i “4h if re 4 ¥ we ‘ OGDENS CUT GDEN’S If you “roll your own’, use Ogden’s fine cut . and Chantecler cigarette papers PLUG There is abroad in our modern democracies an infectious disease which may best be described as candidatitis—Nicholas Murray But- ler. Good Clothes Do Make You Great Order Your Next New Suit From LING The Tailor Second Ave.—Opp. Post Office Phone — 649 WIDE RANGE OF FINE QUALITY WOOLLENS TO CHOOSE FROM We use best trimmings; high class workmanship; perfect fit guaranteed. The Letter Box t | MACKENZIE KING AND | EMPIRE CONFERENCE amnion cmmengen | Editor, Daily News:— With regard to your editorial yes- terday I thing you have not grasped ;Mackenzie King’s point. His position jis that now the United Kingdom is ;prepared to give Canada preferen- tial treatment he would give her a real preference up to fifty percent of the general tariff. His opposition to the Bennett trade agreement is that Bennett has raised in many instances a tar- \iff which is already too high in or- der to give the United Kingdom preferences. King would lower the general tariff while ; the British people. His position is that unduly elevating tariff wails }is bound to result in lessening Can- | Baas foreign trade while at the ;same time raising the price to the | Canadian consumer of the | protected King’s position is ;Canada’s foreign trade is her life’s | blood and cannot be interfered with Special Hard-lime Bargain Offer at the same | time increasing the preference to} goods , that | ‘without grave danger to her future prosperity. Raising tariffs will sure- ly result in retaliation and bad jfeeling in foreign countries with |whom we trade with a resultant loss to our foreign business. ! L. W. PATMORE. | 1 ‘NEW HAZELTON At a meeting of ratepayers of |/Hazelton the building of an addi- |tion to the present school house was up for consideration. It was decided that, if the government would con- jtribute forty percent of the cost and providing the balance of the jmoney could be borrowed at six 'percent, to authorize the borrowing lof the balance on the credit of the school district. Riding of the rods:in this district has dwindled to zero now following the edict of the government that the practice shall be punishable by imprisonment. The itinerants are now taking to walking the ties. Miss Henderson, Houston school teacher, was the guest here recent- ly of Miss Jean Burns. sent the more you get Royal Purple Bridge Party Is Enjoyable A very enjoyable bridge party was held last night by the Ladies of the Royal Purple in the Elks’ Home. Prize winners at bridge were: la- dies’ first, Mrs. Anna Ross; second, Mrs. George Cicconne; men’s first, Harry Menzie; second, Julius Welle. After cards, delicious ments were served, The committee in charge consis- ted of Mrs. F. M. Crosby, Mrs. G. E Phillipson, Mrs. D. A. Brown and Mrs. E. J, Clapp. refresh- ! To Subscribers to the Daily News or Any Wishing to Become Subscribers All our advertisers have been offering special bargains to the custom- ers. Here is our contribution. Any person sending in a full year subscrip- tion now will get the rest of the year 192? free. This applies either to new subscriptions or renewals. THE DAILY NEWS Delivered in we cry one year from January 1, $5.00 Rest of this year to January 1, 1933 THE DAILY NEWS Delivered by mail out of town one year from January 1, $3.00 Rest of this year to January 1, 1933 This is a very attractive offer and is made for a limited period to induce subscribers to pay a year in advance during the difficult financial period. Payment may be made by check, money order or currency. The sooner it is for the money. “TILLIE THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, FREE FREE B.C, TOILER” PICTURES Special Double-Bill Being Offered on Screen of Capitol Theatre For Middle of Week “The False Madonna,” starring Kay Francis, William Boyd Conway Tearle, and “The Forgotten Commandments,” with Sari Maritsa, Gene Raymond, Marguerite Chur- chill and Irving Piche! in the lead- jing roles, are being offered on a |special double screen bill for the jmiddle of the week at the Capitol |Theatre here. Either picture would ‘ordinarily be adequate in itself for a single program feature “The False Madonna” tells vivid- jly and thrillingly of the adventures of a lovely imposter who boldly masquerades as the mother of a dying boy and receives honest affec- tion in return for her counterfeit love. A pathetic situation that wrings the heart finally her deception. Yet, by courage and self-sacrifice, she obtains the ro- mance and security that a shady career had denied her Highly spectacular are flashed on the screen in “The For- gotten Commandments.” It is a Stirring, dramatic romance about ultra-modern life as contained in a present-day big city. The action of the story is fast and the sequence logical. Excerpts from the famous | classic “The Ten Commandments” |have been worked into the picture and exp ses scenes group. He is working on ore body with satisfactory results Archie MePhail |considerable work or | Boy group, is said t a big body of son. Morris Peterson, who has cat who has done the Highlanc » have develope galena ore this s¢ jried on development work on the | Vanguard this year, has located body of ore carrying good gold va- lues. J. Hauber, while working on th Lucky Strike group above the Van bearing ore. ‘ - CANADA Pins its Faith to BUCKLEYS Seventy out of every 100 families in Canada swear by BUCKLEY’S Mixture for the relief of coughs, colds, bronchitis and "flu. It is a | time-tested and proven prescrip- | tion that outsells any other remedy many times over on merit alone no matter how stubborn or long- standing —try BUCKLEY’S. You will be delighted with the instant relief it affords. The very | first sip relieves the cough, and in no time at all clears up the | deep-seated congestion, soothes and heals inflamed membranes and fortifies you against future attacks. | —=Acts like a flash = = | A SINGLE SIP PROVES IT | If you have a cough or a cold, | } 5,000,000 Bottles Sold . ~ A Thrilling “ Mining at Alice Arm (Continued from Page 1) tional thas been encountered, th: results warrant further develop- ment. A. Davidson, in addition to ex- jtending tunnels on the Wild Cat, is at present developing the Summit a ‘galena | Family Meat guard, also struck a vein of gold-| ! IF YOU NEED New Clothes For the Coming Cold Weather Before Buying Elsewhere See— Montreal Importers The prices of Men's Clothes are away down, We give cus- tomers the benefit of the low prices. The Weather Rupert 18 miles per hour; tem- | light chop. Dead Tree Point—Part cloudy, light southeast wind; barometer, 29.84; temperature, 56; sea choppy. Triple Island—Overcast, south- east gale; sea choppy. | Prince Overcast, south- east wind perature, 52 southeast wind; moderate swell. a6 2 SREB RR ERB RE B28 —rrcVlTCVV Vz] azz Vea] Va ih 2 Tee WEDNESDAY and THURSp TWO SHOWS — 7:0 and guar i Admission sib le & by “Forgotten Commandment, » Starts at 8:15 and 10.3) If Thurs. Matinee 2:30—15¢ 4 “Forgotten Commandments / Starts at 3:45 S "y Or LO, THEATRE TWO SHOWS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE — The Amazing Dray, “Forgotten Commandments” With Sari Maritza, Gene Raymond, Marguerite Churchill, {ry Pichel. Two happy lovers caught in the maelstrom of a world oa mad with new ideas—See what happens: A Paramount Picture and “The False Madonna” | } ‘ith Kay Francis, William Boyd, Conway Tearle. She plays fq > cures in life, until mother-love melts her steely ent | A Paramount Picture. PARAMOUNT NEWS FRIDAY and SATURDAY—“MAKE ME A STAR” Langara Island—Overcast, strong | j | Hotel Arrivals ! Central | Frank Ubell and J. Pederson city; Mr E. Simpson, Hazelton; 11 Garfin and E. Walluce, C N-R JONES | Market c tend sa 9G] dais’ 25c ~ 75e} 50c pn aes a eee 75¢ sgh 20¢ bps 50¢ oon eg 75€ be ee 20¢c Hotel Central Lid. Cove to business district, beautiful harbor views reasonable. Spacious sample rooms. FIRST CLASS CAFE Open at All Hours Special monthly rate for and Meals Hotel Central Ltd. First Avenue & Seventh Street hient homelike | | | } Rates | r | room Ride 7 Tuhe Table Model. Supe Heterodyne Cir. cuit. $69.50 A RADIO RECEIVER for EVERY PURSE New Low Prices Amazing Values New Power and Beauty Renew your joy in radio with one of thése marvellous new receivers incor- porating all the newest developments including Class B Amplification and other sensational achievements. A model for every home and purse, $65 to $189, unapproached for range, tone, volume and beauty of cabinet work. Pay only 10% down. Balance spread over 12 months. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited ——<, ——, The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous ——, 7 “Rupert Brand’ SMOKED ~ BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ——€©, ea ————— —— appreciate Early Ad. Copy ‘is — ee —By Westover. GOOD Bye MRS. ROBINSON, Boy! WERE GONG HOME TAMES DRIVE Wy, THAT'S! | DON'T BE SiLy, \¢ =U] oer IN STYLE - LETS “TAKE A DOMWIN PARK MiL eS out MAC - THIS rd 4 OH, © ¥ ae vO Storer CUT SoMWN Wood COW TO Ritzy OF Your THE CHance op | A] ONE LANE PLACE THE ae WAy A LIFE-TIME To YOU Wit >i THE SHOR RAL) J , "a Cave TO Mey Vy Pease ~ rd 5 AA Dh: LV STORET pre IN THIS ROLL& Bi vFe 44 a. “ ot, Pee, © = ee & ° —_—— . s) © +90) King Keanwer Synduaig Ine, Great Bivtan ngho evened COMAOTONE | —__>. ©