PACK rem THB DAILY NKVS Monday. April I ft, i o BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus ENEMO(? TO ACt &Er COME MlVi OCLWMTrou f. KyCLOU" f ' VE JOVT 4CT COM ee ot:AN- eOlM4 TO &TP.OLA. ELITE -THE b ' . AVENUE ANO WE SOC.CTT LEADER- J. l.l I VEA.TMER: r- U PINCHED I I v .... itf POLICE' i r V aVl PATPht Quickest1 gg) P f"r Healing t22 Y Imt-i. FtATOWt Srnvicc, In. I'llK-a A cat sustained in the workshop, X tore which is unattended, result sar la inflammation or blood-poisoning. You have to lav off for a day or too and it connection with Hie eampaisn that counts when pay-day comes round. Garde's Report For Board of liody has ivcenlly been waiiinp I Zam-Bnk A little insures antiseptic you Zafn against Bui such ptomstly loss! 'asainsl the rrciujil and paseriper News Classified Ads. applied to any fiesh wo'ind or injury Trade on Establishment Iron j rules mi Hip pirvcrntiteill sleami'rs Daily prevents dittatt inftclion and rik cf plyiup into this port: says the festering and ulceration, and takes away 0 Canal News. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than BOc smarting pain and promotesq aica healing. And Steel Near At home a boi of Zam llui is ever so Industry Hewj; Hie conference, which useful. Tb baby's nasty rashes, the between Iwo and a half and older children's cuts and browns, the WANTED BOARD. ( FOR RENT three. Hie whole ioeritaMe burn, or scald for all these, The liriff pircarcd liy Alfreil (J. fianlo, consiilliii mining hours lranpor.( BOAI1J) Inlander, 8.10 Second as well as for more serious skin troubles, talioii prohlem was most Ihor- VAX'I'KI Mep and FOR Rl,Vr-riiruriusic,i ptigincj'rjanil mplallursisl. mi lli" rr(cpl '"liilililifin-iil nf Hit women .In Avenue. Phone 137. tf such as eczema, ulcers, ringworm, etc.. oupiiiy pone into, every phac of learn Hie Barber Trade by the iiient with range, hot m iron ami ifiilnMry lor I'rincfl ltiirl iur I lie I'nni'c' Hncrl Zam-Ituk is the Snrivalled remedy. .-loi'l Mr"J. W. Hesnard. 539, Craig St. E., lliianl nf Trail o, ami which Hip Imanl i iinw' cmi'-iilcriiig i'intiiir Hie silmilfoii iieiup dealt with only method in Hie worfil that! MISCELLANEOUS. water eonnecleil: ai Montreal, writev: "Tjto of fingers with the I'Asull that the exeeullve 111 1 1 o r vn-i f itiwa att.t lilonl- ! room fiiriiished. n, my anil cirfiilaliiiff wiili'.-prPiul, -is a nint i-iniiii'p i-iumi-ihImii)1 hT HKWAHO if I fail In were so severely crushed that the doctor were informed that, in aildilfnti lo and fit for posllion prow ready on l.'lllf. fiiju,, a ilnla n Hip snhjcrl. I he rcporl c)nils of 7.1 Hugely typc-wrillfii yo;i Hair Hair tsaid they would hav to arr.putlted. the rut of 2.50 in the hair. Oriental Root Ifotial (irocery. I decided to try Zam-Kuk first, and pages anil is ili iip inln vn .-pi'tiniis: I'arl I, iloaliufr wilh passenper worth while. AVn puannlee (Slower. World' Orealest applied the balm daily Within few rare, n rreiplil rale cut nf ?l on leady employment al pood a raw materials, anil Part 2, Avilh ei-iiniimie i-uiiililinns. Altaeheil Hair (irovver. (trows hnir oti FOR ItKCT-'-i'iM Ninth weeks the injury was completely healed. oil and distillate and (0 rents per wape..- Write now for beautiful In Hie repiirr is a siieeial of .NiiiIIktii Hrilisli Coluniliia Fast; five Uj fingers were saved." 30a bos all dealers. map toil oil pelieral earpo hail been illustrated catalogue. Moer bald heads. IL must not he rooms x,i i: Imiwuiu luealhins n-nn ore, ri;il put where, hair is not wanted. New Is divornlcil. Rer,! : authorized. I'll is 00 rents .only iiihI fluxes for Hie prnposcil ed nn. the (ncilily of ilejeriiitr Barber College, 30ft' Main St.. Cures dandruff and all scalp per month. Apply , N 7am Buk applies whore freivhl is liaililled sniflliii plalil at lli( siidIIiitii here Fire Vancouver, It. C. is emphasized. clays ovi-r the docks. (roubles. $1.75 per jar. Avenue -Fast or phone II ; ml of Kaien Island. A short and ferro-alloys also abound Notice cfoiqiany of Arrivals. HFMABI.i: npent wanted for Hti. Apenls wanted. Prof. M. S. prefaee I he Jirief. close at baud. FOR HUNT- IJII5 l.igl, , opens Another matter Hint receivei pert liislricl. The Sovereign Crosse, 118 Lopan Ave., Winnipeg, The raw material section is Under economic headings il is l.ife Assurance Head Mnn. line Fast, ,', roomed in Company. lassifii-d under thf following pointed out ilial the seaport of attention was Hie unsal'sfaclory bath. Hot anil cold u , office, Winnipeg, lati. Write manner in which Hie has company NOTICE to Automobile Owners parage. Rein liffeient. headings: Iron Ores Prince Hupert and the Canadian Clias. .,:. A. Prince Pyne, George, National heretofore - notified Stewart of New Auto Itcpoir -Shnji Just month. Plione . of Aorlliern Hrilisli Columbia, Hallways offer every-Ihinp for Northern llritUh Coal l'ields of Northern British that js necessary in trans, tnamshiV arrivals, and il was ar. Columbia.manager opened corner Fraer and ' FOR HUNT Nice! For Sale ranpe Ilial rroiii now on an or-lleial Sixth Street. First class me- ;!Vr Cidumliia; Coal anil Iron on pprlulion. flaw materials can h. iiicfufjiii-piano Furniture. of I he eoniiany will w ire I be WANTFI) . chanie. Specialist on ignition Queen Charlotte Islands; Fluxing brought from coastal points -arid Baby buggy. Slate f.iWni Material (liinesloni- and quartz.) places' in the interior with ease local wharllnper the lime of arrival, cash price. Bos 10 liaily work. . Work guaranteed. (player v Lois 25 S-5 Ninth ami Block 20, I, Aveim to, I and that such wire would 1 in British cither office. Plione '.19 if in I rouble day or Northern Coluniliia; by water or by rail. Likewise News Section 5. Most excellent 5. k not be sent until il known sile'for Fire Clay and Hydro .Manosili; shipping of Hie fiuisJicd was night home nr apartment. in .Northern British Columbia: products of Hie smeller to all lc Anilely, to within nn hour or so FOR SAL2. lf RUNT Furnished Adjoining the Wahlwh. what time CYCLE REPAIRS. he boat would arrive. Splendid view. Sealed lenders IVno-Alloys in Noillierp BrilUti part., of the world is an easy FOIl SAliF Cheap One American Slcam ho.ited. Hoard if The Her of claims ;ilo for rash will lie rceeHed Coliimtii.'t. mailer. -ma was Halibut hull. Kit her complete Cycles of all makes repaired ed. Home Cookiijg. until April 15th. I;ndfr "Feonomie Conditions," Site for Plant. pone lulo, ami the company of or notj -fine pleasure boat 25 and baby earrinpes re-tired. Rooms. Phone Ulack Mr. Ciarde deals with marki'ls The sile for I lie plant would ficials looki noles on several (hat feel; fine for Ilis harbor. One Cycle Accessories. for iron and steel product on be on llie fapoon at the south were tirouplil rorwn-i as evidence, open ga boat 18 feeel. Other Out of town orders promptly. (l(K)l):iean Bed front Agents for with a view to bavins same week. Fishermen s JW-. the Pacific; end of Kaien Coast; Transportation Island which the boats and engines. Apply. attended to. Norwegian American Line cleared They explained that Pioneer Room. I or ;f-.f nn. i ; facilities in I'rinco Hupert railway crosses for a distance of Supa. Bayview Hotel. If J. QAWTHORN Swedish American Line Scandinavian district; government assistance uboul n mile. This sile is lo. Ibis department has now been re-orpani.ei 517 Fulton Street. CAN VOL' JIIUT I P? Fire 1 ; American and from henceforth FOIL SALK New. house. Four to IIkv iron- and .steel -irwlustry; caicil n g-overnuienl laml espe iii.uLjvo .tluU..uriiJ-" ! Line. (hey fell sirrc Utile dilDculty re-Vardinp rooms and bathroom; two WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. w. smeller site; labor, conditions in cially ; reserved for the purpose rent. $1'0. Photic Him . 4 Oliver Typewriters Norlliern British Cnlumbia; Prevailing winds are suitable for legitimate claims would small bedrooms Close to clock ' Kxpert waieb, and Cary Safes water power and hydro-eleelric Hie carrying away of any smoke be experienced. street. Cash or terms Seen chronometer maker. f'OR RFNT-Kilehen FIRE INSURANCE developmenls in Northern Brit frm Hie direction of the city. Beneficial Effect. any night, after 5. IOOU bedrooms wilh hol ish Columbia; climatic conditions There an1 many source of The visit of these ollicial had Fiplith Avenue Fnl. Seal (Jove. Watch and Jewellery Repairs a water. Pbolin Him f ".'I. in Northern British Columi hydro-electric development in I lie a very beneficial eifect and was specially. Dybhavn & Hanson FO II S A L K "Na rbel h 01 1 g." It is .Mail orders promptly executed. AUCTION SALE. appreciated, il instrumental l;ia; recapitulation and jreneraj immediate vicinity. il'he one mueii as was my intention to lake the r.Ase GEO. GIBB in clrarinp Third Avenue remarks. esnecially recommenoeil liy .Mr. up some into the Admiralty Court and I Opp. Post Of Hoe fP. O. Box 71) AUCTION SALF of citv Ores of District. arde is Tliiilme lliver wlnre very unsatisfactory conditions. be held Prince Rupert, B. C. need the nimiey. Make nle an Prince Rupert. tr shortly. Pc1 -firons The whole of the conversations Dealing wilh iron ores' in Hie there are 20,000 lliirsepower offer. Iloonies K. Freeman. of selling 1)11-r district, Hie report says thai two available wilh a transmission were conducted in a friendly at TAXI properly, write or varieties, or iron ore are to be line of 20 miles In length necessary. mosphere that lefLa friendly impression FOIl SALF Cedar rovvboat 18 Leek. Auctioneer. found in abundance, namely, on Hie minds of all ft. long willi wide beam, In ' Phon 693 Iii'owii hematite and niavnetile; Water Powers. present. pood condition. price $15(1. (Call (ieorpe lloss music PACIFIC c e E Hie latter predominating. The Other hydro-electric locations. Also Fyiiirude, price $100. Fjve-pnsscngcr Touring Cnr PIANO SCHOOL largest deposit of brown hematite listed are as follows: BAZAAR AND DANCE Pullen. Maily News. If Prompt la.y and Xiphl Service adi-s I.eschclUky Method, Alt jcr Stand: Boston Grill, Third Avenue in the province is- to lie Khalada Itiver, 17,500 hoiyc- Limited found in the Copper Itiver valley, power, il miles v"'ansuiisston BY LADIES OF ROYAL FOIl SALF-Conlraclors office, laken and special attention HAULAGE AND TRANSFER to beginners. Terms sloreliotise and Iwo pood ' heating Phone 93 I.'!(I miles east of Prince Hupert. line. . r In this field there are 7,5(10.000 Brown Lake, 10,000 horsepow PURPLE TOMORROW stoves at new wharf. Apply Phone 189 moderate. Furniture, Piano ahd Inns available. There are also er, JO miles. .1. II. Simmons. 85 Ftii'iiilure Removals CHAS. P. BAf.AONO, Rand Slx'li Safe Moving ' other bodies in the dUllicl but Falls Hiver, 20,000 horsepow flreat. preparations are liejna FOJt SALK Coluniliia (irafnnolu Prompt Service Fulton.lllock, Phone isomer Blue (513 H they have pot been prospected. er, u miles. made for Faster, and one of the with caliinel , and lliirly-flve Prince Rupert Transfer VUcil. 1 General Cartage Magnetite abounds on Hie main Union Bay, t(,ritl horsepower, events preparatory to Hie occasion records. Snap for Cash, phone JIM STURGEON Sand and Gravel land Hie Islands ' LAND ACT. and on of Kill- rs.r niile.s. vi will he IJie Faster bazaar of Black 132. 8 5 maal, llean Channel, porcher Oeorpelowit, horsepower, the Ladies of Hie Purple tomorrow ST. ELMO HOTEL Notice of Int.nllon to Apply to Lsais 0" Maud, Pill Island, Seymour Intel 1.1 miles. . FOH SALK -Mock woyd, ."ro.r.O 1(1 flllMtl r-ll.t.1.11,. I Mftfl II '. al the Flks Home. It will and Hie Queen Churlnltcs. Cliiiialic'condilioiis are" entire a load. Kindling $8.00. Phone Rooms lo let from :t per week up. Ileroftliiis Plsirlcl or Crlncr r., consist of a sale of work; with hot lliiale in front of block A In ' 1 Iliinninp and rflght Phones J. Steen, 371 cold water in G; - Black 5(51. HO The report srives a detailed account ly suitable here. II is ailmilled t.nnaara 'Islanri. Faster novel-lies. W. Lonfrwill, Hlue 270 specially attractive ill! lake nonce Canadian I'nh A of each of Hie kUnwn is of .rain but rooms that there plenty " IKn c.ompiuiy l.linlled of I'rmc II Day Phone 5' In addition there vyill' be F.IJTK Cafe'for .Talc, rurnlshed properties. Besides these prin il is pointed out Dial there is Jlnlli. Sleain Heated. Modern :.. orciioniion nh'dealer intrinl '-' (ii'inc cooking dainties. complete. Phonn 173. tf for .einilxlon in l.-nw Hie I-II Phone Green 510 STEEN & LONG WILL cipal iron ore there are depos np cold weather and operations' 'the sale will be followed by a crlbed laiuU r.oimneurlnr at a p its leaner varieties. carried all the one fKl in a oniillivootleily ilire of Hie could be on year FOR SALK- Pool tables, clieap. HYDE 1 dance in ihc evening at which the TRANSFER I he iiiirlbftemei ly pimt of Inuiin Sheet Metal Work Dentin? willi Hie magnetite de around. Lous' days in the sum Apply lniress llolel. 85 No. ID. Ihenre I .(- reet more 1 ' Flks. their- families. Hie 1,adies of 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 oinliciierlr dlrerilun to low V. H ' i. Agent for McClary Furneaei posits on Pill and Porcher Isl mer would be of fuillier advantage. the Hoyal Purple anil invited Phone 530 Ihenre II111 feet ueslerh aloiiK l ' ands, the report point nut. that BAJIV Carriage for sale. Phono General Haulage I4K, llierirn inn reel IMirincrn - Sanitary and piiesl will lie present. waier mark, thence nun feet eaucf loiles are' exposed in both daces. The same conditions as lo Hie fjfeeti 2 55, 8(5 and hlih waier mark lo nolnt of "'" Heating Engineers . - ;r The ore appears in pood rpian- ibor market, npply here n, to Coal inent 1 ami at4iim rnnialnlna ymii two.t, f.oi.n( aree sum- 6th Street and FruserStreat tilies and it would be possible oilier parts nf the province. The Do Your Bowels PRAIRIE TOURISTS Vpenls Rupert and District for C-oMCANV l.'l I)., Apllcunl. , Prince A,:-' Rupert - - J IL;(2. tty Duncan kciincily. to mine i all the year around Covernmenl ha already ipni- X Globe Airless Tubes. puled (e binary ic. ij - ijppiup it lo thejirnposcil Kaien fieil its intention ill trettinj; be move regularly, or do they COMING THIS WAY Second Avenue ritlMCK nri KiiT i..vmi i.ihtiui r i"- Island Mueller at. low cost. hind Hie iron and steel industry twit or r.n.vsT. nwiii The many in ml prnpcrliQs are In the province and lias even become constipated SHOE REPAIRS Tnke nollr ilmi 1 I uton,ljc Mi'' For your next fully described in the section pone so far- as lo slate that il R. F. McNaughton, C.N.R. Passen-ger f Terrace, 11. 1:., married woman devoted to coal. These iiirlmbi miihl sro into Hie business itself. Ther Is no medium tlirourh which Aent, Arrives With Wire Umbrella Repairs I'eiroii'iim lo apply for ami a iiaturnl license lo n prospect oli tin 'r Shoe Repair Job the Cooper lliver coal basin, dlsea.iA m nrivii at lark f I ho tytlnn a b) and Daughter From Reglna. (Hollies- cleaned and pressed, ilcM-l-lli.-il i.hkN: Cominflicioir il il!:' planted I& chain noutli of llie -comer allow Suits called for and delivered. Ins tho iKiwel td become ionsl1ittlfil, coal Telkwa lliver, soulll Hetty seam, (,f .i( t II 3 7. Ihcnce RAILWAY MEN and llicra la no other troulile that Hel) ti Phone Blue 201 Ihenre eat Hi) rliunis, lliciliv u in Telkwa collieries, Telkwa Itiver, It. F try lielr to that I more liable lo be neglected, McNaiiphton, Canadian LEM JOHN' chains, ilieuce west nil chain-, 'to Jefferson lioekrill syndicate, National district cr.mniencemeui, roinninlnr ! n n - her-nnne material Inconvenience may not be passenper agent, J. C. EMERTON TelkxVa Itiver, IIowkoh coal, AT STEWART felt, ill uiii-n. fnmi Irrerular action of the returned last nip hi from llepina 844 Third Avenue or less. i.AVr.m:n p. M. Mnncklon,Mosi.k A Champion Shoe Repair Shop Morice lliver, and nlJier coal bowels.the retention When of there the Is decayed not regular and action riffle accompanied by Mrs. MrNnmHiliin REr-AIR SHOP I'ltixci: itt pi n r i.a.mi histhk t M: Krnad Block, Third Avenue ureas Midi as MiuataKwa, .y-moel, ami little daughter, Helen. They tiiict ok coast, iiamu: mailer, wilh 111 fioUonou ge, Boon Take notice Unit I. P. M. Mom ' lliver, Skeuna lliver, Kim. Trunk Pacific Officials poUons the whole ayxein by belnr ab will take up their residence In Oenerat repairs, gas ennlnes, Terrace, 11. V... occiiiiallim land -i ' "Repairs while you wait" plox lliver, Klleukla lliver. tributary Grand oi bed into It, caualntr violent tick and West view. stoves, locks, keys, sowing, ma. for Inieml to apply fur u llceiiM1 I' I' 11 Discuss Situation With Citizens coal, nuiiiinl fn and pclrolc'iiii lo the Skeena, Wrlphl Coal bllioua beadachea, Internal bleedlnr or Mr. McNaupliton slated Ibis chines, bicycles. Hrainojdiones followlnir ilencrlluxl l.-i irl. colllllie . rtl Association. protruilinir pllea, heartburn. Jaundice, etc. and electrical ., iiniiirii linn llllln wri m , Co., Kealou, - Naas-Skeena Coal MILBURN'S LAXa-LIVCR PILLS morning thai prospects for travel appliances. went corner or Lot tie, thMice " " ,, area and Frank's coal mine, Hudson from it he prairie- west ROKKJAR BROS. cIinIih, thence eat ll ihaln". then'' ".e, EVERYBODY SATISFIED. will refiilate the now of bile to act prop appeared mi cbaliiH, thence- west HO elwlie 1 T First Class Bay .Mountain. The (iroiiml crly on the houel., thin maklnr them active hriirht for this season. Many 8?0 Third Avenue West of cnmnieiicemi'iit. conlulnlnit Dlu 1,1 Ho? anthracite coal fields and Osborne Scott, penernl passen-er and regular, and removing- the constipation people are already pieparing to Plione Red 578 l.ul-ii IhiI Jmoiui-v u-l. l .--j-'.1(149 ,..,..-TUT 1 Hie Queen Charlotte Island fields upenl of Hie 'Canadian Na and all It allied troubles. come and most of litem are arranging -Plf Electrical Work Samuel Tatamarobcbe, N CLOTHES -Mr. buckler, CLEANED I'lllNCK llll':MT LANfl 1 .jitsTnn : are also reported upon. tional railway and steamship ser 8 writes: "For over a year I suffered their Itineraries in TIIIIT 01 cii.vr.r.IA?"t- Plenty of Fluxes. vices; J, M. Horn, peneral freight with constipation. I look several different elude Prince Rupert and the Irlp and pressed by latest STUAM ,.1'nke notice that , o.-F N'' V V, and Accessories The feature of necurinp suit-llde apent, both of Vancouver, and (I. kinds of nmdlclne, bill could only ret through the "inside piiimc," pressing process. VIclorlH, II. c., minec. Ini)itrl t JIM" ' ,,i temporary teller. I was told to try Mil-burn's llceiiKe to iropci-t ror real, peirnle 11",,t Automobile Repairs fluxes, sny the-report, is ,. McNiclioll, assistant frelplil l.aia-Liver Pills, I procured two Suits culled for mid delivered. niiiiiioi ka on 1 ih- roiiowlnk 1; and Pat ts Hie leas) difficult of all as limes. and passenper upenl of Prince vial or them, but after I had lakes one I Tom Burrow and Clinrlcs Phone 649 I'httlnsi lauds: Coiniiiiiii'lnir sinitli or llie al Miiitbwesl a post plan"" . stones of exceptional quality and Hupert, paid Stewart ir-Visit lur-Iup found that I was relieved of my trouble. Oinpu, nppeariiiK' in -the police LINO, The Tailor l ot lull ili.nm h an elia II- " ' H. PATTINSON in preat itinulile can be oh. the slay of Hie Arbeit lahl I do not lienltate to recommend tan-Liver coiirl this rnornlitp charged Willi thence e.l HO cast chains Ihi-ni-e tn north point "' taiued from alontr Hie railway Siilurday, for Hie -purpose of in rill for any k'nd of constipation." ' Inloxicullon, were eacli fined A50 BOATS FOR HIRE. meiKPineni, cuntalulnR nn 'H''ce- in"'1 price, 8 so 4 vial at all dealers, or ii.ilUd . ICM, hii:i.'-- First Avenua line and on the adjacent Islands. terviewing: the executive of the with Hie c. direct on receipt of price by The T. Mil-burn option oT thirty day' LAUNCH 'Narbellinng" Wo sell r. m. .Moiicktou Various prnrlie are mention. Htewnrt Citizens' Association in Co., Limited, Toronto, Onl, i.mprlsni.'inenl. - Service. Phone Black 500, tf Advertise In Iho Uully News