Mi AGB TWO THE DAILY NKWS Monday, April 10, la?? . tpt in i The Daily News HEALTH MESSAGE RUSSIANS AT pniNGR UUI'KHT - UHlTiSli COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News 10 THEWORLD GENOA TODAY Printing and Publishing Company, Third Avenue. (Tout's rj ill i Ed II. P. PUM.RN, Managing Rditnr. - Soviet Leaders to Meet Represen And Take "Fruit-a-fives" W 33 tatives of Other Governments SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Makfr Yourself Well on Equal Footing. City Deliye'ry, by mall or carrier, per month. . . . . . . -51.00 "Fruit-u-Uve.s",themanrpllousmJ. 'By nihil tn all parts of the British Empire and the United States. cine made from fniii juices and tonics, ASSASSINATION IS FEARED in odvanre, per year ... . . .$0.00 1.4 theinost beneficial medicinal ngent To all other countries, jn advance, per year,' $T.50 "that bis ever lcen given to mankind. Arc Allotted to Villa. 35 Miles .flffs and Out of City Chlcerln Just as oranges, apples, TELEPHONE 98 V; prunes are nature's own medicine, so Is Leader. raoile from, these Truit-a-tives" IiiV (llvNOA, April 10. -Xone of Contract Rales,on Application. fruit Juices but concentrated and more than I ooo persons who will Intensified is the Stomach and All advertising should be itr The Daily News Office on day preceding greatest sit as delegates, advisers and ex Liver Afrdicine, the greatest Kidney publication. All advertising received subject to approval. and Bladder Medicine the greatest Blood perls in the (ieuoa economic: Cui; . Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. , I'urifierlhe greatest remedy for Headaches, feivnce, which opens here loilayi Constiftation, Indigestion, fienous-ness wilt coniuiand greater publii- in terest than the siiiall ot ftt anl Bad Complexion in the world. group DAILY EDITION Monday, April in, l!)?J -Uussia. ' To be well, take "Fruita-tlves!' men representing While statesmen, prominent 6 for$3.-50, trial siio25c. 50c a bos, Value of Getting diplomats and noli'lical traders of At dealers 6r sent postpaid by Together. , Fruit-n lives limited, Ottawa. almosl every F.uropoan count ry The value of gelling together and talking over differences are well known lo I lie average was well illustrated in couiieelio'ii with a dispute over the freight reader for Ihe reason tliaf-lliey and passenger service"'to Stewart given by the if!; T. P. The (bl-ieim' SUITCASES hnv" participated in numerous Ass(,ci;diojr of that town felt themselves aggrieved over the assemblies and conferences since. treatment thrft they were getting and they started .in agitation for TRUNKS Ihe Versailles deliberations, Ihe improved 'sen-Re 'and lower rail's. For some tune there was llussiaus are.uieeliog for the flrsl friction, but at Inst the general-freight ainl passenger ngiyil, who CLUB BAGS lime since 11117 wil It. representa is located in Vancouver, came north and With the assistant general tives Of 4he. re.sl of F.urope. freight and passenger agent went (0 Stewart and talked over the Large Stock on hand. The AU-Hussiaii t'enlral l.ijecn- mallen There whs si long session and nil the dillleiillies and Prices voy low. liVJ (iomniiltee. meeting tale : t differences VerW. cleared up. In many cases it was a mailer uf January, clccled a .li.te oj llfleen lack of information that caused the Irritation. J. F. MAGUIRE proiiiinenl Soviet st;ateiijeii head The Easter Breakfast It is extremely important Hint (here should be co-operation ed by l'reroier l.enie giviu Next the Prince Hotel Rupert befween the-transportation companies and-the communities of them rull ptenipotnliiry powers Premium Bacon and Eggs Northern HrilHh Columbia. The best way to securu this cooperation in all mailers uireeliiig ItiHia lo is for nnj' mailers' which seem to cause friction to be come before i he conference, lie j discussed between the maungemcn! .of the company atid the GOVERNMENT WILL spoiisihility for llii.s deb'gjilion Eggs served with tender slices people concerned. fell upon Vice-chairman. (Seorse of Premium Bacon fried slowly, so that not a SECURE CHANCE IN Cliilchi'i-in, llolshevik foreign bit of its wonderful flavor is lost! Of all the delicacies 4 Stability' of '. V . ' B.NA ACT FOR WOMEN uiinisler,' however, when, it was that make Easter breakfast especially delightful Canadian Banks. decided lhal Lenine was too ill to in all parts of the world,nothing is more appetizing, j While, there, is often criticism of (he Canadian banking institutions, leave .Moscow. II also was said more satisfying, than this distinctively Canadian tfl the element of safely is one that can not be ignored. MOXTHKAL, April 10.--A pro-inise that fear of assassination if he dish. Each slice of Premium Bacon is a masterpiece 1 3' Figure have recently been published showing thai during the past Hon. by Mackenzie Ihe Prime Kin?,Minister,that Ihe the lefr- llussia played an important of delicate flavor. Evenly-streaked meat from correctly-fed, ll three years not one Canadian bank litis failed;' whereas during the part ill keeping Ihe ' Hid.sbcvik tender young pigs sugar-cured, and matter of the amendment of "siunu time in the United Slides there were no leSs than 'i7l failures premier within his own domains. given a delightful tang by hanging over the smoke of Ihe British Nnrlh American Act hardwood ' fires such is . with a total capital of $ i7S,2.s:i,fli2. to enable Canadian women In . Danger'of Assassination. Some (iinadiajis point to the Merchants Bank as n cae of .Concern over 'llieir personal become senators wnuld be taken failure, but it musUioietneiuhcrcd that not"a. single depositor Jost up sliorlly is reported iy .Mrs. safely vns displayed by oilier Swift's Premium Bacon anything jn thnLbfink, and even the shareholders were protected Iiunes (lefjffie, of Qut1ee. Fol members of Ihe delegation, par. I 4 to the amount of. half of the amount of cash they bad invested. lowing Ihe ruling of .Ihe J)epart-ment liculnrly when Hiey reached lliga, Order from your Butcher or Grocer It-was tiol a failure, although it might have been had lib! quirk of Justice thai an amendment Latvia, late in March and learned Swift Canadian Co. I 1 been taken. Hiat Hie Italian action govornuiwnl had pf Hie Act would be ne Limited Canadian- bank uoles are always worth their face value cessary hero re women could sit assigned them In a villa at Ila-palhi; Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton .whether the bank fails or not, and it is scbhim indH'd that depositors in Ihe Senate, Mrs. deRKie who :)5 miles out of lienoa. lose, anything. This element of stability is very important had a few days previously, headed Chilcliorin issued a slatemenl and, ojip that ran not be'.ignored in any comparison between deniiatainu the criticizing the Italians for thus live Committee. He was sent 'a on subject 1 J jhe. lnnks of Hie United Stales and those of Canada. ' of the admission of lo isolating Ihe llussians and, irullin! lo Chita In replace M. Kras-I women narhekov the taller had Mlleulioi to ''ihe nfler " " Ihe Senate, had au interview wilh daily gauntlet of been there six months and de-'j Sfesterday ' :i.V niilcs" whicli ifie Anniversary, Ihe Premier 'in which she nrped deleg.n veloped tendencies which the So-j WE ARE MOVING IB Of Olorous Vim&Ridqe. - thai the fovernnieiil should lake vmiii nave io run in fnouir cars viet ennsiicril loo. Five years ago the. world, was llirille'd by the news'lhat Vimv steps to have Ihe Act amended amier conditions "especially con independent government and also loo Hid.ge triol been taken' by the Canadians.!, 'Canadian, p'ebple here ven noil for assassination," fav and that Ihe name of Judfre Mur orable to the Uniled Slates, lie were proud to think that their coiiiilry had won' such glory, ' phy of Kdirionloli, Alherla should hil' Jlie Italian gove-rnmenl resided in- New York The Canadian Corps' attack on Vimy Hidge in the earlv be kept in view should Hie Act did not make formal answer I Under formerly Ihe of Tohins.ou. on Wednesday, April 12,r 1 morning nf ftpril !); ft)1-7, was the .irlimnx of an intense artillery he amended. The Premier, Mrs several noles of protest lo the name $ and llrfpallo incident, it was explained Commissioner of Labor. to .1 preparation covering many hours, the troops went forward (iejririe reports, acuuiesceit on our under protection of a wonderful barrage representing a record both points. in mi' uusians uiai iialy was Alexander Shliapnokoff, Soviet .concentration of artillery, grent'nnd small, plans for the attack having I rouble vvilli. her own radi Commissioner of Labor and an had been carefully co-ordinated weeks ahead,, and .'ill ranks cms and reared the tiresence of idd leader of the IVInwad labor New and Sanitary Market engaged had gone through a speiynl (raining for the offensive. och prominent representative movement, is a jnelal worker, The Boehe held the ridge strongly and attached greal importance Ten Years Ago or jsoislievislic principles might and one of Ihe three trade union to its retention, as it dominated Hit; plains of the Scheldt and their in Pr'nce Rupert rnineiit renewed anarchist aetivi leaders appointed lo ihe .dele, in the Frizzell Block jirecious coal Holds. The Prussian OunriN stationed there, along ues. i ne seeiion around (ienoa gal ion. lc is well known in Kvith the Bavarian reserve divisions, had been told to hold it In (he and Milan, it was recalled, hai llussia for his position as leader Fulton Street Entrance last man. But Hut attack, carried out from "zero" hour to its last April 10, 1912. neen a noihed of annrehy when of the workmen's opposition In our new quarters we will have the advantage of an up-to-date i lie rrinre nupert .Moral am Italian which nearly caused a split in labor phase relentlessly ami with clockwork precision, not In uprisings resulted jn. was he will ' Iteform ('ouneil Jiad a delegation the Com'iuuuisl parly in Itf-'fl. chitting plant which enatlq us to take hotter care me denied., . , laking over nf much of h at last night's council meeting Twice fie has been given minor 0 of our Increasing trade. By 2 o'clock that afternoon the Canadian had done llieir work' nation s industry by the worker consist ing of Hev. !'. W. Kerr. positions In Ihe Murmansk district so elfecliv'ely IJial lliey had driven Die flcrnmiis from llieir stronghold Leader of Party. YOUFt CONTINUED ESTEEMED AND VALUED SUPPORT rtev. W. I". lluslihrofik and T. .I and at ("bund in order lo find-were iu riiniplete. possession of Vimy Hulge, except for Davidson. 'J'Jie- organization i.nileiierin stands foremosl IS SOLICITED Hill I'ifi, They kept vm in llieir heroic, assault until they had np above his colleasues of Hm bus keep him away from Moscow. proved of the council's effort Following his trade of haltered their way clean, throughand by II o'clock that uigiil Ihe sian iieiealion as a slalesman uietal toward, the early cln'sim; Of bar IT.. ' he lived in lln enemy was on retreat and Hill 1 i.Vwas in our possession. ne is a man more than io years worker,, lulled rooms. of age, and began' his Slules, I,i my Ion' and Sweden, returning NorthernlnteriorCo-Op Vimy Hidge was not taken .without a terrific struggle, during ' diloinatie erative which hundreds of Canadian soldiers laid down llieir lives. U was Mallfiew Mow, of the -Nnrth career during the Uzarist regime lo llussia some I Into a splendid victory, but.it at ne was m England when Ihe during the.war. cost thai was won a meant sad hearts American Const ruction in this country, as well as hearts tilled wilh pride nod gralilu.de. '(Jo., ar llolshevik revolution slurlled Christian. liukovsky, president Association Sir Julian riveirrroru Hie south nils niorn- f.uroiii. but reliirneil of Hie Ukraine HcpuhMr, a It ii Ilyng, as ho was lien, In Itussi commanded Ihe Canadian Corps,, in to lake, eluirxe of the build manian. Jevwas from Phone. 81 and jn addition to 'being, raised to the peerage under the title or in answer lo an urgent call expelled in!.' of Hie cl.T.'P. dry dock here hLs from country as a Socialist agitator Baron Byug of Vimy, he was further rewarded by being promoted! Leiiine, who oromnllv seiz. lo the command of the Third Army, being succeeded Thirty-five men will nt, first In ed Upon him as llkelv innleibil and went, in llussia in in command employed inn- raier in me sum join for Ibwe to the Jul? uprising, o-the Canadian Corps by Sir Arthur Carrie. important diplomatic work mer the uiiifiher will he cwnsid then in hand. lip speaks several languages, bi efaldy increased. ext lo (jhilcherln. nerhans nding French, Herman Turk r'.'jit ' ma jw u mum Lumber Lath and lissian. He ish is ioe mos ii i nor an ini'iohi-p .r regarded & Iteporls sjihmilled by Kntttn hs ' trie group is Leonid Kransin intelligent, ambitious and jeer Matthew, of the lishl de. Holslievik M n sler of Fnrolvo cultured. i;li'lni4'Ml, show a profit of , Trade, who was opposed lit Hol- Tartar . Mussulman. . l(il).7(l for (lie mouths of Janii Shiplap-Boards and shevism in ll)7 hut joined Ihe M. Na r)mono ff. president of February ami March.- The ary, Communist parly aflnr Lenine's Ihe Soviet Azerbaijan Itenublie, plant is lo be kept runninu' day yielory. Hi first assigiimenl, will represent 'Ihe four Caucasus Dimension' i and nlsthl. and the rale will proli-;ibly mat of organizing Ihe Iranspor publics,, lie is a Tartar .Mus hour.be reduced lu He a ,ViUowalt lahou systems of llusian, ended sulman, fWi fears obi ami very ! Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored Under Cover i in Uller failure but his efforts popular nf'houic. Ilnlil to years 1 along oilier line, particularly in of age he was a country school Kiki Dried securing a trade agreement wilh teacher and then studied juedl- Flooring, Ceiling, Siding PIPE DREAMS l.ngland were more, successful. ine at Ihe University of Odessa. .. . ... . He Is tr lit t i and Finish years old, an electrical AN his entrance into poiillcs was IMPORTANT PRODUCT OF CANADA By Newton Pullen engineer by profession and lias is a leader of Ihe Persian rev l been! referred .o a.. I lie,. only. . real olution of IDOH-O'J. )le endenreU SPRUCE LATH POOR SPORTSMANSHIP. iMisines.s man in iiio rioviet gov. himself to the people of the Bread Is fhefinwf food J..ill the...riril..lefl winy.L. is.1...dribbling Hie 1 eminent. Azerbaijan republic when he re. Manufactured In Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices I mill nmjiij viwu Mill liri'l, .IIIC4 Premier of Turkestan. , pea,ledly refused lo sign warrants, or earth- the,one food an opposiiiff player rushes up In ihdih Joffe, "sigher of pence for the 5000 or (inoti seut- thf everybody eats-that meet hini. "Kick him In the li witfes, heaileit th Soviet dele nees of death carried out by ihe PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. ankles," shrieks a dlmi.n'utivo lad uajlon which carried on the long Cheka at llaku after Hie Azcr. everybody likes,andM on Ihe sideline, excitedly. peace liegoliallons with Poland baijan republic was taken back Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 301 aree5 with everybody. There J much of Hiat variety during the fall arid winter of into soviet Jliissia more (han a of sporlsnmnsljip among Ho1 lli-'U-il. lie goes- lo.Henna as year ago. Bre&d miz ir the younger, generation. They gel Premier of Soviet Turkeslnn. 1le Ih dcleguliou is eonmleled home with Royal Yeaot II from their ehhirs evidently, wa born in the Crimea, of Jewish by M. Litvitmff, Snviel Minister THEQ COLLART, NOTARY Cakea nnd if they feel . that way in parents, 15 years ayo. Ills for Foreign Affairs; M. Vorov. LTD. - PUBLIC tastes better, keeps their ganicH how will Hiey act in father accumulated a fortune as sky, Soviet rqiresenl alive in fresK longer, ard is more their oilier dealings wiih llieir carrier of Hie mails in road wag. Jlonie; . Midivaui, reiiresenlinii Six-roomed house for salev close In, $1600, terms fellows later on, ons before Hie days of rnilrii.nU. rioviet Oeorgia; M. Ilckzadian. noting man any other- Lasting peace, human brotherhood, Dr. Jaccdi Jonson, who will ivpresriting Soviet Armenia; .M. Justice,' an,d other Ideals represent llof Soviet Far F.aslern oJpiff, vepvesentlng Sovlol Rentals Real Ettatti General Insurance are not built, on, "Kick bbn in Uepublie, Is a Led,, considered llnkharii; Jl. ItoudiUJuek and M. Phone Biuo 69 Westholme Theatre 6fl I bo ankles." Obedient to (he Cvnlral F-ciu Salronoff, trade unioa lenders. Block P, O. Bpx