PAOE MX TTin DAILY MKWB 1 iMiltlr durinc Hi hatitlar CRUISE ABOUT -n G. H. Arnold, Notary Public it will nut d wnm aehool i on. Therefore, tha hwr and HARBOR PROVED ry for more HrUn ground WESTHOLME THEATRE FIRE INSURANCE arn.mmoihn l a nam polba- 111 Tonight and Tomorrow and I hi tiltre il the y-uuHaer It wrlten by In reliable W TO EUROPE carefully us companies. ar permanently Mliru IMTCDCCT loy who are la J In in the de engaged In tha bualnett and our records ara accur 1I1UU1 lniLlXLOl mand. The nrlty for a . Jcsso L Intsky presditu William I). Tnylor'a ately kept to that whn your policy aiplraa you will ba notified HUE BSEBITR3S Kflfi mil prlV field In Ibr cif i. Production, In sufficient tlma to keep your property protected. Wa eo-llclt eVata ftaavaa a - fti - .ILI.i. . your buttnett. 'Eastern Visitor Had Very Pleas out.cHla.owW...ouTH-rToW. .u. zr:: " : H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD. ' ant Slav In Imuranca. This City,1llrHi il MlliH 1(1 " " I1"1 ' "The Witching Hour" Rental. Yesterday. as. s.. xl I i.HiHifrrwi seriously by I he artHorH al "T"tL..80UTMrTOJ-IIITWiap ;an early date ami the eoower. the 'I'hi In Ihr I-..I. '''. 1 . 11 m.ih. better. A Paramount Pi turc, with if I mill r-.lii Slorw 'M.'n flanl ami Jj- 1 i..m' Al! that y-n hear ub-ut .y- iilry lira and IIm- rmtw in l. l ti Thr Smi f i.a4U and In ELLIOTT DEXTER aaolnr yarbla ah. -il ih har. ! , ..T,L""t TO "'ooc ;Knnrhl. ..f fUduHttaia. .rlthtl1 TIWBM SALE X407. ' ' 2 Reel Hen T k in 'omuw - .Step Fohwaii Hartt I aa,. iiieiir Ihr Ka.irn f. is s. is ot. is . . vZTtJril ,M 1 Milrl. A Im j" 15c Jinl ,W' a. i s.ts " """I " l" whi. li ssi in. Mmi-ier af Ltkl. .1 v.rwia mi l uSJ " m-ii! Ju-liTiri in Ihr ainiuuf iimu warn un iim I Jlh iu? of ,a "'' krairwc for Hi.- KOHTMii r r ID imrrluw of UmtM X lilt, to ta .iiuiu . S.M ferl uf lletaturk. Irrae. Krly in iln- iri'riiooii. Iln lf It . is. a tiim ,iHM lr "4 AH t.-an j rdar and BtlHiu. Mltn n ares M rain l-fl I!- nl and rarrinl 4ir . t mu Iwb nim linl al JMwi. Ihr Shoes Mif rri.w.l I.. Hi.- ,-..), .lornui-plant iwr, will aitanrr In Ihr lim Tmi jura HI be aliased fur r ! br.tal umber. and lnr dm-k. Ilirii8li QUtato TO Liverpool Am itrrti' hHr I ho l...-r- Hm r.mrlr the 'ritM.Hta,lt t.... f ariukt will a-ef llw cellar Uioti t Irr. Vlr..rfa. s c. or ixwki lreur. offiriaU of rikmJ looks. perfect fit. tPrlnrr hrl. B.C. blh plant. thr i il r h.t-.-pemwfcally QUtttC-CHtRSOUBO-OUTrlrTO J . Wha'rfr IIm (Mllroinr Inns Induraiice. is fully verified cmAmN ..Um-imh . !, 1 bum il mh hiiwrr. il wilt make III Ik .if. "Supreme" Brand liy the genuine satisfaction Um UT.rknwr. Many "f thr trav. ii u imii ttrf .. j. j. f'rcnrr .i th fnral Inirr.i you receive when you P8 rllr kviM from atrairir Mnit. iro-STta. In ttmU CPM. sutlaa. thai ha. n.r Un l-MhM-rt i. wear them. Mwm. marine tmtalrt- iMf-.l ciaiiu.. .7-. .7.T . ,l m Irairur rarr. AIMbrar lm Tli price is Inv for shoes timscr sali xiiTO. intrnorlr Mewatliut th.-n, i Trarria tti.L ", " rm nf (his high quality. Mi!1"' .j1" UI " MW"J ;aa1 of yrtat eaWatKi valur. ! nlaw vri and wrrtl aliti l. FRESH Coffee FRESH iimTmm niTiti, di?rtle?r AKnsrt 1:3 I Ml .4- Nlrr ofi'-' uiimmii.ii.. I iff.rial. ,','''r raH f thi. ROASTED KOASTh U $12.50 per pair i4nSS?r.ir5Sttr ,l,r "i1" falh-rM .1 the'"f I railway did lou- h lo nwk- ,v. i.u.a , ,rty. lunJ? ?U iH.n Lte ,'"4t-r.U) waorv h l Ih.,1 ,IPr. ; I. n-l i.s iaiu,.lr a-..-!- Thi -k b-tmllM HU. He t;d a: th' Hrcakfaxt table: .Xr; ,f,i,,,K" mMI B,,t'd fw ''Iww a ak- Ihrn, .. ". wa. by , M-i.aU ' '' ! Ihr "SAYt M GIVc. ME ANOTHER CUP KIRKPATRICK ir"viSLi2rY?Ur "'nl?" cw',f f1" rruiap of Iho hartH.r. Tb.'J- Mrady and Harold IUwiitwll f'-r ho whooe far " OE COFFEE, PLEASE. THAT'S THE l-riarr Ku2rt. BC. I omgMot a.TIIMni Wl r...!"! "llM-r HlrnilM-r. ..f Ibr Iwal tmnm M" Krralel ?f aKilir The Store of Satisfaction marinr anl uurnlin.- dri.,.. a.-bini, riaff-. .wt. aMalmir nrwluff (-.111- BEST YT! WHAT IS IT?'; Tiaiatn sale xssts on .lMjrfjy l.iaiM w-r v.ilnt ami pflil M-. for many rrnlMrlr ar-aaaln "Vet. I knew you'd like It. That'a 'SUPREME' h hand maU-hlHS llirir insn Mimirr wna ?tm Uadt in xaia at oar Virtorta ar jaw dm im la tor i .k. -iaalla l'.Bl. Jama aim Kir Nrvi GROTTO WINS MM! and rnduranrr and lo Mi Fresh Roasted Coffee, the Co(Tee that tattet at fur Ih narriut or Urrar X . to . . mi rrrl ar Mir, Harar. Hal- Ii.h boat ".N. M. & It." had iM-r-fnl atKMIra will a fhr good at It sme'lt. All m frie ids are uting it now" via a Ml Hrmfcirk. KifJrs. -l' 'i"V . irod 0.1 1 fr 1 lit- hi?br. honor thai ran b- wn Arm or air Uka. Ulmlie Millinery ! Illrl nrravimi nml ir.4iatily ran s OVER CALLIES by amalriir oaranirn llrnl.j Groun i. roa t-d a d packed at th? warehouse Tferrr O yir U t tlluard far rrma.ral .r iliabrr I h" bunt1.! load nway from Ihr Itrtfatla for wrll on lo a i-i-niury rurtbrr Vi'-fcwia.partirularx.'.. or f Diatnri Ihr rhW rurrslar.rnrra-tr. yarbl rltib. other boat wrrr ha nalfM-rv,! tojrilir ihr m-. STEWART & MOBLEY, LTD. l"riii- Huprrt, fl f lr. J. I', ijtib- Krrmar. John football Fliture Last Night Re amalrajr nmrainrn wf fw worl.j Coffaa Impoitari and Rnaatars PRINCE RUPERT liytdtatn Surrjor. M. M. suited In 5-3 Victory for Tbr rnlrkna for tM )air r.-aallu, 25 lhm' Triton. ii.rp Ilryanl'' TobacconlsL wkarb om-ikiI on Wrju.-. per cent llarla. J. C. IiralyV Adnd". i Aay. roniarr rry favorably wild Spring and Summer Uouxla siork - SiinlH-miii. M. I. Tim- Undid .(. ihr ijillir. Ibo.r of 1 to la.I iirr.war MH'jtffrpr Xrlli,. Will.Inn-. M. in la.l nikl . ...i..r 1'..jl.iiJ t I. h.alrir. f..r Mi. reduction jbrrt Ward . K. . T. I'arkin ljr fiilur. bv a vn- of ," rxn.t. arr In from N r. j Coats ;Jrla(tlrl. Krrl Srabbn . (Mn. Ui J. The jramr wa. wvll nm. w wHi.-rlaii.. U-Ibi.i.m THE MID-SUMMER :. II. Arnold' N.fhako. T. C. tralrj, hoik aidra duins IIm- .1 rnrr ,,J- "f "ra. lr. .i iltimran'. Xanry; Jack MrAulry'a of Ihrlr M-orinu vtbru th-y bad ,,ri,,M' " r" "" "d "DEMERS" Exclusive Stylet. loliMn. J. J. Halruh'. Ib lty. V. tkM IMiMrat adtanlMr of Ibe L K'H- Ihr ..anl No two alike, 'Ui-id's Mary It., J. Iay lb-D a radr ana) un in Ibrir favor. A ,Ha,"" ! r-aUi r no AT LESS THAN iK.livol. .1. Marltonald' Mar. JJuimhI rruwif v.f fan. tbr lt" n r.H-mrr -UII Clearance Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 VANCOUVER PRICES. iMrl.can'. Miopab. Sid Hunlrr'o ; inalrli. 1 1 rira arr rnirrro. and V. II. Harn' boat.. ! In Un- fir.I half thr Urol to A frw of the Utrl DOLMAN very Tbr morning wa p-nt by the had Ihr adkanlaas of ararb and BASEBALL SCORES COATS, made in i.iiorW in ari-inu .riou point. .1111 and early brramr laanarroua liroadclolb. prettily cnu of iitlrrral within the rily. I'lir il.. (be lUlliea. Ttse r.ixar nlorei bnildrrrd. In Nay and Fawn lila party tranaferred from llirir boy. did I btH AMERICAN LEAGUE. ha of Iba. at lurk SALE Dr. Geo. L Barton rhailr. Cliirau". 9. I'tnla-I-Ij.Ih.i. MN-ial Iraia in Hie i-tenins lo) 111 ibi- 1 u altkMjrh tbr SroU At Less Than Vancouver i;terland. :i-:i: New York. Id. Ibr Prinre ;eoryr on wbN-b'nwde iM-raaooal breakaway.' Prices. II. (Palmar) learner llo-v are now Iravrllina 1 Kirby ornril Usa aeortnu and The Lalrl Creation in oulll to Ya)lrMivi-r. Some of; aMed nil liar r two. The' AMERICAN LEAGUE. Chiropractor Hie vi.ilor 111 Mir danee 'ilNra then ftreJ Ibr Bminr ami New York. 0. I'ltlabiinr. .1. Women's Dresses, Suits, Coals, Skirts, Millinery ar4 at ihr Auditorium I-a t nuht Im-- jo I a roupte of alaarttve rorners COAST LEAGUE. Underwear, Children' Wear and Boy' Clothing, Shoe ana-Yard l.o Auaele.. J Sratb-. Federal Block BENTS fore riwiaarkinw. whirh rr.tilled III iioIIiiiik. I he : Goods Will The iai.ra wen- lnsiil pirn., joeiillii re.innn) tbr attack San I'ram-i.e". H: Cortland. Phone 660. -i at their -lay m I'rinr,. Itn-1 Ibnuia-li .Mie ilrfaner play nml SMi-ramenlo. H; Vernon. II. Commence Thursday, 6th July Third Ave. .all l.ak, Phone 651. i-rrt and Ho- fwlnm of api-r.-rij. Kirby aeored Ur lbirl i-onnler. 3; Oakland, in. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. and Continues till Stiwn ilieoi jMHM-lly after N aitgli made lh Saturday, July 15th. Jerey Cilv. Newark. 1 ; fourth ami bt rorr of tbr -- Una SI MM KM SAI.h baa been ! lleadiiiji. t; llalliiiiorr. .'. Mialiliilrd wtUi lb- i, Im-mihI. i Ualf time the M-ora loronlo. ;: Syraei-r. J. oflerina you an opporluuily to purrbaar al abi. j! .I-mnI: Oroiio, t; Callir.. II. 1 ma ai.d to reduce elork la carta Huffa!.. :: Itrheti-r. J. US la .f wiiieb ui Scottish Attack. i i-learait ta desire. Preserving lie.pile tli heay adkrr SIINSatL SCT. WEEK END SPECIALS M-orr. thi- Callir opr neil bri.kly road f. ley OilUMI. lea-. 2i'. 2 lhi 1 1 1 Irll. 111 Ho- .rroud half. Sro early i ciTicTi NOTICC.or isiraovisKaTS. ale 17Vie T l-ai .it . . $3.75 Strawberries. prmniK in-oiiiineMl In tbr teat of -sit.via horuk t ilvih Men-t-r flir Srarfli.k noaiit. inVTIO" Mlnrral (Jilni. aia lute r'lallltellelle. e. W title Silk , Hilars. , , tk. M, m,tr VMmi pi ,f 'oiiliiuied ami SrajJI Im-hI Merrrr ,Z' ale 17',o raj. Is ; k i ; r, Now th- ' hwalrd: a kllnu II alter. Tm 14 lunr to Hear buy Ladles' Fine Black Cashmere Hose S. ainh--. treble rplieed Willi a pretty KMaSt allot Smith TkC KOI 1(1. thai Uaia W ralluurr. $3.50 your I'rrxri-vinif Hlrawln-r. ankle and r.-rl. all wool, .ur tt'j to If. Urn. 81.511. r-i Ibr Callira' i i oiiii ami. rr "'aff Ortiriral .o. I r . at irey lattloN. res. 3or. lira. Shllll'i. ,r-al r 4 ,r. Vllnrr, rrra Miarr'a far- Sair 2So Indira' Ma l, I.,,,,,. tilfivillK SPECIAL 95c PAIR. irom onr 01 I lie itanarru Mfe-air sa. ati c. and It. W iimra, i-ry Irani. Hue rici a are I.........L . il'..,... I. . wrrw mmmr . n 1 1 w i a ,io to t 5. Sale . $1.00 riKlit. , ana I, lekeil ;t! laaO,. ,itj dta fna la data brm.r. sheet inn, rea. Mir. fcieda C5o Infants' and Children's White Duck One Strap Pumps Die I.roll.i . fiflh. Klliaborn !lrafjr, M,""e haranW fur e t ln.ruMrali. f ihr bar $2.95 Crate and per up Leather aole ami hel. all aizea. Kk. : o. SPECIAL $1.45 failr.l lii i ..uteri a iwiially I- w.iialniBf creva Crast . tba i.' ami ti" Pillow Tuhuif. Go carefully oVer the Shoe uroordinx to quality and awanb-il for bawdlliia and Sr..U Cad 'faMhVr HO la.Ura thai sume. en lie and Mir. Hle SOc Department Bargains; pack. Ladles' White Pumps llubbrr sole and hel. one. a to C. .. oi-rij ihr -lljr. thud nearly FIZSJ. t?'lu "XZZZ RHUBARB FOR PRESERVING He?. 2.W SPECIAL 95c Ketliiiir a .borlly after- loawwrnirMa. llepletle. re. :irM-. Male, t Vtbile lainta lnlpt,' -military wanl.. Tin half wa. i-erlainly u.ii.u iaia iia LI air WIS ar W.nay,I-AOIOKL in itll yards fur $1.00 ami lutb We do not look for lower White Huck Towels In a gfjui heavy uualils, 31" x 18"' Ihr Callir. and, with a lea ex. leather irir-a. SPECIAL 5 FOR $1.00 pel'ii-ueed yoal lellijer lliun I loll INiaAL roaai r.ACT. omm iialit lonsbam 3 $2.50 yard for 5 lb. for 25c Mrii.i. Hi.- lirotlo 111 lit lil ra.ily , $1.00 While CCRTiriCATC or lairaovtaiNTS. (it rii i. m,, f 11 lb. for 50c Boys' Cotton Jerseys t idora navy blue with red. white and havr I...) (in- aTMIUe. I . . MOT ICS. I.' "o linn Skirt. r.-a s.iimi . ,i.2S 25 lb. for $1.00 oraujfe urcktraiul and euffa, sites 22 to 32. Itec .2S. Sid ril.iliiiMiiB wa. rrfe;ee 11. ju lh!.r y,,,"''"ns ciaima,M aiiuata riLVER la Ibr HOHHE ftaaa To Hear $1.00 CANNED MEAT SPECIALS. SPECIAL 75c am A. ClapperLoli. B,!!I Wtoara Mfr kuralrd:-4a liln al klliaull Caier Rlrr Mtiriri. 15', on all Running Shoes Corned Ileef. I , till tatur. liii.'.nirii, and the tram lined up TAkr vmrt mat li w raimor While Mi.pie Sairia. rra. for Ladles, Msn and Children, day 25o Men's Fine Cotton Hose- In blak and brown, aixe s t It. a. 'oil... !iTt arral "Hirfe far A. Hated.Crrtifirala Free a. Ulnar's lime,ir-si .l.5. Sale $2.60 High and Oiford, lt-at llwf. I s, till Saturday SPECIAL 5 PAIR FOR $1.00 .I It.i Mrrrrr; llailllllon and Wrl a. 7 C. A r Miner, rree ' Brown, Black and While, ipc liar, ,-: o Iteilly, Uyml a.d :ur- JSSMr&,W' l.adiea- Mnl n ds, T- 3 and everything In Fleet-foot. Minrr.l CollopH. 2 for .. 35c Men's White Canvas Shoes -Ilubbar sole, aiivs 6 to In. Itetr- rir; ,., Mrilowan. Wsusk. Mr.&tfffitf' to l.50. Sale . . $2.00 r.oriinl lieef llanh, Z for 35c .! SPECIAL $1.35 by and II.ill. .-. 'f'jr iBtrMbia, f. lU-ef ttk. & Onion., 2 for 35c :all.. . Xlariln: Kiiihni and,!!? 'TuSTru,'1'' tro'" "" 0 Panama Hal.. tX.OO and a" Pair. Pump. . Jellied Veal. 2 for 35c Men's Heavy Tan Canvas Shoes Hubfeer aute and heeJ. nue Cmi i'ii Abbott. Murray.... and An- J"?.5r' . ni artioo. -' V. hale ji.oo ford. Wn. k lea l hi u.u.i pa aaimrarM em. Arriving Friday for Weekend G to 10. Hag- 3.?S SPECIAL $2.95 derai n : Smith, Mllrliell, N'"ill.iW Iniftrirtrmrnta.Ihr Uavaara of such Ojllflrala of -'1 I.aillea I'aiiama ue. Lo H :,u. Sale $3.50 Hal, Jurk Hint Mi'l'heiaou. Trade. bATtli ibla tib It af Mar. A t. Mil r. Sfw Potatoes, New Car. Men's Fine Silk Lisle Hose- -UUek, sites 0", to II. Ite. 5Ue. LLW1S W. r ATMOht, .ii KH . , $2.00 White'- !;, rota, Cauliflower, Head Lettuce, SPECIAL 3 PAIRS FOR $1.00 M l.ailir. Coal., alue lo 3M. and Ma-ie rrx -' ' Hothouse Tomatoes, Sport Chat j To Hear $15.00 Sale . . $1.00 I rev 11 Onions, Itadiahes, Men's Fine Cotton and Flannelette Shirts In plain and fam-y Let Us Advise You 50 I'araley, New Green I'eat, striix-a, with roller a Use hod and separate. kiZe IIS to I Ladiea' CimiI, alue to I'aira Infant Si,, New Oren Xh a lifetime's eiperl-rnce 11? $25.00 ami Shia-. rtw II o lirans, Cucumber. 20. lira-. 12.50 SPECIAL $1.95 l"ldliiT adequule arroiiiiiinila-I .?!' in all branched of the 1.9$. 'Ik flrar at 50o Hums. J'eaehes, Apricots, "mi f..i ihr various bail Iraur. All Ladir' Summer Hats Canlelope, IJananas, Boys' Fine Cotton Shirts and WalsU In plain ami fancy "laaiiix pTame ill tin- i'ily n Iluildlng- Trade;. ko at lltlf Price. to 1 44 I'IhiiI on aer lroie Hrttll, ijwjet Potatoes, alilpes, all -ies SPECIAL 950 EACH axaiii iieri'miHif a problem and Brickwork, of Shoea io lli.. .1,,, . Celery, etc. Un Juiiii'i lla.eball l.eajfiie is I.Bilin' reases, 20- off. e- If you want the best 'for Boys' Wash Suits Sailor and tuuir style, all sizes. i.nrr nioi,- ferliua- Hi.- pnu'li. Stonework. Indira, .Men apd t li" the table at the lowest prices SPECIALLY PRICED AT $1.50, $2.95 and $4.95 Willi Sr r fiHilball and ba.r- walk downstair where you hall liagiir., lutrriiiedialr bar-tiall Concrete, etc. I " "rtl vailal.Tr. i . in. will find the largest display and larroaar f tiling Ihr rr. Plans and Hpeciflcationt li:ki:.:,,r' - . - in the north. Our store Is Iiliiat- almost I'iNllplrtely at free to all our clients. cool and the ideal spot for Universal Ai Hilt, thr Junior ure perilVl?J!- Trading Co. lieiiia i-rowdeaj off and W. J. William Watts & Co. Cash, maiiaser of I be young-ler. Jabour Builders and Conlraetora Bros., Ltd. Rupert'Iable Supply Co. alalnl ati iday that it P.O. Ilox 823. Phono 412. Phones 211212 Phone 376 wa likely htt lioy would have Office: 1017 3rd Ave. Phont 645, to play in falufr on Wailuadday Cor. 3rd and 7th. Jobbing Work of all Kinds. aftei i.oou. !. r , may be