VME TWO THE DAILY KKWS AVi!ndaj-. May ftf. im, , ig The Daily News THE HORRORS OF FIRST REGIMENTAL PRACTICE BAND OF pmxnrc nupt:trr - British Columbia PnMi'hei! KvOry Afternoon, except Sunday, I he Prince INDIGESTION HELD LAST NIGHT MACDDNALD iji '! ,l,'Pe'"t laily News. Limited, Third Avenue. The inilial prarlice nf Ihe Ki R 1lI?,'F'N- Mnnnging Kditnr. Relieved fcy"T,Fraito-IIws" Xorlli II. Itrginienlnl llaiuli whlMi is now being organized in SUBSCRIPTION RATES the Frt'il Medicine tliVcity, was held last eveninir Inj City Delivery, by Tnil or carrier, per month. . . .$I.OOj VW.il; I)igpti6n or the ilnrdeh Klrvcl School. TVlvi! By mail In all part of the Hritisn Kmpire end the Uniled Stales, j partial IndijpMinn,digestion of fx.l, it one of member turned out and were en- L in advance, per year ,.. .$Q.O(i Itin irnrt serious of pnnmit-day tolled. Mure linil been exported To all oilier countries, ih advance, per year. .$7.50; Ciiinpla-iits-lifMiise it Ix r.ponsilJe but their absence was doubtless fur m.iny 8friom ironUlc. due lo Ihe fine vveallier andj BRIER TELEPHONE 93 Iliote who mir with ImVgMinn, counter lit)met ions. A. Heale I Contract Hales nn Application. m.nl intariaUy are IrouUrd with aeiiijr us instructor In Hie meantime. " kheuiniitUm, l'uiftitution of iAi" Heart, Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. SltrfJeuneu und tuxuitt Nervommni. Next week 1 1 is likely that f(1r-fii.il "l'rnitathiw'" will always,relieve organization will be exeeul- (IAIL.Y RIHTION tt Wednesday. May 31. 19??. Indic-ition because tliose tablets ed and officers Heeled. The proposed strpnellipa the atuinaeh muscles, new band is open to all Increase Ui Bo of the digestive band.uien'iiud prospeelle ones Church Union Is juices ODd rim'ctCiiistirs(lion,hich in (he eily repardless of preioil- Again Live Question. - uvi.llly areoiai'-iniM Indigestion. am nation whether military or .Now"that general conferences of the Protestant Churches of SOo a Ux, 6 for$2 A trial site 2.'xs, civilian. Members will be sipned fJLgmmM?MMi & lb. Canada are mmiii In he held, the question nf Church Union again j U dealers or s-nt postpaid by by Hie Deparlurent of Mililia. Krulln Ovps I jmi i . 01-. heroines a live one. The Presbyterian (ieneral Assembly will-open in Winnipeg on June 7, next Wednesday, anil the Melho-. "THINGS ARE NOT disl General Conference, al Toronto, on September 27. At bolhj SUITCASES WHAT THEY SEEM" these . great, gathering of he governing bodies or the lvo Packages 15 churches, in Canada, the question of .church union will loom TRUNKS large. .liidecd the question has been under advisement for sncli Discovers the Gentleman Who a long time anil, of rcoelil years, lias been finding such a great CLUB BAGS Pays Five Dollars For a 32 measure support that something definite, As regards the Quart "chuiflres generally in the Dominion may be looked for. Large Stock on hand. PKMimOKK, May 31. Some-1 Both Churches V Prices vey low. where on the Transcontinental,' The Man in the Moon In Favor Of Union. J. F. MAGUIRE between here and the Coast, is ai SAYS. Last year the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, loan ulm knows now, more J hail I Supreme" Brand Next the Prince Hotel B Rmert. B following'ille'truce of non-coiilroversy observed during the war. ever, t lint "Ihinjjs are not what Voted further confirming thu proposed organic amalgamation of 1 1 ley seem." A lady on this train TIIKSK are the days when the the Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregational bodies. had in her workha? a bottle bearing coal merchant wishes, lie were ,..,,., TJiei5letfioilisls have bctm ready to join with the Presbyterians a label well known in Ontario in the ice business. and Congregalionalists for twelve years, according to prominent Ten Years before the lays of O.T.A. Hut it - FRESH Coffee FRESH officials of the Methodist body. The action taken by the Ago held a quart of Quebec maple syrup Pltl.VCK HUI'KItT ran be right, ROASTED ROASTED Oenernl (Jonfe'rence. in September will largely depend upon what in Pr rice Rupert which she was taking lo her ly termed a "hot spot.'' the Presbyterian (ieneral Assembly does with the question next sister. - Week. May 31, 1912. Al no particular pains lo conceal PLOPI.1-: with hot tempers "Supreme" Brand Coiree loses its virtue and tharm Although.the General Assembly of Ihe Presbyterian Church The steamer Inlander will eon. the suspicious-looking bottle, keep cool tempered as possible rapidly after it is roasted. has already voted in favor of Church Union there is an active neet for passengers and freight it. was evidenfly observed by these days or they nre apt to get is Fresh Roasted very Wg and minority which Is still strongly opposed to it and no further steps willi tomorrow's train at Van-arsdnl. some thirsty person, who, whHe hydrophobia. are roasting packing for have becnjakeii, so far, by the (ieneral Assembly to implement The waler having fallen she slept, carefully extracted it Tastes as Good as current requirements only, realizing its Vide for Union. in Ihe river, there is every probability from the. bag. When the lady WK all envy Ihe kids eating it Smells that, essentially, Coffee must that ttie regular Schedule awakened she saw that 'the bottle I heir ice cream on Ihe. street. be fresh roasted to be perfectly How The Situation , will he carried out from now was pone, but not till she reached .Stands At Present. on. When this ean be depended tier detinalinn a few hours later A .IL'IWfK recently termed .1 sansiactory. Sjncejast year's fieneral Assembly, Ihe Committee of Uniiin, uiipu, it will be the prealesl eon-venleilre did she notice the 5 bill which lady's swimming costume "a JSold only in 1 pound Airtight Cartons. reprsenliiig the. three denominations,- hns nje and passed jji'e 10 the travelling public, lay in the bottom of the bag. in hare joke." piissjidy a correct following resolution: ' f t exchange, she supposes, for the term at that: STEWART & MOBLEY, LTD. "Tiat a standing committee onfLaw and Legislation be appointed , deceiving botlle of syrup. to consider and report on the legislation necessary to give V. Cornish, tale proprietor of History has no way of telling 'fill-) old fashioned ovcr-thc-jiarden-wall Coff Importers and Ronatera PRINCE RUPERT. effect to Ihe Union of the negotiating churches ami to have prepared Ihe fjuiek I.unrh restaurant on the feelings of the thirsty one gossip h.m gone copies of all proposed bills to be submitted lo the Parlia-' eConu .wenue, leaves loinorrnw when be discovered his udstake. down In oblivion now that' (be luent of Canada, and lo such other legislative bodies as may lie for Oneen Charlotte City; where radio is willi us. "necessary in the premises, to besnlimitled to a further meeting 1 1 e,.wil I eriiru a o?J n i j ed f a i n i i mr ..of tJuis.j'omnitle.eiJi,i4 .''.lerf.anp.r to, Ihe,.Supreme Courts of the and .cluckep. raising. t' GREATER TEA DEMAND "I'll I- Crown Prince is to re I Jganadian NatigpalJajlways negotiating churches, and, further, lia( (he Law and Legislation . . FORCES PRICES UP turn lo lieriuatiy we read. I IM4 Committee nave power to secure Ihe necessary legal assistance. Weather report for Iwenly-foiuv-httfirs denlly to make another "maik.' uL' " The above represents Ihe present situation, A report from .ending 5- a.m.. Ulay IheStftjioif, Committee .representing the threeJYliiirrheb well 31; barometer 3il.l1; maximum The Increased consumption of Al.llKHTA farmers tirfl form-Us t A Prince Rupert fls from the Presbyterian Committee appointed bv the General !empei;ature. 55; minimum temperature-, lea in tD2l (durin? which year, ing a pool evident lliey Assembly of 1!)21, will In all probability, he'submitted and form it; precipitation, r7. by agreement, the lea growers ofjare gelling hot weather in Ali the hnsis for- further-discussion and .action. What these reports i.eyion and nulla had ciirlailedjtierta loo. DRYDOCK will cover can only be conjectured. The main Union Committee produclioni forced Ihe price of will probably bring in a report of progress as lo the information ALICE ARM lea steadily upwards lo the present MONTHLY DANCE OF gathered thus far bearing on Ihe prospective legislation. It is abnormally hieh level. The AND hardly likely thai that committee will be able to cover all the Work on the extending of Ihe lowering nf 'the duly in Kngland ROYAL PURPLE WAS parliamentary and legislative aspects of what will admittedly be wing dam on the hilsault Hiver will mean still greater demand, SHIPYARD a eompicrtled question, with many ramifications both legislative back of lowh slopped lasl weekT ami authorities on lea tell us that ENJOYABLE AS EYER and legal. - 1'he datn is, now in much heller still higher prices mtiy be expected. from in addition to formal of Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Apart or any reports progress, shajie and will insure the (own there is likely lo be a renewal of Ihe keen discussions of former iisalnsi floods for Hi,, lime be About. .10 couples attended the engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern regular monthly dance of llio years on Ihe main question. Those opposed to organic union, ing, at least. A. L. Carrulheis. makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. though in Ihe minority, maintain their organization for that purpose. llslriet engineer nf Ihe lloynl PurpJe Order held lat pro In the Letter Box night in the I'.lks' Home. A de Electric and Acetylene Welding. The subject as a whole, no matter from what angle it is vincial public works department. considered, is still a live one, and will, in all probability, le.nl In made an examination of Ihe lighlful time was spenl, as usuul, dancing to the strains of I lie Is pJulipd to handle all kinds of Our some interesting deba(e in the Assembly. Doljy Varden liailway recenlly v TIRED OF HOOMES K. Illks' plant Orchestra. In thiv me'aiUimc, Ihe establishment of so-called Union willi a view to asrcrliUniiig the Kditor Daily Xews- The social com. Churches is going on apace iij Ihe'Wesl and in parts of Ontario, cosl of pulling Ihe road in re- These Hoomes K. lVp'man mittee V.of the lodge-was in charge, Marine and Commercial Work Italplt Ci, Lemne was master of now numbering several' hundred. These are being carried on IMlif so I h a t Ji a ii 1 1, qt rs may ,Jin letters which apear sd regularly ceremonies and W. Heid bad PHONES 43 AND "385 three different hasp, In local and according jieeds decisions, hperaleii II his summer. in your valuable gelling paper are charge nf heket lakhig me arrangements in most nf tiic.seicases seem lo lie working well. nl the on Has this my nerves. door, Hefreshments were served Kmpire Day was celebrated ui gentleman nothing else to do but about 1 1 o'clock, Would Be Or good old-fashioned style here write every fivv uiinules lo (he i'sher;nen Our ball Is conceded by Advantage Here. frozen herring and weather BAIT perfeeJ- prevailed . i paper about some foolish sub. Co"" The advanlngps.thal would be derived KEEP MOVING. to ho the finest procurnhlo at any I'acUlo .through union nf Ihe throughout the day. There was jcp.t which is of earthly bene, no A young lady went into a well I'oft and It Is $30 ton. Presbyleriatr'ahd Methodist Chiirches in this city are apparent. baseball game and field sports fit to the public at large? I "Fishy," I'rlce, per Holh churches are in good financial standing and the joining nf and a dance in. the evening. in notice known draper's a few days ago ICE The hesl way of insurtiiK a good qusiliy wv your paper of May 30 and said to Ihe shop-walker. "Ho onThly hard froieii Ice. Pn. the two -would make one congregation strong both financially Many excursionists :enme over thai lie Is talking about lo have of our and in numbers. Some consideration would have lo be given to from Anyox. methods proper you keep stationery?" 14 per" ton. the fact that the Methodists have n splendid and well-equipped of controlling Ihe criminal,, "No, miss." replied the shop. Onffife 0l,r weH'-piiiilpped slnro can supply fllli8 w church building, while the Presbyterians, though boasting n large (ieoige McAfee and II. H. McMillan, moment lines that he th0 think present for high one walker; If I did I should lose fiHlieruifiU's clolhinif, Kroenries and provHiui) cougregalihn. are lacking in lhal respect. Although there mav of the lllg Hay mill nl stale of civilization has been my job." and hardware. i- opposition to u on eiiner sine, nu uie wiioie. It would seem (ieorgetown, were here, last week built to he a verv practicable plan locally aild one upon which dcfiiiiteliiishcriing logging ranins on the and ink up by grouching Sir, the with it pen CONSTIPATION NEW ENGLAND FISH Company ,o, present action would be welcomed. . I Branch Arm. high stale ir civili.af loli has been v Ketchikan. Alaska built up by men using llieir BAD HEADACHES brains and doing something for Ihe bellermetil and the protection FAINT, DIZZY SPELLS CONTAINS NO ALUM of Ihe huinnn race. II Is very evident that Willi Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. Phone 686 our, friend lhj Consilpatlnn li one tit th commonest imaginary grouch does not know- llli or mankind, tn one Kjo ohm allowed very i m n.-1 1 about law when he (.-omnllration lo go unlocked tela trur,In, until tome aerloui Dr. E. S. TAIT stales that "our laws 'today are A free motion of the bowels dally being used for the purpose of slKiiild Ixi Ihe rule of ereryone, then there aiding and abelllug the criminal ill be no consilpatlon, elrk or Llllout Denfal Surgeon and proleellng him," The nr. epell, dlxzint-as, hearlbuin, coaled tonrue, foul brcalh, sour stomach, noalln snerka Office Hours, 9. a.m. lo 9 p.m. gumeul is too ridiculous lo wnsle before ihe eyes, jaundlre, water InrU. tte. lime on. II is very certain, Keep the bowels properly retulated by Sunday by Appointment however lhal without law such NIC U!IO 1,1 men ns llnomes K, l-'reemen MILBURN't wouldd iconic 4n for a prelly lAXA-UVJR eiLLt and you will enjoy the best of health. loush time, mid I be guess' iura. tnnK wuney, R, n. , Belmont, would he (he first one lo call for ni., wruci: --j nave ueen troubled with FOR the help of the . law if he was constipation for nearly two yeart. I bad PROSPECTORS BOUND UU1 . s i A HJ f PURE FOOD being Wn molested,would have bad would headaches,bloat terribly.film and dluy was nearly spells, dls,and CEDAR CREEK i h 1 an i wm i r a pretty sorry courared for had tried so many thlnn nmlhi-rn INSURES GOOD HEALTH world f everybody did a they that rave m nn relief. My mother act roe Tho bftM. nuickest and cheapest route fron nil liked, And the definition "until a vial of Mllburo'a lata.Liver rills and points fs Via th Frnser niver. MAGIC BAKING POWDER he told me to -lv them fir trial. liijuies someone else" would1 After t TTuifJ lake had taken one vial t felt much better atid Prince Motor Boat 'Rounder INSURES PURE FOOD jus! as many volumes, if continued lliHr use. Now ! have nn r.ir, George-Quesnel no morn, to translate into his and ditty spella and am gilnlnr plrely. every law Navigation Now Open Leaves hep Dook for Quesnet EWGILLETT COMPANY LIMITED as he law slalutes already ""' "' "iuiin muuurns laia-Llver CANADIAN MADE in exigence which tinvo bronfht rilla for the world," Tuesday and Friday at S.30 p.m. WINNIPEO TORONTO. CANADA. MOntbeau in to (he freedom of today. I'rlce. S6C a Vial at alt dealers, or m.n.rt Carries His Majesty's Malls, Making connection rtlrert on receipt of price by Tin T Mil-bum UISfiUSTO, Co, Llmiud. Toronto, nm Passengers and Express. with all transponv,