(1 when at open np again we shall appreriate it better and shall a. lals THK fnun way to rlirnuiali' Orien. M Auynvthe niemhers were! TlTUr " indmirie i in .i.. fKIVf w hat Mm tusTatrrr. so be able lo realize what it means to the city to have any kind einio)ing then,. rliaryeit rite ibdlara fr one mstAict or it assni. of industry going here. V cannot ntford to discourage any industry class, ei,ht doM.r. rr lw n.l2itt rSJLfZ'iX; t eleven dollar Tor three nti. ! . slr t urt. fur small or great. Industry is what makes the A LOT of torn I la.t. im n. arear place prns-jerous. iet. S3 X. an. asiar.i have - rallH, for" the arirl Ur.l. E. H. SHOCKLEY .i . r..i ai... jaiBi ia at S lsl rfa -d I Itie i if lie I.a.iI.1 if l... .i . V ot... n.inri. autiaM . WV I 1 1 risen to." I!der the trbeuie wliicli he si ram laear. wiim. " rktin Planing Mlllsi Cow Ba. Whart Neit Impsrlal OH Doc Looking Forward To pit rm iv.ih .a - intMisi-., ihe rl or Ihe Phonal M3. Big Prairie Crop. IK tls. visit,, were ,.r.- rn" lo Prince tinner! w.nilil :ersar MW i.ut A,.ru if um r. ivft FIR DIMENSION, FINISHINQ LUMBER, PLANKINQ ANO . Indication, are that there w.ilj he a good crop of grain aled loeall ll.e. I V ah 'on tirt v.-arl I nosji toi. TIMBERS, SHINGLES, LATH, DOORS AND WINDOWS on atol rather les ror sutisenueni I Agent tor: ate,, i-rmc Ktiiiert. .IliMMirs are year. The tjlasse would ba Itidiertaon k lltteketta 8w even. ss. . ? t I Mills. I.ld. --mm "'". i ne. ram or the pat week or ten V lo do with Ihe iaie lii.liislries SUITCASES J.XiSiiolll..WaHsoa4. , . ....r ,-ruveu most beneficial and with favorable harvest Til Kit i: are a lot of imml in Asks RoUry Aid. TRUNKS Iwihialro" a ply i;oUonwor I'aneUlnjrV- UTV n imiuuiiuiH i ne re i li l siuiiiiii h ti.. i.. . Mown Mr. I'ltnter-Mos. aiieale, I.. f.ailand Coinftany. Ilooring I'o.nt - w " I- ,' 1 or IMUIK WHO liijshl enter Ihe hahy 2 Ihe ineniher or Hie CJubj are beginning 0 loan money on it, an indication lhat they M,Vve roil itiev won I.I snnrej-lv Holary CLUB BAGS lo take het, on Ihe leehnical eiluca-j i..-,r Kooig io nc a good yield. a nriie. ' linn and night school niovemeni THK ioa ihe They co,ld give it their imliw.t- Large Stock on hand. Hae You A Museum? corn of Montreal Ask Visitor. Hoard he of Trade wilt overshadow iial the tie enenttrairenieni.of their f..r n...i Prices very low. The Best in Rubber Footwear Mr these Utile visits from Now that lourMs are beginning o take Mrr,tl , lh siikiII town people. ciindnet ot elaases and en,ld en- J. F. MAGUIRE . city and the emrdoyae u alien.) ai-e Hoi As-ni- n Um 'r tor HIPRESS railway is ro-oneratiinr i. L..r.:,. ii . . -a. Nut the, lrinee tu(rt Ilolal fluid , . ,,, , s ,;,,; ;; VOX Miuilreal biisinesnien lo rla. ! IVof.- ;,u., Ihe "PARTRIDGE H and u, ,tll,h ro,h... .......... fAB A ...... aeknowleilye lhat there was a While Ihere had been nnnosi. li k e f , f, , st duality in these line , ,.rm nUKm M. iimii i nun i ne "INVICTUS" Hhiiea. Hi. roi,i,(.re,, A Vj,nr northern roiile n grenl iraue anil l.alii.r bel shoe oible r.r tnen t nd art Miciely i needed to eon- GtMinejl in Finhtulon women from 911.50. foster local c,elifie investigation eeioi,, but Iir travel on ill at first and to gather specimens of scientific interest and preserve scientific Surely Miniethin Is ti..enin'. thai Ih.) had filially cow ovi HYDE t EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. lo Ihe uW and bad insisted and on hUtoric data. In addition to ihis d in conjunction the leehnical FAMILY SHOE STORE with , might WHAT about agiur in iyn go the collecting f a Vllv beaulifnl Third pictures or other art w th eiHiaitn" here? xraiitiiral and machiui.L work TRANSFER Avenue Phono 307 Third Avonuo and Ihe frMjuetion of nrlifu At Mrtoria the Hovernment has Til KM-, wn a man fitilnr at e.ite, roiu the cboJ. j CXfsRCSS AND BAOOAQE. a fje nnieiim is Great ! he mecca of , ,4)uriK , Vancouver they have Eit, Khlaila I tie other A nn.l iKe There Future. Iay and Night Mtone '.mo, was a ureal future Iiw iii connection with the M,m" bis trout koI awav with the pbjC UUniy. In f ahead for this the eily. raker! line Alaska ami A week later towns they have .mall ro.. an. RETURNED! museums where India , and! other other I'riiM-e saw. Meryone Suew thai All I Best Coal Hliiiert specimens are gathered eeemei and rim be seen by visitors citizen fishine I hey had In i.i was to id,, j was in ihe " ''U .ma !.,.u1,f "'IT. "r" M,ciHi, for lf 'nrouragement of the lake and U loikd a l map in ..nler lo see thai I'rinr.- sc.enliric. h'T a.n'11,"',"'" "t no one has taken up the ami Ihoiixtil lie .aw nrnelhlnir ltlliert was erie. lo (1 Wood Wood h,uI art Mudy collectively with a view to sreal town. In the develonmeni trailing i behind Dr. lhat m akujg it pennnuently of henetit In the place, ir there wer a Hh an.l.tiue. On nullinir looke. like II.. of Ihe resources of Uie ili.lrn-l ! Stove Lengths, Split. Jos. Magiii' an organization to take ... ..... cn r nf tttfvim.n. I k n .......ii i howeer. he orjie. thai n.n iisn not. was round 139 ... not io 2nd Ave. WesL ..iu, niriji ironi urae io lime, Ihe city already has he: the one that had Iraineil at home should be usei! a tew but b;i no nlace lo mil M.m rarne.1 tf Phone SSO. tlllA . " a rar Mbe. JkK. lant ta I. r a as His wlieiiM' J r S tmrail ,,m "nrauize n society and keep it rr a syen, of fe.terale.1 niahl yVy, DENTIST going, there most be Mime feu people here who would wel-eome IK UlllfUill school woiibl I.e Ihe elieane.l i the ete .nr.i. . . . .. . . : i il.Tf.jJ Room. 7 and ot.port.nulv to joj such an .organUalioi, if the lead hack in vojrue. bow would ami nest mai i,o of ilealinx with; 8 lake,, J,y someone with ieope Ihe education From the Farm tlMM Smith DBHBw ye organamg ab,jl -U(j wlUl Ulr , km.iw uow lo (ironerly utui ar-lislirallv que.tion for Mi Block oevole to it. not ,n school. The jtrlieni to the Table nlare ii.. fr-.i nn ii. m-u. brass rail a they ea.i4 tnr an base4 on the system in vuue in Crown, Bridge and Platework other ut the came. connection with Ihe South hn Singe JWcte Build Mansions injttou tn.titiite BulkleyValley an ar,.y .! U.AM ! 1 . 1V Il NTAl, WOllK wnellie' tl'h a fill.. a or HM..I . I latest or sun 17 a I ion a ..nn.hiai. rt IIHIlM.i: ftP TI A fortune is built up bj the same srvr?j anvuiv ih...,r I sockeye fishing on PORK seer PERFECT UTILITY ABSOLUTE COMFORT-NATURALNESS method. One by one, your dollars who leiete thai wifie is hearing SKEENA CONTINUES MUTTON DANGER FACES OF APPEARANCE. axe placed In the satinrs account too much. VCAL NEGLECT until in time they,too, build a home. - SHOW IMPROVEMENT! ritCSH KILLED POULTRY 1 work ou personally. You meet me. One dollar will open a tarings ac- l. Ihe latent diclionariea i Skeena Rlvee Farm Produce count for you with the Union Bank. Jiggs" will be Kiven as a syno-l jsiickeye salmon tishlna- mi M.o 1 VAN0CRH00P CREAMERY Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE One dollar saved is worth a bun- liyn, tor roriONl heef unit eh I Skerna K,v r ritnliuue In grad- ' BUTTER dxed wasted. hage. To illustrate: Tak v..p ually impriAe. The average ror' NORTHERN INTERIOR u oroer, aiTT lea. Liinif me uune boat on I He nul.iila wn rermrl . Copy ff cur booklet "One Jigy." ei ou WeWne.Jay in lie 30. Oil CO-OPERATIVE UNION BANK OF CANADA StMK nf iho men In Prin inursiuy.fiefinile if 11 re for the Vm. , Phone SI Mupert are lodsy aufferinir with during the nasi few day have enlargemenl r the ii ul bee,, cranium. rereive. but it I un-derslrm Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager Ih lady visilois, Uh lhe,n Ibey he yooil larl already No(t)ini) Provckes a Man tMore had never seen such handsome Wade It,,re I beliiK liiaiulained. Uian to eome hoai frnm men av Lra were in Prince riu-rrl. work and find Ins meal, not C. J. rtetrher. ot Vannouier reedy. Ily trading with ua ( seerelary of th Jl. C. Medical you not only save money pn IT is to he einerlel liial.lliee issonialinn. relurne4 GET BACK ON THE FARM ill be an Influi nt ladies rrmu iilvhl after bavitiic led I'rlme ynur Ihetn purchase,delivered but you set in ample time 1C0(Acras V, mite from Mericeiown. Frams house Ihe east If Ihe and urws gets bruited filllierl and Aliyni. Km itileiol to prepare meals. Spruce.two bar lis,CO Acres.Forty fenoed.Acres Meadowlaad, balance Poplar and around. lU fjmif nofti, uk a in later in Ihe Phono ua your at Trl.l Ordor Snap far oUhee cash or Urma. Fear In iiotlmiM nrcfitil..! . '"qu're ... TM08. McClYMONT Persistent adverlJilna I ah. ,wrik ylsliiif- -.i-.jHdut -'Sit..!.in the....".In The Peoples Meat Market Mall (Solutely necessary to success, ferior. Hlua 7IU youe plate foe I .. compl.t. U , , hour. lime.