WHEN YOU WANT A THE NEW TAXI imiln YOKOHAMA t 99 in a nurry CAFE Phone PRINCE RUPERT HOME BAKERY 636 Phone - - - - ALL NEW CARS Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL, Ml. NO, ISO. PIUNCH ULU'KHT, I). U., VY'KlfNKSDAY, MAY 31, Ytttrd't Circulation 1604 8lrt Stltt 404 PIUCK FIVK OKWTH Ten Thousand Irish Ready to Fight POSSIBILITY OF CONFLICT OF INTERESTS IN LOCAL PROJECT Hon. Winston Churchill Says ADDRESS WILL BE SCHOOL BOARD Outlook For Prince Rupert Pulp GIVEN IO. D. E. ON IMMIGRATION And Paper Mill at Present Time Britain Will Employ Measure I Does Not Look Very Promising Tonight Delegates to Vancouver COX REPORT of Force to Deal with South Convention Will Cruise up VANCOUVKM, May ill. call lias been issued fur Mie first North Arm and Have Special Keating Called for To-j annual niccling uf the sliarcliolticrs uf the Prince Ilupcrl Pulp Dinner Wigwam inn and Paper (Joni'iuiiy mi June 7. A J e Li er from Julm Knierson an-iiuiinccs day. Fcllowlnn Return or Mini John Hell, uiiolher cxcculor of llic estate of the late BELFAST, May 31. All thoughts are today turned to the VA.VOIjVKIt, May II. - At Mu: Architect This Morning J. S. ICmcrsoii, wus resigiiiug fruru Hie direclorale anil that the border situation where 10,000 Republican soldiers are said to be ! lunriiinx session of the .National solicilors uf Mie cointmnv anil first niorlfrairu bondholders lo be DERBY WON BY 1 Chapter, Imperial Order Daui-h- Tiiere will be apecial meelinir eleclcil would represent only the bondholders ill future in view of warfare. The Ulslerites to massing for open were compelled CAPTAIN CUTTLE. lers of Ihf I'.iiiDirv. convention of the board Uf school trustees I lie possibility of a conflict between the interests. make a strategic withdrawal from the Belleek salient which was today (he National llutlset was today lo deal with Mie report of Tlio interest on 'first uioclfrasc promptly occupied by Republicans who are consolidating their P.PSOM, May .'II.- The discussed and 'the committee on A. A. Cox, consultins architect bonds, to cm n i i'ii t liffiiM's and position for an attack. Derby was won today hy constitution made its .report. who returned from Vancouver roes amountiiifr In ifaoo 000 in DR. THOMPSON Captain Cuttle Lord This affernooii, Hilssell Wal- Ibis moniin--, on Mie rcennslruc-ker, arrears will have -to he mo! Wild stories are going the rounds of large groups of British Aslor's Tainur was second of Mie Vancouver Province lion of the ilooth Memorial within a Tew months, Mr. Kmer-sun military landing in Ulster while warships patrol the coast line. and 11. Walker's Urulg-en-iiower, staff, give nil address on immi- .School. There will also bo a re-Kralinn slates in his loiter. He in- COMING NORTH Damage from incendiary fires has reached 500,000 while third. Thirty to be tollowcil by a dis- port from J. W. Puller, siipfrvis-cu.isiou. liiuales that it will be. impossible horses slarleil. Kloclion "of councillors architect, but this will not 'the casually list from sniping is as lo further finance the enter mouiiling high. 'rhi' hotting on Captain will Mien take place. ho a regular inecliiiif there may prise. Former Member For Yukon. Sails GALLAGHER IS Prevent Republic Cuttle was leu In one This eM'liiiiK Mie ilelejrales will he no other hiisiuess dealt wilh. From Vancouver Tonight on airainst, frainar leu In one he taken for t cruise up the North llcs'mnalioh of feachers lo be Princess Louise LONDON, May III. Hon, and Crai'Jen-i lower twenty Arm and dinner will be served al cffeclivc al Mie end of this lecln TO COMMENCE Winston ChtirrhHI asserted in the ACQUITTED OF i Utilise of Commons today that (lie lo tuie! Wigwam Inn liy invitation uf llic should be in by louijMil. bul'mme VANOOL'VKIl. May ,'J). Dr. Alfred 'iigrcomoul Captain Cullh' won Municipal Chapter oT Vancouver, have yet ben formally received by Thompson, formerly 'member reached last Saturday easily by fojiV lengths. election of officers fur llic Na- W. D. Vance, secretary, or iSuprr-tional DRILLING ON of parliament for Yukon Territory, betwen Mie political factions in MURDER CHARGE South Ireland strikes directly at Three jeimllis "cpurulctl Chapter roc the year will inlemlent (tamphell. Soiuo u-o ex-take has arrived here', from Ottawa Hie ecoud and third place on Friday afternoon, peeled, however. after baviiiK visited bis lumber The provisions of the Anglo.Irish ho r jSt.'Lou i s.Vl he fa v-miW,- COPPER RIVER Inlore.sls in Hast Koolenay cu I rea ly. lie declared thai, if it be Second Trial Frees Man After came Hritlsh.. troops was close up finish, MOUNT ROBSON, B.C. 13,053 FEET. route West. Tonishl he sails on First Had Convicted Him ... .. jieccssary,.. . , .1 i ll. .. . ipg'riflh and Pomloland Ihc Princess, Louiso cn route for With Death Sentence woiini prex-m ine csuiuiisiimc ill yho'was an early rayorile Kenneth Robinson, In Charge, of Dawson Oily;,where, liii .willaf'eiUi: oi a ropuonc in ireiaiiu, in mM ill the belling made a 1 1 Opcrallons.i,Passed.Til rpuflte Siffu imlt41.CYrtaic fe?h!ivin'?r event of a republic being set ui',l i'....i..i.. a. Today "City Id' ( ALUAIlY, May 31, !,v-r...?jaa.,.,a jlakeii'i'i posl-pradufule course Mile l--.1twrM' tyt.i r li . Itir-un nit- in WMfiitu IIU1IIIK 1 11 13 lafjlM'iyM'liartri' Konnclh HohiuuiMif Vancouver I'Oolviuvlou. 'I'lie lim J. ft, Coward al Carbon, Albojla, Dublin m ,.i,o piiiiiiiiiury and If jarrlved here today on his way lo winter. FruiiMioiv on. Dr. Thomp- (,r nun. I In1 wlniifr was 'i !u.f, i 1 1 iliaiiln 1 1 I ...lit iitl l.l hist September, lias bun aripiil essential ( towards inilllary iili-s and :ii a seconds Ihc Copper Hiver where lie Is iliine to bis interests in Dawson. Ih ly a jury, This wan Mil sw-on.J occiipaliou." operate a diamond drill all sum for Mif mile and half. liu will Ihrough Prince'' Hu- pass dial. In Mil! Hot llic jury Draws Gloomy Picture. 4 met' on llic coal properly of Ibe found Oallagher guilly lull bo was LONDON, May at.- Hillain ' defunct National l-'iria'nce C'om- pert on Friday. yraiilrd u second Iriul t It!- days wilt tolerate no republic in In Jpany. preliiiiiniary, to ihc tlcvclop- New Capital for Klondyke before Hit) dale on which liu had lam! ami if I In terms .of the iiiieiil ,or Ihc uroperty.'' Dawson in holding its own, BUILDING PERMITS stales Dr. Thompson. During tlio been sentenced In hang. Tbc appeal Aligo-lrjsh treaty arc imt carried The drill was taken' in there war il was affected by the decreased was (ranted on Mm plea thai mil Mu; Kow'rnineiil will resume ilili'in the winler oT liia.i but llic presiding judge in Mio first the liberty lo act in taking back FOR MAY $21,000 I was never operated. The company purchasing power of trial had misdirected the jury. the power conferred on the pro.! is in liquidation bul rls af-1 gold, bul now, as gold mining is visional xovcrmnoul and in ro-oeoiipyfnjf Figure For Past Month Shows - Courtesy of Canadian National Hallways. rairs are In (ho hands or (he becoming more lueralive, the Klondyke is allractiiiu' a lot of POACHING BOAT territory evacuated. Healthy tncroase in Ordinary Mount llohson, in Mount llohson Park, is the highest peak in Yorkshire Trust Co. Tlio properly new capital nd is still producing This declaration was made today is a 8 miles from the O.T.p. Building the Canadian Hookies, and rises 2,!i()U or a,000 fctH above surrouud-i heavily. The silver in Mu; House oT Commons by Ht. ii K peaks. A splendid,view of this muuarch of the Canadian Hockios Hailway ami iaji 'miles from located at Mayo,,new is diving camp great WAS RELEASED Hon. Winston Churchill, Colonial Twelve buihJinv permits issued may In had from Ihc trains of the Canadian National Hallways. ! Prince llupert on' it water trade, promiM', and other properties are secretary, in spcukiu? on the iluriiiK' the month of May by Iho Camps aiu located in the.vicinity of Mount Itohson for Mie accommodation .an eiiliianci to Iho valley beiiifr al expected lo resume shipping in Irish situation. The mini.er city building inspector totalled of 'tourists, where saddle horses are also available. Copper City near Terrace. the near ruliiro. drew a ylooiny picture of the 2I,oiio in value. The risuru Two shifts of four men each In View of Circumstances, Johanna which Ireland rinds her: Silver-lead lores, lie says, have slate in shows increasi" in will be operated all summer ami ' a healthy or-diuary Is Qlvon Lenient Treatment self lodliy but dealt sympatheti buihliim oxer May of iVil !B. C. FLYER auluniu under Hie Ktiperiiilen-ilency lo be shipped 1000 m?les lo Iho nearest smeller, and on this ac-counl Admiralty Court with I In of Mie by cally plUM provisional and last month. THREE MEN SENT of Val Croekel, rormci'ly ore Ihal will nut value over and tlelailed oxermueiil UP CHARGED WITH with Hoylf llros. nit Anynx. The I In schooner Johanna, had hern lon per ton is not worth shipping. fishing at li'iijjlli reasons thai ROBBERY OF BANK GOING NORTH reioaiiider ir Hie party will arrive MAKE BALL DIAMOND Dawson will ship over aono which was captured by the I isli-erics conveyed lo linn lor mo lerein, from Ihc south on thu next Prolecioii cruiser Malas-pina between Oriffillis anil ions or silver-lead (Ills spring, ai-'reeuieiit steamer. READY FOR VISITORS VANCOl VKII, May 3L Ihal will go 00 to 00 pt'r cenl in" off Tun Island, O.M.I., on Collins- and I'.auioiiu tie Valera, lllackhurii, Clarence Pilot E. G. Fullorton Ilary Accepts May 0 when fishing within Iho leath-r. Iln vigorously lead ami 150 to 200 ounces in! the llepublicau PLAY OCEAN FALLS Miller ami Ltlilic Thomas Position Wilh Amundsen BALFOUR INDUCTED silver. Tbi. bich values in silver Hirce mile liuiil, lias been rclcas-i'd ileprecaled Hie pact an were yesterday coinJiiittcd Polar Expedition by Hits Admiralty Court. The slrikinw directly al. Mie treaty are round in telra-bedrite, or, as chai-Kc IN HOUSE OF LORDS Tor trial on Ihc of necessary Canadrau duly has been whicir would be broken iT Mie dang Arrived at Paper Town Yes Hit! miners call il, gray copper. VANCOt Indiliiig u(i the branch of VKIl, May .'II. - pjlol paid and lliu papers covering tJu"-adiau four lle.iiblicans, who were to terday to Prepare Sports Fiold the tloynl Hank al (irand-iov V.. (i. I'tillerlon, of the Canadian registry arc being prepared be taken into llic Irish Kov.ern-incut For Season's Games Brilliant Scene Yesterday as on May 15 inl .steal, Air I loa nl's station here, has accepted BUDGET DEBATE Newost Peer Swore Qath and Ihf fvrthcoiiiin In future Hit' boat will bo operated fullowiiii.' im; $1,100. Hlackburn ithe position of aviator hy John Wick and Chris 01-tt'ii, elections, refused to sii-'ii a declaration OCIIAN PALLS, May at. A and Miller were formerly with tin Amundsen expedition In ' Took Scat in High two Canadian citizens. of adlierenet to the irun if of men arrived hero yestcr- residents of Priiice llupert. the North Pole and will leave here Chamber IS LANGUISHING Thu Admiralty Court look u trealy. Mr. Ohm-chill rrankly daf Jo commence work on (he lo sail for (lie north from Seattle LONDON, May at. There was lenient view of I he Johanna's ease admilleil Mint llrlllsli iioops were construction of the new baseball wiMi Hie explorers on the ship a brilliaul ceuo in ithe House of for the vessel, although regisler-'l liehl in Dublin as u iiielimiuary diamond which has been planned Maude on Saturday. Ho is (akin Lords yesterday when Hurl Hal-four if Leaders Are Expected to in American iianiely, to inilllary ojieralions for time past. The present Party an port, hep some Willi him six carrier piireuns from took his seal as a peer with This Afternoon J'.iuUboro, Washington, was Miese liecaine necessary. ground is roiiuh and sloping ami JIMMY MURPHY Hie local slat ion. Pilol Puller the ancient ceremonials. Tho Speak Cana-diu Invited to .Confer. ileal of work will have to inaiiiieij iiml operated by a great Ion's homo is in Kdmoulon. House or Commons , adjourned James OTTAWA, May 31. The bud-gel , I AST, May III. -Sic ns. IllI, In done to lick H into shape. Londonderry art for the ceremony' of oath taking debate languished all day yesterday Lord Craisr ami' As as the grounds arc fin-' loniKhl ror London o soon MAKES RECORD dardaWeuroup ami the galleries in the House of until 11 o'clock al night Ifavihif Ishei) It is hoped lo sluue allies GERMANY ADOPTS situation. Lords were crowded. when the benches almost all confer on Mu riU wilh I'rinco llupert and Anynx and were NEAR USK IS TO BE UPPER SILESIAN They have been invilctl by the aiiy other northern loam ' Mint empty and there was nobody to Won Indianapolis BOO-Ml to Raco continue Hie discussion. Just as tfovcriiincnl. ;' VANCOUVER VETERAN Urilisli can bo Induced 'lo compete. There DEVELOPED THIS YEAR at 94.48 Miles an Hour lire speaker was preparing to put AGREEMENT PACT is muleri'til hero for a good' local Harti and Hearne Runners COMMITTED SUICIDE the Conservative amendment of NORMAL STUDENTS , niiiic and also a " lacrosse Icum could bf mustered to play uiialnst Up I'SK, May .'II . DevrJopinonl on t'ondoiniialipn A. W. Neill. member But Actilon of Reichstag In Do. the Dardanelles Kroup, near ll.sk, for Comox.x-Albornl, adjourned Vancouver Gordon Charles Davidson Shot Home Prom Prince Itupert. Ing So Doos Not Seem to Several Roturn Course INDIANAPOLIS, May .11. will 'be pushed forward this season and Killed Himself as he was Hie debate iuggeslliig Ihal it Meet with Qenoral Approval. After Completing Jimmy Murphy, of Los Auki'Icm, by driviiiK' a 100 feet tunnel Preparing to East was a pity to Set it lapse in such and Qualifying as Teachers GRAND TRUNK WILL won Mu rmu-milo automobile race on Mie upper vein of tlio property go a manner. (; normal school student here yesterday before a crowd of win re I hero is u splendid VANCOUVHlTTllay 31. Jut Parly loaders are expected to HKItUN,has May a I. Tin lleich-"Iwr returned Buvcral home today from Vancouver NOT ADMIT UNION I II."1,0(10 ieople. His (hint was 5 fissure vein, lyliif.- betwen porphyry ho To re he was due to leave for his speak today. adopletl the (.iorinau-I'olUh coiiiplcllfiif Iheir hours, t7 inluulcs and ao seconds mid KTcensloue, and ae,r-ukIiik home in Pastern Canada yester agreement Silos. arter MEN TO CONFERENCE u on Upper and tpialiryint,' us teachers or an nvcrniAo of IM.IH miles tin ahout four feel wide. Sa'in-ples day, Cordon Charles Davidson In Hie cily police court this winch reci'illly concluded at courses or HritUh Ll- hour, the world's record for Iho of the ore KiVe a commercial hot ami killed himself. He whs morning, before Maglstrato Me-Ulymout, schools I'cneva. The and in Iho 'he People's l'arly parly MONTHHAL. May al. 'iho aUO-utilc distance. 11 was also value or sold, o.r o..j silver, U a relumed soldier ami bad lieeiil H. II. Valpy was charg Communists da. In Iho ratification Iho'voted 'against Miss fViroliuo Milclicll, firaud Trunk llailway has deA Mie first. Mine in Iho history of ox.; copper, V. per eem. nr. Jiau-erofl, iniKxcd overseas. ed wilh assaiilling Sam Vow, Mitchell. ' and entire city and Miss clined lu concede lo the rcproseu-i the eveiil Ihal tlio winner led from inanaBor of Ihc, (Iriinby Chinaman, on Saturday last. The 1 1 H lay Helen Morrison mid draped in black crept Miss laliou uf three railway brotherhoods stall to finish. Murphy collects smeller, ami Mr. NcImhi, exani- FISH FOR MONTH. accused was arrested al Hays-port a flags, are flying at halrruast II ill It IMx. has completed his ut iieuatialioiis which gun,000 in prizes. iuiiiK ensiiiecr, invest i(.-ated tlio During (be month of May yesterday hy Provincial iiKlicalivc' of I he general dls-'I'l'roval, Mr. Milclicll Univcrsily of Hrilish opened today concerning the revision Jlary llartz, ulsoof Los Alludes, property last fall and il under there was ,(').'l7,-50 pounds of Constable Oihson, of Port I'.s-nington course in Iho Is nce.liutf only u of workiuir rules upplicabla was second, ten inllos behind stood, Intend to Operate it. halibut and :I3,70 pounds ot and brought In on last J-ovo Columbia and examination to give to employees outside in the. run- Murphy. L'ddie Ilcarno was salmon marketed Hirough the night's (ruin. Ho was found furnitf the plot uf many a supplemental . . Hit local fish and -.'5 with costs. ni ti'udu- uud -liop ineoliunif third To die wivi In'1"!, ptarL. esthauife. jfUiP- rrnej Way. him hi- U.A. decree.