Thursday. Juno :o. lo PAGE SIX TBI DAILY, IIWB ROYAL'PURPLE LADIES PIMPLES MAY BE STRIKE OVER G. H. Arnold, Notary Public ENTERTAIN AT TEA ON FACE RAILROAD MACHINISTS WESTHOLME THEATRE WIXMI'IKI, June IV.- One of FIRE INSURANCE Sum of $50 Raised Toward Dele DIDN'T LIKE TO GO OUT Hie Wkki'M imliistrinl flulils Can Tonlglit, Thursday gates Fund Just Started. lulu Iin4 LllilW'll Is i l'it ii f ii I Is carefully wrlten by us In reliable companies. We are permanently TlKwe nal little plmnlsi that brfii .... ., ,. t.,..i.... Mnrahall Neilnn Production, engaged In the business and our records are accurately uf out on the fate ami oiSier farm of IM nl" 1 ' A I a ten. umliM' I In auspices kept so Uiat when your policy expires you will be notified body are alinplf e.dlrat!oni tint tin oweui in me raiiiiinu m.iriiiiiiii 66 tin: of tli( iMirple ladies Hnynl btood It out or order and require purl IT the retliielluu In wattes or In sufficient time to keep your property protected. We solicit git en yesterday at the home of fyini. which (In Htillway A is or In I Ion if Bits of Life" your business. Mrs. Ilitlpli l.oiiim lhi'j.suiii of Thrre Is ftnly one way lo ret rid or Canada has imlifieil Jilvlsimi No. Q. Ihli clnojiuui ttln trouble, and that l H. HELOERSON, LTD. fifty dollars wrt rtiisnl ttiwarj I, Hallway Miuployt'es tli'purtiin'iii by alvliir the MihmI a thoniurh tleatHlni Insurance. Rentals. a fiuitl "Just slnrtt". Iti rovt'i' Hit which ran brri he done by that old Autei-it'.iit IYieruti"ii of l.alttr, stfirrintf t'XpCllse I r L'lltllllf llIt'glllO!l In liliHxt iimtlrlne jjnes into effect. Willnlrautil ol Mn nnmiiil eoiiveiilioii nl Kant. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS lltlMllfil'Itlillll llf lilt lM'lll mil Wesley "Freckles" Barry and Ahen the Mood la 0irinH the r'"l-lm 7 ntiJ H loops on September llni'il will hate lo lie matte In will vanl-h and you will hive a rlear, There whs u large at tendance, Willi Hie eoturdeilon. meet aet't)ilani'e liy healthy Millinery ! vi- seventy people being prcs MM Mary K. Ilanaaan. ft. ru No. I. iiiaulilnitls, one of the affrt'teil Universal Animal Comkdv .... "Culm: " TIMBER SALE X 4047. fill. Slella, tint, wrlleni "1 aulTereit fori . ,.,. i i. Ailtnission, 35c and lfc ...... I "'" ' '1 ' ' M l.t. ..!,...! .! .l,ll.... Tin dccorullons wi'il1 in imtll I l Will. 'il.l'l S HI.U W.'.t. J Sraleil trader will lo rrrrltnl by tlio pur this will create ii silnalnui hi fare. The doctor l l MInlMi-r of iJilidi at Vlrlorla brraklna: out on my nul Iiit ple ami whlli. while carnation limn iiiiuii on llio I Jilt day uf July. IV, II wai raunrd l-y bad IKskI. My rare Cuiiiiila. similar to Ihal rxisli'iil rr lira I'lirrlMm; of X 4017. lo anil potted plants being Hindi in wi no bad that i didn't Hie to ro out In the t iillcil Stutes. union officials rut rep I or (HiO.oon llrinlork, Spruce, evidejice. Mr, l.cpine received amonr a rrowd of eiile. one day I wa The As-o-t'tltlioil uu iai;iii. Miusia nil all arra oil assi'rl. ll.nUvay 25 per cent ii.ninr IHHrttt..triii or Urayncy Inlet, lunge X. the gliosis, Mrs. T. M. Spencer ...lalkliit. l..,.l to a friend,n,ir,l.u.k and (tie hlniul ad fined KllfatM me mnA t'l nf Ullllnlil lilts fnrttiiilly i wo (vi eer win bo mowed fur re poured Ifta, while Mn. Hurry lllllVll or timber. try It. I Just took three bottle, and there llivi'ii the shopmen of I he l-waa I'nrllirr earltrularl of tlir Chief I'oim- Atkins ami Mrs. (iillmly nil (he not a bloScb er plmrle of any hliwt eniiiiiMi Ihlrly il.iys itnliee of it Lumber & Lath trr, virtuna H.I.. OP putrid roreiUT, ires. Those who served reduction im-i- lm-rt. I,:, were left. Some of my friend! asked me what desire fur a reiJiietmu in waii-'s. Miss Tltelnm Kijiphf, Mrs. S. J. I bad used and I Mid. 'BurdiKk Blood IUI- (he The eul iropntei is on saitii' Kvnns. Mrs. 11; l. Johnson. Mrs. ten rinsed lheln',,, B. B. B. baa brerwm Ilia market for Imsis ns that given out hy the Vn ami .Mrs, K. II-liseroft. Tuyle the as IS )rara, to jou are not eaperl. l iiili'd Slnli railway latim imird Shiplap-Boards and "DEMERS" :" mentlni with (una new and untiled mi whieh Hie I.5."iIi.iiimi sii,piiii'ti TIMBER SALE X 2S70. The Inline ronkhig was in remedy. or the I'liitetl' Mates are Inkiny char! uf Mrs. Win. Heiil ami Put up only by The T. Nlllium Co, Dimension Sealed tender will be rerelveil by Hie Limited. Toronto. Dot. a strike ole at the preseitl time Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 M.liiMer or Ihihih at Vlrlorla not later Mr.-, H...I. Kiiillh Mrs: . J. Friz-sect Hull iimin on tlin J 7 til day of July, 19, aoied The reiliietinns imiiki from five Thoroughly Air Dried Mini stored Under Cover iisnashier. for tin' uri lue ol l.lrence X S870, lo 1 I'riiice to uiiii ills an hour, frriylil (ieoffrr Tlutrstlay rut J.Jio.otiO reel or Ceil nr. Sprure, Balsam A fancy bag whirh wns drawn ami lletulorif on mi area ailjarenl to itlsht is alrentiy hmikril tip on ac- ciirinen Iteiliif sluteil fur the Indian Ilcucrve, I'llt l.lmul, to Ion l'asaate, for was wmi by Mrs. II. J. Sinilh. Itanrn 4, t;ua4 IH-lrlrt. I'tlnl of the sK't'lal eM-ursloii of inajor etlt of nine eenls. Maeli-inlsl. Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding the Farm Tin' event proved popular From very Two mi years will be allowed for removal nml apprentlees helper-arc of lltiitM-r. selionl Ifitfliers anil u turgt! mini. to the Table Further Vlrlorla,parlleutars U.C., or of lilslrlrl the Chief f'oreai.'r,r'orj-ler. anil enjoyable. her of prairie tourists who are lo I" rrtlueetl seven eenls on and Finish ITInec Mmiert. Kniu? smith tliul it lull t. hour illnl ear eleaiiera five rents TIMBER SALE X 3983 SCHOOL TEACHERS Hie eeui'sion of school leaeh- alt hour, if (he pruposeil i liitnie BulkleyVailey SPRUCE LATH Sealed tenders will be retelved by the ers rrniu i lie prairie provinces ill M'lieilllle tieeoloes upet alive. Nlnl.ler of l.nmls at VlrtnHa nut later HERE NEXT WEEK lhan noon on the oih day or July. 107. ami the central elates numbers 1 Manufactured In Prince Rupert and setting al Lowest Pr'cai BEEF fur the iiiirrhase of Ueene X lo rot a.tmit.tinn feet of Cedar. Snrnrr. Bal iZ:.,::'s:i:nf?,:;,S.M0TORSHip apex was PORK sam and Hemlock, floated on tiie tat One Hundred and Fifty of Spe Oil MUTTON i:i.H. IHntrlel. clal Excursion Will Spend 26 next Weitiiesilay Kijilil. Smne HtKt Willi lltKKINb; PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER 30. VEAL Three iJ year will be allowed for Hours In Prince Rupert, renmval of limber. will o In Anyox on the I'riltee FRESH KILLED POULTRY ler,runner Vlrlorla.particulars B.C.. or or bnirlct me i:nier lorcMer.Korea (ieni'?e hut 150 will remit in here Mulm hii iet nri ived Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 Skeena River Farm Produce I'dnce Itupcrt, B.C. All iuss-nirei' hi-'' iiiiii xla inn! on their train from the time t hey !nielli from I'ort W alter. Alaska, VANDERHOOF CREAMERY fur lie yttlliiii'iiini trip of I In arrive until lnttlnlxht on Tliurs- jwitli seven enrlouils ut until mi I - BUTTER day when they will sso soiilh. '.olH herriiiit for Irtinsliijniieni i.m i NORTHERN INTERIOR Let Us Advise You hours. the KciiiaiHith .NiiIiihihI llinlwa) Tin- I'rlnre Ceimre Itnaiil f h. rw- Yurk. She tis-hiiueil tltn . CO-OPERATIVE (with a lifetime's experience EDSON COAL I'r.nle and eily council iHas inatle ltg (he niiihl ami left P"H iln-arianxenienls Phone 81 in all branches of the for the teiepin.n ' n.nilii. This is Hie Ape, All Ready for the Duildinfr Trade). COMPANY nf the visitors when ihey ure ,eenn, it ip Jteie tin- eeifiui with titer Tuesday. They will lie jmjur Brickwork, Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. rli,u... taken alioul the tlistrlel 4111 automobiles Stonework, Mitl Ml,ri'il fvotball ami MJf Summer Season liasetitill jar.M's are also liriiijj Barton U, Concrete, etc. Best Coal put on fur '(hern. Mans and Specifications Xo as raiiiiemeniit have yl been TIMBER lLl X SttB. rerned b tle FASHION'S NEWEST MODES FOR SUMMER AT 'M-alrd i-mUi will l made lo entertain litem during Chi free lo all clients. our Viol.ler .if IjiuI. at Mrl rM ao lat. r Iropractoi- 1 hen- loiijf slay 111 tins eily. Hull msHi 4i IIh Jllli ila of Jiil. ,t UNEQUALLED LOW PRICES at for llw poll'tlaa f l iniec mi ! William Watts & Co. ml l.r'-o imhi r.. fialiu, kJii llrni We hive Just received an eicellent selection of i . n liM-k and sts'iicr. iniated on an aoa Phone 660. " WESSONS OF WAR ARE tin- korvi. itti.'i . Itanri 1 oint ln.lri' 1 iViiitL. lUh icrfl''.tHt'' Tiirr .vara win m. anowru mi Jobbing Work of all Kinds. Snunffand YO A TQ Order Nowl Phone 58 rtOPLE OF CANADA; -,,,r- " 'I Summer vVrt 1 O D AIT "r frozen herring bait is conceded by flshcrrnen I.VMI'IXJ, June VJ. iier-nor Exclusive Styles. No two alike, Ltn'1 lo he the finest procurable at any Pacific Coast All that you hear about tieneral llanni Hyiijr In his rwT-'iwii AT LESS THAN VANCOUVER PniCES. Port and it Is "Fishy." Price. $30 per Ion. address to the CiniaiJian Club ICE lhe 1esl way pf in!iUri" a food quality trip is here said: Also u tew i,f tin- vi ey latent 1 bave plenty of our hard frozen Ice. Price, Hartt "I feel I have come Citti- 1 TO EUROPE $4 per ton. ada in difficult limes, when Hie Dolman Coats Outfits ur welUe,luiPPcJ slore can supply fishini aear, exiiiiarallnu of war ef furls lias LUKE RESEMTIOKS NOW! iisneriiicn s clothing, groceries and provisions left us; when the limes nf t,.,.l and hardware. wur depression seem unduly urn. i Willi h Is tin- li-adiliu ..' m itll If,. ! , ,(.. ill I .1 Shoes Iraeteil. Il( lal Hl i "";jW;OUTH.-PTOeJ. flnlli pit llily embioiileieil. in Navy sod Fn -AT NEW ENGLAND FISH Company had Imped for seems 110 nearer Vulrtt l... t Saa. B Cmaeata if rrantai LESS THAN VANCOUVER PRICES, Ketchikan, Alaska lll-eiiliiplj.,i,ienl. Hut .j,.v,..iilr iSAua.MSte. tl ImflHl l Stetlantf 'V-I Branch Ilieir kooI looks, jicrfcct fit, this lo lie partly otir own fiitili atOKTRf AL-aouTManrTon.axTwisir' ! The Latest Creations In Sport Ooods. Ioiik iiiiJtu ance, is fully verified in ntai we iiae not wlmlly an- '"'t ""I- is.Sep. 11 Mania We iWU-lnl In i.n rnnliul IIIV llill niti .. r.ill i, by the genuine sallsfac-"'ti pljeij tile lessons we learnt in " 2 39 ,'11 Slleaealaaa peel our sluek. SPECIALS for Th ursday and rndav wear y.,n them.recent' When you Hie war. II is true. w,. lime ,J p" " ' OPEN WEONE1IDAY ALL DAY. iiiueli io ireenl the possibiliiy ! "oiTBiaL to livihsool Ladles' White Kid High Shoes. Values to ti '.hO. The pi n e is low for shoes of another war; we have effeeleil I. .!.1' U .!'-! alreaa TO CLEAR $6.90 of tins high qualify. " " eeoiioiaies in !.", peace anna- '.Aut. is is o.t.'u BENT'S Men's Neolln Sole and Heel, black calf uppers. We have loo meiils, but I think we have al- many in stock, hence, i ho low price $1250 ... l; .1.... ...... iv aunggw $6.00 per pair ii.mii un 111.11 sjurti .uly IS Au. 12 t.p. s .. Tvnlalan Third Ave, Children's Patent Mary Janes. . or sitei iriee uinj ival gooil fellow. s a.a. e sap.23 ' M,ttml Phone 651, -7 i $1.65 8-loij $1.95 ship whieh made Hie sueees nf ouiase to tivia.nm "INVICTUS" Shoes. The name is a Kiiuraiilee in ilself lhe Canadian troop ill Ibc war. lr 1S Aug. is Sep. 12.Cmprta ef Sfllaln KIRKPATRICK II is. Iiei-limm. iliffii'iilf .i. . i I FAMILY SHOE STORE I vw..-vii.nouBB.foUTMAirTOJ Third Avenue eiilinlry of litis IrememJullS ex- uj. SS.e. 1 Cmpeaee C In4le Phone 357 Third Avenue The Store of Satisfaction lent always to work in syn ll.yUpp,, ,rwh 1 rum sea in sea: centralization roaiTCR. o.n.r.i a..i. ....... is impeisonal; lieceiilrulizulioii is l.i...n;.u..r, leiepnene a.. 3eimer tSSO '. FLEET FOOT frequently disiulegratliig. but if CDIH PACIFIO RAILWAT Trelfla Anl. we keep (ogelber in the spiril COMBINATION SPECIAL. which won the war we shall overcome Canned Holiday : Bargains this difficulty ami Willi the Sport and Outing impetus or it united Dominion TERRACE MOTORS Children's White Canvas Shoes Itubber lie of S.,e nil s.ze- assistance in bringing Vegetables . T CLEAR AT LlLSS aN COST. uuoiii itie worm peace wlileh is Terrace, B.C. Ladles White Pumps Itubber Sole, medium beet Kies II esst'lilial lo our nwn prosperity." SHOES per tfjO Or J".", SPECIAL 95o PAIR doz. p4Q t and Brown Leather Pumps- sirups, medium PRESENTATION TO MRS. TAXI h,i!,'S 3 10 Ueif SPECIAL Assorted as follows: -75 $3.50 PAIR 4 Tins Malkln's Best Tomatoes, Ladles' Vlcl Kid Blu. Oxfords--!,, Ha. k and Hrown. Sizes WILLIAM REID AT PARTY 2 Vs. Z1 1'.' '' l, ir- 7 75 SPECIAL $6.25 PAIR Service You Know The Kind! 8 Tins . Quaker Peas, Corn Ladies Fine Silk Habutal Underskirts-Colors lllaek uml OCCASION OF BIRTHDAY or Beans, as selected. Jhown. Jtejf. 5,rj0 SPECIAL S3 75 Have yen got your Spoil in lluiiiM.ig . 'win . ' ' Ladies' SatUen Underskrts-iu Express and ... I 'I- ' - -1 - ' Jilack. Hrown,' (ircen, (irey ami A Mii-prise narlv invaileil the Baggage Mint; ws.rit miir ,,e yini ready t".r tin- ''u,"k'B " SPECIAL $1.95 hoinu nf Mr. nml Mrs. W. lteid,; Transfer. Rhubarb Prints and Percales-in Slr.pcs and fancy checks Steel Illoek, Thin! Avenue, lust i One Price In All. We lielieve tlio lime has 7 Only,itt-sr.Boy's 35c per Navy yard Serge Sulta-l-'nsl SPECIAL 4 YARDS for $1.00 evening, the uecusion being lhe' Let us make your reserva Dominion Day Sports indigo dye. Size 21 to arrivctj to buy your rhubarb birlliilay of Mrs. Jleid. The nartv! turns ul for fuimiriK. This week's 15 Only, Boys'.,.Tweed Sults-i., l,w SPECIAL $9.50 eoiisinieit of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Lakelse Hot-Springs Hotel. quality i:ngl,sh Tweeds, linvey, Mr. ami Mrs. (ieorge Ab. price uro rlKhl. Per lb. latest styles. Sizes i lo 30. Jleg. 12.00 to 1D.00. boll. Mr. ami Mrs. James Sunn. If not. rnnie down to JAIIOl S . We will -imw v ' 5c Mens SPECIAL $6.95 sou. Mrs. Hubert Smith, Mis. service mid the ipinlilv of our -.lines. Surely you will if Cotton Bathing Suits-Will. Ited, Orange and While Slillwill. Mrs. J. A. I'raser, Miss lafled because yutt will be Kei(ni( nH. rjH,i iikJ. TukliiB aalii. lulu, per lb, 4c Wens Irimiiiiiuis, all sizes. Ileg. HM SPECIAL $1 35 M. Iteid, Hiiriy Itreen, Kddio Nothing Provokes a Wan More Neglige Shirts in Cotton ami Crepes, Pla.n and tliiiu In A hiw variety or OxfunN. l'laiu I'a ' Do not forget that Saturday Fancy CraggH ami Toiniiiy Oovenlock. route hom ,., Pumps, Hrown Hint Is a holiday. This Store stripes, fast colors. Sizes li to 17. iteg. ?.r,i. A presentation was made to work and rind bis meuls not Leather triiiiiued; one ami two strops; military and high will be open Wednesday all Wen . Fine Cotton and SPECIAL $1.25 Mrs. Held of a elof curve ro and remly. y ir-idliiit willi us leulhcr ami rubbui soles. day, and Friday Evening till Flannelette Shirts willi eollar uU 11 citso uf spoons. you not only save cioney on 10 p.m. laebed 111 plain (Irey Und l-'aney Slrljies. Ileg. 2.5u. The evening was spent enjoying your piinliuses. but yoy gel 8PECIAL $1.25 music and curds mid during Iheni delivered In ample, ljn,? 1) Rupert Table Supply Co. Men 0 Fine Tweed and Serge Suits- from .. $12.00 to $35.00 the evening lefresbments were to juepain your meuls. Jabour Ltd. Universal served. It w'a a Jolly parly uml Phono us a Trlnl Order Bros., Phones 211212. Trading Company all enjoyed the event. The People's Meat Market Phone 645, Corner 3rd and 7th nl Subcribftfor lhe Daily Nows. Blue 710